SML Theory: Luigi Is Coming BACK?

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have you ever wondered what happened to Luigi and have you ever thought about when Luigi will make a return to SML in a previous Theory I made I said that Luigi could actually be Hank huero because they have the exact same color of clothes and with green and blue and Hank is also always trying to one up Mario and with every character turning into humans it would make sense that Luigi could be Hank huero because of their similarities however the one thing debunking my theory is that Hank isn't Marvin's brother we know that Marvin's last name is either Marvin again or it's Wilfred and obviously Hank's last name is hucker do and when they first met an SML movie The hucker Doos they didn't mention anything about being related and also Hank has a tan skin color without a mustache like Luigi and we still need more information about the hucker dudes and their background before we can ever even think to call Hank hucker do Luigi so if Luigi isn't Hank hucker do where can luig Luigi be and will he ever return well ever since Luigi's first appearance at the start of Logan's YouTube channel back in 2007 Luigi would show up more often with Mario and they've always been seen to be Rivals always trying to prove who's the better brother I God Luigi that's so stupid okay okay well just forget about that he has a gun what are we going to do how are we going to kill him he has a gun I'm not afraid of no gun however Luigi has always been in Mario's Shadow with Mario being the face of Nintendo and his brother Luigi always being left out of the spotlight and in older videos even though Mario and Luigi had their differences they were always trying to be better than each other Mario still cared about Luigi for example in the Mario and Luigi stupid and dumb Adventure series Mama Luigi kidnapped the real Luigi and tried to take his place until Mario realized that he wasn't the real Luigi and the real Luigi was up in the ceiling that uh-huh why did you do these things the reason why I did all those things is because your stupid little fans didn't vote me on the main character judging I was torn depressed it felt like a lightning boat which Mama Luigi had something to do with because he wanted Vengeance when he lost the main character judging contest which really shows that Luigi was more of a background character and being overshadowed by his clone which a lot of fans liked before he ended up dying in the Mario and Luigi stupid and dumb Adventure series and Luigi also starts to disappear after the end of the series and slowly being Outcast by newer characters that turned to be the main focus like chef peee and Bowser jior and the beginning of the modern SML era of SML movies but not long after Luigi gets some recognition having a spin-off series based on the famous video games of the Luigi's Mansion franchise which had a total of eight episodes where Luigi is in the old house with a bunch of lost souls of the other SML characters and Luigi has to capture their souls and return them to their body suck that's what you get PE PE okay so look he's in my vacuum now so uh let's go put his soul back in his body come on all right let's go and there was supposed to be a ninth episode of this series but was cancelled due to Logan wanting to reboot this series but was then cancelled again because Logan moved to the new SML house and it was too late to recreate it and what made it worse for Luigi was the introduction of Jeffy which made Luigi disappear even more because of how success ful Jeffy was for the channel and with too many characters already in SML Logan mostly stuck with the main characters with Luigi only being mentioned and appearing as different forms but not his original form until SML movie goes to Jeffy where Jeffy wanted to eat some Lifesaver mints but instead Mario gives him Lifesaver gummies because he was afraid that Jeffy would choke on the mints eat these they're gummies so you can't choke on them they're nice and soft look so you start eating those all right and so Mario gets a call from Luigi who was last seen in SML movie The Perfect plan which isn't even Canon to the SML universe and Luigi tells Mario that he's going to visit his house in a few minutes so Mario has a panic attack and tells Jeffy to hide and then he realizes that Jeffy actually choked to death on the Lifesaver gummies what have I have to hide Jeffy Jeffy I have to hide you Jeffy oh my God Jeffy Jeffy oh no Jeffy Jeffy are you okay Jeffy speak to me speak to me Jeffy oh my God Jeffy and while Mario thinks that jeffy's gone for good he finds out that Jeffy comes back as a ghost but someone is at the door and it's Luigi and of course when Mar and Luigi reunite they start to roast each other you're looking short well you're still looking like second place o wow Mario your houses are so big did you win the lottery uh nope nope I just sell a lot of games unlike you o what was that nothing Mario I uh just wanted to tell you that I have a third sequel coming out for Luigi's Mansion on the Nintendo switch so suck at that and when Luigi comes in he finds out that Mario has a kid but then Luigi sees Jeffy as a ghost and eventually Mario gets Luigi to help get Jeffy back into his body because Luigi has his polter Gus 5,000 which can suck up ghost and after a long Chase for Jeffy they're able to capture him and just like in the Luigi's Mansion series he puts jeffy's lifeless body into a washing machine and releases jeffy's ghost into the Container which gets Jeffy back into his body okay so he's a s in there now now put it on delicate okay delicate right now okay now will we wait and with Luigi's return with Anthony as the new voice actor with this new change it could have meant that more videos with Luigi would happen until until some drama happened which caused Anthony to resign from the SML cast but later Anthony came back and everything's good now because everything was just a big miscommunication and then Luigi just