Smashers Dino Island T Rex Battles! Mosasaurus Eye Popper Review

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[Music] should we say at the start of this video of paleontologic biological Tyrannosaurus Rex cerebellum of study we will be discovering several facts for an intended audience of all ages keep in mind serious dinosaur discussion ensu just don't get crushed by teeth on the table today at squirrel Stampede we have Smashers on the table Dino Island T-Rex battles Battlers little Miniatures of that giant T-rex skull we opened about a year or two ago few of you have been joining in quite vocally about getting to this Smashers review so thank you for pushing me along as we get this new series of Dino Battlers going it took me a while I wanted to find the T-Rex mosasaurus pack for sure and you can tell by the color of the dinosaur on the nose uh either a red or a green should get you the full collection what is in what though we don't know we have to smash them out so join along as we continue are once again fantastic featuring of Smasher smashing dinosaur skulls swirl Stampede it sounds so brutal four dinosur and a squirrel all right so I need some help there's no way I'm getting through these without some extra support so I'm bringing in mold dun's team the Velociraptor containment chaos back yeah a couple Jurassic Park employees will help just right in this review so let's see here isol Nar Park worker 1 and iset nebl park worker 2 and team moldun is here to help us out just in case something goes wrong so like always with Smashers there's things to collect Smashers Dino Island T-Rex Battlers we have the T-rex skull with the red T-Rex emerging from its nose and we also have green back here that should complete the collection we are definitely looking for a T-Rex and a mosasaurus today that's why I held this review so long was I was looking for that second option of skull I want to make sure we see a mosasaurus today and like normal with these Battlers you've got smash open the dino skull Follow the treasure map and unlock said slime and more to find did I just say said instead of sand two epic Smashers dinosaurs inside these man did they just nail the shrink wrap dinosaur look look how detailed the T-Rex smile is with those teeth a miniature version of what we saw last year with a mega T-Rex Dino Smasher eyelid whatever they called it I don't think this eye makes noise our previous had an eyeball that made noise but I'm so at awe of the packaging I hate to I hate to tear into this because it's going to take away from such an awesome prehistoric look but we got to go we got to go we got to see what's inside inside if we have found osaurus or not we'll start with the red T-Rex of rexes I'm just going to go right in here and jump ahead this shrink is so tight and just when you think you've done your job tearing one layer of Flesh off you've got to go for a second round why do they always do that to me all right there's actually a zip pull over on this side I think yeah there we go how satisfying will it be not very I don't think zuru understands the concept of these zip pulls because it never works look at that oh gosh and we've got it oh why was that so difficult if zuru could just get together with store entrance shrink teams they would have nothing ever shoplifted okay so there's our Rex we're going to open up we're going to smash open up of course sometimes these interlocking Jaws can be pretty tight we will see how much this one will [Applause] fight as if my table can take this ah mold's team is already down a lot to help you guys are but that's inside our first Smashers T-Rex mini Battlers head and I feel like we probably have found the mosasaurus I hope I hope now luckily for the park employees we have extra armor let's suit them up perhaps now you guys will be a little more armored and helpful the Smashers Dino Island T-Rex battles we go again with 1 two three maybe lava versus ice on the map so on this side you got like this ever we's finding Waldo adventure of where's dinosaur going on in the lava volcano Zone and over on this side where's Waldo in ice uh where's where's where's moso and rexo I suppose over on the back here the two dinosaurs we're going to try to attempt to build today if and so we have them also a little quick guide on who are we collecting today who are we collecting if you recognize any of these Smashers dinosaurs minis we probably have seen them minis many many millions of times I think there are quite the same maybe hard to say and then some larger ones that's what we're here for the large ones okay well let's start on the lava side let's start with T-Rex it's kind of the theme of the show let's find ourselves something to scratch off number one here Zilla will help us out and away we scratch off so our first bag of usur it's in red we're looking for the head I believe it's right behind this guy right here what do you think he's the blar Park employee number one is that what we're looking at Dino slime it's got to be yeah I agree we get that Spotlight on here the dino slime pack fairly heavy for a mini skull pack and and oh it's that orange stuff in the past the orange stuff has been fairly helpful oh it's the head kind of a miniature version of what we saw last year maybe trying to do this ever so cleanly today oh and even a little tail stump it's a tail stump and this is about as thick as you can get in a good quality of slime today good quality we'll just keep you wrapped up in there we all know what slime is forever ever chemicals maybe they should start phasing out the DuPont forever chemical slime compound for something more natural like some sort of like fossil sand or something which they do occasionally well there's our head and we bring back in the map for two everybody what everybody every body hide number two do you like how I'm using Godzilla scales to run this it actually works pretty well finding those Godzilla minis in what we just looked at last video These great Godzilla xcong the new Empire Hollow