Smash but it's Randomly Canon Accurate...

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today we got random stats of random characters altered to be canonically accurate we got sizes stats jump height you name it I'm going be playing a couple of these characters with my pal Jordan who has been traumatized by a couple of these already and so to make it interesting and to reflect a nice little wi record I got against you Jordan I thought it'd be fun to put some stakes in that sounds not fun actually it'll be altered a little bit where if you end up getting more wins than me I'll give you $100 oh really yeah yeah but if it's the other way around if I get more wins than you I get to write whatever I want on your Twitter account he's finally giving me money for the canonical videos no Jordan please look who we just got okay and tell me you think you're going to win this you better not have given me Link's canonical jump highight oh what the your jump highight is normal so it's not it's not a jump height for you okay okay wait so your jump Height's different I think is it I don't know I don't know ah y okay I think I found it I think I found it okay good to know good to know oh okay yeah I think it's your be yeah I think that is strugg it is I guess link isn't canonically insane like apparently inkling is but oh wait this my kill this my kill what even you're evil you're like evil YouTuber like oh $100 if you could win like there's no way to win I know that Kirby's broken no this could be jumps where it's like my Kirby just jumps forever or it might be you destroy planets and swallow them whole or it might be yeah or or canti this no oh wait okay let's actually my work out what do you have is your jump abilities oh oh yes look that movement yeah you can jump forever I think yeah yeah all right congrats buddy congrats must be fuing nice oh wait oh oh my God bro what the yo I'm moving I'm moving I'm moving this guy is Edge guarding curvy cuz he has no fear in the world time out for the win time out for the win get over here coward oh my this is the worst this is the worst day of my life to be fair it's over for you anyway it's so over yeah you know what and it really is no way I was going to do anything with those like L ass limbs oh boy y I'm hoping for a canonical like thunder that can blast you away all the Pokémon have their canonical Pokemon stats yes okay okay yeah and minman minman yeah there's only one Canon thing about her and it's the power of her arms is this how it felt bro playing against my kirvy no no no that was actually even match I just outplayed you but this is like yeah this is clearly in your favor sick woo yes yeah con yeah baby all right two1 two1 oh for this one I literally bought piranha plant the other day I saw I saw is that for this video no it wasn't it was for a thumbnail and I didn't even end up using that thumbnail is the worst part you know actually editor can we show that here just so it gets appreciated so this is the first occurrence of you ever playing piran plant yes it is oh my God a historic moment all right we're at the opposite end of the spectrum here where I can't fing jump and Jordan jumps forever I know you can't be good with piranha plan you literally don't own him I I have to win so it's going to be a little embarrassing when you lose oh here we go here we go how am I this fast oh here we go is that the word you said to oh that's so dope I don't know how that hit you but we take those no no no it's you're not going to break me mentally like this I'm stronger than that oh my God yeah you can't fly away no please oh my go bro you have no fear what you perfectly weave through that just give up you have no chance yeah it's over oh I'm I'm cleaning it up bro my only chance is Timeout what I down Beed y chances to get a better character this is why I refuse to fing buy him for ages bro trash Jordan it wouldn't be as fun if we were only fighting this whole time so this challenge also has some bonus aspects to it whichever one of our characters jump farther wins oh wait I think this will actually be perfect there no shot I win oh my God okay the way this is going to work it's just literally only jumping no upbe no SBE nothing no air dodging just jumping okay all right all right let's do this Yoshi ye [Music] baby wait he got nerfed like crazy the end of the four that's where you got to get to for Australia in theone Jump oh no still trash no all right 32 32 let's see what we got oh I know Lucario is decent in the game actually he is he is okay he's not like minman he's not stupid but he will do damage Lucario is decent I bet oh look at that 17 oh wow that did a lot of damage okay okay I with this oh sick yeah nice this is the first kind of even match I feel yeah nothing's too crazy at all it's completely even yeah everything's so normal so fine this is regular Lucario gameplay wait why are my ball so small oh no aha you fool now I am stronger don't jump he jumped but it didn't matter oh he does know character works I had a jump I had a jump left what do you mean I have been Victorious all right all right let's let's see this next one then yeah you going to win this my fox is kind of Ash but Rob you remember Rob I think he was a a toy from what I remember yeah he's like an 8 in tall toy yeah you're you're pretty familiar with those aren't you Jordan yeah an 8 in toy this 8 in toy is about to destroy you I can't even J you yeah what you going to do oh no yeah I'm actually winning this no you're not bro I got hit by the gyro what I don't even know what hit me oh noce oh please I'm dead I'm dead oh oh why did you no why did I open it be malfunction at the end there editor actually Replay that may me feel better no do not insert clown music either accept your death bro I will not I have to wait for you to land cuz I can't jump up to get you this guy tried a regular get up editor can you believe him editor start with the cloud music there we go oh the throw he's jacked he literally lifted up like 1,000 times his own weight oh let's go the tin some n i put up a valley and fight you got to give me that a little bit of a Cannon battle ha oh baby tall lady tall man as well big yeah we're Canon tized oh my gosh that s me so why did I do 40 damage oh and the Damage though woo okay he's not supposed to be Canon strength what is this I don't think I am I think I'm just that good bro what is this you made this this a wor my life this is what he randomly blessed why was he so strong there's your freebie you know what there's your freebie $100 is mine no Jordan it's not you know why because we're doing another quirky little match this one is going to be based off Whoever has the stronger forward smash wins we may or may not be able to determine right off the bat let's see o Charizard or Squirtle no I think uh I think Charizard what is Sonic got going for him he's canonized awesome all right okay I I'll I'll go first all right you SLA me first come on give me a knuckle sandwich m 24.6 all right pretty good wait but Charizard keep in mind he's a special attacker keep in mind the UN took 30.4 W yeah it that was close that was close all right let's see what we got Jordan wait that's actually way better than puff pigly puff is a sh Pokemon so I don't think this is going to go well at all oh I am molasses and everything does more damage to me because I have low defense isn't that awesome yeah that's actually sick yeah it's like attention of detail we like that on this channel it's a backlash right it's a Canon stats for SCH that's what it was of course no please oh the Parry was so long I think you air slash me as well is this $100 US yeah just uh all right hit okay I think you have your jumps which are just like kind of small yeah it's like a block height I think I might have my Cannon damage I need to find out yeah what baby you've been winning these last ones okay it's my turn to have fun avoid side B avoid side all you have to do Jordan avoid side B I thought I was on the other side anyway we take those baby 5 six see what we got oh okay I suck at this character this is not going to go well I think he's Canon sized yeah he's a bigger boy even more combo food yeah I have no idea how to play B bro what the f I keep trying to jump keep going high as health just approach you got this I will what oh oh that was embarrassing oh that was a little embarrassing Jordan she powered up as well yeah you remember the Bowser yeah yeah that's how it felt bro oh let's go that's fine oh that does so much damage ah oh oh no I impressed it what do you mean it would have killed oh my gosh no no no 100 bucks buddy I ain't trying to lose that today no all good night good night I'm fine I'm fine good night girl all right 66 finally my height all right Jordan we got another challenge coming up this one based on speed we're going to play on bridge of Elden where're he's going to start on one side and whoever gets the middle first wins so let's see who he gets I'll take that I'll take that yeah I definitely think Roy is faster than this little in Gremlin okay at 6:30 we'll run okay okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait when the dot gets to the zero on it or when it first gets to six when it'll be 0 0 so like 610 0 0 okay okay I think you got there first did I yeah all right Jordan gets a by being the more skilled player okay the characters that are left range from like broken to trash there is no in between like they will be very very decisive matches coming up yes yes I will take this for Ninja I think he's really fast that's his gimmick I can do this I just got to get you up stage oh here we go off stage yes he's crazy oh oh my gosh that was a little crazy actually wo no no way what oh the squit went don't say it like that you know what I just need to keep abusing my move yeah that's what I going oh my God hold on hold on up wake up wake up what it's that strong oh my gosh I missed oh dude okay I survived this one I survived this I survived this okay cool oh it's so close I hate this sure the content is fun but I hate this Jordan oh man my PS are s weding dude no yes no yours ising broken yeah he's good right all right big Ridley big big Ridley easy to combo oh oh big Ridley hang on hang on hang on strong ridly hang on okay okay get off you sure you can kill oh my gosh oh okay oh what happened okay editor pretend you died there guys don't worry this is part of the mod where the stage changes we were both at two stocks 0% this is just what happens when the mods oh he's cooking that's so broken I just need to get like a hidden yes rley chop you're not winning this you're not winning this oh the big kick oh why does it keep happing 0% though it works out nicely every time you die okay so one stock each oh my God bro this is intense getting ready for this burst option dude what do I do this is so stupid you're doing great Nick I'm bad no that definitely hit that definitely hit I died that's a very Fu ass match but let's roll with it all right I'll take it we have four characters left two broken two sh so I think we will literally determine right off the bat who wins yes yes yes yes it to beam baby damn it the r guns keeping this even this is insane rubber banding this is like some Mario Kart nonsense look look at your roll look at your roll what is that it's because his special defense is so that we have to make his roll like just bad got to get a combo starter or something that's finally chance oh here we go here we go what the UPS don't even connect my God this is so bad yeah my defense is pretty good oh my raids are pretty good W there okay this actually would be the most embarrassing loss in history if I L this oh the N kills oh hang on you're crazy you're crazy how much damage does that do is that like a she combo shut up I'm I'm dead the jab did more than I've done this whole time are you kidding me a mate oh that was unfair it all comes down to this all comes down to this Ken or alar the last two left and of course Jordan you know we got to end it with the cooky little challenge oh God this time we're going to do the one that's the most well recognized on my channel Canon size whoever is taller wins what is wrong with you all right Jordan are you ready I'm ready let's do it one two oh we have to roll again okay okay again all right ready stop come on stop around come on come on yes damn it all right let's let's stand next to each other let's see let's verify all right $100 Jordan and all yours you've earned it you've earned it through your skillful victories today all the years of sandbagging these challenges until money was on the line finally paid off see you next time subscribe thank you bye
Channel: TCNick3
Views: 442,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smash, smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, ssbu, smash ult, persona, persona ost, smash ost, smash bros ost, mario, captain falcon, bros, tcinick, tcnick, tcnick3, elite, elite smash
Id: 5umbri2pdC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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