Small Engine Shop Tour Part 1. Overview

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well merry Christmas everybody uh had a couple people request that I make a shop tour video so I figured I'd probably do one uh this is probably the cleanest this will ever shop will ever be in most of my videos because it's a working garage and it's never 100 percent organized and everything's where he needs to be but right now it's probably as clean as it'll ever be so I figured I'd take the time to make a YouTube video on it but um this is just a standard two-car garage it's actually it's technically a four car garage you can fit two on one side and two on this side but with all the stuff I have stored in here and my family has stored in here and my dad it's kind of you can only fit two cars in here barely so but uh we'll start on this side of the garage here this is the main door it goes out I got a couple of signs and stuff hung up another one of my Kawasaki engine signs I got my uh air hose reel one of two of them uh hung up here uh up on top actually I got a couple of uh oil cans there's a old uh which is that Montgomery Ward's motor oil can Wi-Fi out the garage I got some oil cans and a cup John Deere remember the toolbox up top I got an old Dayton chainsaw it's all gasoline tins uh Pennzoil cans Sears motor oil can fly enough the Pennzoil cans actually came from my neighbor he was just gonna throw them away so I grabbed him out of the trash and uh cleaned them up and they look pretty good up there I think um got some license plates above the door this is the main the cars that I use the most but up top there are some more storage some woodworking stuff and more junk down this corner here we have uh some of my scrap metal or metal I use the weld together stuff and um you know flat stock tubing steel and other stuff moving moving uh further down the wall we got my uh have my lawnmower lift it lifts the front end of a tractor above the ground so you can land underneath it and scrape up the mower deck or replace Drive belts so that is really coming handy it's just a harbor freight uh special but it does what I need to do and it works fairly well so I can't complain got my Columbia equipment sign a lot of these signs came from an auction recently so I was lucky enough to be able to bid on them and get them so that was pretty cool uh up top in the basket we have a bunch of towels and blankets for laying on the ground and over there is just some miscellaneous junk uh in the blue bin there's pool toys we have a pool in our backyard so there's that um down here is my welding cart I got a Central Electric or I mean a Chicago Electric uh MIG welder this is a flux core it's not very not the best welder in the world but it does what I needed to do for a little bit of welding that I do and then all the darkening willing helmet and then uh down below here I got my stick welder this is actually a pretty decent little stick welder it's uh got off of Amazon it's a what is it excuse the noise Amaco power it actually can run off of uh 110 or 240 I believe is what the two things they can run off of and then I got one of my uh culture Wheels were on my plows just sitting here because I hardly ever use it and then back on the against the wall there I got a creeper which again is back there because I never use it up here on the side of my cabinet I got my bench brushes and uh dustpan and on top of the cabinet I got uh if any of you don't know these are these are called Pig mats they're uh they suck up liquids and oil and coolant and they're actually really handy especially when you're working on uh engine engine parts and the oily and stuff like that you don't get your bench all dirty I put these down to keep the insides of the stuff like that clean and my bench clean oh I'm on my mat's rolling on the ground just some part spins in a box that I haven't found a use for yet box fan over on top actually I go in the cabinet first uh inside the cabinet I have on this top shelf I got miscellaneous hardware Nuts and Bolts uh pins and all different sorts of stuff this shelf is this excess uh or excess um PB Blaster and WD-40 carb cleaner two mix two cycle mix oil and then down below I got all my cleaner and more motor oil down below I got a portable air tank an extra air hose and then uh more oil and cleaner and uh on the actual doors I have all my head gaskets this side is nothing but Briggs and Stratton goes the whole way down I've got multiple of them I got a couple two or three pumps to hang up on the top here and then over on this one is all my overhead valve breaks on the top and then Kohler on the bottom I do a lot of Briggs and Stratton motors so I stock up on all these head gaskets because that's one of the common fail points on those and uh so that's the cabinet got a whole bunch of my stickers and stuff on the front of it you know Carol and Company as he would call it a couple of funny stickers like yes that's the truth I'm not a magician I fixed up for a living but I'm not I'm no magician uh what else we got here refrigerator just it's a fridge what Mark and I say about it uh up on top of the fridge I got a another one of these fans just it gets hot in here during the summer time so uh paper towels more motor oil TV for when I'm just hanging out out here I can pop YouTube or something on uh using Amazon Fire stick for that uh up on the shelves we got there's some uh parts for my Bantam Trader and they're just awaiting work to be done on them uh Mark Cub Cadet parts up there a blade sharpener that needs to go because it doesn't work anymore um I'll do a separate up make two or three more videos on the