Small Batch Flight Fight! - It's Bourbon Night

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it's bourbon night I'm Chad I'm Sara and welcome to another flight fight now if you watched the latest episode of its Bourbon night you saw our how to flight episode where we took you through the way that we set up a flight and we were referencing this flight now we're actually going to be doing it and this is a small batch flight so in the mix tonight we've got the Knob Creek small batch for roses eh Taylor and Evan Williams which personally I've picked the Evan Williams so far out of most of the flights that we've done so what do you think you're gonna pick I might Evan Williams over the I don't know I don't know I don't know I can't stay because I never really thought that it was a contender for me in the first place but it has proven to be now it's a under $25 bourbon right in the eh taylor single or small batches what about 40 40 if you can find it at retail a lot of times even when you can find it yeah it's about 40 previously before we start doing the show I would have said the eh Taylor all the way but now I wouldn't be surprised if the Evan Williams showed up in my top two what do you think uh well I've always said that eh Taylor is in my top five now that is having never done a blind flight with my top five in it before so that's just you know from having it by itself and not in the flight so this is really interesting to be honest with you Sarah I'm a little scared I want to pick eh Taylor first but I might not and if I don't that's okay that's okay that's okay it just means you found something new out about yourself today you learn any more about Chad mm-hmm yeah so these all have a single-barrel expression chill eh Taylor single barrel for roses single barrel Evan Williams let me just go ahead list them all Knob Creek single man they all have a single barrel expression for them so later on we'll do a single barrel flight and it'll be with these same brands so we can we can see how our results from the small batch measured up against the single barrel might even get crazy into five well I take the winner if it's the same if it's not on my how would do it oh my gosh that's just crazy so this is interesting and tense so let's just start let's just do it yeah let's just get going you wanna oh you want to start at a different point this time I want to start with like sure you want to go like ZD a B that's crazy no let's pick one and then go on that and then back around so let's start with c/d a/b that's what I said what it's definitely exactly what I said let's ruin now I don't realize it cuz I'm editing this fine let's do what you said okay let's do that that's a great idea thank you CDA B smells good doesn't it oh it's not so good guys Thanks I'm excited I like this one I know I don't know what I don't know what you are but I think I like you yeah this might be crazy but here's my bourbon taste me maybe see what I did there I did mmm that's good it was a good idea to start with C mm-hmm it's a little spicy but I like that personally if you don't then Hardy can Oh some water that's good he likes it I think my key number D number D completely different yeah so different completely different here goes oh man completely different than C's oh good I do not like it as much as C it gives little the alcohol taste is I mean obviously it's alcohol but again there's not one particular flavor that's sticking out for me that's making it really nice enjoyable and it's really burning a lot and just not very pleasant mine's not burning but it is a very dry finish which I don't enjoy as much so comparing it to the previous bourbon I would probably pick the previous bourbon but agree the initial hit of the lips once it hits your lips it's really good so in the first two I would pick C over D we're just talking about it that way so Jimmy cracker campus visit cracker time she loves the cracker time he gets crackers cracker time feel free to go by like the other ones there no I'm still gonna eat it but no so we did CD now we're turning the pike back today mmm Wow it's more floral yeah let me check what I was about to say though they're probably different yeah but mine smells that way it smells almost like and they're just kind of weird like you know when you walk into like an old house or like like a grandpa you're grounded smells like a mixture of like cooking and potpourri and like different things like a mildew when I smelled this in memories it hits you like memories sort of in a weird way like that not that I'm necessarily gonna like it cuz I don't like potpourri but I do like cooking so umm smell is the most time to memory all right let's go to try oh this is the for roses whoo this is the for roses oh it shot up my nose I don't like that I'm calling it I don't know hey mr. editor but if I'm right or not right here well you're that herself I know did I get it right am I happy or my sad happy face sad face happy face sure yeah so the second time I knew it why not shoot like I'm serious like the alcohol taste just shot up my nose it was very overwhelming the second time though it's better hmm it does not taste like it smells I'll say that I like it it's different I like it this is the most mild smelling out of all of them so far I think I'm not getting much of anything including like a strong alcoholic scent or memories or caramel or whatever I feel the same way whoo oh so we're a shot like through my nose this one straight to the back of my tongue and just tangle there for a minute which was interesting comparing them back to back like sensational wise completely different yeah this is uh it tastes I don't know I'm afraid to say cheaper because what if I'm wrong and this is like a tailor second time is much better more about on the second taste it's more like haha muga ah sort of flavor going on there it's like a mmm huh I don't know it's weird I don't know think about it I'm have to go backwards now just to pick between B and a a is just not doing it for me not I don't know I hate to say that though cuz ah I don't know C's excellent much more about with C see this lovely for me I feel like to see it's higher proof maybe a hundred proof could it be oh but there's two hundred proofs Oh D is really good but I feel like it's more stuck if that makes sense oh no I'm mad now I'm in trouble mm-hmm now it's be between B and D and then ABA yep that's my order he has a joke lets my over he has an aftertaste and I don't know [ __ ] the others I feel like don't really I think Evan Williams is