Smiling Critters React To DOGDAY'S HEART is BROKEN with CATNAP | Catnap Reacts

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oh no what's wrong with catnap what's happening catnap are you okay please stay with me he can't he have to go with me where did the CEO take catnap what should I do cannot let anything bad happen to him I must save him dog day really wants to save [Music] catnap it's hard to escape this iron cage it's not an easy thing this is too hard I can't do it ouch let's see what dog day will do next I'm out what are hoppy and crafty corn doing here there's no way in oh no what's happening where am I CEO got him CEO oh no what should we do we will save him h [Music] let's go rescue catnap oh it's so dirty you want to meet his loyal dog or what you mean me oh no monster run away now oh no it's the dead end the road is blocked how will they fight the CEO's monster [Music] who told you that loyal dog oh the three work together to defeat that monster huh a period let's go you guys yes once successful go find [Music] catnap huh only you hear catnap oh no catnap looks really pitiful no don't come here huh it seems like it's the CEO's trap what will happen trap step wrong and boom you activate the freaking attacking weapon oh no not good dog day I'm sorry woo made it here in one piece don't worry catnap I'm coming to rescue you oh my God look at catnap [Music] you are welcome where is Crafty and hoppy they are still over there oh my God God you think you are oh no crafty corn and hoppy have been captured by the CEO let that happen oh yeah prove [Music] it say goodbye to your friends what the unfortunately for the SE o he was very unlucky sh bye to your friend oh no no no no poor CEO we have made it yeah boy oh my God hello Critters oh no zookeeper please run quickly run don't run little friends no one can see me here I'm a master of Hide and Seek does catnap think zookeeper can't see catnap run catnap where can I hide where can I oh no what happened sh be quiet turns out it was dog day and crafty corn what should we do now he going to eat us let's see how they escape zookeeper but how every snakes need a charma [Music] where are you Critters we are here you decide to show yourself huh of course we do look like the Zookeeper is attracted by the sound of [Applause] [Music] trumpets where are they going to take zookeeper oh [Music] oh no what should they do what is that controller let's see what they will do together catnap press the button now oh what's wrong with this controller they teleported of course we are out we have the teleoperation control remember now run oh no run now there's nowhere to hide oh no it's dead end what should they do teleoperation [Applause] oh my God what kind of machine is this let's continue to see we are going to win huh where is my gun oh no if you lose it pick it up quickly catnap what the looks like zookeeper also wants that machine right they're fighting who will get it yes I got it hurry up shoot him catnap okay you guys stay still huh what the what is the use of that machine huh huh they are dancing catnap let's do something to save crafty corn and dog day it's gone yeah wear a corn and dog day you guys oh no where did catnap teleport crafty corn and dog day I don't know what machine is this let's take a look I don't know push it huh oh no huh nothing happened we love you catnap what is happening to crafty corn and dog day loving catnap both are trying to scramble catnap with each other tell her catnap no he belongs to me no he belongs to me I don't belong to anyone perhaps due to the influence of love machine [Music] Deal to be found now it's like my engine dog day is confessing to catnap will he succeed there loveing the fast Lan I feel I'm so what the no way crafty corn is angry what's going on with crafty corn it's time for m oh no catnaps fur was blown away by crafty Corn's rock music so embarrassing stop all of this you make him run cuz he are scared of you no he's not it's you are the one with that crazy metal thing or it's you with you cheesy love song let's settle this in another round dog day and crafty corn are arguing do they want a cooking competition I'mma cook the best dish [Music] ever onion chopping [Music] action M it's smells so good H am might need some salt [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh I got you your salt crafty corn oh no dog day has played dirty and added salt to The Crafty corn soup does crafty corn know about dog day all right watch and learn buddy adding some chili huh what is dog day cooking chili just take this much and cook it two it's all all right now it's all done try a catnap you will love my [Music] food me catnap has to try the food cooked by dog day and crafty corn it's so salty crafty's dish is too salty because dog day has been mistreating it before no way it can be salty of course it is now try mine catnap [Music] spicy too spicy crafty Corn's dish is salty and dog day's dish is spicy ice cream give it to me but