Slicksters and Chaos | Max Diff Achievement Run | Ep 24 | ONI

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welcome back to Echo Ridge in another episode here in our Max difficulty achievement run and we have some problems you see what had happened was we sort of ran out of water as you can see our main line coming down from our water tanks is pretty much bone dry and only dripping in every once in a while which leaves our electrolyzers a little thirsty so how did this happen well this cool salt sauce geyser was Dorman this geyser was dormant it literally just came out of dormancy and this one is dormant it's like an eclipse between three planetary bodies it's not gonna happen but once every blue moon well even more rare than that I suppose and I alluded to this towards the end of the last episode that we were sort of having some oxygen problems and this was the reason why now I do have a little bit of water in here that I've been turning on manually the problem is well it's 54 to degrees I'm not too worried about it for the long term but it's going to be a really good thing when we can upgrade this salt water coolant line it's a super cooling I also made some changes with our nuclear solid coolant flow if you remember we had the bridge overflow from this line here being ejected to the vacuum of space and the reason why we had to do that is because this line was only being used to fill up this tank well when this tank is full this line would end up backing up and we can't ever let this line back up because if we did the steam turbines wouldn't be able to get rid of their exhaust now primarily it just gets fed right back into the nuclear sauna but when there's over 20 kilos worth of pressure here being controlled by this Atmos sensor because remember if the research reactor is in a condition where there's too much pressure bad things will also happen but when there is enough pressure it'll bypass this shut off and then continue on this line so basically the priorities now are one it stays within the size Anna two it goes to our water tank and then three it bypasses this input and then heads down here to be used as new future coolant and as you can see it will always have the priority remember part of the reason why we're using the salt water is because it's an easy and efficient way to convert salt water over to clean water but because I don't want to waste any more water we're now recycling this coolant at least somewhere on the priority list to be reused and then finally the fourth priority in this messy Bridge system is it will be dumped off into space I'm sure I'll update that again in the future but who knows so that's sort of where our problem started and while we are getting a little bit of water it's really hot for the simple reason well it just came out of the nuclear sauna and the coolant's doing what it can as you can see it's coming out at 20 degrees and it's going back in at around 32. there's just not enough cooling potential inside the 10 kilo block of salt water in order to keep thousand kilo worth of water tiles cool so it takes it a little while but unfortunately I can't wait for that to happen so we're just gonna turn it back on by saying I don't care how hot it is just keep pumping water some of the water that you see coming down here wasn't coming from that previous pump but rather from our bathroom overflow system as well we're also feeding that line with all the polluted water coming out of our petroleum generator so I know it looks dicey but it's not as bad as it looks almost so I was wondering why my Rockets weren't getting refilled and I realized my addition of this heavy watt joint plate was stopping the rad bolts somebody explained to me why I can pass this diagonal tile but not this diagonal tile is the heavywide joint plate a little bit bigger not a big deal we'll just move some stuff around so for science I added another small tile and it still ends up blocking those rad bolts so let me try a door see if that ends up working that seems to have done the trick by flipping the heavy watt joint plate and the pneumatic door around why are you in there you're not supposed to be in there which is the exact reason why we put the door in there I even turned the permissions off but it looks like they're still able to get through it by coming up under it I suppose but we needed to block off this area because there's just too much radiation without the duplicates being in their lead suits and this is the shorter route in order to be able to put dirt in these Farm tiles but somehow they're still able to get through I suppose we don't have to have a door here so what I'm going to try is lowering the door by one the rad bolts should still be able to go through and now they won't be able to ignore the permissions set on the pneumatic door maybe and yes that did work out well when I try to force move a duplicate here bacon no longer get in with all that fixed our rad bolt engine is filled once again we can crew it up because we're on a mission to go get some larva eggs as the standard we still have 30 basic rad pills and some Berry sludge in here we can take off angry suit change the destination to Idol lowen and once again say goodbye to angry while you're out angry grab some eggs please thanks I still have been keeping an eye on this system here I'm kind of wondering based on how often this petroleum generator and ethanol Distillery are running how much carbon dioxide we're