Smoked Sous Vide Beef Brisket

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone how you doing today my name's Eric I really appreciate you stopping by to check out my video today on this episode of smoking I'm gonna be cooking a beautiful beef brisket and I gotta give a shout out to Roger who's the manager of my local Sam's Club here in Fountain Valley California who hooked me up with this fifteen and a half pound USDA prime beef brisket this is about as best as you can get when it's got that prime label on it so I'm really excited to try this now I'm going to be cooking this a little non-traditional I'm going to be cooking this sous-vide style I'm getting a lot of hassles from some of my friends my good college buddy Johnny always giving me a hard time about boiling meat when I do this Suvi method I'm not wheeling meat I'm just gonna cook it to a beautiful temperature and it's gonna make it a little more foolproof now let me get something out in the open right away the best way to cook a brisket the traditional way is to do it low and slow you know in a smoker okay but here's the problem it's a complicated thing to do for your average weekend barbecue enthusiast because smoking a big brisket like this you know 15 min upon brisket can take up to 20 hours so it's a very time-consuming process and there's a lot of monitoring a lot of work adjusting temperatures adding wood and if you miss up and do one mistake along that 20 hour process it can end up being a dried-out disastrous brisket after you put all that time and effort into it and for your average guy just having some buddies over in the weekend they want to enjoy some brisket this method is going to make it more foolproof and it's still going to produce a delicious smoked brisket without all that hard work with all all that babysitting and it's going to make it much easier and it's going to be more enjoyable for you because you can actually socialize have some beers and hang out with your friends okay so to keep things simple I'm going to be using a basic rub kosher salt and ground back black pepper that's all you really need if you want to use some other kind of rub feel free but this is the more traditional way the other thing I'm adding is to one tablespoon of this prank powder which is a pink curing salt this is completely optional but this is going to give us that nice pink smoke ring that we want on the brisket so I'm excited to show you guys this this whole process stick around I'll show you how to do this step by step let's get cooking so the first thing you want to do is get it out of the package rinse it off with some cold water get all that residue blood and stuff off of it dry it off with a paper towel and then start trimming away now I'm not going to go over in detail the trimming there's lots of videos just do trimming a brisket on YouTube Franklin barbecue with Franklin does an excellent video on trimming T great cooks does a trimming video there's quite a few of them out there so I'm not going to waste my time showing you that step plus I'm not very good at it but one side has got the fat cap on it and that's perfectly okay you want to round a half inch to a quarter inch of fat which is what I down on this side here and then I just want to so here I show you the other side do the CGI on the side it's very well marbled and you want to have a little bit of fat you know the fat it's gonna render down when we soo be cook this too so don't worry about it just clean it up as much as you want and the main thing is to cut off those big hard lumps of fat that aren't gonna render down completely so I got a little shaker here and what I'm going to mix up for this size of meat and what's 15 and 1/2 pounds I probably cut a pound and a half off so it's probably around 14 pounds I'm going to do 3 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of black pepper you don't want to go too much on the seasoning because you definitely want to taste this prime brisket when it's all done so what I've done here now is I've only put 2 tablespoon of kosher salt in here because I'm also adding 1 tablespoon of the prayed powder which is mainly 95% of it or 94% of it is regular salt anyway it's just I think it's 5 or 6 percent of it is a sodium nitrite which is what is going to give us our smoke ring so in total it's around 3 tablespoons of the pink sauce and be real careful with the pink salt look at the directions on the package 1 teaspoon for 5 pounds of meat you don't want to go where it could be dangerous and then here I got three tablespoons of our regular ground black pepper there we go shake it up real good we want to make sure it's nice and mixed particularly with that pink salt and you can see in there hopefully you can see in there so we got everything mixed up so now we're just going to give a nice dose on both sides this isn't rocket science we're just gonna start sprinkling if I need a little bit bigger I got some variety here we're just gonna start sprinkling this salt and pepper mixture on the brisket the fun part now is going to be trying to get this into a Suvi bag luckily I'm gonna try to use our regular 11 inch FoodSaver bag I think I might be able to get it to fit if not