Skyline GT-R: The COMPLETE HISTORY (Pt.1) - Past Gas #14

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Wow but they haven't seen the full head of hair yet Super Saiyan dude Super Saiyan Pumphrey in the house this isn't even my final form well what is your final what do you think you're fine what would your final form be James just freaking ripped so buff just buff now that's the that's it yours blonde white blond hair people are gonna be like he didn't even pick up a weight until he was 35 yeah now that's gonna be my like my next career is gonna be I'm gonna get really ripped and then do the self-help YouTube no it's like motivational speaking YouTube when I was 34 I weight 247 pounds I had a heart attack oh now I'm ripped just I got too hot wives I owe a yacht and a biplane that lands on water and it looks just like the sea duck from tails I heard a really cool story about Amelia Earhart she was at an air show and a woman pilot like crashed and she was she was hurt but she was she didn't die and a guy next to her was like that's why women shouldn't fly planes and she was like in a bunker like where do they call it not a bunker hangar a hangar grabbed a plane and just like start doing all these tricks and [ __ ] and we're at a party no [Laughter] bark I have no cool stories about anything so let's just get right into it literally this is a cool story show Nolan they I have one on my screen that I'm gonna read to you please do alright hey welcome to passed gas welcome to the past cast podcast yeah it's a donut podcast as you know nevermind but with me today I'm Nolan Sykes I've got James Pomfrey sitting across from me and in the studio today we have another third host Joe from hey guys this is already feeling fun yeah sorry I you guys did a couple of 3 person episodes when I was gone in your absence this is my first three-person episode and already it's different it's fun yeah it's good it's good yeah it's not just me and Nolan talking which is awesome yeah but if you want to go from 80 to 110 pull out the joke yeah classic metric 82 one time today we're gonna be talking about one of my favorite cars the Nissan GTR and it's probably a lot of year guys's favorite cars to whenever we do anything on the skyline skyline gt-r you guys just eat it up really positive for responses in the comments lots of views yeah so uh you know we we don't just like pull stuff out of our boots out of our booties we want to give you guys stuff that you like yeah so why don't you email us if you have any ideas for episodes you'd like us to cover at do pass gas pass gas at donut dot media I'll make it okay between this time and the time that this episode we're not gonna do a podcast on your car so don't yeah we're not pictures of your cars yeah yeah we're not gonna do a podcast on your build but you know fun crazy kooky stories from automotive history that's what we love and we're gonna have to do a million of these please yeah I used to joke that I'm gonna do a new one of these every week till the dead yeah and then I almost died so I don't like that joke yeah to be honest that one did make me a little nervous I don't know yeah I like just assumed like the day I died I was really far away but now it turns out it could have been two Wednesdays ago could have been three episodes in okay so the GTR first we're gonna start out with a little dots in history okay just laying it out for you guys some some Datsun history some context and then we'll really get into it so I think this is gonna be a two-parter so just look out digging yeah you little choo-choos listen up close but not too close because a lot of you guys are driving pay attention to the road but sit back and because we're gonna spin a tale all right in 1911 a Japanese engineer by the name of Masahiro Hashimoto founded his own car company called the quiet already hello I'm gonna I'm for sure gonna butcher a lot of these names just bear with me guys okay it this company was called decline why question sir company in Tokyo's Azabu Hiro district in 1914 his car was ready for the name the company used the first letter of East each of Masucci rows three investors which were D a T which accordingly Nissan's website also means lightning-fast in Japanese yeah I was wasn't able to confirm this so we're just gonna take Nissan's word for it the DAT car also known as the dat go looked kind of like a Model T and was a modest success for the question shut company if you're gonna get a car you want to get one to go yeah okay yeah it's gotta have wheels it's gotta have mobility to move yeah in 1926 questions merged with a company called the Jitsu yoga dosha Jitsu yo Genosha to form the debt Jitsu you site so company five years later dad Jitsu yo Genosha merged with the Tabata company Tabata owner Yoshi suka Okawa envisioned a lightweight affordable car for the people built with materials local to the factory this car needed a name so they called it the son of dot or the Datsun in 1933 dot suya site so dropped the dot part of the name for just Jitsu your site so as and they became the automotive manufacturing division of Tabata a year later they changed their name again to an abbreviation of their holding company knee on Sandow or Nizam they continued to make their Datsun cars and began exporting them around the world needs Nissan's first major motorsport achievement