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I'm just gonna get a couple experience here you're battling it she did you just why aren't you breaking the one block it was I was looking at you guys you're using your fist use the X in the shovel [Music] aladians we're on Skyblock and today we are playing gen 9 Pixelmon oh wait Kraken who let her on Cody get her up who let her back yeah down with the queen actually she was never a queen she was the sneaky sister yeah she hasn't been on it what like 1700 years it feels like a very long time well we are on Pixelmon 165 that means to annoying Pixelmon so we have our starter Pokemon sporgatio which one's my oh this one's fine no this one's mine Pete that's mine I got that wait Brittany you don't have the quacks wait whose fancy is it wait goodbye don't do it Cody no guys you might be noticing uh behind you that is a battle tower we must reach the top in the first player to do so wins the sky Vlog Pixelmon and as you go out no no million dollars okay okay as you go up AtlanticCraft you will kill trainers are and murder them I mean um you will you will steal their their loot in their family would be they'll have no money I mean what what Cody are you are you okay no they give rare candy they also give different items they'll help you speed along your training session no we're kind of working here together but we're also kind of not I like the saplings I feel like Noel's just here right now just for me to push her off yeah a punching bag basically that's not very nice Cody we only have a planes biome to start on the regular Skyblock oh wait one block yes oh the camera level I didn't even know they spawned from this like I was gonna set this up and then I was like yo this isn't gonna work I'm not gonna be able to spawn Pokemon it's just oh hold up can I do it there's no there's no rules no way there's no way pokeballs are busted yeah they're busted I caught it you can catch any level Pokemon so you don't do not need to worry about Pokemon being lowered I'm not talking about did I get it oh my God I oh oh I didn't get I didn't get it Tony needs to be stuffed two pokeballs but yeah for some reason busted in Pixelmon 16.5 I just don't get it Flappy you say that but it broke out a two of mine already too well Kraken I caught camera up okay that's all I meant I feel like they're they're gonna be a little bit harder because that's a starter Pokemon oh you got it or it fell to its death it fell to itself I did not get it gonna eat success what the hell is this thing over here this lamb thing you can't swear I say we kill it with fire she just swore bro I I that's no no no yeah you're voted off the island he double hockey sticks it's been a long time what is the vote boys I don't know did we just get demonetized boy void avoid void void walk jump that's kind of mean wait how'd you actually get TNT oh I wasn't creative at the beginning we my shovel oh I still do keep inventories on you're all set oh thank God okay no well what you gotta do break this one block okay you get as many blocks as you can help us expand out we are going to have to rely on that one block because it's the best way to get Pokemon right now just let me know I think we can get all that you did just let me know no no I'm not gonna crack it we're not nobody's gonna like no yeah is anybody gonna catch this fluffle no I don't want to catch Fluval I think it actually be pretty good is that oh is it working yeah it it's surprisingly you're actually guys this is also her very first time playing any sort of Pixelmon ever no well what's uh more effective water or lightning against each other see probably see see water we have a good shot of beating Noel here guys and you were doing exactly not what I told you to do I told you see this is the one block you break it it regenerates beautiful right no you're using the shovel you're using a shovel all right here no we'll use the ax there you go Yeah I broke free I didn't want me who hired her you you yeah you did Noel don't touch this no don't don't touch this this is mine who's charcoal oh he's trash you may you may send him to the shadow around I will and I'll take the levels because I have a okay tell me right who pushed off fanfield I'm killing something in the middle of the voice is your camera my camera you push camera up oh my god dude it's bracto just ah no Splatoon over here just got like 10 levels I think we are busted right now atlanteans oh inspiratos oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah she's evolving let's go I feel like at the end of this Noel or even when we reached the battle tower though I was just gonna have like the level 10 Pokemon wait is that another Torchic oh it is it is I'm just gonna get a couple experience here you're battling it yep she did she dead thanks for the levels what [Music] I was looking at what you guys were doing you're using your fist use the X in the shovel you yelled at me the last time I was using that use the shovel on the dirt switch it I can't I don't know what I'm doing we know we know are you trying to push me off it's a Pokemon no well it wants to die it's a cargo no look it's pushing me off well yeah I'd say you suck off the island man Brady made it Cody you're sitting here arguing with Noel over there I found Josh baby blooper oh wait it's okay actually hold up hold up wait a second I can do this oh you can't break a block with an ax no I have a strain in peace and quiet stay awake he's putting up another wall buildable don't make me SkyWars if we could talk about this we could talk about this but there's nothing to talk about except for your doom so there's different biomes as we go up uh that