Sleepcore: Nightmares of the Nuclear Age!

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foreign civil defense is government operating in an emergency situation looks pretty bad right now we don't know exactly what's happening but we do have planes over Alaska and Canada ladies and gentlemen you've heard the reports that enemy planes are approaching in less than three hours an h-bomb might fall over Portland Mr Jack Lowe our civil defense director will coordinate activities here Jack what's the situation Mr Mayor according to our latest reports from ConEd enemy planes are still headed this way at 450 knots that will put them just about there on the Alaska Canadian border I'd say we still have about two and a half hours if Portland is where they intend to make a drop what's the condition of the evacuation movement well we have very scanty reports now because it's only been 15 minutes but we can check with the police and with the traffic engineer and see if we get what information we have I have no information yet as to how it's progressing by 10 55 the heads of Utilities Red Cross military liaison Civil Air Patrol weather bureau and All City departments are functioning as a civil defense team while City commissioners and Bureau heads remained behind working with their departments at the emergency seat of government their families are among those evacuating by 11 the operations officer is receiving reports on the evacuation of the city and he is the reporter of the day traffic time weather and in the operations Center's broadcast studio the time is the time is 11 10. this is an official Civil Defense broadcast enemy aircraft are over Canada and headed this way normal broadcasting has been discontinued until after this emergency has passed you are now tuned to Connell rad and will receive official information and instruction on this frequency keep your radio tuned to this frequency remember there is a traffic plan for the evacuation of the city all cars in the downtown area must follow the green light they will lead you out of the danger area by the quickest route do not try to cross the flow of traffic follow the green light turn with traffic proceed with care John Carpenter a sportscaster becomes the warning voice the people of Portland know his voice trust it in 1955 Portland held a practice Mass evacuation The Heart of the City was cleared in 34 minutes it's safe to say that practice evacuation will be responsible for saving a great many lives this day should the bomb fall many will be killed the more that move out of the city the greater the chances of pedestrians are helped out of the city the great dangers are jam ups and bottlenecks foreign over the city a police helicopter reports traffic movement to the operations center [Music] one to dispatcher copter one go ahead Barbara's leaving traffic moving very slowly Bumper to Bumper to just one or two lanes be diverted East on Hamilton cover 10-4 11 31. foreign [Music] at the operations center police chief Hill Bruner receives a suggestion and with traffic engineer Fred Fowler he works out a way to divert traffic motorcycle policemen are sent to split the load onto a side road there's no way of knowing if Portland actually is an enemy Target but with three hours of warning and the time the time fading fast it's vital that all roads lead to safety but all roads be kept open allowing people to evacuate from the potential Target area time County and State Police Halton divert incoming traffic away from the target area fire and Utility Equipment must be available to move back into the city to restore services and sell trucks of all sizes of all varieties feed the points outside the city by a detailed Clan by 11 45 the men and Equipment have arrived at the dispersal areas away from the target auxiliary police and auxiliary firemen are also in action it's a serious business man we anticipate a task secure your vehicles as best you can turn off the ignition put on the tarps on the fire apparatus take the radiation instruments with you move immediately to dispersal area move as quickly as you can to dispersal cover I say again move to this person cover [Music] [Applause] around the dispersal area in local public buildings emergency kitchens are in operation [Music] rumors are everywhere facts are hard to find but back underground at the operations center with time running out only facts are considered according to information we have just received from Western Air Defense command the situation Remains the Same enemy aircraft are still approaching in this direction if they continue on this same course we can expect an attack in this area anytime after 21 47 Greenwich time that is 1 47 p.m Pacific Standard Time and now I would like a brief situation report from all departments on how we stand first John what is the Fallout situation well Jack according to our latest whether information the winds will continue in a northeasterly direction at about 10 knots let's face facts gentlemen if we have a blast on target downtown Portland it'll be hours and probably days before we can get back in engineering Gordon Bert we have reports that 80 percent of the city-owned Public Utility Equipment have been successfully evacuated from the city however there is one group of electric company trucks caught on the west side we're working now on a plan to get them out Fire Department chief Simpson dispersal plan to their respective dispersal points engine 24 and engine 30 are currently fighting a residential fire and they will stay on the job until this fire has been controlled police chief Hill Bruner as for police activities the city is about 65 evacuated traffic appears to be moving at about 15 miles an hour outbound the state and County Police have set up an effective roadblock diverting