TMNT 2003: Splinter (All scenes)

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tang shen took it upon herself to turn the ancient one's house into a home she saw to it that their makeshift family was well fed and well cared for and sometimes that care even extended to surprise visitors to her kitchen spied the intruder and his only thought was to exterminate it mashimi no but tang shen saw a hungry innocent creature and as always her first thought was to care for it she decided to keep the curious rat as a pet seeing the chen had grown fond of the hungry little visitor yoshi built a home for the newest member of their family this is my fault i knew mashimi had a dark streak in his heart it is not your fault master it is mashimi's fault and he shall pay with his life be careful my son vengeance is like a splinter it gets under your skin and can poison your life i must go sensei i know despite the plans of a foolish old man one must follow one's destiny no matter where it leads goodbye my son goodbye father and so yoshi followed his destiny coming to new york to serve and protect the utrams as their guardian prime well little one i will name you splinter to remind me of what i have done and what i have failed to do and together we will remind each other of tang shen of her beauty her kindness and love your cincy cincy was once a battle nexus champion [Applause] as you already know my master was a ninja of great power one of the greatest practitioners of ninjutsu in many centuries i was his pet rat and i learned ninjutsu by mimicking his moves for many years i was happy we were a family [Music] but that life ended when the shredder sent his foot ninja to attack my master [Music] my master battled honorably [Music] but through their dishonorable ways [Music] the foot ninja overpowered him [Music] [Applause] then the shredder entered they accused my master of working for their enemies they wanted information [Music] they were relentless but my master only said one thing he who lives without honor will end without honor this is a waste of time finish him i tried to save my master my efforts were in vain though i did leave my mark i will finish you myself [Music] the shredder had taken my master yoshi from me from the world not long after that i found you my sons and you all know the rest [Music] i remember a day that started like any other but ended changing the course of many lives i witnessed an accident a young boy carried a glass jar with four pet infant turtles an old blind man was crossing the street when he was almost run down by a large truck [Music] hey as the truck swerved a metal canister bounced out of the back it smashed open releasing a glowing ooze which covered their bodies i took pity gathering them up in a coffee can i took them to my borough the next morning i awoke to find the four had doubled in size the oohs had affected their growth it changed me also making me larger and more intelligent they followed me everywhere except above ground i knew the people of the surface would not understand we are so different i was amazed by their dexterity but even so i was not prepared for what happened one day splinter they actually spoke my name soon they all were speaking awesome pizza dude intelligence followed soon after i took you all on a journey to japan [Music] [Music] you see through great difficulty i had procured master yoshi's ashes and i was determined to honor his wish that he be buried in the land of his birth and near the home of his sensei and adoptive father the ancient one it took all of my skills as a ninja to keep us from detection we made it ancient one it is a great honor to be gone i have no time today for a rat monsters mischief wise one please i know i must look strange i am splinter splitter splinter you are the red yoshi and dang shen kept as a pet how it is a long and strange tale i have gone through changes since master yoshi since he [Music] i am sorry he has been slain his life was taken by the shredder no this cannot be no no this tragedy would not be if yoshi had heeded my wishes stayed in japan and joined the ninja tribunal as i remember the ninja tribunal is to blame they were asked to fight the utram shredder and did nothing perhaps yoshi would be alive today if the tribunal had not been so dismissive he's a skeleton quiet please one at a time master splinter there's a scary man in that bush i see nothing here but he was right there i am sorry they have had a long journey as have you and i truly appreciate your having come all this way on my behalf splinter son we both loved yoshi very much let us pay our last respects and lay him to rest next to the woman he loved [Music] children it is all right all right little ones it is all right now my apologies ancient one they are not used to sleeping alone just yet come along children i will stay with you [Music] kids my ancient one don't forget to ride what are you talking about you can't even read yet oh yeah well my friends i suppose that this is it safe journey splinter son until we meet again ancient one [Music] huh guys look there it is again it's the ghost following the ancient one what are you going on about master splinter we see a ghost we really do he's like right there master splinter can't you see him he's right there i see nothing my sons [Music] but there is a dark scent in the air come let us see that no harm befalls the ancient one [Music] [Music] what are you doing here the children have seen a phantom stalking you the same ghost they encountered at your home we followed to see that you came to no harm [Music] there it goes now i see nothing nor do i but there is a presence in the air something is not right he's headed for that house over there the pool of sorrow the artifacts curse me for a donkey's bottom what come we must make haste hurry there he is he's right by that chirp glove look out but we see nothing my sons he's got the boat i warned you medicine watch as your masters suffering perish be great [Music] what [Applause] [Music] well looky what i see his magic is failing let's end this [Music] you are finished fool [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sweet shell kicking action well done young one you have crushed a bone demon only with the help of splinter son and his young turtle ninja we sensed the foot mystics would strike to retrieve the artifacts but knew not when their cunning is boundless we owe you thanks rodent you and your kame children however at present their knowledge of this night is a danger to them and to us their minds must be relieved of these memories i suppose be purged before you go i have something for your little ones ninja masks enough no he's mine find your own toy no fair come on rap give him i want to play with him [Music] whose toy is this mine i see my sons your relationship to each other is more important than your relationship to things until you learn that and learn to share this toy is off limits you must never allow possessions to possess you for that leads to obsession do you understand yes sensei good and now young ninjas it's bedtime now then let's end this i've got 80 years of playing to catch up on [Music] [Music] this city really does attract all kinds release my sons at once how about my ultrabot just blast you to bits instead destroy destroy destroy [Music] destroy what happened why'd it stop huh ran out of batteries no it's good to see you too my sons had i not tracked you to this store i might never have seen you again and worse you have revealed yourself to the surface world and forced me to do so as well we're sorry sensei but that man stole my toy yeah and he's like crazy in love with it or something and willing to do anything to possess it i see for possessiveness leads to obsession and obsession knows no bounds i hope you have learned a valuable lesson my sons where is this special toy now hey here it is i thought we lost it in all the fighting and don't worry i'm an expert at keeping things to myself i won't be telling anyone about you or what happened here tonight we were scavenging for food and supplies [Music] come my son there are more useful items to be found on the upper levels [Music] these tunnels stretch for miles in all directions to avoid losing your way you must observe your surroundings carefully come along leonardo we are nearly at the top i can't leonardo you must [Music] no no it was then that i realized you had an irrational and paralyzing fear of heights in the weeks that followed i worked closely to help you overcome your fear focusing on the way of balance gradually building your confidence now my son remove your blindfold i was beginning to wonder if you would ever conquer the dark imaginings of your mind but i was unwilling to give up we must continue on leonardo you go ahead master splinter i'll go around the long way that could take hours my son [Music] that's okay i could use the exercise oh no [Music] master splinter damn it [Music] don't look down don't look down grab on we'll never make it back in time then we must forge ahead my son [Music] but you could have saved yourself at any time and you would still be consumed by your fear by focusing on the task at hand you were able to clear your mind of all distractions we were four young turtle tots facing the most horrible of dangerous dangers the wrath of master splinter we'd been warned we knew what we were not supposed to be doing do not go to the surface never ever go up to the streets it is far too dangerous under no circumstances should you ever go above ground if you ever even think of going top side just do not you had better hope i never catch you going out of the sewers excellent michelangelo donatello lift your leg higher for the kick sorry master splinter that is enough for now you may rest my son it is leonardo's turn to train oh boy come leonardo but master splinter we want to keep practicing but it is leonardo's turn leo won't mind will you leonardo uh wave if it's okay leonardo see leo doesn't mind [Music] is this right master splinter what about this leaping over the leg sweep i think i'm getting better i said enough practice leonardo leonardo [Music] this is it it's all over we are so cooked [Music] leonardo yes master splinter it is time for your practice oh okay coming sensei sorry i didn't answer earlier i kind of dozed off there for a moment [Music] now i wish for you to take what you have learned and use it in pairs michelangelo and leonardo donatello and rafael where is rafael uh he's in the shower yeah yeah you four have been acting very strangely of late da raphael time to get out of the shower raffy hold still there what was that for you just got out of the shower [Music] i just got out of the shower sensei hmm i can see that do you always shower with your mask on uh yeah it's a great way to keep it clean come let us resume your training okay we're gonna start over but this time with the real basics right or as master splinter would say the foundation of any house must start strong and um master splinter we can explain we've been teaching like you but not as good as you you know trying to follow in your footsteps there's this kid and enough home now but the kid we can't just abandon him you are not ready to teach you could do more damage than good the boy must find his own path as you must find yours now come we are going home not long after that your master entered the competitions as well he surprised and impressed many with his courage skill and honor but his successes led him to a final battle with one of the fiercest of all the fighters draco [Applause] [Music] poor oh his leg was broken in the battle and it looked hopeless the match was halted and splinter was given the chance to forfeit but he would not [Music] he was allowed to splint his leg and continue the contest [Music] i swear by bonton's fist not even i believed it when splinter managed to triumph over draco broken leg and all truly he was the best of the best that day [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] little rat you think yourself a champion you think yourself my better think again [Music] splinter and the young rabbit samurai would have been destroyed had the damio not intervened using his mystical war staff until drago fled like the coward he is [Music] happy birthday to me remember to be a true ninja you must become one with the shadows darkness gives the ninja power while light reveals the ninja's presence now can you extinguish this flame without revealing yourselves too noisy donatello too clumsy michelangelo poor choice raphael [Music] well done leonardo teaches pet ninja dropout my sons my sons if you are to become true ninja you must work harder your path in life will not be an easy one the outside world will not be a friendly place for you you far are different in ways the surface dwellers would never understand to survive you must master these skills i teach you ninjutsu powers of stealth and secrecy you must become kage shadow warriors and you must never be discovered by the outside world huh what is that noise whoa earthquake in new york possible but not likely [Music] we have to help master splinter come on [Music] hmm which button do you press to answer this thing hello master splinter are you all right hello master splinter stupid device you don't have to press any buttons you already answered it leonardo whatever those mechanical menaces are they have managed to eat through the support structure of our home we must leave right away meet me at the old drainage junction near south point [Music] the old drainage junction now where are my sons [Music] ugh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] um [Music] yes well i'm glad to see you too my sons master splinter so much has happened today yes yes there will be time to tell me all about it later leonardo but first i wish to take you all home home we got no home those robots trashed are bad remember sensei do not worry i think i have found a solution to our current housing problem follow me my sons wicked slide no offense master splinter but this place doesn't seem so great look with your heart michelangelo and not your eyes um okay and walk this way ow this is beyond awesome i could really tune this space up this room here mine and where you're standing also mine you see my sons change is good we couldn't agree more master splinter good so let's see you boys clean up for a change this chamber is filthy turtle cave that is so lame what would you call our new digs the shelter uh how about the sewer of solitude terrapin station the school for gifted reptiles the hall of ninjustis [Music] we will call this place home hmm catchy now what is keeping leonardo and rafael they just went to get the last of our stuff from the old lair even though it is inactive that thing still makes me uneasy donatello this is state of the art robotics sensei brilliant work i just gotta know what makes it tick [Music] the doctronic mouther [Music] i say we head over to stocktronics and kick some serious shell absolutely not your last venture to the surface was a disaster you can ill afford to be seen by more [Music] humans i'd sure hate to be a rat in this town oh sorry sensei [Music] faster on your counter-attack leonardo mind your footwork michelangelo you are distracted rafael you must learn to focus your attacks i'd like to focus my attacks on that stockman guy why can't we just go topside and show him a little mean and green because i forbid it [Music] we will resume your training in the morning we will resume your training in the morning i heard that okay april you are talking to a giant three-fingered turtle the only logical explanation is that you're dreaming so everything's okay hello hello april how are you doing oh i'm fine everything's absolutely great then perhaps you are ready to answer some questions you are you're a you sure have a way with the ladies master splinter now what do we do let's nudge her i'll snap her out of it rafael no [Music] so you okay now yes thanks i've decided this is either a very long dream that i keep not waking up from or it's the weirdest thing that ever happened to me young woman we have something most important to discuss what we have never revealed ourselves to the upper world you have placed us all in great danger but master splinter she was in trouble and we helped her yeah aren't you always teaching us to try to do the right thing as you grow older you will learn there are many ways to do the right thing but there is no going back i'm afraid we find ourselves at your mercy oh i would never tell anybody i mean who would believe me she's got a point yeah we're unbelievable jeez where's your off switch seriously i promise i believe you is this another lesson master splinter how to sense the truth no this is called trusting your gut so if i'm keeping your secret what exactly is it who are you people uh turtles uh whatever i have memories memories of when i used to be what you might call normal together they are forever or something like that that we all yell at once first rule ignore mikey your life will be much easier so we have remained in secret and that is our story but how did you know martial arts that is a story for another time hey guys look at this and the police are completely baffled by the staring bank robbery boldly executed in broad daylight if anyone has any information the police urge you and the authorities are completely perplexed by the destruction of the stocktronic building and the sudden disappearance of dr baxter stockman what will you do now miss o'neill you are most definitely out of a job i'm not exactly sure we'll help you get back on your feet you guys you've all been well great and by guys i guess i mean four big green talking turtles and a giant talking rat here's to the new team [Music] raphael have you lost your mind you okay mikey what were you thinking raph i leo mikey hi ah my son so angry rage is a monster that will destroy you from within raphael a true warrior finds balance in all things master splinter i i i i i i gotta get some air [Music] just think about overhauling the wheels please please please please please did i mention that you're my favorite turtle shh leonardo is working on perfecting his ninjutsu skills perhaps something you two should consider leonardo leaping split cake [Music] try again my son it will come with practice guys lucky what i found [Music] it's a door of some kind be careful why are we whispering where's the power source for this room i don't see any wires [Music] hey are we moving where the shell are we [Music] so the weird glowing chamber brings us up to street level [Music] this warehouse has been abandoned for many many years i don't know who could have built this thing but if we're going to use it we're going to need safety precautions and extra security up in the warehouse piece of pie mmm piece of pizza pie welcome home wrath man you look like you got the shell kicked out of you yeah it's a long story but first i i i wanted to apologize mikey i'm sorry i got so out of control earlier guys i'm really sorry what language is that mikey nitwit ha ha listen to the funny mutants i don't know raph that we should probably tell master splinter and have him stop us from going top side we have to find that vigilante wack back and stop him for his own good he's not a bad guy just a little misguided busted how many times have i told you not to sneak up to the surface this month 512 actually it is dangerous for you to go about openly in the world above you cannot simply walk amongst the humans they will not accept who and what you are it is as the great sage and warrior kenji hashimura once said why walk when you can ride come again take the truck [Applause] [Music] excuse me sensei heads up sensei i mean down [Music] [Applause] nice recovery sensei [Music] hey thanks sensei [Music] nice wiring job don i guarantee it's not my wiring maybe it's a blackout maybe now you want to get your foot off my shell ugh keep that flame away from mikey he scarfed down a whole chili pizza for dinner clearly there is a power failure i suggest you investigate and see if it can be fixed we're all over it hurry up i do not wish to miss my favorite program what does the simple mean master splinter trouble you know something about these ninjas where do they come from who do they work for and what do they want with a magic sword nope not magic probably more like a self-perpetuating oscillation frequency generator uh in english einstein it packs a shock wave that'll knock you flat on your shell we gotta go after these creeps no a wise ninja does not seek out an enemy he does not fully understand but sensei bushido demands that we fight for honor and justice and bushido also demands that you honor your master's wishes i will meditate upon this matter further good night [Music] hang on guys splinter told us not to go after the ninjas he didn't say anything about not investigating power failures excellent i have a few new surveillance toys i want to test wait up it's tough being the leader the design is unmistakably 11th century japanese but the metal is unlike any i have ever seen clearly there is more to this sword than meets the eye best that it remain out of the wrong hands [Music] my sons tonight our training shall focus on combining two essential disciplines the way of balance [Music] and the way of invisibility dude you put in the clapper michelangelo the way of invisibility also includes the way of silence i suggest you employ both if you wish to avoid my walking stick [Music] peekaboo i see you hey don't i at least get points for creativity a creative mind must be balanced by a disciplined body we must learn stillness and alertness for they are the only defense against the unexpected hey guys [Music] [Applause] the master splinter no he's okay sensei this is casey the nut kate uh the guy we told you about you remember the vigilante vey we figured it'd be okay to give him access to delay you know for emergencies and stuff please forgive my rash action no problemo although next time you would be wise to heed the ancient japanese proverb phone first [Music] whoa red your crib's even more awesome than you said you didn't come all the way down here for the nickel tool casey no remind me whose idea was it to invite him down here i thank you for this information mr jones but now we must return to our training wait don't you guys want hey rath let's wrestle let go bonehead no way deep sick you brain geek weave you talk rafael normally i discourage excursions to the surface but i think it's wise for you to take our guest for a breath of fresh air top side i'm all over it booyah come on you maniac maniac who you calling a maniac and that's where they defeated the thing that wouldn't leave you can almost set your watch by this guy casey what happened where is rafael the invisible ninjas took him i'm getting a signal it's wrath [Music] this guy's bad news even when there's good news it's faint but at least we've got a blip we can follow make that several blips the invisible ninjas signal raphael may not even be aware he is being followed which means we gotta find him before he brings in some seriously unwanted house guests we already got one of those excuses your battle shell is a marvel of engineering a true testament to your incredible mechanical skills and i never want to see it in our home again well fought leonardo [Music] thank you sensei you have won but do you know why well i have the superior weapons i read where swordmaster musashi said the