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yeah okay got that watchin babe what's high surcoat they took away Shenzi know what he's early and the [ __ ] black relax old boy but on the same side remember do y'all go get you in law [Music] but then we'll fall yeah you got the money one day mr. drew single morning Lee huh look I can get you three four keys a week if you wanna do what my shit's not good enough for you wait miss ya CRP lenguaje things oh my oh come come maybe we can sort something out huh they don't lock you seem to live in Goa so go get up I think that the crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm told me my mom finds a good got my CV you a call to get HCHO gong fine I saw it on the air Monday night for Prosperity what are you doing here when did you get back well wait and look like [ __ ] [ __ ] you you know fifteen years to do that you know we're not kids anymore whatever man ask anyone Jackie ma still looks good Jackie ma still the same ol it's good to see you the [ __ ] they finally do portraits from the United States that was mutual time I came home anyway yeah lock up home sweet home so what'd they get you want nothing that'll stick huh well don't let them paint any extra [ __ ] on you [ __ ] we'll try let me tell you I stay here you're from old prosperity happens all the time hey so you still in touch with any of the guys from there a few you know well kind of go their separate ways but you remember Winston he's moved all the way up to red pole in the Sun on ye I've got a couple of things going with him right now matter of fact huh red pole in the Sun on you [ __ ] dog eyes always said he'd be running that neighborhood Oh dog eyes is a red Paul - it's still a total puff guy he was the one who got Winston in we're pretty tight back then but now hey wasn't dog eyes hanging with your sister you know there's a long time ago hey remember one of your kids and you stabbed our guys with a pen you took it saved my ass that day oh man I gotta tell Winston that story [ __ ] love it man way [ __ ] Shen in the flesh I can't believe it duck you mom looks like I'm out of here hey Jackie so look if you and uh Winston ever need help with any of that [ __ ] you got going on with him of course man look me up when you get out just be like old times [Music] it seems that the evidence against you is failed to appear how do you explain that you must be a very dangerous man Wei Shen that is exactly what we want people to think I trust that my men weren't too rough on you officer you might ask them the same question sir those guys are out of shape it paid off though I made contact with Jackie ma I'm in good what use him to get close to Winston Chu do whatever it takes Raymond here will be your handler you'll report everything through him our Intel suggests that Winston is looking for muscle you need to find a way to make him trust you I have done this beef nut in Hong Kong American gangs even Asian ones don't compare to the Triads here the Sun on Yi is the most powerful Raymond your name is Raymond right yes I grew up with these guys I know who they are what they are all the Intel reports in the world won't give you that we want the red poles they're lieutenants like Winston all of them and most of all the dragon candidly way previous attempts to get close to him hadn't panned out we don't have much to go on that's why you're here I'm hoping that you can bring something more to our investigation I understand sir look sooner I'm on the street the sooner I can start Raymond will be in touch Owen way good luck out there respectfully sir are you sure about him he'll be under extreme stress maybe for a very long time now I'm not sure he has the discipline to hold up according to the file he has a history of extreme behavior yes and an astonishing number of convicts she obviously blames her twice for what happened to his family it could turn into it the dead Raymond Wei Shen is perfect for this job wait [ __ ] man this is gonna be great yeah thanks again Jacky I appreciate the intro problem man by the way you know I tried looking you up a few years back but I couldn't find [ __ ] do they have internet in America I think they're getting it next year guess you were in prison or something come on let's get out of here still game used to being back huh yeah so winces a red pole now and all this territory is Winston's the dog I institution in its they're both Red Bull shouldn't they deal the same side should be dog guys always wasn't [ __ ] turns out lady [ __ ] too one thing when we get to Winston's let me do the introductions they're really distrustful of new faces right now it's wild the paranoia son on he had a rat what I hear he didn't let him have a quick death made it real slow and painful hey how are you baby Jackie you know my parents don't want you to talk to me parents don't even know me once we get to know each other they love me okay oh they don't yang that's okay Dave ha ha yo Galen cylinder like on yeah hey you like that you know I don't care who you are let go Jack [Music] little more kidding me yeah all right come the [ __ ] off I look nasty you okay yeah I'm okay bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] so everything's cool well you're welcome anyway come on Jackie let's go see Winston here we are missed his mom owns the restaurant Oh what the [ __ ] do you think you're going lacks man this is way way Shen I told you about him remember [ __ ] we can't keep track of your [ __ ] friends Jackie no outsider not an outsider he's from old prosperity like us who'd see all day tomorrow way is old school you know I grew up with the guy who asperity huh think I won't be done late again I've been on vacation Jackie said you were looking for people oh you should have seen it Winston we just beat up like ten the dog guys guys in the market by himself hey man they attacked us seems to me you could use some better help you calm on yeah huh Winston I don't like this cocky little [ __ ] oh wait a minute ha ha Danielson I do remember you you had a sister right oh my god yeah me me me me me me sad I remember her hello it's all guys no offense done so Papa where's she now she's dead sorry oh you see so 10 guys huh you fearless I just crazy try capable we'll see Conroy you know that problem we got in the market won't you take away with you hey Jackie I'm Gregg a second only hear more about your friend all right you wanna be a tough guy let's see if you can handle yourself don't see what he's got great that's all [ __ ] night so you're the tough guy that's everyone's talking about oh you like that how about that [Music] hello hey yeah boss we were just leaving da and it was just getting interesting to winstead my old friend it's so good to see you how's your family huh what do you want dog eyes Oh Winston way away brother I just came to talk to you man for old times sake let's work something out he okay we can share the night market huh we're both so long he both grown men we shouldn't be fighting like children hey who's the new blood this way you never me me Shen not when you first started getting girls big smiley oh yeah first girl ever suck my [ __ ] yeah so what raise your brother and I was the first guy who ever stabbed you remember me no way what the [ __ ] man seriously way I apologize I'm really sorry your sister blew me the night market is mine dog eyes you got Cielo in the warehouse that was the deal so stay the [ __ ] out hey tell your sister give me a call huh I wouldn't mind giving her a mouthful he hasn't changed yeah yes he used to be my friend Jackie to go to the night market you make sure people understand that I'm in control not dog eyes got it got it boss Mullins I had you [ __ ] up anybody who tries to get in your way I want to send a [ __ ] message no prob please have to be strong that's what he wants Beck you mentioned your sister back there baby yes you see OD years ago now after we moved to the states you try to kick that [ __ ] but that sucks she was you know really alive my mother thought maybe a new city new country coats weren't deep and once you start on that [ __ ] it's hard to stop grey anybody yeah what she started [Music] yep you wanna tell winces no you [ __ ] wait the boss but we were kids he was the only person who was like my best friend man means more than a boss you dummy till we cross sales pirate DVDs let's start with him hey little brother you work for Winston I understand how can I help Winston runs this place and if you don't want trouble to pay it period of course no problem need anything just come ask mrs. go to visit our guys up at some point whisking and our guys are gonna crash man it's going to be epic Winston versus dog eyes we're collecting for Winston Winston though I said he's been tossed for you we're near to clarify what you want to be the guy we used to clear up the confusion I'm not afraid you guys I'll be a tough guy Oh I'm glad I can make you see reason take the money I won't be happy anyone under our protection [Applause] why was he beating you he was demanding 20 times the normal thing drug but small fee would still make sure you don't have trouble with gangsters that sounds very sounds awesome man all this team tt-that's like you were born to do this judging anyone so hi what's going on just keeping an eye on things yeah would you see I tell you what I didn't nothing to be impressed about I'm watching you new guy you [ __ ] up what we're gonna throw down what kind of grade school [ __ ] is this huh I work my ass off all day so [ __ ] off and grow up Jackie you're coming with me we got something to take care of and you don't [ __ ] you are you [ __ ] me so would you do nothing nothing say mutt the mole I came straight to you didn't want to start anything major but without you knowing you know so get this couple years ago this guy Ming came to me and asked me look out for why he did business Special K mostly but other stuff too I thought why not take a nice little cut from my boys no problem this week I said Jackie you to pick up the envelope and he tells my boy to [ __ ] off Parham he's friends with dog eyes now so we can all go [ __ ] ourselves you want me to make an example out of dog eyes at home God John is gonna get what's coming right now I need someone to take care of me [Music] you make it up for me tonight we got a deal I'm told me I got a mess you good pay Winston [ __ ] [Music] it's one of ways this guys think about [ __ ] you up [Music] [Music] no guy's gonna kill you [ __ ] dog guys what your nose is said you [ __ ] with us and you'll regret it okay okay but please make sure tall guys does it kill me boy Shang I'm inspector tang you have quite a rap sheet here multiple arrests in San Francisco alleged ties to organized crime