Smooth Zoom Out Transition With Blurr Tutorial In Premiere Pro

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welcome to Media exported a channel where I show you different video editing tricks and techniques that will take your skills to the next level in this video I will show you how to create this smooth zoom out transition in premere Pro before we begin Please Subscribe if you want to see more tutorials like this one with your Clips ready the first thing you need to do is go to the project panel and add an adjustment layer expand this click on the adjustment layer and click okay now drag your new layer to the timeline where you want to create the transition crop it to about 10 frames duplicate it by dragging it over the first one while holding alt crop the bottom one from the right side to align with the cut of your two clips to add all necessary effects go to the effects panel and search for replicate drag and drop it on the bottom adjustment layer you will also need the mirror effect so do the same thing to add it now with the layer selected go to the effect controls panel so you can see the effects that you [Music] added in the replicate effect control change the value from 2 to three for this transition you will need four mirror effects select it and press control+ C to copy and contrl plus v three times to paste now you should have four mirror effects for this layer you need to make a reflection of the central image on every Edge on the first first mirror effect change the reflection angle to 90 and set the vertical value of the reflection Center so that it mirrors the central image on the next mirror effect set the reflection angle to 90 and again align it with the central image on the next mirror effect set the reflection angle to 180 and this time adjust the horizontal reflection Center value and for the last one leave the reflection angle at zero and again align the horizontal reflection Center [Music] value you should end up with something like this now let's add some effects to the top adjustment layer in the effects panel search for transform and add it to the layer on top then find the transform effect effect in the effect controls panel in here enable uniform scale and increase the scale by three times so that only the original frame is [Music] visible now drag the playhead to the end and click this icon to add a key frame with a default value also to make the transition smoother select both key frames and add e in and ease out click here to see the graphs move the play head to the cut of clips and try to create a Peak at that point on the [Music] graph to add some blur to this effect untick this box and increase the shutter angle transition is now finished you can use it anywhere in your project by duplicating those two adjustment layers and dragging them over other Clips Please Subscribe if you learn something unfortunately that's all for this video I hope to see you in the next one bye
Channel: Media Exported - Adobe tutorials
Views: 1,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe, premiere pro, premiere pro tutorial, video editing, beginer tutorial, adobe beginer tutorial, how to animate in premiere pro, zoom out premiere pro, zoom in premiere pro, smooth movements premiere pro, change velocity premiere pro, premiere pro animation, premiere pro transitions, adobe firefly, adobe max, mask transition premiere pro, how to mask in premiere pro, masking tutorial in premiere pro, premiere pro zoom transition, motion blur premiere pro
Id: 2xz4ieyLK18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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