katana blade holds the soul of steel and is the truest guide to the warrior's way which is kind of how i feel many things are said but few are true huh master splinter's got that look i think somebody's gonna get it michelangelo do you think i am funny um yeah i mean sometimes there was that time you told that jerk about the ox and the sparrow it wasn't really a joke but it was funny and i mean no master splinter leonardo attack me with your katana master splinter i do it now is this the great and glorious weapon of which you speak helpless before an old rat such as myself again with both in the hands of a true ninjutsu master anything can be a deadly weapon remember a weapon is only as good as the arm that wields it leonardo until you have learned this lesson you have learned nothing [Music] my sons i had hoped this day would never come i know who these people are i have always known this is the symbol of the foot ninja their leader is orokusaki but he has another name he is the shredder i have often told you of my beloved master yoshi but now it is time that i tell you the whole truth as you already know not long after that i found you my sons and you all know the rest i never told you all this because i did not want your training to be tainted by the poison of hatred i did not want you to feel the sorrow that is still in my heart but now you need to know who saki the shredder really is he serves no great purpose he fights no great evil he is great evil any endeavor he undertakes he does for his own selfish gain man i am such an idiot i could have told you that you've been played bro he saw you coming a mile away so what are we gonna do about it shredder wants an answer i think we should give him one turtle style my sons i have been in deep meditation regarding the shredder and not here ah i cannot even take a few minutes for meditation without those kids running off [Music] what is the one thing i did not want them to do face the shredder i am sure that is what they have done [Music] i must find my sons [Music] master splinter shh the others we got split up come we must find them [Music] am i glad to see you guys we heard you two miles away psych i can't believe you fell for that oh oh the lights are turning out i'll turn your lights out for real wise guy rafael michelangelo quiet down if we could hear you so could the foot ninja we must move more quickly than this we could always leave mikey behind hey i didn't bring the remote for the battle shell or i could get it here perfecto sensei looks like we're surrounded [Music] master splinter use the remote get the battle shell [Music] ah [Music] [Music] uh [Music] donatello here i will fight you will [Music] [Applause] drive activating remote master splinter you kick butt slow down you drive too quickly [Applause] and that turn was too sharp master splinter you've been backseat driving the whole way [Music] hey leo need a ride sure guys i'd like to introduce you to the mystery ninja good to see you leo we were all pretty worried yes my sons but now you are safe hey what was that for for being so foolish you should never have tried to face the shredder alone he is too powerful you're telling me i've got bruises that have got bruises and did you see the way that shredder walked right through that fire yeah he's like the schredinator or something you have stirred the hornet's nest he will not rest until he finds us what should we do master splinter let him find us i have long wished to avenge my master yoshi now is the time but how do we let him find us sit still i don't know master splinter sitting still isn't one of our strong points [Music] right sitting still it is i like sitting still sitting still is good remember my sons even the mighty oak bends before the raging storm wins yeah be careful and do not be overconfident [Music] hold your staff higher sweep with the left foot from that position jeez now your back seat ninja ing me master splinter [Music] none of you will leave here alive shredder no you destroyed my family once i will not allow that to happen again no man or freak can defeat me that remains to be [Music] ugh this is for my master yoshi master splinter you okay ah come we have avenged my master yoshi let us go home i'm all over that yeah i gotta tell you home never sounded so good the two greatest weapons at the ninja's disposal our placement and surprise tonight we perfect a move that utilizes both leonardo invisible flying dragon yeah rafael what are you doing uh nothing oh yeah let me see hey give it back keep on going [Music] hey check this out what is that the knit justice league more like the shill-tastic four the legion of sewer heroes [Laughter] even our level-headed leader gets a funny in you're not really serious about this superhero kick are you why not superheroes never have to hold back because they're scared someone's gonna see them and wouldn't it be nice to get a little credit for the good we do your intentions are noble michelangelo but you must never forget who you are you are ninja you operate in the shadows but can't we accomplish so much more out in the open there are many paths my son you must choose the one that is true to yourself now let us return to our training sorry sensei i gotta get out and clear my head and so my sons we practice our moves very slowly so that we may execute them with great speed what do you know it's super mikey was that you the silver sentry was talking about i'm a turtle not a titan so who's ready to get back to training what is happening what's with the noise i'm not quite sure [Applause] [Music] are we in any danger donatello maybe the harmonics of the energy signature of the crystalline structure you don't know do you not a clue i started the whole thing [Music] now what is it something tripped a perimeter alarm in one of the old subway tunnels hmm was that a good or bad what can you tell us donatello it looks like that creature melted right through the stone being able to liquefy stone is the perfect ability for a subterranean life form i am hearing answers that raise more questions a wise strategist gathers all his information before deciding on a course of action anybody up for a fact-finding mission good luck my sons may you return safely yes my brothers good luck to you come on [Applause] foot ninjas what are they doing down here what i'm the only screamer you have to cover just my mouth master splinter what is going on i do not know but i believe the foot are searching the sewers for us they are everywhere you gotta be kidding me we cannot reach the lair undetected we must find a new place to stay and fast hey i know just the place hey april ghoulish mud pack girl mind if we bunk up stairs in your apartment for a while hey what's to eat you got digital cable right [Music] sorry miss o'neal your hospitality is very much appreciated [Applause] look we need to go back down there and flush those stinking foot ninjas out of our sewers and i mean flush raph we don't even know what they're doing down there i don't care you should my sons you thwarted their many schemes and defeated their master clearly they are searching for our lair ninjerks are keeping us from our home we should be down there smacking heads running into battle without knowledge or preparation is foolish sometimes it is best to sit still the answers will come oh no who could that be you guys can't be seen you'd better all hmm i feel like i've gone from happily single to mother of four overnight tell me about it yo donnie can you do something about the hot water turtle can't even get a decent shower in this joint been there done that we'll go there and do it again why is it always me [Applause] your morning training my son yes sensei while the city's still quiet your discipline is commendable leonardo have a good run but i trust you are not thinking of going back to scout the lair alone why would i do that just because the sewer tunnels are overrun with foot ninja so we're forced to hide here at april's like cowards [Music] you ask a question that is not a question [Music] if we are to succeed against our foes we will need to act together as a team not as rash individuals i understand master splinter i am curious though with shredder gone what are the foot ninja up to patience my son i have a feeling we will find out all too soon what what is it oh man i slept on my hand and it got numb and hit my face and i thought somebody slapped me [Music] i really do have four turtles and a rat sleeping in my living room hey scramble's okay with everybody right again hey guys where's leo he is engaged in his morning exercises [Music] why should today be any different kids sorry april yeah really um you got any glue don't sweat it i realize it's tough for six uh people to share a one-person apartment we'll be out of your way as soon as we can don't get me wrong i love you guys i really do it's just my place is too small we will leave as soon as the foot ninja are gone from the tunnel surrounding our lair say what you like about mikey the guy knows how to scramble an egg so one would think that table manners were a part of their training one would think may i have your attention please cool oh this is what i live with all the time please please you're too kind i can't believe i just clapped for that ah that's it i'm gonna look for leo so we can get this show on the road no offense april but we really need to get back to our lair i'm going stir crazy you are going nowhere until your brother returns sit hey guys i'm really starting to get worried leo should have checked in by now i know this is a first but i'm thinking mikey's right master splinter go geez what if something really happened to him [Music] leo leo what happened [Music] who did this to you ah i'm gonna find out who did this no rap wait he's back the shredder [Music] what what did he just say if you read comic books you'd know the bad guy always comes back always we need to get leo out of here she is right we must leave now i will hold them off help april get your brother down the stairs and out to the antique shop [Music] rafael donatello cover the rear michelangelo i told you to help april get leonardo downstairs be alert the sharpies are on the exit and they know it raffi we've got trouble down here like i don't got trouble up here the shredders elite god they are the deadliest of his warriors lethal assassins craft the guys ran into something bad in the shop hey i got my hands full up here [Music] assist your brothers i will protect leonardo master splinter he's getting worse we cannot stay here any longer [Music] you freaks have been a thorn in my side long enough no one opposes the shredder and now i will have my revenge for our last encounter this attack is nothing but a cowardly garbage wearing us down by sheer numbers it is not the way of the true warrior guys i say we shred his butt once and for all for leo you're with me till the end which hopefully isn't gonna be anytime soon right [Music] finish them off this rodent is mine [Music] [Music] huh [Music] you strike a wounded warrior you have no honor i fight to win [Music] [Music] leonardo no i will not allow you to destroy my family my sons retreat [Applause] [Music] you got it everybody in here we can hold them off [Music] well this is great small dock and no way out perfect for making a last stand it's a walk-in cooler this shop used to be a grocery store once upon a time kind of quiet out there you think they all just went home yeah we scared them off by running into a closet and locking the door hey i smell smoke i smell gas mikey no not that kind of gas [Music] [Applause] trapped like rats no offense sensei leo's in really bad shape we have to get him out of here forgive me miss o'neill but we must leave the past behind for now if we are to have a future leonardo is badly injured and needs a safe place to heal what about belair shredder has a whole ninja army down in the sewers remember and we're in no shape to fight hey we don't run from nobody and yet we must but where fellas i know just the place oh man it sucks being cold-blooded is he gonna make it sensei only time will tell [Music] all right so it needs some fixing up the place got a little run down leo why won't he wake up healing takes time and leonardo is recovering from more than just physical wounds his spirit has also been grievously injured you think he can hear us perhaps hey leo it's me don listen you're gonna pull through this i know you are you have to i mean you know what kind of trouble we'd get in without you like remember the time i built that remote control car you really came through for me that day leo you always do and i know you will again huh looks like you got him hanging on your every word don hey i think he heard you raffy maybe talking to him does help it is said that the voice of a loved one can guide a lost spirit back to its home mind if i take a crack at it i don't even know why i told you that story i i guess you just i mean what i'm trying to say is your brother hears you rafael he understands [Music] leonardo my son you must gather all your strength and confront your fear just as you did many years ago [Music] come on sensei leo's never been afraid of nothing in his life not true my son do you recall leonardo our early days do so again ignore the fear my son let your spirit find your way home return to us [Music] is he no [Music] [Applause] thought you were gone bro he was but you brought me back all of you you fought your way back my son you have done well thank you sensei the danger is passed now we must let him rest [Music] up guys i'll be outside if anyone needs me hey where is everybody casey's been ejected from the ballpark and april's in the kitchen i think mikey's out exploring in the woods despite explicit instructions to stay near the house and leo he's he's kind of been moping around out in the barn all morning again your brother has suffered injuries both physical and spiritual raphael and he will need the support of all of us if his wounds are to fully heal [Music] what is it about casey that gets under my skin he's so so oh master splinter maybe you could teach me to meditate so i wouldn't get so angry at him even meditation has its limits [Music] i say we go after that videotape maybe this crazy doctor monster person will just give up and go away dr abigail finn doesn't give up if she can't find what she's looking for out there she'll come looking in here she's obsessed with monster hunting those who become obsessed are often their own worst enemy [Music] i can't believe you bozos walk right into a trap i believe it see sensei i told you the green man was real hey casey what kept you those reporters were even more vicious than that crazy doctor they'll be making fun of dr finn for months guys hey guys come around back there's someone i want you to meet allow me to introduce you to leonardo do and improved uh hey everyone welcome back bro welcome back clear nice one casey why don't you just broadcast it to the foot ninjas what foot ninjas i'm telling you there's nobody down here i believe you may be right mr jones well that'd be a first [Music] welcome home everybody ah just like we left it cool home sweet home i think he's thinking what you think he's thinking if he's thinking what i'm thinking then i'm thinking we shouldn't just be thinking what do you think uh-huh shredder believes us vanquished in the explosion at miss o'neill's thus leaving our enemy vulnerable to a surprise attack remember my sons the battle you face today will be most arduous you must go in prepared [Music] i'm prepared to get some shell i think master splinter meant a little something more i believe the time has come to return the shredder sword to its former owner now you're talking [Music] forget something are you all right my son i i was just remembering the last time i tangled with shredder's elite ninja i i don't want to let my brothers down you must look within and find the strength that is yours and yours alone you will not let them down i feel it in my heart we're gonna be a four turtle wrecking crew five [Music] let's roll but right now let's stick to the plan april footcom system's down what's next now that's a lot of ninjas [Music] well that was refreshing no doubt more will be on the way april we need another way out come my sons we must keep on the move [Music] wait what is it sensei i sense our presence [Music] nobody here but us turtles no something is here something that cannot be seen for tech ninjas [Music] oh [Music] hang on i got you back way to go rath the lasers messing up their cloaking controls hey bro now you just gotta work on your aim i only see two where is the third ninja hang on bro we'll get you out guys take cover and leave you no way free at last [Music] excellent work my sons and we put out all the fires too which way now up [Music] what is this place april check the building schematic it looks kind of familiar it should it's a foot genetics lab are you saying that this is just like that abandoned lab we found deep under the city knock it off mikey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] though they might be his genetic clones might be hey donny my sons on my signal [Music] now michelangelo with me got it and how we supposed to get across that no sweat i came prepared [Music] i got this one [Music] later lobster limbs [Music] hurry it up guys we're about to have another clone encounter hey guys [Music] okay did shredder like wake up one morning and say hey here's an idea mutant clones of me really ugly ones [Music] everybody out double time nunchuck express go enough what grab onto the counterweight cable hang on [Music] [Applause] [Music] get ready it's about to hit [Music] my sons are you all right yeah pg april can you at least find us a way up a stairwell or something nada afraid you guys are on your own this time what is it sensei i sense something traps we must proceed with caution rafael your rashness will be the end of you yet hey i made it didn't i and what of your brothers no sweat master rocky got game right got hops might be in the zone in your face puny girly blades go mikey go mikey go go go mikey hey [Music] the trendy new short headbands are in this season all the stylish ninja are wearing them [Music] these symbols each represent one of the five elements earth fire water wind and metal [Music] look be prepared for anything my sons [Music] [Applause] ah hey oh magic with magic master splinter what are you doing i believe that conquering our mystic foes requires a mystic weapon but you need the glove sensei catch there is no time leonado get your brothers away from the temple [Music] now [Music] [Applause] um melts metal water quenches fire [Music] swallows water wind scatters earth [Music] and i shall quell the wind [Music] master splinter leonardo retrieve the sword master splinter your hands the sword of thank you is a potent mix of science and sorcery only a true master can wield it without the protective glove but there is a price to be paid makes you wonder what's in store for us on the next 20 floors we still got 20 floors to go if we even make it that far there's no if about it we will make it to the shredder have you guys forgotten how he forced us from our home burned down april's building nearly killed us all cause i sure haven't and i'm gonna see this thing through to the bitter end i'm with you bro me too we'll see this thing through together all of us april straight to the top there is no turning back now but no matter what happens today i have never been more proud of you all my ninja my sons [Music] what are they waiting for orders astute as usual leonardo i don't know how you managed to survive our last encounter but i can assure you you will not survive this one your elite god will not stop me or rokusaki no sensei this is one i need to lead elite [Music] attack [Music] ugh in the words of the ancient master it ate over till it's over you can redeem yourself destroy the turtles and you meddle some creatures you have interfered with my plans for the last time you believe this guy's rap whack job city you all pay all of you not one of you will leave this room alive you will all be crushed by the genius of baxter stockman dangerous whack job city guys do you copy you're on my list of parties responsible for recent misfortunes in my life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna miss that guy not all right shredder [Music] oh [Music] you're going to be okay master splinter we'll get you help i'll get the others no leonardo worry not this is no longer about me master splinter i you must return to the battle protect your brothers defeat the shredder i will be there with you in spirit now go leave me no master splinter i know you will lead your brothers well my son my son it's going to be all right we'll be back for you i promise just hang on [Music] matrix city what is this place a morgue i hope not because look [Music] master splinter [Music] my sons stop master splinter they are not our enemy huh master splinter it is good to see you too please my spine here i want you to meet some friends i believe you have met the guardians it was they who found me after the battle with the shredder and brought me here to these benevolent beings who saved my life this is my good friend mr mortu these are my sons um thank you for saving our sensei [Music] but who are they what are they they call themselves utroms and their story is inextricably interwoven with our own the ooze that originally mutated us all was a byproduct of their experiments with this transmat device master splinter this is dr honeycutt and that's how i came to be here i see my sons have gotten into their usual amount of trouble in the eight hours they've been gone [Music] inside these pods you will be able to share the story of our lives enter the pods [Music] amazing technically this is only happening in our minds and we're all sharing the experience simultaneously whoa dude we're on an utrom [Music] starship your blessing honored navigators whoa what's happening if it's a movie maybe we're cutting to the next scene these security precautions are pitiful you will never hold me we have finally recaptured you after a hundred year search we're not about to lose the most ruthless criminal the universe has ever known hey there you ugly little utrom michelangelo you should know better than to tempt fate but master splinter you're always saying we should tell the truth and the truth is mr creepy here is pretty ugly that is not the point hey look they're passing close to earth captain the prisoner has escaped security report the prisoner is attacking i hope nothing bad happens to these guys i'm kind of getting a like there's a structure beyond the next [Music] prize this is japan 11th century feudal japan from the look of it i got one word wow to actually be here to see the birthplace of bushido and ninjutsu hey guys check me out i'm in a samurai movie your blade cannot touch the mighty ronin michelangelo sound i am the storming sea i am the breaking wind michelangelo show some respect sorry sensei yeah well i'm definitely gonna respect his breakfast there is some sort of lesson here but i'm enjoying this too much to think what it is in brief captain we conclude that the technology on this planet is too primitive to build a flying vehicle let alone an interstellar ship or even a hyperspace transmat device the technology simply does not exist not yet but we can wait okay reality check how long do these guys live they're gonna wait centuries