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hello my friends and welcome back today we are going to be talking about small uninstagram-worthy kitchens i don't know about you guys but i feel like whenever i see kitchen organization videos on youtube or like anywhere really it's always in these really nice pretty kitchens with these like perfect drawers and cupboards and listen that's all fine and well but i also know a lot of kitchens don't look like this and i know that because well my kitchen and my house definitely doesn't look like this and prior to this house i've lived in eight different houses and none of them had these kind of kitchens either luckily living in a lot of normal kitchens and yes i'm going to call these kinds of kitchens normal because i would bet there are a lot more of us living in uninstagram-worthy kitchens out there that are not means that i've had to think of really clever and practical ways to use my space in my kitchen to make the most of them and i've shared some kitchen organization videos in the past and i always get comments from people saying they really appreciate seeing tips from a normal kitchen and i really love that because the one thing that i aim to do here on my channel is help you guys find ways to simplify your lives in real honest ways i want you to know that yes you can organize a small kitchen with hundred-year-old cabinets my current kitchen yes you can make the most of a hundred square foot house is a family of four with two adults working from home full time see my last video i'll link that down below yes you can find rhythm and daily productivity as a mom of two little babies yes you can take control of your clutter even if you're short on time i think you get my point now this house that we live in right now is actually the first of all of these houses that we've ever actually owned so we're pretty excited that in the next year we're going to be making a big investment on this house and finally renovating our kitchen and so well i'm like so excited to do this like seriously so excited never in my life as a child or as an adult have i lived in a house that had a new kitchen so this feels very unreal to me but i'm also a little bit sad about it because i love my weird quirky old kitchen and i love being able to use it to show you like hey listen you can make whatever you have work for you but i wanted to get in at least one more kitchen organization video and sort of share with you some little tricks and tips that i have used to make the most use of this space even when the kitchen is not set up maybe in the most useful or practical way also i want to let you know that today's video is also sponsored by hellofresh so stay tuned to hear how i use that to maximize my small kitchen all right guys we're just going to dive right into this video by conquering one of the worst cupboards in my kitchen now the cupboards that are in my kitchen my house was built in 1930 and i would reckon that these cupboards are original to this house insane reckon makes me feel like i'm in an old timey cowboy movie but we're just gonna go with it at some point somebody put new faces on them but the actual cupboards themselves very very old and specifically the cupboards right below me these guys down right here which they also have green samples on them right now because like i said we're renovating we're trying to decide what color green i think it's going to be this green i don't i'm not sure what green do you guys like let me know in the comments anyways particularly those bottom cupboards are the worst it's also just a very awkward shape it's very old i've cleaned it i've given a fresh coat of paint but it's just kind of like what up it's an old cupboard and so i've sort of neglected it so i'm going to show you what this looked like just a few days ago when i was being quite neglectful of it [Music] i realized this was not in my normal spirit of like make it work for you if you can so i found some smart kitchen organization items that actually have made way better use of this cupboard space okay so the first thing i did was get some of the smart kitchen organization items that i bought unpacked and i was obviously getting very into my music on this particular morning and i'll give you guys three seconds to go ahead and take a guess of what you think i'm listening to in the comments down below [Music] [Applause] all right anyways the first and best thing i got for kitchen organization was definitely this pot holder it slides into the bottom of the cupboard and then you just screw it into place with a single screw to secure it and this allows you to easily stack all of your pans i really love this because we use a lot of cast iron pans and i hate stacking them because i don't want them to rust so i often leave them out on the oven which is just cluttered but most importantly i can easily grab the pan that i want without having to like sort through them all which is what you do when you stack them and it's a pain to put your clean pans away this way and it's just kind of how you end up with the mess that i had before so i'm really happy with how this thing turned out and i'm definitely going to be bringing it along when we do the renault now i had less luck with a lids organizer i bought this lid organizer but it's kind of like flimsy so i'm going to have to keep searching to find the right one anyways the point i want to make is just with one or two small investments of things between 15 and 25 i can make way better use of this very sort of awkward weird space to make it work better for me