Sloan Online Information Session | London Business School

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a very warm welcome to the London Business School Sloane information session everyone I'm going back I am the recruitment and admission manager for the Sloane and I'm very very happy to spend some time helping you understand the Sloane at LPS it's gonna be about what what we do how we do it and more crucially what this could mean for you and this is actually the last online info session for the Sloane for this year so do listen carefully so in terms of the format of this session I will spend around 30 minutes unpacking this loan program at lbs and then we want to spend the remainder of the session allowing your time to ask questions so please type your question during the presentation and I will answer as many as possible at the end also with this map it was to acknowledge everyone who's listening to us at the moment and I believe we had someone from Japan Russia the US India so good morning good good afternoon and good evening everyone also you know the little photo that you see in the bottom left corner of that slide that's actually where we are right now and I would invite any of you who are travelling to London either for holiday or for a work trip to actually come and visit we will be happy to take you around the campus so in terms of the agenda so this session will more specifically about talk about what is this loan program who is that design for and what you can expect in terms of your development we will finish with an overview of the admission process and how to prepare yourself as a candidate but now before we go any further I would like to introduce you to my team so I hope you enjoy this exclusivity because we never show this picture to anyone only for the online learning possession so you will find in the middle of this picture Lyndon Selby she's the senior recruitment and admission manager for the zone program then on the left-hand side you have Cindy knows the recruitment and admission offices so she will look after you in terms of all the admission processes if any document is missing or anything like that she will be the person to get in touch with you and finally on the right hand side this is me the ring I would also like to acknowledge our fantastic represent event coordinator LED who helped to set up this information session today and we also have our great represent and coordinator sorry Paola Beck match okay now let's get to business so what is this known program so in terms of the program itself it's a unique offering in Europe an only three worldwide so the program offers a transformational opportunity for established senior executives looking to accelerate their program to a position of institutional leadership so this is an intense one-year program full-time starting in January and you will be able to develop a much deeper understanding of three key things strategy leadership and change and globalization so as you can see the program is divided in two main part you have the core courses and electives in terms of the ten core courses that you will enter Tech from term one to ten - it will all the materials lectures and guest peaches project ants etc will run around the three key things so going into a bit more depth strategy is going to be about how you chart the future direction of your organization how you implement your chosen strategy leadership and change it's going to be about how you work as a leader how you influence others to help you achieve your goals and finally globalization is about how to analyze and make sense of the major changes underway in the business environment how to the most of the global scope of business so in addition to these three themes the program will also provide you with an update or review for some of you of the key building blocks of business including finance economics and marketing so some of the core courses will include executive leadership understanding top management managing people and organization and etc etc the courses are assessed in a mix of formats including presentation tasks report case study etc I would like to tell you a little bit about the international assignment which is part of the core component of the program this is a week-long international assignments which allows Sloan fellows to develop an understanding of a particular regional economy and the factors that contribute to its development and success so during the International assignment students visit a number of different companies both national and multinational explore concerns of local business leaders and a bridge by government representative and sometimes an resident academics so recent trips have explored the volatile economic environment in Argentina and the new dynamics of the Chinese economy in Shanghai and for this year the stonefellow actually just got back from their international assignment which was held in Silicon Valley and this will be the theme of the trip for the next two years so it's organizational change in Silicon Valley now if we look at the more flexible component of the program which which are the electives it's really chattering your approach and and learning something new or really deepen your understanding of something you've already approached in the past so the way you can choose your electives people sometime have follow a professor that they really find fascinating from the core courses or they got advice from the Career Center or the program team in relation to what what they want to do after the program and really develop that expertise in an area or explore a new sector the independent project is part of the elective component and as a salon fellow you have the opportunity to undertake a substantial project on a topic and with a company of your choosing so that rapport is your opportunity to hone your strategic management skills whilst addressing a critical business issue so most company sponsors Sloan fellows complete a project on behalf of their own organization relating to their future role many Sloan fellows also use the project to build