I did buy some expandable food saver bags just in case I didn't want to get halfway through and realize it's not gonna fit and not have an alternative worst-case scenario you can always separate the flat pork part with the point and put it into separate bags but for presentation I like to cook the whole brisket it looks so much more impressive when you're done so I'm just going to sprinkle all the sides with the salt and pepper mixture making sure to cover as much as possible so I'll continue to do this it will be back in a second when hopefully I'll show you how to get it sealed in the bag alright I did it my managed to squeeze it into eleven inch bag it took a little bit of maneuvering and a little bit of time but I did it and mainly because I did when I went to trim the I did kind of cut a little bit off on each edge just to make sure I'd have enough room to fit it in but like I said no worries if you have to cut it in half and put it in two separate bags now for such a big piece of meat I actually got a new container for my sous-vide machine and I did double bag it so just in case there's a leak in one of the bags hopefully the other bag will hold up and we'll be fine so I'm gonna go ahead and get my Su Su V machine warmed up and we'll pop this in in just a second be back in a minute all right I have my new 13 gallon sous-vide container filled up with water and I got it set at 155 degrees now here's a little tip for all you the sube people out there your su V machine depending on the wattage I got a pretty heavy-duty one here my Mac Master has 1500 watts most of the less expensive ones you know the Innovas Julie they're usually right around a thousand Watts eight hundred to maybe 1,200 watts so they don't have a lot of power to heat up a huge amount of water so even if you're using a little pot or a you know four or five gallon container to make it a little bit easier on your sous-vide machine fill it up with this house water as you can get out of your tap I usually turn my hot water on as hot as it can go I let it run for a couple minutes because it usually takes that long before I get some really hot water and then I fill it up and then I stick my machine in and then I turn it on because this I think the hot tap water was right at around 125 degrees for me so heating this much water from 125 to 155 is going to be a lot less work and a lot less stress on your sous-vide machine than putting ice cold tap water in there and expecting it to bring this whole huge amount of water up to temperature so that's just a little helpful hint always start with hot water so you don't have to put much less stress on your sous-vide machine the other thing is you're going to get a lot of water evaporation with such a big container and for such a long cook we're going to be cooking this a minimum of 24 hours but we can go all the way up to 36 hours that's the great thing about Suvi we're not set in one specific time so I'm probably gonna let it go as long as I can right now it's around 12:30 in the afternoon I'll probably get this in close to 1 once this is finally warmed up and I'm not planning on eating this for a couple days just to give you an overview of the process here I'm gonna let this Suvi all day today into tomorrow at some point tomorrow probably early evening I'm gonna take it out after it's gone maybe 30 hours or so I'm gonna cool it off in a container full of cold water and ice to bring that temperature down and I'll keep it in there for around 1/2 hour and then I'll put it in my refrigerator and I'm gonna let it sit in the fridge overnight to make sure that big piece of meat here gets completely cool all the way through the reason I'm doing that is because the following day on that I need to do is to heat it up to temperature again I'm gonna do it on my kettle grill and I'm gonna use some hickory wood and so I'm gonna put it on there indirect heat with some hickory wood and I'm gonna just let it sit there probably 250 anywhere from 225 to 275 you don't want to go on much higher than that and we're just gonna let this warm up and absorb some of that smoke and ignore some of that heat and form a nice bark on this thing and the only way to get that nice bark unfortunately is with a grill you can use an oven if you don't have a smoker or grill just put it set it to say 275 250 and put it on some kind of oven rack and stick it in the oven for yeah same amount of time you know anywhere between two and three hours you know you want to make sure not to go much longer than three ask you this then you risk drying it out so that would kind of defeat the purpose of SU being so the other thing I'm going to do once I get it in here to prevent that water evaporation is I'm going to cover this with aluminum foil and I'm gonna monitor it over the course of today and tomorrow and make sure my water hasn't dropped drastically our main concern is to make sure this this brisket is completely submerged for the full cook time so that's it it's at 133 degrees so I probably got another 10-15 minutes before it's fully up to 155 we'll be back in a little bit when this is get was ready to throw in the bass see in a little bit so here we are at just reached temperature it just