SMILING CRITTERS, but they're CARS?! Poppy Playtime 3 Animation

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come on hurry up done it's ready this will be perfect for you full power we the best day of my life oh it's beautiful ready M on P St yes I love it here I go wo That's my boy I'm unstoppable GMA see me you go find the guys hurry because I want them pretty and own pled to make them into scrap for what I have my destructed 4x4 for I'm a genius I look gir that's a superheroine oh well I always have another the same color here it is what was that where' my drawing go cat me if you can hey I'm not fast is it that I need a superhero nobody can stab me ha my drawing it's intact you crack your windshield catnap I'll need some maintenance catnap this is great oh I'd like to be a motorbike like you what are you waiting for get out i' give anything to be the best yum this looks so delicious I'll eat it in seconds out I don't even know where to begin to eat I don't want to die help we destroyed his pie this is so so funny that Pine come with us of course I also want to ride on shiny Wheels this iron stop going to solder itself who's there I brought my friends we want you to make us in the cars too quickly please pretty please we do perfect not another word I think I prefer not what am I becoming my head is turning oh God how disagreeable but I like it look I'm an ice cream TR wa for the speediest of all dog not all these apples just for me yes pretty and Crown blad hey hey old man why don't you play with us yes of course around he won't be able to handle us enough I don't want got D leave me alone you brats I've lost my wait a minute I can't believe this it was all wicked wicked plan of course not for us tell us what you're plan well I'm planning to crush you with my destructive hor time to play my ner are M at last I'll smash you to P we're done for I'll start with the that one look at her run the are heavy oh darn I feel very cold piggy oh no this is all my fault faster faster yes oh no he's coming for me you can't escape little one prepare to die C now can't do anything I don't want to die enough talking let's get it over with nothing can save me now I can't help him what but I oiled them this morning app watch where you're driving how is this possible looks like someone's going to need maintenance right we can fix it some I'll do it can't do this to me I'm indestructible I we him thanks guys that's what friends are for to kick ass together woohoo I love this wait M don't me we talked about this you stay here don't be with us anymore you'll be much better here I hope don't look at him dear let's just go wish there was another way goodbye my baby I'll be good I'll be safe oh no I'll freeze this should work I'm still cold what this he are you doing in our house get this thing out of here I don't have anywhere to go get out of here for tonight thanks for protecting me pop this will teach you lesson how boring cruel hey what's this how lucky I love how cats cry let have some well if you need shelter stop running you fle bag what have I done to you just leave not running anymore take this stop what a stupid pathetic creature you're not worth it can anybody help me hey ridiculous fish you can't run who have we here what a coincidence it's ours come with us I don't know you let me go wait till the procedure is over that hurts wonderful what did you do to me I look horrible do itep everything is going according to our plan make yourself at home at least be respectful this would it be happening if my love me I hope you're having as bad as the time as I am who's there what's he doing here my baby huh huh what have they done to you my kitty what do you care you abandon me not true my kitty we didn't want this to happen to you you're our treasure we'll always love you how happy our little one is made he's a good boy you're going to give him to me give me that little one and we're even otherwise you two must come with me there's no other way it'll be but he'll have to live without his parents we'll never let them experiment on him if that's what you want but it was so sudden we didn't have anywhere to take you our little angel Mom Dad where are you going you can't leave me it's cold we didn't do it to be cruel it was terrible why are you leaving me and they call you and anyway they deceived us I had no idea but we're together that okay flea bags family time is over time for the experiment don't resist away from me you won't do it again oh someone seems to want to break the deal one6 do you want to teach him a lesson it's my man son okay I can't let you stop you can't it's your fault now just let it happen try not to get scared although I love to hear you Screech enough we're not going to let you do this have you stopped sobbing there's work to do you crazy Co how dare you shut up you're the ones who don't comply your parents signed the contract I'll sign your face with my claws come here you CR you're really annoying why don't you just die you my turn I made a mistake the Judo class is help