Skyrim - Why Did the Khajiit Join the Thalmor? - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] elsewhere is an arid land of deserts and rocky canyons where the Sun shines warmly always it is home to the much-loved beasts race known as the Khajiit the cat people who can be encountered all around Tamriel some even traveling as far as Skyrim to sell their wares they make great merchants hand-to-hand fighters liars and thieves although that's due to their innate abilities not necessarily because they naturally enjoy or promote stealing one thing they love is to sell moon sugar which makes up an important part of their culture diet and because it can be refined into skooma their economy elsewhere shares our border with Valen Wood and together these nations are in alliance with the Summerset Isles home of the Atma all of these provinces are currently governed by the Thalmor but thou more being elven supremacists who hate men and wish to wipe their culture off the face of Tamriel might seem a weird faction for the Khajiit of elsewhere to align themselves with and many people wonder why on earth would elsewhere support the Thalmor so strongly do they also hate the races of men why would they want to help a nationalistic superpower who believes that elves specifically hi orbs are above all other races even including the Khajiit themselves it certainly is baffling for many but in this video I will explain exactly why these alliance has happened and why if you understand the history of elsewhere it makes more sense than you might think so the odd merry Dominion is the powerful empire that the Thalmor run and have brought to prominence by taking over much of Tamriel they took over Valen would elsewhere and during the Great War parts of Cyrodiil and briefly for a time they had even expanded their empire into hammerfell now with the white gold Concordat signed which supposedly was necessary for the empire not to be wiped out by the Dominion the foul more have free rein over Empire territory to stamp out Talos worship of course these high elves would not want a God who is created from men to be worshipped and their hatred of men stems from the fact that they see them as inferior and worshippers of the traitor God lorkhan we've talked about this before in our video about why the Thalmor hate men and you can watch that video by clicking the link in the description below the thermal first gained big popularity after the Oblivion crisis as they managed to many in their province that they were responsible for closing the gates of oblivion we all know that it was actually the sacrifice of Martin Septim which did this but nonetheless the Thalmor were effective at combating oblivion gates due to their magical affinity so the lie they created was easy enough to believe throw in the fact that many snobbish elves would want to believe this too due to the fact that they wouldn't want a man to be their Savior and you can see why the belief caught on the therm or aimed to recreate the first Aldmeri Dominion and that's a key point in the understanding of why the Khajiit are currently aligned with the Thalmor you see there have been three out Merida minions already and in each and every one the Khajiit were alive with the high office of Summerset Isles and the world elves of Balaam would although they have had vicious fights with Valen Wood before the first Dominion started all the way back in the second era in the year 580 during the interregnum Queen a rena seemed the throne of a Lenore and decided that she need to do something to stop the land of Tamriel from falling prey to the foolish actions of younger races to prevent the destructive nature of men from doing harm she considered it the duty of the elves to do this elsewhere in Velen wood were facing problems at the time and so the three provinces joined in a single alliance aiming to claim Serie Dill's Ruby throne and eventually seize control of the entire continent of Tamriel this was never successful but it goes to show that the alliance between the Khajiit and the ad Marine Yin goes way back and it isn't as random as new players of Skyrim might think so perhaps you're not the biggest fan of the law from Elder Scrolls online and you want something a bit more solid well there's actually the second Aldmeri Dominion which was formed in the second era - in the year 830 in a nutshell the summerset isles conquered Valen wood over a dynastic dispute and established the Thalmor as the new government not all of the Bosma were happy but either way the Thalmor strengthened their hold over Valen wood and made allies with the elsewhere Confederacy they also made allies with the see elves in some Richmond which is pretty rad if you ask me the elsewhere Confederacy was an alliance formed between the two qgd states of anna queena and peloton the head of government was most likely the main and not a whole lot necessarily changed for the Khajiit most Khajiit would have just lived the same lives with the same culture and customs it's just that their government was now on a team with the summerset isles you may wonder why this was useful for the Khajiit and the main reason is that it would give them strength against the invasions of men and other threats they may face while the second Dominion grew its influence Tiber Septim rose to power in cyrodiil and began his ambitious conquest of all of Tamriel the third Empire expanded and battled against the Dominion in an attempt to spread everywhere and as you may know the Empire actually succeeded they used the new medium a giant Dwemer golem to force the Dominion into surrender slaughtering many Dominion soldiers and completing the human conquest of Tamriel I also want to mention that when the elsewhere Confederacy was formed joining Ana queena and Palatine there was some internal backlash from members of the former feudal aristocracy the leader of an aquino named kir go petitioned the Empire