okay the next area i want to show you is our paper organizer because while we don't usually think about kitchens as a place for paper who can with a show of hands tell me how often paper ends up in your kitchen go ahead and think about it for a minute mail kids forms from school random notebooks receipts kitchens just tend to be these like catch-alls for paper so i always suggest having something in place for paper in your kitchen because whether you want to admit it or not you're going to end up with some type of paper in the kitchen so i do have an entire video all about paper organization i'm going to link that down below for you if you need it but one specific thing in the paper department that i want to show you is my meal planning binder that i use as part of my paper organization so let me show you what i keep inside now i am big on meal planning i've shared this you guys before i cannot explain to you how much time and how much money it saves me to plan my meals for the week ahead of time i will link my video about down below on how i meal plan but generally i use this binder i keep my favorite recipes in here and then i use these printables to help me organize my food inventory make lists create my weekly meal plans these are all printables that are available on my website by the way so i will link my printables page down below where you can get these all for download now not only does meal planning save me time and a ton of money but i also find it super key in my small kitchen because when you're limited on space you really need to be proactive about eating through what you have in your pantries and in your freezer because you don't have the space to keep everything in stock all the time so meal planning just allows me to stay on top of what i have and use it up before i need to buy more and like i mentioned earlier today's video is sponsored by hellofresh and hellofresh actually helps me do the same thing so my husband and i have been using hello fresh on our own for quite a few years so when they reached out to me about working together it just seemed like a really natural fit because this is a product that i actually use that i have been using and buying with my own money for multiple years so hello fresh boxes send seasonal recipes and fresh pre-measured ingredients right to your door with a wide variety of quick but delicious meal options and personally i like that the dinner there's still dinners that like i'm cooking myself but the step-by-step directions and the pre-measured ingredients just make it super quick and super easy saving me tons of time most of the meals get to the table in just about 30 minutes now what i love about hellofresh is someone with a smaller kitchen is their recipes are unique they help me break out of my recipe rut but since i'm still getting all the ingredients pre-measured i don't have to take up space in my kitchen afterwards for these unique delicious meals you know when you want to try a new recipe but you only need like a teaspoon of something or a cup of something so then you have to buy it and then you have all the leftover ingredients taking up space in your pantry and you got to figure out how to use them again with hello fresh this isn't an issue not to mention i'm saving money i'm not having to buy full-size products every time if i want to try something new and as a busy mom with two kids we love it when it's a hello fresh week at our house because it takes the pressure off me for that week to have to worry about meal planning and meal prep and lately i've been increasing my box size so i can double the amount of leftovers that i have for the next day if you want to give hellofresh a try for yourself go to use the code bfcoffee14 to get 14 meals plus free shipping all right moving right along one of my favorite tricks for extra storage in small kitchens is making the use of inside of cupboard drawers very often we fill up our cupboards but then there's actually still some space between the door and the things inside of the door when it's closed so you can hang things on the inside of the door to get way more use out of your space in our cupboards i hung these two metal baskets to add extra storage for oven mitts and trivets as well as my ziploc bags which i love i made great use of this un used space in the house we rented before this and um use some dollar tree baskets to make more room for cleaning products storage underneath the kitchen sink overall they're just a lot of options for places you can get a little more storage on the inside of doors by using just some baskets and hooks all right another tip that i love using is drawer organizers now obviously drawer organizers are amazing because they help you create structure in a space that maybe didn't have any but not all drawer organizers um are created equal right some are hit or miss sometimes you find ones that are really great fit other times like too big or too small and they don't actually end up helping as much as you hope that they will and that's why recently i've been using these adjustable drawer organizers they have springs inside of them so they fit multiple size drawers and you can really make them work for you in whatever size drawer you have i actually have similar ones that i use upstairs in my daughter's dresser and it works really great for making a better use of large drawers my best tip for these is just make sure that you check like their maximum width and their minimum width so that you're buying something that fits your drawer and don't forget to check heights as well something else i always