until they can build themselves away home i believe that is exactly what they do will allow us to move among these humans undetected so that's how they came to develop those robot bodies [Music] amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] time's passing a lot of time what's happening it can't be our shredder this is 700 years ago it must be the shredder's ancestor or something mikey get back don't get too close to him i don't sweat it leo like you told me this isn't real remember hey ugly [Music] sweet dreams you cursed freaks our weapons they've disappeared oh no michelangelo michelangelo needs help he is badly hurt [Music] my son can you hear me michelangelo leonardo we must become shadows yeah guys time to disappear my sons [Music] how's mikey we must be careful michelangelo is not well and i fear that in this dream world if we believe we have died then we will truly die being careful won't be easy that guy that looks like the shredder he just invented the sword of tengu this is not good [Music] master splinter is it time to eat [Music] you guys hear that a fight in the forest over the hill to the north go investigate i will stay and look after your brother [Music] welcome back bros oh everyone for sushi oh mikey you bum i'm glad you're okay mikey uh you know not a molecule of that food is real it's all part of this illusion yeah i know but right now it's real enough for me that is it the answer it is greetings i am [Music] mr mortu you're just the man we need to see [Music] it was at that point that the pod story became real so you see mr mortu we're trapped in this virtual reality and we can't get out i do see it is an interesting phenomenon you have much knowledge of our ways but your knowledge of the shredder is incomplete you should know the shredder is one master splinter are you all right leonardo listen there is little time this virtual reality is an illusion within an illusion an illusion of the mind control your mind and you will control the illusion i will try [Music] sensei [Music] ladies and gentlemen i give you neo uh i mean leo the virtual reset device you now possess here we go i hope goodbye and thank you see you in a few hundred [Music] years wait what was it you were trying to tell us about the shredder before the shredder they've done it they activated the internal fail safe wow well you helped us not you you but you it's kind of a long story well i don't care how you got out what matters is you're safe and sound still i can't understand how the oracle pods malfunctioned oh but i don't know attack destroy them all oh dear and i thought i was stuck with an unpleasant robot body [Music] my sons attacked i have anticipated this moment for nearly 10 centuries i'm surprised that with your genius it took you a thousand years to find us if those guys have been enemies for that long then that means this is the same shredder from a thousand years ago [Music] you have to go through us first you're not worth wasting my time [Music] just follow my rhythm if we can agitate the nerve endings just so she's gonna blow not have we got anything to say about it remember us we'll be back freaks do not touch it it's an utrom implosion device the techno-organic virus it contains would destroy you already it has thoroughly infected the system the entire building will implode in less than 10 minutes it has been an honor to know you and your race motussan it is we who are honored master splinter before we leave a small token of our [Music] appreciation [Music] your master yoshi was the most loyal guardian that ever served the utrom he gave his life to protect us but his spirit lives in our collective history and now my friends you must leave this building while you still can you will not leave this place alive no protect your masters we'll handle the shred you you have been little more than thorns in my side but now you have robbed me of my triumph and for that you shall pay with your lives shredder there is no time the building is about to implode even you could not survive then we shall all perish together use your weapons to penetrate his armor i think we can stop him for good [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] it's the prisoner dude let's hope wherever we're going is a lot better than the last place we went [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i got us out but apparently i neglected to get us down guys master splinter you're alive good to see you so what's with the get up you a news reporter in another lifetime maybe i suggest we continue our reunion in a less conspicuous location master splinter when you said we were coming up here for a little rest and recuperation i thought maybe you meant rest and recuperation ah donatello there is nothing more restful for a ninja than rigorous training it brings focus speak to me game dude [Applause] now defend yourselves ah sensei we got zero visibility here not bad huh sensei yes not bad at all we are finished for today master splinter you said we were finished a true ninja should never believe everything he hears well done leonardo there goes leo making us look bad again yeah well leo doesn't always get it right what was that rafael uh nothing sensei come let us sit and talk it's no big deal really but i was just thinking about the first time we met the shredder and how he almost had leonardo here going over to the dark side i can't believe you bought to shred his old twisted story neither can i do not feel bad my son you hoped his words were true it is the nature of a good heart to hope i'm just glad you guys opened my eyes especially you sensei i thought i had avenged my master yoshi but the shredder was not finished finished i wonder if he'll ever be finished he does have a habit of coming back yeah remember april's place when i think of my master yoshi my heart aches but i know that master yoshi kept his honor to the end a true warrior and a true guardian ah this is i think what mr jones here is trying to say is we're sorry for your loss master splinter thank you we have all suffered at the hands of the shredder ergo the shredder had a direct hand in our creation see what i mean oh listen if the shredder hadn't made the utroms crash in the first place then they never would have developed the ooze and if they never developed the ooze we'd never have been mutated and if we'd never been mutated we'd be eating fish flakes in some kid's aquarium right now whoa that's really deep ugh being that closely related to the shredder makes me feel kinda dirty the shredder may be a part of our origin but it is we that choose our fate and even if the shredder's still out there no matter what he throws at us no matter how he messes with our lives nothing he does will change the most important thing that we're family [Music] [Laughter] leo that was off the charts on the sappo meter you've been watching way too many after-school specials bro just eat your s'mores and keep quiet mikey leo's got a point [Music] you are so dead laughing boy watch the graham crackers well it's definitely a family but do you think we'll ever be able to teach the kids some manners miss o'neill teaching them the ancient art of ninjutsu is hard enough i am afraid even i cannot work miracles master splinter may i speak with you certainly my son you know it's great having april live with us after all i mean she's been through a lot she lost her place because of us but it's just this hey i found that hair brush i promised you how'd the shampoo and conditioner work out it was wonderful my hair has never felt so full bodied and supple and my split ends they are all gone truly i am in your debt miss o'neill oh you're more than welcome [Music] what was it you wanted to speak to me about leonardo nothing sensei everything's just fine hey bonehead i can't believe you picked a western i can't believe it either i'm done with you sheriff they'll know my name in every territory west of the mississippi now draw look kid having people know your name isn't important fame and glory aren't worth fighting for enough talk old man i said draw on the count of three one two three can i pick them or can i pick them they sure don't make them like that anymore how cool was that sheriff bark guy yes it was as if he were a samurai of the old west ah the popcorn's gone i can't imagine where it all went mikey i was hungry but now i'm really hungry maybe it's time for oh i don't know an ice cream run [Music] it is too dangerous on the surface the increased gang activity alone makes it ill advisable to go we'll be careful sensei i will accompany you to ensure you do not get into mischief besides i am craving a double thick ice cream shake all right boys who ordered the double banana split with caramel and almonds me me ice you scream we all scream for ice cream you say that one more time and i really am gonna scream i gotta admit that rio gato turned out to be a great flick one thing though how did cheverus bob beat the kid when the kid obviously had better skills i believe the young gunslinger fought only for fame and glory while the sheriff fought to protect his friends and loved ones of course possibly sheriff part one because it was only a movie and needed a happy ending i mean he was leo watch your backs get behind me yeah right i have seen this marker before [Music] a glow not around here think it's the foot are they back it is not the foot it is a challenge a marker for a duel a duel until only one is left standing young warrior the one called leonardo i have come to this dimension to battle orokusaki the shredder but you stole that honor from me when you defeated the shredder in combat and so for fame and glory i must destroy you in his stead i challenge you young warrior to a duel hold on wack bag you mess with my brother you mess with me you mess with all of us you got that right ditto these are not the rules yes i know [Music] master splinter what is all this it is a universal challenge match [Music] what's up with this cage if the warrior named leonardo refuses the match then your lives are forfeit and if he accepts and loses then his life is forfeit you must choose my son sensei there is no choice i accept the challenge so noted challenge accepted duelists prepare soon warrior you shall taste defeat master splinter what is going on i will explain later now is not the time i demand a full observance full observance accorded a full observance i fine old one observe all you want it will not change the outcome warrior warrior prepare to meet your doom boy he's a little over dramatic i wish i were fighting that nutcase i wish i knew exactly what it is i'm supposed to do you must face him in combat my son and you must be careful he will be a difficult opponent but you have the skill and most importantly you have the heart to defeat him [Music] hey hey guys oh no leo's gone what did you do to him behold [Music] it is all right rafael calm down all is in order what do we do now master splinter now we wait and we watch hey that guy cheated that's gotta be against the rules your complaint is so noted noted you need to do something such things are considered at the end of the challenge not enduring that's it i'm putting a stop to this stunt with you weirdo you must not interfere honor dictates certain rules when i get out of this i'm gonna raphael enough [Music] it is hard to watch i know but we must sensei isn't there anything we can do yes as family members we claim right of attendance [Music] so granted whoa this isn't how he left things change is good yo you go leo [Music] just wait pal and i'll give you all the fame and glory you can handle hang on there raph i'm not finished with him yet what it it can't be it can be and it is let's you and me finish this now going [Music] winner leonardo [Music] my son i am so proud [Music] you have trained your students well i salute you my son you have made us all proud come let us also go home master splinter i i don't mean any disrespect but what the shell was that all about be patient when the time is right all will be made clear with innocent victims caught in the crossfire of rising gang violence the police are warning the public to stay off the streets in much of the city michelangelo quiet it's the thought that counts so where are you taking our april guys it's not a date and when will you have a home young man everybody knock it off it's not a date it's just casey and we're just working a repair job now good night now the police have two suspects in custody leo master splinter you two up meanwhile in other news an unexplained wave of gang activity is sweeping through the boroughs of new york how long before they knock on your door [Music] you are troubled my son i i'm confused master splinter i guess i hoped things would change when we finally got rid of the shredder you know for the better but it seems like everything just got worse are you out of your green gourd we did the city a favor did we did we really raph don't you see what's going on up there the city's at war don't you feel just a little bit responsible no it's not ideal it is even if we didn't mean to make things worse we did don't ask me to explain how but it feels like our fault i kind of know what he means nobody asks you mikey leonardo if one shoulders the weight of the world all one will accomplish is to be crushed under the world's weight i don't understand sensei we set out to do something good it turned out bad but the truth is we started it how can we just walk away i do not wish to discuss this leonardo you must listen to me and let this go it is too dangerous for you to get involved in this war going on up there for now you must do nothing i'm sorry master but i can't do nothing i can't leonardo leonardo [Music] dude ah what a bonehead one big happy family [Music] my sons i was worried we would be too late what's happening what did i miss thank you i am in your debt i shall keep my promise the vendetta is lifted the foot will not take revenge for the slaying of their master you are honorable karai i know you will keep your word you stood with me to the last all of you have great strength and courage i hope in the future when our paths cross we will not be enemies only fate can tell regrettably fate is not the only master we must serve [Music] master splinter i'm sorry i just had to do something and it is all right my son sometimes you must follow your heart even if others tell you not to thank you master [Music] your attention please let the ceremony begin i christen thee the shell sub excellent work my son it makes one think of the giant undersea turtle of japanese mythology now that the underwater access way is completely finished it's time to take the shell sub on her maiden voyage can i launch her can i can i careful mikey if you even put one scratch on it thanks a lot mikey just what i needed another bath dibs on the first ride first mate michelangelo ready to launch sir dive dive torpedoes away mikey's my first mate wish me luck huh master splinter yeah put him down now that is what attacked me destroy it no my sons he is the impostor you must believe me put him down now [Music] [Music] we've got to help him yeah but witch him what i want to know is where did robo splinter come from and who sent it it does not matter whoever they are i will not stand by while they use my likeness to attack my family we must strike back immediately new mission soldier climb on sir yes sir [Music] this is it the signals are coming from inside that freighter so then it was the foot that sick that splinter robot on us but karai leads the foot now and she gave us her word the foot would leave us alone i am sorry my son but in this case we must believe what we see be ready to move we'll contact you as soon as we know what the foot are up to [Music] um [Music] looks like our way in [Music] the shredder not again i see he still gets his suits at the hardware store look more robots they are manufacturing deadly assassins they must be stopped this facility must be completely and utterly destroyed don here's the plan we need to blow this ship sky-high to do that we'll have to get it out to open waters away from the city rath master splinter and i will take the bridge and get the ship moving sheesh all these buttons and not one of them says on welcome aboard freaks i'll be your cruise director for the trip and i'm happy to tell you you'll be experiencing pain lots and lots of pain [Music] yo basket head cat [Music] [Music] hun if you harm one hair a master splinter's body you're gonna wish you were never born that's big talk for such a puny reptile now put down your weapons before the rat gets exterminated no my sons do not give up your weapons master splinter i'm sorry hey leo it's your buddy leonardo i i wish you had never come to this place now it has fallen upon me to slay you all [Music] all right for a minute i thought i was gonna have to sit this one out [Music] i have failed my master it is all right you could not do your duty because it went against your honor [Music] uh guys we've got about five minutes before this ship buys a one-way ticket to the bottom of the ocean time to go suck we're moving out sir yes sir well well well quite a menagerie [Music] how many times must we do this right [Music] [Applause] oh no we've got less than a minute to get out of here this is the end turtles you will never get off this ship alive this federation worm is mine i have tolerated you turtles for far too long [Music] yeah we have to save him it's too late he's gone my sons he has given us our lives we must not dishonor his brave sacrifice [Music] come on let's go it's gonna blow any second [Music] oh you know it was a real honor having zog as one of us he continued oh man i just gotta know if battling bernice survived and does she end up with stainless steve or dr joan michelangelo a ninja's greatest strength is patience and you are quickly trying mine you don't understand sensei now i'm gonna have to call every comic shop in town to find that next issue i am trying to meditate to quiet my mind and call my spirit isn't it great sensei with all this downtime we've had lately i've made shell cycles for all of us want to try it out another time perhaps that's justice force issue 137 what no 137 my sons for the next hour you will practice your ninja silence [Music] understood [Music] excellent suggestion really i think it would be good for all of us if you got out of the city for a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't get it why was master splinter working out so hard he's been acting kind of wacko for a month now my sons i will be leaving you for a few days while i am gone i want you to be extra cautious so do not leave the lair until i return leonardo you are in charge you keep an eye on the others but where are you going sensei do not worry i will return soon [Music] no no no no no no [Music] oh [Music] we're coming [Music] sensei [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] you are supposed to stay at home not follow me here leonardo i am very disappointed i'm sorry sensei but i just don't blame leo master splinter i kind of talked him into it victory for hamato splinter of dimension third earth [Music] protect master splinter oh no no the gene is not an enemy well fought comrade i had such hopes of beating you and you almost did old friend it was a most valiant contest you four should be honored to have one such a splinter as your sensei here's something of a legend here he is by one eyes hammer do you mean he hasn't told you oh this is rich too rich please allow me to tell you a story about your sensei i really rather you would not bother old friend it's no bother comrade listen up young ones the best that day splinter was the new champion of the big brawl our sensei the greatest warrior of all the multiverse it was nothing this is huge i won the competition that is all it's like finding out your dad is superman ah but wait there's more dark deeds were afoot that day he has not been heard of since wow it's all so cool we are honored by your return sensei it is i who am honored i cannot tell you what a pleasure it is to see my good friend in the ranks of gallant warriors and now your sons are here to compete this is truly a great day [Music] they were supposed to stay at home noble damio the four earthers were not registered properly however they did win a match in the qualifying round excellent then by my degree they shall be entered into the contest if you deem it acceptable my friend i thought perhaps that they were not ready to compete but perhaps fate is showing an overprotective father that his sons are growing up they may enter yeah now that that is happily settled i have an important point of order that must be addressed by my son what is this some kind of trick no trick i swear it honored sensei i know that when last we met i challenged leonardo to a mortal duel it was a rash act and i humbly apologize for my unwarranted actions upon your family i beg your forgiveness look who's turned over a new leaf your apology is most gracious we accept hey guys it is tracksmiss that gladiator from the triceraton home worlds imagine traximus being here this place just gets wilder and wilder where is leonardo the tournament will start soon do not worry splinter sensei i am sure leonardo will be along any moment now what took you bro i ran into trouble in the pavilion of past champions i got attacked attacked are you all right i'll survive this is terrible i will look into the matter at once [Music] the time has come be brave my sons and more importantly be careful let the contest begin [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] champions i commend you on your victories thus far and now prepare yourselves the next round tier two [Music] um master splinter are you gonna kick my shell now [Music] do you hear the crowd my son do i it's been pretty cool fighting like this out in the open having everybody love us for it yes this year it is your competition not mine when my sons fight with honor they honor their master you must deliver a finishing blow to end the match master splinter i i [Music] thanks sensei [Music] ah splinter son i see the master of ninjutsu lost to the father in you yes i suppose so it is just that if my sons can win i do not wish to stand in their way you should be proud to have raised such fine warriors and sons yes i am proud though they can be a little too willful at times if only fathers could make their sons understand we're only trying to protect them from their own inexperience i know exactly what you mean old friend but tell me there is something familiar about this samurai my son leonardo faces he should look very familiar to you he is the same young samurai in training that came to your aid when draco ambushed you some years ago he is already ruining at such a tender age but his sword arm is skilled far beyond his years excuse me i must attend to a small matter will you join me later when this bout is over it would be my honor damio [Music] leonardo my son oh my son what has happened here [Music] he has been poisoned but the source of the toxin eludes me leonardo poisoned what fiend would do such a thing rest assured splinter sensei i will personally get to the bottom of this atrocity stay with your brother donatello i will return shortly i must speak with the damio [Music] damio [Music] do not try to speak old friend i will seek help step away from the tamil now we have the intruder my lord wait you misunderstand father no take him to the healers pavilion