and now you're here enforcing for the Sun on Yi you know you don't have to throw your life away like this your concerns really moving yeah I appreciate that I'm suddenly realizing I should have never dropped out of art school I could have made it I could have been a real somebody thank you for showing me the light officer I want to give you a chance Shen but you have to work with me then maybe I can cut you a deal Oh superintendent I'm in the middle of an interrogation inspector there's been a misunderstanding misunderstanding sir as your superior officer I'm instructing you to release this man but sir I have it on record that he's son on Yi I understand that I can't simply just cut him loose I mean you're asking me to release a criminal with known connections to the triad and not only is it against God colleague tang is one of us like Jesus pen drew let me get the door there are few badges outside who didn't hear you it's all right way we can trust her trust her I just met her congratulations tanks and now you know maybe now we can make sure that we're helping way not making his job harder than it already is yeah it doesn't seem like I have much of a choice no no you don't now see yourself out permission to speak freely denied you need to be more careful way much more careful I can't bail you out like this again sir I don't want to hear it just be careful American gangs and Asian ones don't compare to the clients likeness [ __ ] you need to be more careful way much more careful wait you okay man you look like someone took this [ __ ] up in your face Jackie I'm just a little frustrated stuck being Winston's errand boy you know I was making serious Bank back in the state come on which is paying our dues Winston's a loyal guy he'll hook us up when the time is right you can't always wait for the world to hand you what you want sometimes you got to just take it totally man it's time to take a little an issue we got to prove ourselves to Winston and a son on you or we'll never move up is there anything going down in the next few days [ __ ] yeah there it is guys has a big shipment of stolen goods coming in it's good for dog eyes but that might be too much too fast last thing I need right now is taking a sticky red pull up my ass I like that it's a small deal word is there's only a few low-level London you're looking after it we boost that [ __ ] and give Winston a nice fat cut he's gonna be mad impressed no way he doesn't promote us after that you have to be certain it couldn't be traced back to Winston or us sure of course they're never gonna know with us unless we get kunai well we won't unless you [ __ ] it up come on get in time to move up in the world would you get the bed my uncle's just chop shop around the corner call it a three stolen ride I'm thinking I'm gonna get a steady girlfriend oh yeah what do you think that you may you're not worried that she doesn't want to talk to you hell no but let that stop me I never ask anybody out what about you everything to finding somebody relationship wouldn't really work with my life right now sure could look at me you one-of-a-kind Jackie what's all the crap in the back the hall from my last Gore baby oh whoa ho tires CRT monitors a whole bunch of stuff who the hell steals CRT monitors and it's gotta be worth something right put on his mask can't let dog eyes boys no one was us this should only be a few guards [Music] keep guns and money wait don't leave me here man come and get me is a time Lina Lina is more than what should be in the warehouse man go go go man [Applause] hang on wait damn that was crazy man we did it we did it check it up his rating cambria that was a big boost a shipment of cheap watches way cheap tacky he's a fake as [ __ ] what do you think live doing dog eyes I don't know Nashville as Brenton high places [ __ ] don't be afraid of where you just got back get before you start talking about bosses down [Applause] stand up to guys like that no matter who's back cause the bad blood so no they used to be tight though hard to believe dog eyes would turn on a friend like that he always was a [ __ ] even when we were kids so where's this guy we're meeting don't worry take you from here I'm sure you'd want me to stick around no man I got it under control so no all right your deal hey way you did good out there yeah take this watch you earned it great I finally hit the big time good I'm gonna make you Pope guy you die wait get over here now what's going on Winston it's Benny manage of Cup Bam Bam oh friend of mine now he's working for Dogons dead Tom got on he's getting back at us for taking his mini bus wrap look I'll go talk to Benny make him see reason yeah yeah jugo do that are you gonna let me in what do you think you're doing I got a message from da guys you want to tell him you sent me away da guys oh sorry of course come on in sir [Music] hey buddy VIPs only what's going on in there this is one of the best karaoke rooms in the city nobody gets in without a hostess or the process of HUBO I'm sure we can work something out work something out with the hostess [Music] hey what's your name I'm Tiffany nice to meet you I'm Wei Wei said your karaoke hostess right can you get me into the VIP room sure just come with me you have a bit of an accident are you from around here yeah Brisbane Lee but you know I was in the States for a long time oh that's so cool I always wanted to go so uh what's Benny like Benny you mean the manager yeah Benny's nice enough he always makes sure you get paid on time that's good so uh what does he rely on for protection let's go to sing Wow actually really good listen you know I like it down here but back home I'm used to a little more you'd be the person I talked to about that right can I get a VIP room yes of course it's much nicer up there go ahead to the lounge upstairs I'll get the room set up oh hey will [ __ ] are you I'm looking for Betty hey Benny yeah some guy here wants to talk to you hey what can I do for you I have a message from an old friend Winston - Winston what that this isn't such a good idea I think you should leave he wants you to know that tall guys is in your problem anymore if he gives you any trouble you let Winston know and I'll take care of it personally you heard the man get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] get the [ __ ] out here penny I know you're in there [Music] [Music] yeah relax penny I'm not gonna kill you okay just listen okay what do you want just what I said Winston wants to be your friend and what about doc ice that's your problem I hope you're right for my sake can I go now of course you can Benny you're late Conroy's still watching he's got a real hard-on is your cover compromised well you haven't fished me out of the harbor yet all right how are you doing how am i doing [ __ ] way man where do I start there's a civil war brewing in the Sun on ye Winston and all guys escalated practically every day don't you even [ __ ] the report I mean you personally how are you doing look women I gotta get back your stator might as important way it's important to me it's important to how you do your job [ __ ] you I do my job just fine well that's for me to decide you mean pen drew pen to assign me as your controls and listen way pen drew may not be concerned about you but I am I know you have a personal stake here but this cannot be a vendetta we're cops there are rules you're a cop I'm an undercover cop the rules are different and you're [ __ ] concerned about me you are an officer of the law way same as me we are not the same you understand we done yeah we're done Thanks it's [ __ ] pretty but you're on my side wait we've been waiting for you you guys smell something thank you district 6 seagull don't shoot you know what happens to rats wait yeah I heard the Conroy gave me all the details when he was helping me out on that middle do you think you are huh you come in out of nowhere and sell me out guys start to get arrested he ran it out pop star Winston I know he did oh you're gonna do the nerve just better [ __ ] right here's the snitch is that right big [ __ ] man I sent you to pop star but now he's in jail yeah and who stands to gain the most from that you're gonna take our head postures hold ketamine racket now no more scraps for you used to play the whole city will trust you and dog eyes pop stars gone but you're still dealing aren't you so who's supplying you but you guys actually listening to this [ __ ] he's a rat he's a [ __ ] rat I won't go you'll not stop just still working for that bastard aren't you I'm a hot wing always a dirty [ __ ] [ __ ] clean it up no it is important we never forget that you're getting this business for yourself the bound and the bleach-blond boy ain't gone can I help you with something yeah are you pink no there's no pain how about the owner that I'm the owner she's not pink all right not pink I'm picking up hardware for orange Lotus you know it orange Lotus sure this is some pretty sophisticated stuff sure you can handle it I'll manage my numbers on the package you need a hand getting slot ex into socket why give me a call I got it [Music] did you get the book I got it our surveillance team reports that you should be able to get onto the roof from the construction site next door whatever you do don't let them see you planting that bug oh [ __ ] [Music] huh you got something to say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I found one of your statues oh the dog excellent I must confess I was surprised to see you back I had hope that you might have escaped Hong Kong escape this influences its problems we took them with us when we left so coming back didn't change much are you ready to confront them now yes I think so [Music] Tiffani its way how are you I'm good listen um you busy later I was thinking of dropping by bambam to see oh okay well you have to get a few drinks in me first but uh maybe see you in a bit you okay no I'm in big trouble I really need your help please what's wrong it's this a gun yes Charlie made me carry it in my purse for him he didn't want the cops to find it so he made me take it and now he's gone and I don't know what to do with it charlie he's one of DA guys people right yes and you took over right so in a way the gun is yours too you'll take it won't you sure I'll take it that's it that's a big problem thank you so much way I knew I was right to trust you don't worry Tiffany I'll take care of it Thanks way you're the greatest hello Raymond I got something what is it something for ballistics a weapon belonging to one a dog eyes men do you know Charlie Payne wait how did you get Charlie pangs gun never mind can you use it enjo what are you doing here where's Raymond this is something I wanted to handle purse