Sleep In The Goodness Of God | Peaceful Bedtime Prayers From Psalms To Help You Sleep Blessed

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for the next few moments as you listen to the reading of God's word I encourage you to forget all that worries you forget all that concerns you let go of your prayer requests let go of your list of needs for the next few moments simply praise God it's it's good to lay down our requests before the Lord It's good to pray about our needs and ask God to intervene but every once in a while it's good to do nothing but go before the Lord and praise him praise him for what he has done in your life praise him for what he is doing in your life and praise him for what he shall do in your life in Revelation 4 the Bible tells us that there are four living creatures who spend all day and night praising God saying holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come and we're also told that 24 Elders fall down before him who sit on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever they lay down their crowns Before the Throne and say you are worthy our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being God's presence is drawn to those who worship and praise him the Bible says he inhabits the Praises of his people meaning he lives where his people praise him and so I would like to read to you A Psalm of praise and I encourage you to reflect and praise God for what he has done for you in the past Praise Him for keeping you for protecting you for loving you and showing you Mercy Psalm 145 verse 1 I exalt you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of praise no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell its children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful Miracles your all inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will Proclaim your greatness everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers compassion on all his creation all of your Works will thank you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glor Glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the majesty and Glory of your Reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fallen and lifts the bent beneath their loads the eyes of all look to you in hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever now let's go to God In Prayer Lord Jesus I praise you I praise you for being faithful and for loving me God I thank you for your consistency because you you're not like man you don't change from one day to the next you are the same yesterday today and forever more and I praise you for the battle attles that you fought on my behalf I praise you father for the protection that is upon my life I praise you for the favor that you've placed over my life I praise you for the grace and mercy that you've shown me and Lord I know that I don't deserve your love I did nothing to deserve being loved by you yet you love me still and for that God I am so grateful Psalm 28: 6-8 says blessed be the Lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise him the Lord is their strength and he is is the saving Refuge of his anointed king Jesus if it weren't for you I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for your wonderful sacrifice on Calvary Lord I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for your hand that's over my life Lord if it wasn't for your protection I would have been devoured by the Enemy by now but I Praise You King Jesus and I thank you because you have not allowed the enemy to destroy my life or to destroy my home Lord if it weren't for your watchful eye over me and if it weren't for your guidance I would be lost I'd be confused and hopeless but I praise you because in you Lord Jesus I'm led by the Good Shepherd in you King Jesus my steps are ordered my tomorrow whatever it may be my tomorrow is in the hands of a faithful merciful and loving God Psalm 63: 3-5 says because your loving kindness is better than life my lips shall praise you thus I will bless you while I live I will lift up my hands in your name my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and my mouth shall praise you with joyful lips be praised my God I'll praise you with my whole heart and I tell you that you're holy you alone are righteous Lord there's none like you King Jesus there will never be any that come comes close to you you alone receive my adoration you alone receive my praise because you're Almighty and you have no equal Lord I might not have all that I want but I have all that I could ever need and I have that in you I may not have all of my heart's desires but all I could ever desire can be found in you Lord Jesus God you're more than enough and in you I'm content and so I give you my thanks God I give you my praise Lord Jesus I glorify your precious name father help us to live in the truth of Philippians 3:8 for your word says yes everything else is worthless when compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my lord for his sake I have discarded everything else counting it all as garbage so that I could gain Christ Our riches are in you Lord Jesus we do not hold on to our Earthly accomplishments but we hold on to you we refuse to place our hope and affections on anything in this world not in our finan finial resources or physical skill no we look to you mighty Lord we are deciding right now that we will always keep our eyes on Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith I pray that I would be so filled with the Holy Spirit to such an extent that my eyes would be open open my eyes to see all that is pulling me back Open my eyes so I can see everything that is hurting my walk with you your word in job 11 ver14 says if iniquity is in your hand put it far away and let not Injustice dwell in your tents Lord if sin is in my hand help me to put it far away from me let there be no wrongdoing in my life Build Me Lord make me the type of believer that you want build a Godly character within me through my successes and failures Build Me Up through my victories as well as my defeats help me to worship you not just when my life is going well but even in my deepest struggles be praised father be glorified my God in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 145 verse 1 I exalt you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of Praise no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell its children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful Miracles your all inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will Proclaim your greatness everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers compassion on all his creation all of your Works will thank you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the majesty and Glory of your Reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads the eyes of all look to you in hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as far as stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3:16 Says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life the love of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you A Love That Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing to him he is still loving Romans 5: 8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15 verse 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay how great is your your love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1:5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light in all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor for the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faith faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen now let's pray Lord Jesus I praise you I give you glory and I bow my heart before you father I choose to walk with you I choose to follow you may you order my steps and guide me help me to walk by faith not by sight I want to live my life in a manner that's consistent and confident in your promises Lord Psalm 119 verse 133 says keep Steady My Steps according to your promise and let no iniquity get dominion over me oh Father I ask you please Steady My Steps God and I want it to be according to your promise according to your purpose father don't let any sin any iniquity anything that has come down through my bloodline Lord please don't let any of those things things hinder me or gain dominion over me father I only want you as Lord over my life so I pray that I may walk in your grace King Jesus establish me and Lead my every step according to your word and your will father have mercy on me and don't allow me to be overcome by sin or overcome by Temptation don't let me fall King Jesus do not allow sin to have power over me and cause me to be separated from you father I pray for each and every person who's under the sound of my voice God give us strength give us the courage and boldness to turn our backs to this world and take up our cross Empower us to stand up for your word to stand up for righteousness and godly biblical values father help us to walk in the spirit and not gratify the flesh help us to walk in humility help us Lord to walk in perfect love so that we can live lives that actually exemplify 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 it says love is patient and kind love does not envy or boast it is not arrogant or rude it does not insist on its own way it is not irritable or resentful it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the the truth love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things it can only be by your grace and by the Holy Spirit empowering us that we can walk in this kind of love so Lord Jesus as we turn our backs to the ways of this world and we seek to live lives that are pleasing pleasing to you father I pray that you would enable us to lay aside every weight enable us to lay aside the sin which clings so closely to us and weighs us down help us father to run with endurance the race that is set before us your word says in Deuteronomy [Music] 5:33 you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess father when I choose to walk in your way your word tells me that it shall be well with me there are blessings to be under your leadership Lord and so I submit and yield to you father remove from within me any spirit that seeks to control or to do things my way remove from within me the spirit of Pride that thinks that my way of doing things is always the best way father I know that only your way is always right and only your way is always best so allow me to yield to the holy spirit so that I may be in right standing with you and so that I may live my life in accord with your will for my life father teach me to be still and know that you are God and you alone hold the past the present and the future in your hands may your Holy Name be uplifted forever more King Jesus I thank you Father for hearing this prayer and I pray it in the name of Jesus Amen now you may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may may possibly be worried that those same battles will be awaiting you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like there are an army marching in your direction do what blind Bemus did in Luke 18 verse 37 to 38 where the Bible says they told him that Jesus Jesus the Nazarene was going by so he began shouting Jesus Son of David have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to Jesus ask the Lord to intervene when you feel cornered or your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your Bible to 2 Kings 6 verse 17 and 18 and draw strength from the fact that when Elisha's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the Bible says about Elisha's response and Elijah prayed open his eyes Lord so that he may see then the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and Chariots of Fire all around Elisha as the enemy came down toward him Elisha prayed to the Lord strike this army with blindness so he struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked so I