of Cyrodiil for help however he was ignored as the Empire had their own issues to deal with this adds flames to the fire of white elsewhere wouldn't really be too keen about the Empire especially in addition to the fact of how they were conquered by Tiber Septim at the finish of the second era elsewhere had become a province belonging to the Empire moving into the third era elsewhere was ruled for a period of time that was actually quite stable and peaceful however like most peaceful societies we know that they cannot last indefinitely along comes the Imperial simulacrum in which Uriel Septim the seventh was trapped in oblivion by his battle mage Yaga thorn who then used illusion magic to pretend to be him after this went down there was a weakening of the Empire's influence imagine being a Khajiit knowing you've been controlled by the Empire and then finding out that the leader of the entire continent you exist on has been an impostor for 10 years you'd lose a lot of faith in them anyways with the Empire's influence crumbling smaller wars erupted all over Tamriel one of them being the five year war between Vale and wood and elsewhere this was in the third era between the years 395 and 399 the Khajiit slaughtered the Wood Elves for the most part an overall one the conflict claiming both banks of the Xylo River however it was the Empire who basically made this territorial win obsolete via a reconciliation of the Khajiit provinces border with the county of Leia win obviously this favored cyrodiil and not elsewhere fast forward to the Year for 33 and the Oblivion Isis goes down with the Emperor killed by the mythic dawn and the Empire itself plagued by oblivion gates all over Tamriel the faction became weaker and weaker until eventually provinces began to secede from the Empire regaining control of themselves or being governed by other factions elsewhere would eventually end up as one of these provinces the Empire had failed them but before the Empire had lost their grip on the Khajiit entirely an event known as the void Nights occurred this happened in the fourth era between the years 98 and a hundred and it involved nerds two moons Masser and Secunda disappearing from the sky this was terrifying for all of Tamriel but it was extremely detrimental to the Khajiit as their entire culture and society revolves around the moon cycles there are tons of different Khajiit breeds that are vastly different from each other and what any given Khajiit is born as depends on the moons too as you can imagine things were ridiculously awful for the Khajiit the Empire had refused to help them in the past then it had conquered them and then failed to look after them allowing the Khajiit to have a war with Valen would the Thalmor had tried to help them by combining forces in an alliance to fight off the Empire however they had failed now the one thing the kidiots need more than anything else the two moons in the sky had disappeared all while under the Empire's crumbling rule anyways the conniving foul more then back to ku which dissolved the elsewhere Confederacy returning it to the two original separate kingdoms of Anna queena and peloton they then became client states of the Aldmeri Dominion meaning that the Thalmor could happily rule them which is what happened because guess what the Thalmor brought back the two moons Masser and Secunda well at least they said they brought them back the moons did return and the Thalmor credit people dispute whether or not the Thalmor used special dawn magics or just lied about bringing them back but either way the Khajiit took the thermals word seeing them as their saviors this gave the Thalmor easy control over elsewhere and remember most QG can still just live out their lives normally under the same customs and lifestyle though it is good to remember that the Thalmor are cunning and we'll ignore morals to get what they want they even secretly assassinated the main early in the fourth era anyways that should provide a lot more clarity as to why the Khajiit joined the in the Aldmeri Dominion even though the Thalmor generally are only looking out for their own interests and have caused problems here and there the reason is that to the Khajiit the Thalmor have always allowed with them and helped them as seen with what happened with the moons and the Khajiit had a really bad time under the Empire's rule when independent or just under weak leadership they've also been seen to have issues such as that conflict with Valen wood so there you go elsewhere agreeing to be a part of the Dominion actually is a pretty smart move that makes sense from the inhabitants perspectives some would still oppose the Dominion and these individuals or groups would be struck down quickly we've seen this happen in Velen wood but generally speaking it would be unwise for the Thalmor to treat the rest of the Dominion too badly can you imagine them trying to destroy the Empire and take over the rest of Tamriel if their own allies turned on them it wouldn't be good or smart and if we know anything from studying the Thalmor they're a pretty manipulative intelligent group I hope you learned something new from watching this video and if you enjoyed it please hit the subscribe button if you want to follow us on social media for a good stalk then head on down to the description where you can find all of the links you could ever need my name is Michael this was why the Khajiit joined the ordinary Dominion and the Thalmor I look forward to noting out with you again very soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 336,681
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Keywords: aldmeri dominion, thalmor, khajiit, khajiit lore, skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, skyrim thalmor, fudgemuppet, why did the khajiit join the thalmor
Id: RAMpeniWj8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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