it's my ice [Music] cream you ruined my food chill out a little salt ain't going to ruin it a little we must have a real fight both are angry when they just want cnap to belong to them me you he is all mine don't ever dream about it it's you who should back off they are about to rush in each other oh no crafty corn is flying they returned to normal after that Collision just happened why are we like this this I'm coming yeah why did you do this to us huh you guys are back wow this is a water park play again you guys but this time try the mega water slide oh no way I'm scared we can never make [Music] it of course we can let's go no oh no crafty corn and dog day are afraid of heights drop it I wonder what crafty corn and dog day will be like it seems like catnap is the most fun player while crafty corn and dog day are not fun at all yeah let's play it again you guys are having fun I'm so dizzy poor crafty corn and dog [Music] day I got an evil plan what is catnap thinking katpa is teasing Bubba catnap looks very happy you naughty [Music] cat what a shame catnap what does catnap want to do again I'm going to jump it's time for me to show you my move butterfly jump wow is he performing ouch oh sunscreen I got to put some on huh oh no oh no catnap how do we stop him my way it's like playing [Music] bowling catnap has destroyed everything find you get out of here here and never come [Music] back oh no Mr delight's voice hearing her voice made me feel so scared what will she do with the smiling Critters what's up everyone run M Delight is coming oh smiling Critter so surprising will she come to harm them hurry up everyone M Delight can harm us all let's find a way to Escape crafty corn oh really she will come and protect us do things seem to be going smoothly for [Laughter] them see you don't worry it won't be hurt where are the others h m what should we do don't worry I'm here I will protect you guys stop here for a moment it's too dangerous everyone what to do crafty corn crafty corn has been harmed by Mis Delight what should we do now you will all become my food one by [Music] one you dare to kill my friend I will kill you a oh my God this is so bad Miss Delight is a cruel person she harmed everyone everything seems to be getting worse she cannot stop her actions it's so scary you left huh there's no turning back now even if I turn into a monster I still have to avenge my friend catnap is using water to transform into a monster she was too scared but actually this is also the way for catnap to protect himself what a monster but it looks a bit strange haha doesn't look much like a monster mean when you are a rat huh oh no but why do it have to be a rat now you are the one who prepar oh no a monster but it turns out really well it also looks a bit cute can catnap fight back against the evil M Delight we have to watch carefully until the end of the video I'm strong I'm super strong wow cat is very strong luckily he was able to defeat the evil M Delight this is truly a miracle isn't it down on me go to hell never underestimate a rat you want to buy a house like this we have the most perfect one for you w this is what I need catnap is looking forward to building a new house and now I wonder what he should do but I only have 3 cents three cent so you can have that thing oh My Ghost catnap doesn't have much money the CEO looked quite angry and showed him into that old house what can we do now baby papa all right I will build us a new house here's a sad story with catnap but perhaps he is still very determined to be able to build a house for himself let's see what catnap will do next 3 hours later hi is it not falling [Music] down he also looks very tired but I think that with his hopes and dreams catnap will be able to do everything easily catnap come on these words are not in English so how can I do this now catnap has wood to build a house what should he do next catnap looks a bit confused [Music] I will never make it huh don't be sad catnap everything will be okay and I believe you can do it catnap please try to build yourself a beautiful house 1 2 3 what the here stay right there I said stay in place oh God this is amazing he did not give up and continued with his dream but there seems to be something that surprises catnap let me have a [Music] look look while older catnap is working extremely hard and enthusiastically baby catnap is still happily playing outside while his father is working that boy looks so adorable right hey what the wow he has built a small and warm house for himself and his son now comes the drawing and coloring stage of that small house what's that sound huh baby baby no not good baby is using that paint spray and he might ruin that house you so naughty why don't you sit there and follow my rules oh no I'm sorry I didn't mean to scold you you betrayal needs to leave play care forever forever why you guys I'm not betrayal oh look catnap looks so pitiful why would they treat him like that who cannot live alone I can