expertise reputation and networks within a sector that they are looking to move into past program so examples have included a senior manager from the Treasury function who did his project on global market penetration stretching him from his technical financial role and giving him the insights that underpin his future general manager position another example is a Sloan from industry whose project related to financing biotech development and he's now consulting with firms in the space I finally want to touch on the Entrepreneurship summer school the ESS London Business School has phenomenal expertise in developing enterprises over 600 people are employed in obvious ventures this program is the equivalent to one elective credit and entry is by submitting a business idea the best ideas get developed over the summer and then a winner is picked to present at the angel 100 forum in November so Sloan on this program have developed ventures in luxury luxury good sorry and one has just opened a restaurant which is changed from his previous career as an MD in a bank now who is that program for so I'm going to talk to you about the motivations that should be behind considering this loan program you need to think about what your objectives are and I guess I will start with career advancement Terry transition so you want to use the program to take the next step up in your career be it a senior executive into the bedroom maybe transitioning from one industry sector to another or even maybe shifting geographically you might even think of setting up your own venture you will look at different leadership styles and models while on this program and that will really provide you with a safe environment to test which tile and model might suit you best and find your own voice the program will also allow you to build your network there are over thirty nine thousand alumni located over 150 countries for you to tap into and access in addition to these it will be a great opportunity to learn about yourself your strengths weaknesses and gain confidence in the process so the Sloan program is really about career acceleration change management leadership development enhance networks and global perspective whatever the reason may be the Sloan program will rapidly develop your strategic perspective giving you the skills knowledge and confidence to take the next step and throughout this journey you will be assisted by the Career Center so let's talk about what kind of assistance the Career Center will provide you with so in the context of business education London Business School works with people in different stages of the career our programs for the early career group including mastering management must finance and MBA have recruiters coming to campus specifically to meet students and have placement opportunities a more experienced group so our leadership programs which include Executive MBA executive Executive MBA global and the zone program the salon being the most senior of all have we have developed a package that reflects the level that they have reached and this is very unique to LPS so for the Sloan the Career Management is broken into three phases first term on reflection second term on planning and third term on action it's a very structured work to help you develop your skill knowledge networks and contact in order for you to take your career forward so the phase one which is reflection is gonna be about capturing your career experience to date looking at the skills you have and indentify whether you need to fill gaps or stretch yourself to a new level in order to go for the position you aspire to the phase two which is planning it's gonna be having because you've looked at yourself previously in the phase one you then look at how these integrates with the working world where they are hiring what the career path might be what sort of company you would be in and the final stage which is actually the Career Center works with you through coaching workshops individual customized plan to develop a career strategy build your professional network they will also hold events to help you understand and meet the world of executive recruitment consultants so it really much about practical workshop in order for you to develop your personal brand even through the social media as well so this is what the Career Center will assist you now in terms of the stone profile so you have a snapshot of the 2015 stone class here and you will see that it's a very small class compared to other classes because there are only 56 students the range of years of work experience go from ten to thirty seven years and the average years of work experience is 18 average age 42 years old twenty-one percent women and 25 countries are represented so this is highly international cohort in relation to the functions breakdown we notice of a wide variety of different function from IT legal HR consulting behalf of the cohort is usually from general management function so in the previous slide we saw that 25 countries are represented this year and here you have the breakdown of these countries and region the 2015 salon fellows are coming from you can see that all continents are represented and the great diversity of background industries nationalities and cultures really give you the breadth of perspectives necessary to understand business culture across the globe in the interaction between the diverse classmates in this program is really what makes the learning environments so powerful you will have networks friends connection in multiple countries multiple industries to connect with wherever you carrier text you and I think that's really the strengths of the Sloan at RBS so it's always better to put you know a face on names and on you know all these starts and data so I just collected four fellows example for you there are currently Sloan students and you know as people grow in the career they get less exposure to new effectives and understanding of different cultures and jobs so I thought by taking you through you know the experience of these four people it would give you an idea of the