Smiling Critters - Unused Episode 2 But CatNap Swallowed The Ball-Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Animation

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fetch D they through the B and get I'm swallowed it get fetch he threw the bll and catnb jumped and got it nice good job F nope what's going to happen this time a portal a cat up is going to throw D to that portal is he going to enter the is this one of your aming World F you didn't get it go go as far as you can oh this is going to be funny do I look look a doct to you why are you just standing there wait what what is this thing Papa just found his evil Twi brother what it's going to do to him it is going to turn him on WOW no no no no no no running from the evil cat slide under that door [Music] face well that door stop cat that from I do he keeps Ching I hope I'm safe here you're not safe at all what is this thing wow oh my god wow wow he so for sure but how do I Power him I will kill you oh God I hope be F this is the only chance of survival for you bua you will die papa no no no don't I think I know what I need to do come on this should power the electricity there let's burn him and they're going to stop him wow it's kind of hurt I please go want to be friends now I don't think out please help me take this you st to take him away and he turned to how I wanted it to go so let me get this straight not a real cat and your cat he's just a normal cat I don't get it how do you even use one of those I can't even F in there you're a huge cat where are the kids oh no please where are the children are they they are okay the same place as the can't see them because you're an evil teacher are the children safe yes can I see them no no no no this so tell me look at the ending she's going to destroy her face probably because he knew I'd kill them all Mr light is losing right oh she just destroyed her face no first going to do a delicious dish bad for the environment but I'd rather put a gun in my mouth than do another dish next up the bread I ran out of the pieces of bread so I have to use those weird end pieces not ideal but we'll make it work next up grab your peanut butter I don't currently have the top to my peanut butter using now that you got your peanut butter grab a utensil and start spreading I'm using a plastic fork because like I said I refuse to do dishes again plastic knives I know some of you in the comments section will complain about me using plastic I bet you wouldn't say that to my face in real life if this ever ends and we go outside again I dare you to step up to me in the street try it evil monster perfect peanut butter sandwich is he miss is cleaning the whole place forg that Miss JY puppy what did she do to him [Music] OU what's that place what's hiding in there oh what that evil monster R away you miss it's stcky without the your sharing fit I want more he's so hungry anded he just swallowed godam oh that's so bad I have an idea what's that idea why are you doing that to DCT it was at this moment that he knew are you okay yeah okay no guys let you doing see the full story behind D getting back to stop this get off this body that was enough backed now brother what's that that you save me I will show them no mercy they hurt you I'm not going to let you die you're my body that must be silence he might hear you you'll be free in no time before oh it's impossible they're coming alone holy macaroni let's we will stop he will be mine I'm not living without my buddy oh Jesus the play got it good job himself good job bro no let's bounce he's carrying Dy what is happen desite the fact he's so happy was that who's there b the play Jes bastard no way that was really close I got so hard to evil know what going theall yeah we did the thust force of the gun this way he is the th force of that hand now it's time this game this might be a solution what are you doing just find some time okay what did you think you're doing it's time to fix that that's scary because he needs his help holy cow it's not where never bro come on let's hurry do you think this is a good idea yeah sure just stay there wa this is perfect find new pair of flags perfect awesome that's scary now we stuck to fix you the is don't even try to distract God I'm kind of in the middle of something time oh God wouldn't you try them out I even I'm so glad good job player they're persist now to save the player quiet you're ready here up his ear too don't hurt me I'm why I'm not tasty D you this no I won't let you do that switch offensive Maneuvers now he's going to sh the wall dog they need to stop got let us well oh whoopsie I'll hold you you cannot say that so easily can you going to be hard on the player so you think you're Invincible huh we all prove you wrong those that do affect him for sure guess he wasn't wrong it tastes like fear stay away from me or I will we need this super weapon to get rid let me show you how a weapon looks like well that looks like the end of my story now if I can do something about it here no you're not hurting nobody please don't do it this will be the only thing that can stop him at once we can stop you all right this will be your oh this is ready biting him get the heck out of him now's on the ground this is the only thing I can do he's just going to end really bad I won't let you Hur my friend uh-oh don't hurt me either please such a delicious meal no wait I'm not sleeping yet don't with this let me show you no mercy take this W he's so strong now face me how try it going to use his full forward against C take this you're not that fast damn it that was so far done for for sure try me of course I will take please do something oh man what should I hey that's it he needs to stop there hurry def before he gets in of get there almost got it horse come on buddy enjoy hand is fully chared and it's a matter of time cat is down over what the god this that's just exploded it's over H with good job
Channel: Stingo Animation
Views: 610,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eRFtd109oGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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