inbound traffic thus enabling us to use all lanes for outbound traffic emergency medical Dr Meador City hospitals are continuing to evacuate emergency Hospital units are functioning in Forest Grove and mount Angels others should be heard from soon you might be interested knowing that in route one boy and Twins were born Gus Lang welfare as the reports continue it is obvious that the Portland plan is working smoothly only seven years earlier Portland had no civil defense it was then that the idea that civil defense was not to be separated from normal government evolves and in 1952 a one mil tax levy to finance the plan was put on the ballot by a unanimous decision of the city council after civil defense leaders went out and campaigned the people voted to tax themselves to protect themselves and later the city Charter was amended to assure continuity of government so that in an emergency like this should the executive branch become casualties they would automatically be replaced by a legally established line of succession of other experienced City officials the people has now and after the emergency are assured of continuity of their government schools report complete evacuation there's no Panic among the children they've rehearsed this before reports from Industries indicate approximately 90 percent evacuation I think we're doing quite well and so at 125 with some 22 minutes till Zero Hour Portland seems to be doing quite well should a bomb fall now City officials and city services will be able to carry on in the meantime vital messages are passed on to maintain contact with State and County headquarters foreign [Music] w7saa from w7bs upstairs in this unique underground operations center an emergency telephone system is functioning and the details of evacuation are reported and relayed part of the civil defense Levy went to a comprehensive microfilming project supervised by Will Gibson City auditor more than 3 million documents and records that go back to the first handwritten city council minutes in 1851 have been microfilmed duplicates of laws and the engineering records without which the city cannot function are here and so in time of disaster records are preserved and now with a moment to breathe some can take time for coffee in a built-in cafeteria it's time to talk with families which have been evacuated and it's time to be alone and think of the future there's even time for those who need it now to rest 300 can live here for a week eat sleep and breathe the Operation Center has its own water supply its own electric power even its own purified air at 1 30 on this day called X the air outside is strange and silent almost all its people have gone [Music] and at 1 32 as directed by the mayor the siren sounds once more take cover the evacuation is stopped and there is nothing to do but wait back in the operations center the day called X reaches its climax time now 147. enemy bombers are probably overhead [Music] foreign [Music] we leave you to contemplate but one thing is certain Portland has a plan for the survival of its people and the continuity of its government you know actually the survival of this entire nation depends upon the ability of federal state and local governments to carry out their responsibilities in the event of a massive nuclear attack each new scientific development in the weapons of war presents A new challenge and the people of Portland through through working together they're ready If there really were a day called X how about you you're watching sleep core pleasant dreams [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign s and when we moved into Japan a month or so later we saw firsthand that we'd been mighty convincing we saw a lot of this and some of this sort of gave a guy the shakes that isn't to leave what happened foreign I have this Gizmo fixed in a second then put on something easier to take a rooting tooting westerns of men fighting out the old-fashioned way yeah I know that Adam business why not it's our business you saw what happened in Japan what if it happened here what would you men do well that's easy I'd go see a tailor Taylor sure have my uniforms altered have them cut to let my wings out all God's children's got them you know I'd take music lessons on the harp naturally well I've nah that wouldn't do I think I'd you tell us okay come on learn and live Target for today this doesn't represent any place in particular it's typical and it's important for shipping by both water and by rail for factories for its big business it's the kind of a city an enemy would want to knock out but where he might drop an egg an atomic egg what an omelette that'd make okay with us in it maybe but not necessarily look I won't kid you about the A-bomb I've seen what it can do in Japan bikini and a we tuck deadly it's like a woman that I'd have to see I mean never underestimate its power don't lose your head use it figure that an atomic bomb dropped on a large modern city like this might kill 50 000 people that figure might be cut down terribly if folks were properly schooled in individual protection hand yourself right and you've got a good chance of coming through do the wrong things and you've got a future like an ice cube and a hot toddy get panicky and get hurt forget about such things as the proper outfits to wear light loose clothes to protect you against Flash Heat the enemy was thoughtless he didn't send you a formal announcement of the big blowout and you're no quick change artist poser taken by surprise and while we're supposing let's go all the way figure that this is the real article not just a model and you're there okay you're in this town in your honor making the best of those three rights they can't take away from you you're enjoying life [Music] you're enjoying Liberty you're