My Mario Plush Collection! (300 Subscriber Special)

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hey guys welcome to the video today I'm going to be showing you every single Mario plushy I own and this isn't even all of it this is going to be a big video thank you guys so much for 300 subscribers it means the world to me let's get right into it first up the Mario section to start we have the Mario plush that I use in all my videos the two plush videos I have then there's fire Mario which I definitely want to use in some videos next up we got furry next up we got Tanuki Mario which I definitely want to use in some vids then we have baby Mario which I definitely want to use in the future and now we kind of get onto some like throwaway Mario plushies what I mean by that is like the stunt double over here who has been cruy abused no I'm just kidding he's just a little worn out he's one of those like older Mario plushies like the one that SML used to have but he will be used as a stunt double please don't kill me listen I know they're hard to find I get that but I want to do some crazy videos where Mario possibly gets like dunked in water or something like that I might destroy him and I don't want to use this one cuz you know this guy's iconic like you can't get another one like this and I know you could say the same thing about this guy but well okay I'm kind of backed into a corner there well listen it's my channel and it's my rules I'm just kidding but anyway now we move on to the good stuff Mario plushy this guy was the Mario plush I used to use before I had this guy and you're probably saying that there's no videos of him on this channel but that kind of leads me into this big story which I'm not going to tell but pretty much I had a channel for this one which is still up by the way you can go check it out if you just search up Super Mario Blaine it's one of the options that come up but basically every day I would upload like two to 3 minutes skipped with this guy and they were just really stupid anyways Now we move on to the big boy this is my big Mario plush I haven't used him yet and I don't really have plans to and you'll see why towards the end of this video but I will do a video where Mario gets big it just won't be with this plush but with that being said this wraps up the Mario section so now let's move on to the Luigi section now this section is quite small but that's just cuz I don't collect Luigi's like I collect the rest of my plushies so this one should go by pretty quickly anyways to start we have the Luigi that will be used in my videos the reason why he hasn't appeared yet is cuz Levi who voices Luigi hasn't been around so I haven't been able to film with him but don't worry we do have some Luigi videos planned so that will change soon moving on we got fire Luigi this is the only Power Up Luigi I have next up we have baby Luigi which will use and then we have a very high looking stunt double Luigi I thought I hid the weed pretty good but I guess he found it anyway same thing with stunt double Mario where we want to do some videos where Luigi gets like dirty or something but we don't want to use the real one cuz there's only one of him and if he gets destroyed then Channel over so yeah there's that anyway on to the good stuff Luigi same thing with good stuff Mario I used to use him in the older videos so yeah that concludes the Luigi section Now we move on to the Yoshi section now I have a lot of Yoshi plushies and I mean a lot so I'm going to try to be as fast as I can this is red Yoshi he is one of the colors of the Yoshis that will be used next we have orange Yoshi who I think ate too many Cheetos then we got yellow Yoshi next up we have the most iconic Yoshi green Yoshi who is used in almost every video and it's voiced by my friend Logan next up we got blue Yoshi then we have dark blue Yoshi and we have purple Yoshi and if I see any of you in the comments saying that this is magenta I will ban you and then way in the back we got pink Yoshi and then we move on to White Yoshi same thing with magenta if I see you saying he's gray I'm Banning you finally we have black Yoshi just a heads up these two don't get along well so there's all the colored Yoshis and now we move on to Big Yoshi we used this Yoshi once in a video I like to call this one Yoshi on steroids cuz whenever he gets mad he grows big big and then starts running around destroying stuff in the video Yoshi scam you can see he turns into this and then starts destroying the courtroom Yoshi [Music] power oh I am so fired so yeah it's just a little funny joke we have going on but with that being said this concludes the Yoshi section before we move on to the next section we're going to make a pit stop over here this is Donkey Kong he has appeared once in my channel he appeared for a short amount of time in Yoshi scam he bailed Yoshi out of jail with a golden banana he found in the forest which turned out to be worth over $10,000 he then went on to brutally beat up Mario Mario versus Donkey Kong let should get out of here Donkey Kong special attack oh DK Barrel in the face oh I win and you lose as always well I'm still the better character DK at least