anyway do you have Charlie pangs gun yeah I'm sure you've noticed the guns are something of a rarity in Hong Kong not like in the States this particular gun is quite important so who's the Dead Guy I was hoping you'd help me with that actually officer Shen take up a firing position okay you ready [Music] all right listen it's simple we'll have to recreate the fight first he was in cover behind the barricade get down behind that barrier good I want you to put some bullets in a few things [Music] all right good bye now the van must have appeared on the scene then he must have run to over there shooting at the guys over there there was a shooter firing shots from the passenger window but he couldn't get a clean shot so he pushed forward [Music] [Music] one more thing he would have tried to get away but Charlie disabled the car your weapon officer good firing way pendulum were you doing I told you he wasn't important now he is he's gonna help us nail Charlie pang it's for the greater good way you understand I don't think I do sir way I know who you are you just like me you do what must be done hmm local PD is on their way you should go hi what's going on dawg I should've listened to his restaurant tonight do you say where they are what I just heard your mother she's just fine but two of our people who killed and a couple customers were wounded the police are there now you went after your family battle everyone's outside waitress he always refine listen up we're hitting his switch up on the waterfront Oh his trucks moved to that place it's how he makes his bunny I wanna burn to the ground she runs the operation put that pump going on in the shadow grave but don't join my gas stove Winston are you sure about this [ __ ] sure look what's the Chairman gonna say when he finds his warehouse floating in the ocean she's not gonna like it but there's no weight all guys walks away from this so burn the warehouse but taeksoo all alive put him to work for you and give the Chairman a bigger cut than he was getting from dog eyes okay okay okay do it bring him alive da guy's got to know he [ __ ] with the wrong people yeah no kidding we're short a gun you're good with your hands and let's see what you can do without iron look hold on you shouldn't go in shooting anyway there'll be workers in them and we need sewai alive he's worth the fortune oh we're going and shooting this is dull guys biggest moneymaker they're not gonna give it up without a fight but you want me unarmed you're the new guy once you're inside find your own gun and use it believe me you better have some bodies on you before the night is over I want to see proof that you're not a cop far as I'm concerned so one test that man [Applause] so you want me to kill one a dog eyes drug dude are you insane [Applause] here's the plan go to the back door now look around with my signal to attack I know [ __ ] soo-ah you're coming with me [ __ ] you all right light it up help me [ __ ] I said Domo looking cops [Music] are you [ __ ] done [Applause] what are you doing shut up you know it just it you're dead you're dead I'm not upgraded organs dog eyes [ __ ] I can feed my dog ice ball my brother goes to beat smiley with him just dumb bastards got any idea how badly this is going to cut things hey hey ask me if I care my mother is what makes the whole triad work I don't give a [ __ ] about your party you keep talking about it I'm liable to forget promised to bring you in alive what the hell is wrong with you what I'm sick of listening to some drop me off with some real gang stuff you'll get to meet a few there used to be this organization knew what he was doing now he's full of crazy [ __ ] and quiet boys shut the [ __ ] up you did good here a little token to my respect keep this up and there's a lot more I get the feeling things are looking up for the water state boys thanks boss hey man look I don't do this on I'm sorry I was wrong about you you show your true colors tonight brother oh yeah mommy bye who's he talking to the Dino masked chairman woman Pecola oh my shunt oh wait you're coming with me looks like you're gonna meet uncle PO the rest of you wait here don't do anything until you hear from me what's going on you staying here like I told you and you are shutting the [ __ ] up got it yeah boss of course good let's go [Music] worries I pissed off the wrong people look at least we kept seeing while alive yeah that may be just what saves us I'm gonna bump uncle Paul's cut open that doesn't stop there you know look what I fill the date market all of North Point really and all guys get spoiled what was I supposed to do hardly while you were taking up just what you did but you can't back down from that [ __ ] you ain't here my history up for me too this way anything anything happens to me you look after our P okay family has to stick together Duke Conroy they're good guys but they're not going to be Khadijah's proving yourself now I know see a TV doesn't want but after Peggy you hang on to makes me love business but one thing we got going for us is this China brothers [Music] but it means something to me and it should to YouTube not just that were Salani true we see what told me it really works for big smile not dog and keep you in his name Vic smiley is back in town I sure that's where he gets the falls to come after he has a lot of power wrong with drugs he's in the prostitution pawn he even sells women across the border is investigation whole thing has run like an industry very sleazy big money Winston we can't just walk in there not if it's as bad as you say choice it's the way it's done way besides you can't hide from Uncle poll you want you dead you're dead and I'd rather see it coming you know you should be okay if I get my ass shot do not do anything stupid you hear me okay [ __ ] off Johnny hey Winston what's wrong you look a little pale man dog eyes tells me you've been throwing your weight around what happened you guys used to be tight as [ __ ] is he here now he left a while ago without a scratch doesn't bode so well for the other parties involved go right in have fun you kapu ha Winston come in sit down have some tea and you young man must be way Winston speaks very highly of your Winston has been a good friend to me I've tried to do right by him I like the way you think that's the attitude that makes us strong loyalty discretion used to be more common Winston says you're the one who made sure seal hua was not arrested now his Winston's idea he had to assert himself assert his position but he didn't want to inconvenience you you god damn it I bet a thousand bucks I was going to be carrying you on a [ __ ] body bag uncle Paul must like you yeah I don't think he has an opinion on me either way all right I tell you what you get tired of spinning your wheels in the night market give me a call there's more to this business than strong-arming street vendors Ricky your name's Ricky right I appreciate the offer you know let me think about it I'll get back to you take the car across the street give you a chance to see what it's like to be in the big time [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah all right it's gonna be okay it's gonna be come on work stay ready they're always in time okay swamp with a sweating crap let me need your help on a couple of things yeah yeah I tell you it's easy to be a Red Bull better girl I stopped by the restaurant we had done there okay got it Hey rolling ho who's asking my name is Wei Shen oh why you got friends in high places my boy I hear you and Winston have been making trouble with dog eyes dog eyes has been asking for trouble I remember when I was like you always looking for a fight ready to kill anyone who so much as looked at me sideways here's a tip for you kid don't take on a boss and your own Shia unless you know for a fact someone else is gonna back you up hierarchies the only thing anyone cares about always have always will thanks for the advice old timer so uh when can we get to work okay big man Multi ladies yo pet si-wing bad luck at mahjong you'll need this collect what she owes you're gonna pay up you understand it's a lot of muscle [Applause] are you what is this that's the problem you old guy like well and hold money you gotta pay I don't care if you sorry I can't I know I'm sorry hey stop saying [Music] [Applause] that should come in like that [Music] I wasn't gonna do anything that bad you've got the money no next best thing though got a carload of would go alright I have to do bring it back here soon as you can don't drive around in a stash car any longer than you have to [Music] Raymond shut finally where the hell have you been look you have any idea what's going on what happened everywhere Greymon do you ever actually believe my reports your reports all I have to do is read the goddamn newspapers they're calling it a massacre if it ever came out that the police were involved what day won't well you can't know that you at least you at least could have turned su over to us would have helped our case and would put the entire operation at risk what does Penn do say you know he's not your handle way I am well then [ __ ] handle it Raymond well how do you think this was gonna go down huh whatever it takes you remember that you wanted results and you can't get them sitting behind a desk nose in a robo with a stick up your ass look Raymond I am doing what needs to be done you've crossed the line way I'm gonna terminate this operation you can't do that pendra won't allow pen drew may like to take chances I don't and you are dangerous fine but before you go back to you offices try and pull the plug go ahead and tell pens with and I just met the chairman of the Sun on you the chairman you're just a foot soldier well this foot soldier has just been marked for promotion because I made sure Suh all got out safely it'll be in my report and maybe this time you'll actually read oh yeah oh yeah heimo form you know what a close eye everybody sign I see Donna Nate yeah all wings and nets are weak on Peggy Keith under luck yeah you mentioned it the other day congratulations hey Donna Peggy is Ohio you don't think if I'm late I mean tell me your wisdom more I need to take her from the guy you are ah no problem at all mrs. Chu holder that was Ella hello way thanks for driving me around yeah no problem so where we going the flower shop I still have to pick the color I want you won't believe how much work it is to get ready for a wedding we've been planning for eight months now and there's still so much to be done I'm sure it'll be fine uh it better be perfect my wedding has to be perfect so way Jeff girlfriend no my life it wouldn't be a good idea right now your life is why it'd be good you have to have someone you can be soft with