pursuing happiness whatever shape it comes in [Music] foreign you're doing all right when the other guys around and he means business so get going remember you're off base you've just got time to save yourself drop whatever you're doing find the nearest hole and make like a mole a Subway is okay [Music] stay out of flimsy buildings they give bad protection foreign 's fine preferably under a solid well-constructed building and the safest positions are near strong supporting columns are next to the walls protected from falling bricks and two by fours if there's no underground shelter handy pick a room in a good building close to the ground it ought to be airtight and light proof as possible with the doors shut windows closed and blinds drawn [Music] in 1940 London survived a terrific blasting from the Nazi bombers and one of the reasons was that folks did just what I'm telling you now pretty crowded down in those shelters there wasn't much fresh air there's more of it up above but fresh air isn't important not unless you're still breathing [Music] [Applause] do what those people did and you're on the right track [Music] World War II bombs were cream puffs compared to what you may be up against defensive measures are about the same the blast of an ordinary bomb kills and destroys [Music] an a-bomb's kick is much worse the old horse and buggy bomb was hot stuff a bomb is hotter so when you get the warning don't stop to ask what's cooking might be you the big idea if you've got time enough to swing it is to Shield Yourself by thick strong heavy material like reinforced concrete from the a-bombs blast and Heat do that and you'll also be protecting your hide from its radiations a lot of people including you men fairly new to the service got the notion that radiations are like the double whammy turned on by evil life legal the comic strip character irresistible I mean well you're wrong they're Mighty penetrating and deadly but they can be stopped authorities know exactly what it takes just what thickness of steel concrete or wood will do the trick but you're no Authority even if you were you haven't got your tape measure or calipers with you even if you had them you wouldn't have time to use them you're just a guy trying to get along and fast a heavy war between you and the source of the blast will cut off most of the radiation barrage but you don't know where the source will be and radiations can scatter and bounce off the air the way a basketball bounces off the backboard what you want then is a spot that Shields you above and all around that's if you can find it without wasting time comfortable in the open so what do I do play dead right or maybe you will be if there was a ditch handy you'd flop in it but there isn't so Hit the Dirt like men did in World War II lie flat face down cover the exposed parts of your body The bomb's Flash heat is rugged don't get curious and look around its light can blind you temporarily [Music] you all with me fine now we're about as ready as we can be for the fireworks bombs away just one I want you to visualize what would happen if the enemy somehow slipped it through our defenses that it's about as powerful as the ones we used in Japan and that he wants it to explode about two thousand feet above the city right about here [Music] the spot directly below the blast which we call Ground Zero is just that a goose egg a lot of nothing and out to a mile or more the destruction's terrific with only a few strong structures surviving [Music] damage naturally Peters out from Ground Zero but all big explosions are affected by obstacles such as Hills behind a hill may be a building that came through okay while further out in the open will be another that went to pieces the fire started don't exactly follow the rule book either in here you might get a frying pan back here of Fire I've got a very messy picture me too and where do we fit into this you'd be all right if you found a good spot underground and reinforced concrete shelters give good protection close to Ground Zero yeah but what about me I'm the guy caught out in the open stretched across Mother Earth's left how am I doing if you were near Ground Zero within three quarters of a mile from it and completely exposed you'd be a dead duck a roasted duck and you'd also get a fatal dose of radiation so what any weapon even a knotted club might kill you if you're unlucky enough to be in the wrong place a safe might fall on your head accidentally you particular how it happens but if you're far enough away you'd come through in good shape and you'd be over the hump so far as you're concerned the bomb shot its big wad of blast heat and immediate radiation it goes on sending out rays and particles but they're rising harmlessly in about two minutes after the explosion the area underneath the burst will be free from dangerous radiation and you can enter it you've probably got military duties to perform there's a lot of relief rescue and policing work to be done so after waiting a couple of minutes get moving okay we survived that one now let's put ourselves on the spot again use our heads and our imaginations a bit more because maybe the enemy decides to set off a submarine bomb maybe he sneaked it into the harbor on an innocent looking traitor and planted it underwater [Music] authorities figured it'd have to be plenty deep for the bomb to do its worst we're going to suppose it's deep enough now chances are you wouldn't get any warning about this baby [Music] you'd sure see it though you wouldn't worry about being blasted or burned by a submarine explosion but watch out for the fog and mist it's radioactive packed with poison and it moves fast foreign if you saw it advancing on you a mile away you'd have about 30 seconds to take cover make for the nearest