looks like it's made from human body parts what is this is this no it honestly looks like somebody just pooped out that looks like Cody I want it stack I want it it's mine it's mine now okay well here's the first trainer we all can fight her but I'm gonna be the first to kill her I'm just gonna probably steamroll here they're gonna have gen 9 Pokemon I'm starting off oh I didn't heal right off the bat so I got my nose black two out right now uh let's go camera up there we go switch I don't have any fire type moves even though we can like five levels of camera up so this is gonna be I still have growl on this thing that's the problem when you catch high level Pokemon it just kind of feels bad bro where we see to see if that causes worry is planted it prevents sleep it kind of nice I'm gonna I actually get rid of it though because I'm not gonna I'm not gonna worry about that what is this Bolivia so that Pokemon what in the world it's like inside oh that is weird well I'm just gonna steamroll right through because I think we actually get ultra rare soda and it's gonna be so awesome to put on my nose black too that's a lot of restoring of Health I don't really like that man if I only oh good train and what in the oh my god well that's we're still gaining even though they use Giga drink okay well we didn't gain on that one uh We're not gonna go flaffy here we go you turn C bomb I'm gonna pop C bomb out that's a lot of damage the Giga train sends me to the shadow realm oh my God are we gonna actually we might oh wow did you just lose Cody no Cody how easy was the battle that was pretty easy no well have you trained at all uh no I just don't know what I'm doing here she's staring at a Pokemon like Cody she's just staring at it evolve why won't you yeah yeah she's like do better well no you need to throw the Pokeball at the Pokemon okay that makes sense I didn't know oh God stare into my eyebrows died your Pokemon thing you have to heal it there's a Healer without red cross symbol sitting at the sky blocks right next to the one block that you should have been breaking and well you know I would have thought you'd been like what's that another Torchic hey it yes okay yeah fine I'm gonna kill this they pushed me off the edge [Laughter] she's Noel you can't be in these videos if you You're Gonna you're you're a problem it wasn't me it was the Pokemon mom watches these videos not anymore let's go we're gonna be evolving here we're gonna actually get rid of magic Leaf real quick and yep there we go we got no Splatoon tier three also somebody else was evolving in the battle tower I really should go and try and battle it now I totally was just like training non-stop here and we're gonna go and see what we get for lootations right off the bat that is like a sick move dude well I do I get rid of Slash I like U-turn I'm Gonna Keep U-turn I'm just gonna get rid of Slash that is such a good move to have hey Cody you were right that battle tower is pretty easy ah dude almost threw you off uh wait easy Noah what level are you uh 13. it's um higher than 12. my copy just came up my mind hey I'm trying here dead there we go that was a Pokemon I haven't seen before there oh that's that's actually a cool looking Pokemon it's got like berries and everything it'd be cool if like you use those as like bombs and you could see them slowly like you know you waste them and there's less of them on the Pokemon anyways there we go the tier one Trader is the beat it in XP all Ultra realized get it I'm gonna I'm just gonna pop this on fluffy oh no no no I'm not gonna do that since I have the XP all boom there is six levels for you and we get play rough let's probably get rid of I'm I'm thinking seed bomb well actually what is at the very top of this let's take a quick peek I actually I think I know what's going to be up top there do I even have enough blogs I I do okay well yeah there we go we got water we have reached the water level now there's not actually a trainer up here it's just gonna be Pokemon like Magikarp and other water type ocean Pokemon spawning Corpus okay yep we're just gonna train here and it's gonna be really easy for us we just need to get um dude if I had some boilers out here they'd be such good XP but yeah we're just gonna train up here and I'll maybe need to reach um high level 50s to get to the second person I don't know if I catch this well or not I'm just gonna get the XP it's gonna be really good 5K XP that's gonna get our Magikarp brand new just got it too hey Cody oh 12 days what's up why did you uh build up instead of using the elevators by the way you just put these you know that you know that the elevators are gonna help us get to each floor but Bradley hello what's going on wait where's the trainer I'm ready I beat the first level where is the trainer it's up oh I gotta go get more blocks or actually Cody you can go do that I've been working on the one block it's Stone now by the way wow he actually did get the stuff okay that's really nice well uh goodbye Magic card of course she goes for the horsey yep just like me cute so typical dude mean drown out there oh yo jingle oh ho ho oh why a Jingle Ball oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh are you are you are you okay Cody what's what's short circuiting I'm not no I'm not short circuiting uh do do I try to do anything uh I thought I used to have a yawn oh that would make him sleep well let's just try the pokeballs I mean they're 13 pokeballs oh oh we should be able to get it right and 13 of them look down there there's an ice cube all we have to do is throw a Pokeball at it they pushed me out the window that wasn't me I think I saw oh yeah that's