Funny Moments - Spongebob Takeover and MEGA LISA!

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heaven looks baked out of yeah I dude whatever - jiggly I have a - will you get that - how you do that alright we're back we're switching things up a little bit anthony has a five-second handicap that's right you can't type for five seconds after he figures out what the word is I was type about $6,000 per minute oh you haven't played pictionary with Rain Man before the one two three man according to the profile man the deep throat Wow high school the deep throat you could shake it down there oh it's time for me to draw I'm sorry dude I'm getting my fingers right here just shove them in a bunch of peanut butter so I'm ready for this okay it's a person that is correct right flatter bladder or this partner this latter Court okay and then imagine that you why Hey what you can see on the inside and there's this thing and then it goes into the yes Legion you and I both have very large ones of these [Music] [Laughter] one of the two well my stomach's large so I haven't seen my dick say how big it is anymore I'm really awful the trucks coming that's okay we're all awful we won't judge what oh my god got it sorry girl for Mohawk which Ronald McDonald yeah I was typing McDonald's I was actually type of McDonald's and I said guess who it was that's all Ronnie there yeah Ronnie's lost some weight so he's been on a diet strictly Oh boots a boot about what that's a big-ass legs look at that family drug Sicily wow dude cool that's all take geography after this is John guys I know I know that's a frog that you guys have big fans dance dress ass green blue field there's no accident here there's no accident axe well rock Dwayne turtle mountain mount of rock with a face Johnson I feel like you've done this one before and I don't remember what it was the hell was that Oh Oh somebody figured it out [ __ ] okay whoa what freakin more the only longer than always draw me long word out all right so we're gonna do this one oh [ __ ] Dale just obvious way to draw this thing are you trying well it looks like a lollipop that's all messed up bro what is he holding it is a person what is he holding there's spirit bomb oh no it was totally a spirit bomb I loved that character in Dragon Ball Z it's a DVD here has nothing to do with it oh my gosh Janet why not oh this sport what these board oh you know trust me you know oh here let me do this for [Music] cheerleader [Laughter] the person holding it show them breaking their legs by cheerleaders do this [ __ ] right we're gonna do this right okay that what I was trying to do was close that little yeah you gotta close yeah yeah no is the dark one it's the dark shade again great great okay I don't know for that right now but we're gonna try something else I don't know what this is how did you get this jiggly man hold on I remember I remember things Oh oh my god bird it's a plane it's a starfish look at his arms look how his arms are facing out don't want some head pigs oh no Bert don't is that bowling pin [ __ ] this is so bad I'm not gonna lie guys disclaimer I'm you're doing a great job [ __ ] you're doing amazing what I am an artiste I'm very good at art she is fps [Music] oh my god this is the 2018 version her was like the socially acceptable version of her now disappoint those boogers are saying what is that oh my god it's like a man holding a bag of Cheetos just slipped all right here we go looks like right this one he looks like yeah oh my Chris okay so he's got a spatula do you see this Petula [Music] and over here is a grill [ __ ] B then he's making these things and then if you put this on it oh yes yes there we go there we go well that was incredible Wow I was a long long journey oh that was a ride I was I was taking like the noblest slash of a nossa price let's mislead you for a while why draw a coked-out spongebob you want to see a coats oh I can draw some red veins in the eyes SpongeBob's had some hard times kids would grab him any ones that would have been amazing all right he's oh you know what I'll make this I'll make this make sense he's gonna be he's gonna be doing this okay [ __ ] how has this thing he has this thing but instead of burgers you know what oh are you kidding me here we go this is gonna be a long drawing we need the points [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] yes am I the last one this is for all the marbles Anthony yes and he won't get any points it's all good I'm fine with losing due to your artistic abilities artistic disability incredible you like it yeah what [ __ ] animal is that he's a happy mysterious animal it helps oh come on guys curly hair I don't know [Music] I thought it was at the very start and then I was like the letters don't match up Bogg so I was like is there extra my cuts easily don't walk oh yeah oh yeah yeah the hell is that yellow cheese I'm not even typing who's drawing cheese cream yes well your turns coming really odd straight yellow colors what is that head what do you buy by the Dozen besides bottle eyes I drew six white things and a yellow 12 white gangs in a yellow container and no it's not a suburban School Bus it's an egg carton it's not it's not a suburban school white things in a young yellow container oh we're god dammit what why it's fine hey my drawings are getting much better Oh Oh me I'm always laser erect hahahaha yeah yeah see it's gonna be something so off of this oh no no no I figured if I just type the same wrong answer home that it'll give me way yeah okay this looks like it's Salvador Dali did spongebob I'm gonna pay 12,000 just for the sketch what I got it let's go yo he got it he's hilarious it's kind of like hilarious cuz again tried all right you want to waste my time is I this is this is not looks real happy in that photo yeah of course is always always always was a golf driver on top of the faucet [Music] [Music]
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 5,292,776
Rating: 4.952168 out of 5
Keywords: Vanoss, Panda, Ohmwrecker, Legiqn, Moo Snuckel, Silly, Funny, Spongebob, Mona Lisa, 5 second handicap, turtle, Italy, Apricot, Alpaca, Egg, Mega Lisa
Id: nGtyiAhx43g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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