garage I'm gonna do uh separate videos I'm gonna do a video on just my toolboxes by themselves and then I will do a video on all my parts storage that I have for small engine repair and antique Traders and stuff like that so this will probably be a two or three part video but uh this is my one one toolbox just achieving US general but it works for what I do second one is a US general top and bottom bottom this top chest here I have no idea what it is there's no branding on I think it actually used to be like a nuts and bolts storage thing but I use it for sockets and then a 1080 box on the bottom and then a Craftsman box in the middle so it's kind of like a multi-brand unit um up on the Shelf again top shelf I have straps in that red tote a couple gas tanks some Ford parts some more parts in the other toolbox my battery chargers my jump box paper towels Springs and some of those and uh smaller pieces of metal and those uh containers more motor oil and then over here I have my um nuts and bolts for engines so any brakes are Stratton Stratton or Tecumseh or even Kohler Motors that I tear apart for scrap metal I take all the hardware and put them in these things so if I ever get a motor in with bad Hardware or mismatch Hardware I can put the correct Hardware back into it um some more memorability on the wall there and uh over here is my main workbench you can see I got one of my home lights sitting on there awaiting some parts um just a normal lamp and some grinder wheels and chargers for phones and stuff there in this cap cabinet up here I got all my penetrating oil more carb cleaner this is the stuff I use on a daily basis the other cabinet is mainly stock over stock of stuff uh car cleaner stuff up there glue Teflon tape uh never sees anything and everything you can think of Grease um stuff like that up on the top of the cabinet I have another fan just I don't know if I'm painting I throw it in the window or something uh little scroll saw drawing that's actually a John Deere parts bin up at the very top there started to see what it says but I found that in the woods I have no idea where it even came from but it was just a cool piece of memorabilia so I threw it up on the Shelf I got my workshop clock made out of a saw blade out it's not a real soft plate just looks like one some more stickers along my cabinet here I got my lock tight hanging on the cabinet uh more junk a whole bunch of spare ignition switch Keys uh tags thermometer and inside the cabinet is all my spray paint believe it or not this shelf or this cabinet I've had the uh take it down reinforce it because it actually fell off the wall with as much paint that I have stuffed in this thing but when you restore tratters and do a lot of mechanical work and stuff like that and you want to make stuff look good you know you got to have paint so I always stock up on what's on sale so I got a whole bunch of that um down here on the workbench this is actually an old countertop and uh cabinets below it used to be in our kitchen and we'll remodeled we moved them into our garage so I kind of got lucky and was able to use this side uh so in here up in these bins are just a bunch of junk you know like catch all you just want to throw stuff in there you can uh in this first bin here we have um wire connectors and this bin here is miscellaneous hardware and then these two bins are mainly um quarter inch through 3 8 course thread Hardware I don't do much in uh fine so I haven't had a chance to really stock up on that stuff yet but um and then up on the top these organizers I got another one of my little jump pack so this thing is actually it's a what is it here a next pal this little thing honestly has really impressed me is you USB charging I got that off Amazon for like 30 bucks and I replaced all I did was I had to get a it's over here I got tired of dealing with the sorry about that my GoPro got all screwed up anyways as I was saying this next pal uh engine starter or jump pack or jump box or every people call it uh it's really impressed me I've had no issues with it as far as as far as it being a jump box the only issue I had was the uh um actual clamps and stuff it had the stupid uh I don't even know what you really call it like a safety on there that you can't jump start stuff with or else a little trip and then you have to click the button again to re res in uh to uh restart it all those got on my nerves so I went on Amazon found these that are just plain connectors so as soon as you connect it to the Box there's power to it so if I need like to put hot the hot leader out on a starter I'm able to do that and it works pretty good doing it that way and like I said I've never had much issue with it uh again up on top here a little jump box these you might be asking yourself why do I have a deck of cards sitting on my workbench well those actually come in handy for painting uh lawnmower wheels or tratter Wheels I mean uh you let some of the air out of the tire and you're able to fit those down in between the bead of the tire and the rim and you can that'll keep you from having to sit there and tape up your wheels and I've done that multiple times and they have worked out fantastic for that uh I have a little um torch for my heat shrink I got some uh o-ring kits again more junk on top kind of like a collect all some uh oil cans for if you just need to oil something and then over here on this side of the cabinet I have my wire my tape my uh weed ear string and then on this wall I have all my wrenches up on the top here there's a standard combination wrenches this row is a metric and standard ratcheting wrenches and then down below is all