H Bomb: The Cold War Weapon That Could Wipe Out All Life | M.A.D World | Timeline

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this channel is part of the history hit Network [Music] is changed Forever by a new technology clear two superpowers dominate the world missing the other in a state of neither War nor this is the story of the Cold War how the push of one button could lead to Total Global destruction together we shall save our planet for Together We Shall Perish in its place struggle between two political systems caused caused by was very much part of the Cold War the world was created which lived in constant fear [Music] Mad World mutually assured destruction in this episode a hydrogen bomb a thousand times more destructive than the first atomic bomb the shock waves of the world's first h-man Rush towards the onlookers and Spellbound they watch something never seen before because it was the Cornerstone of mutually assured destruction a new war brings the world to the brink the unexpected entry of 300 000 red Chinese Across The Manchurian border May well precipitate World War III Western countries joined forces against the USSR if one NATO nation is attacked it is in effect declaring war on the whole of NATO and no one trusts anyone the man forgets about it you know the kind of paranoia and all that because it's a different world it's different mindset completely [Music] summer 1949 the USA is the only country in the world in possession of the atomic bomb each one can vaporize over 70 000 people SSR has the largest armed forces in the world many believe they plan to use them to expand their territory that Europe would have been communised like Czechoslovakia and London under bombardment some time ago but for the deterrence of the atomic bomb in the hands of the United States you know competitive advantage is a very difficult thing to keep whether it's a business-person country the atomic bomb makes the West feel safe that's secure feeling is about to be blown away the stunning Mutual has the atom bomb and has exported it bursts on America Russia's first bomb is codenamed first lightning it is detonated on the 29th of August 1949 in what is now Kazakhstan if you love history then you'll love history hit our extensive library of documentary features everything from the ancient origins of our earliest ancestors to the daring mission to sink the bismar history hit has hundreds of exclusive documentaries with unrivaled access to the world's best historians we're committed to Bringing history fans award-winning documentaries and podcasts that you cannot find anywhere else sign up now for a free trial and timeline fans get 50 off their first three months just be sure to use the code timeline at checkout foreign you got that sense of humanity being in danger of annihilation Stalin knew about it Russians were already working on a similar kind of a project and we're provided some information by the their own spies and by willing parties in the United States who felt that the Cold War had to be a bit more balanced that they didn't like the fact that America was the only one possessing the super weapon it may well have taken him another five or ten years to develop that capability on their own now Russia has the secret it was of course inevitable but President Truman's announcement came as a bit of a shock to many of us people in the west are chilled by the news of the Soviet bomb their cities are now under the shadow of this horrific weapon that all atom installation by constant Target writers and they have orders to shoot to kill at any suspicious rate every inch of the Hanford plant is patrolled from the air and for the most up-to-date roadblock watch the following scenes [Music] now the Soviets have the bombed Cold War has begun in earnest both sides have the means to destroy entire cities with one stroke it was the Cornerstone of mutually assured destruction the Soviet Union and its agents have destroyed the independence and Democratic character of a whole series of nations in Eastern and Central Europe but will the USSR stop there troops are building up in Eastern Europe are they there to enforce Soviet domination or are they preparing to attack it is this ruthless course of action then the clear design to extend Ed that have brought about the critical situation in Europe today the countries of Western Europe are too small to defend themselves if attacked a pact is drawn up to use U.S military might to protect Western Europe representatives of Europe's anti-communist Nations re recently met Mr edgeson the medical secretary of state to discuss military aspects of the North Atlantic pact in Washington vital it had various Clauses and Clause 4 stated if one NATO nation is attacked it is in effect declaring war on the whole of NATO and all of NATO countries will come to the defense of that country and deter the aggressor 12 Nations sign NATO the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Washington the signing ceremony of the North Atlantic Treaty was inaugurated by Secretary of State Dean Atchison I welcome warmly to our country and our capital the foreign ministers who have assembled here to sign the North Atlantic Treaty our peoples do not want war and do not glorify War but they will not shrink from it if aggression is threatened the NATO alliance unifies the Armed Forces of Western Europe into one giant military force the USSR sees it as preparation for war those who claim that this treaty is an aggressive act a part of the Nations that is absolutely untrue for us war is not inevitable American Arms and men are moved to Europe we have to work on their territory so there was greater cooperation and in general it was a good counter measure to the superiority of weapons and people that the Soviet was so backed at the Soviet Union and the Warsaw packed forces were not happy about