was in 1958 the Datsun 210 sedan had won its class in the gruelling Australian Rally Championship the wind gave the Datsun major cred around the world and opened the door to exports to more countries but this was just the beginning of Nissan's time in motorsport in 1963 the inaugural Japanese Grand Prix was held at Suzuka circuit the track was developed by Soichiro Honda of the Honda company with intended use as a test course for his cars the track was designed by one Hans Holden Holtz a fact I included because his name is fun to say that's a weird Japanese name Hans Hogan holds Hans Hans Hogan holds basically the Japanese Grand Prix was organized so Japanese manufacturers could show off their cars and easily beat private tier teams driving European cars unfortunately though guys the opposite happened in the races first year a Lotus 23 took the win and in 1964 a private team driving a mid-engine Porsche 904 snatched the checkered flag European European cars were winning the Japanese Grand Prix something had to be done that is embarrassing yeah not a great look so what do you mean by private tear companies just like or private to your teams rather so like it means like it's like not owned by a manufacturer it's owned by a rich guy yeah so one that just be private companies not just private like so it's like civilians or whatever like so if I owned a race team and ran ATLA mall I'd be a private to your team yeah there's no does not manufacturer backing because I always think of like British pirates as private to you so it's just I mean I'm I thought it was like Pirates coming in you're out of let's get this guy wait wrong we're talking about ships right these are ships racing yeah their land ships the Prince Motor Company was a smaller automaker who specialized in personal luxury cars some of their more famous name plates included the Prince Gloria and most notably the Prince Skyline princess chief engineer Shinichiro sucker guys saw the European domination at Suzuka firsthand and had a plan to end it born in Yokohama in 1929 Shin Ichiro was a no-nonsense man who expected the absolute best from his employees much like you James yeah I do it's a tough cross that have chosen the bear he was known to train freshman engineers by making them practice tracing lines from morning to quit in time for weeks his reasoning that if his reasoning was that if a designer who was trained in technical drawings could not see the point in drawing simple lines and gave up then they shouldn't be designing cars suck you I took a page from Porsha's book and began designing a mid-engine race car of his own but there was a small hurdle he had never designed a mid-engine race car before so he purchased a used broblem bt8 chassis reverse engineered it and he found out what made it tick so I mean that's kind of the easy way to design a cars button and that's like pretty common to like if you're developing a net like for instance we do work with Pininfarina mm-hmm and they just have every supercar at their office no way yeah using what he learned from the bt8 soccer I designed his own car called the Arthur T 80 it had a steel tube frame chassis and a modified g7 from the skyline making 200 horses and 127 pounds feet of torque ready little guy yeah also from the outside it looks suspiciously like the 904 if you look at pictures of the next each other it's like but that was probably a coincidence right with a curb weight of just under 1,500 pounds the are 380 was a rocket achieving an average top speed of achieving an average speed rather of a hundred sixty-five miles an hour over 31 miles at the table a test oval in Japan and what year is this this is a 1964 what's cool see me a Mustang came out yeah put it in perspective unfortunately Prince didn't get to run the are 380 at the event it was designed for as the Japanese Grand Prix was postponed until 1966 dang unfortunately when it did come time to race Porsche had a brand new race car the 906 and looked like it was posed to are poised rather to destroy Prince the 906 had more power it was lighter and more aerodynamic than the are 380 but Prince did have one advantage numbers Prince bought for r3 80s - the race against the solo 906 the Porsche broke down that day and Prince got their revenge Japan at finally won the Japanese Grand Prix noise super cool I still hung up on a prince named Gloria Gloria what's the male version of Gloria is it glorion Gloria Gloria but the are 380 wasn't the only car prince had been campaigning at the racetrack Prince was also entering the skyline sedan competing in the gt2 class these racing skylines were outfitted with a less powerful version of the g7 the are 380 eventually used which required extending the wheelbase of the stock car a triple Weber carb setup fed the straight six engine fuel and air and power went to the ground through it close ratio transmission and a limited slip differential Prince called this car at the skyline 2000gt mm-hmm remember the 1964 race that Porsche won yeah I do yeah great because I wasn't in five minutes ago when I told you that that be troubling if you didn't Prince secured places two through six it was a beast and one on sale to the Japanese public in 1965 after the r3 80s win in 1966 Sakurai had not forgotten about his little sedan with a big engine now that Prince had won its home race he can now focus