two-way it's very important if you're hard all the time one day you'll forget how to be solved if you say so I do say so you are family no way I have to look out for you just like Winston after the wedding I'm gonna find so how do you get on with Winston's mother she's a handful but you know her bark is and I know about her meekly that's worse than her bark for sure no she used to scare me but then look out [Music] he wasn't paying enough attention to me to distract and mrs. Chu gave him a big lecture in front of the whole gang I thought she might use that cleaver on him ever since then Woodsen's been an absolute doll and even though she still yells a lot I know her heart is a great place you're lucky and my mother never liked my girlfriends I guess it's hard for the moms well I mean you know I used to have a thing for blondes too and that drove her crazy that enough I went out with the Chinese American girl but but a whiting well it's good to Nair she was loyal to her people know she's loyal to her prejudices more like that too [Music] here we are ah so good to see you again welcome welcome I'm here to finalize the details of the flowering yes yes I'm just the driver I'm just gonna change back and then we'll be done actually there is one other thing black orchids this probably sounds silly but it was my mother's favorite flower and now that she's gone I was thinking that I'd love to have a black orchid centerpiece I'm afraid that's impossible there are none to be found in Hong Kong really well I thought they had some down at the garden temple well yes but they're not for sale the other day the CEO of Oldboy Trading wanted one for his daughter he told them they offered temple $100,000 they still say no it is incredible no a black orchid at a wedding guarantees that the couple stays together for the rest of their lives oh well way come on we can go now so your mother took you to the states yeah you know she loved Hong Kong but she wanted to give me and my sister a change of scenery whoa were you being a bad little boy no it was me my sister growing up an old prosperity sheep she started down a particular road couldn't get off my mother hoped that moving to San Francisco would shake her up change who see it now did it yeah for a while but some habits die hard you know some don't die at all I'm sorry way Winston mentioned that she passed away I didn't mean to bring it up it's okay now it's good to remember where you came where you go [Music] wait what are you doing hey isn't that a van from the wedding cake company hang on what are you doing yeah the guy the guy had the wrong address Winston asked me to make sure the cake is delivered he's so thoughtful wait slow down hey we don't catch that bad you won't have your special cake at your wedding what he's not pulling over you're a gangster do some things get out there and get him take the wheel character my cake don't worry get that bad [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] tell Woodson I got the Wow that's great I'll take it right to him [Music] all done thank you way thank you you know it makes me think the wedding just be perfect without that we're going to the temple are I knew you'd understand [Music] do you have any family here at all no not anymore well you're wrong way you have then you have Thanks no I mean it I know when students work can be ruff but it makes appreciate plan needs brothers uncles and sisters to help me with that salsa don't laugh it's very you know I could probably set you up of you you're good looking man thanks but I'm not looking for anything serious right now I wouldn't want it to reflect poorly on ah you're still playing around huh well let me know if you ever change your mind I know some nice girls [Music] [Applause] wait here I'll be right back [Music] what are you doing here when it when energy flows among flowers we are all everything I am here not here I love flowers ah brother so true so true you stop right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you got them oh hey thank you so much how can I say no Maggie do you have any Winston's clothes in the back I don't think these robes gonna make the right impression what do you think about this yeah sure cops perfect oh yeah wait what are you doing [Music] [Applause] my car my car thank you way what's it like in America you the way I'm really appreciative course sometimes this wedding thing stresses me out there's so much to get right and you only get one try don't worry Peggy it's gonna be perfect oh it's so nice to find someone who could really rely on I can see why Winston likes you I found one of your statues sheep this is good I understand your sister passed she was an addict she couldn't kick it it's not a very interesting story I suppose though in light of that chosen career is rather interesting to me anyway you asked me once not to lie to you and I think in return you shouldn't ask me about my career fair enough what would you like to learn stop by again if you find one of my statues [Music] see you again soon bye bye hey man um stuck in traffic I'll get there soon as possible don't worry it's still time don't start without me [Applause] wait no yeah I'm so happy you can make it Congrats you lazy Peggy you look stunning thanks wait you both must be very happy yes the best day of your life so they say you know what they're right if you say so my guest of honor I'm happy to be here it's nice to see someone who wants to be a good family man not enough of that nowadays I look absolutely lovely bye thank you almost as lovely as your mother and oh and this is chuh I expect the food to be wait wait I got a case of the Chairman's favorite wine in my car I forgot to bring it in you mind grabbing in and making sure they know it's for him I'm gonna make sure he gets inside okay yeah sure thing Winston you got to enjoy your day okay were you parked yeah I do this going God just bring it into the kitchen [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you there holy [ __ ] there's no way we're getting in through here I'll find a way inside [Music] [Applause] what's that Oh Oh God Peggy wait get a key out of here cheek she doesn't just Westar whit's it [ __ ] Peggy [Music] [Music] the rest of the boys I need them here now [Music] Oh Coco are you okay can you walk what's going what happened to Winston come on we're gonna get you out of here Okubo you heard it's nothing but a little scratch goodsoon we gotta get you to a hospital my uncle he's hurt we need a doctor now is this what's going on here my boy maybe you'll want to leave before our friends and police show up are you gonna take care of my uncle and if anything happens to him I'm holding nobody who's boss well thank God we're okay where have you been I'm stuck in traffic it's Hong Kong [ __ ] you think showing up for these things is easy for me I know you've been through a lot way more than we have any right to ask now the weather it was a massacre Raymond a massacre Winston with a red pulse sir but his wife a [ __ ] gun down his wife on her wedding day we knew you would become personally attached way it's inevitable in an operation seeing something like that would be hard hard for anyone it's worn now no it's not you're a cop all right your job is to enforce the law you can't remember that I'll pull you out right now pull me out your job was to get close to Winston now that's not much of a strategy get close to open your eyes Raymond I am Winston now with him gone I'll be taking this place you want the Chairman I report to him now you want the red polls I'm one of them that's what worries my way you're one of them you want to give up the best undercover HK PD has ever had your best shot taking down the son tonyi exactly we done yeah we're done she doesn't know mrs. Chu I was just stopping by to see if there was anything you need yeah I know it's no consolation but I got a look at one of the gunmen from the wedding now I will find him and I'll make him tell me who's responsible in sight they want Doku Nick that I go Lele don't they link Oh Ben what [Music] Ricky this way [ __ ] way oh you all know I got a lot of loose ends to clean up I need an outsider for a couple things you got johnny-bra faces number Johnny rat face man stay away from that lunatic you give him a job you're gonna have to steam clean your conscious when he's done you know what I mean yeah I know all about him he's my man I guess you know what you're doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey this is Johnny yeah friend sent me to you works with a lot of movie stars know what I mean I saw so I got a problem he said you could help me I'm busy wait wait wait wait please look I trade diamonds down in central my partner took off with all our stock got you [ __ ] [Music] oh you lovely baby promise are you insane think of all the money we'll make this is our future you and me [ __ ] you [ __ ] I'm not taking off my clothes for you or anyone else [Music] hey you Julie the [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] who are you what do you watch friend of mine wants to serve you some noodles what you crazy look man I got powerful friends [Music] tell me their name so we can go see him right now look what are the odds they're gonna even admit they [ __ ] you I'm not gonna tell you not me [Music] someone else last question but [ __ ] true [Music] meet mrs. chew Winston's mother Osama I don't know this guy told you laughing God hey Winston say hey John hey garage got a big one bingo King they don't know what you're talking about you crazy you where since gone right now we gotta stick together we just can't let the eight she can't get away with this what makes you so sure was 18k we all saw them they were definitely 18 came even stupid Jackie knows hat you ever think maybe they were just trying to look like 18k look we've had a few skirmishes with them lately nothing major it doesn't make sense that they would do something this big it was I don't know but I'm gonna find out who the [ __ ] you I'm here for mr. Lee I take it you've heard of big smiley he's another son honey bars red Paul just like Winston okay what can we do for mr. Lee he has decided that for the time being you may continue your operations in this area but the percentage previously paid to Winston will now go to mr. Lee that's an interesting proposition but I have a counteroffer from Miss Julie I'd appreciate if you relay this back to him word for word can you do that you tell mr. Lee that is people stay the [ __ ] out of our territory and in return we'll let him live I don't think you'll find that offer to his liking I think you'll find that I don't give a [ __ ] you see your gist I'll make sure he doesn't get lost you'll regret this I