NATO they would have preferred NATO was not as strong as United Britain France and their allies now have access to the latest in American Military technology he has an enlarged 16 millimeter film of an ejector seat demonstration by the American Air Force the fast speeds at which jet planes now travel make ordinary mailing out impractical the Americans call this Tarzan the bullseye bomb although at first sight it may look like any other Blockbuster you'll soon see how it differs as a B-29 superfort takes it up for target practice the bomb in fact is a radio-directed missile watch it on the way down and you'll see it move over to the right in response to remote control but when it hit the bullseye yes there's absolutely no doubt about that it's right on the beat [Music] [Music] June 1950. atomic bombs will be shipped across the Pacific ready for use since the end of World War II the nation of Korea has been divided the Communist North and the capitalist South Korea of course was a dictatorship and there were many people there both sides want a United Career on their terms there'd been lots of saber rattling on both sides so both the North had been you know threatening to invade and the South had also been you know threatening to march to Pyongyang and so on South Korean Villages awoke to a world suddenly filled with noise the Communists may fall by months of small-scale rating across the 38th parallel and finally launched their undeclared all-out war of Conquest the north is alive with the Soviet Union Pro USA South Korea is caught unprepared soldiers of the South Korean army are here seen on their way to the front hopelessly equipped against the Russian armed Northern Communists they fought into laying action as best they could we're headed by Tank the red forces had moved swiftly in two days they were attacking the capital city itself the Korean war was actually the Cold War getting a little hot soul is quickly captured by the North Koreans the United Nations is not even five years old but it responds immediately within two days the order goes out to send U.N troops into Korea a United Nations force was created although it was very much directed by the United States un involvement was critical because it gave us legitimacy the peoples of the Free World acting out of the United Nations have given their answer and the United States in a swift low decision has already gone into action so the United Nations actually very soon after its creation becomes a competent in a war it's not in a peacekeeping role it's actually on one side in the war and that has very long-term implication throughout the Free World these moves to Halt the reds are welcomed whatever the consequence is despite the bravado the United Nations Frontline troops are Dangerously undersupplied we were not prepared we found ourselves out maneuvered out equipped but soon more troops from across the globe arrive they go to play their very important part in the latest battle against communist domination did my elder brother fought in the Korean War as a national service Soldier but he doesn't say much about it because it was real hell support from the USSR for North Korea quickly becomes obvious yes the North Korean pilot who flew across in a russian-built mig-15 jet fighter to surrender to the United Nations also in the bag is this russian-built armored car together with a 76 millimeter field gun those markings clearly show its Soviet origin this is not just a Korean War it is a proxy war a struggle between the USSR and the West on Korean soil like to ask who's troops are attacking deep in the country of somebody else who has the influence and the power to call off the invading Northern Korean army Soviet Union a tenth of the Korean population will die soldiers from 16 U.N member countries will serve from the UK and Canada to Turkey Thailand and the Philippines tens of thousands of troops from all over the world will be killed or seriously injured I saw three tanks they cut loose with machine gun fire shooting my left forearm completely off I fell on the ground and was trying to crawl away when I noticed one of the red uh crawl out of his tank and came up over me and fired three shots down at my chest and which one of them came out in the front then a surprising turnaround one of movitone's cabinet man flew with a recent Mission carrying supplies to a United Nations Battalion completely surrounded by the enemy ammunition food and water were accurately dropped by Parachute less than six months into the war the U.N troops have the upper hand first pictures of the reoccupation of Seoul by South Koreans show Marines of the Republic engaged in Street actions following the brilliant work of the American Marine Advance guards these troops were mopping up stragglers interrogating and searching North Koreans throughout the city the capture of Soul had been a tough job and it was inevitable that many civilian casualties should occur in the process some estimates indeed have put them at over twenty thousand and now with United Nations sanction comes the crossing of the 38th parallel to finish the story of North Korean aggression as U.N troops surge forward reports from the front line are full of confidence the shattered Communist forces are pulling back into the last corner of this peninsula they had set out to conquer U.N troops follow as fast as the tortuous terrain and increasing polls will allow un troops overrun most of North Korea all the way to the border with China the yamu river the village of haisan Jin huddles against the banks of the yalu across from Manchuria here men of the seventh division set up their Outpost the tide has indeed turned suddenly all honor to the American Soldier and his officers who have achieved such resounding victories so swiftly December 1950 everyone thinks the war is nearly over even the incredible cold does not seem