diversity of the cohort so we have Francesca first she's Italian and director of BNP paribas in Italy senior professional with extensive experience in the investment banking sector and her expertise in business valuation corporate and acquisition finance would be very valuable to learn from we also have David David is Lebanese CEO of an automotive company in Saudi Arabia and his expertise is in sales marketing customer service in the automotive insurance and medical equipment sectors so he has a broad exposure across the Middle East in Turkey then we have Diane who Diane is Indian vice president of JP Morgan he's also an entrepreneur and senior technology professional with a passion for strategic innovation finally here on the right-hand side of that side you have Kitty she's Chinese and British president of the Asia branch of the American Eagle Outfitters so a executive of yourself a u.s. listed retailer if you wanted to know about launching an iconic Western brands in Greater China and Asia she would definitely be an expert so everyone on Sloan has something to contribute and I've really open-minded and ready to learn from others and I think you have a good understanding just looking at these four people how diverse and multiple experience that cohort bring so the critical question why this loan at IBS so I gathered the the answer onto one slide and I'm gonna start with academic excellence our high standards attract the best faculty and students if you are thinking about Business School London's academic excellence stands out we are one of two schools awarded a five-star research rating our programs are consistently highly ranked and our flagship MBA program is ranked second only to Harvard the London experience so we celebrate London as our primary home a global hub and the getaway to the world London itself is a vibrant exciting city a financial cultural and sporting hub and a great place to bring your family to experience a year in one of the most cosmopolitan cities well view we offer truly global perspective through our deeply international community abs is open to world views with our partnership schools faculty and students from across the globe we have faculty and students from over a hundred countries and I'm sure you would have noticed my accent and it's pretty much the case in the whole mountain business school because eighty percent of the staff are actually foreigners and if we look at just who is sitting in this room we have Paola who's from where are you from Bala Sri Lanka but I think she's based in Italy and she's been living in London for a few years then we have Elodie she's French and she's been in London for four years now and there's only Cindy who is Ripert representing the UK here so and I'm French as well so as you can see we're are four people and 3/4 of us are actually international then going back to our slide haven't forgotten the thought leadership and our faculty are constantly awarded recognition for their thought leadership speaking at Davis and Kahneman conferences globally I researcher I'm sure that the latest business practice is reflected in the classroom just to mention two of our professors who will surely be issuing a book looking at the future of the workplace so we have on the left corner of the patchwork Andrew Scott so he's deputy dean for degree programs he's an economist who sits on the board of the UK regular regulatory authority sorry he advises countries on how to deal with trillion-dollar debt haha everybody would like to know about that certainly and then we have an integration she's one of the world's top 50 thinkers and author of the best-selling books the key and the shift she has been exploring the future of work from different perspectives and addresses the big issue of longevity and how we are facing the equivalent of the Industrial Revolution in Western economies finally multiple learning everybody has a different way to learn things and we really recognize that at London Business School by allowing you to really learn something from in different ways so you will learn obviously from the faculty there is a strong focus on study groups but you will also have the opportunity to learn through computer simulation assessment leadership programs networking speaker events etc etc now it is about admission process and tips to really have a successful application for the zone program so not only we are looking for great career track records with strong managerial experience decision making but your personal characteristics are key to successful admission we want to ensure a diverse group of talented high potential Reavers so in terms of contributor you should hold a position of responsibility and be a decision maker in your role and this mean that everybody in the room would have that expertise so successful applicants typically have 10 to 25 years of relevant management and leadership experience he thinks being your leading and your decision maker international exposure as you previously saw in the presentation the saloon attracts students from across mately 25 countries we select students with an international outlook you should demonstrate your ability to work with people from different backgrounds and plus cultural teams being adaptable and open-minded academic ability the admission process adopts a holistic approach we are looking at your academic record any training you would have participated in professional accreditation and standardized tests which help us evaluate your economic capability and obviously enter your performance in the program intellectual curiosity that's a bit of a gray area as the book suggests it's really about people who are questioning and we like to hear about these people it's example of times you have questioned challenge taking steps towards educating yourself stretching always learning we really want to know about these times then self-awareness we want self-aware students who recognize the advantage of collaborative learning and your impact on others and finally team skills we place particular emphasis on working in teams you should demonstrate