beeped you know let this sit on on the counter - it's okay that comes up warms up a little bit with that salt pepper and curing salt in there alright now I'm gonna put this bad boy in here and once it hits 155 again look at that I'm gonna go ahead and start the timer I got it set for 36 hours but like I said as long as we hit 24 hours we're fine it's 1:16 took a little bit longer to heat up than I initially anticipated so I'll probably let take this out tomorrow four five six o'clock whenever I have a moment - so we'll be back then the hard works done like I said I'm gonna go ahead and cover this with some foil and I might lay a couple towels on top - just to really try to keep the heat in there and not stress out my sous-vide machine so it's working overtime the whole time if I can keep that heat in there a lot of people take an Igloo cooler which is really nice and cut a hole in the top and just stick their Suvi machine in there when they're doing a larger amount of water but I don't have a cooler I'm just gonna cover this with foil I'm trying to keep the heat and moisture inside so once it's hit 155 I'll starting to gather and I will see you guys tomorrow so here we are look at that and I had it set at 36 hours there's just two hours and 34 minutes left so it's been around thirty three and a half hours I was busy today I just let it go it's not gonna hurt it in fact it's probably gonna make it a little bit more tender I didn't run into a problem I want to show you guys this thing started to float so I improvised here I didn't want this thing to float above the waterline and not cook so I took a rack and put it on top and then I took a saucepan and the water in it sitting on top was just enough to hold it down let's finally get this out and get it cooled off in some ice like I said this thing's been going for thirty three and a half hours I'm going to turn it off this poor machine's been working overtime I did cover it with foil oh there it is my brisket cooking thirty three and a half hours quite a lot of juice but it looks wonderful so what I've done here is I just put some cold water in the container here but we're just gonna shock chill this I'm gonna put it in the cold water and then I'm gonna add some ice we want to bring down the temperature of this as fast as possible to come out of the danger zone so we want to drop it down as quickly as possible so I'm just gonna let it sit in here for probably 25 minutes to a half-hour I'm gonna put it in the fridge and then tomorrow after it's been nice and cool now we're gonna bring it up to temperature on the grill with some charcoal and some real wood smoke this is gonna be delicious I'm really looking forward to this we'll see you guys tomorrow welcome back everyone we're in the next day it's 3:30 in the afternoon I just cut it out of the bag I poured quite a lot of juice don't throw this away I poured it in a special cup to kind of separate the fat because it is a lot of fat that rendered down over this 30 plus our cook here so I'm just gonna let this sit on here I put a light dose of salted pepper on it I dried it off with a paper towel I'm gonna go outside and fire up the grill this is already fully cooked but it's been sitting in the fridge around 16 hours or so so it's very cold which is where we want it because we want to heat it up nice and slow in that kettle grill and give it a good dose of smoke to get this outside of this brisket the nice bark that we're looking for so it's okay that sits out here and comes up to room temperature I'm going to go outside fire up the grill we'll be back in a second when I show you next step alright I just fired up the grill it's gonna need around 2025 minutes in the meantime beer review this is a new one Lagunitas Brewing Company something easy ale it's got a really cool like nineteen sixty something or other they're not quite sure what but yeah local California company I like the name something easy so we're gonna give this one a shot as always guys I really appreciate you watching my video here I'm really looking forward to this brisket this is looking good okay right off the back I see the color it looks like a wheat beer a little bit whoops got a little aggressive on my poor there whoa I could smell orange tangerine wow it's very strong I didn't even get it up close to my face but I could definitely smell it Wow okay you can see kind of like a soapy soapy head there kind of a wheat light wheat golden hazy color Wow lots of fruit definitely a orange nectarine maybe a little bit of plum it's very strong but boy it smells very good I can smell a little bit of hops alright guys as always Cheers if you have any comments suggestions please feel free to leave them I try to answer every single one that I get again guys thanks I really appreciate all your support oh that's good hmm okay it's medium carbonated right up front I can taste a lot of fruit like I said then as you end it it's got a little mild bitterness and a little bit of a hoppy aftertaste not bad at all it's pretty easy drinking 45.7% alcohol I thought it would be a little bit stronger but it's actually very good mmm slight bitterness slight bitters like that like almost like a a bitter orange