Skooliepalooza 2021: Why Do All These People Live In Their Bus?

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it's now our third day at schoolypalooza and we've been having a blast we haven't been filming very much because we've been spending a lot of time with the people here we had um a dinner with two other couples last night so i made homemade enchiladas with rice and beans and apple pie with crumble topping for dessert so it was really fun to have maria jose and chase from teo aventura and pamela and jim over for dinner so today we're just working on random projects mike is helping someone with their solar system and i haven't seen them him for a couple of hours now so let's go find out if he's back from town what's going on over here hi how's it going pretty good did you get the right one i think so yes we did the panels panels corn cob classes look look look i got my new hat so i look like a 50 year old never grew up you totally look that way so the solar panels are on [Music] i feel official now right it's now day four of schoolypalooza and we're having a hard time staying focused on filming because we're spending so much time with awesome people here yeah the associations out here is really cool like everybody wants to come up and see the bus but more so they just like everybody's kind of sharing their stories and and just like living in their buses and stuff so it's kind of cool to uh meet all these different varieties of people and see how their lives are going yeah it is cool so we're gonna share a few school buses with you yes gosh this is stunning i appreciate that take a look around don't mind the mess my bean bag chair that usually sits here is the outside so a little empty outstanding look at this who did all these paintings did you do a good friend of mine named gary she did it for me she actually did the artwork on the outside as well wow i can do the building but i can't do the uh i'll go with the pen and pencil so unique oh you have a full shower in here sure i'm sorry i'm helping myself to like just looking around your home take a look around it's um it's an o4 thomasville uh mpc uh it is 32 feet with the caterpillar c7 also 2000 series transmission uh i've got 400 watts of solar which is way underpowered for the 700 amp hour batteries i have 84 gallons fresh water 64 black and gray it's got a 30 amp short light connection the alternator isolator line as well and then i've got two 20 pound propane tanks which actually i used your video for reference for that's awesome about the the actual tensioner system and i actually just purchased a 2 000 watt generator for extra power since my solar is not quite up to snuff but the generator is 400 versus the solar upgrade of fifteen hundreds right i got everything yeah kyle i love you one second are you all busty mcbuzzface i saw y'all wrote me my wife like our center table like a lot of our uh any any kind of like influence of video i would do we took it in advice i'm sorry we're both geeking out over here where are you right here this shorty right here okay yeah i'm so sorry but i just had to say something [Laughter] what made you choose to live in a schooly it's actually multiple things um so my parents have always brought me out camping and stuff like that i remember my dad bringing home their first rv and my mom loving that by surprise um so i owe the groundwork to that to my parents it was actually my grandfather passing away i was working a corporate job i was an i.t administrator for multi-uh conglomerate uh limited time off and stuff like that so i decided to re-prioritize work didn't become second anymore became third my lifestyle travel second three years of applying i finally got the united states antarctic job as an aircraft rescue firefighter down there and once that hit i knew i was gonna be able to break into that field and work six months to a year at a time overseas so no point in paying a mortgage or rent and stuff like that every month so at that point i've already done and seen a bit of research on these uh-huh for the price and the mobility it really just made complete sense you know that's awesome it does make complete sense it's a pleasure meeting you pleasure guys thank you it was absolute pleasure i wear these same hex boots man yep oh wait uh how do we find you on social media oh you can find me on instagram at flight risk schooly all right thank you very much oh absolutely pleasure guys thanks man i'll be joining in a minute after get this pancake batter figured out right rock it out okay so this is a work in progress oh oh no it's lovely so far yeah exactly what's going on here it's just still fresh and raw yeah but you have everything built yes and you did your cabinets the right way mike's going to be so proud of him i hope so did you raise the whole floor or was it no so we got lucky because with the um the handicapped door yeah the floor was built up they make it right they made this one and i don't i've seen a lot of shorties where they don't have this step up so i don't know why this model it's a it's a 2005 so i guess they just needed that little extra bump yeah we love it it's just an extra step yeah so it totally works keeping this all so you have a totally flat floor to work but um yeah we actually finally put in pistons yesterday this not having to hold it oh my gosh yeah big difference right it feels luxurious exactly but yeah the day after i did it my wife was trying to get clothes out and she was still holding it and i was like baby did you see he built his cabinets the right way yeah oh that's a huge deal i know you would be so proud and this was so easy i mean uh it was just getting the dimensions of the roof was the biggest biggest struggle this curve oh yeah and uh so yeah we need to finish our roof all our woods right there um but we we just wanted to get out there so we made it livable this bed actually is uh yeah back here it's