here B you're aming your no tomorrow for you get away from my wife stay there or it'll be worse for you you can avoid what's inevitable time to end this the three of you will make a great ride just let me catch you go away it'll only take one second leave my baby that's my mom don't touch my family again oh just a piece of tar we can be together close by now I'm old enough to pay R baby I love you you can't escape me you no I only want a picture with you time to jump I'm as light as a bird I love honey bird you can't escape I beat you that wasn't so difficult yeah I beat the cat this this Not Over You bre you're still alive incredible I can't resist much longer catnap you're too young to die please resist the walls are slippery get out that hurt I'll save you I'll make a knot with this rope and then tie around your ears 1 two perfect now climb up I'm a very good Pro climber you trying to save me God that hurts my ears they going to rip off you okay cat now yep I'm enjoying the landscape you're very heavy but you're almost safe thanks for your effort almost there you must lose weight to that now let me go W fall on my feet but off my head it's over my nose we're alive catnap are you alive wake up wake up we must get out of here are you dead no you're not your heart is beaing you're alive time to revive you resist sleeping cast going to sleep do hours later where am I what time is it I fainted true catnap is unconscious I must revive him like I did many years ago I was distracted running then I fell my knee was bleeding and it hurt mom came and cured my cut with some Band-Aids and I felt much better now you feel better my little girl thanks Mom mom showed me what love and care could mean with a simple Band-Aid if a Band-Aid can cure many of them can save your life catnap I know you'll feel better now I'll look after you h a so sweet oh it's Miss Del light this I can't handle I must run I'll find the exit quickly before wait I can't leave catnap come on move he's heavier than before this isn't going to work I've got a great idea I'll get some cones I'll surround you with them Kitty so Mr light won't attack you I'll take care of you from now on I'll Be Your Shadow nobody will hurt you don't die I'm so tired I'll have a nap a mouse I'll catch him for count half come here you can't escape I'll catch you wake up time to eat I'll make a delicious baked rat very tasty okay kitty I'm opening your mouth swallow I hope you like it I have to take care of these sharp teeth I'm staying until you open your eyes wake up please my body hurts why that little girl play with me we let's fly why is she afraid of me it's as if I made her happy is that how it feels when somebody loves you with their heart when I was only a toy they chucked out all of those catnaps like me they threw us in the trash I loved them as I thought they love me but they never love me the trash he was full of my brothers me with no arms no life a nightmare and more and more were bought I had to run I didn't have anywhere to go I didn't know anybody I was just a helpless furry toy thrown away by those who said they love me suddenly my salvation made me believe that someone was still concerned about me and he took me with him and changed me into who I am someone who looks at you and smilees or loves you like that little girl I remember that war f one are these bandaids if that little girl put them on really I can't believe it she took care of me there's only room for one of us two you rat I'm going to cook you you'll be a delicious dinner okay she's talking to rats hold no that's a dangerous little girl what he's you again haven't you learned to respect teachers don't worry I'll teach you except I think you're pretty rude nothing that can't be fixed by crushing the head cat NAB help me get away go away go away I'll defend you even if it's the last thing I do she's gone why am I on my head want to call you Mr L CN you're away I'm so glad you're okay thanks for not abandoning me you won't believe all that happened you were in a coma I had to cover you in bandaids then the teacher came and left and then I had to catch rats and then the teacher came and we had to destroy her and I trapped a rat and baked it and then you woke up and oh no they turned on the lights what is it my son this my God the one who gives me hope and courage nothing is your god it gives me a bad feeling let's go cat now no my God is good he loves us how can I help you you must kill the little girl I don't want to kill her now she's good and she took care of me I don't want to are you defying me kill that little Pat or you'll feel my Fury is that your kill her catnap don't do this must I obey my God or my heart the answer is clear I'm sorry friend I'll always be grateful to you I'll only obey it this pain goes all through my body I must be obedient forgive me little girl I'm sorry where am I how did I get here was I beamed up what are these flowers I don't think this is Paradise Am I Dreaming what my heart wants can I actually create something so beautiful what it's beting