entrance but be horrible about it [Music] that fog has contaminated everything it touched with radioactive matter which we'll call Hot Stuff although it hasn't anything to do with its temperature don't be in a hurry to leave your shelter wait till the fog disappears then wait a bit longer if you can it cools off a lot the first few minutes after the blast gets less dangerous [Music] it'd be best to wait until the radiological defenseman come around to tell you what to do but if you've got to go the right way your handkerchief makes a pretty fair filler breathe through it be quick or be sick the faster you pass through a contaminated place the less you expose yourself to Radioactive poisoning move cross wind as much as possible take advantage of cover of passageways protected from contamination [Music] don't collect souvenirs like watches and coins they may be hot you've gotten out of the danger zone your head's in its usual place your skin still fits you've got your normal coat of arms and legs souvenirs you'll get some real pleasures out sooner or later you'll run into the radiological defense monitors they're the detectives of this Atomic business with their instruments they examine everything for radiation contamination including you [Music] if your uniforms are hot they'll end up same as clothes after a skirmish with a skunk they'll go to the laundry if they're not too hot or if they're too badly contaminated they'll be buried or dumped at sea and you'll give yourself the soap and water treatment to remove any radioactive stuff you might have collected from then on you'll watch your step first report to the nearest military officer or Organization for instructions as soon as they tell you to rejoin your own organization your commander on the advice of the radiological defense people will tell you which areas are safe to enter and which aren't they'll also advise them on the food you eat and the water you drink you'll be careful about getting radioactive material inside you can get there by breathing dust eating or through breaks in the skin you'll be told how to prevent overexposure to the stuff how much of it can a guy stand how much whiskey will it take to knock a guy in his ear well that depends it sure does but the defense people can tell you what the safe limits are and they'll keep checking in order to determine those limits the odds on your surviving an a-blast depend a lot on you okay Sarge right get panicked you're fat headed and you'll probably have a new title the lake John Doe which isn't exactly a promotion use your Think Tank follow the rules and you might live to look it over [Music] that's the picture man [Music] you're watching sleep core media for insomnia foreign this our country and all its people could be in danger of nuclear attack in minutes by enemy missiles in hours by enemy aircraft our cities our Farms our factories prime target would be our air bases with all our aircraft on the ground our weapons of interception or retaliation not instantly available we might face another and infinitely more costly Pearl Harbor [Music] to avoid surprise disaster some of our aircraft must always be in the sky or on the alert carrying nuclear weapons these weapons are always unarmed they will be armed only following a decision by the president of the United States only these ready aircraft with nuclear weapons can form our first line deterrent force in peacetime our sure striking force in case of attack [Music] we the American people understand and accept this necessity for our survival but we want to know the facts about one question in danger of nuclear explosion and radioactive fallout if one of these airplanes Should Crash or one of these nuclear weapons accidentally dropped [Music] to give you the facts the United States Air Force presents [Music] this bomber carries a nuclear weapon it is a well-designed carefully maintained skillfully flown airplane but airplanes just like it have crashed and burned there was no nuclear explosion no radioactive fallout these are the facts the Bombardier watches over controls as safe as human Ingenuity can make them to prevent accidental Bomb release but nuclear weapons have been dropped inadvertently there was no nuclear explosion no radioactive fallout these are the facts and specially instrumented aircraft verify these facts In A continuing nuclear safety program the tests are nuclear weapons under control conditions that simulate every conceivable hazard vital to this nuclear safety program is Air Force special weapons Center at Albuquerque New Mexico here in Ultra Modern laboratory buildings work scientists in and out of uniform [Music] they work with the incredibly complex equations of nuclear physics which derive from Einstein's famous relationship of Mass to energy these cryptic figures programmed into lightning-fast computers are the theoretical base upon which these scientists together with those of the atomic energy commission can build nuclear weapon safety [Music] research design development and laboratory tests they ensure weapons not yet built against accidental nuclear explosion they have been doing this successfully since 1945 in safety conferences with other defense department agencies and the atomic energy Commission in 13 years there have been a few accidents but not one has resulted in nuclear explosion or radioactive fallout these are the facts what keeps our nuclear weapons safe to understand why there has never been an accidental nuclear explosion you must first know how these explosions can be produced the general principles of nuclear explosions any explosion is the result of a very Rapid Release of a great amount of energy conventional explosions result from the rearrangement of whole atoms in some explosive material for example in tne the