encourage you to pray that God would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when God opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that from the fact that Jesus Christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out in prayer praise there is only but one God who can give you rest only Jesus can lead you beside Still Waters only Jesus Christ can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what could come tomorrow instead call unto Jesus Christ today in this moment call on God Almighty the one who is who was and who is to be call on The God Who commands millions of Angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation God wants you to call on him because his word in Isaiah 65: 24 says before they call I will answer while they are still speaking I will hear now let us pray dear Lord when we look at your word and at your promises you you have told us to trust in you in our times of trouble and you will rescue us and you will restore us you say come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest so our hope is in you you are a God who provides us with all that we need with more than we need whether it is healing restoration prot protection or peace we look only to you Lord Jesus I pray for every person under the sound of my voice for the one who seeks healing today may they find healing in your arms for the person who is feeling empty may they find wholeness in your presence for the one who feels lost father I pray that they may find your word to be a lamp to the their feet and for those who have suffered heartbreak or loss I pray that your love and your compassion may fill them may your love overwhelm and overtake them Lord be praised King Jesus we call upon the holy spirit and we invite him into our lives into our hearts and homes may he give us the strength required Ed for each day May the Holy Spirit lead us into a future that is rooted in Christ a future that is in your arms help us holy spirit so that we can let go and move on from a past of sin and hurt lead us to Christ fix our eyes on the sacrifice he made at the cross on Calvary turn our hearts to desire the things of God I pray that you would renew repair and Revive Our Hearts our minds and souls give us peace where there is unrest give us closure where we need closure give us strength in those areas that we weak fill the voids that may unsettle our hearts in you Lord we have the strength to overcome the devil and for for that we rejoice and give you thanks in you Lord we have the power to walk in Victory the power to defeat sin your word in Proverbs 88:13 says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate give us hearts that fear you master help us not to compromise with sin help us to be diligent when it comes to how we live our lives so that we would hate what is evil and cling to what is good fill our hearts with an intense and burning desire to earnestly seek you day and night Lord fill us with your love and joy we Look to You Lord because in your you there is certainty there is certain victory in you eternal life is certain with you you are our protector you are the one who Shields us from everything that threatens to destroy us give us the strength to stand firm when we are tested I pray that the Holy Ghost would enable us and Empower us to stand in in unwavering faith when we are tested and tried I thank you for hearing this prayer be glorified in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen for the next few moments as you listen to the reading of God's word I encourage you to forget all that worries you forget all that concerns you let go of your prayer requests let go of your list of needs for the next few moments simply praise God it's good to lay down our requests before the Lord It's good to pray about our needs and ask God to intervene but every once in a while it's good to do nothing but go before the Lord and praise him praise him for what he has done in your life praise him for what he is doing in your life and praise him for what he shall do in your life in Revelation 4 the Bible tells us that there are four living creatures who spend all day and night praising God saying holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come and we're also told that 24 Elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever they lay down their crowns Before the Throne and say you are worthy our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and Power for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being God's presence is drawn to those who worship and praise him the Bible says he inhabits the Praises of his people meaning he lives where his people praise him and so I would like to read to you A Psalm of Praise And I encourage you to reflect and praise God for what he has done for you in the past Praise Him for keeping you for protecting you for loving you and showing you Mercy Psalm 145 verse 1 I exalt you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of Praise no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell its children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful miracles your all inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will Proclaim your greatness everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers comp passion on all his creation all of your Works will thank you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the majesty and Glory of your Reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads the eyes of all look to you in hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever now let's go to God In Prayer Lord Jesus I praise you I praise you for being faithful and for loving me God I thank you for your consistency because you you're not like man you don't change from one day to the next you are the same yesterday today and forever more and I praise you for the battles that you fought on my behalf I praise you father for the protection that is upon my life I praise you for the favor that you've placed over my life I praise you for the grace and mercy that you've shown me and Lord I know that I don't deserve your love I did nothing to deserve being loved by you yet you love me still and for that God I am so grateful Psalm 28: 6-8 says blessed be the Lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise him the Lord is their strength and he is the saving Refuge of his anointed king Jesus if it weren't for you I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for your wonderful sacrifice on Calvary Lord I don't know where I would be be if it wasn't for your hand that's over my life Lord if it wasn't for your protection I would have been devoured by the Enemy by now but I Praise You King Jesus and I thank you because you have not allowed the enemy to destroy my life or to destroy my home Lord if it weren't for your watchful eye over me and if it weren't for your God guidance I would be lost I'd be confused and hopeless but I praise you because in you Lord Jesus I'm led by the Good Shepherd in you King Jesus my steps are ordered my tomorrow whatever it may be my tomorrow is in the hands of a faithful merciful and loving God Psalm 63 veres 3-5 says because your loving kindness is better than life my lips shall praise you thus I will bless you while I live I will lift up my hands in your name my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and my mouth shall praise you with joyful lips be praised my God I'll praise you with my whole whole heart and I tell you that you're holy you alone are righteous Lord there's none like you King Jesus there will never be any that comes close to you you alone receive my adoration you alone receive my praise because you're Almighty and you have no equal Lord I might not have all that I want but I have all that I could ever need need and I have that in you I may not have all of my heart's desires but all I could ever desire can be found in you Lord Jesus God you're more than enough and in you I'm content and so I give you my thanks God I give you my praise Lord Jesus I glorify your precious name father help us to live in the truth of Philippians 3:8 for your word says yes everything else is worthless when compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for his sake I have discarded everything else counting it all as garbage so that I could gain Christ Our riches are in you Lord Jesus we do not hold on to our Earthly accomplishments but we hold on to you we refuse to place our hope and affections on anything in this world not in our financial resources or physical skill no we look to you mighty Lord we are deciding right now that we will always keep our eyes on Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith I pray that I would be so filled with the Holy Spirit to such an extent that my eyes would be open open my eyes to see all that is pulling me back open my eyes so I can see everything that is hurting my walk with you your word in job 11:14 says if iniquity is in your hand put it far away and let not Injustice dwell in your tents Lord if sin is in my hand help me to put it far away from me let there be no wrongdoing in my life Build Me Lord make me the type of believer that you want build a Godly character within me through my successes and failures Build Me Up through my victories as well as my defeats help me to worship you not just when my life life is going well but even in my deepest struggles be praised father be glorified my God in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 145 verse 1 I exalt you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of Praise no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell its children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful Miracles your awe in inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will Proclaim your greatness everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers compassion on all his creation all of your Works will thank you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the majesty and Glory of your Reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads the eyes of all look to you in hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as far as stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3:1 16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life the love of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the cross it's not a love that you need need to earn because what Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you A Love That Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing to him he is still loving Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15: 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified ified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1:5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8 verse 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen now let's pray Lord Jesus I praise you I give you glory and I bow my heart before you father I choose to walk with you I choose to follow you may you order my steps and guide me help me to walk by faith not by sight I want to live my life in a manner that's consistent and confident in your promises Lord Psalm 119 verse 133 says keep Steady My Steps according to your promise and let no iniquity get dominion over me oh Father I ask you please Steady My Steps God and I want it to be according to your promise according to your purpose father don't let any sin any iniquity anything that has come down through my bloodline Lord please don't let any of those things hinder me or gain dominion over me father I only want you as Lord over my life so I pray that I may walk in your grace King Jesus establish me and Lead my every step according to your word and your will father have mercy on me and don't allow me to be overcome by sin or overcome by Temptation don't let me fall King Jesus do not allow sin to have power over me and cause me to be separated from you father I pray for each and every person who's under the sound of my voice God give