promise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh he's getting away step on it [Applause] [Music] [Music] no way you get away clean ponytail no way [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you done are you done tell your boss stay the [ __ ] out of my territory [ __ ] you away just what I need get in the hell who the [ __ ] are you guys change your tongue miss yang is a red pole and she just saved your life miss Jang broken nose Jang my apologies madam red ball so why'd you bring me out here I have heard a lot about you Asian I will get to the point you must realize that you cannot stand against big smile leave alone that's what everyone tells me Rowland Ho said I need other bosses to support me indeed I believe in harmony balance peace and I don't mind spilling a little blood to achieve it with uncle PO in the hospital there's much uncertainty in the Sun on Yi if he recovers we will both be stable and strong what if he dies the 18k presents a very real threat we cannot afford to appear weak we will need to elect a new chairman quickly you for instance ah big smile V represents a step backwards for the Sun on Yi why continue to force girls into prostitution and pornography when there are other less archaic more profitable ways for us to make money I have very different ideas about our future I want to take the sonali forward but it would be unwise even for me to stand against big smelly unaided which brings me to you nah we both appear to have the same problem Wei Shen and the opportunity to benefit if we work together so it seems I have my own reasons for hating big Smiley's operation now if you stand against him you can count on me good we will talk soon so tell aha raishin [Music] amen wait you won't believe what those [ __ ] did oh those guys are top grandma then [ __ ] with me I brought them another load of watches they were supposed to give me 200,000 form instead to give me this hunk of [ __ ] I don't even know how to ride this thing I push it here calm down give me the bike I'll get you your money what are you gonna do same thing I always do Jackie [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you want my friend Jackie tells me you owe him some money you're sitting on it and when you get off strong-arming mia I know you're a cop and I know you're a snitch you want to see who your boys kill first [ __ ] kill him [Applause] that's it [ __ ] come on [ __ ] inspector a20 informants in the trunk of my car what yeah he needs to disappear right now so either you make him disappear while be quiet my people have added uh curative interfaces you hear me you hear me a bucket but I don't want this come back by Emes I'll take care of it or he's going he won't be in a position to tell anyway hey I can hear you what the [ __ ] are you doing out there open the [ __ ] trunk hey show the lady some respect mrs. Chu lady mo Sammy Chris psycho godson Camus yes know how you achieve Ando say yea tall high Gordo ding ding basic fun he's got couch I'm younger yet Sammy Oh dog eyes did it say what Johnny told you gay you don't see no Victor how I don't son Willie and she single log you Winston hang what [ __ ] like oh he's got he got one good I really [Music] right here check it mom what is this [ __ ] man stop messing around a [ __ ] man let's work something out she wasn't sorry like that what's going on Duke get down to the Dobson then you need to pick up now got it on my way [Music] Oh what the [ __ ] you want man you've done some bad things Sammy what did you call me um nobody call me that anymore this is about me balling your [ __ ] sister isn't it huh you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me man wake up little brother it's not like I put that needle in her arm you can't take this personally way it was business you know what I'm saying look if you don't like it you pick it up with big smiley either one we need the [ __ ] I was doing my job [ __ ] man this is all about yeah and Winston and Peggy [ __ ] you're coming with me okay maybe we can cut a deal all right stop all this [ __ ] man and I'll make sure that Biggs finally cut you in on one of the side business maybe the [ __ ] whole damn thing I mean hey we could be generous okay yeah he's gonna be the future champion [ __ ] yeah your big smiley pretty close huh huh yeah with type like mother [ __ ] brought us Mia wishing we would take two huh [Music] oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] wait way up the class over here where we going to the restaurant [Applause] what's going on we're bringing him to mrs. Chu she has something she wants to tell him all right [Music] huh sit down shut the [ __ ] up I have a [ __ ] dog okay we don't need to bring eyes with it sorry it's nothing personal this business tradition calls was to select a temporary chairman until you are well uncle a man who would continue as you would wish they were brazen enough to attack a wedding we have to assume 18k will be coming after us I know that you are right why am i fine uncle you're okay thanks to you sister Cheng told me about the troubles between you and big smiley yeah you must stop this fight at once we must be united against our true enemies yes of course uncle PO good luck see to it that way is formally initiated he's been a lawyer foot soldier to the Sun nan Jie it's time to make him a red pawn your initiation is young Lyon he has been selling to schoolgirls and was ordered to stop he switched to the 18k instead make an example thank you I will if any of your people have not been properly initiated bring them with you uncle we still need to decide who will lead us what about your pockmark you are my greatest friend you know my wishes better than anyone but you will not take my place no uncle I I am your adviser I cannot lead in your place so if not your hole then fujian sow he is your true nephew your blood legacy Toya who better to preserve your wishes and keep the family together hmm - Chen can you handle this responsibility temporary chairman yes uncle I am ready a grateful for the opportunity part mark see that it is done [Music] Jackie its way right tell you the girls here listen I got some news I'm on my way over we got an errand to run see you in a few minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jackie you're gonna love this it's going our way oh you're about to become a full member of the Sun on Yi are you sure 100% yeah baby yeah oh don't worry about it my man it'll be your turn so Jackie they're making me a red pole holy [ __ ] well Jackie dream finally comes true no [ __ ] hey wait don't think I don't appreciate it I know it wouldn't have been possible without you no problem Jackie man you want to get a massage before we go my treat come on man best way to celebrate you won't believe what these girls do [Music] so what's this area it's part of our initiation I know this guy [ __ ] yom is one of us way you come to know prosperity just like you and me he's been dealing the kid they ordered him to stop couple of times okay you tell you much about the ceremony just that word well this after that next on our brothers yeah what I went out with you made the other day find the answer out huh how'd it go made her laugh so hard I read that somewhere didn't we make a girl laugh [Music] I think if you're funny she'll fall for it same thing isn't it you need to talk to you whatever uncle PO send us [Music] [Music] Turkey let's go take you let's go come on let's move okay oh no man [ __ ] we have never done that before I know I know was it I don't know my my hands shaking man look take a breath look at it know how to make me feel you know feel it in my stomach [ __ ] wait calm down look it'll wear off okay is it done it's done good good brothers from today forward your lives will be forever changed because today you are my brothers we're bound to each other by blood sworn to protect each other to the death if necessary with our Brotherhood comes duty you will obey our leader in all things and you will show your brothers respects always with our Brotherhood comes power the Sun on you does not die the Sun on you does not forget it rewards his sons with wealth status and honor it protects their businesses and their families it cares for their children as if they were their own our Brotherhood pays our enemies with pain suffering and death and none suffers more than a traitor betray your brothers and you will die a thousand times over slowly in the dark the Sun on ye and the gods themselves will burn your soul from your body and crush the ashes with there are 32 oats with them you are bound together with them you become Sun on e are you ready to begin I read the report I'm flattered is it a slow day or something Pender is very impressed I'm not gonna lie I'm sort of impressed - he wants you to dig around see what you can find on Sonny whoa says the Sapphire I read about he represent retainers Devils in porn with allegedly some human trafficking mixed in why go after he's not sent on ye to bring down the Sun on ye we have to take down the people who support them cut off the revenue sources dismantle their network this is how we hit him where it hurts Sonny's revenue stream is massive and a lot of it flows the Sun on ye I see what I can do really by the way you hear anything about dog eyes you seem sep disappeared haven't heard a thing Oh before I forget Jackie ma we're taking him in Jack when I read in your reports I'll be a good source of info it won't be hard to make him talk we'll need you to set him up that makes no sense he's nobody he's a criminal way you're a cop I had to be a broken record but it sounds like you're getting attached I'm not getting a test I'm just not a [ __ ] idiot okay he's part of my cover he brought me in he's the one who vouched for me and now you're so high up you don't need him he's outlived his usefulness so we're bringing him in I'm taking this up Upendra this came taking him in accomplishes nothing and it makes my job harder I'm not doing it you don't have a choice right it's a direct order yeah direct water well that's in the order you can shove directly up your ass Raven we want the red please the lieutenant's like Winston open your eyes Raymond I am Winston now that's what worries anyway you're one of them [Applause] Jackie how's it going man I got something man this could be big for us you said got that plane you were talking about yeah you win tonight drop by my place and I'll tell you all about it Oh bring a car okay mine's in the shop hey Jackie they take the Kennedy Town explain on the way like we're going down to the shipyard 18k bringing in a big ship in the jeweler goods prove big heist a cool to the States I guess they'll figure it'll be easy to sell here here it's good stuff diamonds rubies payday sure