Slugterra EP 31-39 πŸ”₯ MEGA COMPILATION 4 πŸ”₯ Full Episode Compilation πŸ”₯ Videos For Kids HD

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[Music] okay what part of proto must never go home to more mount did you not understand whoa la pronto we have more urgent matters to attend to [Music] if these people don't move someone's gonna get hurt mullah noise of low mount for your safety please take cover and eat healthy apples nacho - the Shane gang why aren't the moment is concerned for their safety Frodo is not like other mullah noids they see what they want to see but there is only one of us in danger here you can't outrun your past pronto [Music] [Applause] but whatever you did here couldn't have been that bad [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Toronto's their king no wonder he refers to himself in the third person and has delusions of grandeur guys [Music] did the underground say wide black sent nacho to mole mound nope what our mawla noids known for we guys blocked pores largest collection of Medicine slugterra pasty complexions oh wait that last one [Music] score another win for the Shane gang nut Joe's gone but he was kicking our butts why'd he run cuz he's smart enough to know he wouldn't get another lucky shot him he'll be impossible to live with now at least his Majesty doesn't refer to himself with the Royal we don't give him any ideas Joe Jack would never put has heir to the mold mound throne you must take it hmm guys nacho left a trail we could fall all the way across slugterra but that is not the way of the mole mound that is the path to wisdom which leads to the vault of knowledge the repository of all mole annoyed information including the mappa Mundi they framed more annoyed map of everything everything every tavern tunnel bridge shortcut and hidey hole in slugterra that's gotta be what dr. blacks it nacho here to find if I'm right about black bean and lead with the dark Bane that map could give him other routes to the deep caverns we can't allow that lucky thing King pronto could order his whole army after nacho no more the King does the command armies he serves his people Oh a foot 25 seven eight years backlog those toilets ain't gonna plant themselves is not amused listen not to worry folks the Shane gang will take on nacho and save your map a Mundi oh right pronto you can sort this King stuff out later but nacho has a big head start and we need to move that life is over now your highness now that you have finally returned to us you must face up to your obligations oh there you go that's it you see I'm booked on it won't the wall adventures right through the middle of the next decades oh yeah there's that and if I'm gonna find nacho and save your map I need my talented tracker yes sire you may draw your friends a map to the map we are here it is there [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're playing catch-up ignorance is bliss mole annoyed motto well our bliss requires blacks ignorance after you this can't be right well he did just scribble that thing together in three seconds seriously if this the path the wisdom and the Wonder the mola noids prefer ignorance we could have really used pronto to get through this maze today is random complaint state come back tomorrow for wardrobe malfunctions ruling over the most stirring matters in all of era and your evenings repairing everything that needs fixing around here you will not have to worry about that for long no trace of nonchalant must be pretty far ahead we need to pick up the pace those nuns you'll know where to go we have prawn toes map what does not Joe have ask I thought we were goners must be dumb luck we got away any guesses maps always have a riddle or cleverly hidden clue to point the way in cases like this now let me see how would pronto think found it [Music] it says 100 right on the pack but only count 98 yeah well once I got 92 right near River Mac my coworker looked at me funny I now pronounce you man and wife that my boss it's been dripping for the last two thousand nine hundred and twenty seven days and you have to fix it your majesty 6:00 on the dot don't be late and don't trap in dirt like the last king which reminds me bring a mop what is wrong with us don't we more annoys know how to do anything my liege they are not used to thinking for themselves that's always been the Kings job ignorant is bliss right but I don't have to tell you that unless you think I should I mean you are the King what do you think I should do [Music] we're supposed to keep climbing yeah well we in climbing Mads you're right we're gonna have to float up [Music] it's nacho guys nachos going the wrong way maybe he knows a shortcut yeah maybe we should follow nacho no sealed we're here first hmm Oh is expecting it to be yeah you know grander now how do we get in the doors are covered in small t'en remember this guy you afford smelter perfect [Music] look at all this stuff well dig in you see she says potato and I say potahto I'm calling this whole thing off but Majesty the law is very clear His Majesty can quit but first he must find a volunteer to take his place oh no what is foolish enough to volunteer for this if it is foolish to desire a life of service to one's people call me a fool but I volunteer fees it is my honor to pick up the mole King mantle and hereby lay claim to the kingship and you are pronto the mole who humiliated you in the slag run humiliated this does not ring a bell okay maybe this will clear the wax from your ears pronto for more heir to the mall mount throne and now your king ah yes you wear the crown of the king a little big for you no we think perhaps it would fit us better the Royal we know how dare you presume to me like Bronto we then we challenge you for the kingdom he can do that yeah Jeff is all very legal I assure you indeed the challenge must be met or Sedo unopposed shall become our new king accept your challenge at five paces and may the best mole win not the Bronco has his way [Music] His Majesty was challenged and so has first pick you knew I would go for the shiny one so perhaps this is what you wish me to do therefore I should choose the other but you are a crafty opponent and you know protocol is smart and would think many moves ahead and so you must really want me to choose destroy anyone who you you think you can outwit your king by making him doubt himself it is I who have out to attach you my wily nemesis gacho's first don't ask me why but I honestly thought you'd go for the other one five paces turn and duel one two three hmm find something not the map something else can we hurry up before nacho realizes his mistake he's already here thanks for leading the way no he wasn't he tailed us it was an elaborate fake out fell for it now hand over the map don't have it but if you want to help us search we could use the extra hands I prefer to work alone guys something you King watch your face come out and face me like a mole I shall smite you with my finger might what's it [Music] [Music] [Music] my run surrender scoundrel see though does not know the meaning of the word deniz King I shall work to improve the schools [Music] I I hand it over what is black want with it huh this slug has caused me a lot of trouble and made a map or its paste stop take it but whatever black has plant you won't get away with it Neil I don't sorry tricks it's the only way [Applause] but sir help them out [Music] [Music] [Music] you remind me of someone and nosey to the mall whose interference put me in the red with black tights it got a more that stands in my way would be much more imposing but of course you do [Laughter] so sum total of mul annoyed history yeah that can't be good plus not you got the map actually he's not the only one who knows how to pull a bait-and-switch confidentially I hope your friends beat nacho to the mappa Mundi then it will be my pleasure and not that brutish fellows to hand the map over to dr. Black Bloc yes my benefactor has given me a second chance to be his second chance and with dr. blacks backing this King won't be clearing drains and settling petty squabbles Ford a little more stark comparison I quit no take-backs but I had my fingers crossed when they said I quit it does not count the finger crossed double-cross curse that mole annoyed Rule he attacked our royal personage justice demands that we walk this mall the Royal we folks really sorry but sure people's history is history somewhat indirect smiting your majesty yes another senseless victim of secondhand smoke Oh No Eli the mappa Mundi Your Majesty it holds dangerous secrets I urge you to destroy it so dr. black can never come after it again you want me to eliminate the last surviving fragment of mul enoyed history can I do that actually you can the missing chapter of the Book of Mormon it's been lost for ages what the Hey ignorance is bliss right Burpee so what does the new chapter say about the king going on adventures with his friends maybe it says that if the