manage just fine I know day am oh catnap doesn't need them anymore he really left will anything [Music] happenes something so hungry will he eat it [Music] now oh no catnap is dangerous a big bear appeared I wonder if it will harm him catnap looks really pitiful he was exhausted don't know what to do [Music] now I cannot leave play care the outside world is too dangerous I have to come back really will catnap return hopefully they will accept his return I have to be quiet and as fast as possible there is no light maybe they all fell asleep [Laughter] now what the what did he see that made him so surprised I don't know what's going on he looks a bit unsettled my face it so hurts I'm not ready for this oh no it's dangerous why do these obstacles appear no it can't be like that [Music] sight that's it catnap is already injured looks like that last shot was very painful I wonder if he's okay A a beehive oh my God that's a huge beehive it was really painful after falling down and also got stung by a bee what a pathetic thing it's really not good at all damn you idiot bees we all know you comeb back so we set a trap just for you why did you do this to me it turns out that catnap smiling Critters friends did this is this their joke or something no don't do this I don't want to hurt you guys don't lie anymore take this you bastard go away stay away from us you guys can chase me away but you can't change the fact that I did nothing wrong you sold piggy away and now you said that why did they do that to catnap he looks so pitiful you guys piggy see I'm innocent I thought you were sold Away by catnap no he was not he just sent me off on a trip oh told you oh my welcome home catnap what's go luckily you are out oh look at that dog day and catnap are feeling extremely panicked I wonder what's going on with them oh your legs don't worry we will make new legs for you oh has catnaps leg disappeared he looks so funny let's bake some legs it's so hard to need this dough however don't worry catnap dog day will think of a way to help you get new legs let's see what he's up to okay it smells so good what does this smell it smells like cake oh My Ghost Dog Day plans to create a new leg for catnap is it okay but looking at catnap he also seems extremely interested hopefully he will have new more beautiful legs I don't want to break these beautiful legs ready catnap put me on is it fit wow a new pair of legs has been created but it smells so good are crafty corn and Bobby bear trying to eat it oh it's not okay we must be very careful oh no they want your legs give me the oh my God crazy no it's my legs cake yes I knew it right away crafty corn and Bobby bear want catnaps other legs what to do now what do we need to do to keep catnaps legs otherwise they will take it away what should we do now h i remember there is a copy of mine stored in the archive room but it is carefully guarded don't worry it will be so easy s that's imposs possible in the end they still ate catnaps legs made of cake catnap looks so pitiful too easy not a chance another war is about to happen is it okay with them who will win please watch below to find out the answer it's hurt my fur oh my ghost look everyone catnaps fur has been burned he looks really miserable I wonder what will happen to catnap next H we are safe or not no oh no can't they escape this place it seems difficult I don't know what the outcome will be let's see what happens next I know what we have to do what in the world world what do you think catnapped wow a new pair of legs that look like robits what did Dog Day think of he is so smart and agile scientist [Music] Bubba I'm here no Bubba no problem no problem finally my experiment is about to complete all of you must obey my order oh no CEO why do you treat catnap like that catnap looks so pitiful we need to help catnap Escape [Music] him catnap fell into the barrel of that colored water it looks really dangerous catnap get him go turn Critters into monster like you catnap has become like that from normal like a monster oh my God it's impossible catnap don't listen to the evil CEO's temptation don't do those wrong things please stay calm and don't harm them a catnap is that really so catnap has really arrived dog day run quickly or he will harm you let's run quickly oh my God this cruelty cannot be avoided catnap really came and made dog day become a monster like him huh H crappy ta corn please try crafty corn please run away from the cruelty of catnap and dog day please try to protect yourself huh I'm so scared dog day is getting closer and closer is Crafty corn the third victim oh my God I'm so scared how can crafty corn alone be able to fight against such evil and strong monsters I really feel sorry for crafty corn things seem to be going further and further crafty corn alone has to fight against those two evil people is there any way to save crafty corn from here everyone let's think about how we can save crafty [Music] corn what are you trying to find can