such a threat foreign winter was Now setting in pretty fast witnessed the fact that Paddy Fields had become skating rinks but the threat to these soldiers Korea and the entire safety of the world is building on the horizon the next move will take the world to the edge of nuclear war the unexpected entry of 300 000 red Chinese Across The Manchurian border May well precipitate World War III foreign was that once the UN and U.S forces marched North then they continued up towards the Chinese border and China was quite reluctant to get involved in many ways if you think about it it makes sense they'd only just come out of a terribly destructive Civil War of Their Own but as soon as they felt that their sovereignty might be threatened then then they came in the Manpower resources of the Chinese military surge forward down there below are some 20 000 American troops somehow withstanding the bitter cold and driving snowstorms encircled by hordes of Chinese Communist bosses in the Hills yes just about as hard and peddle as a situation as it's possible to imagine casualties were heavy both from enemy fire and from frostbite and large numbers were evacuated by air it's also a terrible place to wage war because the Hills are murderful infantry and the other thing is is it's cold cold weather was hard on us as the Communists moved South toward Tejon we pull back across the Cool River all seems lost for South Korea despite the support from fighter planes the U.N forces make a costly retreat the 29th Brigade took the main shock of the Chinese offensive at the end of April and the stand of the glusters and the mortar troop saved the situation only about 50 of the Battalion got back out of 600. [Music] the Korean War becomes a massacre and not just for the military or hundreds of thousands of civilians trying desperately to outrun the advancing Communists the journey Southward was a nightmare of cold weariness and Confucius the children who had no part in the causes of War received full measure of its hardships just the same terrible things will be done on both sides I think we have to say that certainly I mean many massacres on both sides of the Border it's particularly part of the problem of having a war that was both a Civil War and an international war and in a way a kind of proxy third world war um so the civilians bore the brunt of their suffering in spite of all difficulties more than a thousand Korean orphans were evacuated by air as a Fifth Air Force chaplain explained we just couldn't leave those kids there to die one of the sad part of non-combatants caught in that middle of a conflict or battle is there pretty much on their own while the man and woman in uniform has a dead disposal ambulances hospitals medication evacuation systems that takes you all the way back to the States none of that is available for the civilians once you decide to go to war that is one of the problems that you will have to face with many civilians will die something has to be done something drastic we are fighting to keep the forces of communist aggression from making a slave state out of Korea we are building up our strength in concert with other free Nations to meet the danger of aggression that has been turned loose on the world the strength of the free Nations is the world's best hope of peace [Music] by the end of 1950 the U.S has 369 atomic bombs ready for action but the United States did not know how many have been built in the Soviet Union we are willing as we have always been to negotiate honorable settlements for the Soviet Union but we will not engage in appeasement [Music] While most people in the west are celebrating Christmas President Truman has a terrible dilemma should the destructive power of nuclear weapons prevent their use or has the time come when military necessity takes precedent [Music] communist unlike inspired by Russia boy the stakes are very high nuclear weapons up out of the considerations it was just a choreographed situation that was possibly spending out of control [Music] Truman makes the unthinkable decision atomic bombs are secretly transferred to U.S bases in the Western Pacific the U.S are preparing to drop them on cities and military bases in China there were certainly people within the U.S who strongly favored using Atomic weapons obviously in a situation of more like that there's always a risk if the United Nations yields to the forces of aggression no Nation will be safe or secure if aggression is successful in Korea we can expect it to spread throughout Asia and Europe and to this hemisphere no exaggeration to say that that problem is the driest one now confronting the world there's a very real fear that nuclear warfare in Korea could lead to Soviet attacks in Europe [Music] Truman delays hope is that the employment of this devastating weapon will be unnecessary but the final hope lies with the United Nations as war and Korea rages questions are asked how did the Soviets get hold of the atomic Secret Martin sebel the principal in America's first atomic spy trial leaves New York's federal court the Unseen war of spying and counter spying which goes on all the time it's a war that sometimes pops up in the public and sometimes doesn't but it's a very important part of a nation's preparedness for uh defending its independence spies the undercover worlds of deception and double agents is the battleground of the Cold War he's accused with Julius Rosenberg electrical engineer of conspiring to give Russia vital secrets of the atom bomb many of the top engineers and scientists such as the rosenbergs had grown up in New York and were very much part of the Socialist International and leftist circles component of extradition to New York for trial he's accused of pausing Atomic secrets to Russia and an American woman Judith coppin implied by the Department of Justice was arrested with typed copies