king is absent or unable to perform his duties as required he must appoint a proxy haha then I dub thee Sydow keeper of the keys royal popper of leaks and decider of all things squabbling and petty of course questions of more about policy will remain with the geek me you in York just feel doomed although I would have accepted my leaves and or your highness nacho really played us too predictable so we'll change up our game that's not what bothers me the mappa Mundi didn't just point the way to the deep caverns it marked the location of the drop what if black doesn't want to go deeper what if he's searching for a way to the surface yeah but since the one only copy the map is toast Black's not going anywhere right hey if you destroyed the original map what does not Joe have pronto specialty I thought you said your specialty was power napping don't you label me sir proto cannot be confined land's end well that's way way out there's got to be someone out that way that can help her no handoffs she asked for us by name but she didn't ask for Bronto my heroic reputation makes a ski for me by name totally unnecessary [Music] I'm guessing this must be the place [Music] you must beware she transmitted her message to us what where is the distressed damsel over here [Music] but I'm not a damsel and I am certainly not in distress if you're working for dr. black you must be new he's next week's contestant you are the game today game what game the one you play now that I've brought you here and you are well isn't it obvious I am the master of the game and what's really cool about my game is you don't lose points when you fail you lose everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think we'll pass on your invitation he's kind of an image like a hologram did you really think I would make it that easy for you you're playing against the best brain in the cavern what a specimen you should consider it a badge of honor that I chose you as opponents if you're so great how come we never heard it yet because the losers of my games can't talk we're not losing because we're not playing we're leaving oh I must have pushed the wrong button sorry about that hang on and I'll get you down hmm now which one is it eeny meeny miny I seem to push the special button oh yeah I don't have the right password great do nothing I'm going for help gotta figure a way out fast oh we're gonna be turned into a shame thank you it doesn't look like there's anyone around but I did find a DJ yo yo yo MC Mixmaster game master in the house I was thinking of busting out some sweet beats for you hip cats get into music that's fire Ram stone at the scene choose to short out the motor about the walls [Applause] Jules Bojan calling all slugs up there Oh thrilling wasn't it and that was only your first challenge and our last gamer guy just give us back our slugs and we'll call it a draw I've gone through considerable trouble and expense to match wits with you I only choose the best contestants and my research tells me three of you are hmm I didn't bother researching the mole annoyed oh yes Bronco remains a mole annoyed of mystery my rules are simple any slug you use I take survive my challenges and you'll see them at the end Eli we could lose all our slugs we're not leaving without Jules and the others that's the spirit now ladies and gents step right up for your next challenge [Music] that was really really intense wasn't it let's take a look at what you've won [Music] I don't know what that wackos game plan is but we've got to try not using slugs to deal with it [Music] this was a challenge no this is okay but now you lost buzzsaw I hope it was worth it oh it was me goody another slug it'll be a nice addition to my collection but I can't just take something without giving something back in return here have an apple go ahead it's practically exploding with flavor two bridges but only one will get you safely across the quicksand it which will it be make your choice quick that bucket of rotten apples is about cheese because it's quicksand 3 is lightly she wouldn't expect us to use the worst-looking French woody quick eel I'd make a choice jump to the other bridge I stopped to pack my bathing suit maybe you'll come back up quicksand is a one-way trip down gamemaster do you hear me bronto better be back with us when we finish this hmm there are consequences for failure frontals challenges are over yours are not seen the looks on your faces oh wait you can we don't even need slugs to beat your challenges have you had enough not even you see all the machinery seems to be below us he's got to be down there somewhere with our slugs pronto his digging skills would sure come in handy now yeah I can practically hear the little mow man now did you hear that he's talking to us from the supey beyond where somebody doesn't understand the concept of a well-lit workplace how did you survive the quicksand we're sure to die mul annoyed spend their summers bathing in quicksand so I dug a hole in the bottom of the pit that makes your inside operative find where the game master is controlling all this and report back but keep it quiet he can't know you're down there mowing around three contestants still standing hmm you truly are the most impressive I've ever challenged that's what I'm talking about hey maybe we're not impressed playing against a lonely crackpot with too much time on his hands I had some other fun games to play but why don't we just skip ahead to a final challenge and this one is personal ela our hero to slug and his human Kenny save bone if not who do you choose I know you too for the zombie mom what are you doing here well it wasn't my idea I can tell ya we should have taken the hearse Sylvia you need to get out of your country doctor said about my comfort zone dr. smarter honest wait did she did we have to really right here right in public yes sweet Tracy how about a little target practice hmm 5 targets 5 shots if you can make them that is if you think I'm wasting my slugs on your silly game forget it then allow me to supply the slugs though I very much doubt even that will help you what are you saying I can't shoot straight we'll see you [Music] lucky shot Oh Howard a thrill ride there Sylvia you know I don't like these things who will it be slugs Oh people or does the hero save himself code the brilliant engineer you have two minutes to build me something amazing or your friends will have a nasty surprise Eli can you hear me Trixie [Applause] [Music] so this looks as if they're connected to the package it's really creepy that's why stealing them somehow using their energy to power himself and this game that's it I figured out what did you make me the jetpack but it ain't for you [Music] thanks but you made me miss my target and that target would have sent thee lie into the drink and turned you in the paste oh that would be bad is that a jet pack was a jet pack standing idle well they dropped to their doom you need to brush up on your strategic thinking oh those two didn't react to the stink they're more of your robots and I know you won't harm slugs you need them for their energy oh yes what else do you know that you are just a clever geek living in a basement who's hooked into a slug energy machine to power his fantasy world how could you know that nobody researches me why don't you stop playing games of robots and Holograms and match wits with me in the real world huh come and get me [Music] I'll even show you the way is another challenge I'll stake you to get it [Music] ah friends till the end such noble losers we're not that noble we just found a better way down on the brutal Express whoa I should have researched that mul annoyed it's checkout time game master hand over our slug huh you think I'm beaten guess again you still have one last challenge to get past me and with the slug energy I've accumulated you're not going to exist to play another gay [Music] ear i de pronto I know [Music] get under the shield shard [Music] this was supposed to be a legitimate competition that extra slug energy really packs a partnership but you've ruined it with your rule breaking and your cheating the gods bed you barge your way into my home and make demands nice try but you'll need more than that to stop me and you my nose Ebola the worst offender ten minutes tops go ahead keep slinging it just makes me stronger status one slug left same here use the excavator Eli that'll stop and cold it'll stop boss - and I need blaster power for a different idea right Burpee fusion is yes use what you have left for a diversion and make it count [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah now you keep cheating we can live with the shame but you will not live through this I've started a meltdown that will destroy this entire cavern within minutes you might have just enough time to capture me or save the sludge but not those make your choice [Music] he's right it's gonna blow forget about him grab the slugs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the