flexibility and respect for different approaches you must be able to add the development of your fellow students and contribute to the learning and of the school so the process is rigorous and pays close attention to each individual to ensure that there is a strong fit between your achievements and experience and your objectives in terms of the documents required for the application the fast-track process has been developed because we appreciate the fact that Sloane applicants have many demands on their time therefore the online application form one reference and the essays give enough information to the admission committee to shortlist for interview if this is successful we work with each candidate individually to decide what is required to complete the process so the Aces sometimes look like a lot but when was the last time that you reflected on yourself actually most applicants really welcomed the process because it's that time where you take a step back and you look at what you achieve and where you wish to go and also to remind you that the last application deadline is this Monday the 7th of September so this is really your opportunity to build a strong application for this loan program in order to get into the next cohort of 2016 in terms of the attrition fees so for next year its 56,000 125-pound South funded candidate do not have to pay all the trician fees at once there is a commitment fee of five thousand pound and three installments each do according to the official sent with the offer the prodigy loan scheme is an innovative lending option developed by business called alumni for the business school market so all our students have access to that scheme and the maximum loan size is the value of the trician fees for the ones relying heavily on financial aid and thinking of applying for soon 2017 onwards so maybe in two or three years time I would recommend you to apply as soon as possible within the the previous year meaning if you wish to apply for saloon 2017 I would recommend you to load your application around March April next year in order to benefit from our range of scholarships now it's the time everyone take that leap and make it happens success is really around the corner so it's your responsibility to make it happen I hope this presentation has helped inform and inspire you about our exciting and unique Sloan program I will take general question that our interest most of the participants and if you have very specific questions about your individual circumstances we will direct you towards the civil review for individual in discussion so I'm just going to take a few minutes to have a look at your question many question have come through so I just need to check which one would be the most relevant for everybody maybe the one we got a question about references so in the application process in the document that we require here you are requested to send two references and someone is asking whether the reference from the current manager is required and we are really happy to take references from previous managers or people in ups network people who are personal or professional recommenders we do not really insist on having work reference force loans as we understand that deciding to study a full-time program at this stage of your career is often a personal decision so if it's a family business a family member is also accepted as referee in this capacity all right we have an interesting question about the gym mat wherever the GMAT waiver is always a bit of a gray area for everybody in exceptional cases the GMAT and GRE can be waived we will consider jima waivers for candidates whose work experience professional status or prior degree or training indicates a high level of analytical or quantitative ability but please note that jima waivers are rare and only given to candidates with a suitable level of seniority requests for waivers will be considered after candidates have submitted their online application as part of the application review so it's only when the admission committee decides on a candidate's alleged eligibility that the GMAT waiver will be granted so you need to go through the online application the interview and then we will let you know whether you're successful in getting a prima waiver but we'll recognize that especially for Sloan fellows because you have all that decision-making experience and you don't usually have that much time on your hand j-mac waiver can be granted provided that you have the right background as well so just following an GMAT there is no minimum score if you are required to take the team at then it will be more matter of looking at your quantitative score making sure that you will be performing in the salon program just in terms of the core courses like financial management or these kind of courses but there's no minimum score it's especially a good way for you to prepare to get into the program because most of our fellows haven't been back to school for many many years and studying for GMAT really helps you to get back to that study mode and being rigorous in terms of you know academic mindset in terms of the English requirement if you've been living working in an English environment or even if you had a degree rented from you know a country which is in the english-speaking country then you do not require to provide an English test again we don't really have a minimum requirement for English we usually assess this during the interview because you will any salon fellows who get into the program will have an interview whether this is a phone interview a face-to-face interview or an alumni interview and obviously we will be able to assess your capacity in expressing yourself in English and also understanding someone speaking English and someone is asking about the years of work experience whether there's a specific cut off in terms of how many years are required we are very flexible if you go back I'm just going back to the slide that yes here you have the ranch of years of work experience of the current saloon cohort and you can see that it varies from ten to thirty seven