HOW GOOD is VITRIUS After his BUFF?! ft.@YST_Verse | Raid: Shadow Legends (Test Server)

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hello everyone nub kex here welcome back to nub raids we're on the test server Vitus is coming up in a 10x event tomorrow we want to test him out after his changes and to do that we are joined by none other than o hello how's it going sir good it's nice to be here um it's going to be cool we've actually got a crazy Series going on right where we're going to be all day today until 10 p.m that's right we've got four different uh four different Champions to Showcase H ring is coming up as well you guys have been asking about that also let me bring this up yst where are you on this list uh the fundraiser for the the steps for muscular distopy UK um how are we doing on the total step 96,000 oh my God you're you're 200 ahead of me oh son of a gun there extra few steps man oh that's sickening just to think if iight done 200 more 250 257 steps to be precise nice but yeah if you guys want to take part and support I will link it in the description down below how are you finding all the the walking and stuff it's going well I think my issue with it right is I I I don't spread it out over the day I do it all in one go so oh yeah I'm walking for like 10K straight and then I'm my legs are all my my shins are breaking stopping in half but let me see it's it's it's been getting easier as it goes on I guess I'm only up to like I'm slightly under 2,000 today after these collabs I'm going to have to go and do what you're saying massive walk okay I'm I'm below you today I'm on oh you can't even see a green screen effects but 957 so far nice all right well listen we're gonna have to do a lot of walking we'll manage though but let's check out Vitus so what has changed with Vitus actually here we go I did get the summary here on a few kind of small changes that might make a pretty big difference so it's A1 can I put a true fear not a huge deal his A2 it's going to actually he sort of fair simple in terms of avoid legendary apart from his passive the A2 is sort of a massive nuke that ignores defense it's an AOE um his A3 is a single Target thing that ignores defense they ignore defensive Buffs this one can remove defensive Buffs and it can't be resisted he now self Buffs himself quite a bit so he will smack so long as he's not turned into a sheep uh so that's one little change and um then his A3 they've really increased the defense ignore on this which is again pretty simple big single Target smack I think each hit used to like destroy HP or ignore defense now they both ignore defense UND destroy HP okay and if they've got active skills on cool down so we're going to try him like with and without a UMO um he can ignore 50% defense which is a ton uh and then of course his passive is pretty exciting so whenever he is locked out it will reset one of his skills and give him an extra turn it also does the same thing if an ally Mastery artifact set or accessory do that so again could be interesting testing with yumo and with the merciless set I don't know if this was out when he first came out maybe not actually but yeah this gives us 30% chance to decrease our skills we're going to slap them in with the cycle of violence Mastery see if we can proc an extra turn with his passive if they don't have lockout we'll see how it goes so yeah anything you you want to say about his kit or anything we've missed there before we look at the build no I think it's a really cool one because I know when we do these videos like who is the worst legendaries in raid and stuff like that I've always seen oh how did you not mention victorus and stuff like that so if he can smack now cuz I'm seen the mot players on the website and it's looking juicy um I think that's really good because void legendaries need to smack right have some mediocre damage so I'm excited for this one nice I'm I've got him built I did literally zero testing with him so I'm very curious to see what it is as well so like I said I put him in merciless um hang on I did yeah over here I did a little little uh mini spread sheety thingy spread sheet notepad Sasa spread I do I do notepad yeah um but so this is ignore defense so on his A2 he ignores 30% with Helm Smasher 25 merciless 35 he can ignore 90% defense his A3 can ignore 50% so we're well over 100 I I thought this was quite funny if you gave him six piece merciless cruel and then a six-star crushing Ren which gives you 6% defense ignore he could ignore 101% uh with his A2 which should be quite powerful yeah um but yeah so he's in in I think mercis is perfect the ignore defense Stacks really well uh the chance to decrease his cooldowns I think synergizes very well with his kit as well can give him a full extra turn you know with his passive so we'll see and we've given him fairly crazy gear I would say I mean swing you I'll put you over here so high attack almost 7,000 he's got really high base attack high speed High crit damage is so yeah considering he's got no blessing should be solid enough and then for the masteries Fairly standard nuker type stuff I think the important one is the cool down reduction cycle of violence and obviously Helm Smasher for sure uh go smack some dudes that that is a that is a pretty high base attack right I think it's still the highest legendary in the game um best office is that still the highest I can't remember I don't yeah maybe yeah I don't remember either okay with him I've got two two Team set up one is without or a lockout and then one is with the lockout because again lockout synergizes very well with him this move does