got two long drawers that pull out completely and this actually goes to about a twin size and uh we we cut our glasses we cut our cushions so that we can make it into a little day bed or it pulls all the way out as a queen size bed gotcha gotcha yeah so you guys full time yeah since october full time uh yeah we've just been working in national parks just uh going around really yeah we actually just got a job in lake powell up in paige arizona that starts next month so so what are you going to be doing there uh it's a it's called lake powell paddle boards and they rent kayaks paddle boards we load them up and we have a truck trailer we take it out we just show you a map and like where you're going when to come back we help you uh but people come in with like jeeps and stuff and we'll load it up and then help them unload and just make sure they have everything they need and they just feel like they know where they're going they pay you and they give you a place to park yeah we get a concrete pad electricity water everything yeah we kind of lucked out that's a good one family owned and so we're stoked for that so y'all happen to go that way please come out yeah we just started uh an instagram it's uh underscore nomads nomads yeah so this is nevaeh it's our little slice of heaven held backwards yeah oh i get it okay i already had a guy help with the pistons um adam across over there helped me get my solar controller so now i actually know where my batteries are at nice so we got that all set up and no it's just been great yeah it's a great atmosphere yeah we love it too why do you live in a schooly man um simplicity i guess uh-huh uh we just you know the daily grind we were working like i was 911 ems for the last five years uh emt nice yeah respect worked through harvey worked through kovid i mean she was a full-time server and then with everything shutting down we were like what are we doing we'd always talked about this and we're like why not do it now like what's what's there's no excuse no excuse so we literally sat down and we were like okay why not to do it we couldn't think of anything so we were like we started every venue we could find and we found this in austin texas really nice guy super transparent it was just too easy wow so you just followed that path yeah yeah exactly yeah that's okay please take your shoes off don't get to the wood sure oh my gosh this is beautiful what are you all doing today very good this is so cozy i love it i love this stained glass oh my gosh i had no idea what a treat i was in for yeah that's what i do um i've been making those in here i put the saxophone uh the purple one down there put that in last week oh my gosh okay i have to take my shoes off and come in okay i have to get the stained glass in here yeah cena made those gary loves to do that kind of stuff too and then this one down here oh my gosh yeah that's the one that their dad made yeah my dad made that that's beautiful it was next to his front door at his house and after he sold the house you know he wanted to keep it in the family and i'm very proud to have it oh yeah it's lovely this is really cool everything is really beautiful in here i'm sorry i'm like totally just filming around you as long as you don't mind i'm just sitting now you're lounging like a princess it's kind of fitting with the whole look of the bus you know so did you see the stove here yeah i did pop really soon i love it so my one quick question i like to ask people is just very simply why are you living in a school bus well i've lived in a van before and i did that for two years and decided i wanted somewhere where i could stand up and entertain so i met cena on a farm um a little over a year ago and we fell in love and decided to get this bus together right okay you actually went upsized to a bus yeah and i had been living on this farm in georgia so when it was you know nice weather i was sleeping in a tent outside because i preferred to and this is nice like that because we have all the light coming in and it's you really feel a lot closer to the outdoors in it don't you that's what we feel yeah are you guys on social media oh yeah i'm on instagram oh yeah uh it's a stained glass schooly with underscores between the words oh okay stained glass fully underscore between words perfect all right guys thanks for showing us yes alrighty thanks we'll come back for a tour later um did you build this yes and you did the roof raise and everything yourself wow it's very impressive it took me two years to make that okay the question we like to ask everybody is why do you live in a schooly because i want it to be normal and free for the maximum of my life so this is why i chose the school in a good way because it's huge and i need some space to work plenty of space and it's on wheels so you can take it wherever you go yeah exactly that's perfect okay can we see the inside thank you oh this is really nice it's so big in here with the roof rays oh my gosh doesn't it make it it makes it feel bigger this way having the tall ceiling like that wow yeah it really does different oh my gosh look at this awesome barn door with the full bathroom oh my gosh there's a full-size shower sink and composting probably toilet and look at the steps this is how to let's go to the deck oh my gosh this is the first one of this i've seen is this the grizzly yep may i open it hey okay wow it's pretty cool isn't it yeah man i love this i can't believe there's steps that go up to the roof that's so awesome and a high bed back here with a lot of storage underneath that's kind of the more retro wow it's just huge in here i love it nice work man thank you really good yeah thank you very much for thank you for letting us come inside and i love this uh gold color stove it's so retro so this is william schooly on facebook and instagram okay this is lisa i guess paul's not over here right now but we've been asking the question