SLOG3 vs S-Cinetone - Which picture profile should you choose?!

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- Hey, my name is Matt Johnson with And I recently made a video sharing that my favorite picture profile for newer Sony cameras is S-Log3, which is going to give you amazing dynamic range and beautiful colors if you have the time and capability of color grading it properly. I have a video showing you how to do that, which I will link to down below. But that's not what this video is about because there's a new picture profile in town. Sony's new S-Cinetone picture profile says you don't need a log footage. Here's a beautiful image that you can get straight out of camera. And so if you've been wondering whether you should film in S-Log3 or the S-Cinetone picture profile with your a7S III, FX3, FX6, or A1, or any other new Sony camera that comes out that has those picture profiles for that matter. Today, I want to talk about the technical differences between S-Cinetone and S-Log3, as well as give you three scenarios where I think it makes more sense to film in S-Cinetone and three scenarios where I think it's best to film in S-Log3. Starting with the technical differences, the most obvious difference between S-Cinetone and S-Log3 is that S-Log3 is a very flat picture profile that requires you to color grade it to add contrast and saturation back in. Whereas S-Cinetone already comes straight out of camera with that contrast and saturation baked into your footage. This is because S-Log3 records this flat image to maximize the dynamic range of the footage you're recording. Depending on your filming and lighting setup, it's possible to get more detail in your shadows and brighter highlights that are not overexposed when filming in S-Log3. With S-Cinetone, on the other hand, you have to sacrifice some of the shadow and highlight detail. But in return, you get to do significantly less work whenever it comes time to color correct and color grade your footage. In addition, there is one other significant difference between S-Cinetone and S-Log3. And that difference is going to be most evident whenever you are filming with your camera, not when you're editing. This difference is, that with S-Log3, your minimum ISO that you should use when recording is 640. Whereas with S-Cinetone, you can go all the way down to a minimum ISO of 100. So if you're filming on a bright and sunny day and you still want to keep your aperture relatively wide and not have to stop down, you can easily do that with S-Cinetone. But with S-Log3, on the other hand, you may need to look into using something like an indie filter to darken whatever you're recording. Now, I hear you saying, "But Matt, that's wrong. The a7S III can go all the way down to ISO 160 when shooting in S-Log3." And you are correct. But when you do this, you're going to be making some significant compromises to your dynamic range among other things. And I definitely don't recommend doing it. As far as I'm concerned, 640 is the minimum ISO for S-Log3. And if you want to learn more about those reasons and not just take my word for it, I will link it up in the corner and down in the video description to my Easy S-Log3 Filming Settings video, which covers all of this in detail. So those are the main technical differences between S-Log3 and S-Cinetone. And which picture profile you choose to film in is really up to you. But to help you out, I now want to share with you three scenarios where I think it's best to film in S-Cinetone and three scenarios where I think you're gonna be better off filming in S-Log3. Let's start with S-Cinetone. The first reason that I would choose to film in S-Cinetone would be if I was live streaming. When live streaming, you typically do not want to be messing around with color grading or LUTs, and you just need an easy uncomplicated image that will look good on the internet. If I'm live streaming something like a wedding, or if I'm doing a live stream from my computer at home using my a7S III as a webcam, S-Cinetone is the picture profile that I'm going to be using. Incidentally, if you want to learn how to live stream a wedding, I've made a video showing how to do that, and I'll link to it in the corner and the video description. Moving on now, the second scenario where I'm going to choose to film in the S-Cinetone picture profile is pretty common. And that scenario is whenever I'm filming something that I'm not going to be editing or color grading myself. And instead, I'm sending off the raw footage to a client or an editor that may not have the experience or capability of properly color grading a log picture profile like S-Log3. I've filmed videos for corporate and commercial clients in the past, as well as weddings, where I was just the shooter. And then I handed off the footage to someone else who will handle the editing. And I would always make sure to ask them, "Do you want this footage shot in a log picture profile?" And the nice thing is, that if they know what a log picture profile is and they want to color grade it themselves, they'll say, "Sure, of course, that sounds great." But you're also going to run into a lot of clients whose eyes are going to immediately glaze over whenever you start using words like log. And if you wanna save time and headache, that's the point where you say, "You know what, we're not gonna shoot an S-Log." Finally, the last reason that I would choose to shoot in S-Cinetone over S-Log3 is if you need to film and deliver a video with a very fast turnaround and you do not have time to properly color grade it. Maybe it's for a client who needs the video edited by tomorrow, or maybe you're doing something like filming a same-day edit for a wedding, where you need to not only film the wedding but also edit the video that you can show at the reception. Meaning that you only have a few hours to edit. In these super fast, high stakes video editing situations, choosing a picture profile like S-Cinetone, which already looks good straight out of camera means that you only need to do at most some minor color correction to your footage to have it looking good. I've spent literal days color grading a video that I filmed in