at once my father trusted you vermin he called you friend and you betray him thus splinter see how he points to the assassin throw this rat in that dungeon [Music] how can one remain so calm in the face of such serious charges i could never bring harm to the dam yo as you should know all too well for it is i who ordered the attack on my father oh yes even as we speak your friend the damio lies in the healer's pavilion not long for this world and your son leonardo lies there as well poisoned by my hand my father forced me to bow before you and your sons now you will bow before me for i am the damio now you will never earn that title you know nothing of honor honor this has nothing to do with other little rattling this has to do with power power and vengeance yes i'm pleased you remember me how's the leg [Music] [Music] i have come to question the captive by order of the new damio none shall pass hey watch you with those pig stickers i don't want no trouble it's old shtick but it works massa splinter rafael my son allow me thank you noble triceraton master splinter what the shell is going on around here this place is crazy i will explain on the way but now we must hurry we must get to the damio and leonardo you must be strong daniel there is an urgent matter which needs your attention draco stop [Music] here my friend hurry yes i must close the rift immediately my son no damio you must act now michelangelo of dimension third earth i crown you battle nexus champion [Applause] [Music] i knew my son was rash and foolish but i mourn his passing perhaps he is not completely lost the multiverse holds many mysteries there is always hope perhaps but come gather your sons i must let you go home farewell and good battle to you all see you later that's all for now [Music] we're home wow it's almost like it never happened oh it happened and i have the trophy to prove it check it out see what it says battle nexus champion which is me the greatest warrior of the trans-dimensional multiverse which is me you only won on a technicality um technically i kicked your sorry butt in one of the bouts [Music] remember good to be home [Applause] ah april you have returned with the tree as promised we had to go to three different lots they're almost all sold out hey don't worry about me i don't need any help or nothing hey hey case watch the tree will ya we don't want to damage perhaps we had best start cooking the dinner count me in cooking the holiday dinner's almost as fun as eating it that's not what mikey would say yeah where is that bozo i'm starting to worry about him he's been gone all day that will be our guests merry christmas everybody and happy kwanzaa thank you so much for inviting us you are all welcome in our home [Music] exactly [Music] it is an honor to be in your home splinter sensei the honor is all mine please come all are welcome at our table [Music] [Music] master splinter dinner's ready um you okay sensei yes my son i am fine just visiting an old friend ah i don't know about you guys but i'm starving let's chow down on the holiday goodies no this is a time for family and being together we must wait for michelangelo all right we'll give mikey another five minutes but that's it the food's getting cold agreed you better get here soon that bonehead merry christmas everybody meet my friend cluck mikey where have you been our guests have been waiting it is very rude i know i'm sorry but you're not gonna believe what happened mikey we don't want to hear some lame story guys it's christmas eve it's a time to remember those less fortunate than ourselves in fact it's a time not to think of ourselves at all ah my sons i believe michelangelo is right this is definitely a time for thinking of others a season of giving happy holidays everybody [Music] no i'm hit first rule of playing space destructor donboy never go up against me for i am the space inhibitor [Music] this was the scene moments ago in times square reports are coming in from all over the world we are being invaded by some extraterrestrial force my sons it is very important for you all to stay in the lair until [Music] ah [Music] faster donatello my son i am with you i am with you i am with you [Music] master splinter have you seen my hoverboard michelangelo what is going on where are your brothers sorry sensei i'm kind of in a hurry ah there it is i'm depaple baby michelangelo i demand an explanation no can do master splinter if i don't get out of here and fast you're gonna have some very rude house guests i'll explain later i promise come back here where are your brothers you must [Music] master splinter april casey what news do you bring up my sons actually we were kind of hoping they were with you i fear for their safety this is not good i must collect a few things and then i will go find them cool where do we start it will not be necessary for you to accompany me mr jones but you don't know what it's like up there those horn-headed freaks are everywhere casey's right no one's allowed out on the streets after dark we were lucky to make it down here alive that is precisely my point my friends it is too dangerous but you don't even know where to start looking i can at least help you track them through their shell cell signals and i've been practicing the moves you taught me uh cool move course you know i could have stopped you just didn't want to hurt you i hate to put either one of you at risk but only a fool ignores fate and the strange gifts it offers well if it's strange gifts you're after they don't come any stranger than casey jones now listen the way of invisibility takes a lifetime to master circumstances however require us to train as we go observe and learn lesson one don't look so hot leave it to casey to put the crash in crash course what was that sir i think it came from down there fat out search pattern try say the nine if someone's hiding down here we'll find lesson two the way of silence whoa check it out we must not get distracted come man i wish i had my hockey mask feel kind of naked without it i don't know i like being able to see your face for a change yeah no kidding i said we must not get distracted oh right well the good news is the shell cell signal is less than a mile away the bad news is it's coming from across the river then we must find another way across [Music] the shell cell signals haven't moved in a while which means the guys might be held captive or unconscious yeah either that is it uh never mind oh splinter can you teach us any ninja tricks for dealing with that [Music] are you all right miss o'neill i'm fine how about you casey casey casey [Music] come on breathe [Music] yes so looks like this kissing thing's getting to be a habit what whatever this place was it seems abandoned now yeah well if it's abandoned what are we sneaking around for i don't get it according to the scanner we should be right on top of them but there's nothing here nothing on the surface perhaps but what about below ground wait when i was drowning before i was heading toward a big light oh don't be so melodramatic what no not that there really was a light down there an underwater entrance perhaps attention gamma squadron report to docking bay 12 gamma squadron docking bay 12. so how do we get past all those guards what was that huh oh you hugged all the goons plenty more where those came from master splinter no thank you it would only slow me down miss o'neill she's good they are not here yo april i think that scanner yours is busted i'd say it's working perfectly wait they are near we must continue to search the facility no point in leaving empty-handed hey what's this thing [Music] something best left out of your hands casey jones [Music] this hallway is laden with danger we must proceed with caution we must execute our movements with absolute precision [Music] come on casey you can do it i know you can do this casey almost there [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey it's not like i meant to trip the alarm silence [Music] there's no one here the intruders can't have gone far spread out and search go the ascent it grows stronger the sacrifice you're about to make your country thanks you michelangelo no what another mutation stop them keep away from my sons whoa master splinter man talk about cutting it close help me release your brothers huh it is all right now rafael we can't leave without the fugitoid don't worry we won't [Music] let's take care of this guy get out of here we need to find the fugitoid this ship you want a genetic sample sample this [Music] anyone moves and you can say goodbye to michelangelo [Music] i suggest you surrender [Music] you are outnumbered perhaps but never outclassed no the professor is somewhere in this rat maze oh huh sorry master splinter maybe they moved him uh maybe not look i don't know what the hell to all the people of the planet earth just how big is this creepy underground garage it's gonna take forever oh geez what now [Music] okay i've seen enough bond movies to know when the enemy base starts to blow up it's time to go not without the fugitoid come on hurry cover me guys oh i guess we ought to say something i don't know what to say professor i i guess mainly i just want to say thanks you were a good friend donatello have leonardo and raphael return from miss o'neills not yet master splinter come michelangelo you are only causing trouble here donatello and leatherhead have important work to do you and i will inspect the sewer tunnels they may have been damaged in the alien attack besides it will give us a chance to focus on your training i am determined to see you establish a mind-body connection no matter how feeble many side tunnels collapsed or flooded it is worse than i feared yep tunnel's in sad shape well let's head home focus michelangelo focus on the task at hand oh my son physically you have a natural affinity for the martial arts but mentally your mind is undisciplined and unruly i'm a teenager sensei undisciplined and unruly is what we do best you are also a ninja you must learn to use your mind more and your mouth less well looks like another dead end i was hoping to learn if the tunnels leading to the subway are still intact [Music] we will have to surface for a short distance hitting the surface a very short distance we will re-enter the sewers one block to the west [Music] huh master splinter what is it something is following us quickly let us get on the ground [Music] master splinter i'm hungry focus michelangelo please focus focusing makes me hungry poor mr touch had better catch up or he's going to miss all the [Music] let fun [Music] [Music] [Music] michelangelo oh am i late mr go fashionably mr touch [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the shell was that all about they are breaking through breaking through what are these guys terminators we must go oh i got you sensei [Music] [Music] super speed sensei how do we fight those guys focus my son focus your mind and an opportunity will present itself i don't think there's gonna be enough time for my brain to kick in here comes the dandy two o now hello again my friends since you will not party with us we will bring the party to you [Music] a little help here oh did we win yet win you make us laugh little turtleman we're just getting warmed up who are these guys ah this is going to be more fun than i had hoped mr touch absolutely mr go ah touch and go that's cute wait touch and go i have an idea this is no time for jokes my son no really i have a plan but first we need to put some distance between us and the wonder twins my son i am happy you are finally exercising your mind but just follow my lease and say i believe it's time for the mutants to catch a train mr goal or for the train to catch the mutants mr [Music] touch [Music] denied [Music] [Applause] [Music] we must go it is not safe here you know sensei this whole using your mind thing it's wild first i thought throw them in front of the train but then i thought no let them think they're throwing us in front of the train and then yes yes my son it is a brave new world for you yo guys you won't believe this i have in my possession a briefcase overflowing with possibilities a truckload of rare comics 22 new televisions 832 consecutive days of chinese takeout actually mikey i got a better idea i cannot tell you what welcomed relief it is to be amongst friends master splinter your hospitality knows no bounds you are welcome to live here with us leatherhead as long as you wish leatherhead could you help me practice my sparring hey lh can you help me out with this hydrocompressor i'm working on croc man wrestle rematch no holds bad big guy the new issue of justice force versus team solaris just came out i'll let you read it as you can see we all enjoy your company perhaps a little too much and in a ceremony today the mayor of new york gave the key to the city to our newest hero entrepreneur and inventor oroku saki has pledged his time in unlimited funds to help rebuild our fair town with friends like arokusaki new york city will be back to her full glory in no time at all shredder i'm sorry i'm so sorry michelangelo leatherhead what happened i'm a monster a horrible monster get back all of you stay away from me i'm not safe not safe i'm a monster [Applause] mikey come on bro no oh please mikey say something i guess i'm lucky you didn't give me mouth-to-mouth huh he's fine ow will someone please tell me what happened well leatherhead was having some kind of nightmare and then he totally wigged out where is he i gotta see if he's okay he disappeared into the sewers i think he thinks you're you know oh man more leatherhead we gotta find them let him know mikey's okay yes but be careful there are parts of his nature he can no longer control he may see you as brothers or as enemies maybe don't mind us ha much to slow my son please go about your business uh weren't you guys gonna go pick apples or something that was don although mikey and raph said something about settling a bet did you tell your mother we're engaged no kinda [Music] you gotta understand my mom hates every girl i ever brought home so i just said it to shut her up i never thought she'd come looking for you i just wanted her to like you is all cause you're you know special really um um don't mind us guys perhaps we should continue our uh meditation session elsewhere so you're gonna make me stand outside all alone the whole day don't come in mrs jones [Music] now i see where casey gets his ability to be so annoying his mother do not take her disapproval personally miss o'neill parents can be very overprotective of their children tell me about it uh i'd be happy to peel them good try not to bruise them up too much oh there's just no pleasing that woman listen i'm getting a little frustrated with you giving me orders all the time i would prefer to be treated as an adult who happens to care a great deal about your son i think i deserve a little respect well all that negativity won't get those apples pressed dear [Music] right let's get started on the cider you don't have to tell me now but someday i'd really like to hear the story behind that big rat in the giant [Music] turtle [Music] and finish [Music] okay i can't move who wants to move wake me for breakfast note to self buy mikey some new deodorant training has concluded for tonight we will resume your lessons in the morning i told you to wait for me ah man you fried it me you fried it hey i'm going to bed me too i'll fix it in the morning what time is it anyway bedtime hey guys we're gonna turn in good idea we're beat too yeah wake me for breakfast two days from now oh good you are up now that you have rested let us resume our workout positions please i love comics you want to know why i love comics leo i know you want to know come on guess probably because of the superheroes focus leonardo ding ding ding give the sword-wielding teenage mutant ninja turtle a prize it's all about the superheroes super powers super villains super costumes it's all just so amazingly perfect michelangelo enough leonardo is training you may join him as you seem to have too much free time on your hands um i think i hear donnie calling me coming donny then earthquake not again earthquakes always rule something really bad in this city master splinter what's going on we've seen that kind of energy before this is what we told you about master splinter they merged somehow combined together all into one ugly package we told you we would return we told you we would have our revenge revenge this wack [Music] as bag you could simply fight us we control time and space with lord simultaneous as time scepter we are unbeatable someone quick grab now we will have our vengeance leonardo destroy him first no we agree the rat first then nadamio your father then leonardo they will all pay all of them yes all of them will learn the meaning of suffering beyond time and space and i will help you do it use the staff concentrate on your missing father call him to you the staff we do the rest master splinter master splinter where are you where are you why that is the dungeon in this very castle master splinter let's know concentrate leonardo [Music] yeah it didn't work what did i do wrong first the domino will perish and then the rat must suffer he must pay all must pay now no you shall not harm him no more destruction no more have you so soon forgotten who is master of his race we hold the power we command what he has activated the war staff no [Music] what have you done right what have you done whoa enough reunion master splinter's in trouble come on [Music] [Music] us you do not have the power to use the war stuff or the time scepter perhaps not but you will never get your hands on them again i swear it is what sorcery is this master splinter what's going on i do not know [Music] hold on my son hold on it should not be possible you do not have the power [Music] master splinter you're all right you're all okay um sensei what the shell just happened how did we do that i i truly do not know it's quite simple really it's like i told your son's hair when i met them the last time this time scepter has a mind of its own it read everyone's thoughts weighed good against evil and set everything to right with a little help from the war staff what a horrible mess no one ever learns i get so tired of cleaning up after megalomaniacs and mad men no no my son no let me show you the true and good powers of the time scepter controlled by the right hands but it is over now it's all right it's all going to be all right and it's high time i put you all back where you belong you've given me quite a headache flitting all over time and creation like that usagi thank you leonardo it is a great honor to be your friend until we meet again osaki-san [Music] farewell where the heck did you guys go we have faced many adversaries we have fought many battles and we have been victorious but do we know why because shell we're good sorry sensei we have survived these many trials and tests by following the path of ninjutsu and by finding and using our inner strength yes leonardo only by focusing on our inner strength can we overcome our enemies michelangelo where is your focus um right over there sensei in the pool what the shell are those things master splinter don what's the matter with him it's these the sound i cannot block it out we need to get him out of here now man i'm hearing it up here too there seems to be some kind of sonic disruption throughout the entire city and though it doesn't appear to bother humans it's clearly targeted to other species like rats [Music] what are those things i don't know [Music] target acquired sir [Music] good you're awake master splinter bishop welcome [Music] your unique genetic makeup has been very useful to me indeed in fact the mutated dna i'm extracting from you even as we speak will help save all humanity but you look confused allow me to explain i work for the earth protection force a secret government organization assembled to face a mounting crisis a crisis dating back to 1870 when president grant created the epf after the first extraterrestrials crashed here on earth extraterrestrials a crisis that continues to this day as we've seen with the recent invasion of the savage triceratons i guarantee you similar invasions will follow and someone has to be there to stop them that is the purpose of the epf my purpose to create a new humanity a new superior race born of enhanced dna dna acquired from genetic manipulation alien autopsies and even stolen from your sons but it was your mutated rat dna being so nearly human that has allowed me to finally complete the process and for that i thank you yes it lives the new evolution of humankind the slayer [Music] not only are these future members of the earth protection force but they are the new humanity these clones are awaiting final dna sequencing by cellular acceleration i can give birth to an army within six hours fully trained thanks to my advances in bio data transference and your dna i've uploaded complex survival tactics into this prototype what will you do with them mainstream them into the population of course we have aliens out there right now living amongst us my slayers will ferret them all out what if innocent people get ferreted out instead what if errors are made not my concern i'm a bigger picture kind of guy besides my calculation suggests that it would be beneficial if 57 of the earth's population simply disappeared just think my little lab rat your dna will make it all possible you're lucky you're such a unique organic specimen you shall be preserved get master splinter out of there absolutely [Music] don't you worry master splinter i'll have you out of that nasty bio-suspension fluid in a jiffy oh dear [Music] that was totally uncalled step for from those controls cyborg [Music] bishop you will not succeed wrong neither you nor your little green brats can stop me you don't understand i've created life bishop no one has the right to play god [Music] i am taking the necessary steps to defend the world it is my duty the world has enough monsters it does not need yours [Music] this is over bishop my plans are far from over-rodent you have no idea no idea [Music] [Music] [Music] ah ah sensei my sons we have to get out of here oh you will pay for this mutants one day you will all pay after it come on whoa we're in the middle of midtown [Music] [Applause] and bishops nowhere in sight we will see him again such men are hard to destroy [Music] master hamato yoshi premier guardian of the utroms we honor you for your exemplary service i swear that i will never fail to protect the good and noble utroms even if it costs me my life [Music] he who lives without honor will end without honor i will finish you myself now nothing will save the utrom from my wrath [Music] [Music] i understand [Music] i will not fail you my master my father casey april raph and mikey are in leonardo perhaps we should rethink this it is very dangerous i feel perhaps i should have please master splinter we've been over this which does not alter the fact that i have dragged you all into a very dangerous situation all because of a vision i cannot even explain i'll put my faith in one of your visions any day sensei we all would if the shredder's up to something we'll get to the bottom of it and we'll stop him it's what you trained us to do [Music] security systems are down and they don't even know it [Music] well this is interesting very interesting indeed [Music] shredder has a starship he has