on making the skyline even better sake ride took a slightly detuned g-seven from the prince our 380 and stuffed it under the hood he took two doors off it and put on a new badge he called it the Skyline GTR I've heard of those yeah this is the first one you just saw it get born before your eyes Oh gross it's all covered a big thanks to our sponsor Valvoline oil why would you trust any other oil when Valvoline has been around for over 150 years you think I'm messing with you I'm being serious they've been around since 1866 and we're the first to file a patent for motor oil they are the original motor oil not only that they made the first high mileage oil the first race oil and the first synthetic oil blend still think I'm messing with you you've got some deep-rooted trust issues buddy all Valvoline oils exceed industry standards to provide the ultimate protection for every engine on the road that's why some of the best in the biz use Valvoline like my pretty much uncle Mario Andretti to my pretty much best friend Chris Forsberg to me all three of us badass dudes are hard on our engine so you know that we would only use the most durable oil if not everything would blow up Valvoline is the only motor oil with a dedicated engine lab where they're able to run specialized and standardized engine tests right in their own facility thanks Valvoline for supporting passed gas support the companies that support donut that's how we get to make this stuff it was a big deal for Nissan to put that winning engine in a passenger car sport sedans like this didn't really exist back then unless you count the muscle cars that were at their peak over in America but those didn't really handle very well the gt-r on the other hand did nice with 160 horsepower and semi-trailing arm suspension the skyline gt-r was an absolute maniac at the track even with four doors today a car weighing 2400 pounds with that much power would be a hit for reference the nd me on a convertible weighs about 2,300 pounds and makes 180 horsepower and it's basically the perfect sports car the gt-r they nailed it basically yeah beginning is one saying I had no idea they were that small yeah they're tiny yeah when you it's so weird when you look at pictures of cars on the Internet you're like that thing looks so big but then you see it in person people were smaller back then too so it doesn't you don't get a good scare you ever look at like old suits oh yeah you ever look at old suits that I bought smaller now there's some fallen out somehow every one was smaller including me you know what sucks is buying a different suit for every new wedding just are you getting fat yeah and like you think back to when you wore that suit and you're like man I thought it was fat back there yeah that's I know I'm I would kill to be that skinny now I think back to when I played high school in football and I was like 185 pounds and I'm like man I'm so and I was like almost the same height as a senior but then like looking back at pictures you're just like how do you do in great shape yeah I get pictures of myself when I was younger and I just get so sad because now I just look like my dad I look the same from like 20 to 30 pictures of myself like three years ago and I'm like who's dead oh [ __ ] when I went to the doctor's office this week they took my height and all this time I thought I was six one since like I've been I've been telling people I'm six one four years now mm-hmm turns out I'm six eight six foot dance mix we're not even tall no I'm no I'm just above average you're just a guy I'm above average by one inch if you say you're six foot I assume you're 511 I know yeah I'm tall you are tall taller than you I'm three inches taller we thought I was only two inches taller you think you've had the these shows for a while cuz I don't know try to have some tall boys bring some tall dudes do you get rutledge in yeah yeah tall please McFarland tall is Humphrey tall Gus Johnson goes taller than I thought wait oh he's taller than oh boy six four it's cuz he's so beefy he's got that Midwest beef on him and he just looks proportional looks like he took a bigger it's like watching that the toys that made us yeah it's like a GI Joe but then guess walks in it's like when they made the WWF guys mmm those bigger yeah they're bigger than all the other action figures my they sold better because everyone's like oh yeah that's a big come together that's awesome okay [Laughter] it's like three white guys with facial hair hanging out yeah you talk about just you know stuff yeah what's our opinion you know they know I got a hot take you know white guys needle boys finally yeah finally they gave three white guys a show in the GTRs first two years of competition it wrapped up 49 wins which is basically a win every other week or every week I'm bad at math it also earned itself a cute little names not right what two years that's a hundred weeks moving on the GTR was boxy or jaco in Japanese it was also a Sukkah or skyline in Japanese the hot o suta oh this side down sorry suka means [ __ ] and russian oh cool so it's also a boxy [ __ ] yeah with so many wins right out of the gate suck you dice on new he found a winning formula little car big engine make it handle can't lose that's a recipe for success baby mmm Nissan was stoked in 1971 they took the two back doors off the GTR