SML Movie: Jeffy’s Kiss! REACTION MASHUP

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foreign [Music] [Music] Washington no that's honest George oh a kiss all right next question you don't have a kiss yet I'll give you a chance to win the last one and this question is only for you so you're the only one allowed to answer what year did the War of 1812 happen now this is a trick question what year did the war of 1821 [Music] 2004 screw it here you go wow bro today go home and enjoy your kisses hey Jeffy how was school it was great daddy the teacher gave me a kiss right here are you sure he gave you a kiss yeah he gave me a kiss he gave everyone else in the classic kiss when they entered my wife says we need a toaster and I thought maybe you would know where I could get a cheap toaster well my son came home from school today and he says that his teacher gave him a kiss in his private area is this true yeah he gave me a kiss right here oh my God we are dealing with a very serious Predator here are you sure oh my God aren't you in the same place as my daughter who's your daughter Penelope oh yeah she got the most kisses what do you want Dad okay Penelope this is very important did your teacher give you a kiss class today yeah and he gave me a bunch of them I'm gonna arrest him right now today we will be airing the gates of the school teacher Jackie Chu who is accused of giving kisses to his students tell me what's going on hold on well you're honored I'm here today representing all of the kids who got a kiss from the teacher my daughter is one of them Penelope tell the judge what happened well today in class we had a piss quiz and every time we answered a question right the teacher would give us kisses and sometimes oh my gosh you are being accused of a most heinous crime is any of this accurate to what actually happened yes it is all true got a quiz and if the student answers the questions you're a monster are a very sick man now tell me how many students did he give kisses to well your honor five students so far that we know of oh that is a lot of children what made you think it was appropriate to do such a thing to Children causing them years of psychological life I thought I would give them an incentive to want to learn because every time they got the question right they'd be like ducky two give me your kids give me a kiss so I kept giving up kisses and sometimes so then I'd give kisses but not today no remorse for your actions just handing out kisses as if they were candy exactly that's what it was now listen here you're practically just admitted Gil we're screwed but I didn't do anything wrong all I did was give the kids kisses the kids like the kisses yeah I never should have become a Public Defense now I just need to know send in another one uh Cody can you come in here please hey what's up uh the judge wants to ask you a few questions did you receive for Mr Chew oh I received a lot of kisses but that's because I'm smart I received more kisses than you Cody yeah I know this is going to be invested to ask but how did you select which students received nuts with their kiss they will cradle whatever my hand decided to pull out oh my God can you come in here please now Jeffy is it true that you received a kiss from Mr Chew I did and how many kisses did you receive just one now that's interesting Penelope you'll receive multiple kisses right yeah and Cody you received multiple kids how much candy Jeffy you only received one kiss yeah I think it was a Pity kiss because everyone else is smarter than me until they were just getting more and more kisses and so I think the teacher felt bad until he gave me a kiss [Music] [Music] not a very good one but I am a father so today when my daughter came home from school and said Daddy Daddy I got the most kisses from the teacher I just couldn't believe it well I don't think it's true it's not a contest kids what happened to you today was wrong that man is sick many kisses before lunch I thought they were sweet and at least nuts had protein oh Jesus you're on your honor we're dealing with some serious things just now coming forward there's no Kelly how many lies he's ruined I'm begging you bang that gavel bang the [ __ ] out of that gavel and send this man to the electric chair and he belongs 49.95 since your last teacher was a monster and now he's gonna die so I'm gonna be teaching you until we can find a better replacement are you gonna give us kisses when we get questions right no no no no no no kids what he did to you was wrong okay there's not gonna be any more kisses you kids are gonna need therapy to get over there but I see some kisses on the desk right there what are you talking about almonds in class what was your teacher giving you these kisses or kisses with his mouth the candy Dad yeah the kids oh dear God kids I didn't know it was wrong to give kids Mr Chu I have a question for you what kind of kisses were you giving the students sometimes they had nuts and sometimes they didn't have nuts no no I know that but like they were little chocolate candies with aluminum foil I just said that thank you God yes [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Abnormalplayz
Views: 18,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nazDlo9JYto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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