never came back and then after the season this this letter where Logan wasn't able to use any of Nintendo's characters under the SML brand that was the final nail in the coffin for Luigi and he was never able to show up in new videos however after the cease and toist letter Logan made the human puppets which are the normal characters but under the SML branding and slightly different names which a lot of the community didn't like but grew to like over time and I think that Logan at some point might make a Luigi puppet sooner or later because after the return of Shrek Logan mentions on Chile's channel that he might bring back older characters they have some really funny ideas planned for Woody and Shrek if you guys like it because of how much the fans loved seeing Shrek and SML movie Shrek's endless cheesecake and because of how good the Shrek video did when it first came out and ALS o being the return of Woody who a lot of people love as well Woody got a lot of attention from the fans and people were begging for a woody video again and so Logan might eventually bring back Luigi as his own puppet and as well they can use that puppet in the SML store and bring back a character that hasn't been seen in years which just makes more positives than negatives but if Luigi does make a return what kind of Rebrand would he get since both Mario and Luigi are brothers we can expect Luigi to look just like his brother Marvin and he could have a suit and tie be bald and have a mustache but instead of wearing red he would wear green or we can have different variety like overalls a bow or maybe a hat so that you could tell them apart as well Luigi could be a little bit taller but with a new look Luigi would have to change his name to something else and a lot of the community has different thoughts on Luigi's new name like Lenny Louise or maybe even Louie which is my favorite and with a new appearance Luigi would have to change his personality or it's possible that they could keep his personality because in the past when they changed characters personalities roselina which ended up making her into a terrible character the fans now hate her and since Nintendo doesn't own the personality of their characters Luigi could have the same personality as he had in the old videos but with all this time not reappearing what could Luigi be up to nowadays we know that Mario's now retired so that could mean that Luigi's also retired and in a previous Theory I said that Luigi could be with peach because of her absence in SML also and I theorize that they both ran away together to live a different life and if he's really with peach he's probably taking care of baby peach which is Peach and Mario's daughter which could be the reason why he hasn't appeared in recent videos or another possibility could be that Luigi is on an adventure exploring the world because Luigi said he always wanted to be better than his brother Mario and he's always been afraid of ghosts so by being on an adventure Luigi would have to learn how to survive on his own and would learn how to conquer his fear of ghost which would make Luigi stronger than ever before and after the end of SML movie jeffy's Ghost Mario helped Luigi get over his fear of ghost because he was able to capture Jeffy and help Mario put Jeffy back in his body I can't do it Mario I was so scared Mario Luigi suck him up I know you can do it come on Mario I'm so scared of Luigi come on suck him up I know you can do it you're not number two you're a man you're a Luigi you're Luigi you can do you're right Mario I'm a man list do this I did it Mario I suck him off Mario you did it Luigi who's your number one now Mario well still me but you you did it which could have given Luigi a boost of confidence to go on an adventure that could have gotten Luigi in a problem where he's trying to conquer his fears but if Luigi's retired just like Mario it's likely that Luigi could just be living a normal life and actually taking care of their grandpa Harold since Harold was introduced it's either Mario having to take care of his grandpa or he has at the retiring home and now it could be Luigi's turn to take care of their grandpa because of how he gets himself into trouble a lot because he sometimes has PTSD from World War II as seen in SML movie Jeffy skip school I earn the medle of Honor which clearly shows that he needs someone to take care of him which could be a big reason why Luigi hasn't appeared in modern SML because there's nobody else to watch him and take care of their grandpa so Luigi is doing that and the last time we saw their grandpa he was in a retiring home but he was kicked out because he grabbed a nurse's butt which obviously you should never do and so in the same video it's revealed that Harold doesn't have Mario in his will and is leaving everything to Luigi which could mean that Mario and Herold aren't on good terms or instead of being retired Luigi could just be a ghost exterminator now and he has a job where he would help people deal with their ghost problems after realizing that he's good at ghost hunting he could also help people with their haunted house and return the ghost at taunting the place back to their body or send them to the next life and could help Luigi stop being scared of ghosts entirely since Luigi is the only one known to be able to bring back people from the dead using a washing machine he could be making tons of money with his business and traveling all over the country or all over the globe taking people from their previous lives and sending them to heaven but if Luigi is still scared of ghost He could just be a plumber because Mar and Luigi were always plumbers and they get paid pretty well but let me know down in the comments if you want Luigi to return to SML thanks for watching subscribe and click on this video [Music] here
Channel: SML Theory
Views: 87,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6Zu4TFjmNXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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