more ignore defense if the target is active skills on cool down right so we lock him out then we really smack them and then if yo gets back to another lockout it's going to just give him an extra turn which is kind of nuts as well but we'll try him without lockout first well I I guess we'll just throw him into this fight and see his damage so we got Arbiter here oh my team's going to get abs absolutely whoops I'm imagining yeah you should you should hopefully one shot them let's hope you don't have stone skin or anything you got one reaction oh here we go okay he's not polymorphed anyone Arbiter is going to boost here he goes oh that was a sick animation boom okay you you'll be surprised how much in the live server people lose to that team it's like a little fun meme wait really let's see him against this one okay let's take it off auto so here we'll let him go first if he's not faster we'll let him mhm I suppose or what we'll buff up but we want to see his yumo try to lock us out and see Vitus get a turn and see what happens basically so let's give this one AG go but this is like the idea if he does hit hard he could be a cool answer to lock out uh he's very slow he must not have any gear on these Champions whoops all right let's just uh I don't know let's have narcis hopefully not kill us um I don't know just naris don't do it don't do it naris we here we go we could kill naris probably by my hand ooh no increased attack as well that was nice big hits oh and he got the cool down reduction from merciless so he's got another turn look at that look at him go uh let's actually kill her as well maybe no didn't kill her with the A1 that's fine uh sleep her okay come oh unfortunately I just realized now we can't his passive won't trigger it's passive has a four turn cool down it actually got buffed from five to four so he can't freaking do it if she locks him out now he's going to be locked out that's sad that was without increase attack as well which is quite cool yeah so he's locked out but locked out you see he he his passive went on cool down from merciless so it didn't work we're going to have to fight somebody let's just leave this battle let's go fight somebody else instead so we need someone that's actually faster than us that has a lock out um here we go this guy this this looks fast that that looks quite terrifying yeah that that that is a terrifying team yeah that would that would do it this will do it let's see what do we got so all right oh he actually uh he's St that's a problem so he's stunned he got the extra turn but he's dead of course cuz he got stunned by arm man's we're like we want it to be faster then boom so we want to have him in stone skinin let's actually let's do that let's do that real quick let's slap him into a ston skin sure I've got a stone skin set up somewhere uh oh no I don't because this test server predates I'm going to have to let's have to edit this out this predates me getting my mythicals so I'm going to have to remake this let's do it all right guys here we go so we've got a preset made it will do I mean just save that I I love this this is it costs you still a bunch of silver to swap stuff on you know the real game but for the test server I tell you this thing is absolutely fantastic so he's got sadly oh man it's really lagging out though holy my game's actually kind of Frozen attack necklace it's tragic but let's go he's going to lose a chunk of damage now because we cannot you cannot get him there's the thing you cannot get him into six piece merciless and four piece Stone skin we have to switch him into Savage so he is going to not do as much damage as he would before um but let's try against the same team here so this one which team was it was the war one yeah yeah yeah so this time when we're locked out we'll still get locked out that goes through Stone skin but he won't be stunned by the arman's ha Arman you Kat terrible Champion counter attack couns did some damage oh my God he just he just killed us through the stone skin okay okay then all right yeah yeah yeah great let's find a different team yst this one is full of plus nonsense I mean we could try it they might just kill him I mean let's try it let's try it here we go lock us out do your worst do your worst I am shocked by that se there my God that was nasty SE is okay look there we go we're locked out and it brought him back now this is hi y we're getting cozy hello so this is random right it resets a random skill so it could do his A2 it could do his A3 it's done his A3 which removes increased defense Ally protection strengthen will remove strengthen from him can't remove the Ally protection it's protected but this should hit pretty hard um if he removes at least one buff which he should do there's a strength in there he can strip he'll get increased attack increased crit damage and he's going to give himself ter meter boost for every enemy that's alive let's put it to one time speed uh let's double check do they have polymorph no one has polymorph perfect here we go it didn't nice it oh it did strip it but it didn't kill him oh because of the shield I suppose the shield and Ally protection is just the Ally protection was too strong boo that's disappointing I should have revived there shouldn't I know was I locked out I was locked out but he's got a bunch of he you increase attack before the attack there if you enable it is that how it works I don't know um no I don't know it's it really it's written in a weird way cuz usually it's like increase attack it'll remove all Buffs then place the Buffs and then attack or something but it really is it it looked like it happened