metric and if any of you're looking for an idea of storage all I did was take a one by one uh one by one and I cut cut in sections and then put screws in where I wanted all my wrenches on and I just wrote on there with a sharpie and it's worked out great with the different size screws if you have multiple one size or wrench you can throw them all in there and they I've never had a problem working on this bench and stuff like that they never none of them have ever fallen off before um so down below here we have the power strip I'm out of the bench uh back over here I have all these drawers full of stuff and here is just a juncture we're miscellaneous hardware and parts for small engines and stuff uh next door down is uh bergenstein air filters for push mowers this is all my push mower stock stuff this is Tecumseh as you can see the door's empty I still got restock on that and the bomb drawer is a bunch of microfiber towels and then in this drawer is glue and more Hardware like uh eclipse and cotter pins and hitch pins or hitch Clips I mean um on this side is uh snap Rings an engraver uh grease fittings of different sizes uh if you haven't noticed there's a cubby down below I have a two Shop cats or I call them the shop mascots they're not in here right now they're out hunting but uh they food and water's down there but uh in this side I have that bin down there or uh yeah I guess it was called a bin uh that has bags of Hardware so when I run out up on the in these organizers I can restock them just some miscellaneous Wheels on this side I have some jack stands thrown in there um up on the very top I have a bunch of pulleys the old new pulleys old pulleys different police are really any application mostly small entry pair but I got a couple of uh like uh steel pullers and stuff like that up there I got my uh pool rope there I gotta restock that I usually have a couple different sizes but I'm down to one uh this is just a bunch of throttle cables and yeah it's actually that's just joking throttle cables up top we got some more parts some belts up there uh another fan hung in the wall like I said it gets hot in here during the summer time uh these are more parts in these bins here uh got lawn mower handles and stuff like that in there and I'll go over this more in another video but just to give you an overview of what's in here um up on this shelf in these crates I have uh Kohler tractor engine air filters and then brightness dry and air filters for Trotter engines uh over here there's a bunch of New Old Stock Briggs and Stratton parts cooler parts um yeah more parts in those boxes these bins here have oil filters in them so it Briggs and Stratton and Kohler oil filters are different models and kinds and stuff on the next shelf down we have more oil filters back in the corner there my fuel line in a roll I buy it by the foot or I mean by the roll uh more oil filters some carburetors and some of the boxes there some Hardware bins that I have to reorganize and put the use they're just kind of empty at the moment more oil is on top and this behind the John Deere Bush can um I have primer bulbs file Keys dipstick seals uh carburetor parts like Springs and small little O-rings and gaskets for that uh in these top two drawers of this organizer is nothing but miscellaneous gaskets and seals for Briggs and Strat on the top and color on the bottom and uh so like if I get an engine rebuild kit and I don't use all the gashes I throw to miss all the miscellaneous small things into there uh I got two cycle carb parts and um fuel line mixed in there I got a couple different two different types of bearings size stock because they're the most ones that you find that I've used the most um like I said more parts hanging up on all those bags and this is all my spark plugs some more parts hanging there I got my one toolbox this toolbox over here is mainly uh internal engine work like rebuilding engines that's all my rebuilding tools this is mostly small engine repair tools and then this little candy box over here which is actually made for your machinist just like small tools and knives like you can see the doors open knives and small things like that and then down below here I have uh up on the Shelf between the bench and the online on top of the toolbox I have my Harbor Freight tire changer and that thing actually works pretty good for just being a chief Harbor Freight uh you know Harbor Freight quality isn't all that great but I've had really good luck with that tire changer especially if you want to save yourself some money and do it yourself you just have to mount it somewhere stationary uh down below here I got this toolbox here which has a bunch more parts and then manuals for tools or small engine repair stuff I have manuals and stuff in there and then down below is uh uh just a bunch of uh old tools I don't really use anymore but they're just there still works I don't throw them away so that's what's down there coming over here I have my blade bouncing uh blade balancer I mean up top I have an old drill press it doesn't get used very much anymore another fan I think I might have too many fans in this garage but like I said it gets hot uh up in this cabinet it looks like unorganized chaos but and it kind of is but it's a bunch of sandpaper and sanding discs and stuff for Sanders it's a Memory crop cloth hanging on the door this side's a little more organized I got all my sanding discs and organizers we have this organizer here which is just a bunch of household Harbor like nails and wood screws and stuff like that and then over here in this organizer this is all sheet metal screws and self-capping screws