definitely Noel no I didn't do anything I'm innocent we'll vote you off again just wait oh okay let's go we got ourselves all about you come Magic Cup I want you um this is a legendary we got okay we got we got time before nobody's gonna come back oh just go I just gotta block this up here he's gonna do that nobody in nobody out oh I thought I heard the ding oh excuse me sir this is my training platform there we go oh wait he's gonna respawn right here that was a mistake what's up Cody hey how you doing all right what what are you doing it's my last Pokeball that's my last Pokemon please please please no oh what's up I thought I thought it was Brady killing from up underneath I I don't have any more we could break the one block if I get a dungeon chest this might actually be a chance to get a master ball ready don't touch it don't what is that Cody it's a legendary Brady hang on hang on I still have five pokeballs yeah if you get in five pokeballs I got this I swear bro I swear the catch rate on the pokeballs okay oh mud still dude mudsdale actually scare the crap out of me what moves do we have on our Gyarados right now waterfall okay that's gonna be good enough she'll be able to just oh maybe not good enough when she drops counter real quick well let's have a little bit of Earth versus Earth dang it all right I'm out of pokeballs I'm going back to the tower to trade you you can have your little horsey uh all right I guess so why do we I think I'm just getting rid of knockoff confuser will put that on Flappy oh Flappy's evolving let's go tier three inbound so we've got a pretty decent Squad I just if we're going up to the desert uh tier you could tell because it's a Sandstone we're gonna need to get uh Stronger with Gyarados we need to or a better water type Pokemon Thunder Punch I almost didn't get you let's just get rid of charge glass crack it yeah yeah just beat tier two why do you guys have this blocked off no reason check it out dude oh uh wait did tier two gave you that yeah it's like the reward you know how we got the XP I thought I just started Moltres in the sky I swear bro I thought I was looking at like Pokemon the anime real quick well we or oh oh yeah yeah I don't uh look at the ice Pokemon are you serious oh no dude Legend wait for it Dairy what that was a legendary legendary he got it Bradley he got it I just I I got knocked out on uh that level that's actually a pretty tough fight Cody so well you didn't have camera oh and I avoid yes baby let's go the crown type moves slapping with the super effective and gonna get the XP all get the x 34 000 71 XP are we gonna be the first people to complete the top it has new well have you completed this the first tier I think she skipped it she beat the tower yes we just got eruption our first firing Type move we are moving out here in the universe and we're gonna get crunch there we go rain dance sure why not Arcanine let's just stick with it if it ain't broke don't stop okay well that hurt that actually hurt we're just gonna throw up eruption super faster with that no we're not gonna be Gyarados 28 versus you know why not the fire Fang the tank and then the waterfall damage we might actually be able to kill if he doesn't crit he doesn't crunch no that would have been nice levels on him Ampharos I just don't want to throw out my my starter Pokemon Thunder Punch Electric Ball let's do electric ball why use electrical not faster what do you mean bro 30 between the two of afros is like I'm getting XP right now we'll drop the confused right and then we got armor Rogue discharge Electric Ball Thunder Punch because there's a chance it will actually paralyze didn't dang dude well that's a feels bad moment we have a shot it's a low shot but it's still there this quits every single time and I'm going energy ball that's a lot of damage mystical fire that's also a lot of damage we pretty much have no shot uh flower trick that quick oh my God oh my God flower trick that's why the crit is so the it's never misses it's there when you need it and it's just it's oh wait again again well I thought we just had to come back up a lifetime evolving out there that would be I laser kitten inbound oh the Blazing Kid ah dude that's that's a good Pokemon to have imagine walking like a peasant really Noel your crocodore is only level 17. the sheer power that I possess with this this little camel I I'm trying here I have two other Pokemon that are higher than this thing I feel like the Pokemon spawns would be so much higher if Noel wasn't playing the game recognizes no it does it spawns in Pokemon's based off the nearby levels of the the the players so I picked up chew tool and now we've got ourselves Dreadnought and this is gonna be another one of Pokemon to have doesn't have any water uh type moves right now I was hoping he would learn some other type of moves and we only got water gun in rock tomb I guess that's gonna be pretty decent nice nice cracking nice Pokemon you got there thanks dude why did you catch it I tried I don't have a master ball yet oh that's right you get it from this guy anyways I'm gonna go up to tier three Cody have fun well we're gonna start it off again earthquake straight off the bat do not miss okay I fell asleep that's actually a bad time okay that's that's well he digs okay well the earthquake sends them to the shadow realm I didn't take a single damage there and I think we could just ride camera up to the the shadow of the promised land Gyarados level 35 dude this is somebody I almost got rid of fissures Sue yeah I'm gonna throw it on why not oh and we get Aqua tail finally a decent move on uh Gyarados there Arcanine you're gonna take the Earth how did