SM64 bloopers: Luigi Labyrinth

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(A classic smg4 intro) Nintendo! HEY STINKY! (no,why?) (Italian Speak) Wha Ha! (More Italian Speak) :3 (WAT) (..?) WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH boo! such scary jumpscare D: (Rip Channel ;_;) Hey ma ( get the idea) LUUUUUUUUUIGIIIIIIIII HOLY SHIT (wtf is this mess?) waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (then he magically got he's clothes on :D) (so many luigi dolls) Luigi Doll: Mario! Mario! JESUS!! Luigi Doll: yOu unBeLiEvebal!! WTF IS GOING ON?!! (idk) On The Roof? In A Pond? and... WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY DOING!? (Phone Ringing...) MARIO! Some weirdo made loads of these Luigi dolls and now they, are, EVERYWHERE!!! (Stop peaking Luigi doll Luigi Doll: woooOOOOOoooow NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo. Luigi Doll: HUGS! OH GOD (the world is going to be luigi world!!!) Luigi Doll: Hoo ho ho ha ha ha...! Aren't I done yet? Mama Mia (Damn!!!!!!!!!!............) Luigi Doll: You look ridiculous SHUT THE F*CK UP!! JESUS CHRIST LUIGI!!! THESE DOLLS ARE STALKING ME!!!! Bye Bye! Peach Luigi Doll: Ah! Peach Luigi doll: Weegee!! (a Train????) (Nope... it's a truck) (GC: Best parking! 10/10!) seriously Mario. *adventure starts!* (and doing! MMMM) It's a me, MARIO! Yippe- LUIGI: HAHAHAHA Got Owned! oof! F*** hhhmmmmmmmm Old Man Weegee: Welcom! to the sun drenched tropical paradise of isl- (pain) Mario: Let's-a go! Luigi Doll (translated): No, sorry. Weegee's only club, Mario. Luigi Doll: (too bad, bitch! >:D) *Luigi twerk dance* Go weegee go weegee go weegee... Falcon... PUUUUAAANCCH!! Mario: Suprise Mother f*ckah!! Luigi doll: *CRYING* Mario: Thank you so much, f*cker! is this? *Luigi Doll gibberish* JESUS! Luigi Doll: okie dokey! ???: Welcome, Mario! HAHA! ???: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Mario; LUUUIIIIGIII!! *cries* Who's Number 1 Now? (what going on in da background?) (We wouldn't say they're evil) (well crap) WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (Literally) luigi dolls gets owned (GC: Crybaby) YES! Yummy! Mario: NEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRR- (DROPKICK) *Mario screaming* Luigi Doll: Maaaarrio.... *Dr. Koops Luigi Doll gibberish* Luigi Doll: OhH YEAAAH! Nooooo!!! *Mario panicking* *hides in toilet* RUN BITCH! RUUUUUUUUN (that explains how the luigi dolls got in, right?) *SLPASH* Mario: Cmon, let's-a go! (RIP Smg4) *Smg4 explodes* Number one! Mario Number one! *old man attacks!!* Old Man Weegee: YADABLADADADADADADADAADBLALBaDA! Mario: hmm... you have a nice-a place here! *Luigi doll guard sleeping* (Being stupid... again) NO! *gets pushed* *electrical noise* *SCIENCE* Boom! (wat?) (Darth Vader?) (NOPE. ITS SOMETHING WORSE) WHAT IS THAT?! WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT?? (shit) SMGM: ILLUMINATI! *EXPLODES* PINGAS PINGAS PINGAS PINGAS Both Mario and Minion: PINGAS PINGAS PINGAS PINGAS SMG4: GUYS, SHUT THE F*CK UP! *Luigi Doll awakens!* Luigi Doll: Eeeh? Oh no. *FART* (Spotted) Luigi Doll: Hey Mario! :D Mario: MAMA-F*CKER! *MARIO HAS ALERTED THE HORDE* *HERE THEY COME....* (oh no you dont) Hurry up Already! (So much effort) (Ya think?) NO NO! NOOOO! *Terrible Music starts to play* Mario: Nooo. *Music of Mario singing "Let it go" starts to play* (GC: MY EARS!) *ANGER* *Screams* *elevator music* (That's a first) Luigi Doll: *sobbing* I'ma no wiiiiin :'( Hey Luigi! Mario: HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! Luigi Doll: YYYAAAAAAAAAAHHH! *Celebrating* Mutant Luigi Doll: *laughs* Mutant Luigi Doll: YOU CAN GO TO HELL MARIO *throws fireballs /w Zap noise* *RUN AWAY!* Disguised SMG4: What's up? Mutant Luigi Doll: Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Mutant Luigi Doll: Oh, well. Sorry... Mario: Okiy Dokey. I'ma tired. Game over. SNOOORE Mario: ah, spaghetti... Mario: ... ah, ravioli... ?! Mario: I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! OH ho ho ho! YEAH!!!!!!! Luigi: Wa- Noo! HELP HELP HELP HELP! (Vain, much?) waaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............ (luigi scared) Help me.... A Luigi Doll? o_O Luigi: Oh, what happen? Luigi Doll:Look out! Ho ho ho ho...! Doc 1: HALLELUJAH, HOLY SHI- 2 LUIGI DOLLS?! o_O Dr. Koop: Alright, alright, what's going on in here- Luigi! Luigi! Luigi! Dr. Koop: SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP! LUIGI.. LUIGI... LUIGI! *EVIL LUIGI LAUGH* *Ignoring Luigi's boring story* (poor Luigi) Mario: I DON'T CARE! (Oh my-) Pipe: *poot* Luigi on left: WEEGEE! >:( Luigi on right: What? (BS: or not...?) (I'll take 50) MARIOOOOOOoooooooooo.......... Subtitles done by ShadowManRay and some other people who have too much time on their hands :3
Channel: SMG4
Views: 17,447,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super, mario, 64, bloopers, luigi, dolls, weird, funny, gay, stupid, lol, haha, Super Mario 64 (Video Game), Crazy, Random
Id: ipPo6TZIsI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2015
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