gamemaster is still free guess we'll have to worry about fake rescue missions from now on but this wasn't a fake we rescued them [Music] [Music] okay CeCe if you were trying to tell me quietly I gotta say epic fail dude want to have a little fun with them Burpee [Applause] can't shake them we're gonna have to persuade them to go away and we can be real persuasive right guys [Music] a little advice CeCe next time black wants me followed he should send someone other than you he already did we've been in tougher scrapes before right Burpee [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dr. black we have the Shane surrounded just give us the orders and we'll take him down your confidence will be your downfall he and that Infernus of his are dangerous well you don't have to worry about that his slug is sick he's sick yeah couldn't even take on a flopper so what do you want me to do let him go what hit him with a tracking ghoul and let him go but we've got him a chance to end this do as I order or it'll be the end of you huh well I can't promise you he'll get off without a scratch [Music] we've got to get Murphy home and fast scrap no move on three one two three oh no you don't oh man that cool must have been a dud we should have been gone earth I hope that worked good work lads low sodium organic vegetable and wheatgrass smoothies on me [Applause] seriously again no get the letter okay I know what you're thinking I wanted to what kisses from me hover bug but they insisted on max Jackson mm furious punches raised my voice a teeny bit but don't give them a right to do this to pronto there you are something's wrong with Burpee I don't know what happened never seen them like this I've never seen any slug look like that little dudes get a little low on energy sometimes but I never seen one sick poor little guy can't even move I'll make sure you get better Burpee there's got to be something we can do if there is no troll human or even more annoyed Noah's couldn't agree on a movie again what what yes I'm not giving up Burpee needs our help you know we're with you Eli but none of us have any idea what to do these guys do [Music] stay with me pal we'll be there soon wherever there is getting darker and scarier this whole place gives me the heebie-jeebies just because we have entered the territory of shadow claw that's what burpee needs to go now I'll never fit through that there's got to be a bigger opening yeah but how do we find it we ask this is their territory I'm betting the shadow clan will know what to do yeah never around when you want to know her whoever wants them around they're always so serious and spooky you know it's like they enjoy being frightening not that proto is ever afraid [Music] [Applause] it's okay court I got this this round is sacred we know I need your help this one's fire will go out soon once it does he will be no more I see now my ass loves that you here to the light well the light well what's that delight well is 50% legend 50% law and 50% me story supposedly it's where slugs go for a recharge I'll take Burpee if you show me the way pass to the light well are not meant for humans it may not even be possible for you to survive the journey that's a risk I'm willing to take one way or another I'm taking my friends [Music] son of Shane it was you who asked for this right behind je Lai my do I have the impression that brother was just insulted he said only I can go Eli no you can't go in there alone it's okay if that's what I've got to do to say Burpee and that's what I'm gonna do besides I won't be alone I got these guys lead the way oh of course they get to go dr. Blakk the trackers working perfectly [Music] [Music] [Music] guess we go this way okay let's try this again one rock at a time [Applause] [Music] okay buddy take it down it's armored okay need another idea yeah the double-barrel would stop it only problem that takes two hands looks like that to you only shot we got [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] thanks guys hang on bourbon we're almost there I help still doesn't feel right that he lies in there by himself of course it is not right how could the shadow clan think only eli is worthy from today magnificent is worthy very worthy bro that's not what I had excuse me I think perhaps there has been some mistake most likely because you do not know how truly wondrous pronto they wonder it truly is okay that wasn't me I got a bad feeling yeah well hopefully it brought to annoys them too much they'll only Flay him no that's not it did you see that whoa what is that smell oh this smells worse than a bunch of flatulence slugs I mean this tunnel smells like the inside of this isn't a tunnel [Music] wait a minute if we got spit out its mouth that means we crawled in through it there is no way I'm coming back in there Jewellery [Music] first thing after we fix up burpee we are all taking some very long showers Eli told us he was at it being stealth ECC but man you are really bad I'd save the groaning we'll be doing plenty when the shadow Clannad done with you CeCe's white dummies Shh save the questions I don't want to miss a minute of this [Applause] retreat what's that you don't like my little dark light never fear wrong thought they were these heels save the day it's warm in here and sweet you will get out of here I think packs a punch good thing it was just one another [Music] we're another hard dozer I hope you're right but obviously good sweets [Music] lightwell [Music] it's Wow we made it Burpee we certainly did thanks to you [Music] what do you want with the light well what I want is to destroy it [Music] how do I get here I can answer that first of all the tracking goal CCHIT you it helped quite a bit the dud but you deserve the lion's share of the credit I don't think I could have gotten here if you hadn't taken care of every obstacle in the way you certainly seemed quite motivated you'll never make it [Music] looks like you were wrong I made it congratulations [Applause] we might have a chance at the ShadowClan would work with us that we are unworthy completely adorable I think this means the ShadowClan are in [Music] without the light well slug energy can't rejuvenate and without your slugs my ghouls will rule goodbye 12 [Music] me too me too ha scheisse they're out of ammo man go teach those Punk's some manners oh no you got us oh wait no you don't get back [Music] [Music] ha that's a did you not to mess with pronto we did it yeah we didn't do it I think they're saying someone else got inside the light well one more shot will do it you know I wanted you to see the fight Wells destruction but you you changed my mind [Music] [Music] my ghouls [Music] [Music] watch what just happened where did you take so close to the light well our powers are limited we could only send you through the shadows elsewhere I fear those abominations you call ghouls or also what sickened this Infernus black schools may / be sick the energy and - loves to slugterra is growing weak if the cooling does not cease the dark pain will come well you can count on us to stop dr. black [Music] thank you for everything now is not the time for thanks the struggle for all of slugterra has only just begun [Music] [Applause] did they just bow to you how's barfi see for yourself I don't know what happened out here I must have done something to impress the ShadowClan nothing it was bound to happen once they got to know pronto they were thee glad that's over it isn't other slugs are gonna get sick like burpee if we don't stop black this is just the beginning [Music] you have the drill people locked up in lockup everyone inside and hear your slugs [Music] dreamy time for bed [Music] flutter will still be there in the morning now come inside see you in the morning you crazy little meatheads and don't forget to turn the fence on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it started about a month back just a few random slugs at first but now this is the worst we've ever seen it and your healer slugs don't help we don't have any main reason we called you heard you had a mighty solid fella named doc well I did I'm sorry but no he's fine just faraway I have to admit what Ricky said he needed some help I wasn't expecting this it's like something sucked the juice right out of them that would be the creature creature the high plains monster it's something of a local legend no one's actually seen it but whatever did this slip through the force fence like it was nothing but I've seen it it's big and it's scary and it has long legs like a spider don't worry Trini flutter is going to be fine could we take them to the light well perhaps but it doesn't explain what's causing this or if it'll prevent it from happening again we'll get to the bottom of this Brody I promise if you could just give us a moment okay I'm all for helping the slugs but a monster Eli I don't know I'm an engineer in my mind if I can't see it or I can't hit it it don't exist