which I use the most of right here is just a bunch of empty drawers I haven't really gotten around to filling them yet um this door here is a bunch of uh um wood screws or different sizes and give you guys a test who can tell me what this is I know it's not complete but if you let me know what it is in the comments I know I know what it is but I want to see if you guys know um I got my ultra Sonic Cleaner here this thing has been awesome I've had so much luck with these things when it comes to carburetor rebuilding um sometimes this using carb cleaner in a can and spraying off passageway sometimes doesn't get the carburetor to clean enough to work like they're supposed to so I've had real good luck with soaking them I actually have uh if you've ever seen the cans of card cleaner that's what I have in there and yes it is flammable but you just don't you just don't get the uh don't let this heat up too much which I never do and I've never had an issue with it so um although I guess you could say I'll have an issue with it if you if my channel goes dead for more than a year then you'll know if something went wrong no I'm just kidding but uh yeah I've had good luck with it I actually if you're any of you watch a musty one on YouTube I got the idea from him with the carburetoric cleaner that he put in his and that worked out great for me too um down below we have a bunch of power tools and cases and sawzalls drills Sanders Grinders anything you can think of and the Tidy cat bins and stuff that's all used oil that I get rid of every now and then uh drain pan for an old for changing oil Two Jacks and uh this is my air compressor uh just a cheap Craftsman thing I this thing is really really loud I absolutely hate it but it's all I got right now because I'm out of room in this garage uh and this is just more household tools and stuff that needs to actually go into into the house uh fire extinguisher in the Saving Grace for this time of year as you can see outside on top of the shed there's snow on the ground is this Dyna glow uh 10 000 BTU heater this thing is awesome it runs off 240. and it heats up this garage which is I find the guess it's probably 25 foot wide by 40 foot long it Heats itself in about an hour it's about it gets up to about 60 65 degrees in here in about an hour so I think we're fantastic um again on top of the Shelf there another fan uh this over here is where my dad works so I'm not gonna bother showing that but another fan up there keeps cool in the summer I actually do have a uh window air AC unit that I stick in this window for summertime when it's deadly hot outside because up here in Western Pennsylvania it gets up into it can get up into the 90s and it's super humid so keep it nice and cool in here when you work and then the Saving Grace of this my shop and what I all my work that I do is this Harbor Freight motorcycle lift this thing is awesome it's actually uh it's a thousand pound motorcycle left at Harbor Freight sells and what I did is I built this platform on top of it out of uh pressure treated two by fours and three quarter inch plywood and uh I can like I have stuff on it now I got a snow blower on it it's like a work table so if I have any pieces of equipment to come in I just put them on this table and I don't let those sit on the floor and uh or lean over or anything I can just work standing up and this keeps everything nice in here uh besides the making the top for it I did have to extend over here these uh arms or the pedals on it that raise and lower it I had to extend them with some steel and uh that wasn't too hard to deal with the welder but I've actually believe it or not I've turned the 318 up down there with the wheel weights and I think this thing actually lifts it up without too much fuss it works pretty good uh one other thing I forgot to mention over here I actually managed to find a Briggs and Stratton floor mat so that was pretty cool cool find it's used and dirty but okay it says bridge and Stratton on I'm happy with it um all this stuff over here is my dad's stuff I'm not really going to show that too much uh this bench here is also what I use this is a old Craftsman drill press I've actually this is my great grandfather's and I actually managed to find the uh um manual for it and it's a 1950 it was from the 1950s you can see the badge there I I just a couple years ago I moved this from my grandparents play because they never used it anymore and my grandfather actually told me it didn't really work all that well uh turns out the reason didn't work all that well is because the motor in the back there it's belt driven and the belt was beyond belt was super cracked and this Ray of the snap so I put a new belt on it and the thing works great now I can drill through half inch steel without a problem so over here I got another Vise fire extinguisher drill bits for the drill press bench grinder with a side ax I'm waiting on a new uh uh wire wheel come in for this side in the toolbox here this is what I used to take I take this toolbox on my plow days same with all these uh um the hardware and stuff in those bins I take all this to pave with me this toolbox is kind of to catch-all right now uh it's got big sockets in it like two inch sockets for three quarter inch Drive uh down below I keep a bunch of die grinder bits and sand in bits and stuff like that down in the below here I have more drill bits and Spade bits and all different kinds of drill bits for the drill press the second drawer is actually empty currently I it's supposed to get a hole saws put in it but I haven't gotten around to buying any yet down below here I keep all my welding