going to be able to consume using the slicksters the temperature down here has gotten pretty nice so I don't think we quite need the space heater system anymore so we'll get rid of it but I also want all the carbon dioxide being created up here to drift down as well so we're just going to put an airflow tile here and get rid of that little piece of abyssalite now I am not excited about the fact that the Rancher is going to have to come down here and try to Ranch Critters while not being able to breathe what sort of begs the question do I start adding more suits and I've been looking at the problem for a little while and I just don't know where I want to put them I suppose one thing I can do to make it a little easier is have the transit tube drop them off right next to this place so they're still able to do everything they need to while holding their breath not a great system at all but it's the system we have I also want to grab one of these poke boys for the simple reason that they're going to be able to eat all the political dirt from the ethanol station and give us more sand let me just find one young enough that way I know they're still gonna lay another egg and oh my goodness I think they're all older we're gonna try this book shell because they're 49 Cycles old so maybe they haven't laid an egg yet but as a reminder they can eat 70 kilos worth of polluted dirt per cycle well when their metabolism is full and they give you half of that back in sand but because they're wild they're not going to eat as much but at least it's getting rid of some of that polluted dirt right before I was about to transfer we actually found a wonderful little poke sale spawn so this works out even better because we know they're gonna end up laying an egg one day so now we have a wonderful crab that'll always be eating the balloon of dirt thanks for the sand little buddy over on not alone angry Forest has left the rocket without their suit on that was not what the plan was I just happened to miss when they actually landed we're gonna take out one of these wonderful statues and yes we're disabling this massage table because you don't need a massage right now no you're not running either and then we're gonna come down here and we're gonna grab this larva egg and this larva egg oh this one looks like it's about to hatch that's not great news so we really need to hurry and grab this thing so we'll put Critter eggs and sweep only and go get em angry with our wonderful larva egg safely aboard I think we can go get some other stuff too idle lowland had a lot of goodies starting with the fact that we can grab all of this iron ore for sure I mean might as well grab this igneous rock while we're at it sigh never mind angry is trypophobic they can't do any digging oops maybe should have thought about that one a little bit better maybe there's some goodies already laying on the ground that they can pick up like some Granite I mean it's not as much and I don't think we're gonna be able to get any of that beautiful iron ore but at least it's something back over in our home Colony we're only 0.3 Cycles away until this cool salt sauce geyser comes out of dormancy and boy am I happy for it it's gonna help cool all this water down because right now we're not growing any Berry sludge and even our drecos aren't able to eat all because that water is entirely too hot for those crops but at the minimum we're able to breathe again things are looking up in relatively good news we've gotten our first mutated seed from the Millwoods which means we're done doing mule woods so now it's time to put down a Botanical analyzer it is considered a science building so it'd be really nice to be able to get it into our lab I suppose I can get rid of the storage bin and these Merc leaves but I still don't think that is enough room because the Botanical analyzer is a long way so it looks like we're getting rid of the research station as well it still doesn't fit without getting rid of the lamp too as soon as we get enough steel we're gonna end up having to put a bunker door system over on tuxedo it's just costing us way too much money in repairs I don't know if it's been confirmed but the meteors seem to be getting more and more destructive my theory is that the longer you are playing the game the bigger the meteors get but I haven't been able to confirm that quite yet but I'll put in a full system here that protects everything we have and then we'll release the debris in some sort of automated fashion but in order to do that we need more iron oh yeah that one's going to sting Queen galero is almost finished analyzing the seed now notice that this weight plate says they're standing on it and it's because this is the tile of Interest even though the animation has them way over here the dupe is physically located right here and here's our new Millwood seed Bountiful Bountiful has a required radiation of at least 250 RADS but it yields 100 percent more meal lice and increases the Harvest duration by 400 percent it also requires light but will we plant next well by going to look at GMO A-Okay we can see that we still need to do bristle blossoms and I know we have those seeds but we don't have the hydroponic tiles down quite yet oh this is perfect we'll put down some grub fruit seeds considering the circumstances angry forested as about as well as they could but I didn't want to keep them there any longer because they were already sitting at about 70 stress