mmm a great summertime beer I'll tell you in the summertime when it's really hot you want something that tastes good light refreshing not overpowering this is definitely a good choice mmm all right guys I'm gonna go check on that grill I'm gonna enjoy the rest of this beer I will meet you back here when we're about ready to throw this on see you guys in a little bit as always Cheers all right I just wanted to show you before I started cooking how you want to set up your kettle grill for some indirect cooking we don't want to put this under direct Heat it's gonna get way too hot this has already cooked this brisket we're just gonna put some smoke on it so on this side here I put some charcoal I just lit it over here on this side so it's gonna burn all the way across and I put some alternated between apple and hickory wood chunks on this side I have a pan that I put some apple juice in there to act as a heat barrier to help keep this side a little bit cooler and also to add some moisture to the grill we're shooting for anywhere from say 225 to to 75 it doesn't have to be exact we just don't want it to get it too hot so let me put the grate on here it's gonna probably take 20 minutes for this to stabilize and then another thing is since the smoke is coming up from here and on this side is where we're gonna put the brisket when you put your lid on you always want to put the vent on the opposite side because that's gonna force the smoke that's coming up here to travel across the meat and then come out the vent here so I got my bottom and top vent adjusted and halfway open and that's it I'm gonna let it sit here for 20 minutes to stabilize and we'll go from there see you in a little bit I had this stabilized here we got a nice little fire going here the woods just starting to catch so I'm gonna put the fat side down right over this pan and I have a fat piece face that fire all right I'm at the two and a half hour mark let's take a look here oh man I like that crust see it's right at 250 degrees which is perfect whoa this is looking nice even got a little bit of liquid on there whoa I like it I think it's just about done let me just put this on and keep it warm I'll get a tray we'll get this inside and we'll slice into it see it a little bit all right I just pulled it off the grill man it looks wonderful it smells wonderful Oh some Burke dennings crispy on the end there it looks great I'm just gonna let cool off just for a second will be back to slice it all right here we are let's slice into this see what we're looking at here who would smells wonderful oh you can definitely see a little bit of a pink smoke ring but the meat looks kind of pink well there's definitely a pink smoke way Wow there's a lot of juice in here there's definitely a pronounced smoke ring for sure oh but there certainly is a lot of truth oh my goodness there's a cedar gonna do the hain tester let's see okay it goes apart whoa pulls apart very nicely excuse me while I try a piece real quick oh my goodness hmm oh man this is really delicious Wow let me see if I can give the rest of family here to try this we'll be back in one second all right here we go guys way pronounce the smoke ring more than I thought I didn't even use all the rub I thought maybe I didn't use enough of that break powder but yeah definitely little smoke ring there it is so juicy if you guys could tell here look at this oh my goodness so delicious let me get the rest of the family here we'll try some slices so here we are with the whole family my wife Monica my son Kyle I've cut out a little piece here grab a piece now grab a piece Monica the pink ring is a little overdone next time I'll go a little less on the peaks on me because I cut off so much fat but I'm going to flavor in the juiciness mmm like it and I'm telling you I was a little I'm worried about smoking it at the end whether it would absorb smoke but boy can you taste the smoke did you taste smoke I mean it's very very smoky mm-hmm but not too much is perfect and I could taste a little bit of that charcoal too which I love cooking on target for that reason huh Wow so this is a simple easy way to cook a brisket you can Suvi it you know thirty hours a few days before you have a get-together put it in the fridge put it in the freezer just throw it on four to three hours when your guests arrived you don't have to stress it and look at this man it's wonderful what do you think we're used to just smoked flavor but other people they're not used to it so it's worse this I can taste a smoke even though my outfit this stuff it was it good as always I appreciate you watching my video if you liked the video hit like if you like my channel please subscribe click the link up above its to my website eric smoke and barbecue calm and we'll see you next time bye hey bye my thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Smo'King BBQ Tips & Recipes
Views: 57,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sous Vide Brisket, Smoked Brisket, Beef Brisket, sous vide, brisket sous vide, pit barrel cooker, smith and wesson 586, slow cooker chili
Id: u0xuqrlOsW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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