what do you think Trixie you really think it's a monster well I believe Trini saw something and look at these slugs Brody isn't the kind of person to exaggerate we don't figure this out soon people could get desperate [Music] what's going on here got me no one told me about a meeting thank you now it is with full understanding of the desperation of the ranching situation that the town council is voted unanimously to award a bounty two thousand gold everything our treasury has to the slide slinger who brings in the high plains monster we don't need bounty hunters I called in the Shane gang hey no no no they couldn't have a shot at it - at this point Brodie we need all the help we can get this doesn't look good Eli tell me about it this kind of money this much desperation people could get hurt sorry @m stalker I'll bag your creature but it'll cost you five thousand gold not to five thousand that you get my services the monster and your peace of mind mister if you could get it we'll find the money fire ice the power trips the Town Council is making a big mistake Brody I know these guys they're bad news soccer especially isn't there something you can do what do you want Shane I know you and I have a history but if we're gonna be here we all need to work together it'll better our chances of catching this thing better our chances of splitting a bounty you mean we're not doing this for money they're not we're not these people need help and they don't need their town destroyed they don't they don't come on man use your head this thing could be dangerous two slugs do I look like a to you I work alone kid so you're up dude we'll just have to find the creature first shake it out it's a motion detector mod anything bigger than a mole annoyed comes our way this thing will light up like a phosphorous slug good thinking court let's get going [Music] [Music] so here's a joke process what you gonna pull up uh slugs and transforms it's weird what is nothing I thought I had something then it was gone it's the lest I might buy enough Brent place to mod our trips come on [Music] guys I think I found them [Music] looks like these clowns here got themselves iced it's just like the slugs no way man this thing is hunting people now this is not what I signed up for man sir you're making noise what's wrong what's wrong is where three men two men and a lady down this is what happens when we don't work together and your stupid traps aren't catching the creature they're trapping us hi I'm upside down appreciate this man hey quiet hey that's just my blaster Oh cut me down cord proximity alert something's coming something big down I can't tell it's coming from multiple directions not anymore this doesn't make any sense whoa wait wait I got a new signal or 100 yards out 300 yards everyone get ready the wondered yards it's moving way too fast 50 yards and it's right on top of us that's what you get for buying off brand gear stop [Music] [Music] just one drinky don't associate these later up glitter trixie my expert diagnosis is she's still alive oh cool your jets cats change your mind about sticking together follow me [Music] she's alive just I don't know she's dead we should have left her behind sorry bro it's not our style we gotta look out for ourselves man get wrong we'll never survive unless we look out for each other we'll figure out a way to help fire and the trips I promise you sure you don't want some of our food stalker it'll be a cold day before I need a couple of kids to survive in the wild you just don't jive what does it good with a dad monster drain slugs let it drain people it's a drag see don't make no sense he has a point the same question I've been taxing my outer brains there's an old cave troll legend that people and slugs share the same energy deep down a light you could call it magic from the earliest days I never took much stock in it but maybe that's why this creature is draining us now Kane so how do we beat it right but the monster is afraid of light in the woods I used a phosphorous lug in it Fred that's why it only attacks at night you know he's right it did flee when he shot that slug so what do we got no right that's one fuss for a slug and a fleshlight with half a charge left some hole does not look promising well it's a start tonight we'll sleep in shifts and take turns on guard [Music] your watch buddy did you see it [Music] looks like it's just you and me buddy huh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you should be more careful myoma sludgy oh there is a great disturbance here he lacks chain ah so you noticed shadow and light must exist in balance wall is threatened okay thanks for that helpful really but I've got a thing so you fight in shadow you see your enemy I do not understand then can you help me what are we dealing with here we have already shown you that barrier between worlds is weakened deep in the bowels of this earth the dogbane and their monsters wait for the time to rise up and take all of slugterra their magic is weak here it costs them to travel through the barrier but they have ways of returning to physical form that's white strained slugs a slugs natural magic is protected there are forces which can pervert this this was the first get to know now let's go stop this thing [Music] [Applause] company huh bad dog they told you not to set the barn on fire our enemy hates light but they're more him at also hate provider [Music] eli court I lied you [Music] time to go [Music] I live to fight another day then you can help your friends [Music] jump [Applause] won't stop now it has our scent our scent I know what I'm being hunted now help me with this boat River is the fastest way back to town I don't know Shane it's not in our nature to trust the shadow clan but if you say this thing is from the deep caverns we need a plan hit it with the phosphorous slugs and try to hold out till dawn heck of a plan I hope we can pull this off she's putting a lot of faith in us they all are when are you gonna get it through your head there is no us you stay here with the slugs if you want I'm gonna hunt that thing ah well that's crazy you won't last five seconds on your own I don't back down that thing drained my friends they need us this town needs us you want to be a tough guy fine but sometimes being tough means knowing how to ask for help [Music] we wore it [Music] wait for it [Music] [Music] stalker you alright face it Eli this is hopeless can't fight what you can't touch [Music] I have an idea we're gonna give this thing exactly what it was [Music] right sorry guys but you'll just have to trust me [Music] okay hey so it you and me ugly let's dance [Applause] it hates fire and hates lights so let's give it both okay / be ready to go supernova I hope this works [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my stop eating snack foods after midnight they give me the craziest of nightmares [Music] towns back to normal what happened to stalker I don't know he left before daybreak without his reward - you asked me I think he didn't want the reminder he'd done something nice for people he did a good thing Eli yeah maybe why do you sound worried something the shadow clan said this was just the beginning slug Tara's magic is weakening you really have to ask yourself what's next [Music] come on guys we got a distress call so hop on your mech set we still have no mecha beasts it's been over two weeks this better be worth the wait and now may I present to you no one approved mecha beasts wow they look exactly the same yeah well maybe on the outside but way like demo what they can do don't work I'm in a hurry here can't you just tell us oh no a work of art like this this is a proper debut man it's gonna be awesome [Music] you must be coop in the old days I would have called your father been a while since then but I figured you I know what to do what seems to be the problem wandered into the cavern two days ago pretty beat-up and disoriented when we found them found who him doctor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] came in from the desert no blaster no Mecca nothing that must be with a shadow plant senton she's been wandering for over two weeks they can't believe it we got him well technically we didn't this is no time for technicalities epic poems will be written about the day pronto had the most feared scoundrel in all of San Tara happy Smurfs you have no authority to hold me I'm the Shan and you're gonna pay for your crimes I will give you one more chance to release me face the consequences oh I think you're forgetting who's got the upper hand here mm huh blah purrs should we go after him he won't matter court he's probably already called for backup coop I got no love for dr. black guy gives me the creeps but I do love this cavern if more of his men are on their way it'll be war here you've done your share coop if a fights coming it's ours dr. black can't stay here Eli we're gonna need to move him somewhere more secure yes but how exactly