Earth crystals look for these they are fun so what is this now dino body Dino body is that look correct their park worker EA NBL yeah so I think my new friends are pointing down this bag right here oh there's Landry fell down after the great skull tastrophe Dino body corpse of course all right very light I'm not expecting sand perhaps it's one of the Fantastic air compounds we we've always loved in the past and it is it's an air compound oh ah gosh it's so hard to catch just flies out uh there's our body of our Rex some sort of uh release bulc Chrome lever I like it moldun is this bringing back any memories to how John Hammond had you bring in all the dinos to the park uh did you have to assemble them like that do you remember no although I should know this is Smashers Dino Island a competitor of Jurassic Park they were in a few Islands over malun had this like secret secondary job of working for them making that Park go borrowing some Jurassic parking place I've really messed up the lore I'm sorry huh okay where's the map where's the map okay where's t- rexo in here uh swamps of time Zilla help us out zilla's scales are solid we're looking for the bag with the foot he thinks it's way back over here there we go so this would be Dino sand uh my favorite like I say it's less forever chemical it's more like hey do we just find some dirt in the back parking lot at zuru by now it's got to be completely empty they're like we need to move our location because we've used all the sand we could that was difficult oh uh I don't know if I like this one inside here we've got some very dusty legs I might just rinse these off you know dust and hinges never works out very well there we go and some forearms little tiny Rex arms and as for the sand oh it's like dried out and ruined this is not good sand n it's okay if I put like five drops of water in there closed it up overnight it might Rec compound itself all right I cleaned up our legs let's build our first battler why do I keep calling them battler just sounds cool uh we got our head pieces Let's Jam these together oh there's slime hang on okay I cleaned that up the worst is getting slime in your hinges am I right am I right okay whoa whoa whoa what a spring that's fun up do with this this this thing here I don't know okay let's get the legs on I like the scale of this so much better than what came out of the giant skull last time it was a little bit too much this one's a little more reasonable got that Smashers red going on for sure and a tail which oh has slime in it I'll just cheat this time there we go there we start we start with our Rex what do you think Park worker oo his by cuspids look really good oh no ah east the park worker number two I'll save you over here please over here so there is our T-Rex yes we found the Rex now we're going to work on hopefully finding its friend Moses so we pop out the map is Moses a common name around Town anymore so Frozen in Time number one and last time we used Zilla this time we'll use we'll use shimo although I only have one shimo I got to be careful I don't want to ruin her okay what is that what is that I can hardly see I see like a weird red thing coming out of the ground it's the head of the mosa swords it's got to be this one yeah it's got to be this one right there darn it's it's heavy it's probably got forever chemicals what's with me and forever chemicals lately pop oh a soupy green I expected blue so inside here really cool and soupy green look at that looks like extra slime from The Minis of the gross disgusting kind got a tail I don't I can't even get it out okay we got the tail we do this slowly enough it'll keep falling back into the bag there's the tail so this is a mosasaurus yes I'm so glad I held off for the red toothed egg there we go our mosasaurus head so I may want to clean that up all right map me again shimo what do we got it's snow joke oh I don't want to use sho I'm going to rub off her scale paint I'm just going to go with this Alien X tool oh that works so well too uh okay what is that see a giant tail does it does it really matter honestly when following the map as long as you have all three bags you'll find your Dino is this more the air compound or the sand oh we actually got something different in here got some flippers this is one of my favorites it's so much easier to contain ah and it's satisfying again a little bit on the dry side but it's very satisfying just that noise I love that sound of course if you do that too many times you're going to get a bunch of little uh styrofoam items everywhere okay so we got a few things that was in the Slime that was in this bag mostly just flippers mostly just flippers so you can almost see the outline of our mosasaurus coming together almost ready to go go we just need a body and where will the body be Ice Age bath that's got to be the one way back over here by Park worker number one what do you got over here dude oh sorry M this here is our final bag it is Dino body did I I think I might have done that in Reverse this might be the bag full of air over here ah yes more air always miss the air compound the body is almost in the same is this the exact same shape as the Rex no no it's a little different I thought maybe they just reused the body shape but this one goes down by the tail where Rex had it back mosasaurus where have you been where have you been ah there we go uh tail and now we play what what flipper goes where oh this is going to be a hard game show oh thank goodness they've labeled these l r r l but wait the instructions have it d e FG well that's very helpful thanks guys okay so if I'm a mosasaurus and I'm going about my day what would be my left and right uh this would be my left side so here's a left flipper and here's another left flipper and my right right side here's a couple right flippers but now we got to figure out or is it the big flipper in back or the front this is so overly difficult uh okay so I'm going to I'm just going to go with this one I think it's the one with the more