but we got six tons of igneous rock 400 kilos of iron ore a ton and a half of sandstone and a little bit of granite angry just got home and we now have our larva egg here on the home planetoid we're also going to be powering this incubator at least for a little bit until I figure out exactly how many slicksters we need and I also realize it'd probably be a good idea to make sure the slicksters can't get out of this area and we're going to change this airflow tile into a mesh tile and that way all the extra Slickers that end up coming out of the incubator will still be able to lay their oil and the pump that we're about to put down here will be able to gobble it up now I know a lot of you are probably licking your jobs wondering if we're going to end up putting it on a petroleum boiler and I'm not exactly sure for a couple of reasons for one we're not going to be getting that much oil out of the slickster so a petroleum boiler seems like a lot of work for very little throughput but for two it'd kind of be fun to play around with the oil refinery a little bit more too yeah we're gonna be losing half the oil that we do get but again we don't need a lot of petroleum although I'm not looking forward to having the bill build all the whole liquid locks and everything that's going to require for the oil refinery itself because of all that natural gas let me see what I can come up with and no I still haven't figured out a way to get this Transit tube down here I'm working on it all right I've got a plan it may not be the best plan but it's a plan we're gonna add a row of Suits right here we're also getting rid of all the transportation methods that duplicans can use to get down to this area so no matter what they'll have to bypass the suits to make their way over to here incidentally they'll also need to be in suits to get over here now I'm definitely not looking forward to the piping but it could be worse right I suppose we can take a leg right off of here yeah this doesn't look janky at all as for a little natural gas room we're gonna end up putting it on top of the petroleum generator and everything here we're starting to really run out of space here on the colony and I have no idea what other future projects we have in store so I'm sure trying to cram everything into itty bitty little areas and it's kind of cool having the entire oil and petroleum production facility in one little area once we get this liquid lock in I'll be able to vacuum out all the gases in here I'll also put an Atmos sensor in here and since I do want a liquid lock that's going to be able to withstand heat and it just so happens to be pretty hot in this area so I think we can accomplish this by use of plastic temperature shift plates and here's the temperature shift plate slowly rising in temperature and all it has to do is get to 159.9 degrees a little bit further a little bit further beautiful and now we have a bunch of Napa we can mop up and use for the liquid locks and look at this our little slickster was finally born and we finally at cycle 1154 have access to crude oil waiting we're starting to get a couple of scalding's because this NAFTA is so very hot ilar don't go in there but it's okay because our suit docks are in and using this auction leg worked out very well because that leg is the one responsible for providing oxygen to the right side of the base which happens to be where the barracks are it also provides all the auction for Environ but it's gonna be okay because they're not going to be using these suits a lot at least for the time being so once they're full everybody else can start breathing normally again and the important thing is now that they're in suits I don't feel bad about having to come in here and work we're going to use a high pressure gas vent just to be able to empty everything in here except we're not going to make it out of lead well I'm sure it'd be okay it just feels more prudent not to then we hook everything up with power all right pandamanda how did you get in without a suit how did you do it oh right here okay looks like that route is ending the next thing we're going to need to put in is a natural gas generator because we're going to need to do something with all the natural gas this oil refinery is going to Emit and while I thought it might be a great time to go ahead and start using a gas oven I mean to be honest I really don't want to they made berries so it's just too good I will grant you that it does take a lot of water because you're running both bristle blossoms and sleet wheat but we're getting the same morale bonus as we do with barbecue I mean you can't shake a stick at that I just realized that while I was over here in idahoan I could have came and got the artifact at least I'm pretty sure it's sitting around here somewhere maybe I should think a little bit more before I just launch my dupes into space because there's a lot of things we could have done differently with that previous space mission speaking of which whiskey is collecting everything out of this forested ore field again which is going to give us more igneous rock and aluminum more and although we did get another artifact it's just another office mug which means I really need to start going to other locations because while I'm rather fond of our blooming artifact collection I just don't want to keep getting more and more office mugs and from what I'm seeing anytime you go to a place twice the second time is always