surely we were told before he remained in there behind those bars then maybe we'll take the bars to begin de Charney tour while we dig again good question walking black of could change everything if he stays captured what about stalagmite 17 I hear it's been reinforced since we took it back from mr. Saturday that prison should old black if we can get him there and that's where we go hopefully we'll get there before that black dark and alert work travels fast [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] bored what about those matcha made to the Meccans you're awesome just wait do you see not to hurry up the big debut we're coming here it'll be worth the wait trust me enjoins being overly dramatic as much as anyone but come on already card not yet we need more room mom okay so before you check out my super duper upgrades you're gonna want to wear one of these nice alright everyone press the green button well every papa we have great buttons [Music] [Applause] pretty hearted rides if I do say so sorry we couldn't do that sooner we had the weight that we got the open ground are you kidding we smoked up corn you're a genius [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch this magnificent display upstairs [Music] ez pronto we want to get him there in one piece if you think that will buy you mercy one piece didn't say we had to listen to you on the way [Music] someone's catching up [Music] you know what that is no but the reason I worked overtime on these upgrades is cos I heard black you've been recruiting top tech talent for some kind of super vehicle so if I had to guess that's it's called Titan and you're about to find out what it can do I'll be taking dr. black now but after all a man like that deserves to ride in style looks like it's picking up where you left off [Music] you know what they say Furby the bigger they are the harder it is to hurt them ice we didn't even Jen ilan if we want to take this thing out we need the double-barrel blaster no problem he's okay but I can't do the fusion I would prefer to be rescued alive sorry sir [Music] so where to pick up those hunks of jock hey watch your mouth no listen to Wyatt [Music] by Quentin alright guys this way Eli no woman has ever tried to chump Copper Canyon Oh nobody's ever had these kinds of mecca's before I regret [Music] [Music] this mole I plant like [Music] see nothing to worry about basic gear out flashed by superior science I knew these crimes would write about this eh but I didn't think it would be because it was the Diprotodon I read his ass [Music] nice work Burpee [Music] [Music] but some fusion flash Rock'em rely on well what's your mods that got us over the canyon so rock on cork [Music] Rocko to the more annoyed to outfox the pattern the hair their dance they would write one day amusing story but Quentin had no intention of catching you he was corralling you the brakes [Music] engine let us into an ambush all right you mean court we'll keep him busy so pronto could get through with black [Music] [Applause] watch Oh whatever you do don't stop until you get to stalagmite 17 the rest of us will keep him off [Music] [Music] easy there buddy time to hit the road [Music] [Music] hooligans drunk oh that is not good odds for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] great shot Trixie oh brother cannot wait to read the epic tales his crimes were right about that heroic move [Applause] [Music] yeah end of story Moll annoyed end of the line for you [Music] [Music] joy looks like I'm going to have to take care of the same guy myself [Music] oh no it's fine don't feel like you have to thank me or anything [Music] whatever you do keep the pedal to the metal [Music] oh man time to place a new trail for feet we're out those rocks [Music] oh look at you but how baby going so fast that it's some kind of speed booster your blaster that could have triggered a change the burpees bellossom or later [Music] we've barely made at the club Cobra Canyon last time and did religious even longer trust me [Music] drinking the glider mode gang [Music] good riddance is what I say did you see that you should have run when you had a chance dude you playing chicken with a tiny I'll take your mods over whatever what created any day [Music] just need enough speed [Music] [Music] and so it will be written from to the conquer did the impossible not once but twice the day he left across cobra Canyon and delivered the mighty dr. black doe job is feels weird we got black it's over I hope dude what else could happen I mean come on none of his goons are gonna break him out a stalagmite 17 you have beaten those who serve me today but trust me you have no idea what's coming you heard me right my product is proven to make that untamable slug of yours a sling his best friend for those fortunate enough to obtain a quantity from this extremely limited supply I guarantee the potency and efficacy 100% or my name isn't dr. Harlan he black this is how you wheel them in the Sun I feel obliged to warn you there won't be enough for everyone if you make an orderly line my assistant Thaddeus will see to you do be too ugly [Music] you can't sir we'll have to wait in line with everyone else so I'm not buying I'm only wondering if my eyes are playing tricks on me you see I could swear you look exactly like the gentleman I denied permission to be here you can't stand in the way of science I have a valuable product and people should be free to make up their own minds these people listen to me my cavern my rules and what happens to people who break my rules mother bad things mister dare that's right bad things father we should go yes your sheep may not mind but no one tells me what to do what makes us who we are is it pain suffering triumph in the face of unbeatable odds or is it something else the plasterer you fool in my case a moment's hesitation revealed a much greater truth matter with you give me the blaster surrender well you don't have to worry doctor I'm feeling generous today I don't even allow you to leave with something your life Baldr I said he'll leave with his life nothing else unless you have a problem with that father no father father step foot in this cavern again and you will suffer time you learned what real work is son dig into the minds the truth is in this life we only have ourselves [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so it is here on this great field of battle a day that slugterra will long remember the day we crushed our enemies and returned our leader to his rightful place now who's with me go ahead and soften him up first then we'll go rescue dr. black our sails and get the reward how do you know they'll even be one dr. black probably doesn't even know we're here to spring him dr. black I always rewards those Lorna him here that rewards so go home so much got and we'll get a sneak peek at their defenses I'm here for dr. Blakk hand him over or there will be consequences we'll take the consequences and we're lucky they're too greedy to work together stalagmite 17 may be nearly impossible to break out of it's not completely impervious to someone breaking in never you worry there is nothing they can throw at us that pronto and his merry band of Heroes can't stop we got things covered here Eli better get back to your post fine call me if you need me let me guess some of my associates are outside attempting to rescue me they're wasting their time loyal to a fault usually when we meet you're running away from my ghouls now we have a chance to talk face-to-face I'll pass whoo come now you mean to tell me you have nothing to ask me now that you mention it yeah you could be anything you want why be evil why not use your power for good hmm not everyone can be the hero Eli and if you want to know the answer to that question to understand Who I am we need to go back to where it all started [Music] slag Rock cavern in its day you'd never find a more wretched place we had our own brand of justice here only the strong survive and if you were quick and clever you do even better [Music] warding over door the gangster Vito dare [Music] I learned quickly how to take care of myself in more ways than one to get ahead you had to be a good slug slinger and even as a young man I was very good yeah boss relax kid you think I care about a watch yeah you're working for me now any questions what happens if I say no we got a comedian here boys he only picks the best you know I don't take orders from anyone you'll get used to it I did you don't want to cross him and so I began my employment for Vico dare the same man that brand my worthless father out of town and pressed me into servitude it wasn't entirely unpleasant for the first time in my life I never wanted for anything materially speaking I learned the ways of Commerce and how fear can be a tremendous motivator [Music] in no time I had more than proving my worth I also learned a valuable lesson no matter how loyal you are no matter how hard you work you're always expendable