you want to do this maybe you should take a few days off looks at me [Music] deserve it I guess I don't know sometimes I wake up and I have this bad feeling this I've never had that before so I want this job low-key good payday cause to me she's good she's good I'm talking run along come on Jackie she was your dream girl yeah I know but maybe when we're done this job I'll give her one of the pieces that's great jack you know she'll love it wait till it gets dark here put this on yeah hey wait think about what you wanted after what all this not exactly cut out for anything else guess nothing you always have options big so I don't know way I don't know if that's the jewels are in the van over there by the continue that's luck the problem there heavy-duty tools in the shed just over there get the tools I'll scout the containers may be there when you have something [Music] the jewels were in the van boat with everybody I can do ok this thinks it could do in there's anyone around em and a couple 80k guys they're not armed though let's go [ __ ] Jack you sure they here [Music] [Music] great work man we got a month ok [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] it's an asphalt [ __ ] [Music] check it check it how you like that huh [ __ ] let's go fence the stuff it's the usual place fatwallet lamp shop let's go yeah I thought that was it for me I wouldn't leave you Jackie I know this damn way no matter what happens Jackie I won't leave you behind I always come back beep hey thanks ray wouldn't be here without you man I know it I'll always appreciate it I should be doing a better job getting you back it's not your fault way um you know thinking about a lot of things rethinking them maybe but not our friendship bad things that have happened they're my responsibility I know that [ __ ] it's ok wait no gotta say anything friends man friends don't move you're under arrest where are the others just me boys serious wait get down here Jesus Ricky what's happening [ __ ] where the [ __ ] this uncle pole I don't know where the [ __ ] is uncle Bo he's over there [Music] [Music] [Music] what is the easy 18 can't shut off the Papa uncle PO is on life support if we don't get back up our run it right away he won't make it here look there's a control station down the hall I'm on [Music] guys are beginning to annoy me let me lock this place up I'll take care of [Music] alright alright I'm coming back it's clear come on I think we're clear that was close nice work we just got lucky what was her backup I was looking out for us [ __ ] no one ever looks out for you in this town I don't know man feels like the game has changed used to be a brotherhood there was a code even amongst rival triads now we're killing each other at weddings even in a [ __ ] Hospital and for what let's get out of here more cops ghetto ghetto nope glad you showed up way you say you call me so what's next it's up to uncle PO but I'll guess a war I'm sorry what [Applause] [Music] so dog guises strength time from [Music] the 80k are getting out of hand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] God's Rock you're here cops might be watching place hey Ricky keep it tight there aren't that many decent guys left in this game alright see you bye well well well look who decided to join us that's good to see come on in you sure you don't want to [ __ ] a little before you start there's no problem at all I don't just have a swing by your hotel on the way to the studio yeah I'm good we could do a photo shoot or whatever and look I'm sure it'd be fun and all but that's not why I'm here dude you don't know what you're missing this baby will [ __ ] you in the way your wife never could Sonny this is way way the infamous Sonny wolf that's me infamous and notorious glad you could come by Ricky's told me all about you this is Kate was good he's producing Vivien news next big hit yeah it's gonna be high man way here's the real deal a bonafide tried killer from the streets cleavers guns castrations whatever you want wait why don't you take hang out on the town and show him around yeah anytime it's like one big playground man nothing's off-limits you want to pick up some girls get nasty done and we wait no one will bother you nobody [ __ ] with Sun on you yeah actually that sounds like doing my show me around yeah sure I wish I could go with you players but business call alright cool man yo it was real nice to meet you Sonny do it Ricky listen to this I've been thinking we need to get her movie row of some sort I think we'll start at the K bar the VIP rooms to give us what we need it's your town [Music] so you produce into sunny just this one time and that guy's a piece of work I'm glad you said it first buddy does good business makes everyone a lot of money as far as his personality goes fact is you know I got some other business to discuss but I don't think my partners back in the states will want to be a bad Rebecca what kind of business friends guys I grew up we got a real good import in retail good agent Prada you feel me some reason outside the produce next they are to me I guess this is gonna be like one of them old school business meetings will you show me around town me a good fit young man Kaiba good evening gentlemen we'd like the VIP karaoke room it's right this way [Music] don't tell me you love me as I sing to each other I mean I'm here for the local flavor but not bad though let me find us the right kind of audience [Music] hey there what's your name fat Jewish Scott I'm way so listen I saw you looking at my friend and I figured you realize he's a famous American celebrity and I just wanted to ask if you mind keeping it a secret how can I say no if you're not doing anything maybe I can buy you silence with a drink want to join us that's very nice of you so you from Russia yes call it a hunch are you yeah have a seat I'm gonna find a few more people to join us you okay miss I'm Sun on ye [ __ ] now get out of here before I break every bone in your body guys seem like he's getting a little [ __ ] well we get bit a lot you work here yes so you allowed to join the customers for a drink oh that sounds nice by the way I'm way I don't think I've seen you here before emiliana yeah yeah I usually don't come to places like this I'm here for my friend well if you ever want to hang out that place is not like this let me know I'd like that can I call you Thanks give me a call sometime I see Donna damn way who knew Hong Kong was full of such beautiful women friendly too how do you not know Hong Kong have beautiful girls you just had to come to the right place well I expect you girls to make sure King never makes that mistake again you can count on us baby we love America men don't we Tina alright wait hey why don't you show us what you got come on way let's see don't laugh I'll show you mine if you show me yours hey come to the picture this well you wait here has been promising me a taste of hard come I'll give you a taste you know what the state side have to take you to a little room in the back let me show you come on as best you know what you give good tourists where's my town least I can do oh wait don't think I'll forget that man see too many [ __ ] think oh yeah stand back stand back you're crazy - [ __ ] you got going on remind me not to [ __ ] shoot bye sue listen I'm going back and Rita sue my boys got the man food all right don't want to start slow I'm guessing they can move as much product as you can ship but this could be huge man these boys got some big ideas too I'm talking all the legit [ __ ] their money goes into gotta go somewhere you feel the defense back home or really crack it down brothers might be looking for little offshore - yeah we set that up kept his safe I still got contact stateside who could set up the other side of things Lucas said he what was good about everybody's a [ __ ] money you too can call the shots all right there you go thanks man I really appreciate it really it's real cool to meet you we see you around yeah for sure hopefully first night and many well Dan looks like this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship my man take care I don't mind you [ __ ] her is one of the perks but she has to understand the consequences if she disappoints me are we clear of course Sonny you're not getting attached are you man of your caliber you don't need to worry about that I hope not wait come in have a drink you have a [ __ ] some famous [ __ ] way not yet maybe one day it's a trip man let me tell you you drive by one of those billboards the size of a building and you tell yourself I'm going to a place bender over at the table and mmm and then you do it there's no other feeling like it yeah okay speaking of stars I need to go pick up Vivien that way do it you and I have more business to discuss how about it we think you can handle a smoking-hot starlet for the day sure you know as long as Ricky doesn't think I'm moving in on his territory no of course not here take my car you take good care of my little starlet go ahead and [ __ ] up you want just don't damage the goods who are you why Ricky sent me didn't he tell you no I was expecting Ricky everything okay everything is not okay is it wrong of me to want to see my boyfriend why do I put up with this no baby it's not wrong and you put up with it because Ricky loves you fun but what since your boyfriend isn't driving I get to sit in front why do the bad ones always I'm Sandra what's your name again it's way Ricky talks about him a lot oh all nice things I'm sure and you're here to basically do whatever we want something like that what do you have in mind do you have steady hands at high speed yeah absolutely yeah I can provide references if you like I usually talk him into one of those street races you always gone about [Music] so what's the deal way a gangster like Ricky he's not a gangster don't say that let's say I'm as much of a gangster that's too bad recently I've wanted to date a gangster well maybe I'll see if I can find one for you that would be nice what's Ricky doing anyways why is he too busy I don't know Sonny that guy's a creep and a perv sorry baby slap what do you do nothing but you tried party on Wallace Jones not [Music] sixteen I got so high that's him that's him pull-up [Music] hi Alex how are you huh this is your new boyfriend not yet why are you jealous oh this guy Hey so Sandra says you like to race how about it now if you win I'll let you take the girls home I'm not sure how much that's worth okay we race with the girls and a hundred thousand sure now take your money too you racing with the girls in your car the extra weight will slow you down idiots think of it as your headstart Alex because you're gonna need it [Music] [Music] you know how to drive [Music] the heart is beating so fast hey steady hands gotta give you that thanks I'll get a room you two [Music] [Applause] the police oh he lost something God nice work way you're driving us home reading books well the Sandcastle of the exciting plan I'm oli oh that's it just over there that was fun way Thanks any time Vivi's give way my number and tell me take me out on the second date Sandra says you can take her on a second date if you want yeah I got that thanks thanks for taking us out today it was my pleasure ah wave winning winning pudding kind of you to join me care for some tea I like your feet ha thank you two gents are seems to be getting very comfortable in his new position as temporary chairman too comfortable I hear that he is already planning to make it permanent she uncle Paul not recover big smiley we'll kill him before he let that happen indeed and that would allow me to take over the sonali himself that can't happen no it cannot turjun must go dan hi he must not be removed by force he must step down on his own after which there will be an election why would he sit down to cheat like the heroin so far he has managed to control his habit than hey anyone who indulges as he does lives permanently on the brink of an abyss I've arranged for the quality of his supply to improve and now he will give him a nudge over the edge okay well he is an immensely superstitious man oh my son obsessed with Fung Shui he cannot bear to have the slightest thing out of place for fear of the misfortune it will bring and you want me to make sure his luck turns bad very bad I like your style I will hey what's your problem kid mrs. Jen want you to talk to me hey you broken noses guy mrs. Jiang say you were going through something he told me to tag along give you a phone so yeah I hope so yeah the fire hose is huge in Hong Kong Louisa yeah I've been spending a lot of time reading about mr. Funimation nobody I killed you know what I mean [Music] goodbye mr. Chau have a nice day right on schedule usually goes gambling at this time - chin loses money fast we better hurry up now we can't do that find a way in come on okay get over to warn the neighbors yeah hello how's this we got a delivery for you really my husband didn't tell me he better not have ordered something stupid from the internet again [Music] reminds me of myself when I was Molly probably not as tall [Music] [Music] man if I were him I spent my money differently all right so [ __ ] what is stuff to make it seem like there's some coal ship don't you pull up those faces good idea we're some pretty unoriginal ghosts mr. Chow is that you anybody in there just stay calm so why do they call you old Salty craft well that wasn't restaurant guy talking funny click hey Tommy I could eat free at his restaurant until today that way I wouldn't cut off his hand like I normally would I had this every night yeah they used to call me salty crab after that then I got old I'm a sonogram down oh bugger couldn't one year those cards but I've been rigged I never had a game like that before never told Laurie Segall gonna why why did you stop it is your job to protect me is it [ __ ] rodents Oh what is this Garland's for look at this hope you let this happen it's all God - [ __ ] God - [ __ ] what do you want us to do boss you're out get out I need to think Julia I can say see you later kid all salty style hello wait miss Jiang how are you uncle he's dead we're making arrangements for the funeral things could get a complicated yes I'll be in touch of course whatever you need way how the date with Vivian go you want to be a new boyfriend relax Ricky I'm just making a joke so way you know Fifi meow you mean the movies done yeah I heard of her what's she doing these days she's doing another movie in the stripper assassin franchise but I want the role for Vivian that's a great idea that would be huge for Vivian yeah would help her profile are you going with Vivian to the release party yeah you're right good call we're releasing the track that King produced tonight you have a great time Hugh and the hottest on Hong Kong go have fun you know big smelly oh yeah we've crossed paths good we've got a joint venture making porn he brings the girls I bring the production and distribution I skim money I bet yeah Vivian pisses me off that's where she will end up but if there's more money if I keep her star I just have to make sure she doesn't flake out on me I want you to put some cameras up in an apartment I need it done right away can you organize that for me yeah of course honey I'll take care of it for you okay here's the address there's a box of stuff over by the elevator [Music] you look beyond beautiful tonight every time I looked at you all I could think was I can't believe she's real oh she's too perfect to be real seriously every woman wanted to be you and every guy wanted to well you know Ricky who's such a one-track mind Shh yes you know I like that okay but let me go freshen up first whatever you want baby I'm gonna go have a smoke [Music] yeah hey Sonny now everything was great yeah yeah he was there he was impressed he should have seen him oh and now that you mention it maybe I should check up on it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pendulum there you are are you [ __ ] crazy what the hell were you thinking arresting Jackie uh oh I thought we were past all that I just wanted to congratulate you on that business with tang good riddance now what about Sonny whoa anything new there what about Jackie huh [ __ ] pen Jew are you deaf no officer Shane I'm not but you clearly have forgotten who you're speaking to way forget about Jackie a moment whatever we can get to stick to Sonny whoa will obviously hurt big smile Lee and we both want that fine Sonny had me put up a hidden camera and Vivian Lou's bedroom she and Ricky nearly caught me he always did have a reputation with that sort of thing think you could get a copy of that are you [ __ ] kidding me she's got nothing to do with this [ __ ] this could be the piece that we're missing on Sonny can you get it all right but I want Jackie in return cut him loose very well get me the video and he walks I'll get it all right I have to go get me that video as soon as you can all right pin Joe I hope you're happy vivianne what are you doing here well Sonny says you've been really helpful to him and to me and I just wanted to thank you vivianne no wait wait what's this about nothing I just I just can't God but he's gonna kill me wait Sonny sent you here yeah don't you know that no what I just I can't do it anymore so you will just so you'll just have to get another girl look Vivian you don't need to not with me okay so you mean you're okay with it yeah it's okay well you're you're the first guy who's ever I mean thanks way where did you bring the video and Jackie done this should be all I need to put Sonny were away for a long time and with uncle PO dad wait how'd you hear about that good news travels fast I'll have Raymond arrange your debriefing congratulations way what are you sayin I'm saying it's over you've done your job it's time to come in it's not over not yet way the Sun on Yi is seriously crippled your mission was an unbelievable success I must admit I thought you'd be happy big smiley will take over it'll be even worse than it was under Pope I can't come in now I'm not finished yet I understand your personal reasons for doing this your history with the Sun on Yi this is why I selected you but you've done more than enough those are my orders [ __ ] your orders and [ __ ] you to Pendrell I came along to take down the Sun on you not to shuffle the deck Shen you're making a mistake way the Sun on Yi seriously big smile you'll be even worse than it was Shen you're making a mistake [ __ ] yours [ __ ] you to picture wait what do you want a friend Jackie has agreed he'll be walking down to Joe in a few minutes just thought you might want to be there to pick him up Thanks don't mention it Oh way good to see you man thanks for picking me up you're joking of course I'm gonna pick you up you're my boy you okay Jackie they treat you all right in there yeah I'm okay I got lucky someone convinced Ming's brother to say was alone was that you know I wish I'd thought of it though some lady Cobb wanted me to turn snitch tang something or another that's all this she could go [ __ ] herself let's move you heard about uncle Paulie right yeah where's the funeral so we should go get ready let's go I can't go to a funeral like this white [ __ ] like a suit or something there's something up [Applause] [Music] these are the latest perfect for you elegant but not too flashy you know never thought I'd be able to afford a suit a place like that sucks that I have to get it what happened uncle PO I think anyone knows yet that it was the 18k we got make those [ __ ] a fun it was used to be I think that was cool now sure one thing about whist too much time to think I don't know about this life anymore [Music] so I got cut up to do anything else but they're now going to you the nutria in this [ __ ] you know know me do thinking about that myself lately might be time for me to make a change [Music] [Applause] you may to help maybe all that talk about the big deal is just was it just [ __ ] yeah [Music] Minaya what the [ __ ] at the 18kg one here they're here to make a show well maybe to start a fight oh the Sun on ye leaders I hear in one place I don't think they expected the police to be here though never been happy to see the cops before hey wait a [ __ ] Sonny leave I'll undo you are [ __ ] arrest again Sonny whoa I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time yes and it'll make you look so good to your bosses they might even pat you on the head like an obedient dog right up until the time that I walk again not this time Sonny come on don't get your fancy shoes on muddy let's go boys we got what we came for we're leaving hey you you can't do this here it's a [ __ ] funeral goddamn police why don't you show some [ __ ] respect huh why don't you the 18k are about to do this city a great public service and anyone who stays here deserves everything they get the cops are leaving [ __ ] the 18-carat waters gonna get bloody come on Chubby's [ __ ] what it means to me synergy [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can't let this go on we have to deal with 18k and with the police we need a plan where's two children he's in seclusion seclusion he's in a hotel somewhere riding the white tiger that fat [ __ ] perhaps you are right brother Lee with uncle PO gone we now need a chairman who can lead us through this finally you're making some sense Chuck I am the strongest I am the most feared I say I should be chairman perhaps temporarily we