SKR 1.4 - Basics with new Marlin firmware

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Today we're going to talk about the BigTreeTech SKR version 1.4 the reason that I'm redoing   this tutorial yet again is that there's been  some changes that have occurred in the Marlin   firmware so some of the processes have changed  and I thought I'd add some of the things I've   learned along the way so to start  with I'm going to talk about steppers   we have our X stepper our Y stepper our Z  stepper our E0 stepper and our E1 stepper   now inside of here there's several ports that  you can use for your NEMA17 steppers or motors   to actually drive them and with this you also have  the ability to connect the A and B stepper ports   when you're using the Z axis they also have  these two pin connections over here and what those   are are 12 volt or 24 volt power out so what I'll  do is I'll explain what is going on for different   power sources so you understand so over here  I've marked the in power and the ground power   so you have voltage and ground so red is voltage  I do the same marking for the out power for the   pardon me for the bed power and then we have our  HE1 or our first extruder being he 0 pardon me and   then he 2 being HE1 which is your second extruder  pardon me so over here we have two fan ports now   the thing you need to understand about these  fan ports is that one of them is actually has   an addressable signal pin so that you can drive  at certain things automatically such as automated   cooling of your steppers or other things that  you may be working with such as your extruders   now with the stepper ports there's also closed  loop pins that they've included on this board   I may talk about that in the future but with these  steppers you can use several different types that   you'll see in my playlist and I'll include a  link in the description for you but I'll give   you a quick rundown of what they are for step/dir or step direction drivers you can use the A4988 or   DRV8825 and there are other ones as well it also  will do SPI which is serial peripheral interface   and it will do UART communication as well so you  have a full range of steppers that you can use   for the TMC type steppers and they have the  breakout pins already integrated into the   board logic on the tracings so with those two  things covered I'm going to talk about first our   display so they have a legacy display set of ports  here for the EXP one and two and so it's EXP one   and two right here you can also use a TFT display  and the TFT display has a port that's located   I believe right over in here but I have to check  my pin out diagram it's right there actually   it also has what's known as the wi-fi connectivity   you have your SD card reader right here and  then you also have your USB connection or   universal serial bus connection right here  it also includes two jumpers or excuse me   two fuses that are car fuses that are easy to  replace and then there's a jumper for board power   or PSU power so board power would be something  like 5 volts of power from your USB cable   inside of here they've also integrated in certain  connections that you can use for the BLtouch   for your end stop if you so choose and  there's also a I2C set of pins down in here   now over in here we have our actual endstops  and as they're outlined right here we have   our X minimum our Y minimum and our Z minimum the  other two up here for X max and Y max are now used   for filament detection runout we also  have just below that the power detects   set of pins so they're using a signal pin  to emulate an environment so that you can   detect when something is either true or false with  an end stop so we also have a reset pin over here   and then we have in here are bed thermistors so  the bed thermistors are used to tell temperature   so that it can address the current that goes to  your actual either heat bed or your thermistors   so now that we know that I need to talk about our  actual SD card now there's two ways to actually   load firmware on here that are easy there's a  third way but I don't want to talk about that one   and with it you can do it through your  serial cable by connecting here and then   connecting to your board and you'll be able to  do that through the upload feature of VScode   if you've set it up correctly which I'll show you  in a moment but for now what I'm going to do is   I'm actually going to pop this out and place it  in an SD card reader and place it in the computer   this is the second way to do this where you can  take this out after you've loaded firmware on it   and place it in the drive so I'm going to hook  this up to the computer you may hear a beep   and what we'll do is we'll go over and we'll see  what the pin out diagram looks like so for the BigTreeTech SKR version 1.4 you can see the pins are  all outlined around the board so the SWD would be   one way to load software that I didn't talk about  the pins but they're located in here someplace   right here actually and then of course you have  SPI pins that I missed earlier and they're located   here as well as the I2C which I did cover and  then