SML Movie: Jeffy’s Voice Problem! Reaction Mashup

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attention the following video is totally going to kick ass if you enjoy any other men or have a large please click the sub and like button below enjoy being healthy Sonic is my latest Jeffy we got him one Marvin so we could blow up his own balloons and save money I don't remember doing that sure daddy yes sure sure Jeffy all right good cop down on me we really bottomed that [Applause] I didn't put air in it I put helium in it you know what I'm talking about Jeff you put too much helium in it all right well I'm just gonna blow up another dude wait I'm out of my dude yeah Jeffy so look it looks like you're done playing with your stupid balloon can you go to the store and buy me more videos no well then I'm just gonna house all right don't put a lot of water this time okay Daddy do you think Jiffy would make me a pink balloon oh yeah oh I want a balloon too hey Jeffy can you make me a balloon here you go daddy here's the first video Jimmy what is that underneath your bed [ __ ] all of it it's a gross balloon Jeffy gross for you yeah you don't you don't use those left oh Jeffy why don't you try sucking the helium suck the helium how much is it gonna pay me what well usually when you suck something they pay you no no no no no Debbie no no she's talking about soft the helium I know no look it makes your voice all funny watch hey Jeffy Look At Me Marvin I want to do that well that's what helium does Jeffy look you try it okay well that's just what helium does Jeffy keep going keep going how about you take the helium tank in your room and keep playing with it okay finally got him out here all right guys you ready to play Pac-Man oh yeah dude yeah Junior you know I love Goblin Hall I hate you what hey guys all right now we got that together well that's cool what a six helium tanks Jeffy where'd you get it my dad bought it for me yeah let me show you what it does [ __ ] I can't wait to do that I don't know I just wanted nuts what cooler you should try it okay okay foreign everybody [Applause] oh I can tell you're still sucking helium Jeffy like the girl on the street corner that you told me about last Friday night what what I'm talking about baby his brain's messed up from all the helium it's just so funny because like why did you do that I don't know Jeff it's just what helium does Robin why is this voice still so high-pitched it should have worn off by now Jeffy how much helium have you sucked Jimmy that could kill you Marvin we need to call a doctor right now okay come on hey there somebody call it doctor yes doctor so my son look at me when you're talking to me I said look at me when you're talking to me God damn it look at my eyes don't tell me what is going on what the hell is going on my son when he talks it's weird hey why does it do that well we know why his voice sounds like that because it sounds to me like his balls haven't dropped but he didn't sound like that yesterday well maybe he got kicked in the nuts and it made his voice higher because sometimes when you get kicked in the nuts it makes a voice out well no we know what happened ask me how I know what ask me how I know that when you get kicked in the nut sometimes it makes your voice get higher but we know why he's asked me how I know how do you know well when I was younger I was the king at kicking people in the nuts you don't have legs exactly and this is the story of how I lost my legs don't worry baby birds I'll feed you this is what happened so back in high school I was in PE class playing this game called kickball now I've never really heard a kickball and I didn't understand the rules but I thought I could probably figure it out so they rolled this big red ball to me and I thought that was some kind of obstacle so I jumped over it and then I ran up and I kicked the guy in the mouth right in the balls and the ball crunch was so satisfying he squealed like a little girl and then after that I was just addicted to kicking balls I ran around all the bases kicking everybody in the balls everybody on the playground was just laying on the ground holding their balls and I thought I was the Kickball champion because everybody was calling me ball bust to Brooklyn until the PE teacher ran up and told me to go to the principal's office for kicking people in the balls so I kicked him in the balls and then I went to the principal's office and the principal told me that I was suspended for kicking people in the balls so I kicked him in the balls too and then they called the cops and as you can imagine I kicked them in the balls and they were not happy about that at all so they sent me to jail you know they took my mug shot I kicked the photographer in the balls and then they sent me to my cell and I kicked myself eight in the balls so Ben they sent me to the electric chair and I kicked the Executioner in the balls and then after that they didn't know what to do so they called my parents and my parents came and got me and