How to Avoid Disaster When Meeting a Wild Animal

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if you're being approached by an aggressively looking dog start yelling and screaming it'll show your dominance and spook the animal off yes this is a widespread myth and no it won't help you if you meet a canine that looks as if it's going to attack you the best course of action in this rather scary situation is to stand still and avoid direct eye contact with the animal you shouldn't run it may only encourage the dog to start chasing you if the animal attacks drop to the ground and curl into a ball protecting your head and neck with your hands but what if you come across another much more dangerous representative of the canine family a wolf running away won't save your life wolves are much faster than humans especially in the forest plus as soon as you start running the wolf's prey drive will immediately kick in instead maintain eye contact with the animal at all times and never ever turn your back on it while trying to escape make sure the wolf remains in front of you if the Predator ends up behind you its hunting instincts may come into play so slowly back away while facing the animal you might have heard that if you've been bitten by a snake you should apply garlic to the bite area another misconception garlic has absolutely no effect on snake venom Instead try to remember the color and shape of the snake it can later help doctors treat the bite and figure out what antivenom is needed also remain still and as calm as possible it can slow down the spread of Venom and of course immediately seek medical help if you see a bear fall down on the ground and pretend to have passed away unfortunately it doesn't always work this way first of all you need to show the animal that you're not prey do do not make any high pitch noises and don't scream this way you may agitate the bear even more if you wave your arms do it slowly if you decide to talk some sense into the bear do it in a calm and low voice without taking your eyes off the bear start to move sideways it won't let you trip and go down do not rush or run away although at First Sight Bears may look clumsy and heavy footed they're surprising ly good Runners plus these animals love chasing their prey that's why if a bear charges after you stop moving all together there's a misconception that bees can only sting once but in reality the problem is that honeybee Stingers are Barbed and can easily catch on their victim's skin the Stinger gets stuck the bee can't free itself and doesn't usually survive such an accident you need to remember that bees will protect their hives no matter what and they can sting you even if you're just walking by dark colors can make bees more aggressive since such Hues make people look like their natural enemies that's why if you're dressed in a black T-shirt your chances of being stung by these insects are higher if a swarm of bees is following you hide in an enclosed or dark space the lack of proper lighting will throw the insects off your track similar rules apply to wasp en counters one of the worst mistakes you can make is wearing your long hair down and wearing dark clothes wasps are attracted to dark moving objects and your clothes and hair certainly fit this description so if you suspect you may come across some wasps put on some light colored clothes and keep your hair tied up in a ponytail or bun contrary to popular belief bathing a wasp sting in vinegar or baking soda won't help help instead apply some ice to the affected area gorillas are called the Kings of the Jungle and not without a reason they are leaders that tend to protect their family and land they won't normally attack you if you behave obediently so upon meeting a gorilla sit down this way you won't look large and threatening towering over the animal try not to make loud noises and avoid direct eye contact in case of attack or approach curl into a ball gorillas are proud animals as a rule they won't attack the weak and defenseless surprisingly a wild kangaroo can pose a serious threat to a person but it will only happen if you enter the animal's territory and it feels threatened to avoid a conflict cough it's not a joke your coughs should be short and quiet the kangaroo will consider it a sign of disease and there's a chance it won't attack you after that back away slowly this way you will look smaller therefore less threatened don't turn away and run it will only provoke the animal remember that kangaroos are perfect jumpers capable of catching up with you in a few moments of course we must talk about sharks the good news is that out of several hundred shark species existing on Earth only about a dozen attack humans if a shark gets interested in you it will be extremely hard to break away to not attract sharks prevent blood or any other body fluids from getting into the water sharks can feel smells at Great distances also when you go swimming take off shiny jewelry or other reflective objects sharks are attracted to shiny things because they mistake them for fish scales don't turn your back on this predator and don't try to escape in panic you will look like prey this way move slowly hitting the animal in its eyes and gills can only make it angrier and more determined to attack instead start making bubbles they're too noisy for sharks and these animals don't like them if you encounter a wild boar it'll be a mistake to try to escape the Animal by jumping into the water bors are actually good swimmers and can easily follow you if they feel threatened instead start whistling or singing If you spot a wild boar walking [Music] nearby if you've encountered a lion maintain eye contact with the animal don't turn your back and don't move your eyes away it will give the Predator some time to attack try to look more massive than you actually are lift your arms and jack it up if you look big and threatening the animal will try to avoid the confrontation speak to the lion in a reasonably loud and confident voice such behavior isn't typical for a victim you will baffle the predator and it will perceive you as an irritating presence which is better to stay away from elephants are clever and quite friendly animals but they have been known to attack people this is especially true about female elephant mothers with babies if you have come across an elephant pay attention to its body language if the trunk is curled and the ears are pulled back it means it might try to attack and Crush you if the animal approaches don't run try to find something to serve as a barrier between you and the Elephant it can be a stone or a tree rhinoceroses have bad eyesight that's why it's easy to frighten them and provoke them to attack these animals speed can reach 37 mph which is why it's really difficult to outrun them the most foolproof way to escape from a rhinoceros is to hide behind a tree it's a serious obstacle for the animal also it's unlikely to follow you through bushes or High [Music] Grass hippos may seem cute but this image is very misleading these animals can be extremely dangerous despite their weight hippopotamuses can run at a speed of 18 to 28 mph plus it's quite easy to make them angry so if the weather's hot try not to come close to bushes the level of water lowers during the drought season and hippos hide in Tall Grass to make the animal leave you alone climb a tree a rock or a steep hill wait there until it goes away despite the widespread opinion Bulls react to movement not the color red or any other color that's why if a bull is running at you stay straight and still use your hat t-shirt or other clothes you have at hand as bait when the bull runs up close enough throw this object as far away from you as possible the bull will change the direction and follow this new Target that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bill gates how to avoid a climate disaster, how to avoid a climate disaster bill gates, how to avoid a climate disaster, how to avoid a climate disaster book, how to avoid a climate disaster summary, how to avoid a climate disaster audiobook, how to avoid a climate disaster book review, disaster, avoid a climate disaster, animal attack leads to flirting disaster, animal attack leads to flirting disaster - studio c, animals in disaster zones, animals
Id: I-UEI3wiYxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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