hoppy compete with that evil CEO this time he looks very confident oh my God what did catnap just do to hoppy hoppy looks so pitiful does she have to fight those cruel people alone all these monsters will become the terror of the entire playtime Co and anyone who dares to against me will face only one outcome come how dare you do that to my friends I will kill you it's too late now because you will become one of them too but I believe they will save their friends no and now is the time for me to witness my another achievement catnap flip the switch oh no what should I do now I have to wake them up but how H wow hoppy please connect with your friends amazing they were able to become normal thanks to the connection of those necklaces and in the end the CEO had to pay the price what's happened H Hoy what are you you doing easy guy easy H you guys are [Music] [Laughter] [Music] back one red bottle one yellow bottle and one blue last but not least one bottle of green oh My Ghost catnap and crafty corn are doing experiments together well something happen to them nah just put both oh no this experiment seems to have failed what should they do now oh my God am I succeed wow dog day dog day and crafty corn love each other I don't believe this is true oh catnap I never know you are this beautiful thanks it's unbelievable dog day doesn't have feelings for crafty corn but for catnap crafty corn will probably be extremely heartbroken no he's supposed to love me not catnap catnap I hope I'm not being too fast but will you marry me and love me forever and ever I thought you'd never ask oh no they talk to each other very affectionately dog day is confessing his love to catnap he wants to marry catnap as his wife what a surprise down deep we [Music] louder ha crafty corn looks really pitiful right he was Furious when he saw catnap and dog day together I wonder what will happen to them next [Music] oh look at [Music] [Laughter] that wow this is a romantic room it's really romantic everything is displayed extremely carefully and skillfully it's so beautiful kiss under the mistletoe we will be lover forever so let's do it oh no crafty corn please stop it don't do that to dog day and [Music] catnap catnap why are you here huh I told you crafty corn she fell and hurt herself the results were not as expected crafty corn what's happening I'm sorry I have made a potion to make dog like me but it went wrong so it turned catnap into a girl that dog day like not me actually you don't need to do it by the way I'm on my way to the laboratory to meet you because I want to tell you about my feelings crafty corn don't be sad let's see what dog day is explaining to them is he trying to comfort crafty corn I don't know anything after that [Music] [Music] what's that [Music] sound H nothing here hello everyone today we come to another interesting reaction column about smiling Critters and his friends what is happening with these creatures let's follow the reaction right below there you are oh my God even the air smells like you like sweet roses I will give him these flowers and he will fall in love with me okay stop at this part for a moment catnap looked like he was dancing very happily does he seem to be crafty Corn's Idol ha crafty corn is really a big fan of him crafty corn looks really interesting does she want to give the most beautiful flower to her Idol who's talking to [Music] him I love you catnap I love you too hoppy catnap is talking happily with Hoppy do they have any feelings for each other they look very intimate crafty corn also feels very jealous of hoppy it smells like something burning huh M anyway I have to go now bye hoppy bye-bye catnap Korn what are you doing kill you oh My Ghost crafty corn is trying to kill hoppy simply because she was jealous of hopp y for meeting catnap she became like that oh no calm down crafty corn everything will be fine and you can give flowers to your idol later crafty corn calm down love you catnap [Music] huh help me let me go huh I just heard her voice M it's so strange here comes another character this time it's Bobby bear what happened to her catnap and Bobby just said hello and crafty is already so jealous she really is a person blinded by love [Music] right he is sleeping with piggy you little pig dare to sleep with him I will kill you saigh what to do now crafty corn seemed to be too angry with the people around catnap it's impossible to imagine what's going on huh no cat let's go catnb it's time for him to come out and rescue his friends oh my God crafty corn saw him sleeping with piggy again oh no I can't imagine crafty corn could do such things oh no the window's broken someone must take her away I have to find [Music] her finally there's no one around him anymore she's gone too far she needs to stop her actions immediately things can't be easy for her anymore end your [Music] life stop all of this now catnap finally it's happening the perfect moment the first time you see me when I'm defending your