rearrangement of whole atoms of hydrogen carbon nitrogen and oxygen produces explosive force on the other hand nuclear explosions result from the rearrangement within each atom this may be a joining together or a fusion as in an h-bomb or the splitting apart or fission as in an A-bomb at present an ace bomb explosion starts with fission so the splitting of the nucleus of the atom is the basic principle of nuclear weapons all matter is composed of one or more of the 100 odd elements of these the atoms of the metals uranium and plutonium can be most readily efficient to cause nuclear explosion these elements are mildly Radioactive they emit short-range low penetration alpha particles while in their unfissioned state these alpha particles do not have the harmful effects of the longer range and stronger gamma rays which are given off by certain elements such as radium or by the products of nuclear fission the atoms of uranium and plutonium are among the heaviest heavy because the nucleus of each atom contains large numbers of the fundamental particles called protons and neutrons when a free Neutron hits this nucleus it splits into two parts releasing more neutrons which may go on to split other nuclei the resulting fission products become highly radioactive emitting the long-range and dangerous gamma rays the split nucleus weighs less than the whole one and this difference in weight is released in the form of energy nuclear energy after fission harmful gamma radiation before fission innocuous Alpha radiation foreign to build up a nuclear energy release the fashionable material must be of a certain size shape or density then one of the neutrons escaping from a split Atomic nucleus will in turn split another and a chain reaction is set up the mass is now releasing nuclear energy but not quickly enough to cause a nuclear explosion this condition is called critical if the mass is now suddenly increased so that more neutrons are trapped each time an atomic nucleus is split a multiplying chain reaction is maintained now the mass is super critical causing a nuclear explosion intensity of the fissionable material can be as important as mass in building up a nuclear explosion the same sphere can be compressed so that the atoms are closer together and neutrons split more Atomic nuclei making the smaller Mass critical if compressed still more a multiplying Chain Reaction sets in causing the mass to become supercritical in a nuclear explosion nuclear weapons make use of both of these principles a gun type device can increase the mass of fissionable material to a supercritical state instantaneously one subcritical mass is propelled forcibly into another by an ordinary Potter charge The increased Mass becomes supercritical a multiplying Chain Reaction builds up until the nuclear explosion obviously if any mechanical device keeps these two subcritical masses apart the weapon is nuclear safe applications of this fact prevent accidental nuclear explosions in gun type weapons another kind of nuclear weapon is the implosion type it compresses the fashionable material to Greater density to make it super critical this the sphere is enclosed by a shell of ordinary explosive designed to direct its explosive force inward this effect is called implosion The Detonator is attached to the explosive are connected to a complex firing device which can fire every Detonator simultaneously when all the explosive is detonated simultaneously the nuclear material is compressed into a supercritical mass which results in a nuclear explosion implosion type weapons are nuclear safe because only the specially designed firing device can produce the simultaneous detonation of all the ordinary explosive a deliberate effect Possible only by the precise firing mechanism should a single Detonator be fired accidentally whether by malfunction crash impact or fire the explosive would not provide the all-around compression necessary for implosion instead it might push the nuclear material out of the shell break it into small pieces or even burn it this unfiction material emits only alpha particles because no nuclear explosion has taken place these alpha particles do not penetrate the skin the simplest precautions can prevent their intake into the body and the simplest cleanup measures can remove them so you see each type of nuclear weapon has its own safeguards against accidental nuclear explosion these are the facts and they are based upon practice as well as Theory especially instrumented aircraft fly the tests that verify what happens inside a weapon what accident hazards the nuclear components may have to withstand [Music] nuclear safety is everybody's business although Air Force flies the test missions scientists and technicians from the atomic energy commission and other services man the test range and evaluate the findings of the elaborate instrumentation drop tests measure impact characteristics of various weapon types are made without nuclear components so that this precious material is not wasted they supplement the detonation tests that have been made with the complete nuclear weapons impact or shock does not cause nuclear explosion or radioactive fallout foreign [Music] explosive which is an essential part of nuclear weapons the ordinary explosive in a nuclear weapon can be a hazard exactly as in a conventional bomb depending upon the amount and location of the explosive and the speed and height of the drop we may experience a variety of ordinary explosions large ones small ones or none at all from impact of the bomb beside the hazard of impact frequent tests are run on the hazard of Fire to learn what temperatures and pressures would be created inside a weapon by an aircraft fire various types of bombs are subjected to a flame bath of burning fuel because fire would