there's a neopixel set of pins as well   but whenever you see 1.29 or something to  that effect that means it's a signal pin   so now that we know that we can go and download  the current version of marlin and there's been   some changes in marlin so I'm going to click on  this and download it and then show you how to   deal with it so once that's done downloading we're  going to have to go over to our downloads folder   which I'll bring up right now right click and then  do extract all and then click the extract button   that's going to take a few moments to actually  download so I'm going to show you some stuff   real quick on the Marlin website so over here  on help they have a bunch of different things to   explain how to set things up and how to deal with  your board as well as gcodes to explain stuff and   then they also have the ability to go over to  their website for github and you can actually   open up bugs over here as well so what you can  do is it's been a while since I've actually been   here so we're gonna see what the issues are so  over here you can actually search on open issues   just by hitting enter and it will show you all the  things are currently open now they have a process   that they'd like you to follow when opening a bug  and it's in the actual new issue so they explain   all the processes that are involved you can  also do feature requests as well in here   so now that we've got this actually downloaded  and extracted I'm going to go over to VScode   and I'm going to click on the explorer  over here then open then I'm going to go   to my downloads folder my Marlin folder and  then my marlin folder again and then select   folder inside here what we're going to do is  we're actually going to set up our environment   now as you can see the default environment is for  a MEGA2560 which is a ramps type configuration   it's the original Marlin configuration before  they added other boards so that's why the   chipset says MEGA2560. so first thing we want  to do is actually go over to the Marlin folder   the source folder the core folder and then  boards.h inside here we're going to search on SKR  underscore v1.4 I believe and I might be doing  this wrong because it's actually an underscore but   as you can see it says that there's a SKR up here  and currently that says the chipset version is    LPC1768 now I'm working with a Turbo board so on the  underside there's a little sticker that says turbo   so it's going to be slightly different it's going  to be the one down below that has turbo so I'm   going to highlight that and copy it next I'm going  to do is minimize core and source now I'm going   to also note over here what the actual chipset  is which in this case is the category LPC1769 that'll come in to play in a few moments so I'm  going to click on configuration.h and I'm going   to search on motherboard over here is where the  ramps default is we're going to paste what we   just copied then I'm going to scroll up and  change the first serial port to negative one   and in past configurations there was  a second serial port that we could set   and that's used for your TFT display it's  currently commented out but if you want   to use it you can hit the control  slash and it'll take out the comment   but in this case we're not going to use it so  I'm going to do control slash to hide it again   but you can also modify the actual speed now now  they've done the same thing but they've added a   third COM port that you could possibly use for  something like wi-fi so now that we know that   what we need to do is actually set this up to  build because I'm not going to show you a lot   of functionality because I've covered it in other  tutorials and basically what I'm trying to show   you is how to deal with the actual platformio  dot ini so over here we're gonna have to figure   out what this is in in past tutorials I would say  search in this file but now they've broken it up   into an ini folder with particular files  for the ini so in this case it's an LPC176x I believe and so in here there's only  two options to choose from and we know that the   actual turbo is an LPC1769 so we're going to copy  that then we're going to go over to configuration   for the platformio.ini and paste this  over our default environment for the past   one now there's another thing you need  to realize is that in the dot pio build   folder it says MEGA2560 generally they make a  build to verify that it builds no problem before   they actually upload their newest Marlin  version in this case it's marlin so in order to clear this out what we can  do is click on the garbage can over here   which will clean the folder and that will  remove any instance of the previous build   once that's complete in the case of this board  there's two ways to load I'm first going to show   you this method and then I'll go back and show you  the other one but if you click the check box it'll   start to build for you it's a series of compiles  now what you need to know about this is if it does   fail on the first build try clicking the check box  again because sometimes things build out of order   but if it fails after the second time  