honor huh what are you talking about you are not defending me you are hurting my friends let them go even though we know that crafty corn did this because he loved catnap this is also something that should not be done she needs to stop immediately get the hell out of here but but go I love you so much catnap so I will kill those three so you don't have to worry about them then you will care about me h you dare to attack my friends you betrayed me catnap I will make you cannot leave me anymore we have to build a new house but where should we start now oh catnap and dog day are looking to build a new house what a fascinating story let's see what happens to them huh what the hello Piggy give me your candy give it back here oh My Ghost why are dog day and catnap fighting over candy with piggy she looks so pitiful but also extremely adorable maybe dog day wanted to surprise her no let me down as your wish oh you guys are so evil oh no they took all of Piggy's candy why do you do that to her it looks really pitiful but for what purpose do they use these candies we are done it's so beautiful oh so they built a new house with those candies it looks really strange hopefully the results will be as expected and they can build the house they [Music] want oh my God baby what should we do now H I have an idea not good the house was broken the other candies were gone because their baby didn't know he ate those candies now what should we do how can they build a new house this is so big they built a new bigger house hopefully this time it will be better so they can take shelter safely during this heavy rain oh no this house also collapsed during such heavy rain it seems a bit weak how can they fix this house that's so sad God this house is about to collapse where is baby he's over [Music] [Music] there how can we have a new house now all right we have to build a real real house real house the door is here bathroom here baby room and that's show us show us Behold our new [Music] house I'm blind I'm blind oh my God not this now is the time for them to get serious about building a new house for themselves let's see what their plan is pour it down not on me got to make [Music] it okay it's time are you ready ready our new house oh no we do it wrong don't worry we can do it again oh no it crashed again what a headache now how can they build it just have to think clearly hopefully it will be okay this time again we will never have a house to live Papa what's matter baby papa a house it's on sale dog day look at that it's beautiful and that's all done guess that we're not suitable for building house catnap please wake up we don't oh catnap what's going on with him why did catnap have to be in the hospital for emergency treatment there is definitely something wrong here we need to find out the truth and I will find that medicine to save him no it's too dangerous if you go we will go with you they are trying to find a way to bring catnap back to life I think it's not easy for them what's that dog day it seems he has found something to help dog day but everyone seems to disagree with dog day they want to save catnap but everything seems quite difficult a there is no way out look at that we must find a way to go up there use the wall got you huh we must go it's too dangerous here oh no hoppy careful it's very dangerous here they cannot stand still here the door it's not open we got to find the key to get out or we're going to freeze to death they need to find a way to save themselves and catnap too crafty corn crafty be careful what box is this they needed to open that box but apparently the Box caused crafty Corn's horn to break oh I can't believe [Music] it oh no my horn let me lick it I'm going to help you corn [Music] huh my horn now it's dog day and Hoppy's turn can they break that box I think they can do it do not worry oh no Hoy we got to hurry up think dog day think I know the sunlight I'm free [Laughter] huh what's that run but crafty corn failed with this very box but hoppy will still be able to do it rest [Music] assured we are out look the medicine let's get it OJ dog day just saved hoppy from that rock and also got the key they really enjoy this moment no way I will let you take that medicine do you remember what catnap has done for us we cannot let him die that's right we have to save him he's always been the one who saves us oh no another new problem happened to them next they meet the evil Miss Delight again will miss Delight kill them we're out in [Music] Oblivion you hurt my friend dog day you must take this defeat [Music] her you think you will be stronger with those useless stuff they were all fighting each other terribly M light had wounded them why don't they run away dog day hoppy crafty corn be careful oh Mommy long leg hold on to that hose Miss Delight is coming what is she planning to do [Music] next Miss Delight looks so scary I never imagined she would be this shallow [Music] [Music] [Music] burn in Hellfire dog day don't you