us strength give us the courage and boldness to turn our backs to this world and take up our cross Empower us to stand up for your word to stand up for righteousness and godly biblical values father help us to walk in the spirit spirit and not gratify the flesh help us to walk in humility help us Lord to walk in perfect love so that we can live lives that actually exemplify First Corinthians 13: 4-7 it says love is patient and kind love does not envy or boast it is not arrogant or rude it does not insist on its own way it is not irritable or resentful it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things it can only be by your grace and by the Holy Spirit empowering us that we can walk in this kind of love so Lord Jesus as we turn our backs to the ways of this world and we seek to live lives that are pleasing to you father I pray that you would enable us to lay aside every weight enable us to lay aside the sin which clings so closely to us and weighs us down help us father to run with endurance the race that is set before us your word says in Deuteronomy 5:33 you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess father when I choose to walk in your way your word tells me that it shall be well with me there are blessings to be under your leadership Lord and so I submit and yield to you father remove from within me any spirit that seeks to control or to do things my way remove from within me the spirit Spirit of Pride that thinks that my way of doing things is always the best way father I know that only your way is always right and only your way is always best so allow me to yield to the holy spirit so that I may be in right standing with you and so that I may live my life in accord with your will for my life father teach me to be still and know that you are God and you alone hold the past the present and the future in your hands may your Holy Name be uplifted forever more King Jesus I thank you Father for hearing this prayer and and I pray it in the name of Jesus Amen now you may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be awaiting you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like there are an army marching in your direction do what blind Bemus did in Luke 18: 37-38 where the Bible says they told him that Jesus the Nazarene was going by so he began shouting Jesus Son of David have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to Jesus ask the Lord to intervene when you feel cornered or your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your Bible to 2 Kings 6: 17 and 18 and draw strength from the fact that when Elijah's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the Bible says about Elisha's response and Elijah prayed open his eyes Lord so that he may see then the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and Chariots of Fire all around Elisha as the enemy came down toward him Elisha prayed to the Lord strike this army with blindness so he struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked so I encourage you to pray that God would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when God opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that from the fact that Jesus Christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out in Praise there is only but one God who can give you rest only Jesus can lead you beside Still Waters only Jesus Christ can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what could come tomorrow instead call unto Jesus Christ today in this moment call on God Almighty the one who is who was and who is to be call on The God Who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation God wants you to call on him because his word in Isaiah 65 verse 24 says before they call I will answer while they are still speaking I will hear now let us pray dear Lord when we look at your word and at your promises you have told us to trust in you in our times of trouble and you will rescue us and you will restore us you say come to me all who are weary and heavy ladened and I will give you rest so our hope is in you you are a God who provides us with all that we need with more than we need whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you Lord Jesus I pray for every person under the sound of my voice for the one who seeks healing today may they find healing in your arms for the person who is feeling empty may they find wholeness in your presence for the one who feels lost father I pray that they may find your word to be a lamp to their feet and for those who have suffered heartbreak or loss I pray that your love and your compassion may fill them may your love overwhelm and overtake them Lord be praised King Jesus we call upon the holy spirit and we invite him into our lives into our hearts and homes may he give us the strength required for each day May the Holy Spirit lead us into a future that is rooted in Christ a future that is in your arms help us holy spirit so that we can let go and move on from a past of sin and HT hurt lead us to Christ fix our eyes on the sacrifice he made at the cross on Calvary turn our hearts to desire the things of God I pray that you would renew repair and Revive Our Hearts our minds and souls give us peace where there is unrest give us closure where we need closure give us strength in those areas that were weak fill the voids that may unsettle our hearts in you Lord we have the strength to overcome the devil and for that we rejoice and give you thanks in you Lord we have the power to walk in Victory the power to defeat sin your word in Proverbs 88:13 says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate give us hearts that fear you master help us not to compromise with sin help us to be diligent when it comes to how we live our lives so that we would hate what is evil and cling to what is good fill our hearts with an intense and burning desire to earnestly seek you day and night Lord fill us with your love and joy we Look to You Lord because in you there is certainty there is certain victory in you eternal life is certain with you you are our protector you are the one who Shields us from everything that threatens to destroy us give give us the strength to stand firm when we are tested I pray that the Holy Ghost would enable us and Empower us to stand in unwavering faith when we are tested and tried I thank you for hearing this prayer be glorified in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen for the next few moments as you listen to the reading of God's word I encourage you to forget all that worries you forget all that concerns you let go of your prayer requests let go of your list of needs for the next few moments simply praise God it's good to lay down our requests before the Lord It's good to pray about our needs and ask God to intervene but every once in a while it's good to do nothing but go before the Lord and praise him praise him for what he has done in your life praise him for what he is doing in your life and praise him for what he shall do in your life in Revelation 4 the Bible tells us that there are four living creatures who spend all day and night praising God saying holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come and we're also told that 24 Elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever they lay down their crowns Before the Throne and say you are worthy our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being God's presence is drawn to those who worship and praise him the Bible says he inhabits the Praises of his people meaning he lives where his people praise him and so I would like to read to you A Psalm of praise and I encourage you to reflect and praise God for what he has done for you in the past Praise Him for keeping you for protecting you for loving you and showing you Mercy psalm 145 verse 1 I exalt you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of Praise no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell it children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful Miracles your all inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will Proclaim your greatness everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is Mercy merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers compassion on all his creation all of your Works will thank you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the majesty and Glory of your Reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads the eyes of all look to you in hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever now let's go to God In Prayer Lord Jesus I I praise you I praise you for being faithful and for loving me God I thank you for your consistency because you you're not like man you don't change from one day to the next you are the same yesterday today and forever more and I praise you for the battles that you fought on my behalf I praise you father for the prote ction that is upon my life I praise you for the favor that you've placed over my life I praise you for the grace and mercy that you've shown me and Lord I know that I don't deserve your love I did nothing to deserve being loved by you yet you love me still and for that God I am so grateful Psalm 28 verses 6-8 says blessed be the Lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise him the Lord is their strength and he is the saving Refuge of his anointed king Jesus Jesus if it weren't for you I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for your wonderful sacrifice on Calvary Lord I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for your hand that's over my life Lord if it wasn't for your protection I would have been devoured by the Enemy by now but I Praise You King Jesus and I thank you because you have not allowed the enemy to destroy my life or to destroy my home Lord if it weren't for your watchful eye over me and if it weren't for your guidance I would be lost I'd be confused and hopeless but I praise you because in you Lord Jesus I'm led by the Good Shepherd in you King Jesus my steps are ordered my tomorrow whatever it may be my tomorrow is in the hands of a faithful merciful and loving God Psalm 63: 3-5 says because your loving kindness is better than life my lips shall praise you thus I will bless you while I live I will lift up my hands in your name my soul shall be satisfied I as with marrow and fatness and my mouth shall praise you with joyful lips be praised my God I'll praise you with my whole heart and I tell you that you're holy you alone are righteous Lord there's none like you King Jesus there will never be any that comes close to you you alone receive my adoration you alone receive my praise because you're Almighty and you have no equal Lord I might not have all that I want but I have all that I could ever need and I have that in you I may not have all of my heart's desires but all I could ever desire can be found in you Lord Jesus God you're more than enough and in you I'm content and so I give you my thanks God I give you my praise Lord Jesus I glorify your precious name father help us to live in the truth of Philippians 3:8 for your word says yes everything else is worthless when compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for his sake I have discarded everything else counting it all as garbage so that I could gain Christ Our riches are in you Lord Jesus we do not hold on to our Earthly accomplishments but we hold on to you we refuse to place our hope and affections on anything in this world not in our financial resources or physical skill no we look to you mighty Lord Lord we are deciding right now that we will always keep our eyes on Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith I pray that I would be so filled with the Holy Spirit to such an extent that my eyes would be opened open my eyes to see all that is pulling me back open my eyes so I can see everything that is hurting my walk with you your word in job 11:14 says if iniquity is in your hand put it far away and let not Injustice dwell in your tents Lord