probably faring well and I would say she's a well girl please I'm assuming Roman cheap date D dick she's a tea date daddy better James will be back in one hour with Chad decides what he wants to pick first perfection takes time you should look it up I don't know you must for the first time I don't want to choose I'm retiring the tribe has spoken haha as I said before I think that Evan Williams is somewhere in the top two I'm gonna go ahead and say that for roses probably fell for me so because I don't like their yellow label I don't I'm sorry not a fan of it I think it tastes kind of weird no no No if I had to say I would say four roses Knob Creek mmm interchangeably huge tailoring mm Williams don't know not sure okay what do you think I don't know I hate this house so well okay so oh I don't know I hate this I want to quit so interchangeably Knob Creek eh Taylor although I really thought that this was for roses cuz it just tasted like bananas it tasted like for roses I always say dis like bananas yeah I have no idea what these two are no mi this might be eh Taylor for God's sake we don't know we don't know do you know what we're dealing with right now our emotions we're on a roller coaster lay off me I'm starving I don't know what to do with my hand she hasn't heard it dude hands lay off me I'm starving it's a glass case of emotion and bourbon so you can't handle you can handle the Bourbon truth but we're gonna find out let's find out the truth alright we got the results right here so let's find out um its turn to Chad's page so I guess that's where we're gonna start mm-hmm all right we are gonna start with your last choice which was B letter B letter B which was not bad rising Li for roses this is full roses for roses I'm give me a moment Oh that is unexpected and this is why we do blind flight because you think you know but you have no idea you think you have your favorites listen folks I'm Jack Sparrow I thought of the Four Roses expressions of the three not going into sync even single barrels that the small batch was actually my favorite of the Yellow Label of the single barrel I thought it may still week but you like the others better maybe do you want to know what your yes third choice we're second to last Knob Creek okay this is fun for me I know like destroying people so and I do I have hey Evan Williams 1780s for your product which is under $25 and I have my beloved eh Taylor small batch in my first just like a place you could break me here was it the rolling of the eyes don't know so you want on your first place yeah yeah yeah I don't think we can put that in there can we are you done son on done nice whoo nailed it nailed it so that means my second place is ed Williams Evelyn's 1783 what is correct Wow how do you feel twitterpated I don't know even know what that means no think I made that up no one does I pass it off thank you oh I'm worried hey hey it's your last place choice oh no new cell room why did I choose chose and predict it correctly it's for Rose we both picked it last we did yeah strange your third-place pick or second-to-last was be shut the front door it's eh Taylor what how why when where who what you mean that's unexpected because I tend to favor it by itself but which means that Ed Williams which I love is somewhere in the front like I said like I said in the Jim Beam product which is not characteristic I'm sorry which is not characteristic of you no it's not it's not characteristic of me it's not typical so that changes things which means that like this Evan Williams so much like it's farewell in three blind taste test three it's not a lie folks it's real this is real life what is it tell me the truth I don't know if you can handle the truth I think I can is it is it Evan Williams dramatic pause hmm drum sounds cutaway shots of other contestants the final rose but not for Roxy isn't fixing it Sarah was it just give to me straight your favorite bourbon of this flight was what is it I'm not ready Evan Williams yes it's Evan Williams 1783 this must be my most favorite bourbon on the face of the planet seriously you guys three flights it has picked number one over over eh Taylor what the hell ladies ladies because we know that sometimes male and female palates differ seriously try this everyone try this I never would have before we started the show I never and you hadn't and I hadn't and now it every time every time every time I'm blown away I don't even know what to do right now others are sleeping with it and I just like good what's gonna happen the day that this gets beat I'm going to have a breakdown yeah so that means that this well we still have the everyone single barrel to go we do and I've never had that and you know what I'm gonna promise you right now that I'm not going to have it until we do our flight just that you can be the first to see that's a promise to you guys that is a promise a pinky promise now break those even though it's the weakest finger no worries me so that makes Knob Creek you're my second choice which I but I was right about four roses and I was right about the Edmund Williams so I'll give myself that and you were right about the age Taylor so there's that so we learned something today the was I neither of us like Four Roses you were upset about four roses cuz you thought that it was yep yep let's shut this thing now let's shut it down uh yeah thank you Sarah thanks Chad you're welcome uh please subscribe to this channel tell your friends and follow us on Facebook we have a Facebook we have a Instagram and we have a Twitter and they're all at it's Bourbon night so please do that keep up with us tell us what you want to see ya do though we are someone told us they wanted to see what was it they wanted to see I don't remember oh oh the thing and until next time drink more bourbon hey is so it happen hey is so Blanche because it's like hey why don't you come up and see me sometime I've already turned down the covers for ya hey is Blanche Devereaux okay and C is C is Dorothy forget her last name golden girls I'm retiring and moving to Florida with the golden girls I have a penchant for a wicker furniture I think I'm drunk
Channel: It's Bourbon Night
Views: 61,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: It's Bourbon Night, Flight Fights, Bourbon, Whiskey, Whisky, Four Roses, Knob Creek, Evan Williams, EH Taylor, Kentucky, drinks, bar, review, showdown, shoot out, favorites, show, host, interview
Id: pBvBE38Ca9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2016
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