dare to do that to my friend wow after this fight they were finally able to get the antidote bottle to save catnap can catnap come back to life catnap [Music] uh oh I think catnap is sick I think he is sick you think no I'm not sick I'm as healthy as a racehorse does he still think he's healthy no way catnap seems like we have to take care of him now what should we do now dog day dog day and chicken chicken are still worried about how to help catnap look like they're planning to cook for catnap and hope he will be better it might take a little time for her I'm back that was fast here you are catnap thank you piggy it must be so good where is it oh what are they planning to feed catnap it doesn't look very good for real kicking your turn yes sir why are there so many ingredients wow there are too many ingredients here for chicken chicken to choose let's see what dish he will cook for catnap today you just eat all of his soup I'm sorry hot and delicious soup is here thank you it looks so yummy the food that chicken chicken Cooks looks delicious it was fascinating but where can catnap eat it since he's sick why not I put so much effort in it but it looks like someone just nked it up what did you just say he can he cannot he can I said he cannot oh it's so hot oh My Ghost hot food was spilled on catnaps body what a pity for catnap all right next move is to make sure he's snug as a bug in a rug all done what that was fast he is surely warm and not moving an inch oh what is that I said to keep him warm form not tie him down a little bit okay what next well next step is giving him some good rest with some soothing Tunes I got it everyone is listening to dog day's explanation let's see what they will do thank you you [Music] guys what the turn it off oh the music is so loud please turn down the music everyone clear the way clear this what should we do he is still sick it's so hard to take care of sick people I remember we have to take medicine when we are sick oh I got a lot is this enough dog day remembers that they brought medicine to support catnap and luckily piggy also brought it along maybe they will use that medicine to give catnap okay he might get better after this or maybe not all right I got to use my special skill in acupuncture catnap looks sicker now it will be time for piggy to help catnap will she give him acupuncture and now you won't feel sick anymore you're right I don't feel sick or anything from Head to Toes yeah I couldn't remember the energy points I need to strike so better safe than sorry at least it works you haven't [Music] sneezed oh what after a sneeze from catnap those acupuncture stick stuck to Piggy and chicken's bodies I wonder if they are okay what should we do now don't worry Dr Bubba is here Dr Bubba Bubba wow luckily Dr Bubba came and he was there to help them and you will be better thank Dr Bubba you are well oh no oh [Music] no don't follow me catnap don't run we really like you catnap catnap catnap catnap cat oh My Ghost is this a catnap fan they seem to enjoy it but why does catnap look like he's afraid of something catnap looks like a hero but he said he was able to run away from his fans I still don't understand why catnap became like that it turns out it was just a nightmare in his dream it probably won't come true don't worry see you tomorrow catnap the sun has risen it's time for the ultimate superhero catnap to do his job wow catnap looks like a hero it is truly beautiful and captivating it's true that this beauty makes crafty corn and others fall in love I'm coming ouch my back oh no the apples are broken he here you are what perfect timing catnap flew in to save crafty corn they look like such a beautiful couple everyone help me help me that bastard dares to rob in my city another incident cheeky chicken and crafty corn are having some problems don't worry catnap is here he will help them reconcile and find the truth please stay [Music] calm oh no there's more a train is coming careful oh no save that little girl from the moving train how wonderful catnap came and helped her truly a hero uh guess that I'm too strong why are there too many things to do today wait something smells sus here sigh is her again or what crafty corn really needs help Hero catnap please come and save her now oh my [Music] hero it's all her let's wait for my love again help help me hero catnap huh it's her again I Won't Let You deceive me anymore catnap he left me [Music] here okay crafty corn was really angry why why doesn't catnap care about her anymore what happened I won't fail this time I will become the ultimate Spiderwoman to get closer to him I'm coming catnap and perhaps this is the reason why she no longer admires catnap like before are they fighting over catnap that's it everyone wants catnap next to them so whose hero will catnap be no I'm his biggest fan you are just a fake fan no I'm not and you are not even a woman why are you wearing a girl out though cuz I like it so I am his biggest fan no we