Small Time Prospector Tries To Find Enough Gold To Cover $30,000 Debt | Aussie Gold Hunters

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the historic gold mining town of kalgoorlie is buzzing after what's believed to be the largest specimen gold find in Australia over 9 000 ounces of specimen gold embedded in quartz rock was Unearthed 500 meters below the ground delivering a 15 million dollar payday right eye guys who's ready to go for this season for small-time Prospectors like the marnies who don't have the means to hunt underground they have to rely on finding surface gold known as alluvial [Music] Finding Me guards every prospector's dream but um the reality of it is the gold around cowgirl is getting harder to find now got a heap more people on the ground and we're starting to run out of places to go Ted and likimani make their living hunting gold last season this husband and wife Duo were joined by their daughter Tyler to help find enough gold to replace their aging four-wheel drive come on baby come on wait what is overload on well they overload on about 16 so that means we've smashed the target well done the money's finished the season with 63 ounces a 101 thousand dollar payday allowing them to buy a late model four-wheel drive all right this thing's awesome nicest car I've ever owned [Music] cool upgrade from the old one hey guys yeah I think there's probably something like 25 years we're talking the two of them so yeah a bit of difference raised in the gold Fields Tyler's prospecting career is a long way from her off-season day job as a professional model and fashion designer in Perth using her profit from last season's gold Hall Tyler launched her own jewelry and swimsuit label but is struggling to cover the expenses it's got a massive debt I've got about thirty thousand dollars debt from starting the business and all that comes with it it's a lot of money so I've got a lot riding on this it's a lot of stress I'm quite young I'm only 23. I just want it paid off and done and I want to really start this business off on a good note gold is super important without the gold this season I am going to be in a lot of trouble so what are we thinking for the Target I was just talking to mum probably about 30 answers we reckon to be a pretty realistic Target guys I need at least 60 because that's only 20 ounces each and I would not be able to do this for any less 60 ounces split three ways would give Tyler enough money to cover her business expenses down to 45 you go 50 50. that gives a 22 and a half ounces what do you reckon how about if we bring it down to 45 and that'll be 22 and a half ounces each one do you mean split it down the middle like I get half you get half thank you so much I can't even explain how much that means to me mum and dad the 50 50 split would deliver Tyler a 36 000 payday getting her out of debt to keep her new business venture alive [Music] we can do it yeah we can use this as a search call yeah you and Mum can work around these dry blows here and all work out a bit wider and go for a bit of a longer walk and see if I can't locate so this gives you a lot better coverage because it's 24 inches long so I can take 24 inch steps yep that you can only take steps half that size this way see ya the moneys are detecting a pending lease which is open to anyone to prospect until the claim is finalized with the mines Department Ted's research shows over 250 ounces was discovered here in the 1950s and the ground has all the right indicators for gold [Music] currently I'm just having a look around on a bit of greenstone here we've got a little bit of quartz mixed through with it there is a bit of mineralization in the courts which is always a good indicator around the green stone and we've got uh good old Shiite trees there with us as well which shows us there's a bit of iron around as well so that's all good indicators for gold now all we've got to do is find the gold [Music] hey mum I've got a decent signal do you want to come over yeah sounds good yeah it's a bit more wobbly the wobbly sound the detector is making indicates the target has an uneven surface like a nugget chasing a 72 000 season Target the marnies can't afford for this to be anything but gold that's why that sounds bloody good hey Dad Roger Roger I've got a pretty decent signal if you want to come over and have a look 20 kilometers south of kalgoorlie the Manis are attempting to find as much gold on a pending lease before someone else beats them to it oh that does sound pretty nice doesn't it nice and wobbly epic musical the ground looks all right hey nice right let's hope it's still in there come on baby come on [Music] hopefully it's a 10 answer hopefully it's a 36 ounce room that's it we're on holiday oh my God okay you're amazing it's too hot out here to be working for nothing let's see if it's still in there it's still in there come on baby very happy yeah let's go around the outside get stuffed check that out it's a good looking Beach that's a beauty tie absolute Beauty the one ounce nugget is a sixteen hundred dollar find and another step closer to Tyler's dream of keeping her fashion business alive only 35 more and we're done yeah so get going to work tired whack that in there oh look at that well done that's a great start now Teddy yeah yeah well done
Channel: Aussie Gold & Opal Hunters+
Views: 173,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Discovery Australia, Aussie Gold and Opal Hunters, Gold Rush, Outback Opal Hunters, aussie gold hunters, aussie gold hunters season 4, aussie gold hunters season 4 episode 3, aussie gold hunters full episodes, ted and lecky gold hunters, ted and lecky mahoney aussie gold hunters, ted and lecky mahoney, ted and lecky mahoney daughter, Tyler mahoney gold hunters, tyler mahoney aussie gold hunters, ted lecky and tyler gold hunters
Id: iYdPV0SN738
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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