if sin is in my hand help me to put it far away from me let there be no wrongdoing in my life Build Me Lord make me the type of believer that you want build a Godly character with in me through my successes and failures Build Me Up through my victories as well as my defeats help me to worship you not just when my life is going well but even in my deepest struggles be praised father be glorified my God in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 145 verse one I exalt you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of Praise no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell its children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful Miracles your all inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will Proclaim your greatness everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is merciful and compass passionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers compassion on all his creation all of your Works will thank you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the majesty and Glory of your Reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads the eyes of all Look to You In Hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as far is stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3 verse 16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life the love of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his divine div love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you A Love That Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing to him he is still loving Romans 5 verse 8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John chapter 15 verse 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been betrayed by some someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1 verse 5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been in the that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in z anah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen now let's pray Lord Jesus I praise you I give you glory and I bow my heart before you father I choose to walk with you I choose to follow you may you order my steps and guide me help me to walk by by faith not by sight I want to live my life in a manner that's consistent and confident in your promises Lord Psalm 119 verse 133 says keep Steady My Steps according to your promise and let no iniquity get dominion over me oh Father I ask you [Music] please Steady My Steps God and I want it to be according to your promise according to your purpose father don't let any sin any iniquity anything that has come down through my bloodline Lord please don't let any of those things hinder me or gain dominion over me father I only want you as Lord over my life so I pray that I may walk in your grace King Jesus establish me and Lead my every step according to your word and your will father have mercy on me and don't allow me to be overcome by sin or overcome by temptation don't let me fall King Jesus do not allow sin to have power over me and cause me to be separated from you father I pray for each and every person who's under the sound of my voice God give us strength give us the courage and boldness to turn our backs to this world and take up our cross Empower us to stand up for your word to stand up for righteousness and godly biblical values father help us to walk in the spirit and not gratify the flesh help us to walk in humility help us Lord to walk in perfect love so that we can live lives that actually exemplify 1 Corinthians 13 verses 4-7 it says love is patient and kind love does not envy or boast it is not arrogant or rude it does not insist on its own way it is not irritable or resentful it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things it can only be by your grace and by the Holy Spirit empowering us that we can walk in this kind of love so Lord Jesus as we turn our backs to the ways of this world and we seek to live lives that are pleasing to you father I pray that you would enable us to lay aside every weight enable us to lay aside the sin which clings so closely to us and weighs us down help us father to run with endurance the race that is set before us your word says in Deuteronomy 5:33 you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess father when I choose to walk in your way your word tells me that it shall be well with me there are blessings to be under your leadership Lord and so I submit and yield to you father remove from within me any spirit that seeks to control or to do things my way remove from within me the spirit of Pride that thinks that my way of doing things is always the best way father I know that only your way is always right and only your way is always best so allow me to yield to the holy spirit so that I may be in right standing with you and so that I may live my life in accord with your will for my life father teach me to be still and know that you are God and you alone hold the past the present and the future in your hands may your Holy Name be uplifted forever more King Jesus I thank you Father for hearing this prayer and I pray it in the name of Jesus Amen now you may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be awaiting you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like there are an army marching in your direction do what blind Bemus did in Luke 18 verse 37-38 where the Bible says they told him that Jesus the Nazarene was going by so he began shouting Jesus Son of David have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to Jesus ask the Lord to intervene when you feel cornered or your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your Bible to 2 Kings 6 verse 17 and 18 and draw strength from the fact that when Elijah's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the Bible says about Elisha's response and Elijah prayed open his eyes Lord so that he may see then the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and Chariots of fire all around Elisha as the enemy came down toward him Elisha prayed to the Lord strike this army with blindness so he struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked so I encourage you to pray that God would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when God opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that from the fact that Jesus Christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out in Praise there is only but one God who can give you rest only Jesus can lead you beside Still Waters only Jesus Christ can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what could come tomorrow instead call unto Jesus Christ today in this moment call on God Almighty the one who is who was and who is to be call on The God Who commands millions of Angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation God will want you to call on him because his word in Isaiah 65: 24 says before they call I will answer while they are still speaking I will hear now let us pray dear Lord when we look at your word and at your promises you have told us to trust in you in our times of trouble and you will rescue to us and you will restore us you say come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest so our hope is in you you are a God who provides us with all that we need with more than we need whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you Lord Jesus I pray for every person under the sound of my voice for the one who seeks healing today may they find healing in your arms for the person who is feeling empty may they find wholeness in your presence for the one who feels lost father I pray that they may find your word to be a lamp to their feet and for those who have suffered heartbreak or loss I pray that your love and your compassion may fill them may your love overwhelm and overtake them Lord be praised King Jesus we call upon the holy spirit and we invite him into our lives into our hearts and homes may he give us the strength required for each day May the Holy Spirit lead us into a future that is is rooted in Christ a future that is in your arms help us holy spirit so that we can let go and move on from a past of sin and hurt lead us to Christ fix our eyes on the sacrifice he made at the cross on Calvary turn our hearts to desire the things of God I pray that you would renew repair and Revive Our Hearts our minds and souls give us peace where there is unrest give us closure where we need closure give us strength in those areas that we weak fill the voids that may unsettle our hearts in you Lord we have the strength to overcome the devil and for that we rejoice and give you thanks in you Lord we have the power to walk in Victory the power to defeat sin your word in Proverbs 8 verse 13 says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate give us hearts that fear you master help us not to compromise with sin help us to be diligent when it comes to how we live our lives so that we would hate what is evil and cling to what is good fill our hearts with an intense and burning desire to earnestly seek you day and night Lord fill us with your love and joy we Look to You Lord because in you there is certainty there is certain victory in you eternal eternal life is certain with you you are our protector you are the one who Shields us from everything that threatens to destroy us give us the strength to stand firm when we are tested I pray that the Holy Ghost would enable us and Empower us to stand in unwavering faith when we are tested and tried I thank you for hearing this prayer be glorified in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen for the next few moments as you listen to the reading of God's word I encourage you to forget all that worries you forget all that concerns you let go of your prayer requests let go of your list of needs for for the next few moments simply praise God it's good to lay down our requests before the Lord It's good to pray about our needs and ask God to intervene but every once in a while it's good to do nothing but go before the Lord and praise him praise him for what he has done in your life praise him for what he is doing in your life and praise him for what he shall do in your life in Revelation 4 the Bible tells us that there are four living creatures who spend all day and night praising God saying holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come and we're also told that 24 Elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever they lay down their crowns Before the Throne and say you are worthy our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being God's presence is drawn to those who worship and praise him the Bible says he inhabits the Praises of his people meaning he lives where his people praise him and so I would like to read to you A Psalm of praise and I encourage you to reflect and praise God for what he has done for you you in the past Praise Him for keeping you for protecting you for loving you and showing you Mercy Psalm 145 verse 1 I exalt you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of Praise no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell its children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful Miracles your all inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will procla claim your greatness everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers compassion on all his creation all of your Works will thank than you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the magesty and Glory of your Reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads the eyes of all look to you in hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever now let's go to God In Prayer Lord Jesus I praise you I praise you for being faithful and for loving me God I thank you for your consistency because you you're not like man you don't change from one day to the next you are the same yes yesterday today and forever more and I praise you for the battles that youve fought on my behalf I praise you father for the