best move yourself Jim Oh Shane y'all wanna be goes boys hello away from slag rock I'm sure my mistake wasn't challenging a shame it was thinking that if I held my ground it would show my loyalty six months not a word I was as you put it left to rot and upon my return I lost an entire shipment because of you they're putting this Cameron again and you will suffer I had heard those words before it was the best thing that could have happened to me it set me on a journey that would end where I am today back in jail I learned something from that two-bit gangster power is everything to have power you must be feared and the best way for me to be feared was to become a better slug slinger than anyone else for years I trained in secret preparing myself for a reawakening only one person would stand in the way of that your father sorry guys we didn't sign up for a job like this you're all that's left that's a big negative the cab will be just arrived security slingers they're just a bunch of mall cops are we glad to see you yeah I can always count on us security slingers but it's a mall or a movie house the playground or the pool well now that includes prisons oh yeah slugs are power the more you have the stronger you are but you have to know how to use them how to bend them to your will I would duel anyone who would accept my challenge and many who did not I did lose but increasingly less then one day was stranger walked out of the mist the unbeatable master I know how this part of the story goes she told me herself surely you know there are two sides to every story Eli [Applause] [Music] again [Music] both of us worthy but she could only pick water evil is in your heart Thaddeus black there is no place for that in a slug slinger [Music] yeah forgive me Thaddeus I don't need you I don't need anyone I'm gonna be the best and I will not be stopped this one will be great trouble for you will Shan [Music] what's your business here mr. payback [Music] well well the comedian returns so got my watch [Applause] it's over I surrender I surrender this cavern belongs to me now anyone still loyal to Vigo dare will leave with him or suffer the same humiliation those of you willing to pledge loyalty to me who will be rewarded [Music] huh they'll be back working for me within a month so you beat Vigo captured his cavern made yourself rich you had everything you wanted why did you need to create ghouls not yet not even close my forces were growing and so was my ambition I took a broken-down cart line and turned it into the backbone of Commerce in slugterra many were more than willing to provide me the right-of-way I needed others needed more convincing Jim Oh Shane had grown old because of little consequence until there was a changing of the guard the new Shane was more of a complication it has to stop black the intimidation the dirty dueling is stealing and cheating you're in no position to dictate terms to me will Shane runt you don't have to do this you know perhaps I didn't make myself clear wasn't talking to you it's okay you'll be safe with me [Music] [Music] you'll never be a slug slinger Thaddius no slug will ever willingly work with you again then I'll find another way something better and then we'll shame you will know what it's like to lose everything [Music] for years I studied analyzed tested and retested I knew everything there was to know about slugs except how to make them loyal to me and then I found something interesting the ancient texts spoke of the primal forces that made the slugs about good and evil and of darker forces beneath us waiting to be unleashed and then I found it the wellspring of Guling Dark Water but I would need more than what little seeped through the cracks and much more I began a series of dark water experiments through trial and error I knew I was on to something never before seen then it happened a portal to the deep caverns opened and I was pulled in the effects of this trip would wreak havoc on my body but it was well worth it you have something I need the dark vein supplied me with dark water and in exchange I agreed to allow one of them to disguise itself and return with me you know how dangerous dark water is and the dark vein I've met them they want to conquer slugterra and then they may be strong but the dark bane are backwards and naive they'll agree to anything when the hint of escape is dangled in front of them you're being played black haha we'll see once I had the dark water it was a matter of trial and error success was mine my first test subject was obvious what's happened to you you look like a ghost funny you should mention dancing is that slug black what have you done to it I fixed it made it better good enough to finally be sure it took me some time to perfect the ghouls but the rest as they say is history know what happened to my father you're the only one who knows where do you go you're beyond twisted you know that you tell me everything everything except the one thing I need to know most perhaps you might consider sharing a few stories of your own in exchange the shames do have a few secrets this so-called burning world for example forget it Shane secrets are gonna stay that way hmm pity citizens Eli it's over sorry to break it to you but your lackeys plan to bust you out tanked they mean well but this situation calls for a somewhat different approach and only one of my associates is prepared for that doing [Music] it's time and it turns out I'm expecting some new associates they seem to be arriving now I've only begun to unleash my power on slugterra the Singh's will soon be no more slugterra will be mine and there is nothing you can do to stop it no I enjoyed our little chat [Music] I don't know how that Tara portal worked but lucky that only four dark Bane came through and with nacho that makes five here in slugterra we have to make sure black doesn't try it again after all you did to hold back his minions I'm just sorry I let him get away it's not your fault Eli will go after dr. black again we'll find another way to hold him no dr. black is not a man that can ever be jailed he'll have to meet his fate another way for now you've got a bigger battle to fight we're gonna need all the help we can get we need to get ready and we need to spread the word well what are we waiting for move it buddy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the distress call came from this island the beach seems calm enough but something doesn't feel right [Music] get the rub out you gotta be rough but once we hit the beach blacks forces are dug in feet [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] card we need cover on it [Music] and that's my boy unless we take out that bill box here we're gonna be buried in this stretch permanently burpee just it's double Farrell time [Music] just barely [Music] okay we did it but I'm willing to bet that was the easy part [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes yes I did what happened here blackguards moved in a few weeks ago built that beachhead and took the town overwhelming forces led by someone or something I've never seen before and I've seen plenty we've been trying to fight back but most of the caverns native slugs have been captured and taken to a stronghold in the center of the island black guards are turning them into ghouls [Music] all of our attempts to stop them have failed without slug energy this cavern will die we need to get to that stronghold and bust those slugs out fast I wish it was that easy first you'll have to get past this blockade on the road out of town no sweat this roadblock makes what you just thought look like a walk on the beach and it's the only way to the stronghold but once we get past the blockade it looks like there's a back way to the stronghold here through this jungle if we sneak up that way we might be able to free the slugs without firing a shot yeah but if we do have to fire a shot we're gonna need every slug we've got and then some then take my slug [Music] Thanks what's his name who names their slugs I do cool I'll call you rookie what's he do beats me I don't have a blaster never seen him hit velocity well we'll find out soon enough see what you can do with the Murphy I'll assemble a group our resistance isn't what it was but I've still got some strong slingers still standing thanks but you really need to stay here to keep this side of the island protected well they certainly won't mind the rest are you sure positive meet us at the blockade after we have it secured [Music] [Music] knuckle up guys we're going live [Music] [Music] eyes wide Burpee we've got a lot of fire from that roadblock I need a distraction consider atop your me a larva vomit sandwich [Music] good job ready go hey come on Murphy [Applause] [Music] [Music] I was rookie let's see what he can do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good work Shane will set a post here to protect your backside good luck Thanks okay Shane gang if we're gonna take this