are I am but no catnap did well to save everyone stay calm everything has a [Music] solution take this got a chance laser eyes hey spider Moon and now this is so hurt never think about taking catnap from [Music] me oh catnap I've taken them down for you catnap no catnap where are you it's so good here there is no crazy fan around me oh my hero I've been cut in half by catnap for choosing two against him and now I am hanging here with all all these blood and waiting for the smiling Critters to come and eat me to the Bone oh no what's going on with dog day he looks so sad I don't know what to do now I won't let that happen a lot of smiling Critters are here will they be dealt with immediately you you help me I don't want anyone to be harm be careful player m is coming and she looks extremely angry will miss Delight do them any harm surely yes she looks extremely angry and Mr light will definitely get them killed be careful dog day player thank you dog day use this when you are in danger H player save dog day it's too dangerous otherwise dog day could die Mr light H oh no Mr Delight no please forgive Dante he needs to live [Applause] [Music] player be careful run now or you will be caught again player great try to stay away from Miss delight and fight her oh no that's scary M Delight became more and more Angry she was extremely strong can a player fight alone oh catnap a monster what is he planning to do I have to get through this oh my God player alone can't fight at all just a piece of cake what the hurry player be careful to escape the dangerous catnap catnap finally I meet you what should I do catnap don't be like that please save dog day everyone shock him [Music] his necklace will it work now want to shock me catnap looked both guilty and angry he shouldn't have done that things would have been better symbol use this when you are in danger it's Dog Day necklace [Music] go to hell catnap crafty cor is feeling extremely scared before fire help please someone help catnap is preparing to help crafty cor however he was stopped Spiderman you can't not run from me run away now NGO is extremely worried and tried to study what should I do now I cannot let the CEO hurt catnap I must find a way to save him but I'm too weak to fight him I got to power up h m there's nothing cool here huh what's that she saw the chemical element filters power drink what if it harms me but I have to save him [Music] h Huh my power crafty corn has been used and regained energy I got the power she uses a rainbow aot to fight [Music] man I have the axe at Rainbow too now let's practice [Music] catnap was tied up huh yeah I'm ready H luckily came and help Kat all the thing I did to that silly unicorn is to get you I will collect all your gas to make my own weapon and then I will dominate this playtime coal you cannot do that try to stop me I will stop you you evil let him go huh what you going to do little silly unicorn I'm not silly unicorn the man was [Music] EXN they are fighting each other huh the man failed aha you can't get away silly corn are you sure huh always watch behind your [Music] back ha [Applause] huh where is him find him why did things turn out like this what's that big news big news the one and only catnap continues to steal his fans heart oh my God he is so cool by now the catnap shirt catnap movie catnap poster and catnaps body mist and if you want to meet catnap buy the ticket now so that's why what should I do to make them not like me anymore there is only one way make them hate me where is him ch [Music] let's see how can you guys like me after [Music] this H what should I do next I remember all fans hate their celebrities Scandal I will make a big Scandal for [Applause] myself no he can't be like that you betrayal and then I will have a normal life again huh don't worry catnap we have dealt with these girls whoever caused Scandal for you must disappear they are crazy why are there even more fans than before H by now and if you want to meet catnap buy the ticket now I must find him don't miss this chance only for 1,000 bucks one time and only you can meet catnap in real life CEO stop all these things catnap it's catnap money money foney [Music] huh oh cat nap K up is a monster your power goes out remain calm and assist family members or Neighbors [Music]
Channel: Toony Games
Views: 5,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catnap reacts, 2d animation, cartoon animation, poppy playtime cartoon, poppy playtime, zoonomaly, zoonomaly aninmation, poppy playtime react to, poppy playtime reaction, smiling critters react to, daily life animtion, dog day, smiling critters reacts to dogday's heart is broken, hurted catnap, poppy playtime animation, dogday vs. catnap, dogday is so sad, dogday's heart, dogday heart is broken, bobby bear, Catnap Reacts
Id: tPJh66Zq6nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 36sec (3936 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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