protection that is upon my life I praise you for the favor that you've placed over my life I praise you for the grace and mercy that you've shown me and Lord I know that I don't deserve your love I did nothing to deserve being loved by you yet you love me still and for that God I am so grateful Psalm 28: 6-8 says blessed be the Lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise him the Lord is their strength and he is the saving Refuge of his anointed king Jesus if it weren't for you I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for your wonderful sacrifice on Calvary Lord I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for your hand that's over my life Lord if it wasn't for your protection I would have been devoured by the Enemy by now but I Praise You King Jesus and I thank you because you have not allowed the enemy to destroy my life or to destroy my home Lord if it weren't for your watchful eye over me and if it weren't for your guidance I would be lost I'd be confused and hopeless but I praise you because in you Lord Jesus I'm led by the Good Shepherd in you King Jesus my steps are ordered my tomorrow whatever it may be my tomorrow is in the hands of a faithful merciful and loving God Psalm 63 veres 3-5 says because your loving kindness is better than life my lips shall praise you thus I will bless you while I live I will lift up my hands in your name my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and my mouth shall praise you with joyful lips be praised my God I'll praise you with my whole heart and I tell you that you're holy you alone are right Lord there's none like you King Jesus there will never be any that comes close to you you alone receive my adoration you alone receive my praise because you're Almighty and you have no equal Lord I might not have all that I want but I have all that I could ever need and I have that in you I may not have all of my hearts to desires but all I could ever desire can be found in you Lord Jesus God you're more than enough and in you I'm content and so I give you my thanks God I give you my praise Lord Jesus I glorify your precious name father help us to live in the truth of Philippians 3:8 for your word says yes everything else is worthless when compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for his sake I have discarded everything else counting it all as garbage so that I could gain Christ Our riches are in you Lord Jesus we do not hold on to our Earthly accomplishments but we hold on to you we refuse to place our hope and affections on anything in this world not in our financial resources or physical skill no we look to you mighty Lord we are deciding right now that we will always keep our eyes on Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith I pray that I would be so filled with the Holy Spirit to such an extent that my eyes would be open open my eyes to see all that is pulling me back open my eyes so I can see everything that is hurting my walk with you your word in job 11:14 says if iniquity is in your hand put it far away and let not Injustice dwell in your tents Lord if sin is in my hand help me to put it far away from me me let there be no wrongdoing in my life Build Me Lord make me the type of believer that you want build a Godly character within me through my successes and failures Build Me Up through my victories as well as my defeats help me to worship you not just when my life is going well but even in my deepest struggles be praised father be glorified my God in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 145 verse 1 I exalt you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of Praise no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell its children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful Miracles your all inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will Proclaim your great everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers compassion on all his creation all of your Works will thank you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the majesty and Glory of your Reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads the eyes of all look to you in hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as far as stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3:16 Says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life the love of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you A Love That Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing to him he is still loving Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15: 11 to13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1:5 says says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen now let's pray Lord Jesus I praise you I give you glory and I bow my heart before you father mother I choose to walk with you I choose to follow you may you order my steps and guide me help me to walk by faith not by sight I want to live my life in a manner that's consistent and confident in your promises Lord Psalm 119 verse 133 says keep Steady My Steps according to your promise and let no iniquity get dominion over me oh Father I ask you please Steady My Steps God and I want it to be according to your promise according to your purpose father don't let any sin any iniquity anything that has come down through my bloodline Lord please don't let any of those things hinder me or gain dominion over me father I only want you as Lord over my life so I pray that I may walk in your grace King Jesus establish me and Lead my every step according to to your word and your will father have mercy on me and don't allow me to be overcome by sin or overcome by Temptation don't let me fall King Jesus do not allow sin to have power over me and cause me to be separated from you father I pray for each and every person who's under the sound of my voice God give us strength give us the courage and boldness to turn our backs to this world and take up our cross Empower us to stand up for your word to stand up for righteousness and godly biblical values father help us to walk in the spirit and not gratify the flesh help us to walk in human humility help us Lord to walk in perfect love so that we can live lives that actually exemplify 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 it says love is patient and kind love does not envy or boast it is not arrogant or rude it does not insist on its own way it is not irritable or resentful it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things it can only be by your grace and by the Holy Spirit empowering us that we can walk in this kind of love so Lord Jesus as we turn our our backs to the ways of this world and we seek to live lives that are pleasing to you father I pray that you would enable us to lay aside every weight enable us to lay aside the sin which clings so closely to us and weighs us down help us father to run with endurance the race that is set before us your word says in Deuteronomy 5:33 you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess father when I choose to walk in your way your word tells me that it shall be well with me there are blessings to be under your leadership Lord and so I submit and yield to you father remove from within me any spirit that seeks to control or to do things my way remove from within me the spirit of Pride that thinks that my way of doing things is always the best way father I know that only your way is always right and only your way is always best so allow me to yield to the holy spirit so that I may be in right standing with you and so that I may live my life in accord with your will for my life father teach me to be still and know that you are God and you alone hold the past the present and the future in your hands may your Holy Name be uplifted forever more King Jesus I thank you Father for hearing this prayer and I pray it in the name of Jesus Amen now you may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be awaiting you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like there are an army marching in your direction do what blind Bemus did in Luke 18 verse 37-38 where the Bible says they told him that Jesus the Nazarene was going by so he began shouting Jesus Son of David have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to Jesus ask the Lord to intervene when you feel cornered or your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your Bible to 2 Kings chapter 6 verse 17 and 18 and draw strength from the fact that when Elijah's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the Bible says about Elijah's response and Elijah prayed open his eyes Lord so that he may see then the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and Chariots of Fire all around Elisha as the enemy came down toward him Elisha prayed to the Lord strike this army with blindness so he struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked so I encourage you to pray that God would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when God opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that from the fact that Jesus Christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out in Praise there is only but one God who can give you rest only Jesus can lead you beside Still Waters only Jesus Christ can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what could come tomorrow instead call unto Jesus Christ today in this moment call on God Almighty the one who is who was and who is to be call on The God Who commands millions of Angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation God wants you to call on him because his word in Isaiah 65: 24 says before they call I will answer while they are still speaking I will hear now let us pray dear Lord when we look at your word and at your promises you have told us to trust in you in our times of trouble and you will rescue us and you will restore us you say come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest so our hope is in you you are a God who provides us with all all that we need with more than we need whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you Lord Jesus I pray for every person under the sound of my voice for the one who seeks healing today may they find healing in your arms for the person who is feeling empty may they find wholeness in your presence for the one who feels lost father I pray that they may find your word to be a lamp to their feet and for those who have suffered heartbreak or loss I pray that your love and your compassion may fill them may your love overwhelm and overtake them Lord be praised King Jesus we call upon the holy spirit and we invite him into our lives into our hearts and homes may he give us the strength required for each day May the Holy Spirit lead us into a future that is rooted in Christ a future that is in your arms help us holy spirit so that we can let go and move on from a past of sin and hurt lead us to Christ fix our eyes on the sacrifice he made at the cross on Calvary turn our hearts to desire the things of God I pray that you would renew repair and Revive Our Hearts our minds and souls give us peace where there is unrest give us closure where we need closure give us strength in those areas that were weak fill the voids that may unsettle our hearts in you Lord we have the strength to overcome the devil and for that we rejoice and give you thanks in you Lord we have the power to walk in Victory the power to defeat sin your word in Proverbs 8:3 says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate give us hearts that fear you master help us not to compromise with sin help us to be diligent when it comes to how we live our lives so that we would hate what is evil and cling to what is good fill our hearts with an intense and burning desire to earnestly seek you day and night Lord fill us with your love and joy we Look to You Lord because in you there is certainty there is certain victory in you eternal life is certain with you you are our protector you are the one who Shields us from