rounded fin up front and the one with the more shorter flip up back maybe oh these are going to fall off all the time too a little disappointed right now in Moses but we'll get her to work okay well okay now I'm UND disappointed that's really cute if these flippers stay tight I've totally guessed I got the lefts and the right on whatever side but you know now is this the left I don't know there we go she's beautiful where's the ball so we followed the map as best as we could and the ball is in the skull there yeah on the upper deck of our packaging skull uh one side here is eyeless the other side has an eye and we will be able to twist open and get this eye out it's like a ping pong ball so let's see if we can figure this out there's our Moses we'll start Moses will start with the ball and we'll take our ping pong ball and uh jam it in there that immediately sets a click off and so I think she's now armed and loaded and we've got a button right here oh oh well dude I did not mean that I am sorry I was going for Rex I am sorry about that it was difficult to be a park worker you can't really completely hide the ball I wish this clicked down and so you wouldn't know who had the ball but now we'll shoot over here at Rex right in the eye of Rex and took out the other Park worker oh I hope you guys have uh health insurance let's try the Rex just like Moses kind of the head always wants to flip open we got a release lever on her back and what's the game here is this kind of like um where we try to catch the ball in the mouth oh try that again oh no that'll never happen you know it would take like 500 hits to actually like go in the mouth what a this this might be the best creative fun Smashers has done in a while uh things were getting a little tired uh repeating the same sculpts over and over again the same eggs over and over again and most of the stuff just didn't do much but this actually gives you something to do secondary and there's a lot of power to these you know at least five 6 ft uh of shooting power maybe just maybe a couple extra eyeballs would have been nice had they included maybe had they included old school Smashers monster eyeballs as the uh launcher I got to go find mine they are buried somewhere in the archives uh but it would have been fun to see if they fit we got a couple Smashers eggs included and those those don't really fit but we'll figure out what do we got here what what collection of dinosaur this time in a red breakable egg Bo and egg Bo I just spoiled it it slipped cracking on my chair we got a green Rex out of that there's the shells wow how long have I been doing this how could I fumbled so poorly okay let's try this again at least get a 50% rate of egg smash okay guys watching are you ready oh boy oh my hello hey it's a Bronto and we have discovered so a orange Bronto and a green Rex and oh man I have just been so yearning for more minis like this where has it gone but that is the mosasaurus pack I like this one quite a bit I'm glad I waited to find Moses here we got one more pack though we got one more pack back here by employee number one it is the green dinosaur headed out of the- noosed pack what's inside this one I forgot already aha not ridiculously packed in any way but still just one of the best one of the best containers you could totally reuse this I love this it's it's totally reusable for all all sorts of things to smash in dinosaur stuff and just looks great display even got a big Band-Aid on its nose ouch all right let's see if we can just rip my table into two one of these days one of these days my table is just going to completely tear itself yeah he's drying open doctor oh boy he's really tight ah bye ah so this one themed green and orange bags of compound buildable Smashers Dino Battlers we'll find them so doing two of these in one video is quite like extra there's so much stuff um Imagining the map I bet you anything the map is the same where did this guy come from um Imagining the map if I can find this one good for you Smashers I thought we'd see the same map just repurposed so now we're on the slime Island the marshy swampy slime Rex with boogers coming out yuck and very glossy this is it's so hard to see and then over on this side we've got kind of more lava a lava sand uh trike Zone here of where's Waldo Battlefield coming together okay so so let's go over here Kong do you want to lead us with this one Kong Beast glove us aaur so right there b that's tight there we go okay hello o fearick is that a word fearick the triatic fear gloopy yummy well I do like the bright slime what zuru offers there should be a tail in here if this has anything to do with the same style as what we did earlier yeah I can just clean this all up without using water and our tail yummy I love how bright it is and a good amount too for being a mini egg we're getting loaded with fun stuff all right in you go slime for another day all righty back to the map oong this is if we can get the gloss off everybody hide lots of teeth with that one I think it's the back this one way over here what a mess air compound air compound can never catch very Gator esque would have been better if they had a crocodile like uh suck Aus or something instead of another Rex wouldn't it and our final Kong find SS of time SS of time so where's the sand of time where is the sand of Time how you guys doing Park workers you've been flying all over the place today I'm trying to be nice to oh sorry um what is that oh this place is such a mess probably our last bag of slime today it is more orange oh wow oh wow look how look how color oh it's so messy but it's so awesome I don't have I gone through a trike before in Smashers I feel like I have never seen a trike before I think they've done a few maybe this one's going to need a bath it's a little the Slime is a little hard to see it's like the same color as the the head piece here yeah there's a a nub hanging from something oh why is this so messy because it's slime Dan that's why anything else in here there's got to be a