going to be said office mug oh my well it looks like we're heading back over to Isle alone in anyways somehow it managed to freeze back down here and it killed our baby slickster where is that bottom chill coming from and don't tell me it's the abyssalite it's the Abyssal light isn't it oh for the love of Meep that is really really unfortunate abyssala is one of those things in the game that I wish the devs would update a little bit it says it has a thermal conductivity of zero and the game generally treats it that way the only difference is when it comes into contact with gases and liquids and apparently it only does that at a transfer rate of something like .0001 and at that transfer rate and consider during its transferring into carbon dioxide medium I don't understand how it got so cold so quickly down here we're not going to be able to send angry this time because we're going to need somebody with Critter ranching and I think it'd be easier to give a Rancher the piloting skill than it would be giving angry Force Critter ranching and it looks like Patrick Gordon might be the perfect dupe for the job they also have a little bit of hard digging so we'll just put them into rocket piloting change the crew from Angry Forest over to Patrick Gordon wait for our refrigerator to get refilled and while I can't believe it for the second time in one episode we're going back to the same planetoid oops while we're doing that back to the subject of the natural gas geyser since we're not going to be using a gas oven the next best thing for us to do would be to send it into this natural gas generator I mean it's also collecting a bunch of polluted water and all that polluted water goes all the way back to our bathroom system and gets turned into more oxygen but once again the piping is going to be a little bit tricky like I don't even know what to do in this plate hope you're in the mood for some spaghetti the only other consideration that we want to do is we don't want this oil refinery sitting in a vacuum and if we let the gas pump take away all the natural gas it eventually would which would give it more cause to overheat so we're going to put an Atmos sensor in here just to be able to control this gas pump to make sure it is always a little bit of natural gas in here to keep the oil refinery from overheating and once again we are running fairly short on Raw minerals I just need all of the stuff we're down to 41 tons worth of granite and 15 Tons worth of igneous rock and the problem is I can't use any of that igneous rock but a simple reason it's keeping the stonehasses alive we've been sending a lot of missions out we've just been so starved for resources this entire playthrough and of course that second thought we do have 260 tons worth of igneous rock on envirolin along with 320 tons of sand own and 174 tons of granite please disregard just about everything that I said in the past couple minutes because we're going to be doing just fine on igneous rock now yes give me all the goodies the carbon dioxide level here on varlin has gotten kind of high as such all the duplicates are now sleeping in it but we're almost done coring everything out so I'm trying to get every last little bit before we leave is this excessive yeah probably a little bit but let's be honest how many things an auction not included are not excessive oh look it's magically back up to 40 degrees just that quick I'm so confused Patrick Gordon is on their way to idololin oh the slickster mission Mark II over on tuxedo we're finishing up the oil refinery we've put the automation sensor in it's set to above 500 grams we've managed to get the gas line all the way up to the natural gas generator it'll be doing a 50 50 split with all the natural gas coming out of the fertilizer synthesizer the next system them the output or in other words the petroleum coming out of the oil refinery is going to be dumped off into this little buffer tank here that has a hydro sensor and a liquid vent that way we can control without fail whether or not this liquid vent is accepting more petroleum or not so we'll set this on send a green signal as long as it's below let's say 750. now granted it's going to take a little while to fill up to that point but we'll see I'm sure modifications to the system will be made because eventually we have to keep using it otherwise this area is going to get more and more filled with crude oil when the oil refiner is not allowed to Output anymore a scalding message tells me that we did make it to Auto loaning so step one is going to be grabbing some slicksters now we don't have plastic here to put them inside the little traps so we're going to try the old Critter drop off auto Wrangle technique but before I build this I need to make sure that all Patrick Gordon's inside of a suit reason being there is some zombie spores down here and I I would just prefer they don't come in contact with them but since they're going to be here we'll put in a nice low priority dig command and grab all of this iron for sure trying to find any other big deposits looks like this is a very nice one too and the access restricted caught bug is back you can see that the rocket control station is not grounded yet Patrick can't sleep there so we have to deconstruct this and then just rebuild it once they're done maybe we'll upgrade to the Stargazer cot feeling a little fancy I also need to put a critter drop off in here but I think we're going to deconstruct