to make it a true coupe a and sold it alongside the sedan the 71 GTR coupe at a shorter wheelbase and was a wider I should clarify at this point Nissan owns Prince yes why they were stoked mmm-hmm if you want to learn more about that check out the episode 100 first or the first and 100th episodes of up to speed are on the skyline yeah they're great episodes in 1971 the GTR coupe had a shorter wheelbase and was wider than the previous model and looked more aggressive to shorter and more aggressive looking question mark the coupe also carries his turtle from Entourage that shows still on the air the COO bolts that came with wider tires and a rear spoiler there was no mistake that this Nissan was a true sports car gentlemen Shinichiro overhauled the gt-r entirely in 1972 this time adopting some muscle car fastback flavor beautiful car it still had the same 2-liter s20 engine as the previous cars thanks to a strange marketing campaign featuring two fun-loving kids named Mary and Ken this GTR is often referred to as the Ken Mary unlike the previous cars though the gt-r was not available in 4-door form and for clarification the the skyline still was so if you wanted to GTR you could only get it in two doors yeah weird coincidence my grandpa's name was Ken and my sister's name is Mary well even though it looked like a muscle car that Ken Mary sure didn't drive on like one also I saw one of these randomly went to a dog beach in Long Beach Long Beach [Laughter] Rosy's dog beach it's great I love it I meant this guy I can't remember his first name but he goes by zero rust on Instagram he brought his Ken Mary out to shoot look now this is super cool his is a replica but he basically used a bunch of GTR parts on it so it's just a normal skyline I don't even think it's a skyline I think it's some some other nissan model I'm an ignorant person Ford Flex yeah yeah it's actually yeah even though the Ken Mary looked like a muscle car didn't drive like one it was available with front and rear disc brakes which was pretty uncommon for the time unfortunately Nissan was only able to pump out a hundred ninety seven of the Ken Mary's because a little thing called the grass grass crisis the gas crisis rather happened and Japan Institute crazy stringent emission regulations which the Ken Mary did not pass it looked like the GTR was destined to rest in eternal slumber until 1984 GTR father soccer our son had fallen ill and was unable to complete the design of the next-generation skyline he gave the assignment to the only man he trusted with the task an engineer named Naga nori Ito Aegis on had been a student of Shinichiro for years and was ready to do his mentor proud it's a lot of pressure I know what's up I know what that's like the next skyline the r31 was slated to release in 1985 just the next year each a son was incredibly nervous about taking over the project soccer I was a legendary figure in the Japanese auto industry at this point a man who was known to call the skyline his alter ego and Naga nuria had to finish designing a successor while his boss was in the hospital do you do this just like what happened you basic hosts bumper-to-bumper which is an extension of me my alter ego and then you had to host it while I was in the hospital I relate man you're sicker son and you are Naga norito I'm Nolan or Ito yeah humph Rocky's son what was a young man to do well he did his best high performance variants of the r31 skyline include the GTS which was equipped with a four-wheel steering system called high-caste I could turn the rear wheels to help the car get around turns the GTS also had an electronically adjustable front air dam that changed position depending on the car's speed pretty sweet the top-of-the-line r31 gts-r was equipped with a 2-liter turbocharged inline 6 called the RB 20 Det here we go here we go despite the moderate success of the group a our 31 race car the our 31 dropped an 85 to lukewarm reception skyline diehards are tough count tough crowd please and the new car just didn't do it for him they shouldn't should stop letting Luke rate cars too lukewarm I got it there wasn't he came oh I'm glad you here there wasn't a GTR model of the r31 I know that this car wasn't popular but I think they look very cool they're coming back like you I see a lot of builds on Instagram now with those and they look it looks so good they look like like an 80s race car yeah I'm the wagon when we got was my job yeah yeah friend Sean has an R 31 where he let us it's really cool trying to borrow it a little bit I got to drive it around with the whole crew in the back it was super fun that was really cool cuz like our office is in Sawtelle which is like like like almost like a little they call it little Osaka little Osaka yeah so it's just really cool to drive like a vintage Japanese car like I stole the Japanese restaurant yeah super fun you get some looky-loos not really I think just like I did get some looky-loos when I parked like a [ __ ] in front of black market yeah yeah it was hard to it it was fun good times [Music] on on the track the Nissan was outpaced by in Group A by Ford and their Sierra Cosworth rs500 another great looking fascinating race car that deserves its own episode eventually the our 31 sales weren't great and Nissan was no longer with the king at the track it was time for a do-over feeling