oh this is this one's just probably the messiest of the day there's Tri horns and a tail I've actually got it mostly back together it's this little nub thing that that's not collecting well oh hello good stuff look how vibrant that is that is like burning my retina the screen the camera can't get how bright this actually is what I'm seeing right now is it's incredibly bright and so hopefully everything's still going here uh what do you got scar King uh number two scar King says that is a giant foot okay so the foot the foot is behind the head here we go the dino foam my favorite at least of this review today is the foam we'll probably get a bunch of trike legs in here and they should be much easier to identify then well we had trouble with the mosasaurus right the four legs inside and now more of my favor we got some orange just breaks apart so well so well and if you're good at making cookies you can form this into a dinosaur um last time I I did a really great T-Rex this time I think that looks kind of like um yeah scar King says take an Ice Age bath and it's the the only package left so I think we're done with this that would be over here got so much clutter so much clutter on this one everybody Dino [Applause] body oh there goes the air compound oh my gosh he caught it he caught it Jurassic Park Park employee number one caught caught the air compound finally finally hold on to that we don't want to lose that so we have our trike body here all of them just a little bit different some spikes down the back there let's see if we can get her head on top of this pretty well and so the feet obviously feet are going to point certain ways that looks like a back leg front legs are probably going to be Stumpy let's try this back leg again don't embarrass me back leg you fell off and you embarrassed me and oh no this goes here this probably has the most most to put together with so tail where's our tail that's not our tail let's stick the Brontosaurus to the back of our track oh there's a lot of slime in there oh oh not the back you made fun of me again back leg you're embarrassing me okay so we got this front nub and we've got a couple spikes is it that way I think it's that way that is not it oh good I did get that correct where did the nub go there it is ah finally finally the track definitely has the most stages of construction with the extra horns and four legs good setup where's the eyeball there it is it was packed in remember behind the skull packaging egg drop that in looking good and then we fire away at the Rex oh popping I power maybe if I get in really close it'll pop from one to the other nope but yeah challenge a a buddy shoot them across the room at each other knock out the Fine China in the cabinet behind you uh take down the tapestries all that got a couple more eggs to find couple more hopefully this time I won't embarrass myself again by Smashing it off screen they can be reformed of course with these but you have to have a degree from MIT to do that here we go and a blue Bronto we found an orange Bronto and a blue Bronto now and our other one would be would be I don't think there's anything gold or anything really fancy it's just fun and tight really tight there we go and a red Rex what was out there again so we found the red Rex and then there's a green Rex and we found the blue Bronto and the orange Bronto there's a whole another side to this though there's some Raptors I wonder if there's going to be a raptor pack or is there a raptor pack that I just don't know about yet very possible there's going to be a raptor pack with a raptor and Triceratops maybe or maybe you got those maybe you got those in your your egg or maybe I got them and they both flew off weird conveniently look at you back there holding on to that air good job oh oh that's too bad when he falls back down to earth we'll get some stories I imagine by the way we really didn't take a look at the rest of that uh Jurassic Park set there is a really cool Raptor inside look at there about as classic as you can get and we've got a cage for it let's build the cage really quick if we can it came with all these pieces ah flip it around this way oh it clicks right in other wall Point down now we can pop in this I bet yeah and okay I don't know how this could be so tricky but it is okay and the door wow what challenging than I thought it would be uh but a perfect little cage for our first onscreen Raptor where'd you go Raptor oh right back here so we'll get you in your home get you in there and um M too he can hang out with you there we go so what a great looking cage setup this was a 2023 character builder pack by the way that I finally wanted to just find a spot to open it and there we go with the Smashers Dino Island T-Rex battles Battlers mini dinosaur that ping pong up the ball eyeball from their mouth that was fun that was a good combo I think one of the funnest Smashers we've gone through in a while it giv gives you something a goal to have a couple to shoot after each other and if you have a friend involved with the build or the unboxing you will have something to uh play catch with so I think those turned out well what do you think if you like today's video please give us a sik squirel I a Squam at your favorite Smashers Dino Island T-Rex Battlers of today thank you so much for watching that's what I have to say about [Music] that oh [Music] wo
Channel: SquirrelStampede
Views: 93,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smashers dino island t rex battles review, smashers dino island, smashers, dino island, smashers dino island tyrannosaurus rex, smashers dino island mosasaurus, mosasaurus, tyrannosaurus rex, squirrel stampede, squirrelstampede, squirrelstampede smashers, smashers dinosaurs, smashers dino island collection review, smashers ball poppers, Smashers Dino Island Ball Poppers, Dinosaur ball poppers, dinosaur collecting, dinosaur collection
Id: VYnK0a7uOSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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