I Performed Insane Experiments on Bonnie in BONEWORKS VR!

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resist the urge to hurt him he's adorable what do we got oh that's the bone Brew weeks foxy it's good to see that you've healed by overwhelming the heck was that by overwhelming demand today's test subject is Bonnie today we are going to do experiments on you just like we've done to the others are you ready glitch trap uh are you feeling okay you've got some new additions on your pockets here are you feeling okay did you go to the Armory I've got my eye on you first the almighty molnir Bonnie I want to make those ears wiggle you're a stiff boy it's okay you look like you had your teeth ground down for veneers don't do that it's a bad idea molnir Quick Trip get back over there be a good William Afton let me make you proud glitch daddy ready Bonnie three two I missed fetch please I I may have tried to hit you glitch trap can you bring me back my hammer I like the way your tail shakes thank you glitch trap I'm gonna pay you a whole 80 I don't like this no no don't creepy wave at me I am not following you to the pizza room get chica will though Chica loves pizza now let's actually throw this thing okay okay that may not have killed you I'm um Bonnie Bonnie hang up Bonnie calm down hang on a second glitch trap I said take her to the pizza room not make love with her you are a lot more aggressive than I expected um calm down Bonnie I'm glad you didn't die with the first swing but I think I might have to hit you again where's my hammer glitch trap springtrap are you okay what did you do to him he fell right to his knees you can deal with him then Bonnie get up Bonnie you've got a nice big beautiful face head body you're okay your jaw's a little Twitchy um maybe I should just put you out of your misery up up trap are you are you spanking springtrap you are like two inches from getting fired fired I tell you not this kind of fired as in back away fired as an out of a job no more Pizzeria no more children no more Soul taking over dude no no no no no do you feel okay can you take another hit to the face clean up an aisle three glitch trap there you go no don't you dropped him Bonnie I apologize I think I'm gonna need a new lab assistant do you not have muscles he he went really far do you realize that can I bop you up close on the nose um every bond in existence just went flying glitch trap you just hit foxy would you hit foxy for Bonnie are you okay this this is just getting way out of hand come here buddy it's okay get up you are always the coolest one with you and your Nikes I know I know up come stand with your brothers wouldn't technically spring trappy or your brother as well because you know golden Bonnie Bonnie spring Bonnie whatever oh oh my God you might need to go to the doctor Bonnie your tongue is kind of rotting do you guys see this it is all sorts of okay in there how long has it been since you've been to the dentist tell me the truth you don't have to lie to me I'm not paying your dental insurance it's been a while hasn't it you grind your teeth too come over here ow ow that was a little that was a little rude now we need more Bonnie so we need to move on to the next experiment rainbow Katana open and your mouth doesn't open very wide so I don't think I'm gonna be able to fit in there as much as I can I thought I could that's what she said you did I wasn't even looking at you you did that you did that oh but look at how glowy you are does it go out the back of your head too does it go out back with his head glitch trap okay thank you now go Bonnie has one Bonnie has two body can still live three you are a champ how many can we stuff in there four okay it doesn't quite go through your teeth are you feeling okay here let me let me get it out stop fighting I'm gonna say that counted as four that last one was a little bit fidgety can I can I ask you a question I got some heat in the last for that video are you leather where are you fur one for leather two for fur are you licking yourself three what's three good to know we have it right from the man himself all right Bonnie up no dude you hold those things in your mouth like a college girl good job glitch trap glitch trap guess make yourself useful that was kind of unnecessary I was trying to stab you with a rainbow Katana and all of a sudden you turn him into a helicopter well good trap what are you doing with a monkey no don't you be bribing my animatronics this is my test you cannot have them no no no is your monkey is he your friend yeah I hate to tell you this but he's he's made out of stuffing there's no soul in there those guys are not made out of stuffing don't you dare turn a monkey into an animatronic that's my idea last time I told you guys that we have explosive punches so I go and he goes kind of flying things kind of go fly I want to see what's stronger this or the power puncher give me your hand come on your legs ow too close this body's gonna get the punch this Bonnie's gonna get the power puncher ready okay you you flew stay there stay there that line back no no no no I said stay there come here glitch up hold Bonnie right here your monkey is moving on its own and it's kind of weird just saying have you already tested on it okay ready [Music] um needless to say the power puncher wins glitch trap can I punch you you didn't go very far doesn't that hurt your little beady nose bottom Bonnie's dead now Bonnie doesn't care Bonnie wasn't dead until you put your hands on him so if I punch you with both hands what happens one two um I missed the first time here I've got a lot of very upset bodies with me and I totally deserve it um um I have a plan for this I promise where is it where is it where is it where is it hi bomb Detonator here this is gonna go the farthest toy ready clear the way glitch trap I don't want you to get blown yet good up a whole bunch of bodies give them all grenades and I'll go boom open open oh man what there you go one for each of you open open open open ah there you go now Detonator glitch trap the count of three two one um is that it what are you doing are you possessing Bonnie okay give me drop it drop it drop it drop it drop drop drop it I'm a bit afraid of your powers dude that's what it's supposed to do [Music] um I don't recall recall having that many bombs do you the grenades are very explosive and Chica is the Lone Survivor like always you know if you're a Roxanna wolf she would say