I have a four pack ooh yeah so yeah this is one of those smaller characters that I really like and I do plan on using him in the future anyways Now we move on to the enemies of course we have to start with Bowser Bowser is known for being the king of the Koopas but in reality he's just a lazy guy who likes to watch TV he is another character who would be voiced by Levi so that's why he hasn't appeared yet next up we have kamik who is Bowser's little sidekick which once again isn't the case on this channel he's just oh sorry which once again isn't the case on this channel he's just Junior's friend anyways kamik is going to be known for being the nerdy character that everyone picks on so that basically summarizes this character now on to Koopa now Koopa isn't part of Junior's friend group he's actually part of Yoshi's friend group as seen in Yoshi's snack problem now if I'm being honest Kuba is isn't exactly the best friend for Yoshi now sure they get along but you know Koopa is kind of a bad influence if you know what I mean for God's sake he literally got Yoshi poison because he told him to go to a drug dealer to buy chips you got your chips yeah I got my chips how'd you get them I had to get some hard barging from okay well good for you Yoshi I'm glad that you finally got your chips I don't know chips very good maybe they were expired wait well I don't know let me just check the in expiration date um uh all I see is a bunch of vitamin vitamins and uh potassiums Yoshi are you dying go 911 what go 911 okay anyways that's it for Koopa now on to Bowser Jr Bowser Jr is going to be yet again another kid character of my show he's voiced by me and will hopefully be in a lot of videos coming soon Bowser junr is you guessed it the son of Bowser but Bowser doesn't really pay attention to him anyways now on to possibly the third friend of Junior's friend group shy guy who I have given the nickname Tanner I'm still debating whether he's going to be part of Junior's friend group or not but uh yeah that's pretty much all I have to say about him all right the rest of these characters I should be able to speed through Bullet Bill who I also call Bully bill will be the bully at the school meaning he's going to bully people like Bowser junr and kimik next up we have buo he's a ghost then we have B bomb he's a bomb what then we have chain Chom piranha plant which is one of my favorite plushies it's really cool then we have another one of my favorite plushies Dry Bowser which is really cool all you got to do is take a look at the back of him and you'll realize this is really cool do I have plans to use this in a video absolutely and finally we have swamp now I'm pretty sure this is meant to be a pillow but I just use it as a plushy cuz why not but I have a feeling I can make some pretty cool videos with this anyways this concludes the enemy section so let's move on to the rest of the characters first up we got toad who appeared in Yoshi's scam I'll get it hello hey I'm here to sell Girl Scout cookies Girl Scout cookies well anything with girl in the name I'll buy so how much is it uh they're about $10 $10 what do they made of gold well I guess they have girl in the name so they'll be expensive cuz you know then we got Princess Peach who hasn't been used yet but I do have plans to use her and we got Baby Peach now on to the thieves first up we got W Luigi who is going to be voiced by me and then we got Wario now these two work together to Raw places and just you know be devious so these two are little troublemakers but nonetheless they're really cool plushies so this means we are completely done with these plushies now you're probably thinking what other plushies could there possibly be I've literally gone over all of them well let me show you as if the other plushies weren't big enough I have even bigger plushies now as I said earlier if I were to ever do a Mega Mario video I wouldn't use the other Mega Mario I would use this one just cuz it's bigger and it's cooler and I could also use that mushroom so let's get a closeup on this guy his overalls aren't so Dam he has real plastic buttons his pants are also not attached look at the Bulge on that mustache look at this potato nose let's look at that hairline oh um yeah that yeah that's just act like that never happened GL can also come off and here's what he looks like from the back and now there's the mushroom not much about it it's just a little bit squishy and it's just really big here's what it looks like on the back now on to the massive Yoshi there's nothing too special about it it's just a very very upscaled version of this and here's what it looks like from the back so yeah that basically concludes the plush collection I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please smash the Subscribe button and like the video and once again I just want to thank you guys for 300 subscribers plus videos that coming back soon so yeah I'll catch you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: SuperMarioBlaine
Views: 587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FFcQy0Xphg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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