the rocket control station put the Critter drop off and get all the slicksters we can and then head back now because we're working down on that bottom biome and it's a little hot we're going to keep Patrick doing in this suit which it's soon going to run out of oxygen so everything's going to take a little bit longer but we're really not asking that much just grab the iron you ever get tempted just to print out some sacrificial dupes that way they could help about and you wouldn't have to worry about them I know me neither but it'd be really nice to have an extra set of hands that you just don't have to feed give me more robots Clay on the second thought I'm gonna need the Critter drop off when we get home too so instead of putting it here I'm gonna put it where this statue is and then Patrick can sleep with the slicksters on the way home we also already got a mutated grub fruit seed this one's the easy going has the same minimum RADS but has a viable temperature range of plus 50 percent it doesn't yield as much but I suppose being able to plant grub fruit in some hotter environments could be convenient over on envirolin I am breaking down and putting in a carbon skimmer we just have too much work here to do and it's taking longer and longer considering the duplicants aren't even getting a good night's sleep inside their carbon dioxide room so we're just going to tie it conveniently into the bathroom system and let it go nuts so Patrick is having an issue getting the slicksters all the way up there so I'm gonna put another Critter drop off here it's a little bit closer to the Rock it the problem is they go all the way down here holding their breath additionally I think it'd probably just be better to take them out of the suit and deal with some minor scalding come on little slickster you can do it buddy yes hold your breath good job Patrick winning twice in one episode just absolutely crushing it okay because of course they did when Patrick got done wrangling them apparently they teleported themselves into this tile here which means I need to give Patrick super hard digging shouldn't be too bad it's only another couple morale points but still a great annoyance next up on the radiation front we're gonna plant some bristle blossoms and since I'm lazy and don't want to put hydroponic tiles down we're just gonna have the duplicants manually deliver water we put some window tiles in so they get all the sunlight they need so here very shortly this will be three plants completed Patrick is grabbing the last slickster on the planetoid we only have a little bit more of the iron to sweep up and it's getting real close they're at 71 percent stress and I'd rather not push that limit but I really want this iron with all three slicks there's snug as a bug inside the rocket and yes this rocket is a little bit warm since we've been using it for so long sitting at around 47 degrees so the slicksters should be safe we can now put our wonderful rocket control station back and head home nice job Patrick keep up the good work and now that we're home we can do the exact same thing Auto Wrangle Surplus zero Critters and the duplicants will come cross up these slicksters and while they're at it we can grab all this beautiful iron ore if you may remember from many episodes ago I was wondering how the window tiles out of diamond would do and as you can see they've been hit plenty by meteors and not a single crack likewise up here a meteor smashed dead center and didn't do anything so I'm starting to think that we might be able to provide some for texting using Diamond window tiles granted you wouldn't want to put it in any place that needs to actually access that space because you can't control it via automation like the implementary launcher needs to somehow get through but a lot of this we could just cover up with Diamond window tiles all three slicksters are now tucked in unfortunately this one's already 85 Cycles old so I don't think we're going to be able to groom them in time for them to lay another egg but this one here is 24. so we'll get a lot of eggs out of it wait a minute where's the third slickster there's the little fella except this time we'll do it the easy way with the plastic Critter trap we also already have a mutated Blossom seed this one's the blooming mutation which gives it a plus 20 to Decor looks like we're done with bristle blossoms too and now all three slicksters are here that about wraps it up considering I'm supposed to be going live in about 45 minutes I recorded this episode on one of our stream days because I'm gonna be out of town for about four days next week so I'm not going to be able to record or edit any videos so you're probably not going to be getting two videos but I'm hoping by me jumping a little bit ahead you'll at least have one to watch during that week if you're still enjoying the series make sure you hit like so YouTube continues to advertise it to other offset not included players I had a great time I hope you did too much love happy gaming and I'll talk to you soon foreign
Channel: Echo Ridge Gaming
Views: 22,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ONI, Oxygen Not Included, Spaced Out!, Strategy, Klei, New Player, Colony, Colony Survival, Simulation, Gaming, Indie, Survival, Let's Play, Lets Play, Max Difficulty, Achievements, Achievement Run
Id: iwni2wkUKrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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