Sky News Australia host rips into ‘woke idiocy’

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now let's go to the UK where a 13 year old girl was called Despicable by her teacher at a church of England school because she didn't believe people could identify as whatever they wanted they couldn't identify as cats for example that was one of the arguments they were having have a listen to some of that interaction but cisgender is not necessary either way to wait a bit if you were talking about the fact that cisgender is the the norm that you identify with the gender that of the sexual orders that you're born with or you're weird that's basically what you're saying yeah which is really Despicable Me if I call my mum she'd say well that's very sad as well then those are people agree with that there's only a small majority of people who actually think that and why do you think we have so many problems in the world with homophobia yeah lesbians and gay people say I've got nothing against her I mean just how vacuous that argument from the teacher is and she brings up homophobia and the students very rightly correct her and say we have no problem with gay and lesbian people and you can be gay and lesbian and not be uh Trans in any way I mean this suggestion that if you are gay then you don't identify as the gender you were born in it is so utterly false but that's what the teacher was putting forward and the teacher even said the student should find a new school and then Center to be punished for essentially believing in biology have a listen you need to have a proper educational conversation about edu about equality diversity so the teacher told the students they were being reported to a school administrators and no would no longer be welcome at the school if they continue to express the view that only boys and girls exist and that's uh just incredible stuff and this mess is making news around the world Daisy but sadly it's not isolated uh let's have a quick look at how 1GB news presenter covered this story meow I learned something new today everybody it's perfectly acceptable to identify as a cat you are don't you dare mock it by the way because I've decided that is now what I am meowshell to you well she's having fun with it but I've got to say my 13 year old was called Despicable told to go to a new school was called homophobic falsely and all sorts of other nonsense that those poor kids were copying I'd be ropable and that was one of my first there was that teacher in my opinion has been completely abusive to those children and what universes is it appropriate for a teacher for any reason to scream at students particularly in front of the rest of the classes it seemed to be and call them despicable or homophobic and say they were so terrible they needed to go to a new school and get a proper Equity of diversity and inclusion education that is just worrying by the teacher and as also as you pointed out that the students are actually more woke than the teacher because the teacher was confusing gender ideology with being lesbian or gay and tried to accuse him of being homophobic but they thought that they said hang on a minute no no no no we're not talking about that and then later in the clip the teacher tries to back the teacher tries to backtrack um and says oh but but you you oh you can't see a connection between the two so the teacher obviously has no idea what she's talking about um the kids obviously do and good on them for pushing back and sticking up for themselves and the kid when the teacher really comes at them hard one of them says my Mo my mum agrees with me and she'll say that so you can see having that backbone having that conviction Having the courage to speak and the kids also say most of the students think this way but they're too scared to say anything because of what you're just doing to me now so it comes from the home when they know their parents are going to back them when they know their parents are across the issue then they have the courage to do what we just heard but otherwise they're just going to sit silently swallow this nonsense and uh be too Meek to to challenge lies lies that are being fed to them in the classroom now let's go to more lefties losing at this time from the uh global warming catastrophists who want you to believe that they're not in some sad bizarre civilization destroying cult seriously they're all just about the science have a look foreign [Music] so much science there Daisy just staggering amounts of science happening there Rita that is stand in Brisbane I actually saw that same climate culture about you know half a dozen of them or more dressed in those same red outfits with painted faces and weird red veils they weren't singing thank goodness but they had some weird Bell thing they were playing and one of them made direct eye contact with me Rita and I felt personally violated they are very very strange I don't know how they can just they can claim that they are some sort of serious movement when they do stuff like that and also do silly stuff like the blockade Australia protests but uh yeah they're look they make for good television but that's about it now remember when the ACLU wasn't just a giant joke now instead of pursuing free speech and Liberty there moaning about child Killers being misgendered in prison Florida executed child killer Dwayne Dwayne Owen last week and the ACLU took to Twitter to post this the State of Florida never provided medically necessary gender affirming care to Dwayne Owen causing her her enormous suffering and violating her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for more than 30 years she was in state custody thankfully Daisy twitters Community notes provided some context to the aclu's Tweet with this Duane stabbed 14 year old Karen Slattery 18 times killing her then raped her corpse he committed murder again years later kind of relevant there yes uh definitely relevant I quite like that Community notes feature thank you Elon Musk a very good one indeed I mean I'm so pleased that this tweet was absolutely slammed because it really needs to be called out because in addition to um you know doing such terrible terrible murderous acts um psychiatrists for the state um you know pushed back against this gender dysphoria narrative and said they saw no evidence of gender dysphoria um they also said that Dwayne faked schizophrenia and they also said that he displayed signs of sexual sadism um so on top of the crimes that Dwayne committed how until you can put this stuff with a straight face just shows the complete lunatic age that we live in they should be heartily ashamed of themselves and they should be taking