stronghold by surprise we have to leave now [Music] the back entrance is tantalizingly near quietly cave troll much as I long for combat stealth has become our greatest weapon I cannot stress enough or require much more silence go get spinner [Music] [Music] I gotta put that in the prank library [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes so much for sneaking in quietly yeah I'm pretty sure that everyone in the place is aiming a weapon at us well if it isn't everyone it might as well be look it's dark fate [Music] let me see our cover has been blown we are vastly outnumbered and a gigantic dark pain from the pits of the deep caverns Hispanic day largest ever seen [Music] seen these ones before step up the cooling process I went the last of these locks turned now [Music] I felt a chill Burpee those guys are cool and slugs like there's no tomorrow we've gotta find the way through those walls my blaster needs more time before I can use the double barrel again sure but how do I get it up to speed I guess we'll just have to work with what we have ready Furby but these are much cheaper beat you but we're getting hammered here you just want me to shoot you at the wall ok Burpee do what you gotta do [Music] gets that in furnace [Music] well we've got to take this hill and free those slugs Bert be risked everything for this cavern Ollie task is that we do the same and we're not gonna let him down so let's save Bert B and the rest of those slugs brookey are you sure in that case guess there's no time like the present to see what you can do [Music] come on save your best looks for the real threat the dark faint [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good job [Music] the cooling machine is Peter bye follow me follow me I of course mean for you I don't care in what order I suit you I have enough drools for everyone I can't hit him at all no but you distracted us let's all say if you were the best this world has to offer slugterra [Music] [Music] get away from that machine the cooling process is not yet complete slack fire this is far from over it's only just begun [Applause] well rookie looks like you're a full-fledged member of mine bandolier of brothers the cavern is brightening given time it will heal who looks like another win for the same gang no it isn't distress calls Eli multiples black is on the move it wasn't just this cover she's taking all of Subterra well he's in for a fight we'll confront him and the dark bane head-on like we've just done and so that his Guling tear is no match for the same gang slugterra will not fall we always thought that slugterra would stay the same forever beautiful peaceful a world full of magic and hope that all changed dr. black changed it for us [Music] he made his plans in secret drilling into a forbidden world to bring evil into ours and when a well ran dry he found another it was all he needed to make himself an army yes an otter me of course and he didn't stop there dr. blank invent the technology most of us only see nightmares and he's using it against anyone who gets in his way there isn't a jail and slugterra that can hold it because now he has dark Bane working for him right here right now there is nothing you can do to stop it the dark bane are not a legend these things will do anything to find a way up to slugterra even if it means an allegiance with dr. black that is what we're up against that is why we need your help not just here but in all the other caverns black is taken over [Music] world singers and dancers those dark vain were no match for them I'm sorry but you're on your own well so much for the rousing speech let's do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gather all this luck you can that's why you're here Drix check it out yeah it's a lot of guards perfect [Music] yeah yeah you want to do it well that is your slug fine [Music] you got your drop zones rookie [Music] [Music] now bronto Europe yes I am and if you is Brit this way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I have a feeling we're in for a batch surprise [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up with these goals label power the darkbeat have blast amongst some kind of accelerator that's making them mega move those schools are doing the same thing Burpee did on our way to stalagmite 17 if they're using mega mort's there's no way we can compete at least not until we get some upgrades of our own well in the meantime I got this [Music] I'm gonna have to wait for recharge to try that again we're running out of options he lie don't forget the agile tactic of rich we may not have a choice [Music] you need to get these people to safety Oh as long as they have these amped up mega morph ghouls we can't touch him well it's a good thing we've got a mega morph - dude if you're thinking what I think you're thinking it's a no-go these streets are too short for you to get up to that kind of speed then I'll just have to go up [Applause] [Music] Walsh yup chillers bike boat [Music] one per beat let's get out of here let that go we'll take what slugs we captured back to dr. black know that they captured a lot of slugs but at least the people got out safely but we got our tails handed to us until we're evenly matched we don't stand a chance somehow we've got to get the rest of our slugs to do what you can do buddy without jumping off buildings well it worked a net really as near as I can tell the key is speed get a slug or Google going fast enough and they'll have even more power when they transform but they weren't using just any goals you saw those things I wouldn't be surprised if they were black stop ghouls that might explain why Bertie can do it he can't find another slug but as much experience as him well I can only help you with the first part the speed and maybe not even I boosted this blasters Power Core which wasn't much of a challenge for a skilled troll like yours truly however les does not built to withstand that kind of energy can't you tweak the blasters to make them stronger I wish that's way out of my league bro and you know what that means we're paying another visit to Red Hook and almost all the paths to reach him take us through caverns now controlled by dr. black forget your maps you have eyes and lead us there in safety and style [Music] you'll see safe passage as promised hmm does quiet lawn cavern seem quieter than usual where is everyone come on hopefully Red Hook knows if the old grouch is even here great there he is well if it isn't the chain gang so great to see you to what do I owe the pleasure oh the pleasure I hate to admit it but I need some more you master slinger smithing I was trying to amp up our blaster power course but what where is everyone Red Hook what do you mean he means it seems like this town is empty oh why don't you guys come in for a spot of lemonade and I'll tell you all about it proto is quite parched but I hope your lemonade is not too sweet proto likes it to have some pucker are we not no hospitalities never really been a Red Hook thing perhaps I should have done a bit more research into my character to waste you got me so maybe you avoided our little trap but good luck avoiding we got here so easy sorry pronto when I refuse to accept a highly probable scenarios I prefer self-delusion thank you very much well that explains with a dark pink up those accelerators for their blasters dr. black must have been hook at a citadel does that mean you're going to walk brutal to take you there Ned our only chance defeating these guys is to get Red Hook back that has to be our mission Eli no matter what it's got to get out of here first wrap up ahead for the exits [Music] out of that move [Music] take them [Music] [Music] wait where's Eli now's your chance guys you gotta run get out of here don't worry about me No [Music] looks like you got me you're either a hero or a fool there's probably some truth to both I can vouch for that what's your game Shane just helping my friends but you wouldn't know anything about that would you nice knowing you you like let's go [Music] [Applause] dr. black will be here shortly to decide what to do with you tell him not to take too long if I get bored I might leave I know you think you're a tough slinger Shane but all you are right now is a prisoner without your slugs and blaster a nice one it will be useful to one of my dark baying brothers after some modification we're in [Music] [Music] Hey okay so which way do you think we should what is it buddy okay okay Shh we'll go check it out [Music] no wonder you sense bad slug energy here [Music] [Applause] I had black was making tons of girls this is insane [Music] what is he doing with those girls we have the Shan well done he will suffer soon enough right now however we need more girls see to it now I don't know what that machine does but we need to find Red Hook and get him to safety first a room under guard this looks promising [Music] [Applause] [Music] they drool monger I'll finish this a lot for