of secret documents the ability of the Soviets to obtain atomic bomb secrets and intelligence was one of the great successes of the Soviets and failures of American intelligence the USA and other Western countries are democracies their citizens support a range of political views some believe in communism people who had sympathies for that particular philosophy and so that led Soviet Espionage to a number of these people working on the Manhattan Project and they were able to recruit them and to obtain their cooperation sometimes not for money but on the basis of you can't afford to let one power have this capability a new and counter-intuitive Theory forms that the world might actually be a more stable place now that both sides possess the atomic bomb You could argue that having deterrence on both sides actually create some kind of guarantee that no one would use the first strike it is The Morbid philosophy of the Cold War some turn Trader and actively support the USSR an obligation of every communist the duty of any Communists was to was to contribute to the World Revolution to turn in the whole world into a socialist world Russians would kind of stick to bread and butter spying techniques such as honey traps women money drugs then shocking betrayal in Britain 1951 that a worldwide to the sudden disappearance of the missing diplomats as they came to be called these diplomats are guy Burgess and Donald McLean two of what later emerge as the famous Cambridge five ring of spies Burgess and McLean defected who knows really there's certainly weren't gonna have a very uh enjoyable life had they stayed in the West it was believed they had gone to Russia and this was later confirmed [Music] these were a group of spies and it's really four that we know about the fifth is only suspected that are largely British that were in possession of early Secrets during and shortly after the second world war relating to nuclear capability they gave the secrets away to the to the Russians that it was very damaging along with Kim philby Anthony blunt in a mysterious fifth man their actions add to Western government's sense of paranoia any communist is considered a traitor investigative committees and prosecutions in the USA led by senator Joseph McCarthy become hysterical of course as far as war is concerned we're at war with the Communist half of the world that war wasn't started by us it can't be ended by us except by ultimate convicted well there's two or three kinds of spot one kind is those that have official cover in other words they have a diplomatic passport and they're generally caught in in declared Persona 9 grata which means they got 48 hours to get out of town and go back to to Russia or come back over here if they're a more Deep Cover agents a non-official cover and they get caught well then they can get locked up for you know 25 30 40 years the committee hearings become a witch hunt any American thought to have communist sympathies is accused of being a traitor Edward J Fitzgerald I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that any answer I may give May tend to be self-incriminating hundreds of Americans go to jail thousands lose their jobs do you think that you have been guilty of any un-americanism yourself for fighting Communists and getting a bit rough with them away he's Un-American then I must plead to being on America frankly McCarthyism means calling a man a communist who is later proven to be one McCarthy probably was on the right theme but it kind of got out of control and it became His Own Worst Enemy McCarthyism ramps up the persecution of people with communist sympathies at trials like this have been going on in the USA since World War II spearheaded by the head of the FBI J Edgar Hoover communism in reality is not a political party it is a way of life an evil and malignant way of life it reveals a condition akin to disease that spreads like an epidemic and like an epidemic a quarantine is necessary to keep it from infecting this nation the mass media of the time is targeted including the Hollywood movie industry to getting alleged communism in Hollywood the Washington committee on unnamedical activities has been hearing the testimony of prominent film personalities question is have you ever been a member of the Communist party I'm framing my answer in the only way in which any American citizen can frame his then you denied question absolutely invaded then you deny to you you refuse to answer that question is that correct I told you that I will remember my beliefs my affiliations stand away from the stands for the Bill of Rights thank you yeah paranoia associated with Soviet involvement intelligence involvement kind of reached a point of almost becoming debilitating in Korea the red Chinese have driven U.N forces into full retreat then the Chinese advance in Korea comes to a sudden halt they have outrun their supply lines the Soviet Union was supposed to be supplying with them with weapons but the Chinese apparently were very discontented with the supply that was coming from the Soviet Union there are stories of people in the Chinese people's volunteers sharing a gun between them or having ancient weapons that didn't work Truman holds fire with his Atomic weapons the world that's out a long sigh of relief American planes with Conventional Weapons batter the stalled Chinese forces beginning to exert its full influence on the cause of the Korean campaign B-29 super fortresses take off on a mass raid we've headed off wave after wave of bum-dropping giants Plastering attacker the bombing rides on on the North Korean cities were carried out using a fire bombing and Napalm attacks and these cause huge damage a lot of the houses were very poorly built they had you know Thatcher roofs and so they burnt very easily much of Korea is almost bombed into Oblivion by mid 1951 armies of North and