Small Bedroom Needs Privacy | Fix It Fridays

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[Music] welcome back to another episode of fix-it fridays today I'm going to show you something in my own home and I want you to see how I fixed a problem that we were having let me show you the picture of my home the staircase that's right off the entry this is what it looked like 15 years ago we bought this house not that attractive and you can see it from the living room here's a close-up picture of what used to be lower cabinets and upper cabinets and I turned that into this beautiful linen cabinet right there in the hallway and you can see it from downstairs I get a lot of comments on my videos which I love by the way leave me comments because I read all of them with some of people have said what is that thing at the top of the stairs and I'm like what thing and so they described it I'm like oh my gosh I should do a video on that someday so that's what it is that we're going to talk about this little Sketchup model right here shows you now over on this side of the screen I didn't develop that that's my master bedroom and our bathroom closets and that kind of thing but the rest of it as you can see you walk up these stairs here and as you get to the top we did that new linen closet and then you walk down this hallway and now you are faced with three doors what do they lead to this one was our daughter's bedroom when we first moved in this one was our son's bedroom when we first moved in and then this one right here is the bathroom that the two of them shared after our son moved out and we had just our daughter she was 15 years old in high school and she had so many clothes and look there's little tiny closet right here I don't think so she goes mom and dad why don't we knock this wall out and make a nice big bedroom and I said why don't we not do that because if we were going to sell this house that just means we have a two bedroom house so we kept the wall but I said how about this why don't we take these doors here off and we could make this move this room here that was your brother's room a wardrobe room a wardrobe room for a 15 year old oh please and in this side we'll make this just your bedroom and what used to be your closet we're gonna turn that into a desk area and we've seen the video of Sharra's room it's actually I think we uploaded it in 2009 so it's almost ten years old and she was very young she was in high school at the time about ready to go up to college but I tell you what that video I still love it I still love the video of Sharra's bedroom because it explains what we did and how we did it and look how she could walk from one room into the other but there was a problem that needed fixing what was that she now had no privacy oops and then there's that well we did keep the door on to the bathroom clearly a person needs a door on their bathroom but these two rooms in order for it to function the way we wanted it to we did not want to put those doors back on so I had to come up with a solution so I said well let's just put a curtain across there and she's like okay let's do a curtain well you would think that would be easy wouldn't you but let me show you why that's not this wall right here where I would put a curtain putting eight a curtain rod across there was impossible how do you hang a curtain from here to here without just having a kitty Wampus curtain and look at this these walls here these are pointed so you can't exactly like attach a rod there or there unless you have special brackets made we just I just didn't like the idea at all this is how I fixed it got ahold of my iron guy you know Louise we all love Louise and I said Louise is there any reason you can't just make me a slightly rounded curtain rod so I designed this flat rod it's made out of the same material as with the wrought iron of the staircase what you see it at all it looks nice but by creating this rounded curtain rod and then on the back side you can see how it was mounted so now we hang these like white linen curtains from there and it just blends in beautifully with the white walls and honestly it 100% solved a specific problem I fixed it yeah did you guys through the design sessions are each month we tackle a different topic about design whether it's how to put your furniture in a room or what colors to paint your wall or how to hang art what kind of art you had a group art together if you're interested in that kind of detail for your own home you really got to become a part of the design sessions and you can get there by going to my website you will not believe how the walls and the doors and the world will open up to you not kidding all right what's wrong with being confident absolutely nothing see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kinwoven - Robeson Design
Views: 219,745
Rating: 4.8552833 out of 5
Keywords: Interior Design, Interior Decorating, Small Space decorating Ideas, Beautiful Homes, Home Decorating, Home Decor, Bedroom makeover, Bedroom ideas, Bedroom Reveal, Privacy, Privacy Screen, Small Bedroom Makeover, Small bedroom ideas, Small bedroom tour, Small Bedroom decorating ideas, Fix it Friday, Robeson Design, Rebecca Robeson, curtains
Id: aNn23Z0goSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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