find the first instance where it's read correct the issue that you see there and  then rebuild again because any error that   occurs thereafter in your build may be a  cascade of errors due to the first one so   now that we're complete we have to go over to  the LPC1769 folder we then have to go down here   and find the firmware dot bin so we're  going to right click on the binary file   and we're gonna say reveal in file explorer now  if you go down here to the actual USB drive with   our SD card you can see there's a firmware dot  cur this means a previous firmware dot bin had   loaded what that means is after it loads it  renames it to all capital letters firmware dot   cur that is so it doesn't keep loading every time  you power up your board and it also helps confirm   that you've loaded your firmware so I'm going to  go back over here right click on firmware.bin and   send this to the USB drive now we can confirm it's  there and we can then go over and load this on our   board so I'm going to click on the workbench for a  second take the drive out I'm then going to place   it inside of here and I'm going to connect power  that I'm running off USB for the jumper if you do   need to run direct power you can always move the  jumper over here and then run it off your power   supply but for now I'm showing you with 5 volts of  power only so we'll load it and see what happens   so this might take a second you may see a flashing  light but the beep is a good thing so what we   need to do now is go over to Pronterface for a  moment and inside of Pronterface when it comes   up you'll see that there's a COM port one this  is just open before we actually loaded the Marlin   firmware so we don't know what the default  com port is so one trick that I like to use   is actually going to my desktop and I'm going to  type in device manager and then when that comes up   you're going to go over to your COM ports and it  says that it's COM port 7. so the other one is   actually default for the desktop computer that I'm  working with so I'm going to close this I'm going   to go over here and see if it's in the drop down  which it's not so I'm going to highlight this I'm   going to backspace over 1 and press 7. so now I'm  going to connect to the board and see if it works   which it does work now so it says connecting  printer is now online so one of the things I   do to test this on the actual board is I'll click  over here and put in the gcode M119 and press   enter now since there's no endstop connected  they're all going to say triggered and it may vary   according to your end stop but my tutorials will  cover that in the playlist but now I'll show you   the second method to load your board okay now that  we're over on bs code what I'm going to do for   our actual logic change so that you can see the  other way to load is I'm going to search on invert and this should bring us hopefully to our  endstop logic which you can see right here   and I'm going to change the Y axis to  true because that way we'll see the change   so to load the actual firmware in this case  that's the only thing we need to change   is down here instead of the checkbox we'll use  the forward right arrow and this means upload so   I'll click on that this may take a few moments  if there's an error obviously we'll do it again   but this will push it to our board and I'll  show you why in a moment so the build should be   somewhat quick but it could be  a little bit longer than normal   so it's completed and then you see this little  part here that says uploaded to the disk being   the d drive if we were to go over to the actual  desktop for a second we could see what's occurring   here by clicking on the D drive and our previous  build was just a few moments ago so the new build   is actually right here so in order to load  this we'll just go over to the workbench   we'll pull out the actual connection we'll  reconnect and then we'll go back over to   the software for Pronterface and we'll reconnect  to the board because the COM port is going to be   the same so it's connecting and printer is now  online so now I'm going to do m122 or excuse me   M119 to check the status again see if it  changed so as you can see the logic was reversed   for the Y minimum so for those of you that are  interested in seeing tutorials before anybody   else on YouTube I do place them up on Patreon so  my patrons can see them and for those that tip on   PayPal I'm eternally grateful because it's a great  way to offset the cost to make these tutorials and   thank you for that so please like and subscribe  and share and thank you and have a nice day
Channel: Ed's 3d Tech
Views: 2,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SKR 14, BTT SKR 14, BigTreeTech SKR 14, SKR 1.4, BTT SKR 1.4, BigTreeTech SKR 1.4, SKR v1.4, BTT SKR v1.4, BigTreeTech SKR v1.4, Marlin version, Marlin configuration, configuring marlin, 3d printer, Biqu SKR 1.4, Biqu SKR v1.4, SKR Turbo, SKR 1.4 Turbo, BTT SKR v1.4 Turbo, BigTreeTech SKR v1.4 Turbo, Biqu SKR 1.4 Turbo, Biqu SKR v1.4 Turbo
Id: tDjs4lBCb-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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