South Korea are facing each other pretty much where they'd started a year earlier peace talks begin communist War correspondence and the United Nations opposite numbers evidently get along quite well though the true stocks were reported at this time as being sticky a few days later the red General Nan ill LED his delegation to the site followed by the United Nations party under Admiral Joy soon afterwards it was reported that the Communists had at last agreed to a ceasefire position related to the existing Battlefront but there were still complications one of the core problems was around prisoners of War under the Geneva Convention really both sides were supposed to send the prisoners of War back to where they came from but that actually was really complicated in the Korean War many communist prisoners feel it's not safe to go home some make a break for freedom 3600 of the Communist prisoners took part in the Insurrection and the small United Nations Garrison had to open fire or be overwhelmed the unpows are trapped in North Korea as hostages later reports reveal the atrocities committed in the prisons well I almost hanging into consolidating confinement and other illegal activities it was in the camp at various sorts of persecution with boxes beating up bad food yes semester site of my left eye but I hope to get this site back in the near future meanwhile at the front the Carnage goes up while the red negotiators Try by every means to hold up the talks men of both sides are dying when the battle ends the elephant in the room is Stalin he presses the Chinese to keep the war going so he can study the weapons and techniques of his Cold War enemies it's certainly clear that the Soviet Union took a very instrumentalist view of the Korean War they were going to play it in the way that served their own interests best now for a duel between a panther an American Naval fighter and a russian-built mig-15 those pictures of this Soviet jet fighter with swept back wings and it's the first time that a high-speed jet battle has been shown on the screen nobody knew this at the time but many of the Mig fighter pilots are not North Korean or Chinese they are Russian these dogfights are the first time the USA and the USSR come into direct combat during the Cold War Cold War superpowers are fighting each other directly in the skies above Korea so yes they sent pilots in they play provided a certain amount of equipment as to the North Koreans and the Chinese but they were cautious not to send ground troops in again not in order not to cause that um outbreak of a third world war then fate lends a hand when from Moscow news of the stroke that ended stallion's life spread around the world it was all the more startling because so unexpected a man who Rose from Humble origin to rule from the Splendor of the Kremlin holding its way not only over the USSR but also over the satellite countries the passing now the man who had so long directed worldwide communism must have far deeper implications there may be small reason to believe in a favorable change of Soviet policy but it is always right to Hope to host Donald's successor is Corgi malangoff a man not known for his good nature against all expectations malinkoff breaks the deadlock despite intransigence from South Korea he moves to convince China and North Korea to end the war in July 1953 an Armistice assigned the South Korean government was actually opposed even to signing an armistice and so the um not actually by the South Korean government it's one of the real sticking points to solving the problems on the Korean Peninsula today in accordance with the truth agreement the opposing force is now pulled back from one another the open ground left between was become the demilitarized zone or DMZ there was excitement but little rejoicing we have stopped the shooting that means much to the fighting man and their families and it will allow some of the Grievous wounds of Korea to heal therefore I am thank you [Music] it probably would be a good moment for the United Nations to look back and reflect on their role on what it did to the global order in the Cold War era I think the role of the UN in the Korean War just made it much more difficult for the UN to play a really neutral role in the Cold War [Music] April 1954 in less than a minute you will see the most powerful explosion ever witnessed by human eyes atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 were just the beginning since then the USA has been developing a weapon a thousand times more powerful this is the first full-scale test of a hydrogen device if the reaction goes we're in the thermonuclear era the hydrogen bomb is so terrifying even the people who worked on it questioned its use the technical implications of the bum it's colossal destructive power and its ease of delivery by the new methods of Rocket Warfare convinced me that if ever we are engaged again in a major war it will need the obliteration of our Island home as a Industrial Center it was a capability that even those of us that helped invented just couldn't grasp the h-bomb could make the horrors of the original atomic bomb look moderate the Pacific is the chosen Proving Ground for the United States Edge bomb experiments here amid vast ocean spaces far from Human habitation the scene is anyway talk at all a remote chain of coral Islands about to take the shattering impact of the Colossal detonation hello to lab Ireland was the actual site and around the shed which housed the h-bomb weapon all sorts of measuring devices were set up [Music] in the last few seconds I cut it three two one the shock waves of the world's first h-bomb rushed towards the onlookers and Spellbound they watch something never seen before fantastic in its form and in its power a frantic addition to the Arsenal of arms the nuclear weapons are very necessary Unfortunately they