my dad said I was grounded for kicking people in the balls and that that might teach me a lesson so I kicked him in the balls and then they sent me to a therapist to figure out why I was kicking people in the ball so much and my therapist said it had something to do with unresolved feelings about my mother so I kicked him in the balls they sent me to a mental institution and they put me in a straight jacket but my legs were still free so I kept kicking people in the holes and then they put me in straight pants so I couldn't kick anybody in the balls and then my parents and the teachers and the doctors and the cops and Bill Clinton who was president at the time they all got together and we're trying to figure out what to do about me because I Was a Serial ball kicker and then they decided that they needed to amputate my legs because I just could not be trusted with legs anymore so they amputated my legs and I haven't kicked anyone in the balls ever since but if I had my legs back I kicked you in the balls I kick you in the balls I'd somehow surgically give you balls and then kick you in the balls no ball would go left unkicked I don't know how you have legs and you're not just kicking balls all day it becomes wrong well you're a better man than me anyway I think your son's voice is probably high pitch because you get kicked in the ball no he did not get kicked in the ball we know why his voice is high pitched oh well then why did you let me tell my very long story because you wouldn't let me talk oh I want to go ahead and talk all right jeffy's voice is high pitched because he sucks helium oh I've sucked helium before yep I owed him money couldn't pay him back any other way yeah helium Martinez owed him 50 bucks couldn't pay him back so he had to take him out back in the week Oh you mean helium the gas yeah yeah no that's what I meant to get helium the gas yeah that's that's what I sucked they have sucked the gas yeah I actually have a whole story about it yeah yeah me and my grandpa Joe we're at Willy Wonka's chocolate factory and we stole fizzy lifting drinks right and then we started floating up toward the ceiling but then there was a big fan up there so then we realized if we burp it makes us go lower so oh wait that didn't happen to me that happened to Charlie Bucket in the movie Willy Wonka in the Chocolate Factory I'm just gonna stop talking yeah so jeffy's voice is high pitched it's just stuck that way Jeffy talked my name is I don't know have you tried burping it worked for Charlie Bucket Jeffy try to burp well see the thing is he sucked an entire tank of helium oh my God that's dangerous he could have died well is he going to no I mean if he was good he probably would have done it already oh oh I have an idea how about this have you tried sucking on that gas that makes your voice deeper there's a there's a gas that makes your voice deeper yeah yeah it's a sodium hexa fluoride I think yeah yeah you suck it it makes your voice deeper it's like the opposite of helium well we'll grab it we'll give it a champion go back to normal I mean that [ __ ] ain't cheap Jack it's like 400 bucks a liter it is yeah and I have a leader at my house but it's gonna cost you well um all I have is a hundred dollars okay well you know what for you buddy I'll take a 75 loss they really can't be too careful all right it checks out I'm gonna go get that okay all right I got it and it's actually sulfur hexafluoride not sodium hexafluoride duh me being stupid how can I mix that up so it's Jeffy in health as his voice will go deep yeah it should okay you ready Jeffy yeah go oh man it's my gamer girl fart jar what yeah I bought a jar of gamer girl farts for like a thousand bucks off only fans but why would you do that I don't know I thought I might be into it she said that she only ate deviled eggs and cream cheese for a whole week and she had C diff so I don't know that's disgusting I thought I might be into it obviously I don't kind of into it so you don't have the fluoride the hexa stuff no I do I just got the jars mixed up hold on okay this is the jar of sulfur hexafluoride are you sure that's what this is yes it says it right there and it looks just like the other jar wait where is the other jar I threw it off the couch oh man I need that yeah I think so all right Jeffy breathe this all right Jeffy look that balloon up there it's really gross but we're gonna bring it down here you're gonna suck a little bit of helium out of it okay all right Jeffy here's the balloon so what you're gonna do is you're gonna suck the healing until your voice goes back to normal okay no suck a little bit more that's what I said okay [Music] your voice is back to normal yay now today was a big success I'm gonna go buy more of these jars don't judge me well Jeffy don't suck helium ever again okay I won't together [Music]
Channel: SZH4
Views: 25,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c4rw6Qo0aYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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