finally found a way to leave this planet and that's not a good thing he will bring his evil to other worlds he will attack our friends the utroms millions will suffer at his hands we'll just have to cancel his flight planning a little trip a little outer space mayhem perhaps not if we have anything to say about it your evil ends here and now shredder i shall relish destroy gotch he and his men blew up the transport tunnel there's no way we're moving the starship to the river bishop here that changes everything [Music] um he's making a break for it get him together we will stop you [Music] step away from the master now well well well isn't this cozy on my mark destroy them all [Music] open fire shredder you cannot be allowed to return to the stars to wreak havoc on other planets or to revenge yourself upon the utrum homeworld what how do you know of this my father master yoshi was a guardian he protected the utroms he forbids your journey and in his name i will not allow you passage [Music] professor you have to open this door way to go professor you're coming [Music] that's better come on let's go find the shredder and pay our respects wait we must rethink our priorities this vessel represents the real threat to allow the shredder such mobility will put millions of lives in danger i have sent urgent messages of warning to the utroms but i've received no response i'm not sure i've gotten through the shredder must not return to the stars we must gain control of this starship [Music] oh i hate to say it but impressive [Music] professor honeycutt just plug me into any maintenance input and i should be able to take control of the ship we can make this the emergency bridge spock to the emergency bridge scotty we need more power [Music] sorry four minutes and i will have complete control over the ship's propulsion we don't have four minutes [Music] shredder may my master yoshi sword taste vengeance today if you made a grave mistake following me here rodent [Music] shredders [Music] master splinter oh man my everything hurts the shred is trying to get back in he'll finish us for sure the house master splinter my sons i am sorry no sensei it's our fault we couldn't stop him we failed we failed the utroms master yoshi we failed you i failed you so that's it shredder wins it's not like we're in any shape to stop him unless you know that's a lot of energy in the wrong heads it would make a pretty big bang we'd never survive but neither would the shredder we could end this no my sons i could never ask you to it's okay sensei we know the score if we don't stop the shredder now millions of innocent beings throughout the galaxy will suffer in his hands it's all right father we're all agreed then let us finish this together and activate the stasis bubble immediately [Music] mr mortu sir collapse of the stasis bubble is imminent it will not hold transmat the turtles and master splitter to the infirmary immediately send professor honeycutt to our main laboratories send this scum to the holding cells along with their accomplice on the bridge yes sir transmatting now hail and peace to all sentient beings in the name of the great law giver mathis our lesson this tribunal is now called to order we will now commune upon the verdict is it really over no more shredder yes my sons my master yoshi's spirit can finally rest in peace the shredder is finished [Music] just a little bit further master splinter [Music] oh thank you april i am not as young as i once was wounds take longer to heal that's better ew what's that smell it smells like burnt oh right sorry sensei all right who's hungry me i am am over here leo [Music] don't scratch mikey april did you bring your laptop you think we can get a wireless signal out here hey april can you run out and get some comics for me hey april april can you whap mikey upside the head for me i can't reach my son's enough our bodies need rest to heal and that includes your mouths huh no scratching master splinter leonardo you need rest as well i'll rest when i'll rest later someone is outside stay up here i'll check it out now give me that money well so much for that family reunion cousin sid brought a federation blaster to the party we should have known casey's lack of smarts would run in the family what should we do hey i've got it we disguise ourselves in old animal skins get close enough to sid then spring on him oh mikey if only i could reach you right now bam ow ow you must take this seriously seed is obviously distressed we need to i'll take care of seed leonardo leonardo [Music] i sure picked the wrong time to have broken legs speak for yourself mikey i can take seven purple dragons lying on my back our injuries do have us at a disadvantage enough talk let's take them down i'm not seeing any of this treasure sid you know what happens if we don't get that money ew what's that smell it's like burnt [Music] i may indeed smell but at least i am still conscious oh mama oh good shot leo [Music] such a beautiful night out guys sure is april hey uh master splinter isn't it time for your bedtime meditation or something no i uh oh yes i did not realize how late it was past my bedtime in fact night sensei good night [Music] come in yo master splinter you're like wise and all that kind of stuff i need some advice what do you do if you got feelings for somebody and you just want to tell them something really important but you don't know how to do it i am not an expert in such matters but i am sure you should simply be yourself and trust your instincts uh master splinter it's me we're talking about here hmm yes i see then perhaps a large breakfast served in bed with flowers i think flowers yes many flowers great thanks mr splinter many many flowers april i i care about you you and me we're we're so perfect together and i was afraid to tell you cause i always messed things up but i thought i had to tell you cause you know if i didn't then you wouldn't know and it's all right casey i care about you too [Music] the flowers were a very good idea [Music] again leo if i have to attack you one more time i'm gonna really attack you i'm all for training but i think you're going a little overboard i said again all right that's it you and me are having words about this attitude of yours lately leonardo enough your brothers are not incorrect leonardo it is sufficient for today we will discuss your training further after we collect michelangelo huh hey where is bozo the turtle [Music] oh hey is the break over already mikey you've been blowing off all our training sessions lately what is the big deal so i missed one little sparring match if i have to deal with mr intensity's little war games here so do you you are not taking your study seriously michelangelo you won the battle nexus championship by sheer dumb luck emphasis on the dumb pod well if i remember correctly i beat you fair and square i don't want to see this michelangelo you need to train and more importantly you should approach your accomplishments with humility you mean accomplishments like being the greatest winner in all the multiverse right come on training i'm the battle nexus chat what is the meaning of this the laws of the battle nexus do not take them all master splinter what the shell is happening thanks michelangelo am i to understand that michelangelo has been challenged based on the interferences in the final match of the battle nexus championship amarg has appealed the decision on klaus behalf the damio has granted claw an honored right of query to be answered only by ordained combat in third earth vernacular a rematch wait a minute are you saying don what's he saying so uh who's up for some trading i'll tell you what i'm up for watching you get pounded into paste oh i cannot wait but you don't need to train right mikey after all you're the champion master splinter you'll help me right you'll train me training michelangelo surely there are comic books i could be reading or perhaps i could go watch television instead ah wait my son i know perhaps instead of training i will go eat pizza yes pizza sounds very appetizing right now with pepperoni and karma [Music] i really appreciate you guys coming to support me support i wouldn't miss you taking this beating for all the world well looks like no one's home might as well head back now come battle nexus rules dictate michelangelo must present himself at the pavilion of past champions honored guests welcome once again to the battle nexus old friend it is good to see you well and you old friend you must be proud to see your son michelangelo honor you in battle once more couldn't i just honor you back home you know breakfast in bed a foot massage ah don't let him fool you damio mikey can't wait to get in there and prove he's the real champion my friends the arena [Applause] something is not right that's not right why didn't mikey disappear close weapon shouldn't have even touched him damiel what is happening here someone is magically altering the laws of the battle nexus yes now the combat is mortal and my son's victory will only be complete when the turtle lies crushed and lifeless you did this that's it wack bag you and me are having words [Applause] [Music] michelangelo step forward [Music] he is regaining consciousness where am i this place it is an olympian stronghold yeah well that's a long story you're the guy that papers call the guardian angel i've got all the clippings you're famous you have damaged one of your wings do not move ah [Music] it is much better i simply manipulated pressure points in your shoulder to redirect the flow of chi in your wing thank you i miss the diadum where is it uh if you mean your headband that guy with the metal wings took it no it will spell the downfall of my people with it mephos will spark a new civil war countless innocent lives will perish don't sweat it mr guardian angel sir we'll just kick tin wing's butt and get your diadem thingy back i cannot ask you to help i am already in your debt and where i come from that is no small thing here in your world i have learned much and have been able to help those in need and i have stopped mifos's plan several times but now with my diadem he will be able to find the avian city and enter it unopposed the surface world is doomed donny we going or what we're going prepare to be amazed [Music] tech pack thingies what's so amazing about that hotshot why how kind of you to ask just watch and be amazed i've been working on an upgraded version of the tech pack that can fly but we still have a problem without a crystal diadem we won't be able to find the city but your home is an olympian outpost surely there must be olyntian power crystals here um we kind of used them all to help some of our friends it's a really long story what of the memory crystal let us see it is here here [Music] perfect these will do whoa where'd that come from i thought i scanned the whole layer from top your hospitality has been most generous thank you splinter be careful my sons piece of cake sensei these things are safe right donny you've tested them uh not exactly then this will have to be the test flight let your minds become pools of stillness my sons break the surface explore the depths for that is where the true wonders lie i wonder if you could combine burgers and nachos into one tasty treat birchos michelangelo we've been at this for hours yeah i'm starving why's it gotta be all mines all the time because you have not been using them enough your behavior has become increasingly sloppy a symptom of unfocused minds this layer is a reflection of those who live within it what does its current state say about us we really like casual fridays our safety depends on keeping our presence a secret yet you roamed the city recklessly as if no threat existed and leonardo your behavior is most troubling of all there is a new hardness to you one that strays from the true path of ninjutsu i do what i have to to protect this family as do i back to meditation oh mr splinter his breathing's shallow he needs medical attention get the battle shell ready mikey get april on the phone tell her we need a doctor now and what take a 65 pound talking rat to the hospital anybody know a veterinarian who can keep his mouth shut uh guys i think something's going funny with me splinter [Music] so i think we've got a little clog in the drain yeah we got that pot we'll have to ride the current out hope the whole system isn't like this we'll swim you out master can you hold your breath yes now [Music] i i couldn't save him no one could have got through that crazy whirlpool mikey this whole thing's got to be some kind of freak accident no accident huh my sons we are under attack we must seek a safer haven is everyone all right leo we've been better casey and i are on our way thanks april we're almost to the surface we'll look for you and casey in the van [Music] what the shell is going on how did they even know we'd be here because this is right where i wanted you to be [Music] agent bishop this isn't like you bishop i thought you black ops thugs like to keep to the shadows extreme cases require extreme measures the world is now my ally there's nowhere you can hide that some responsible citizen will rat you out [Music] there in the alley come on come on let's go [Music] oh you guys are far from saved you're all over the news we should head upstate you could crash your grammars for a while if you want perhaps that would be best for [Music] show off still they search for us the copters will be on us as soon [Music] april casey no no this ain't happening you may speak truer than you know rafael come my sons we must go but sensei we must go now i should have changed the signature on the shell cells i should have known they were traceable nobody thinks it's your fault donnie you couldn't have known but i led bishop right to the lair it was not bishop who found us at the lair donatello i cannot sense the source but there has been a great evil in our presence all evening but it doesn't make any sense master who would even have that kind of power come donatello surely you realize there is only one who could bring this level of vengeance down upon you it can't be there ain't no way many times do we have to get rid of this guy did you think my loyal servants would abandon me you and the cursed utroms thought you could send me to my doom instead you have sealed yours [Music] as promised i give you the turtles you may take whatever pieces are left when i have finished no enough no one touches my sons while there is breath in this body [Music] i do not think you appreciate the forces i have united against you [Music] this should be entertaining you cannot hope to defeat me the powers aligned against you are too great even you must see that now i see many things clearly now you have sought to cloud my senses with pain and loss and anguish but there is something in the hollowness of its sounds the emptiness of its scent the shallowness of its soul that tells me this day's events are not as they seem you speak as a fool perhaps but i am not speaking to you i wait for my true foes to reveal themselves [Music] you cannot touch me my sons hear my voice you are not injured you are not battered and most importantly you are not beaten master splinter where are we this one is more powerful than we imagined no matter he is but one to our five this entire nightmare has been nothing but an astral dream a tainted projection conjured by an enemy [Music] master splinter come on mikey [Music] no they attack our minds we must respond in kind focus yourselves in meditation what is it with him in meditation come on we gotta save him rack do what he says [Music] concentrate you have power as great as theirs you need only to find it channel it good my sons now focus strike back [Music] what the shell was that back in the lair and how is it we have not left the lair all evening what we experienced tonight was the work of dark magic an attempt to destroy us from the inside out it's not that i don't believe you master but i understand donatello if it will ease your mind you should call april and casey clunk you're okay master how is this even possible pain is a blinding force leonardo physical and emotional they distracted us with illusions of that which would hurt us most you're sure you're all right april and casey's over there with you no i guess it was nothing but more troubling questions remain if they can attack us on our mystic plane what will be next we must be on our guard [Music] i'll call show me what you got it is as the great sage sakamoto said read them and weep no way a royal flush ah come on master splinter cut us a break if one cannot afford to pay one should not play suckers my my bag that is it you've had it psycho boy easy you hear me and listen we are about to receive guests [Music] my friends usagi welcome friend good luck i've decided to give you another chance to impress me with this world of yours you honor us with your presence miyamoto usagi thank you sensei after witnessing your holiday festivities i decided that i should like to see more of your world i don't get it they should have been back by now ninja hospitality with any luck they will return with food [Music] thank you for visiting usagi it's always good to see you leonardo san you must let go of this pain you carry these feelings of guilt a true bushido warrior accepts what he cannot change i am grateful for your concern usagi but i will decide what i can and cannot change i wish you a good journey my friend thank you miyamoto usagi when i asked you to come i hoped you could reach him but i fear my son is now traveling down a difficult path a path it seems he must travel alone i wish you good luck master splinter farewell my friends [Music] so long boys stop him don't let him go mikey what now for brains i already told you i'm fine you are sure nothing's the matter sensei why do you keep asking me that so much anger the unopened bottle will burst when its internal pressure becomes too much to bear for months now you have been brooding surly and stubborn yeah right you have not been yourself you must release what investors within you your family will help you leonardo it is important that we be open with one another [Applause] [Music] open okay this katana lesson stinks i mastered this years ago years ago [Music] it is not the student's place to say when a lesson is learned the student's place is to listen and learn something tells me the cork's about to pop on that unopened bottle that hot head i hate it when leo reminds me of me [Music] i've already mastered this lesson ah and yesterday's lesson ah and the lesson before that when are you going to teach me something i don't already know mr splinter are you okay leo what the shell is your problem master master i'm so sorry i i didn't mean to hurt you i just i just lost control sit down my son master i i don't know what to say say nothing listen we were all badly wounded in our final confrontation with the shredder your brothers and i have healed but you have not i have meditated long and hard on this matter and now realize that you are correct it is time for you to move on it is time for you to study with a new sensei but but master i don't want a new sensei i'm happy here with you i know there's so much more that you can teach me no my son it is as it must be now there is but one master in all the world that i would entrust my son's well-being too he is wise honorable and highly skilled he is called the ancient one and he was the sensei to my sensei hamato yoshi you must make a pilgrimage a pilgrimage halfway across the world but sensei come let us prepare you for your journey [Music] [Music] ah is an impressive edifice michelangelo dare i ask how many hours you have spent building it good question sensei hey raf what time is it like i wear a watch how should i know hey donnie what time is it beats me ask leo sorry leo's been gone more than two months and i still forget he's not here master splinter when's that bum coming back anyway and is leo coming back normal or like more normal because before he left he was acting kind of you know wow hey i do not know my sons leonardo is on a pilgrimage to find the ancient one and to find answers such things are beyond time well i miss having him around as do we all we must have faith that he will return when he is ready that shouldn't happen if something triggers the perimeter alarm it should keep ringing until i turn it off it's not supposed to turn off by itself unless someone just deactivated our outer alarm system um what is that whatever it is it's coming through the front door [Music] what the the foot but how how did they find us don't matter how they found us they found us now let's kick the shell out of them [Music] [Music] oh shell no way it can't be him master splinter any chance this is just another mystical attack no my son this is real all too real the shredder but the utrom sentenced him to exile yeah well it didn't take [Music] so the daughter of arokusaki has become the shredder why honor demands it splintersam after you helped the vile utrom exile my father i vowed to avenge his honor you dare speak of honor your father murdered my master yoshi your father had no honor you will pay for your lie all of you where is leonardo he ain't here you know you just missed him but if you leave right now we'll let him know you stopped by you mock me the fact you still live mocks me [Music] that all ends now destroy them leave no one alive [Music] ah master yoshi's orb no [Music] your sons destroyed my father now i will repay them in kind i begged leonardo to let him go but he would not listen to reason it is you who has been blind to reason orokosaki was a murderer but you will not allow yourself to see the truth i see clearly rat and you will pay for what you have done to me i reached out to you i hope that you would turn away from evil but i can see now that it has consumed you [Music] you are faster than your father i will give you that but your dark heart will betray you just as his did you are not even worthy to speak of my father rodent i will silence your treacherous tongue once and for all no master splinter [Music] master splinter we have to get out of here [Music] do not let them escape hold on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hold on master splinter [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't have enough firepower to fight all of them unless hang on mr splinter i've got an idea uh [Music] donatello and the rat have been destroyed excellent [Music] donny it's me ah leo you're back you okay my son master splinter i knew it i knew you were both alive don't worry sensei everything's gonna be okay i promise oh man it's good to see you bro we have to get both of you out of here before any more foot show up we need to find a safe place for you to rest and recuperate someplace far from the old lair this oughta do for now this must be one of the earlier pumping stations for the reservoir i think i've seen it on some of the old city planning very nice leonardo now that donatello and i are safe i'm already on it master splinter i'll find them everyone i found him he's okay hey i heard you guys were having a party rafael you made it yeah yeah whatever i can't believe the foot did this to us i can't believe they took our home listen raph nothing is permanent we have to flow with change perhaps leonardo has learned a thing or two from the ancient one yes i can see it in your eyes i have my son back and i can see something else in your eyes you