after didn't it but yeah it did look like it happened afterwards I could be wrong which is terrible if so I mean I don't think we can kill him but we can kill her and then see if we can make it back he's probably going to just one shot all of us oh man this video is just turning into a Slaughter for us yeah it really is so Vitus what do we think let's put him back let's try find him let's put him back into just the damage gear and give it one more go uh against a couple of more normally sort of things but yeah so I obviously let's say in live Arena which is where I'm managing it more you would be running him um which one was I going with this one here there we go get him back into just smack hard so like obviously in live Arena arm is banned let's say they pick a lockout like the one of the problems is I was hoping to find it if they have stone skin um you know you're going to head into the stone skin it's not going to do anything uh is there anyone here with lockout that's not a bunch of plus Champion there's not that many people on the test I can make it team for you if you want do you have a lock out yeah oh yeah yeah do you want to slap in a lockout do who who do you want in there you get the pick of the trade oh who do you want Oh My let's put in our own lock out here um make make the nastiest team with lockout that you can uh the nastiest team with lockout that I can o don't put I guess you could put everyone with stone skin if you want to that I mean to show his weakness whatever you want I'm just going to we're going to attack here this team while we're chilling I guess there's no point putting Hera in there because you all your effects are going to be destroyed MH um let's see who should I put in there to annoy Mr nuby today guys um you know we're not going to make it too crazy we put a K on in there I'm trying to with a te in the back here where we we don't actually have's poly as well we don't have increased attack on this team but we're just sort of seeing how he does that's a bit of a downside doesn't provide his own decrease attack so like I could use him with let say an Arbiter in this team we more of a speed team he's proing some extra turns with his passive which is quite cool uh so like Mercy do you want do you want the amans in the team uh no let's let's say no arons um we fought enough our man's teams yeah it does seem like there it does seem like oh his thing triggers weirdly let's try against this one here it seems uh strange it doesn't seem like he gives himself increased attack before he hits let's see if this is a stone skin oh oh it is oh that's not good let's buff up might just put a son of Wukong in there I don't know never mind we're fine we lock him out he's going in storm of righteousness not too much damage against this particular team by my hand hit reaction got cool down decrease got cool down decrease again so he's definitely going to be cycling through stuff pretty quick I've been missing all the damage I was building that defense damn he's not he's not doing crazy damage I'll be honest but he is get oh he might just die here to this oh this is that cupidus team oh every time I face this Hades smacks me up ah it's I mean we used our man so it's very easy let's see I don't think he's taking a turn she's taking a turn let's see how hard it hits this matala with a massive Shield let's go by my hand 80,2 120 okay so the damage if they don't have reaction and stone skin the damage is good it's worth reiterating as well that you're facing very top tier teams right because we are on the test server and like for an average player who pulls a Vitus mhm he he could probably put in some crazy work for players right like going up into gold five and stuffff but yeah like he doesn't have a blessing that's a downside I mean I've put pretty crazy I Chang the team by the way so if you reset it there should be a team uh I put pretty crazy gear on oh here's a different team as well I mean let's see him against this sort of Team um let's put them back in let's put them back in with the more more damage every everyone get your stop clocks out how long will it take us to kill this udk I mean I think he's going to destroy it once the stone skin is gone uh where's my arbiter put Arbiter in so we've got like a more traditional speed team increase attack and let's just give it a go um yeah you're you're you're joining me over this side of the the screen for now so we can track we're just chilling we can see Vitus yeah mhm Okay cool so we're going to do that let's uh get rid of the udk G beautiful okay lock him out storm of righteousness big Damage Big damage oh he got provoked that's a little unfortunate he also again he gets a chunk of ter meter like like I said whenever people survive which is quite nice let's see how hard he's going to A1 here boom boom all right oh he got I think he got an extra turn he did but he got provoked straight away oh there we go he's gone I tell with merciless though he's proing that extra turn like constantly it's actually kind of cool whoa we got a resistance son Wukong here what the heck what just happened it's Rob that or 3% but that is you know what there was another there was one time right I had like a 700 accuracy yo yeah and um do you know who resisted me Ronda I was like there is no way someone has built some 700 res Ronda all right yst this is dealer's Choice do we want to see the A2 or do we want to see the A3 I want to see that A3 against that Duchess lilu let's do it boom oh he didn't even take two of the hits let's go Dam sit down like like genuinely the damage is there the dude smacks his problem really is number