I am the best but I bet all you want is pizza sorry sorry Freddie I'm kind of stating on you let me get this all cleaned up and we'll do my two favorite tests chica you should remember them well um chica's my friend don't Smack My chica only I'm allowed to smack chica apparently you can smack her too glitch trap get on the platform it's cleanup time what are you doing to Chico drop it chica he's trying to make you part of his cult come with me get on the platform all right Bonnie now it's your turn to go through the same experiments that all the others have I'm Gonna Make You itty bitty I'm Gonna Make You medium-sized and the biggest Bonnie you've ever seen in your life you first uh come here get a get away from them things are gonna get a little weird and glitch trap is up to something over there I I can I just know it now deflator for change of change how possible hi well what have you got behind your back glitchy is that mustard or do you plan on eating something make you even littler you look like you're wearing sunglasses Bonnie up up now if I kill you how if I take you out of your misery I should say how big are you they're not snacks glid trap fine this one's useless because it's too big anyway take it and do what you want with it you realize oh my dear Jesus um glitch trap you kind of stretched him out a little bit just a little bit he was itty bitty and now he's all stretchy let's see what happens if I make this one even smaller does he get even stretchier you have magic in your hands glitch trap well now he's just stuck like that get rid of him he's your toy now you put your sauce and your fingers all over enjoy that this one's mine though I want to make a really tiny Bonnie ready Bonnie oh Bonnie Bonnie be careful oh look how Lonnie and you almost crushed him to death look oh my dear Jesus I think you're the littlest animatronic I've ever made he glitched trapped take a look at this look how little this Bonnie is have you seen one littler no never here keep an eye on him for me he's usually the caretaker he's kinda loud resist the urge to hurt him he's adorable the resistance is hard just control yourself protect him like he's your child you just had to go and do that didn't you I don't know what you're doing but he's all screwed up now [Music] thanks a lot glitch trap okay now it's your turn to be gigantic Bonnie you might want to move your bow tie just keeps getting bigger and bigger poor Bonnie can't even stand up anymore what do you have in here do your insides look the same as the others unfortunately your neck is kind of weird and you actually have a fully built pelvis which is a bit strange however oh come look at this Bonnie he died staring at your bottle of ketchup what can you do now for my favorite part of the experiments the syringes one of you is going to get all of them glitch trap is there a reason you're holding a baseball bat just just hanging out yeah okay you're very creepy with a baseball bat first syringe goes too how do you feel oh okay okay okay calm down I'm sorry I should have warned you you don't like needles it's fine you get the first one I'm gonna put it right in your nose what do we got oh that's the bone broo poor Bonnie here let me get my manipulator and see you up in the air you're just tweaking out aren't you oh I did it again didn't I sorry Bonnie this Bonnie's even weirder though this this Bonnie is dead but this Bonnie's even weirder because his middle section stays together look at him spin is we body parts come off of everybody so for you your jaw came off but also for some reason your feet separated are you ticklish I wish I had feet that big you know how big my feet are my feet are the size of a child but you have bass it feeds but you pay too much for shoes well that's the Bone Breaker syringe oh you're just a mess of animatronic okay your turn for a syringe what do we got what do we got what do we got a glitch trap glitch trap glitch calm down where did all of my syringes go somebody misplaced them I didn't say who oh um they're right there I'm just stupid I know it's a paddling where would you like your shot in the bow tie you say Don't Mind If I Do I said Don't Mind If I Do [Music] at least you don't say every every every every every every every every every every hey glitch trap I want to test something this is right up your alley beat the out of him go I want to see if he does anything he might already be dead so we may not do anything period but try it foreign glitch trap calm down he's dead clean him up so the disabler syringe does practically nothing ew ew This syringe has got something on it let's trap have you been using this car accident there's there's something on here no that's crazy glitch trap whenever he's crack okay your turn are you Twitchy okay the inner demon is coming out come on buddy give it to me Bonnie is so chill he needs extra crack breathing awful heart did you hit him really hard come here Bonnie it's okay you shouldn't feel anything anyway because of the crack clear the way clear the way Bonnie glitch trap can you take her up Bonnie I think he's alive but but no no no but it's not what I meant by take care of I mean literally have a soul and take care of it well it's too late now I think you beat his brains in oh you gave him a kiss this is how you're supposed to take care of your animatronics two more syringes left that's disabler what is this one what is this nothing's happening glitch trap somebody gets all of them you get all of them ready in the comments below who you want to see me experiment on next we have spring trap left to go we have Freddy we have Glitch trap glitch trap calm down or you'll be next and we have more of the security breach characters including a girlfriend for you but until next time I'm gonna put glitch trap in jail see ya come here you grab it come come here come stop beating the crap out of he's dead he's dead he's dead already
Channel: Jeaire
Views: 4,409,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i performed insane experiments on bonnie in boneworks vr, boneworks vr, boneworks sandbox, boneworks vr mods, boneworks mods, boneworks experiments, five nights at freddys, fnaf vr, five nights at freddys mods, five nights at freddys bonnie, fnaf bonnie, five nights at freddys glitchtrap, fnaf glitchtrap, jeaire boneworks, jeaire fnaf, jeaire, jearie
Id: zD1tYb5CsZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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