years and it really depends about your own experience we as I said before it's really gonna be about the decision making to have minimum eight years six to eight years again it's really individual so that's why it's really important to lodge an online application to have a bit of a chat with our recruitment team to see whether you have the right experience you have the right expectation of the program and also the right aspiration in terms of what you wish to do with the program in terms of your career goals so there's no yes or no kind of answer for that question it's very much individual but eleven years of decision making experience is definitely a good fit for the program we have a question about difference difference is a possibility but we are trying to limit the cases basically because in order to benefit from a deferral you need to go through the whole application process so you need to have larger online application go through the interview process and being offered a place so someone who fulfilled all the admission requirements and have an offer they then need to pay the thousand commitment in order to secure their place for the following cohort so several are possible the thing to consider with deferrals sloan program is very intensive program in the weather it's a wonderful time program and it's for senior executives so we are aware that many thing changes and obviously you know someone who get you know a professional offer that they cannot turn down or have something unexpected happening in you know personal ground obviously Jarrell would be the way to go but someone who is not sure whether they're convinced you know doing the program and who wish to take some time more time if they've not been successful in getting scholarship for instance and are hoping to be considered in the following year these would not really be a good reason to defer just taking the scholarship question it's extremely competitive and deferring will not really increase your your chances to get a scholarship the following year every cohort is different and it's really hard to predict whether you would be successful in a different cohort so there are many many kind of reason that would probably you know push for a deferral but we are extremely cautious in terms of what exactly is the reason and is this a good reason but that's definitely something we considered and this is possible all right we have a question about final deadline for international students to apply for soon 2016 so that's next year so our last application deadline is so Monday the 7th of September we are quite flexible with application deadlines because we operate a rolling basis so when application comes through we tend to assess it within you know one to two weeks you will know whether you are eligible for an interview and everything goes pretty quickly the thing with international students to take into consideration is really the visa issue and all the fellows are able to apply for the visa three months prior the the start of the program so we we organized an early enrollment the 16th of December for that very much purpose is that international students are able to apply for their for their visa three months prior December which is mid-september so that really allow time to process the visa to get all the documents necessary in order to be successful so this is really the only tricky question is the visa it's not really the application because we are able to we have a very quick turnover it's really depend on whether you need the right to study in the UK or this is not really something of concern so we would say for international student we usually say mid-september towards the end of September would really be the limit just because of the visa so there was another question about the fast track option and how long it will take the whole process will take how long it will take to know about the interview obviously this varies but because we are with the end of the recruitment process and we are really finalizing the class for next year and we are trying to be as quick as possible so usually in three weeks I would say you could have not calm so we're trying to assess application within one or two weeks and then you would know whether you are eligible for the interview the interview now we're trying to arrange phone interview depending on where you're located if you're not able to come to come on campus and then you go your application go to the admission committee usually within the week so this is pretty quick we have a question about Sloan alumni network and whether this is of good size internationally I don't actually have the exact number of how many Sloan allama we have but not only you would have access to the Sloan alumni but more widely you would have access to the whole LBS alumni around the world and as I mentioned earlier it's about 39,000 alumni over 150 countries so we can pretty safely say that regardless of where you're located or where you wish to be you will find a helping hand somewhere that's really not of concern and also if you wish to get in touch with another and once you know your application is processed and you have an offer and you wish to know a little bit more about the program from an alumni point of view then we can put you in touch with someone we have a very interesting question about how the Sloan program would complement an earlier MBA degree and actually most of our Sloan fellows don't really have the figure in in mind but have already an MBA degree and an MBA in a salon degree are obviously very different just because of the stage of your career where you would have studied this kind of degree so the MBA degree is obviously a more general management degree so you would have had around five years of work experience you wishing to get the you know to take the next step up in your career and it's very much focused on like all the general kind of functions so finance economics marketing etc etc would have been studing but the Sloan program is as you know very senior and we usually say it's kind of like the last chance to do a business degree