one stone skin Champions number two reaction he's also as we saw not particularly good against nekr because he can't kill them through the protection oh look at this you've got we're going to be doing the showcase on this champion on your channel I just put literally anyone in there with a lockout for you so you're good to go on this one well let me you might be faster I might be faster no I I doubt it if you've got a oh it's close oh no ibe force force the reset to happen maybe uh hang on oh I I misclicked we're going to get locked out I can't believe it oh surprise here we go hey all right there's no no Buffs here that we can strip to give us increased attack this is just an upfront sort of nuke nice not bad didn't did barely any damage to her the Kon is under perfect ve with that protection and he is pretty tanky so interesting he did do a nice amount of damage to him yeah so like it's okay but it's it's not all right it's not the craziest nuke I I think that he is he's definitely more Niche is my thoughts on it well he he wiped out that mithas there as well is's really tanky so yeah it just well this is the thing right because it's ignore defense I believe that his multipliers actually kind of suck but the ignore defense is where the damage comes I can get you I can get the multipliers here you very briefly I'm pretty sure it's only like a three like it's really low so he's got a 3.1 Godlike rating on the storm of righteousness but that's probably including the increased attack increased crit damage and the effects yeah so he's sitting around 259 in Arena compared to others mhm um we've also got a 2.5 but is a double hitter with the ignore defense sitting at 27 in the arena for a single Target so massive single Target then yeah it's a massive it's a massive single Target because of the two-time hitter ignore defense so he's a good option for sure yeah yeah but that AOE again just to make the point what the multiplier and that what was the multiplier it's really low isn't it yeah it was a 3.1 but it was graded as a Godlike because you've got all of the yeah yeah extra effects right so exactly yeah so that's the thing with him right is it's the ignore defense that's where the power is coming from and like when you stack ignore defense so if you're going up against enemies that don't have much defense or like if Helm Smasher does not proc you're going to be in trouble if there's a Hera his damage on this is going to his damage is going to Plum it it's all about the ignore defense the more ignore defense you have the stronger it is so yeah if he's not in merciless for the 35% or Savage plus cruel for 30% if Helm Smasher doesn't proc you're going to see a huge damage differential between Helm Smasher working and not I mean my thoughts on him is I wouldn't use him in he's not classic Arena viable unless you're kind of lower mid level but he'd be a beast if you were obviously um I think for live Arena he could be quite good like if they have a relatively squishy team and they bring in lockout in live Arena you can be like haha throw in bit and their lockout Champion becomes a huge liability but you will really struggle against he's super squishy if they have stone skin if they have triple reaction or if they have potentially a massive bolster Shield which is more rare now in live Arena because of uh narcis right he's kind of struggle to actually kill them um but I mean this move collaps by my hand this move is good uh but yeah it's interesting it's interesting I don't know he's definitely he's okay I think he's okay he's yeah he's a nice cool Niche counter lockout Champion you can still get your abilities out smacks pretty hard so yeah he's decent I like him yeah I would I wouldn't be like if I pulled him from a void Shard I wouldn't be like oh damn I pulled a Victorious anymore well you see this is this is I think part of the problem with him as well is if you got him from let's say you did pull him I'm saying you need you kind of really want him with merciless right to make him work I mean you only have so much merciless on your account do you really want to put a niche champion in your top tier merciless gear uh as opposed to putting in someone that's more General I mean ignores unkillable I actually forgot unkillable is really nice yeah that's nice yeah so like he's Niche but you're gonna have to get like some lower tier merciless I don't know I don't know interesting bit of a gear problem anyway there we go guys let us know what do you think about Vitus the anointed I think it's kind of mixed he definitely has a powerful Niche though for sure which it's a lot better than it was before he can smack in the right circumstances uh so yeah Niche cool but Niche um yeah right let's go record some haltering action yst and then we'll jump over to your channel actually Assassin's Creed action that's right yeah so you guys actually for people watching right now the hall ring showcase will be out tomorrow but hop over to y's Channel where I don't know I don't know which one there's going to be a showcase over on his channel though I don't know which order we're going to do them so yeah you link down below you want to say the last few words here to end us out yst and I just appreciate you having me on for po one and then part two then part three and part four this be fun amazing perfect all right guys we'll see you soon bye-bye
Channel: Nub Raids
Views: 6,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nubkeks, nub raids, nub streams, raid shadow legends
Id: mErRUUUcfK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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