must be careful my son she will be well guarded and her skills are much improved so are mine sensei i'll be fine i promise now get some rest i'm gonna go get some food and supplies did someone mention food chinese food for breakfast works for me i've checked it out and this seems like a safe place master splinter we could stay here maybe even fix it up a bit it is as the great sage shinto sakamoto said home is where you hang your hand this walking stick is said to have come from a very ancient and mystic tree i got it with the ancient one i've carried it all this way for you ah a very gracious gift thank you leonardo welcome home master splinter you're never gonna believe this but stop please it is probably better that i do not know [Music] but you how april it's probably better you don't know see sorry mikey but i'm afraid the entertainment system isn't going operational tonight no no i need my tv time i i can't go on without it please somebody put me out of my misery you mean our misery mikey don't mind if i do [Music] raphael that is enough work for one day my sons but master what are we gonna do no tv no video games how did people ever survive in such a nightmare world before tv and video games people survived quite well michelangelo perhaps even better they told stories and i think we should do just that tell stories who wants to begin hey maybe leo could tell us about his time with the ancient one yeah leo let's hear about the ancient one i want to hear all about the new ways you learn to kick butt well i wouldn't know where to start but the ancient one did tell me a story i think you guys would want to hear about master splinter's master hamato yoshi well let's hear it it's a story about a girl a girl does she kick butt hush rafael please leonardo continue well i think we all know the rest of the story wow what a bummer story perhaps michelangelo but perhaps not destiny is an inscrutable force at best if not for these events i would never have been brought to new york and the utroms wouldn't have had to relocate here either meaning no oohs meanie no us yes the fabric of fate weaves an endless interconnected pattern in which we are all just threads my son i can sympathize i know what it's like to be a monster do not despair my son where there is life there is hope i keep turning to ask don what we're gonna do to see what brilliant cure he's worked up to fix this but then i remember that is done i too wish to consult with donatello regarding his condition he did the majority of the work on the outbreak virus without him i fear my progress is too slow donatello's condition grows worse by the minute the outbreak strain is reacting violently with the utrom mutagen in his blood his cells are breaking down it's only a matter of time before he is lost forever that's not gonna happen we can't let that happen every problem has a solution every question and answer perhaps we are asking the wrong questions donatello told me this outbreak was artificial that agent bishop created it and if bishop created it maybe he can uncreate it [Music] let it go donatello hear my voice my son do not let yourself be lost within this form [Music] hear my voice you do not want to hurt your brother relax let go let go my son that's right [Music] he's becoming resistant to the gas i will have to work on stronger tranquilizers i just wanted to give him some food that settles it we're going after bishop we'll make him help don this is the last thing don was working on before before [Music] [Music] where did you get this pathetic containment unit in a junkyard amateurs ready to sell for transfer [Music] donate please be called my son sorry master but i didn't think that was gonna work a second bishop time don't hurt him if your brother cannot be contained then he will be put down [Music] i had hoped we could do business together but it seems i was wrong hmm donatello's body appears to be breaking down at a fantastic rate due to secondary stage mutations caused by the outbreak accelerant he doesn't have much time the animal was right leonardo this is wrong we cannot leave donatello's fate to these devils stockman cannot be trusted and him if you only knew what he was capable of leatherhead's right leo bishop's the enemy but as i said earlier i need something from you name it a simple errand really there is an item i require a relic that may prove crucial to my work i want you to retrieve it for me retrieve it from where new york in fact i believe you know the woman who currently holds it her name is karai [Music] donatello's condition continues to deteriorate there's not much time dr stockman agent bishop told us that you would administer the cure to donatello to think that i've sunk so low that my unparalleled genius would be used to save the life of one of these freaks unfathomable where is the cure stockman i'm pulled from sweet oblivion for what this show us the cure now cure you stupid animal agent bishop lied there is no cure what [Music] you inhuman soulless monster let ahead please i share your anger but this will not help donatello we need solutions not vengeance you'd be wise to listen to your friend animal [Music] i've waited a long time to do this now you will know the meaning of pain [Music] impressive mr leatherhead and to think i was going to dissect you what a waste that would have been you're even more brilliant than dr stockman what then it works [Music] doctor prepare an airborne version of the cure for the new york outbreak as well as a sample for donatello if his brothers fulfill their side of the agreement [Music] [Music] my sons hand over the item then you'll get your dear brother back [Music] this base has been compromised by your presence you have 15 minutes to collect your brother and vacate the move it premises place is about to blow welcome back my son i hope you guys didn't go through too much trouble for me [Music] pardon this intrusion splinter ancient one you have come all this way i am afraid so then it has begun again where are they where are your sons out taking exercise no oh no i am too late too [Music] hmm and here signs of a struggle the ninja tribunal has taken my sons ancient one you must take me to the tribunal you know that what you ask is simply not permitted permitted or not i will protect my sons do you not understand what is at stake how could they possibly understand what is at stake when you have told them nothing [Music] [Music] protect master splinter [Music] bring it on blockheads i've been aching to break something all day enough the rodent is not permitted here as it well knows how did you come to find this monastery [Music] pathetic dude your sensei is a rat splinter let us not make things harder than they need be your sons are safe we should rest and discuss this with a level head in the evening you mentioned a third artifact where is it the third artifact is hidden safely here in the lap of the gods then the tribunal can continue to guard it without my sons do not test us rodent babysit your sons if you must it changes nothing what the shell is that no impossible how could they have moved so quickly [Music] master splinter what is that thing hayashi aki a fire demon oh leo what happened we ain't slice diced or fricaseed [Music] [Applause] what the shell perception is not always truth all you think you know about this world about yourselves even about reality itself all that will be challenged and more the sooner you learn this the sooner you will be ready to face the task ahead [Music] die leo [Music] run [Music] one my sons [Music] [Music] no master yoshi [Music] no ah what have you gotten yourselves into [Music] if the tribunal thinks a water burping dragon is a teaching aid then sign me up for homeschooling i cannot believe you were set against the tatsu spirit it was rash and careless what's your beef with the tribunal sensei old wounds are slow to heal learn what you can from the tribunal for you will need it when the dark one comes to battle but remember they will not hesitate to sacrifice you if it serves their purpose so here more than ever you must stick together as a family promise me my sons yes master splinter [Music] yoshi we got wounded my sons leonardo put him down drink my son the cask has it opened is it damaged [Music] but master leonardo is injured you should have left him if he put the cask in jeopardy but sensei i uh he saved our lives master and the cask without leonardo your lives are meaningless compared to these artifacts acolyte you heartless monster have you no compassion for those who would give their lives for you you are no better than the snarling wretches who serve the evil one our ways are our own but you and your sons deserve to know this the evil that threatens this world overshadows everything compassion our own lives even honor if we fail the world will fall fall [Music] i can't sleep me neither shh you awake the old guys they're not sleeping they're meditating there's a difference raph not my book so much danger never wanted this for them splinter i cannot meditate with you muttering like that besides my butt has fallen asleep my apologies ancient one but the ninja tribunal troubles me more each day i cannot allow their foolish judgment to cost me my family not again your sons are capable sort of um hello we're like five feet away how about showing a little tat master splinter when you say the ninja tribunal cost to your family what what are you talking about i am talking about my beloved master yoshi and of a time in the past yoshi-san was a guardian then the mighty ninja tribunal ignored my master's warnings and because of the tribunal's cold indifference one of the countless victims of the uttaram shredder would be my master yoshi and the tribunal did nothing nothing had the tribunal heeded yoshi my master might be alive today the tribunal sees a bigger picture than we do splinter at least i hope they do [Music] is anybody gonna tell us what the shell is going on here real shredder true shredder utrom shredder how many shredders are there my sons it is time you know the true story of how this all began of an evil darker than all evils a primal force of malevolence that was and is the original shredder no one really knows what level of the dark depths spawned him but they began training others those that could help them in their fight acolytes chosen for their potential and purity of heart the tribunal taught an art of fighting with the power of the dragon at its core which would become known as ninjitsu and these immortals the remaining dragons became known as the ninja tribunal so there was a real shredder and the alien utrom shredder we fought was an imposter who was just using the name of the original demon shredder to gain respect and this original shredder has all sorts of butt kick and magic powers that almost destroyed the ninja tribunal and now someone's trying to resurrect him the greatest evil the world has ever known and the only ones who even know about this are cute green and way the shell out of our league um any chance we could still go home no i didn't think so [Music] no not again not again [Music] no no night after night the same vision master yoshi please tell me how to protect my sons from this coming darkness huh [Music] the enemy has found the third artifact their master sarcophagus if they escape with all three artifacts the world is doomed then we must stop them come we have to get his somi back to the monastery he needs help let him be his time is done [Music] you have fought well but the fight is far from over but his so me joy faraji they're all all we can do for them now is honor their courage by stopping orokosaki's return i am sorry so no the heralds from the ashes of your accursed ninja tribunal our dreadlord shredder will rise again [Music] uh [Applause] on behalf of the great one we thank you no no it can't all have been for nothing i won't let it be i will never stop fighting i don't know how long i can keep this thing open [Music] we're home master splinter i can't believe it faragi and the others the ninja tribunal all gone they have made the ultimate sacrifice we cannot let it be in vain what about the heralds why the shell would they come in in new york city i do not know rafael but i do know what their victory today means it means that the end of the world begins here whoa whoa whoa whoa you're telling me we all had the same dreams looks like your kumquats are walking the no or yoku path yes it would seem that you are connected to forces beyond time and space through your subconscious uh in english please senseis and you four are the hope of the world your amulets your weapons your training with the tribunal it has all connected you to the shredder in some way after all that was the tribunal's goal was it not to take the four of you along with adam joy torah and faragi and transform you from into acolytes wow i did it the ninja tribunal had hoped to forge you into the ultimate warriors capable of combating evil on both the physical and mystical lanes alas the shredders evil heralds put an end to the ninja tribunal's plans all were destroyed and your training never finished we can only hope that what you have learned already will be enough after all your nightmares have confirmed what the ancient one and i have dreaded our meditations have shown us terrible things the ninja tribunal's worst fears come true we have seen the shredder brought back to life the shredder back no way and soon he will reshape the world into a dark chaos it will not be pretty but first from what your dream suggests he will destroy karai well at least we got something to look forward to maybe they'll do each other in sounds good but would be bad yes there is something here something strange i sense that somehow we must warn karai perhaps even try to rescue her but sensei should sooner destroy us and yet your dreams would indicate that she is reaching out to you we must not so readily turn our backs on saving a life even in old rivals donny patches into the lair how do i answer this idiotic contraption you already did ancient one master splinter karai isn't listening she's going to fight the shredder well that's the end of her then we must try to save her from her own folly she has some karmic role to play in all of this i am sure of it continue as we planned we must get her out of there ancient one and i will meet you at the appointed place avoid confronting the shredder and be careful my sons [Music] looks like a storm's coming no it is already here the shredder really beat the shell out of karai i i don't know if she'll make all it can do is wait and prepare for the battle to come masters we don't stand a chance against this mystic shredder you should have seen him it's impossible my son you four have faced impossible odds in the past and like david facing goliath you overcame the challenge ancient one do you remember when i brought them all to your home in japan years and years ago how could i forget they were such a pain years and years ago what are you talking about sensei long ago just after my beloved yoshi's passing away wow to think we'd been to japan and met the tribunal when we were just kids yes my sons and even though you were very small you helped win a very big victory and we'll do it again we will find a way to defeat the shredder all of us i hope you're right masters i hope you're right my sons terrible nightmares have plagued me for some time now whoo is it the one where you have a killer map test and you show up late and you're not wearing your shell now better to be silent and thought a full then open your mouth and be you the dream it is always night the coldest night i have ever felt the shredder rides a demon horse through a twisted wood somewhere in ancient japan we are his prey in the face of his might we can only run i am helpless to stop him as he slays each one of you my sons as he comes for me my master yoshi appears master yoshi before he can act the shredder attacks and i had hoped the dreams would stop but instead they are getting worse the dreams in japan right well this is new york city so it's all good right right hey april everything okay no leo it's not better get over here right away [Music] what the shell is that it is the end of life as we know it so you see the shredder has begun the dreaded transformation of the city and it's a safe bet he won't stop until he's changed the entire planet not without additional energy the ancient one and i have meditated on this we have felt massive fluctuations in the city's ley lines way lines yes you see ley lines are hidden conduits of mystic energy that run throughout the planet they are the essence of the earth's very spirit an uncommon number of those lines converge in new york here here and here the keystones chaplain tell them what we discovered when the mystic ninjas escaped karai's control we did a lot of research into their magic and what they'd been up to on the sly we learned that for decades the shredders mystics blackmailed city officials into installing three keystones around the city one at the statue of liberty one at the united nations building and one at manny's meets in northern manhattan great shops these keystones are magic amplifiers of solid elemental ectoplasm but now seeing that the keystones are set on junctions of ley lines whoever controlled them would have control over the mystic energies of the whole planet in our training with the ninja tribunal we learned that energy is neither good nor evil if the shredder could make use of the keystones then couldn't we if we were to access the keystones before the shredder and focus our energy into them perhaps we could reverse the spell and shredder in the process don here with splinter wish we could give you more data on what these keystones look like but we just don't have any we're at the u.n april we'll let you know when we locate that keystone that keystone should be around here someplace whoa i'm guessing this is it now to harness its energy hurry i sense donatello [Music] um sensei any advice yes my son hit it very very hard [Music] finishing move time if i could just get a two-second breather i will distract the beast donatello get ready [Music] yes that is right over here donatello now yako unleash the cleaving wind [Music] don it's almost at the u.n it's now or never you've got to do exactly what leo did master splinter what just happened we have lost this battle come let us regroup we must find another way to fight the shredder [Music] no the dream again you see it while awake now stronger than ever before with every passing second the shredder's influence spreads the more of the world that falls to him the greater his power master splinter the guys are about to make contact good please remind them to be careful well young lady do you think that you are ready to rejoin this battle i think we should strike at this demon shredder drain his dark heart of all energy and leave him lifeless [Music] she's ready i have one little question what's to stop any of us from just eliminating you terrapins right here and now us for one okay let's get started we asked you all here because karai herself has an important role to play in all of this it seems that all who take on the mantle of the shredder unknowingly create a link with the very same ancient and malignant energies we battle today karai has inherited that link and we hope to use this in our favor during the coming battle the shredder is a tengu a demon its essence has never been destroyed but its physical form is vulnerable three artifacts were united to resurrect the shredder his helmet gauntlet and body if we can somehow separate these three once again he should be greatly weakened you must all be prepared for the very worst we face the shredder the greatest evil to ever walk the earth this will be the fight of our lives agent fisher where is the shredder the attack and the shredder does nothing the shredder spreads himself too thin he should destroy the turtles and cry instead of playing these games it is you who will be destroyed mystic for now we have all our forces arrayed against you we will not allow you to have this world shredder it ends here demon the only thing ending here rat it's you [Music] now is the time karai you must focus your energies feel the shredder sap him of his power we will help you he must be weakened so the others can separate him from his gauntlet and helmet weak fools you are all powerless [Applause] you train my power ah i am pleased i have worried that assuming control of this world would be boring now destroying you all will give me enough of a thrill to keep me amused for centuries but we require a larger arena attack [Music] i sound [Music] no it cannot be not my sons not my sons no my nightmare has come true my children they have all been this can't be happening [Music] ancient one no not you two [Music] [Music] [Music] me oh master yoshi [Music] oh [Music] i do not know who you are but know this you shall suffer greatly by my [Music] my sons this changes nothing [Music] he is re-concentrating all of his powers [Music] everything's changing back do you think do you think it's over yeah not by a long shot [Music] now my sons reach deep within yourselves manifest your avatars and fight we can do this remember what the tribunal said we have to work together [Music] master yoshi [Music] [Music] wow that was beyond amazing we totally well looks like you did it you turtle saved the world and i thought that was our job we all did it together we are very proud of our acolytes you have done great things if you were so near why didn't you jump in when we were getting our shells kicked we knew that the karmic wheel of fate had to turn unhindered by our interference we were forced to let events unfold as they should yoshi's demise was a part of that as was his coming here to new york as a guardian of the utroms for without that you splinter would not exist nor would your sons what will the tribunal do now it is time for us to move on we would be honored young one if you would join us on the tribunal the anna would be all mine splinter you are family i will miss you [Music] and are you old friend and i trust you four will stay out of trouble hey it's us we hate trouble of course you do [Music] so who's hungry michelangelo my sons whatever you would like it is on me all of you come let us celebrate together years of ninja training and it all comes down to ultimate wrestling smackdown versus zombies from saturn four where did i go wrong i win oh yeah [Music] this is pointless you all know my soaps are on in five minutes that's five minutes of sci-fi goodness hey where are masks and uh weapons i i feel totally naked here not a word ah the tv it's gone forget the tv the whole layer is trashed what the shell happened outside quickly [Music] nice going mikey you didn't just change the channel you changed the whole freaking world [Music] all right who attacked us and where are we any ideas oh it's taken off after him [Applause] now entering uptown level one gravity level three terran air content [Music] sulfurous uh oops come on we have to find mikey my sons we must disappear this atmosphere the air is too thin can hardly breathe or move hello hello what's all this then chief constable biggles peacekeepers let's see some identification what [Music] oh right undocumented aliens is it when will you people learn that it is the 3p this is just great we're here two minutes and we've already lost mikey and now we're fugitives come with me if you want