per se because it's one of the most senior Arum you will find worldwide and it's really targeted to leadership and strategy so the focus is really different and the experience that you would have got from the NBA so after completing your MBA and implementing everything you've learned in the MBA stage and getting to the Sloan the outcome would be very different so we really developed your leadership style if you wish to take the step towards entrepreneurship I think the outcome are very different from an MBA and as I said most of us known fellows actually had MBA earlier so it's a very good complement to an MBA degree and very different meaning that people who come to the Sloan program but had in mind the MBA outcome are usually not successful for this loan because you need to understand that you the Sloane is really time for you to reflect on yourself know the strengths and weaknesses it's a very different level from MBA oh we had someone who actually had a look at the website or maybe the brochure and find out that we have a seven months option as well so I when looking at the structure of the program so I said it was a 12 months program starting in January but indeed we recognize the fact that you know some people need to go back to the workforce more quickly than others and just have different figuration as well and so we do we have in place that flexible option which is you can graduate it only after seven months so the way it works if you look at that structure you would complete the ten core courses as someone doing the full year but then in the elective side you see that you can complete between five to eight electives and this is for people who wish to benefit from the fast-track option so people who wish to complete the program in seven months would only complete five electives so it would be a very condensed kind of seven months and then you would be able to go back to the workforce or except maybe a job offer that would have come through during the you know the earlier stage of your loan program so you know that's the flexibility that we offer so either 7 or 12 months but just just so you know we don't actually have many fellows who wish to leave after seven months because you have so many events and you know things to benefit from while you are at London Business School that they usually tend to you know want to benefit from the most of its so usually everybody does the 12 months but the seven months is also an option well the final question that we had I cannot partly answer it it was about what is the minimum amount of my natural experience so as I said it's it's not only my natural experience but also really that level that strategic level of decision-making so we are looking at having eight to ten years of decision-making experience so if you've been you know managing but also directing and leading project or wide you know team or resources or this kind of thing and you've been the leader in that capacity then highlight that in your application because that's very much what we're looking for eight to ten years of decision-making experience is very much to the benchmark all right so I think this is there's no more question just giving you time if there's someone and so someone is asking if there's any possibility to travel for a few days between coats okay so there are different cases so first of all I would like to really emphasize the thing that the the Sloan program is extremely intensive this is a full-time program and we usually say that during term one and two you should not have any extra responsibilities in terms of you know having boardroom activities going on at the same time because you're really gonna have to focus on your academic side of this loan program this is gonna be intense and you need to be prepared for it and aware of it so travelling between courses I mean you would have the opportunity to travel between terms and the term so term one is between January and March or April let me just get the months right January to March and then term to April to July so you can see that you have few weeks between the term to actually travel if you wish to do so in terms of the week within a term term one and two the classes are being held between Monday to Thursday it prior to that it used to be between Tuesday to Thursday but that was really long hours during the day and the feedback we got from the fellows was that it was just too much in terms of processing information so now this the week goes from Monday to Thursday so I mean technically you could travel depending on where you're talking about in terms of travel from Thursday to Sunday but just to bear in mind that you will have many many study group assignments and so you will need to meet with your fellow group student in order to get the assignment else so again I would only recommend travel are possible within turn three which is where you take your electives and obviously this is a lot more flexible and you decide the type of format that suits you when it suits you to actually study so then you have the opportunity to really schedule your your agenda according to you need all right so I think this is the end of the question time so I really wanted to to thank you for attending this online session about the Sloane Master in leadership and strategy if you fell asleep in the middle of the presentation or have some feedback please do let us know as we are all about improvement and for more personal discussion and severe review don't forget to email us at Sloane at London dot edu this session was recorded and we will send a follow-up email with the link to the recording probably next week so I look forward to reading your application everyone and see you soon bye
Channel: London Business School
Views: 2,373
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: london business school, lbs, lbs masters, masters programme, masters degree, mba, masters in management, masters in finance, global masters in management, executive mba
Id: O0u6shdwjlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2016
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