everything that threatens to destroy us give us the strength to stand firm when we are tested I pray that the Holy Ghost would enable us and Empower us to stand in unwavering faith when we are tested and tried I thank you for hearing this prayer be glorified in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen for the next few moments as you listen to the reading of God's word I I encourage you to forget all that worries you forget all that concerns you let go of your prayer requests let go of your list of needs for the next few moments simply praise God it's good to lay down our requests before the Lord It's good to pray about our needs and ask God to intervene but every once in a while it's good to do nothing but go before the Lord and praise him praise him for what he has done in your life praise him for what he is doing in your life and praise him for what he shall do in your life in Revelation 4 the Bible tells us that there are four living creatures who spend all day and night praising God saying holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come and we're also told that 24 Elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever they lay down their crowns Before the Throne and say you are worthy our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being God's presence is drawn to those who worship and praise him the Bible says he inhabits the Praises of his people meaning he lives where his people pra praise him and so I would like to read to you A Psalm of praise and I encourage you to reflect and praise God for what he has done for you in the past Praise Him for keeping you for protecting you for loving you and showing you Mercy Psalm 145 verse 1 I exalt you you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of Praise no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell its children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful Miracles your all inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will Proclaim your greatness everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers compassion on all his creation all of your Works will thank you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the majesty and Glory of your Reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads the eyes of all look to you in hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever now let's go to God In Prayer Lord Jesus I praise you I praise you for being faithful and for loving me God I thank you for your consistency because you you're not like man you don't change from one day to the next you are the same yesterday today and forever more and I praise you for the battles that you fought on my behalf I praise you father for the protection that is upon my life I praise you for the favor that you've placed over my life I praise you for the grace and mercy that you've shown me and Lord I know that I don't deserve your love I did nothing to deserve being loved by you yet you love me still and for that God I am so grateful Psalm 28: 6-8 says blessed be the Lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise him the Lord is their strength and he is the saving Refuge of his anointed king Jesus if it weren't for you I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for your wonderful sacrifice on Calvary Lord I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for your hand that's over my life Lord if it wasn't for your protection I would have been devoured by the Enemy by now but I Praise You King Jesus and I thank you because you have not allowed the enemy to destroy my life or to destroy destroy my home Lord if it weren't for your watchful eye over me and if it weren't for your guidance I would be lost I'd be confused and hopeless but I praise you because in you Lord Jesus I'm led by the Good Shepherd in you King Jesus my steps are ordered my tomorrow whatever it may be my tomorrow is in the hands of a faithful merciful and loving God Psalm 63 verses 3-5 says because your loving kindness is better than life my lips shall praise you thus I will bless you while I live I will lift up my hands in your name my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and my mouth shall pray praise you with joyful lips be praised my God I'll praise you with my whole heart and I tell you that you're holy you alone are righteous Lord there's none like you King Jesus there will never be any that comes close to you you alone receive my adoration you alone receive my praise because you're Almighty and you have no e equal Lord I might not have all that I want but I have all that I could ever need and I have that in you I may not have all of my heart's desires but all I could ever desire can be found in you Lord Jesus God you're more than enough and in you I'm content and so I give you my thanks God I give you my praise Lord Jes Jesus I glorify your precious name father help us to live in the truth of Philippians 3:8 for your word says yes everything else is worthless when compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for his sake I have discarded everything else counting it all as garbage so that I could gain Christ Our riches are in you Lord Jesus we do not hold on to our Earthly accomplishments but we hold on to you we refuse to place our hope and affections on anything in this world not in our financial resources or physical skill no we look to you mighty Lord we are deciding right now that we will always keep our eyes on Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith I pray that I would be so filled with the Holy Spirit to such an extent that my eyes would be opened open my eyes to see all that is pulling me back open my eyes so I can see everything that is hurting my walk with you your word in job 11:14 says if iniquity is in your hand put it far away and let not Injustice dwell in your tents Lord if sin is in my hand help me to put it far away from me let there be no wrongdoing in my life Build Me Lord make me the type of believer that you want build a Godly character within me through my successes and failures build me up through my victories as well as my defeats help me to worship you not just when my life is going well but even in my deepest struggles be praised father be glorified my God in Jesus name I pray amen Psalm 145 verse 1 I exalt you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of Praise no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell its children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful Miracles your all inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will Proclaim your greatness everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfaith failing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers compassion on all his creation all of your Works will thank you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the majesty and Glory of your reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads the eyes of all look to you in hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes this far as stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3:16 Says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life the love of our almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you A Love That Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing to him he is still loving Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15: 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never betray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1: 5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard my cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and make we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen [Music] now let's pray Lord Jesus I praise you I give you glory and I bow my heart before you father I choose to walk with you I choose to follow you may you order my steps and guide me help me to walk by faith not by sight I want to live my life in a manner that's consistent and confident in your promises Lord Psalm 119 verse 133 says keep Steady My Steps according to your promise and let no iniquity get dominion over me oh Father I ask you please Steady My Steps God and I want it to be according to your promise according to your purpose father don't let any sin any iniquity anything that has come down through my bloodline Lord please don't let any of those things hinder me or gain dominion over me father I only want you as Lord over my life so I pray that I may walk in your grace King Jesus establish me and Lead my every step according to your word and your will father have mercy on me and don't allow me to be overcome by sin or overcome by Temptation don't let me fall King Jesus do not allow sin to have power over me and cause me to be separated from you father I pray for each and every person who's under the sound of my voice God give us strength give us the courage and boldness to turn our backs to this world and take up our cross Empower us to stand up for your word to stand up for righteousness and godly biblical values father help us to walk in the spirit and not gratify the flesh help us to walk in humility help us Lord to walk in perfect love so that we can live lives that actually exemplify 1 Corinthians 13 veres 4-7 it says love is patient and kind love does not envy or boast it is not arrogant or rude it does not insist on its own way it is not irritable or resentful it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things it can only be by your grace and by the Holy Spirit empowering us that we can walk in this kind of love so Lord Jesus as we turn our backs to the ways of this world and we seek to live lives that are pleasing to you father I pray that you would enable us to lay aside every weight enable us to lay aside the sin which clings so closely to us and weighs us down help us father to run with endurance the race that is set before us your word says in Deuteronomy [Music] 5:33 you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess father when I choose to walk in your way your word tells me that it shall be well with me there are blessings to be under your leadership Lord and so I submit and yield to you father remove from within me any spirit that seeks to control or to do things my way remove from within me the spirit of Pride that thinks that my way of doing things is always the best way father I know that only your way is always right and only your way is always best so allow me to yield to the holy spirit so that I may be be in right standing with you and so that I may live my life in accord with your will for my life father teach me to be still and know that you are God and you alone hold the past the present and the future in your hands may your Holy Name be uplifted forever ever more King Jesus I thank you Father for hearing this prayer and I pray it in the name of Jesus Amen now you may be feeling tired in weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be awaiting you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like there are an army marching in your direction do what blind Bemus did in Luke 18: 37-38 where the Bible says they told him that Jesus the Nazarene was going by so he began shouting Jesus Son of David have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to Jesus ask the Lord to intervene when you feel cornered or your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your Bible to 2 Kings 6 verse 17 and 18 and draw strength from the fact that when Elijah's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the Bible says about Elijah's response and Elijah prayed open his eyes Lord so that he may see then the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and Chariots of Fire all around Elisha as the enemy came down down toward him Elisha prayed to the Lord strike this army with blindness so he struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked so I encourage you to pray that God would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when God opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that