to live get in there's no time to dilly dally [Music] what's going on where the shell are we and what about mikey what a thank you in the bunch how predictably organic of you [Music] with the many divergent alien life forms inhabiting the city atmosphere composition and gravity vary from area to area i pity the fool who tries to get around without an enviro pack graviton regulator or wrist translator [Music] look we appreciate you helping us with the breathing and all mr uh the name is surly [Music] your name's gonna be scrap metal unless you start making with some answers i got a brother missing no you're really here really real and wow the master don't be mad the hockey stuff the mask it's all mine it belonged to my great-grandparents your great-grandparents casey jones and april o'neil my name is cody jones and this is new york city in the year 2105. [Music] we're in new york a hundred years in the future and aliens live here and cars fly and crazy huh i can't believe you're here either i mean i've read about you for years but to actually meet you wow we are honored by your enthusiasm but if you know how we came to be here please you must tell us i'll do better i'll show you uh but first maybe we should do something about the uh nakedness i thought you'd never ask so casey wrote about us in a journal huh he wrote a ton april too your lives were so cool i was dying to see you in action but with your whole we live in the shadows thing i couldn't just load a vid feed so i invented this a time machine it was supposed to be a time window a way to view the past the travel part was a complete accident one that i have no idea how to recreate so was stuck in 2105 unfortunately yes master splinter and the four of you are hey where is number four we lost mikey the second we got here that's what we've been trying to tell you walking toaster huh well then let's all go look for him that is not possible master cody is the owner of o'neill tech anything master cody could ever need is made available here in the penthouse the outside world is far too dangerous a place for him where have we heard that one before today's forecast partly cloudy with a chance of turtles and rat [Music] man am i glad to see you guys [Music] how do you fight something you can't touch simple wait for it to touch you this isn't over you fungoids are on my list even in 2105 we still send them packing not exactly come on to the hover show nice of you to let us bunk here cody at least until we figure out how to recreate the time portal accident you kidding this is a dream come true for me and well you guys you're the closest thing to family i have i just hope you can adjust to life in 2105. [Music] hey is this the tv remote i love the future now let's see what else is on no way it's my day and my remote give me that hey adjusting will not be a problem oh not the vase allow me to explain the concept to you slowly this is the sitting room you think this is bad you should see us when we have weapons more rolling pins this is a disaster yes michelangelo should have seen that coming hey look what rolled out of bed sup cody yo master i tried to stop these barbarians they have completely wrecked the room i know you'll want to take the appropriate action so simply say the word do it again initiating power up sequence did he send us a jersey maybe ah i banged my head against it a million ways but i can't seem to duplicate the accident that brought you to my time sorry guys patience precedes genius young one you know maybe if i had better stuff to work with i mean the equipment i have here is all junk compared to what we could get our hands on over at o'neill tech what's the deal with this company of yours anyway o'neill tech it specializes in advanced taren technology and i own it ah ah that darius is a blowhard let's get going and be home before lunch coming master splinter no my son the four of you will arouse suspicion enough besides it seems my favorite soap opera has survived these hundred years i have much catching up to do oh dear careful watch out [Music] ninja weapons forged in a union of mind and machine these are strange times [Music] leo's in trouble that thing's gonna mash him into turtle tetrazzini be not hasty watch and learn [Music] he did it [Music] this new battle simulator's great cody it is as my sons would say totally awesome cool i can't wait to show it to the guys of course this was just the beginner's level [Music] it's a hollow simulator with pre-programmed battle scenarios and 523 high-res background modes kicking graphics it's like dojorama extreme sweet forget it just give me a wooden post and a practice dummy sure that's not what i meant [Music] rafael a true warrior must always adapt to any new situation or surrounding besides young kodi-san has worked hard to provide you this space to sharpen your ninja skills you should be grateful yeah i know thanks kid as a reward for your boundless generosity kodi-san leonardo has my blessings to start you on your own ninja training what's taking them so long patience rafael not my strong suit i'm out of here hey this can't be good [Music] you're not going anywhere what the show is that why do i get the feeling she's laughing at us not with us i knew this robo dojo was a bad idea master splinter oh perhaps it would be wise to sit this one out i need the password to o'neill tech's mainframe and toying with you is going to get it for me brilliant lady we'll give you a good old-fashioned turtle smackdown vertebrates such slow learners we've been transported into some sort of battle scenario that or a saturday morning cartoon huh uh howdy partners make it loud boys you did well my sons master are you all right i believe so leonardo cody today you saw a fine example of how a ninja needs to develop both mind and body victory required both the keenness of donatello's mind and the endurance of his brother's bodies okay master splinter now i understand good let us now all resume cody's [Music] training [Music] hmm rafael what troubles you my son yeah we're in the future there's this whole new city out there to explore and the guys just want to sit on their butts in the penthouse yes but remember one must also make time to explore the landscape within master splinter we can go out in broad daylight and for the first time nobody wants to put us in a cage or dissect us what are you doing up here anyway i am cultivating a rooftop garden a place of serenity and peace [Music] wrestling federation presents the 57th slam-a-thon see all your favorite wrestlers this championship build is what it's all about tonight at madison square garden i'm there fine i'll see you losers later perhaps one of you should go and make sure he stays out of trouble but the dojo the game i'll go [Music] so rafael was your big night on the town as engaging as you had hoped uh no big deal just a nice quiet night out with my bro couple of regular guys just staking in a regular the turtle terror stunned the wrestling universe with his surprise victory at slamathon 57 taking the battle all across times square turtle terror [Music] yes i beat it i finally beat helix this is the greatest day in the history of the world sometimes i wonder what life must be like on planet mikey hopefully it includes a return to training now that the most awesomest game ever has been defeated just let me enjoy the sweet highly anticipated vid game ever this really is the greatest day in the history of the world hurry robin to the showmobile alone smooth one kid using poor helpless mikey to score a lunch date and a free pass to show us levelx without sterling clever but i didn't i i'm in the middle of something uh extra training master splinter thinks that a life without balance is hardly worth living but how is a date balance you must trust me on this cody sun so i thought that if i could convert the old servitron into a turtle-bot battle suit maybe i could you know help you took an unacceptable risk young cody dangerous foolhardy remind you of anyone sensei he did save us from the big splat and we are training him i mean he's no ninja yet but he sure is a casey jones we will discuss this further but for now no more adventuring cody augustus jones you have a lot of explaining to do starly i oh boy um i'm really sorry i had to um how did you build that tech armor i uh i don't know what you save it i'm a genius remember plus i followed you to the roof and i think it's totally cool i used to think you were just a rich kid living up in his tower but seeing you rush off to help your friends like that wow see my sons in all things balance exactly that's why i'm done with games all finished totally and oh so i guess i went to 10 stores and stood in line for absolutely nothing where did i go wrong with that boy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] whoever you are do you truly believe i will tell you anything then silence shall be your gravestone and shadows shall devour your soul activate security protocol the authorities have been notified and are on their way unhand that rodent or we will dispense with the warning shots i assure you [Music] sir are you all right allow me to call your sons no but they are only downtown at some fatuous horror movie festival quiet the shadows may have been forced out but i i still feel a presence no wait it is gone so after i promised to pay for all the damages to the theater and to keep my rabid robots under control biggles pretty much just dropped all the charges what worries me is this day of awakening what does that mean whatever it is it's bad i'm king of the world it's party time dudes shout it out sure if this monkey suit don't choke me to death first i still don't see why i have to go to this gala thing darius does all the talking you're the heir apparent cody o'neill tech is your company besides the place is gonna be fat with movie stars and celebrities shareholders accountants boring experts on boredom o'neill tech is an important part of your identity cody a true ninja must be able to face all sides of himself [Music] i expect you all to remember you are ninja carry yourselves with pride and decorum now if you will excuse me i am on a quest to find piggies in a blanket those are always the first to go and you say this force is an energy field created by all living things ah my sons please meet the monks of meek they use a fascinating system of metaphysics resembling our own connection to chi michelangelo please demonstrate the lotus furnace focus technique for our esteemed colleagues uh right dad but i dislocated my lotus yesterday uh polishing my shell michelangelo do not embarrass yourself before the monks of planet meek ixnay on the oaks j mikey you can redirect chi better than any of us [Music] okay right so hands up chin down she away now if you'll excuse me i've got matters to discuss what darius does what are we playing charades am i winning [Music] cody why are you running what is the meaning of this why do you attack me my sons splinter's back yeah my jaw kinda clued me in it's jammerhead he's been possessing people's bodies which means if he's no longer in you he has to be in one of us [Music] this is stupid i don't think he's in any of us let's just bag it and call it a day bag it not leo [Music] i can't thank you boys enough stopping that insane hooligan from robbing the labs thank goodness everything is fine who you think you're kidding we almost got perforated by that battle suit that came out of your labs a lab packed with all sorts of weapons yeah what's really going on up constable would you mind explaining the peace of mind program smashing that mr dunn has been a big help keeping weapons off the street any dangerous weapons confiscated by the peacekeepers are turned over to o'neill tech mr dunn recycles them into useful products which he then distributes to the needy so the weapons we saw were just there awaiting recycling precisely now if you boys are quite satisfied we should bid our guests farewell [Music] he did it again that's slimy no good master splinter he's lying we darius dunn is a master of deception leonardo however you must have faith that he will trip up someday and when he does we will be there what exactly do they put in these things some things are better left a mystery i couldn't eat another bite hey you're right i can still taste my hot dog [Music] isn't it great gift that keeps on giving someday you must show me how you managed to tune them out my meditation grants me serenity but earplugs don't hurt either my calendula maybe he ate too many hot [Music] dogs or maybe he didn't eat enough mikey's eating vegetables now i know something's up with him you feeling okay mikey what are you doing michelangelo why do i even bother take it easy mikey this is just something to help you sleep before you cause too much damage or in this case after you cause too much damage we've run a full biodiagnostic on him but these readings don't make any sense gross that was weird where'd all the goop go something's happening a spike of mitochondrial energy these readings are off the charts uh i ain't no brainiac but i'm guessing maybe it's got something to do with that [Music] mikey [Applause] wait restrain him but do not harm him he is your brother tell him that we'll have to track him with the hover shell come on i'm locked on his dna signature good because if i'm understanding what i'm seeing that slime he's trailing is full of those aggressive alien cells slimy in the slime that he up chucked all over leo [Music] it's got to be the slime it spreads from host to host on contact talk about your high fiber diets [Music] leo no way to go leo you sure took the hover out of the hover shell him you guys take leo me and cody will jet after mikey [Music] leonardo look at me i am your sensei and your father i want you to reach deep within and bring up your true chi look out he brought up something but i don't think it was g yo donnie am i glad to see you bro i need a geek translator fast [Music] oh nuts leo must have slimed them [Music] okay kid i'll take the uglies on the right and you take the uglies on the left soon the transformation will be complete permanent then nothing will stop the day of awakening where are we explanations later care to shed a little light on this situation what's going on and why do i taste raw hot dogs follow my lead [Music] raf we did it we saved everyone maybe even the whole planet yeah and all thanks to the good old sun now let's kick mr prime specimen where the sun don't shine all my planets in preparation only to be defeated by mere sunlight no one shall know what transpired here today somebody want to tell me what's going on sure think right after we get these people to shell out of here well there goes all the evidence of shokunabo's plot we know the truth yeah but who's gonna believe it come on let's go okay cody here i come [Music] hey nice you're really coming along there i can't wait to become a real ninja so i can go out and kick some serious butt cody we train not to pursue battles but to win if engaged in battle yeah but i mean there is some butt kicking right just a little we kick no behind before it's time little ninja well if no one's gonna let me do some serious ninja action on my own i better get turtle x fixed up cody do you know where my sons are their absence does not sit right they said they were running an errand that was a few hours ago that's really weird i'm only getting one signal from their trackers it's mikey i'll get sterling and meet you in the car we're gonna go find them no if something has happened i do not wish to place you in peril i go alone sensei the guys are always there for me if they're in trouble i want to be there for them please let me show you what i can do there [Music] it's michelangelo's communicator what's left of it anyway ambush maybe an o'neill skanite can tell us more ah seawater sewage release the boy yes or and i do apologize in advance we may have to engage in fisticuffs ah a mouse and a wind-up toy don't make me laugh [Music] oh [Music] i think i know where the guys are [Music] what's all this then you wish to show what you can do little ninja this may just be your [Music] chance who's responsible for this mess oh no but i hope you're happy because now we're all taking a little holiday downtown [Music] imagine my surprise when i get a call from sterling this evening and hear that he and splinter have been jailed hmm strange those wannabes were set to jump us on the exact route darius was taking it seems like whenever you get into these messes uncle darius is always mixed up in it somehow for believing in me tonight i simply followed my intuition it may be time for you to follow yours that would be most unwise my sons yeah johnny for shame reading the contents of that book would mean certain doom my sons i know you are curious but having knowledge of the future will only lead to catastrophe must you do that uh apologies i thought the moment demanded a little theatricality master splinter is right guys trust me i've been dying to talk to you about what's in this book but i know that if i told you about what happens to you once you get back to your time your whole lives could be tracked but cody scientists theorize that there may be more than one future depending upon what choices each of us makes along the way precisely my point donatello you will make choices based upon what you read in the journal choices that you would not otherwise make without learning the knowledge contained therein if kodi-san can show restraint the least you can do is show the same michelangelo ah okay future knowledge is a no-no i get it should i lock this thing away somewhere master splinter no that will not be necessary should my sons decide not to heed our warning they will have to learn their lesson the hard way if that last story was true then how come both o'neill tech and cody exist here in the future and why aren't there mole people running around raps b.o offends their molish star-shaped noses you are so big-time busted as i said cody sun if my sons would not heed our warning they would have to learn the hard way and a funny way sorry guys the journal's a fake splinter had me make it on the transcendental lathe a fine work of fiction except for the foot mystic teleport at the end i grew tired by then but perhaps now you understand why one must not alter the hand of fate do you see how even good intentions might result in disaster if you were to act upon foreknowledge of the future yes master we promise we'll never open that book again we won't even look at it you got that right really honest i'll assume that's not your whole plan i'm good donnie's got the glass but he doesn't have it to splinter yet [Applause] the glass right i bring you your glass master without a drop of it hitting the floor well done donatello but what inside have you gained truth is in the details you said bring you the glass not what was in it learning sure is fun donatello leonardo raphael my sons you have shown mastery of invisibility indestructibility and insight the three pillars of the ninja rank of junin only the most dedicated and talented of ninja advance to this next level of training i am extremely proud to grant this honor and all of its privileges hold up hold up sorry dudes that last level of helix 2.0 was gnarly lost track of time what did i miss you have lost track of a great deal more than just time michelangelo when your brothers enjoy their hard-earned graduation tomorrow night you will not be participating [Applause] michelangelo has been spending more time playing vid games than he has working on honing his ninjutsu skills well sometimes last month you missed all your strength building sessions oh yeah that's when i was working through level 29 i scored all the coins and maintained perfect health oh so he missed a few sessions he still got the skills right mikey observe him michelangelo your weapons are an extension of yourself laziness and frivolous distractions have taken you from the true path frivolous i'm serious about my [Music] distractions master can we cut mikey some slack think of all his hard work when he um give me a minute master moving up to tune in without mikey just wouldn't seem right indeed we shall see we shall see whoa no more pepperoni before bedtime huh master or is this dream number two no i am very real michelangelo i have come at the behest of your brothers to give you a final chance to join them as tune in oh thank you master i have so learned my lesson so what do i do you will perform a training task so difficult that it will require every ounce of skill and focus that you have mastered thus far ready willing and incredibly able i'm there hand me your nunchakus sure they're they're gone they gotta be here i never go anywhere without chuck and chuck two the sequel boys it's not nice to play hide and seek on daddy boys i can't believe this who would take my chucks i took your nunchakus michelangelo when you fell asleep playing your game well you sure showed me master splinter lesson learned now can i please have them back no i separated one of your nunchakus into three pieces two sticks and the cable your brothers have hidden them in the city at my instruction to retrieve each piece and restore your weapon you must embody the three pillars invisibility of body indestructibility of spirit inside of mind only then will you prove yourself worthy of graduation to the rank of tunein use this map to stay on the true path map right i'm all over the path master splinter i uh even better just because i passed a couple tests doesn't mean i'm not lazy anymore it doesn't mean i learned how to focus on the true path or that i deserve to be tuning i'm still just a shell of a goofball well done michelangelo huh your three tasks were essential to your graduation to tune in but equally important is the unspoken test of humility uh say what michelangelo you have now proven yourself truly worthy you're joking i never joke well rarely [Music] michelangelo you have set both feet firmly back on the true path thank you master join your brothers in the ninja rank of tunin with all of its privileges and responsibilities all right mikey wanna celebrate maybe down at the mall thanks but i'll pass i figure i can get in an extra hour's practice tonight did i hear right you know i think i could use a little workout myself not without me no way you're learning a new move i don't know about yes that makes for you can see the greatest concentration is downtown chelsea chasm to be exact and it's getting stronger if the temporal energies continue to build like this we might be looking at a complete space-time rupture [Music] leo look out [Applause] donatello what happened where are your brothers and cody incredible we fell through a rip in time i think cody and leo did too [Music] master splinter are you all right yes donatello and i believe i know exactly where we are in time [Music] look [Music] uh was that did we just were those us did i just see my own creation [Music] deep breaths my son deep breaths it is very dangerous for us to be here any misstep and we could destroy the delicate path to the future there might be a way to use cody's time window to bring us back but we have to get a message to 2105. i think i have an idea a one in a billion shot but the only one we have [Music] it shouldn't take much work to turn cody's time window into a temporal beacon that can zero in on our gauntlets and maybe maybe lead us home through a rift and you expect michelangelo and raphael