SML Parody: Skibidi Jeffy!

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help me dance oh no Cody recorded what Junior what are we gonna do not so fast Mike wait a minute is that a toilet hold on Cody [Music] this is going exactly as planned skippity on me ah now we just gotta get one more kid next stop jeffy's house ah now I gotta figure out what all this YouTube short Shenanigans is all about hey what do you want Jeffy what that one oh I'm just chilling watching YouTube chores trying to figure out what the skimity toilet's all about I'm already on episode three I don't really understand it I mean yeah yeah sure I I don't what what is that you don't know what skivity toilet is I I yes I don't know let me know how do you know what it is I guess I'm just old I don't understand this new technology what are you doing Jeff takes my stupidity [ __ ] what the hell is wrong with you Jimmy get out of here [Music] you see this this is why I want to put him up for adoption I guess he's 18 I can't stop stop it let me do this just stop just stop oh speaking of skippity [ __ ] I gotta go take a Scooby-Doo [ __ ] in my toilet all right time to go take a big old stinky fat shift all right skippity Army he is right above us on this toilet now get this boy according to plan I should go see this for myself was she knocking on the window [Music] you're doing this ah I still don't really understand what all these YouTube shorts are about hey Mervin do you hear that what it sounds like Jeffy he's screaming I don't care what do you mean you don't care go find out what's wrong with him do I have to or I'm going to leave you what the hell Jeffy [Music] should I save him I mean I'm right here I should probably save him stop right there huh oh muffin Marvin Marvin Marvin what the fool you are you really thought you could stop this skippity on me oh how wrong you are muffin listen we are gonna flush your son down the toilet and if you ever try to mess with the skivity Army again we will send this give me the Army to your house and they will skip any [ __ ] everywhere is that understood yes sir good now send him down the toilet what am I gonna do what am I gonna do wait a second I don't care about Jeffy yeah this is one less annoying person in this house I can just go relax to the couch now this is actually good ah where's Jeffy what do you mean where's Jeffy I mean where's Jeffy you were supposed to go see if he was okay he's fine he's perfect so where is he he's in his room playing toys Marvin okay fine a bunch of skippity things came and took him and flushed him around the toilet are you happy oh I'm not happy I'm divorcing you until you get Jeffy back you're not serious right she's on I need to get chubby back now this is the worst day ever I'm gonna get Jeffy back how can I get Jeffy back I have an idea I gotta go do this where am I what is this place hello Jeffy welcome to the land of the skivotes tell me it's not real I mean this is very well real life what is this place why am I here I brought you here because we need more skimmy toilets I'm tired of these [ __ ] and I thought you would be the perfect person to train you want Jeffy to be a skinny toilet essentially yes pick me pick Jeffy that's the attitude I like let's go get training ah yeah okay is your arm good no uh okay oh [ __ ] all right now I'm gonna go try to unclog the toilet hopefully there's no skippity Dippity shits or whatnot I really hope this get the same Jeffy is it working let's do this I'm just gonna go call plumber all right Jeffy so the first part of being a skinny toilet is you have to act like it and you stop that oh bird let's go the first stop all right so the first part of being a Scooby toilet is you have to act like a skivity toilet skippity Summit please demonstrate for him oh that's pretty easy no no just stop that is that is completely wrong Stephanie seven show him one more time [Music] okay I got it this time honest mistake yes I did call a plumber Mr Plumber man I have a really big problem with my toilet have you been Taco Bell lately no it's 3am I want to be in Taco Bell oh come on I know you you always have the case of the munchies when you call me shut up man all right listen what happened was I was going to the toilet because I heard my son screaming and he was getting sucked down the toilet by these like skippity Dippity toilets and then they threatened me about the skimpity Dippity [ __ ] and they're gonna be [ __ ] on her house and then my son got stuck in the toilet and then my wife divorced me so now I like really need your help to get my son out of the toilet so I can stop the skimmy Dippity shits and they know over my house um have you been eaten my brownies lately no I mean they're pretty good you want some no can you just like come get my son out of the toilet some really delusional Marvin you okay is your brain okay yeah I'm fine why don't we just sit down drink some beer and just chill out man we haven't done that since listen I'm in a really dire situation right now can we do this like come help me uh work I got 700 jobs I gotta do it come on so this is the one I'm unclogging