from the fact that Jesus Christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out in Praise there is only but one God who can give you rest only Jesus can lead you beside Still Waters only Jesus Christ can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what could come tomorrow instead call unto Jesus Christ today in this moment call on God Almighty the one who is who was and who is to be call on The God Who commands millions of Angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation God wants you to call on him because his word in Isaiah 65 verse 24 says before they call I will answer while they are still speaking I will hear now let us pray dear Lord when we look at your word and at your promises you have told us to trust in you in our times of trouble and you will rescue us and you will restore us you say come to me all who are weary and heavy ladened and I will give you rest so our hope is in you you are a God who provides us with all that we need with more than we need whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you Lord Jesus I pray for every person under the sound of my voice for the one who seeks healing today may they find healing in your arms for the person who is feeling empty may they find wholeness in your presence for the one who feels lost father I pray that they may find your word to be a lamp to their feet and for those who have suffered heartbreak or loss I pray that your love and your compassion may fill them may your love overwhelm and overtake them Lord be praised King Jesus we call upon the holy spirit and we invite him into our lives into our hearts and homes may he give us the strength required for each day May the Holy Spirit lead us into a future that is rooted in Christ a future that is in your arms help us holy spirit so that we can let go and move on from a past of sin and hurt lead us to Christ fix our eyes on the sacrifice he made at the cross on Calvary turn our hearts to desire the things of God I pray that you would renew repair and Revive Our Hearts our minds and souls give us peace where there is unrest give us closure where we need closure give us strength in those areas that we weak fill the voids that may unsettle our hearts in you Lord we have the strength to overcome the devil and for that we rejoice and give you thanks in you Lord we have the power to walk in Victory the power to defeat sin your word in Proverbs 8:13 says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate give us hearts that fear you master help us not to compromise with sin help us to be diligent when it comes to how we live our lives so that we would hate what is evil and cling to what is good fill our hearts with an intense and burning desire to earnestly seek you day and night Lord fill us with your love and joy we Look to You Lord because in you there is certainty there is certain victory in you eternal life is certain with you you are our protector you are the one who Shields us from everything that threatens to destroy us give us the strength to stand firm when we are tested I pray that the Holy Ghost would enable us and Empower us to stand in unwavering faith when we are tested and tried I thank you for hearing this prayer be glorified in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen for the next few moments as you listen to the reading of God's word I encourage you to forget all that worries you forget all that concerns you let go of your prayer requests let go of your list of needs for the next few moments simply praise God it's good to lay down our requests before the Lord It's good to pray about our needs and ask God to intervene but every once in a while it's good to do nothing but go before the Lord and praise him praise him for what he has done in your life praise him for what he is doing in your life and praise him for what he shall do in your life in Revelation 4 the Bible tells us that there are four living creatures who spend all day and night praising God saying holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come and we're also told that 24 Elders fall down before for him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever they lay down their crowns Before the Throne and say you are worthy our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being God's presence is drawn to those who worship and praise him the Bible says he inhabits the Praises of his people meaning he lives where his people praise him and so I would like to read to you A Psalm of praise and I encourage you to reflect and praise God for what he has done for you in the past Praise Him for keeping you for protecting you for loving you and showing you Mercy Psalm 145 verse one I exalt you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of praise praise no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell its children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful Miracles your all inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will Proclaim your greatness everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers compassion on all his creation all of your Works will thank you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the majesty and Glory of your Reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fall and lifts those bent beneath their loads the eyes of all look to you in hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever now let's go to God In Prayer Lord Jesus I praise you I praise you for being faithful and for loving me God I thank you for your consistency because you you're not like man you don't change from one day to the next you are the same yesterday today and forever more and I praise you for the battles that you fought on my behalf I praise you father for the protection that is upon my life I praise you for the favor that you've placed over my life I praise you for the grace and mercy that you've shown me and Lord I know that I don't deserve your love I didn't nothing to deserve being loved by you yet you love me still and for that God I am so grateful Psalm 28: 6 through 8 says blessed be the Lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise him the Lord is their strength and he is the saving Refuge of his anointed king Jesus if it weren't for you I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for your wonderful sacrifice on Calvary Lord I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for your hand that's over my life Lord if it wasn't for your protection I would have been devoured by the Enemy by now now but I Praise You King Jesus and I thank you because you have not allowed the enemy to destroy my life or to destroy my home Lord if it weren't for your watchful eye over me and if it weren't for your guidance I would be lost I'd be confused and hopeless but I praise you because in you Lord Jesus I'm led by the Good Shepherd in you King Jesus my steps are ordered my tomorrow whatever it may be my tomorrow is in the hands of a faithful merciful and loving God Psalm 63: 3-5 says because your loving kindness is better than life my lips shall praise you thus I will bless you while while I live I will lift up my hands in your name my soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and my mouth shall praise you with joyful lips be praised my God I'll praise you with my whole heart and I tell you that you're holy you alone are righteous Lord there's none like you King Jesus there will never be any that comes close to you you alone receive my adoration you alone receive my praise because you're Almighty and you have no equal Lord I might not have all that I want but I have all that I could ever need and I have that in you I may not have all of my heart's desires but all I could ever desire can be found in you Lord Jesus God you're more than enough and in you I'm content and so I give you my thanks God I give you my praise Lord Jesus I glorify your precious name father help us to live in the truth of Philippians 3:8 for your word says yes everything else is worthless when compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for his sake I have discarded everything else counting it all as garbage so that I could gain Christ Our riches are in you Lord Jesus we do not hold on to our Earthly accomplishments but we hold on to you we refuse to place our hope and affections on anything in this world not in our financial resources or physical skill no we look to you mighty Lord we are deciding right now that we will always keep our eyes on Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith I pray that I would be so filled with the Holy Spirit to such an extent that my eyes would be open open my eyes to see all that is pulling me back open my eyes so I can see everything that is hurting my walk with you your word in job 11:14 says if iniquity is in your hand put it far away and let not Injustice dwell in your tents Lord if sin is in my hand help me to put it far away from me let there be no wrongdoing in my life build bu me Lord make me the type of believer that you want build a Godly character within me through my successes and failures Build Me Up through my victories as well as my defeats help me to worship you not just when my life is going well but even in my deepest struggles be praised father be glorified my God in Jesus name I pray pray amen Psalm 145 verse 1 I exalt you my God and King and praise your name forever and ever I will praise you every day yes I will praise you forever great is the Lord he is most worthy of Praise no no one can measure his greatness Let each generation tell its children of your Mighty acts let them Proclaim your power I will meditate on your majesty glorious Splendor and your wonderful Miracles your all inspiring deeds will be on every tongue I will Proclaim your greatness everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness they will sing with Joy about your righteousness the Lord is merciful and compassionate slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love the Lord is good to everyone he showers compassion on all his creation all of your Works will thank you Lord and your faithful followers will praise you they will speak of the glory of your kingdom they will give examples of your power they will tell about your Mighty deeds and about the majesty and Glory of your Reign for your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom you rule throughout all generations the lord always keeps his promises he is gracious in all he does the Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads the eyes of all look to you in hope you give them their food as they need it when you open your hand you satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing the Lord is righteous in everything he does he is filled with kindness the Lord is close to all who call on him yes to all who call on him in truth he grants the desires of those who fear Him he hears their cries for help and rescues them the Lord protects all those who love him but he destroys the wicked I will praise the Lord and may everyone on Earth bless His holy name forever and ever the love of God is divine true and everlasting the Bible even goes as far as stating that God is love in fact so great is the love of God that John 3:1 16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life the love of our Almighty god Jehovah is characterized by Grace forgiveness and mercy his Divine love is eternal and unconditional it's not a love that requires you to work for it because Jesus Christ did all the work on the cross it's not a love that you need to earn because what Jesus did on the cross was enough now I say this so that you may recognize the depth and magnitude of God's love love over your life it's a love that always protects you a love that will provide for you A Love That Forgives you so I encourage you to praise the Lord for his consistency praise him for his steadfast love so deep is the love of the Lord that even when we are incapable of living consistently in a manner that is