that tweet down and apologizing to the moon and back to the families of the victims for such a disrespectful disrespectful comment just appalling but they won't I'm sure they'll just stubble dad and they'll see the reaction they've copped as just further proof that you know everyone is transphobic and bigoted and hateful and the people decent people same people used to give money to the ACLU not long ago and I know a few of them and I'd be very interested to know if they're still giving money to that organization with the sort of work they're up to these days now Daisy I've got some good news for the men folk out there they're now permitted to express an opinion on abortion or are they let's have a look at this Planned Parenthood tweet they said labeling abortion as only women's rights or a women's issue erases the experiences and identities of queer non-binary and trans folks who also have abortions and downplays additional barriers they face when ex accessing care abortion access affects us all period so I don't know if that means Daisy men can State an opinion on abortion but only if they identify as women or if it's just women who identify as men or non-binary and I'm not exactly sure what barrier is to care that non-binary queer folk face when accessing abortion but uh perhaps you can shed some light on all that please well look at as for the assertion that somehow non-binary and queer folk uh face barriers to abortion I I'm with you they've provided absolutely no evidence there as to what those barriers are that all sounds very very wishy-washy to me hard data thanks or it didn't happen um as for men having being able to have an opinion of on abortion I'm sure they would say that men could if they were females who identify as men so trans men I mean that's where they get this kind of logic from and of course non-binary females but read it the point to make here is that I'm sure you remember last year after the overturning of Roe v Wade all this messaging about how abortion isn't a women's issue disappeared overnight I remember it's all commenting on it at the time nap it suddenly became women's rights and women's issues again because it was politically convenient and they realized they were able to make a better point of it so all of it is just as we know it is simply virtue signaling nonsense they don't actually have the courage of these convictions and the thing is another point to Note Reader is that men actually biological men so white says heteromen have always been able to have an opinion on abortion if they are pro-choice you see pro-choice men waxing philosophic to the moon and back about how much they love abortion and being lauded by women who are feminists it's only pro-life men who aren't allowed an opinion on abortion now let's go to a lefty losing it that shows just how tolerant loving and moral the left are here's a tattoo artist who vowed to deliberately hurt any conservative who ventured into his uh shop if you're conservative don't come to my shop don't do it you know go to your cousin's garage or his kitchen or whoever go to somebody's house where you can spiritually spew your hatred oh just so much love and tolerance I mean that the projection there is enormous but really I mean having a look at the background and looking at this clown I think I would rather get a tattoo from just some random in a garage than than that dude uh what a ridiculous thing to post and the whole thing goes for several minutes and trust me it doesn't get any better no and he starts going on about religious people as well and how religious conservatives and religious people aren't allowed in his shop either I'm thinking um unless you like what religions are you talking about there are you because if you're talking about not just Christianity but you know Judaism and Islam the abrahamic religions have a number of overlapping beliefs well I'm sorry shouldn't you be accused of anti-Semitism and and islamophobia they don't sort of seem to reach these these logical conclusions of their own ideology Rita but honestly the bigotry runs so deep um in the work left so deep and what they don't realize is that included in the definition of bigotry is intolerance sheer intolerance of other people's opinion that is the absolute definition of violent intolerance almost um of other people's opinions I don't know what would possess him to put this on the internet but it has gone viral and I'm sure he will reap the consequences well let's hope so you want to put that that sort of demented hate into the world you shouldn't be surprised of a little bit of it come back comes back to you now here is some disturbing news from the medical profession the Washington examiner reports that students at the University of Michigan medical school are being taught that basic anatomy is assigned by doctors at Birth slides reviewing their foundational anatomy of the pelvic region which were created for first-year medical students separate male and female body parts into the categories of assigned male at Birth and assigned female at Birth uh it is a worry Daisy we started talking about what's happening in New Zealand with surgeons being forced to consider race when determining who gets priority for for surgery and now we've got another example of the medical profession being captured by woke idiocy yeah and and this these terms actually really grind my gears Rita above all because they are they actually don't make any sense this is this whole a Fab which is assigned female at Birth and a mab as they say assigned male at Birth being signed something um implies it can be changed later on you can't change your sex you can identify as whatever gender you want we know that now but biological sex is biological sex if you are a signed female at Birth you are female the term makes absolutely no sense if they want it to be really working and um then change it to say a bad like a signed boy at Birth or assigned girl at Birth that would make slightly more sense because you're actually talking about gender which we know if you you know accept the premise that it's fluid then yes you can identify as a man or a woman or anything in between but a fabulous a map it is just so biologically ridiculous and it's part of this Insidious attempt to conflate sex and gender they are two different things you are male or you're a female and try as you like you cannot change that fact
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 1,526,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6329769126112, fb, msn, opinion, ritapanahi, yt
Id: oWMx9IuBxOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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