clamps and different kind of c-clamps and stuff like that so that's what's down here down below is more uh power tools and stuff that just doesn't get used very often but when when you do need it at least you know you have it uh this old toolbox on the top here this is just a bunch of old sockets and stuff that if I have to modify a socket for a piece of equipment I'm working on I can just pull so I'll get out of there and grind it down to whatever I need uh just more junk sitting on top here and here I keep all my grinding wheels for my die Grinders and uh smaller angle grinders and stuff like that down below is a bunch of sanding wheels and cut off wheels or bigger grinders uh this cabinet here is a bunch more parts this over here is more parts I'll go through this in another video up on top of this cabin I got all my batteries for all my equipment that I use and new batteries old batteries and in this white container here has all my tire tubes that I store uh underneath here we have my bead breaker for my tires this is a really old bead breaker but the thing does the job so that's why it's still here and then under that cover is my 5000 uh 5000 watt uh Generac generator with the uh Tecumseh Motor so that thing's not had much use put on it because we don't really usually lose power very often but it's here if we ever need it so uh got a table saw belt sander with no belt currently this cabinet we keep all of our car detailing stuff and uh car washing stuff and miscellaneous stuff like that and that back to this uh table I got a piece of wood underneath there is actually a my ramp that I built it's made of a three quarter inch plywood and two by fours for a frame and I drilled holes for input these bolts that should fit brain snugly into the holes and that's what I used for holding my the ramp I want to drive trailers up and up and down it and then finally we have the 318 here it's in snow mode now haven't really gotten any snow yet but it's ready to go whenever we get some um in between the two garage doors here this is all household paint it doesn't really have anything to do with my channel but I figured I did just show you and then there's a closet on the side here that just has garden tools and stuff in it over on this wall yeah we have my snowblower that I use also from the first snow removal it's a I'll make that my own video on this whenever we do get some snow I'll make some videos and stuff we use in this and the 318 but it's a I believe it's a 1994 yard machines and with a horse Tecumseh Motor and with these tracks this thing is pretty much Unstoppable uh I've never had much many issues with it other than like sheer pins break in the carburetors here and there but the thing fires up and runs great and uh can't wait to put it to use this winter uh up on this wall we just got some more household stuff like uh yard yard care uh chemicals extension cords ladders uh power washer wands saw horses and some other miscellaneous stuff back there just speaking of the power washer I have a Simpson uh Power Washer it has a Honda GC 190 motor this doesn't get used very much anymore because we bought a uh electric power washer which is much quieter but this is used for big jobs and uh it's getting to the point where it's gonna need a new pump but for now it has enough power to do we needed to do so it works good um other than that guys I mean that's about it as far as the shock tour goes and it ain't much but I'm hoping to make some more videos and the future here of repairing some of my equipment that I have so uh be on the lookout for some of those videos but uh also be on lookout for a part two uh which will be always going through my toolboxes but um other than that guys I mean that's about it I guess I forgot about my other signs I got hung up here I got two breaks in Stratton one there's one on the back side the faces the other way then a core and then and Echo outdoor power equipment sign up there too I actually got a couple other tin signs and a couple of canvas signs that I just don't have the room to hang them up in here so they're in boxes up in the attic but um other than that guys that's pretty much about it uh I really appreciate everybody watching and uh if there's anything you guys want to see like me work on like I got push mowers and couple Garden tries or something like that like if you guys are looking for certain types of videos you want me to make I don't know if there's so many how-to videos out on YouTube I don't know if anybody would really watch how-to videos of the way I fix stuff but uh I'll definitely make some videos on repairing and uh Tinker in with some stuff but other than that I don't really think I'm gonna make hard actual how-to videos because like I said there's millions of them on there unless it's some sort of weird repair I've never seen that done before then I'll definitely make a video on it but I'll definitely show some of my tips and tricks I've learned over the years of uh working on this stuff because I'm going on probably uh eight to ten years of working on small engines so I know a little I don't know everything but I know a lot so we'll put it that way but uh anyways guys thanks for watching uh subscribe and like the video if you want to see more and uh I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year so I will we'll chat with you later thanks for watching bye
Channel: Cory's Garden Tractors
Views: 8,661
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Id: WioNnaWBgIg
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Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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