yeah it's this toilet right here all right let's go plunger yeah all right Marvin I better be getting paid well [Music] Marvin knows don't try harder [Music] anymore [Music] that was a close one huh I wonder who that could have been that's it I am not messing with any more these skippity bop bop bop toilets anymore I'm just gonna sit back and watch TV but Rose oh I really want to get Rose back but TV get to sit back watch TV Rose but but the skinny [ __ ] no no no wait wait but Rose this give me these shits Rose skimity [ __ ] fine I'll do it God oh all right now I need to come up with a game plan and how I can save Jeffy but what does Jeffy like oh he likes Takis ah maybe I can do something with that I'm a genius idea this surely will work excuse me you know what that is close enough the next step of being a skippity toilet Jeffy is you have to come out of the toilet oh I'll do that well basically you just kind of like float up there and then come out of the toilet go bubbity or whatever all right I'm gonna go do that you have to take your helmet off all right [Applause] indeed all right now I gotta try the takiana fishing line technique this has never failed before won't fail me again here we go get your Takis hold on [Music] we're talking that it's probably a trap how but because my I've been skivitying for over 80 years I know a trap when I smell it now we're gonna go send a more experience give it to go up there you have a rookie right now you're gonna get caught skippity go take care of this Jeffy come on and get your Takis whoa whoa I think I'm getting a bite [Music] [Music] what a feeble attempt that was ah that wasn't even close to deserving the Wrath of the king that's hockey fishing he thinks that can fool the king huh what a cute little guy you know what I think we should just keep letting him try stuff oh I like this guy let's see how close he gets huh nothing's working I don't know what I'm gonna do hey Marvin have you seen my Charlie underwear wait why are you so sad buddy what's wrong uh wait Bowser what are you doing here aren't you usually watching Charlie oh well it's kind of a commercial break right now anyway what's wrong buddy what's wrong what's wrong what's not wrong everything is wrong right now Jeffy got sucked down the toilet by the skimmy dimities and now they're threatening to skimmity [ __ ] all over the house if I try to skippity save them and then Rose divorced me if I don't get Jimmy back I don't know what to do I just need to save Jeffy from the toilet everything's going wrong skippity dippity's Oh you mean skinny toilets yeah those damn things Quick Chef Pee Pee all right time to use the bathroom wait what the hell yeah [Music] I'm just gonna walk away damn so they must be getting everybody well you have any ideas on how we can get Jeffy back I really need Rose well anyway I know how you can save your son on the toilet let me go get a few things real quick wow jeez damn all right wow Dan you really have to call me out like that wow all right Marvin here's the plan listen up I got the sponsor here with Prime and a stick now listen you may be thinking why the hell is this gonna work now I'll explain it kids love Prime nowadays I know it cause a junior I use this technique on him every time I need him to go to school anyway enough aside he's gonna smell the prime he's gonna come out and he's gonna get the sticking oh oh no I'm trapped in the Box uh but like he would actually get trapped because he'd go deeper than that but like yeah I think it's a pretty good plan what do you think Marvin uh it's uh uh yeah I know it's epic right uh no I actually don't think it's gonna work but it's the best we got we might as well give it a try so like when is Jeffy gonna come out what do we do I don't really know I guess we just gotta wait here like buds actually we should probably go hide it'd kind of be suspicious if we were just standing right next to this and I should probably set it back up too I'm gonna go do that uh alrighty then I'm gonna go hide oh is that Prime snowing we got Prime boys we got Prime boys no I smell blue raspberry I smell tropical punch I smell ice pop I smell all the Primes oh I hear some noise Bowser must be working you said it Marvin now he's Gotta Wait I'm bored me too let's just give it a minute though come on ah fine I'm impressed mining right I mean you press it down here you fool you cannot be falling for all these traps Jeffy [ __ ] [Music] just two buds waiting for the trap to work huh this is cool we should hang out more yeah tell me about it this character combination like never gets used wait I just heard something in the bathroom uh Bowser maybe you should go check this out yeah I'm getting bored of waiting here let's go ah I wonder if it's Jeffy well why are you acting so shocked tomorrow [Music] oh hell no oh hell no give me my son back uh maybe on second though I shouldn't go touch that thing ah who was it this time skippity seven Marvin again ah I'm getting sick of this guy if I see him one more time he's gonna have my fullest rap uh oh man I don't know what I'm gonna do anymore I feel like I've tried