pleasing to him he is still loving Romans 5:8 says but God demonstrates his own love for us in this while we were still sinners Christ died for us think of that while we were sinners Christ died for us while you and I rejected him he loved us while you and I turned our backs on the Lord he loved us in fact the Bible says in John 15: [Music] 11-13 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete my command is this love each other as I have loved you greater love has no one than this to lay down one's life for one's friends and so dear listener you may have been abandoned by someone who you thought loved you but let me tell you that Jesus Christ will never abandon you you may have been portrayed by someone who once said they loved you but Jesus Christ will never portray your trust friend you may have been rejected by someone who you expected to love you but let me tell you Jesus Christ will never reject you the Lord knows you he knows your name he knows the number of hairs on your head and he cares for you now with all that I have told you I want you to take my message with the correct context the love that God has for you is great indeed however this is no excuse to continue living in sin of course God loves you and it's because of this great love that he wants you to repent God loves you and it's because of this love that he want wants you to lean on him for the strength and the grace to live righteously and so with this understanding let us pray you are our savior Lord Jesus and out of love you came to this Earth You Were crucified on a cross so that we can be saved I praise you for such a deep Supernatural love that I could never repay How Great Is Your Love God Almighty that you gave your only begotten son so that I should not perish but have everlasting life I did nothing to deserve this but yet you freely gave your son so that I should not perish your word that tells me in Jeremiah 1 verse5 says before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart may your name always be praised for such love I thank you for meeting my greatest need which is to be loved unconditionally you are a God who knows all all that is done in the light and all deeds and thoughts in the darkness and regardless of knowing my most shameful secrets you still decided to offer me a perfect sacrificial everlasting love you decided to offer me grace and mercy in spite of my faults you decided to show me a powerful love though you know me inside out and I know where I fall short just as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8: 38-39 I declare that I am convinced that neither death nor life neither angels nor demons neither neither the present nor the future nor any powers neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ Our Lord I Thank you Lord for holding me together each and every day whenever I have needed you you have been there for me whenever I have called on your name you have heard My Cry I am grateful for all of the love mercy and Grace that has been and that is shown to me though I did not deserve it thank you for your faithfulness even through the tough times of life to you alone Be The Glory in your presence is the safest place that we can be in and so together with everyone listening right now our prayer Lord is that your presence would cover us may you walk with us every day May the Holy Spirit help us to realize and understand the magnitude of your love and may we never take it for granted may we be convicted to live lives that honor you lives that hate sin and love righteousness thank you Lord Jesus you have loved us with an everlasting love you have proven yourself to be always faithful God we trust and hold on to your word that says in Zephaniah 3 verse 17 the Lord your God is with you the mighty warrior who saves he will take great Delight in you in his love he will no longer rebuke you but will rejoice over you with singing you are worthy to be exalted and I uplift your name on high father thank you for hearing this prayer all the glory be unto you in jesus' name I pray amen now let's pray Lord Jesus I praise you I give you glory and I bow my heart before you father I choose to walk with you I choose to follow you you may you order my steps and guide me help me to walk by faith not by sight I want to live my life in a manner that's consistent and confident in your promises Lord Psalm 119 verse 133 says keep Steady My Steps according to your promise and let no iniquity ity get dominion over me oh Father I ask you please Steady My Steps God and I want it to be according to your promise according to your purpose father don't let any sin any iniquity anything that has come down through my bloodline Lord please don't don't let any of those things hinder me or gain dominion over me father I only want you as Lord over my life so I pray that I may walk in your grace King Jesus establish me and Lead my every step according to your word and your will father have mercy on me and don't allow me to be overcome by sin or overcome by Temptation don't let me fall King Jesus do not allow sin to have power over me and cause me to be separated from you father I pray for each and every person who's under the sound of my voice God give us strength give us the courage in boldness to turn our backs to this world and take up our cross Empower us to stand up for your word to stand up for righteousness and godly biblical values father help us to walk in the spirit and not gratify the flesh help us to walk in humility help us Lord to walk in perfect love so that we can live lives that actually exemplify 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 it says love is patient and kind love does not envy or boast it is not arrogant or rude it does not insist on its own way it is not irritable or resentful it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things it can only be by your grace and by the Holy Spirit empowering us that we can walk in this kind of love so Lord Jesus as we turn our backs to the ways of this world and we seek to live lives that are pleasing to you father I pray that you would enable us to lay aside every weight enable us to lay aside the sin which clings so closely to us and weighs us down help us father to run with endurance the race that is set before us your word says in Deuteronomy 5:3 three you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land that you shall possess father when I choose to walk in your way your word tells me that it shall be well with me there are blessings to be under your leaders ship Lord and so I submit and yield to you father remove from within me any spirit that seeks to control or to do things my way remove from within me the spirit of Pride that thinks that my way of doing things is always the best way father I know that only your way is all always right and only your way is always best so allow me to yield to the holy spirit so that I may be in right standing with you and so that I may live my life in accord with your will for my life father teach me to be still and know that you are God and you Al alone hold the past the present and the future in your hands may your Holy Name be uplifted forever more King Jesus I thank you Father for hearing this prayer and I pray it in the name of Jesus Amen now you may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be awaiting you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like they're an army marching in your direction do what blind bardus did in Luke 18 verse 37-38 where the Bible says they told him that Jesus the Nazarene was going by so he began shouting Jesus Son of David have mercy on me do what this man did and call out to Jesus ask the Lord to intervene when you feel cornered or your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your Bible to second king Kings 6: 17 and 18 and draw strength from the fact that when Elijah's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the Bible says about Elisha's response and Elijah prayed open his eyes Lord so that he may see then the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and Chariots of Fire all around Elisha as the enemy came down toward him Elisha prayed to the Lord strike this army with blindness so he struck them with blindness as Elisha had ask so I encourage you to pray that God would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when God opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that from the fact that Jesus Christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out in Praise there is only but one God who can give you rest only Jesus can lead you beside Still Waters only Jesus Christ can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what could come tomorrow instead call unto Jesus Christ today in this moment call on God Almighty the one who is who was and who is to be call on The God Who commands millions of Angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation God wants you to call on him because his word in Isaiah 65: 24 says before they call I will answer while they are still speaking I will hear now let us pray dear Lord when we look at your word and at your promises say you have told us to trust in you in our times of trouble and you will rescue us and you will restore us you say come to me all who are weary and heavy ladened and I will give you rest so our hope is in you you are a God who provides us with all that we need with more than we need whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you Lord Jesus I pray for every person under the sound of my voice for the one who seeks healing today may they find healing in your arms for the person who is feeling empty may they find wholeness in your presence for the one who feels lost father I pray that they may find your word to be a lamp to their feet and for those who have suffered heartbreak or loss I pray that your love and your compassion may fill them may your love overwhelm and overtake them Lord be praised King Jesus we call upon the holy spirit and we invite him into our lives into our hearts and homes may he give us the strength required for each day May the Holy Spirit lead us into a future that is rooted in Christ a future that is in your arms help us holy spirit so that we can let go and move on from a past of sin and hurt lead us to Christ fix our eyes on the sacrifice he made at the cross on Calvary turn our hearts to desire the things of God I pray that you would renew repair and Revive Our Hearts our minds and souls give us peace where there is unrest give us closure where we need closure give us strength in those areas that we're weak fill the voids that may unsettle our hearts in you Lord we have the strength to overcome the devil and for that we rejoice and give you thanks in you Lord we have the power to walk in Victory the power to defeat sin your word in Proverbs 8:13 says the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate give us hearts that fear fear you master help us not to compromise with sin help us to be diligent when it comes to how we live our lives so that we would hate what is evil and cling to what is good fill our hearts with an intense and burning desire to earnestly seek you day and night Lord fill us with your love and joy we look to you Lord because in you there is certainty there is certain victory in you eternal life is certain with you you are our protector you are the one who Shields us from everything that threatens to destroy us give us the strength to stand firm when we are tested I pray that the Holy Ghost would enable us and Empower us to stand in unwavering faith when we are tested and tried I thank you for hearing this prayer be glorified in the mighty name of Jesus Christ [Music] amen [Music]
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 2,615,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Id: vjurLo5_zDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 21sec (13401 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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