a different beat a beat full of fillers that I can't deny but they're lovely a beat that pushes me to do something for this little girl who takes care of me who saves me kill me who told me that love does exist that I'm not disposable get away from her catnap you also love me you betrayed me neither you or anybody will force me to hurt my friend keep their claws off her your friends catnap that's incredible of course hey that hand moves yeah it's still alive after all it is a God I'm going to finish it off I don't think you're a God because if you were you'd know the real catnap is me and now I have to finish this go to the light over there don't resist I'll send you to a better place I can't believe this funny little girl has Sav my life I love you get back get back not another stab don't be scared you just want your heart leave my heart alone don't hurt me hurt you we couldn't you're too adorable oh just look at you so spongy and hugable and huggable time for me to go I want to keep my head I you want to hug you first so strange enough for me today I have it oh my ribs they hurt you smell a vanilla your arm is mine I want the other are you going to pull my arms off what the heck is why are you wearing this you almost killed me huh I heard screams and I came to save you thanks catb let's go where are you day what happened girls it was catnapped no more napping wait escap I can follow a s we lost them what did you do this time dog day I didn't do nothing I almost give me your out of here stop following me don't move you're so handsome which one you're going to make him crazy I'll help your dog get your hands off help these humans don't understand at all let's go he doesn't want to see you nobody can take our dog day away from now on we don't love catnap he's taking away what we love most dog day don't want to see you I hate you I hate you take that I'm going to come after you I think it'll be enough what the heck's cat up go for him him this why you got to help us some crazy humans are after us and want to kill us and we don't know why what are you talking about please I can hear them already can smell them here he come help us or he'll kill us before did this way girls quickly here look for those traitors hi girls looking for something something yes have you seen dog day catnap oh I don't know them we both know you know them don't threaten me or do you want to see my angry face your angry face you don't even have a face who do you think you are nobody Ms my face cowards have they left yet are they gone thank you Mr L I don't understand what's going on what do they want from me chill dog day we'll find out together who's behind all this they knew you were hiding nothing stops them they just want to hug come here seemed it wasn't enough you two run down see if you can get past me past you I'm going my friend alone do you think we've done his up I hope so have you come for a hug dead just said dog day give me an autograph don't kill me wait an autograph of course you're famous on TV me didn't you know look I'm the real dog day now you could be my friend if you buy my merchandise furry toys t-shirts and cats I look incredible see what you're missing smells like vanilla did you see what I saw it was player's fault he's making my life impossible we're going to fix you leaving what about My Autograph hugy what are you doing here you should be inside the TV okay I'm going back now I just wanted an autograph come and get your merchandise today I have something exclusive look these are autographed pictures signed by the standing I need it push there's enough for everybody we love it I also love it look there's the crook let's squash his face wait what all his fans are there we can't do it so how do we get closer leave that to the expert a call what's happening it's me ah Ollie that's right Ollie you're good Ally why do you sound so strange are you okay I need your help in the room next door M okay I'll see you there that was close he's coming I love money look who showed up catnap I can explain not so fast friend do you think you can get away with it huh let me go I have nothing to do with you what you do with me player did you think I was so dumb and wouldn't discover you wa look leave me and I'll pay you did he say pay we can fix this even I would pay for this I have more merchandise oh I'm pathetic
Channel: Cartoon Games
Views: 808,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hornstromp, hornstromp games, boxy boo animation, rainbow friends, boxy boo song, boxy boo origin, poppy playtime boxy boo, boxy boo poppy playtime, huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, boxy boo, boxy boo vs huggy wuggy, poppy playtime, poppy playtime animation, poppy playtime chapter 2, poppy playtime chapter 3, rainbow friends animation, project playtime trailer, huggy wuggy cartoon, boxy boo project playtime, lunch boxy boo, boxy boo presents, fash, smiling critters, catnap
Id: Be8GfFniiCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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