him you're live um why wouldn't I be huh figured ruin that big old frog me this you were toast you already put the upgrade on it oh this is gonna be easier than I thought all we need to do is fire Burpee at the wallet Oh are you nuts I still have to fine-tune the core capacity no telling what'll happen if you fire that thing now [Music] been a while since I got seriously [Music] I see we have something in common you and I breaking out of prison cells when you said my blaster isn't ready how unready are we talking yeah we can't live forever kid why [Music] I guess it works we really should go I'd want to hold on a little tighter this time [Music] [Music] oh I'm too old for this Baloo hey what took you so long did a little sightseeing let's go we have the shame how precisely do we have him we'll go after them no you needn't bother with one more shipment of slugs will have enough ghoul power to test like Tara apart get to work thanks for coming for us but how'd you know I'd be here Eli Shane always follows his hero instinct usually to do something heroic Lee foolish is that what everyone thinks about me huh did you know her well all that matters is that Red Hook safe and we've got his accelerators now we just need to figure out the slug part we'll head back to HQ and regroup we'll be back in action in no time good because as soon as we can match slugs against the dark bane we're coming right back here dr. Black has something planned something big and I have the feeling we're the only ones who can stop it [Music] as long as these schools keep spinning the only thing keeping my army from me is dirt and stone a beautiful sight when the midlanders terror portal drill needs hours we will show terror something even more beautiful our Fuhrer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did you see that watching can do it to these new accelerators read or get it it's not just the blaster upgrade stunts can't do it even with the accelerator the added speed just throws them off sorry little guy it's like some slugs are ready for it in some arts so how do we find out which of us slugs uh ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right guys line up for roll call Burpee banger stunts Rock what's up chiller Jules spinner Suns spooker glimmer beaker bolo duper tangles digger okay so here's the deal Burpee banger chiller Jules spinner looks like you're my slugs who can handle the accelerator and mega morph so I'm gonna be counting on new fight today a lot but stop bolo and the rest of you don't worry I know you'll all get there bolo but so wait just because you can't mega morph doesn't mean you're not - oh my best slugs your time will come I know it's I can assure you speaking will join their ranks your fledgling kiss [Music] now we know where we stand against black I just hope my Theory's right otherwise we're heading into a hornet's nest for no good reason all those ghouls in one place from how you describe that machine it can only have one purpose Eli he's punching through to the deep caverns who we fought an army a dark Bane once already I for one don't plan on doing it again very nice but charging straight into blacks impenetrable stronghold is many things brave foolhardy insane but smart it is not how you know I'm glad to hear you feel that way pronto cuz I've got a different mission in mind for you are you sure I coulda just come with you give up pronto yes I am going to need it let's pick up the pace people don't know how long we have until black breaks through you can't let anything slow us down that's gonna be a problem no problem at all just remember to cool down our blasters can't have a rapid-fire mega morph [Music] [Applause] [Music] boss us listen can you hear that splashing screaming they're almost here so the Shane gang they're headed this way with some serious firepower I'm sure we can keep them occupied until your brothers arrive can't we of course it is clear why he like chose pronto for this most dangerous mission Toronto is brave extremely intelligent the only thing I cannot quite figure out this [Music] you sure about this Eli nope you nope then let's do it this can be just you and me black no one else has to get hurt oh it will be you and me but I assure you your friends will suffer as well what Trixie poured It's Showtime [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he's creating a terror portal to the deep caverns it's already started oh we're far from started alive shame it's already over oh now you did it I really must thank you if you and that foul and furnace hadn't shown me the way I would never have seen how to upgrade my ghouls so you could use them to destroy your own Hall loppers I've outgrown this citadel Emperor deserves a grander palace didn't you think I'm talking about slugterra what do you think the dark bean are gonna do when they all get here sit around and play slug ball they will do as I command they are but a means to an end yeah the end of us all no not all of us but certainly [Music] I do let's do [Music] look at that Red Hook said no more accelerators were made pity for you he was lying [Music] my accelerator [Applause] or the ShadowClan still gathered at the guardian gate then there will be nothing to stop us from searching through this entrance to slot Terra we have waited a millennium brothers in minutes we will have sought out [Applause] [Music] [Music] your father and I dueled a dozen times and you might just leave better than him but not good enough you have no idea how good I am [Music] you wouldn't have lasted this long if we were in the deep caverns that's where you're from I'd be happy to send you back [Music] you think your son's make you powerful you're just as bad as Terrence come you know for someone who hates love Terrence you sure do seem to love taking orders from dr. black you think we serve black perhaps for the moment but soon when the rest of my brother's emerge things will be very different for everyone Oh floppers [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes you are right to fear the wrath of crowd all the magnificent [Applause] it seems we were guarding the wrong passage but thanks to the mole annoyed we can now correct that error I don't know what you just said but man I'm sure glad you're here yes yes no need to thank me for saving you and all of slugterra I know it's what I do and yet I feel like I'm forgetting something come on we gotta help you lie let me see I ate healthy breakfast save the world what was I supposed to do [Music] Mussa bolo I told you or two of my best slugs I'm just glad going double-barrel works you took your best shot and failed slugterra is about to fall why are you smiling well why mm-hmm you're too late I've already won oh hello cousins I wasn't expecting you [Music] I don't think we can stop look what you've done you're gonna destroy all of terra de saddle and also pay me please [Music] hila welcome back buddy [Music] [Music] first Birds watch surrender black it's over save yourself me [Music] [Music] he lies in there [Music] we're going down together say goodbye to shrug Kara and say hello to the deep cavern [Music] [Music] [Music] you want to explain yourself what's the problem court he was shutting down the machine while you were still in there forgive me son of Shane my actions were for the good of all of slugterra I know you were just doing what needed to be done the barrier has been removed and without the ghouls it will not be broken again so it's over the dark bein black they're gone yes thanks to you and your friends son of Shane [Music] come on bro you're really going back up to the surface don't be so emotional cord of course he is now that is learn to ride is Infernus that is why we have come to the drop you ready and there's nothing else we can say to change your mind I appreciate everything you guys said on the way over here but I know what I have to do so this is it this is goodbye you didn't expect me to leave a big giant tunnel up to the surface where anyone could find it did you I can't believe you did that to me hey you guys are right slugterra still needs a shame this is my home and you guys are my family I'm not going anywhere but um maybe we should hold off on the hug fest as I've always said slugs before hogs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Slugterra - WildBrain
Views: 498,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slugterra, slugterra slugisode, slugterra episode 1, slugisode, slug,, bajoterra, slug terra, slugterra know your slugs, slugtera, slugterra eastern caverns, know your slugs, slugterra slugisodes, slugterrΓ’neo, слагтСрра, slugterra burpy, shane gang, eli shane, bajo terra, slug cartoon, episode, movie, full, slugterra game, slugterra app, slugterra toys, slugterra video, capitulo, slugterra full episode
Id: lVC48db45H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 12sec (11652 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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