I am Israel's Lady in Red and this is how I survived Nova festival massacre

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I asked some girl where you go and she's screaming there terrorist right there at the car before me stops the man run try to run from the car and they shoot him many people died there many people she became known as the lady in red and was one of the most hauntingly iconic images from the October 7 massacre in Israel for weeks the world has wondered if she survived the attack on the Supernova Festival where Hamas gunman killed 340 people and took 40 hostage now Ma online has found her and for the first time Vlada papov a 25-year-old Ukrainian born mother of one who lives near ashod in southern Israel tells the harrowing story of how she survived at night we going through the party usually this party starts from from the night to the other evening and we came there at 3 at 6 and at 6 and a half it was very very cold so I told ma H let's go and um lay on a blanket and something doesn't feel right and I heard from many people that something in the day really don't feel right I am usually go dancing and there I I don't feel like this I want to go and lay and and then we have in Israel some applica application applications apps that H shows you when H Rockets go so we have the yeah so I have it all time in 729 I have the the the first um siren in a phone so we going to the car starting to look where the car our car is because so many people trying to go out and it was like starting to be some little CHS like uh and after 20 minutes I think from everything that start I found the car I went to the car and I heard a three or four shots it be the first time I think that they threw so many rackets like it was something unusual the party was in an open field okay and to go out from the party there is only one way one road we drive in something like 6 minutes and I see that car stopping like everyone stops and I open the window and I asked some girl where you go and she's screaming there terrorist right there the car before me stops the man run try to run from the car and they shoot him they see a big Savanah white Savanah a car and they even they were in half a uniform of our soldiers there is nowhere to to drive because everyone just stopped their cars we don't have where to go like the the road is blocked and they start to scream that there terrorist from the other side too so we blocked all this still Rockets it was without stopping and and then I remember there was a like a safe place we have it a lot in Israel because of the bombing you okay yeah many people died there many people and in the shelter yeah in the shelter in that area they have a like mini shelters open without a door only um Bon yeah and um so we being there next to the policeman and and then was a moment that the policemen look all of us and just scream if you want to be safe you just need to run to the shield fieldi field it's um above the street we looked one in other I want to stay there and thank God the time didn't end um and we we go back to the car and then we see 200 300 like they were a 50 60 from any side terrorist yeah and they they start and then they start to just driving and running and in motorcycles in savano in tenders white tenders just going to in the field and shoot everyone like I don't know even how to explain it like a chicken yeah they just uh driving and shoot everyone so I go out from the car Matan go out from the car from the other side and my from behind um and I just sit like this under the tree the the first tree that I have next to me and then some boy tells me hey you want to come here you want to of course of course and he opened the door and you can hear one of the boys behind screaming no no no don't stop her don't stop her let just just drive and he stops me stopped me and uh then my saw me my running I remember my running on her life like she understand if I'm going in that car she she don't survive like and she she's running to me and he she's always falling like falling down and and she just jumped to the car like you see in the video she just jumped and they closed the door and when they close the door then we hear Matan ER screaming like V I'm here let me go to the car and they just um lock the door again yeah and I remember matan's face like at start he like uh say me goodbye you understand that that's it we were in a car eight people in a mini Kaya Picanto they take everyone he can they can and so in that moment I just yeah Matan saw us Matan saw us going to the car and 2 m from us he he started running to us and he just like screaming FL FL don't and I can because my jumped on me and they shot the doors I was like this in the car and I can't open even the door and I don't know who from us is going to survive and come back to our daughter and yeah [Music] and then Matan telling me that no one is want to take him after I think 10 minutes some nice lady I don't know till now who she is take Matan and then God Matan going to another Army buzz and me to another one H it's the someone start to shoot us from the front 2 minutes I I I think they have a puncher in a wheel mhm and and after 2 minutes the drivers tell us it's okay look uh look look down and we saw a terrorist in a white Savannah Dead who killed him the other terrorist why they even don't looking where they shooting they just driving screaming and shooting everywhere the terrorist was be in front of us then we take a right when the terrorist where it was right they start shooting from right so we take left and I remember this was the longest 20 minutes ever the way to the buz and we came there there many people like I don't know we were 60 70 we was here there till the night H because to when we go there we just and you know we think that we save we I I think only there I'm understand what happening and and then we open the phone and we started to see what is really going on it's not only us it's not only of the party it's it's like it's everywhere even at night it's still where the shooting like it was a word everywhere I think for two days yeah for two days they can't clean completely from the terrorist the area I just so happy that I came back to came back to my daughter that really nothing else don't matter what's your daughter's name Romy Romy and how old is Romy two and a half years almost and a half 2 and a five months when when you saw Romy you must have just given her a massive C Mass huge I just I think there I before in a in a base when I called my father and I have a Ukraine father like and I tell him dad everyone everyone dead everyone is dead and the next time was when I go back to to homie and I just fall down like emotional yeah and Matan as well yeah Matan Matan like I'm the woman I can cry I can and I think that Matan was so Terri Teri and so and he tries not to to show this because you know she he's the man he needs to support me but you can see everyone seeing on his eyes months after this and still that it's it's very difficult for him very difficult I still think about the F our friends that not survived this and all the hostages there so many babies and children so I I I think I I still I still don't understand with myself what uh is going on everyone in the country lost someone everyone I don't think that that they don't touch someone at that country somehow if it's someone he knows kidnapped or or even someone dead and the fact that your image has gone around the world everyone has seen that picture of you running you know with your red scarf and what what does do you think about that I'm just happy that the symbol of the like this picture it the of girl that survived and not someone that not like it gives me some hope I think and you can see the fear in your face can't you the fear that un understandable look I don't understand like I just understand that I need to run on my life like that's it I don't I I I can't see nothing I can't look back because they they running and shoot like so you have to live for ROM yeah you have to get yeah I saw people from from the party after this in some meetings and everything they broken maybe that's the person that I am like I I don't want to fall down I don't want to let them win because it's not going to happen no but I saw like people broken yeah not was something um understandable yeah
Channel: Daily Mail
Views: 2,293,627
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Keywords: Daily Mail
Id: pK40EPxBtMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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