to do this they're the only ones who didn't fall through a rip in time i hope be sure to use very small words my son [Music] when will we know if it worked my son if the post office is as reliable as they claim we should know right about [Music] son of a gun it actually worked i love the post office michelangelo super genius and his trusty wrench wrenchy were on the case what's there to worry about uh according to these readings everything you guys may have saved us but time and space are falling apart even faster than when we left if we're gonna stop this we have to find the source in chelsea chasm now spooky alien spaceship in a deep dark place pumping out time junk that's ripping up in new york it couldn't possibly be the place [Music] look at what we have here we should have guessed it oh ugly [Music] quick guys the time window is open to your time hurry before it's too late it's home we can go home there's no time like the present is the kids ugly you don't got a machine [Music] i checked with constable biggles things around town are fine but they didn't find anything in the chasm shogunabu's whole ship is gone maybe we got lucky and he got zapped off to the end of time i just wish i knew how he got the plans from my machine it's a mystery for another time cody for now take comfort in the fact we know the machine works and that we saved space and time for all eternity hmm yes all things in time time heals all wounds a stitch in time saves nine time to make the donuts yeah [Music] someone had to do it it was time way the veins pop out of his neck it's perfection no it's the perfect way to cut the circulation to your brain michelangelo should you not be warming up in the dojo you bet if i practice hard enough i can be as good as master fighter right of course not that is all film trickery and wires fake with it fake it's okay mikey come on fake let's go practice the shock away master cody master splinter reptilian hoodlums miss dolly hambra to see you hey starly what's work lots of work need to verify some plans with you today i'll supervise the testing on the beta nano drones and the testing bots are scheduled for maintenance i can sleep in the lab i don't mind it'll only take four days starlee wait none of this stuff has to get done right now what's going on okay it's my family they're coming for a visit mom decided it was time to come to earth and officially check in on me and by check-in i mean drive me crazy until i agree to go home it'll be a week-long knack fest about how dangerous and savage earth is sometimes family is best enjoyed in the company of others perhaps cody would care to host a fine civilized meal here tonight i can help with the o'neill tech tour if you want any excuse to hang out there plus i'm sort of an expert on crazy families thank you so much all of you hey that's what friends are for clearly jamahead seeks revenge and believes he has found a way to achieve it if he attacked you once he will do so again right as soon as we can we should sneak out of here and try to beat jammer head to the punch hi honey i'm home [Music] since i didn't even break a sweat pounding one of you i thought i'd try out all four bring it posers jamahead you he's our problem master what was that i distinctly heard a boom you make sure nothing ruined starly's civilized evening as you wish my son but hurry for my sake if not yours what's happening out there i wanna see ah mrs hambra you're probably feeling cooped up in here let's go out and see the hanger the view is really quite amazing my apologies madam it is simply the television the boys like to watch with the volume turned up this is all very interesting mr splinter but if father doesn't get his mildew he gets cranky uh certainly yes but did i mention that staley was instrumental in the development of the harvard shell which is our cue to go for a ride you haven't seen new york until you've seen it from a giant flying turtle yeah and while we go sightseeing the guys could use your help master splinter with a little technical problem [Music] and that's how you get back street cred chamberhead you want to fight fight a true master bonus round baby [Music] uh [Music] master splinter mr splinter [Music] what do we have for pest control a foot full of this [Music] okay you caught me snoozing i'll give you that but now i'll give you something special i've been saving okay if we weren't about to get fried that would be so cool isn't it sweet the family that stinks together sinks [Music] together [Music] if i may you have raised a remarkable daughter she does know how to handle herself in a crisis doesn't she and the brains in that head my side of course there are only two things we can give our children one is roots and the other is wings perfect i've constructed a hollow vent chronicle of our time together oh amy cute raising a human has certainly had its challenges try for mutant turtles sometimes starly what happened are you okay i think so but someone wearing cody's turtle x armor is busted into my lab what how call the peacekeepers and sit tight starly we'll be right there [Music] it looks like he used my lap to upgrade his weapons maybe next time i shouldn't touch you man how do we stop this thing by turning the gravity of our situation into a weapon then turtle x was being operated by remote control that was is hey lego we have to stop that thing without hurting cody feed me that signal donnie uncle darius is gonna pay big time i will come with you i have a few choice words to share with mr dunn the signal stops right in the middle of the east river then i hope you have been practicing your breathing exercises raphael hang on sensei there it is bingo we have the advantage my son so long as we maintain the element of i have met many monsters in my time done but it takes a special breed to direct such bile and hatred towards a child well we can't all be rat father of the year [Music] huh [Music] but not soon enough looks like i get to finish off four of my enemies for the price of two [Music] oh yeah your battle suit systems will overload lashing out at anything until its fusion pack reaches critical mass destroying everything within a ten block radius especially the wearer you must shut this down now ah but i can't no one can that's the beauty of it inevitability now if you'll excuse me i must begin my grieving process cody [Music] you're quite certain this is a good idea i mean i don't wish to sound ungrateful but i've only been on my feet for a week oh no mr cody engaging defensive road sight can be a deceitful mistress trust her without question and ruin is sure to follow the mookie exercise teaches us not to rely solely on our eyes but to explore the world with our other senses it's working raph's shell is so rank i can practically see him and i can hear the tiny wheels in mikey's tiny brain snapping and rolling down his neck [Music] you aren't exactly helping me expand my senses guys leo's gonna boo yeah yeah gotcha again auto you wanted defenses plan i got you a plan now stick to it we let this go any longer they'll probably start fighting each other dude did i just see what i saw he took a blast for me something's fishy it's gotta be a trick not according to these readings if he doesn't get medical attention right now i don't think he's gonna make it and after he gets better then what don't everyone answer all at once [Music] the air will do you well not to mention the healing power of nature it stinks out here too bright why didn't you let me rot too weak to stomach it when things get rough weak it requires no strength at all to destroy but creation healing that takes true might would you prefer that we left you to perish [Music] wow but master splinter it's like a totally flawless day and you want us to sit around being one with the universe just this once can't we do morning meditation like after lunch what are you complaining about when master splinter says empty your mind you already have a head start hey uh guys is anyone expecting company no if something tells me this ain't the morning paper delivery hold steady guys bishop something wrong with the doorbell mr president and what's with the iron jumpsuit forgive the theatrics gentlemen but subtlety is not an option this is a matter of galactic security mr jones would you please leave the room this is classified material the boy remains by our side bishop is that it's shocking he's back you've battled shokunaba before you know his methods his strengths and hopefully his weaknesses i need you by my side in this earth needs you mr president what about viral she's always with shokunabo and i've been developing a program that jones you're a genius but this is no place for a child but a wise assessment mr president i'm glad i voted for you sorry cody you heard the man this is no place for a child right mikey yeah i mean maybe things would be different if you had a shell kicking suit of battle armor or your own shuttle maybe some serious ninja training oh well [Music] shokanabo disappeared after the last time we fought ship and all we thought he was gone for good take it from someone who knows obsession always finds a way what is on the moon that shokanaba would find useful in his conquest of earth aside from the 500 crewmen many critical planetary systems operate from the moon base monitoring defensive weapons and the earth atmospheric protection grid the earth wasn't that again the earth atmospheric protection grid it's a global force shield that reduces negative atmospheric effects it's how the 21st century conquered global warming and reduced skin cancers and pollution too bad it can't reduce the negative effects of snarling shokanabos no but we know shogunabo is vulnerable to light these are experimental solar light grenades they may be our only hope to take him out steal yourselves men there's no telling what awaits us in there move out be ready for anything anything or nothing at all this place looks completely deserted they just keep coming we can fight them up all day and we still wouldn't get any closer to finding chocobo we can't risk hurting these people we've got to rethink our strategy some strategy i'm sure we're being led right to shokunabo but with these goop cuffs on we could get infected and you're right so once we get to shokunambo we'll have to act fast dude it's a butt ugly monster convention rap where's your membership card how many of them are of them of there the entire moon-based population transformed as countless millions were before them on hundreds of planets throughout the centuries count yourselves among the privileged reptiles to kneel at the right hand of shokinawa when the day of awakening dawns at last and your precious earth falls nice thread choking nut job they come in turtle size rafael the only two entrances to my designs were the reptiles [Music] [Music] cut it a little closer next time why don't you exceptional work cody's on um blast shield bishop if we can open the shield we can convert them all to normal in one shot excellent instincts donatello but we also have to stop viral before she does irreparable damage to the earth if the grid falls say no more president bishop i'm on it and i'm ready for viral this time we cannot send you there alone it makes sense master splinter please i won't let you down i'll go with him i can get the grid back online donatello i'll relay the blast shield coordinates and security codes to your gauntlet okay don and raph you open the blast shield cody and bishop you have viral and the grid the rest of us will deal with shocking in minutes like all the rest leo come on we gonna let a little slime ruin our day the drones will regain control in the face your brothers will fall you are lost so long as we stand together we are never [Music] lost [Music] period and the future just got a whole lot brighter all right guys don and i have set the time window to get you as close to your own time as possible no mikey we're not bringing anything back including our weapons we can't pollute the time stream well i suppose this is goodbye cody son thank you for your hospitality though this may be goodbye we have forged a bond that will stand the test of time past present and future remember your teachings little ninja well guess this is it take care guys i won't ever forget you and we won't forget you cody thanks for everything remember the ninja code we're gonna miss you kid so long anybody see that just as we enter the time window it looked like a surge of energy or an explosion yes leonardo it was most disconcerting tell you what's not disconcerting home sweet home dead ahead hey what's up with the sudden change of course and what's he doing here i don't know but i think it has something to do with viral [Music] [Applause] looks donnie what just happened viral she must have overridden the time coordinates cody and i had worked out but i have no idea how i do just as you were all leaving she searched out of my system core and infected this time window she what uh guys but that would mean that she's somehow taken control of the temporal stream guys which would explain why we did not make it home [Music] this is how we go out as lunch that's how you kick butt old school style really old school it's like i always say in the hands of a ninja anything can become a weapon including my new pal here think i'll call him zog ii [Music] so you were able to fend off some keybrain beast but your time travails have just begun [Music] ouch where are we now i think you mean when there are yonder you strange knight and your band of green fiends prepare to be vanquished church strange night does he mean me relax buckethead it's just one guy no sweat [Music] [Applause] all right maybe a little sweat if i can jerry-rig some kind of upgrade module to sterling's bumper grid i should be able to get his weapon systems back online finally i'm not on the bottom are we home look i was only trying to help okay make that three look out okay this just went from bad to worse i don't believe we've been introduced welcome turtles to the not-so-distant do missing future worms the turtles will be my prize going at it all out rumble and we're caught in the middle time to get out of here donny what's it gonna take to get sterling up and running after shredder number three slashed right through his main circuit drive a miracle it's an advanced droid parts technology from a hundred years in the future but how i disposed of you myself do we know you guys we've got to get to the circuit drive inside the shredder's exoskeleton crack them open now you're talking my [Music] [Music] language we're not making a lot of headway here no joke you mean taking on our odd rival without any weapons ain't giving us an edge [Music] surely you would rather focus your attacks on a shared adversary than each other all right then here goes nothing sometimes the enemies of an enemy can be a friend yeah well they ain't looking too friendly now to deal with the shred [Music] quick everyone grab on now [Music] what firing decompiler nice work donnie yeah we're on our way home right guys get out of the way [Music] [Music] father all right yeah you were so worried how many fingers am i holding up are you okay how you feeling i feel whole and happy to be home though a bit light-headed the matter conversion process is stressful father let's get you some rest rest he needs to pack we're scheduled to depart for the wedding in minutes hello and welcome back sir uh wedding yeah casey and april's about time right my sons let us celebrate our reunion and i can think of no better place to do so than the union of casey and april father if you're up for it so am i let's finally put the problems of cyberspace behind us i'm not picking up any virtual fluctuations or distortions master the digital to physical conversion has been a complete success i am glad to hear it my son hey guys we're here [Music] they're here and so is master splinter it's so good to see you this makes our wedding even more special perfect even sensei you look like a million bucks better than a million pieces right come on in everyone take the load off i'm telling you the shredder never stood a chance yes i have heard my sons have made their father quite proud how about you master splinter what was cyberspace like it was strange i had no single sense of self but rather a multitude of thoughts and feelings common to them all however was a longing to return to my family well donnie sure took care of that yeah that big old brain of his was working overtime to get you out of that sigmund sound are you guys expecting someone no none of the guests are due to arrive until the morning hey cuz oh what's shaking april uh don't you worry casey [Music] good to see you well that's just about everyone you guys seen april i haven't seen april she's not here you think she's having second thoughts oh i knew this would happen easy my son it is tradition for the groom not to see the bride before the ceremony she is preparing herself in the farmhouse i will fetch her [Music] a foot i must warn the others you will warn no one rodent i wonder where he could [Music] wow master splinter he's here he's then it was simply a matter of infecting one of the rat's data bits with a line of code that once converted into matter became a homing beacon donny we'll handle the shredder get master splinter out of here oh dear come on we've got to get master splinter back to the hauler it's safe and it might just give us our only chance of beating the shredder the shredder said he had a digital core if we can get a sampling of that coarse coding signature we might be able to use it against him a digital core but i thought in this world the shredder was made entirely of matter so did i but since this shredder was born out of viral's body he must have inherited some of her digital properties so how do we get this sampling my son with this the shredder infected one of your databases this is your end on hand my sons what what could you possibly do to make me this [Music] you are powerless to defeat me i can't get a shot through that shield it's impervious to the decompiler beam but perhaps it is not impervious to flesh and blood i will never fall to you rat it was not my aim to make you fall [Music] no [Music] now then let's not let a few bad apples ruin all the fun i believe there's a wedding to be had yes but perhaps outside i'm afraid it's true kincaid i'm not your step-brother i'm your half-sister [Music] we interrupt this program for a channel 6 news exclusive there was a daring robbery earlier tonight at a high tech midtown laboratory a nearby surveillance camera captured this image of four bizarre green creatures oh leonardo [Music] i fear you have been careless tonight my sons the secret of our existence has been compromised what tonight i haven't been out mikey negatory master splinter we've been cooped up in here with you all night then how in the world do you explain this the image of the four creatures is a bit grainy but even so you can make out what appear to be four large turtles it's it's gotta be some kind of gag right i am not laughing rafael in other news unusual underground seismic activity continues to be reported throughout manhattan here i've got the image they do look like us whoever they are who are they fighting the purple dragons so huns behind all this turtley fun oh hey what's your big idea you totally picked the wrong huh master splinter you know me well yeah but did you get a perm job or something you look uh different come to think of it everything's been looking a little different lately yeah ever since that big explosion new york just hasn't been the same explosion yeah during our uh battle with shredder the shredder perhaps it would be best if you started from the beginning well the next thing we knew we were back in the city and we got back to doing what we do best taking down scuzz buckets hun and the purple dragons but maybe we're not in kansas anymore not our kansas anyway dude are you saying i'm saying the technodromes trans-dimensional portal might have zapped us all to a different world this shredder of yours he's here too our path is clear together we must find this technodrome it may be the only way to get these four home wow the sooner the better you were right uh donatello tracking the recent weird seismic activity has led us straight to the uh techno drone a giant golf ball on wheels that that's the shredder's ultimate weapon [Music] destroy them great pleasure master shredder bebop and rock steady [Music] [Applause] come on they're making a run for it [Music] according to this the technodrome is close well done my sons everyone all right what the shell [Music] [Applause] you didn't tell us yet family in town [Music] oh [Music] father are you all right i believe so father we need to get you back to the lair time to hit the sewers my brothers [Music] these things are a lot heavier in your dimension mine hun wins again um you might want to take a closer look mr winner let's not stay in touch i don't understand it the tracking system was closing in and then suddenly poof static come on lighten up our cowabunga cousins aren't so bad right guys i'm not bad they're clowns not ninjas this bickering you only do your enemies work for him you are ninja all of you and all are welcome here do not embarrass your sensei [Music] oh no how'd they find us they followed their nose the nose nose who disturbs the sanctity of my home don't you recognize me rodent huh [Music] what is this i ask for the turtles and you bring me back there right we became separated when their lair collapsed around us but rest assured master as long as you have the rodent the turtles will come to you father what is this all about the turtles for my plans to proceed i must have them you have done well hun my sons it is a trap if there is one constant in the multiverse it is the predictability of you turtles threaten something you oh dear and you will ignore your better instincts you should have stayed away unless i put an end to turtles forever even a creature as power mad as you cannot believe he has the ability to subvert the entire multiverse let us put that to a test thurman it seems that like branches hanging off a single tree each of these dimensions sprang from a common source destroy the source and you would set off a chain reaction that would destroy ninja turtles everywhere forever more no their demise is only the beginning you traitors you nincompoops i used the mata transporter to rescue the turtles from your scanner and that's not all [Music] today my sons do not fight alone [Music] let us finish this once and for all i came to this dimension to destroy turtles the more [Music] the merrier now come come and face your doom but mine actually works [Music] today is the end of days for you turtles you and all who stand with [Music] look you what do we do you had your chance now i have mine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Applause] [Music] um what about your shredder think he's really gone for good this time the shredder is seldom gone for long he shall return well when i get back i'm gonna zap you all with the giggle ray krag invented and rest assured it will be us who get the last laugh boy excuse me [Music]
Channel: Slender Tentacle
Views: 260,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X4ZnK5Vb3AE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 421min 43sec (25303 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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