should go wait we need to have a proper election that is the way it has always been done it's the Sun on you koha you a woman talking of cold you should never been allowed to be Sun audience but I was if my contribution to this organization have been significant with respect I have to agree with sister J we need to restore stability in water and that means clear thinking we should follow our tradition our tradition you've only been on son honey for a short time what do you know about our tradition nevertheless sister Jiang and brothers Channel we all have the [ __ ] election I'm warning you here and now making anyone other than me the Chairman's will be disastrous for son knowing everyone has a vote our tradition allows for tradition Ricky I only know it doesn't concern you Gary don't leave the harbor when you're done [Music] do you think it's over none yet they have some weapons in the tunnel you better take them Thanks you better lay low wait what's going on [ __ ] that I'm mrs. choose they're coming after everything we got what are these [ __ ] think they are big small these coming after us I guess he figures we can't vote against them if you dead big smile no no no I'm with you all the way boss but would you wait just for once and they can fight someone outside my own try it though [Music] [Applause] back alley what's the front I'll go check it out you stupid [ __ ] where's Wei Shen I got a message for him from big smile V yeah huh just a piece of [ __ ] I'm looking for you're going to vote for me you hear me you don't we're gonna [ __ ] you all your ancestors [Applause] oh wait [Music] get a load of this [Music] it see get in we gotta move what we're going we gotta get to Ricky I don't want him on big Halloween side how you gonna bring him over I got a 98 when I was Jackie Paulette no answer also I don't know what you think they might have gone after they went to mrs. Chu cuz they're going after anyone [Music] Ricky look easy we have to talk I got nothing to say to you calm down okay listen big smiley is coming after anyone who's your threat I work for Sonny whoa or Lee's biggest backers and unlike you I'm loyal to my friends Sonny told me about you and Vivian what Ricky I didn't do anything I swear it Sonny recorded a video of us together to blackmail me and now the police have it they're threatening to release it if I don't testify against Sonny what do you think Lee will do to her when he hears her you said know of all the people Sonny told me to be with way is the only one who said no the only one even you you didn't say no listen Ricky you have to choose if you back Sonny will probably ask you to kill her yourself or you can get her out of here keep her safe and Sonny stays in jail okay okay every way what about big smile Lee you let me worry about me [Music] listen up you better keep a low profile for a while yeah yeah all right see you you got a lot of nerve after that ship engine pulled at the funeral what he send you to finish the job Pedro doesn't know I'm here right I'm completely violating protocol look I never wanted you for this job because of what dog eyes did to your sister and how you handle things in San Francisco but you've done better than anyone could have expected I can only imagine the pressure you must have been under I'll get sappy on me now Raymond wait you cross pen drew he's cut you off this is your last chance to come in what but what's he gonna do arrest me call me a rogue cop I need you to be straight with me is he gonna blow my cover I don't know what he'll do not anymore wait just come back with me now you're a good man we can fix this smooth it over with the pen Jacky not now I'm busy [Music] look it's Jackie I need to go wait wait [Applause] [Music] order right there let him down losers try anything and your friend dies oh he's played where's Jackie go ahead the man is down there where's Jack you're as dumb as you look knew him you know [Music] what is Jackie you're never going to find him stop stop where's Jeff I don't know I don't know what they deal with him what do you mean you don't know I was just going to kill you I don't know anything about the other guy who does DeWine agent case Kevin Foster how do I get it I don't know tell me and I might let you live stupid [ __ ] I only talk to him on my phone yeah take it [Music] you are this is new shoes I work for horseface he's dead Shane killed them sin killed he landed in warhorse we said if the G I hope you're not afraid of ghosts I've come for you damn it [Music] [Music] salty this is way I need a boat and I need a gun can you meet me in Kennedy town and salty make it a big gun okay I don't want to [ __ ] around gun into the boat and request them thanks thanks this person Chucky Chucky [ __ ] okay I'm right here better gonna die like an animal man [ __ ] like a dog something call brother you ok I got you back [ __ ] how'd they get you man big smile a man sweat [ __ ] rabbit zero toss me updates he came in they use you to get me doing ambush big smile late nice tell the others what happened that'll be the end of me any [ __ ] they up done with all that man give me dead what do you want to do now Jackie the elections tomorrow I want to check out the build and make sure that big smiley isn't planning any surprises well we got some time to kill I don't know I almost bought it today man real I think I'm just gonna go take a walk or something got some [ __ ] think about sure man it's cool I'll see you tomorrow something all right do anything stupid Jackie Jackie [Music] oh yeah Jackie what [ __ ] Jackie [ __ ] hello mr. sin or should I say officers my name is mr. Tom perhaps you've heard of me [ __ ] you I'm no cop burn Jackie dinner things he was most loyal but then I expect you one that told me you must be a very dangerous man Wei Shen so a [ __ ] I'll kill you save your energy mr. [ __ ] you'll need it the last time I had in this chair lasted almost 48 hours would you like to try for new records I understand your personal reasons for doing this your history with the Sun on ye you do what must be done there were rumors before I'm done with you you will confound them and then you will die that's what worries me away you're one of them that's the attitude that makes us strong loyalty discretion John will be disgraced and big smiley will be elected head of the song on me call me when he comes around there's no right [ __ ] I suppose I should be impressed you're defeating my men like that I am NOT now where were we I see you've cut your way through the amateur but now I mature our determination is interesting [Music] sorry Jackie we fought the election you did this Lee and I'm coming for you [ __ ] next I wanted to peer and now making anyone other than me the chairman I'm watching you are an officer of the law same as me wait if you have a problem with me then let's put it out of self okay we don't need to bring this question used to be common I'm here for mr. Lee I take it you tied up that's what worries me lay your what we do CrossFit disgusting anything had this team there is big smiley [ __ ] rabbit pure toss me update ek you show your true colors tonight despite two points we must be united against our and face matter what happens acne I won't leave you behind I always come back huh don't be stupid I'm gonna kill you anyone who stays with should've quit while you had the chance gonna kill you some prize [ __ ] time to die leave [ __ ] you what your [ __ ] way little [ __ ] [Music] you're done piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] how does it feel big to know that your boss sold you out and [ __ ] your way almost as you [ __ ] Jackie you were supposed to die with Winston doll guys do that in that Pope guy talk huh [ __ ] worthless London girl but that's okay because I am gonna enjoy killing you myself [ __ ] you you want one they send gum how'd that feel yeah [Music] you [Applause] [Music] right hey easy there way this man is in my custody yes sir you okay yeah where's pendulum he's up for a promotion the Interpol he's done with us he's dirty Raymond he outed me to big smiley take it from me way whatever you heard it won't matter the only voice they hear is Pender's you did what you came here to do all right let's get you cleaned up [Applause] J the [ __ ] [Music] kupo pendulum what the hell superintendent Pendrell I'm surprised to see you you're the one who chased my boys away oh you know why I'm here I can imagine all sorts of reasons I'm sure you will tell me I'm moving on to greener pastures but not without taking care of some unfinished business with you and Sonny first we had a deal did we not Pendrell I gave you the three Tigers it made your career and I let you and Sonny continue operating a sacrifice you were willing to make at the time I'm putting Sonny away and with you gone I'll finish this once and for all the only difference between you and me is I know what I am [Music] Jesus Christ pendulum have got you you son of a [ __ ] what would you like me to say whatever I did I made Hong Kong a better place I serve the greater good but you you let them get to you you abandoned your duty officer and became one of them you deserve to be handed over to big smile Lee did I well pendra I guess everyone gets what he deserves including you you ready for life in prison what because all your old buddies are gonna be waiting for you I made sure they found out what you did to uncle PO that's a [ __ ] death sentence I no way you can't I won't last a day in there that's the plan inspector officer I just wanted to say thanks for what it's me you should be helping me close cases do something I could feel good about hell for helping me stay sane my pleasure so what are you gonna do now I don't know jobs over but I don't really have anywhere else to go it's trying to say it after all that's happened but Hong Kong kind of feels like home yeah but which Hong Kong officer and what about way chef he proved himself to be loyal to me one way or the other and isn't that what really matters leave him be yes drive
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 1,090,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, sleeping dogs movie, true crime hong kong, sleeping dogs definitive edition game movie, sleeping dogs all cutscenes, Sleeping Dogs (Video Game), sleeping dogs ps4, sleeping dogs xbox one, 1080p, true crime movie, true crime game movie, SLEEPING DOGS DEFINITIVE EDITION All Cutscenes (Game Movie) PS4 1080p HD, gamers little playground, sleeping dogs movie game, sleeping dogs movie donnie yen, sleeping dogs movie 1977
Id: m9hW5vy10OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 11sec (11351 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 28 2014
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