suggest doing when you implement a new organization structure in a space is to consider labeling i know sometimes it sounds kind of silly to like label in your own home you're like i made this organization right i should be able to follow it but the truth is it is really easy for an organization structure we create ourselves to fall to the wayside right we can't always remember every little system we created we have a lot of other stuff going on in our heads at all the time not to mention if you have other people who live with you it's just really easy for your organization structures to slowly deteriorate so i like using labels to help remind me of what i wanted where and it helps sort of create the habit and then once it's sort of set then your brain will sort of autopilot if that makes sense another really cool product that i found online was this utensil organizer which is so ideal for small spaces because it allows you to sort of stack things vertically taking up less space horizontally now this would be really great for just like your forks and spoons and regular cutlery if you're tight on space for that but i actually found use for it with my cooking stuff to hold some of my odds and ends for baking keeping them organized without like i said taking up as much horizontal space by the way all the products you see in this video i will link them down below [Music] the next trick for small kitchens is to consider removing excess packaging whenever you can often packaging ends up taking up way more space than it's actually holding for you and very often things like bags aren't sturdy and they just end up being more of a hassle than actually helping so i like putting things like snacks and bars into baskets when i can and i even prefer a lot of baking and cooking supplies to be in their own containers instead of the bags they come in it makes it way easier to keep them organized in the pantry since they have flat tops and flat sides you can also stack them which makes that a lot easier for organizing i also like this because it's also just way easier at a quick glance to see how much i have something so i know if i'm running low or not if it's inside the bag or the box like the packaging it's not always easy to see that at a quick glance along with removing excess packaging i also like to create bins for like items in my pantry specifically for things that i use at the same time for example i have one that has all things like nuts and seeds which i would often want to grab if i'm making granola or i'm cooking up oatmeal that way i can just pull out the whole bin i can use it and then i can put it all back when i'm done this is all so great for like cooking or baking things maybe you have one with baking soda baking powder vanilla extract you get what i'm saying using bins for like items like i said just allows you to pull it out when you need it and then put it all back at once one other item i found was this raised tiered shelf i have always liked the idea of tiered shelves and pantries because you can obviously see what's like in the second and third row a lot easier but in small kitchens i can't help but think about the loft space that's underneath that tiered shelf so that's why i felt that this one was really neat because it has a little drawer so you could still make use of the space under the raised tears one more storage product that i love using in kitchens is these flip top tupperwares i adore these because they are stackable the tops are attached and locked closed so you don't have to worry about misplacing them and they are simple and clear so you can always see what's inside these are so good for storage some of the random odds and ends that get up end up getting stored in our kitchen because like we went over earlier with the paper thing often kitchens end up holding more than just food so i use them for things like vitamins teas and espresso pods it's just such a simple and easy way to keep them all tidy because the bins are clear stackable and exactly the same size one last tip i want to mention all about making your kitchen work for you is to not forget that many kitchen cupboards are adjustable and sometimes all it takes is making a shelf a little higher or a little lower to make it better serve you so if a certain spot seems not to be working see if changing up the shelving arrangement can help you out all right guys that does it for some of my favorite small kitchen or quirky kitchen or normal kitchen organization ideas i hope that you enjoyed this i hope it inspired you to help you solve some storage and organization issues that you might have in your home whether it's a beautiful pinterest perfect kitchen or not don't forget to use the code bfcoffee14 to get 14 meals for free with hellofresh plus free shipping and if you want my meal planning printables i will link my printables page for you down below as always thank you so so much for stopping by and watching i hope you guys are having a fantastic day and i will see you all in my next video [Music] you
Channel: But First, Coffee
Views: 270,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: small kitchen organization, kitchen organization, kitchen hacks, small kitchen, how to organize a small space, organization hacks, budget organization, budget friendly kitchen organization, kitchen declutter, renter friendly organization, small kitchen storage, small kitchen hacks, small kitchen organization ideas, small kitchen storage ideas
Id: zxiRs5-HWoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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