should be very unnecessary but it's like the Genies out of the bottle the hydrogen bomb is the result of fusion the incredible release of energy when atoms are split and fused together in stages Later helicopter flew over and the pilot found that the island had completely disappeared nothing there but water and a deep crater other islands of the atal were stripped and scorched everything on them withered or melted by the blast with the h-bomb the USA regains its position as the only world superpower a soldier learns as a nation must learn that Integrity backed by strength is the only sure way to Lasting peace bikini for the explosion of America's first Airborne hydrogen bomb lights and radar reflectors Define the target area while the bomber at a height of nine miles peels off for the drop to be made at 50 000 feet these pictures the first to be released were photographed from 50 miles away foreign [Music] the Americans are not just winning the arms race they can instantly wipe the USSR from the map all of the now 14 NATO countries are protected by the U.S nuclear umbrella but the feeling of security is short-lived I may say this members of the Congress be careful about all things therefore not to let go of the atomic weapon until you are sure and more than sure that other means of preserving peace are in your hands [Applause] Churchill and Eisenhower do not know the h-bomb secret is already out the USSR has tested a small hydrogen bomb 18 months after anyway talk the Soviets set off a full-size h-bomber so big it triggers detectors in the West the largest detonation we ever had of a hydrogen bomb the Soviets pulled off I think was almost 100 megatons you know that's that's 10 000 times more powerful than one of the bombs used in in World War II so the scale of the thing just got out of control news reports across the globe are horrified by the effects of the h-bomb if dropped on human populations that's how it could strike in New York the Empire State Building in the center and a capital city could have its Center devastating there was almost an expectation that it was inevitable he just lived every day with with an expectation that it was only a matter of time [Music] a war fought with these weapons is not a winnable War Mr malenkov he implies next produced The Master weapon the h-bomb it will be a war that would wipe out most life on the planet by 1955 East and West have reached a stage when a nuclear war might result in mutually assured destruction mad still give him Goodwill on both sides the solution can be found in place of H bar dubs of peace February 1960 a major Espionage operation is exposed secret American plane flies too low over Soviet airspace the Soviet Union opens fire on display in Moscow watch alleged to be the wreckage of the U2 spy plane which Russia claims to have shot down by rocket it includes photographs of the suicide needle and other equipment alleged to have been carried by the pilot it was a great major technical feat to have the the U2 performing aerial reconnaissance over the Soviet Union the plane is a U2 a high altitude blame that almost no one knows exists it was on a mission to take aerial photographs of Soviet military bases our sense was that it was a major mistake I mean that was kind of how it was viewed you know how could an American pilot have gotten shot down by yeah the Russians we must have screwed up somewhere they shoot down was a very um great victory for the Soviet Union the apparent killing of four of its crew members and the imprisonment of two others on trumped-up spy charges as a shocking up front to the right of all Nations the maximum sentence for spying is execution the Cold War becomes very personal [Music] pilot of the American U2 spy plane shot down over Russia faced the judges with composure he behaved with dignity throughout his audio though his life was possibly at stake being sentenced to death for spine I think was in retrospect I think was likely I think the Soviets were you know looking to make a statement here it is Captain Powers seen in a home movie film taken some time ago [Music] the public trial is designed to humiliate the USA the plane through when a nation needs intelligence activity there is no time when vigilance can be relaxed it was in the prosecution of one of these intelligence programs that the widely publicized U2 incident occurs the sentence 10 years it was sad quite frankly that America had had one of their Airmen come into Harm's Way in this fashion was also sad for the country and you can sense this being embarrassed you know politically like that both sides are neck and neck in the arms race that defines the Cold War I'm on Mad World Revolution flares up on both sides of the Atlantic established a communist satellite right on the doorstep of the United States there was a sense of excitement in a sense that there was something really important happening revolutionaries refused to surrender so they went in and crushed it leaving their parents these two little boys reached the Austrian border alone and half-starved the Soviet Union leaps ahead in the arms race and run the globe at 18 000 miles an hour bleep bleeping to Moscow and the world awesome capabilities but then you realize their purpose is destruction and Western Europe prepares for nuclear war the pre-calculated point which we pull up into a 3G half Loop and at 45 degrees release the weapons you prepare for the worst and hope for the best [Music]
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 989,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Timeline World History, Timeline, Full Length Documentary, History Documentary, World History, learn history, history facts
Id: 2aNUnBxNOjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 52sec (3112 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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