also destroy the precious nuclear material it is replaced by instruments their readings are compared with known characteristics of the fissionable material to assure the temperatures higher than any aircraft fire will not set off a nuclear explosion the characteristic White Plain indicates that the ordinary explosive is burning in the weapons sometimes the explosive detonates because of close confinement and intense heat the effects of such explosions are measured and compared with those in an actual nuclear weapon fire and ordinary explosives do not create the conditions necessary for nuclear explosion these are the facts and on the vast desert ranges of the atomic energy commission the facts are verified by safety testing live prototypes of all new weapons before they go into production for our stockpile the tests are costly in money and Manpower even more costly in the fissionable materials on which our nuclear strength depends but they do provide insurance against nuclear accidents which make them a bargain at any price some take place deep in the Earth fantastically complex instruments replace the five senses they record what happens when some of the explosive that surrounds the nuclear material of a new weapon is deliberately detonated they record only an ordinary explosive blast a random detonation has not created the implosion which would compress the nuclear material to a supercritical mass there was no nuclear explosion no radioactive fallout each new design must be proved nuclear safe able to withstand accidents fire or random explosive other tests with nuclear weapons are made above ground these are also designed to test the nuclear safety of new weapon types by intentionally detonating the explosive which surrounds the fissionable material sometimes these tests also provide data on the side effects to be expected if sufficientable material is broken up by the explosion air Samplers and test pads are used to gauge the area intensity and duration of these side effects in this way they learn not only what does not happen when a charge is deliberately fired but what does the explosive does break up the nuclear material and Scatter parts of it over a small area this fashionable material is mildly Radioactive if the explosion or fire should suspend any of this material in dust or smoke it should not be inhaled or otherwise taken into the body in quantity that is why the trained monitoring and cleanup Crews May wear respirators until air Samplers or Alpha counters have determined that no injurious concentration exists the alpha particles emitted do not penetrate skin or clothing so this material is harmless when on the ground only simple cleanup measures are necessary plus an effort to find and save the valuable material the findings from all tests set up to measure possible radiological Hazard are no external radioactive hazard from material on the ground slight radioactive hazard from prolonged inhalation of materials suspended in a small area near the accident but none from the short exposures necessary for firefighting rescue or cleanup of the small area involved these are the facts facts that have dispelled the Fearsome myths about accidents involving nuclear weapons for anyone near an accident whether or not the crashed airplane carries a nuclear weapon here are the safe and simple rules stay away from the crash unless you are needed for rescue bystanders endanger themselves and hamper others to be safe keep at least a quarter of a mile away from any burning airplane at this distance you are safe from the Flames which may explode the jet fuel from detonating explosives and from flying debris these are the real dangers in rescue or firefighting as they have always been the trained men who bear these responsibilities know how to do their job and get quickly away from all these hazards after the emergency is over the area is monitored for radioactive material and if necessary cleaned up by specially trained teams other Specialists care for burned or undetonated pieces of ordinary explosive until this is done access to any crash area is controlled to prevent accidents and speed up the work the tests you have seen have proved the safety of our nuclear weapons program over and over again but the Grim reality is the payoff how safe is a nuclear bomber coming in for a crash landing [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] not the impact of the crash landing nor the fire which often follows not even detonation of the ordinary explosive in the weapon cause nuclear explosion or radioactive fallout the safety that was designed in during research built in during development proved in the laboratory and on the Range has withstood the ultimate tragic tests these are the facts they prove that you the American people can stay both safe and strong safe because the weapons your Air Force must carry have been tested nuclear safe the possibility of an accidental nuclear explosion is so small as to be practically non-existent because an Air Force nuclear-armed and combat ready stands guard against surprise attack under the shelter you and your family may live in peace free from the fear of nuclear accidents
Channel: picsandportraits
Views: 73,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sleepcore, nuclear, retrofuturism, retro futurism, atomic age, mid century, mid century modern, nightmares, nuclear age, 50s, 1950s, industrial films, cold war, fall asleep, vaporwave, asmr, 1950s propaganda films, atomic, atom bomb, fallout, aesthetics, old military training videos, atomic era, cold war era, cold war era propaganda, atomic cafe
Id: YktmD8_JC7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 46sec (3286 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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