everything but I guess it is getting kind of late maybe I should get some sleep and try again tomorrow yeah yeah I think I'm gonna do that foreign [Music] Braxton Braxton Braxton Marvin Marvin Marvin Rose good morning world good morning Rose I wish you were here oh yeah Jeffy I gotta save Jeff handle the Scooby-Doo toilets I have an idea what if I get something so gross that I I get huge diarrhea and then I sit in the toilet that'll certainly get Jeffy out but where can I go where could I go I know just the place all right if this doesn't work I don't know what will I'm so hungry I want to get some food oh man I can't wait to eat all this Taco Bell this looks so good wait a minute ah they forgot my salad ah Brickle guy what are you doing here three four five six six tacos what's wrong come on man I'm trying to lose weight listen I'm doing this for Jeffy last time you trying to help Jeffy you just left you got scared [ __ ] you did you ran away well yeah you actually left though shut up I just want to eat like Taco Bell oh this looks so good are those two maybe come on what hey come back uh I gotta eat this Taco Bell and save Jeffy here goes nothing oh man that was so good oh I'm so stuffed for that Taco Bell oh oh with this feeling oh I gotta go [ __ ] Jeffy [Music] oh my God it is smelling Mighty putrid in here Jeffy is that you I don't think it's you actually I think the smell is coming from above yeah I wasn't in the rookie to go deal with this Jeffy you go oh God this smelly [ __ ] wait is this oh hell no oh that was a close one it's too too late I already went down the toilet oh I just became fat and ate Taco Bell for no reason oh you know back to the couch congratulations Jeffy that was some amazing look up that right that is the best stupidity I've seen in years oh my God we've always needed somebody in the skivity on me like you oh you're a natural thistle okay I'm joking Jeffy please don't die on me sure give me uh I've been King of the skippities for yes I think it's my time to go but Jeffy this is my will I want you to become king of the Citys all right L ratio you're stupid is that a crowd for jumping [Music] um King of the stupidest now I don't know what I'm gonna do anymore oh I'm all out of ideas not even my Taco Bell [ __ ] worked I thought surely that'd work ah not even Rose motivates me anymore I'm so sad what the hell cameraman skivity Services call 6969-69-6969 I mean okay I'm desperate I mean I might as well I don't know why there's a cameraman but sure I'll give it a shot I mean this video can't get any weirder hello is this the cameraman number about like the skippity dibbities oh hey guys you guys are already here yo my son got stuck down the toilet by the scaredy dibbities and now they're threatening they're gonna stew me [ __ ] around so my wife divorced me I don't know what to do anymore I've tried everything you guys think you can help me with this hello no hablo English [Music] okay hello English do you speak English hello why aren't you listening to me oh man it's so nice being the king of Distributors what's that the cameraman are here send all the stupidest right now and attack them working on this ship once and for all hello hello what the hell you guys moved where you guys going tomorrow [Music] foreign oh my God what is going on in here Jeffy oh my God Jeffy are you okay Jeffy oh no I don't think he's a post Jeffy Jeffy I love you so much I care about you so much Jeffy I don't know what I'm gonna do without you Jeffy Jeffy you're awake what happened oh my God Jeffy I'm so glad that you're okay oh my God today's been awful trying to get you out of the toilet Daddy what happened I don't know these cameraman came and there was like these skimmy dippitys and then they got you out of the toilet no you're okay you got sucked in the toilet earlier man today's been hell yeah I remember I used to be king of the skill age I used to rule them and they're a little leaner there he kind of carpet died wait what hold on you're gonna have to explain this downstairs okay all right Jeffy so explain everything that just happened basically I got flushed right down the toilet and I met these scaredy people and they basically made me their Scooby-Doo King and I was chilling popping whatever Jeffy doing she's back in my diaper and then these cameramen came in it took us all out and I got flushed back up the toilet and I that's why I'm here now well I don't know what any of that means put on the sniper back together Jesse ah everything's back to normal hey Marvin you're back baby yeah I only came back because you got Jeffy back I'm not here for you oh damn well at least we're back together as a happy family not the skimmity [ __ ] that's it Jeffy you are grounded grounded grounded grounded [Music] laughs [Music]
Channel: Jeffy's Universe
Views: 725,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, skibidi jeffy, jeffy the skibidi toilet, jeffy skibidi toilet 1, jeffy skibidi toilet 2, jeffy skibidi toilet 3, jeffy skibidi toilet 4
Id: ay0J7NMuz2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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