that he had shamed himself and that he literally brought dishonor to his mentor ito Sun went back to the drawing board he got working on a true successor to the cars sake Ison had made a worldwide phenomenon Naga Mori started with a clean slate the Arthur T ones reception had falters had faltered Nissan's reputation as a performance leader the new car would have to change that the next GTR would be designed with one objective in mind in two phases one retake the Japanese Touring Car Championship group a crown and step number two take over the world that's right to achieve that there was the mean just got a win just win baby to achieve that the new GTR would have to be totally different than anything Naga Mori Ito or Nissan for that matter had ever designed before every decision was made with racing as the prime focus originally the GTR team decided that the car would be powered by a twin turbocharged 2.4 liter version of the r b25 inline six making 312 horsepower but since the engine was turbo group a rules dictated that the car would have to run in a larger engine class with smaller tires which would make it harder to drive 312 ponies was a great amount of power back then but running a rear-wheel drive setup with relatively skinny 255 tires meant the car was probably gonna oversteer like hell when driven fast those are small tires yeah for a race car yeah those are extremely small I have 250 5s on my Volkswagen Tiguan and they don't look like and you've only won like a couple championship only one to Japanese Touring Car championships their shouts to kW rota form tow yo and Apr yeah yeah a slight a boy isn't gonna dominate Group A so they made the decision to make new GTR all-wheel drive but Nissan's existing a Tesla all-wheel-drive system was heavy about 200 pounds altogether so Naga Mori and the team decided that the engine would be bigger to make up the difference the new engine had a larger stroke in the previous RV yeah I had a large stroke this morning the new engine had a larger stroke in the previous RV 25 which increased the displacement they called it the rb26dett 26 was an abbreviation for 2.6 liters and TT stood for twin turbo alternate joke it's it man it's man it's depressing when your son has a larger stroke than you my dad weren't ass buddies [ __ ] buddies [ __ ] buddies if you haven't checked out our smoky smoky unit episodes was a two-parter on smoking eunuch a very you know super guy he has eclipsed carroll shelby as my favorite character from automotive history so check that one out and then he's fascinating person great up it's super fun episode super fun each s on and the team dreamed up a new body to tuck this new engine under the new and improved r32 GTR was a sporty but understated coupe compared to the r31 the new car looked like it was not one but two generations ahead of the old car the r31 was cutting-edge for its time but looked like a relic next to the new are 32 when nissan married the new chassis and new drive chained together something amazing happened the new car was great so yeah starting in 1989 the r32 GTR racecar was entered in the Japanese Touring Car championships group a the series it was designed to dominate and you know what it did out of all 29 races that entered the r32 one every single one that blue kal sonic car from Gran Turismo you might remember that Joe yeah yeah everyone does I think that car is the reason that us and a lot of our audience are intercourse absolutely yeah like our dads like car magazines and we like to video games I remember it being really hard to get that car yeah it was really hard to get that car and nobody knew what it was because we didn't get it in the States and everyone's like why does that Maxima go so fast why does that square card doesn't look fast at all why is that the fastest car and then everyone got on the dial-up no bdd and then was like oh you've got mail you guys heard of this car from Japan my mom just called me up this picture I'm downloading in this car like four pixels that car won both in 1990 and 1994 J TCC Championships cementing it as the most famous of all the r32 race cars in 1990 the r32 went over to the Nurburgring and ran in a 24 hour race there and won it went to Spa Francorchamps and won their I went to Macau and did it win it won there but there are thirty twos most impactful victories were yet to come Gibson motorsport was a private racing team based in Australia that specialized in Group A and Group C Nissan's in 1990 Gibson got their hands on an is mo tuned r32 race car it had key upgrades over the regular GTR the race cars had a steel of turbo compressor wheel instead of ceramic intercooler ducting in the front bumper a front splitter a duck tail spoiler under the stock one unnecessary parts like air conditioning anti-lock brakes and rear windshield wipers were taken off homologation rules mandated that Nissan built 500 of these things for sale to the public I want to get one and make it left-hand drive and just piss [Music] I want to own a left-hand-drive skyline one day I think that's so cool all right Gibson had a ton of experience building the rear-wheel-drive r31 but figured out that parts for the new all-wheel drive car would be way more expensive well how'd they figure that over the r32 build process Gibson racked up a tab of over 1 million dollars with Nissan building that