S-Log3. And while I love it's versatility, the words fast and S-Log3 don't go together. So to recap, if you're live streaming or delivering raw footage to someone else to edit, or if you need to deliver a video very fast and you do not have time to properly color grade it, those are three scenarios where I would shoot in S-Cinetone basically every time. Let's now shift gears and talk about three scenarios where I think it makes more sense to film in S-Log3 over S-Cinetone. And we'll start with the most obvious. If you're filming a video and you want the absolute best quality and highest dynamic range that you can get from recording in camera, S-Log3 is by far the best choice. Bright highlights, dark shadows, it doesn't matter because if you properly expose S-Log3, even footage filmed in more challenging lighting scenarios will still look great. In addition, you have so much more versatility when it comes to the colors that you can achieve in your films. Warmer, cooler, modern, vintage, you can really tune the image to give you whatever look you want, it's great. So if you have time to color grade and you want the best possible image quality with the maximum dynamic range that you can get from recording in camera, choose S-Log3 and don't think about it anymore. The second scenario where I would choose to film in S-Log3 is if you're filming in a situation where you do not have full control over the lighting or color of your scene. Maybe you're filming run-and-gun style where you're using all natural light, or maybe you're filming a wedding and save for one or two small lights you're bringing, you're really at the mercy of the venue's lighting. In that case, shooting in log is gonna give you more control to push the colors of your footage and make it look like you wanted to even if the lighting isn't optimal. I've lost count of the amount of weddings that I filmed, where I was in a mixed lighting scenario, and I knew that if I had not filmed in a log picture profile, I would have been in big trouble. But thanks to log, I was saved from baking in a look to my footage in camera. And because my footage was flatter, I was able to shift it very heavily and bring out the colors that I wanted. So if you're a control freak like me and you want to be able to shift your colors after the fact in post, shooting in a log picture profile, especially one that's recording in 10-bit color, which many of Sony's newer cameras can do is gonna give you an extreme amount of leeway in your footage to color it as you see fit and save you when your lighting isn't fully under your control. Wrapping up now, the last scenario where I would choose to film in S-Log3 is really a question that I asked myself before any shoot that I do. And this is something that I want you to ask yourself as well. The question is, do you have time to work with S-Log3? It's a simple question. But I want you to look at your workflow. I want you to look at your shooting schedule. I want you to consider how much time it's gonna take you to color grade your video. Because if you have the time to do it, I think it's completely worth it. Your footage is going to look more filmic, you're gonna have a better highlight roll-off, increase dynamic range, your colors are gonna look exactly like you want them to. And all this takes is the time and ability to know how to color grade. And I wanna help you out with this too. I've already made a video that shares with you my easy S-Log3 filming settings that take away a lot of the guesswork when it comes to filming with this picture profile. And I have color grading videos that I've made that show you how to properly color grade it as well. And in the ultimate time-saver, I've created a set of video presets called WhoisMatt LUTs that you can use to immediately get beautiful footage on recording in log. These presets work with S-Log3, but I've also tweaked them to work with other log profiles from other cameras. And I include versions that work with non-log profiles like S-Cinetone too. I'll link to those videos and WhoisMatts LUTs down in the video description if you want to check them out. So in summary, if you are live streaming or delivering footage to a client that you will not be editing yourself, or if you need to deliver your video very fast, then I would choose S-Cinetone. But if you want the absolute best picture quality and dynamic range that you can get, or if you're filming in a scenario where you do not have full control over the color and lighting of your scene, or if you have time to film in a log picture profile, in that case, I would definitely recommend S-Log3. With that, thank you so much for watching. I hope this video has been helpful to you if you're debating between filming in S-Cinetone or S-Log3. I will link to my other color grading videos below. And it would be a huge help to me if you would consider liking this video and subscribing if you wanna see more videos like it in the future. Lastly, if you happen to be a wedding filmmaker like me, and I know I used a lot of wedding filmmaking examples in this video, in that case, I would love to help you book more couples and film more weddings. And to help you do that, I've created a free guide that's gonna walk you through some practical steps that you can take right now on your business to book more couples and film more weddings. It's a completely free gift to you. You can download it at the link down in the video description. Thanks so much for watching, and have a great day.
Channel: Matt WhoisMatt Johnson
Views: 25,069
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Keywords: slog3 vs s-cinetone, s-cinetone vs slog3, s cinetone vs slog, s-cinetone settings, s-cinetone a7siii, s-cinetone a7iii, s-cinetone exposure, s cinetone dual iso, s cinetone iso, sony picture profiles for video, sony picture profiles explained, s cinetone fx6, s cinetone fx3, sony s-cinetone lut, s-cinetone lut download, s-cinetone lut, s cinetone color grading, s cinetone cinematic, s cinetone wedding, best s cinetone settings, sony a7siii, sony a7s3, sony fx3, sony fx6
Id: cwPjbE1NVPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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