it go Kraken not very good I need to go heal up that was that was embarrassing okay if you have fun 30 000 let's go let's go train on maybe I just keep trying to fight this guy and we're gonna get rid of energy ball put leave storm on there and then we're gonna get rid of uh waterfall wasn't too too bad 80 damn wow and then jaw lock yo 80 on that that's pretty nice breaking out the man the myth the legend Gyarados he side shock well wow that's a lot of damage there [Music] just kind of with mystical fire too drag now you're not okay you're Dreadnought you're not gonna you're not a family right I guess I gotta wait for you to finish hurry up Cody hurry up and get knocked out my turn fail bro oh wow um oh flower chick we're just going flower chick there we go flowers are coming in hot see wow that that's that's a that's a lot of damage please leave storm hit that's do our last Pokemon Ampharos and she's uh got a lot more damage now at least we're effective like at least we're like you know not not involved all night how bro there's another one yes do we tank do we tank nice finally a good water type boom my third time is going to be obviously the the one that's gonna work it's right hurricane okay it's it's infinitely better I've already got level 70 the moves they were coming in hot and spicy leave storm that 46 45.6 one I'm gonna do flower trick because I need that crit yeah there we go that's the last Pokemon right has to be no this one I always forget about this one oh my God we're fine everything's fine just gonna stick with under punch you thunder okay we're getting rid of discharge yes the master ball a full restore and also a Max survive which we'll be able to use in battle I know I have other potions but I just wanted like okay he's all level 75s and looks like we got the ice biome as the last one let's get back down to business and we're gonna go back to the one block hi Noel goodbye Noel hi oh no no oh you're still in a battle yep oh legendary oh it's my baby let's go I'm the one block I I didn't even notice it stupid man I almost had two I just got my master ball imagine Noel got that I don't think I would have but there's always a shot Noah nah it's level 76 61 with Dreadnought uh let's just go and heal up our Pokemon and I think I'll be ready to go and fight the last train there I crack it's been working on it and I don't know what Brady has thought of it yet Brady what are you doing hey get up no no I've made a new rule you have to beat me in Battle Before You Can Heal again too late I already got it yeah I can beat it this time I'm gonna beat it how was your starter only 51 Kraken because I've been ignoring him for my legendaries okay oh my god get him wait I'm not gonna fight you kraken's going up against the last guy now oh ice punched that looks good all right I got through the first guy yeah oh this is just the first guy oh a Gen 2 oh look at that that thing looks cool wait you just switched out he just switched out what's wrong with that Graveler bro he looks like he's got like some sort of disease he's got the Chicken Box oh oh he's down okay uh I'm leading with this so you're gonna be weak right now to fire eruption cataclysmic damage like me that's so many levels there's so many levels with close combat sure I'm gonna get rid of mediclaw and then we got iron bundle what is this guy weak to I'm just gonna throw out earthquake flip flip turn there's no shot flip turn just does my entire Health zacion you know what to do big guy Iron Head take it out the game with the super effective we're cruising almost level 80 right there I think I'm gonna have to revive camera up I can't lose camera up this early this guy scares me I don't even know what he's gonna throw that that bundle will get Brady stop don't be sitting there watching me right now yeah now I'm just patiently waiting for you to get knocked out so I can take my turn back's a caliber oh my bro this is he that's a cool Pokemon that looks pretty cool that's a lot of damage but he can also send a lot back thankfully he didn't have anything packing too much of a punch there 82 him say she on this legendary oh this was worth it for days head smashed get rid of rock tomb well you know I I like my chances just with moon blast I've never seen that Pokemon before it looks like some sort of dolphin has there been a dolphin Pokemon yet I don't know but that thing apparently is gonna have like a superhero form too yes yes guy he's doubting me I was crying at level 88 you know what I'm gonna put out a different Pokemon that flip turned not doing anything this I just Beat It whoa Ice Beam what the heck wait what on your the final level no no I just beat the first one oh my God you just okay well all right your turn's up Cody no one in the battle I beat it trying to steal my legendary that's when you get for stealing my legendary Kraken and Noel it's over where are you Noel and that's what you get for only being the first one no thanks for watching the latest for more Skyblock 165 Pixelmon hit that like button and subscribe and play our Pixelmon server Pokey Paradise links down below of how to join
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 56,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixelmon, skyblock, pokemon, minecraft, minecraft pixelmon, pokemon scarlet and violet, scarlet and violet pixelmon, pixelmon ge 9, pixelmon skyblock, pixelmon gen 9, the atlantic craft, atlantic craft, atlantic craft pixelmon, sky, block, skyblock survival, skyblock challenge, skyblock pixelmon, challenge, fun, minecraft skyblock
Id: dX81mFhOsJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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