car they couldn't afford to do that every season so Gibson decided they would just build nissan parts themselves by the time Gibson was finished racing the r32 a few years later the only the body front and rear cross members and engine block were built by Nissan Gibson manufactured everything else that's crazy yeah that's a lot of stuff have you ever thought about how many pieces there are in your car thousands more than six at least Tesla's only have four parts battery outside the battery yeah coats three like in the JT CC the Gibson Arthur u2's dominated Australian group a racing the twin turbo all-wheel drive monsters embarrassed the competition Gibson motorsport and the Nissan GTR won the ATCC group a championship in 1990 1991 yeah and 92 nice same years the Olympics dream team the absolutely crushing victories earned a nickname a nickname for these beastly Nissan's they were Titans from the Land of the Rising Sun that smashed anything in their path from then on the GTR would be known around the world as Godzilla weenie really liked that it's like we all know the skyline is called Godzilla but it's not often that so much thought goes into a nickname it's like yeah it's from Japan it's a freaking Titan and it crushes everything it's Godzilla it's like whoa yeah that's the maybe the coolest nickname for any car but for my understanding the Australian press made this up because they were just like kicking ass and it was not meant to be a compliment now it's supposed to be like negative yeah but I don't see how they figure that at all like if anyone called me Godzilla yeah like James Pomfrey is the Godzilla of automotive YouTube like [ __ ] yeah [Laughter] there's no one he's handsome guy Joe Weber the Ryan Gosling automotive writers the gt-r achieved its last victory in Japan at the 1992 TUI's 1000 at Bathurst three laps into the race and the Gibson r32 sponsored by Winfield cigarettes took the lead later a heavy rainstorm descended onto the Mount Panorama circuit cars were crashing left and right taking them out of contention but you know what the gt-r had a wheel drive all wheel drive baby that didn't really help them because the Winfield GTR also fell victim while it was in leap Dean while limping back to the pits the Winfield car was passed by a Ford so wasn't an elite anymore right mm-hmm race officials though ordered a red flag finish halting all the cars on the track and resetting the race position by one previous lap this was great for the Nissan fans but not great for the Ford fans in attendance which being in Australia was like everybody yeah after the controversial red flag called the Jess here's here's a note for all the umpires and officials out there just never make that decision like never call back a game-winning touchdown on like a late flag or something never restart the race a lap ahead if someone loses the lead just never ever do that yeah the bright-red Winfield r32 sat in the winner's circle for the last time Ford fans flooded the podium celebration with booze as the Gibson drivers sprayed champagne into the crowd well they were given booze they were spraying noise across the table that's what we're here for that's what we came to do boys the race fans were race fans are tired of seeing Nissan's win all the time so for the 1993 season the ATCC changed its rules heavily favoring the v8 powered Ford's the r32 would no longer be the dominant force in Australia regardless the impact the r32 had on the racing world was undeniable Naga Norah Ito his team and Gibson motorsport had achieved Nissan's goal of reclaiming the performance thrown how do you follow that up guys we'll find out next week passed gas I'm edgy yes great cars great story I didn't know anything about that are 30 are 38 the prince supercars unfortunately there's not a lot of like driving footage from that long track but I think that was super cool they brought it over to Pebble Beach this year actually yeah thanks very less than the past guests make sure you tune in next week for part 2 skyline gt-r right my name is jinx bumping follow me on instagram patches bumper you can call Nolan at Nolan J site thank you follow Joe at dark webinar to follow donut media and dona media on Twitter and everywhere if you listen to this you've probably seen our YouTube channel but if not we have a ton of video shows that come out every week all about cars and most of them are funny and fun yeah alright be nice hanger a hanger grabbed a plane and just like start doing all these tricks and [ __ ] and when I had a party know it at a party know and an airshow oh you know a female pilot crashed and the guy was like see what a dick I know right
Channel: Donut Podcasts
Views: 122,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: past gas, past gas podcast, donut media podcast, donut podcasts, donut podcast, donut, donut media, james pumphrey, nolan sykes, car podcast, podcast, cars, GTR, Skyline, Skyline GTR, R31, R32, Nissan, Ken Meri, legendary automobile, Japan, Japanese Racing, Japanese Skyline, Nissan GTR Skyline, Skyline History, Nissan History, GTR History, gt-r, skyline gt-r, r31 skyline, r32 skyline, r32 gtr, r31 gtr, jdm, up to speed, wheelhouse, godzilla, godzilla gtr, nissan gtr, nissan gt-r
Id: WeYooclLJmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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