um why did you guys choose to live in a schooly well it's an interesting story because for the for 10 years paul and i built an earthbag home in about the fifth year we started inviting volunteers to come and help out because there were so many things to do and we noticed that these volunteers that came from all over the world they had such a free nomadic lifestyle that we kind of envied so we we kind of um over time decided that the house was just um too much and we loved to travel just like these nomadic volunteers that came so um yeah we decided to sell our earthbag home and our 20 acres in arkansas and get a 40-foot bluebird bus and take off for the open road and we've loved it ever since and that was over a year ago so this is our second schoolpalooza and just having a fantastic time love it and we've met so many beautiful people including you guys so um yeah we appreciate you guys and um yeah come on in thank you that is a super great story i love it i've seen this best before so i know it is absolutely exquisite this is a bacienda so we decided to kind of leave it as open as possible and we tried to use as many recycled materials as possible also so this is all pallet wood it's been sanded and just little beeswax on there um this is a living area and the dining area let me turn some lifelines we can actually see kitchen area we've got a beautiful walnut countertop that paul did he just i love this it's just the perfect height and you don't really need a lot of space so this works great for us um just put a little extra money into the faucet because it's worth it right so you can move that spray of water around right right and the cabinet was a oops cabinet so we got that super cheap the little um stove apartment-sized stove we went across the border and picked that up in mexico about half the prices as what it is in the u.s and um so yeah i mean it's pretty basic and it works for us we're super comfy it's plenty of space yeah this is a very comfortable build and i know from experience when paul and lisa were parked right next to us we could tell a temperature difference in walking in our bus or walking in paul and lisa's bus your bus was much warmer to walk into than our bus yeah so we could really tell a difference with the insulated walls yeah you can't tell here at schoolapalooza but when we were in stockton pass right when it's cold because we heavily insulated above yeah on the sides we have six inches above i'd say like i don't know reflectix and then regular insulation and then another layer of reflective reflectix plus all the solar panels help to shade it and we've got 2500 watts of solar because i want to run my instapot priorities and air conditioner we got a little window unit back in the bedroom so come on back oh um so the bathroom still needs a lot of work i'm going to do some tile i was totally in inspired by all of your tile work so oh this is all going to get changed out but we use simple format right yeah we have a cassette toilet and a shower pan and a regular shower head on demand hot water heater full-size fridge and this is just storage more storage over here plus all my art supplies and then the bedroom is pretty spacious um yes but yeah luckily we can and we might need it today with the air conditioner we've had the heater on we got a diesel heater so we've had that on for a few days but um so yeah it's nice to have a little window unit and and it works great so we again if you have enough solar you can do that and we have a big battery bank so that helps too so yes so yeah yeah this is an awesome very spacious bedroom you can just completely turn around in here and have space all the way around you right so and probably the fan needs to go up because it's kind of heated up today yeah i can't believe how warm it is here i mean i know about arizona winters but it's much warmer here than where we live right well it just warmed up today because i've been wearing a heavy jacket oh um this is a solar cabinet and i'm really proud how paul really spent a lot of time and research and our home was off-grid so that kind of got us broken to living off-grid but um i think it just did a really a really great job and yeah setting everything up it looks all nice and neat and wonderful yeah that's cause all the wires are hidden in the back that's so cool um yeah that's about it awesome well thank you so much for the tour we appreciate it we appreciate you guys so happy that we met you guys on the road and we have so much in common i know it was so fun to see you again after spending time before a month or two ago whenever that was right i've lost track of time now we are again and i have a feeling we're gonna be seeing each other on the road yeah on a regular basis right which is super cool because i really want to keep following the artwork that's happening on the outside of your bus it might take a couple years let's stick around we're going to go check that out right now so here's where the artwork starts so far that's right you better say better be a guy in the picture [Laughter] it's been so fun to watch things take take shape that weren't here before super cool all righty thank you guys thanks guys i'm sure we'll see you again okay hi youtube bye-bye this is one of my favorite two minutes she's gonna dress up oh i've been hearing about this it's so fun to see it in real life oh my god i'm gonna make some more lights for you here at the back it is beautiful wow really quick you guys did this yourself yeah we did nice work very nice work i kind of like um how wide open the floor space looks with a table and chairs instead of a dinette like the dinette light kind of fills up all the space and this just makes it seem like you have twice the floor space no this is just a regular couch is it pulled out okay sure welcome what is this ah thermal plastic caramel plastic you coated the piece of wood yourself no no that's uh so we we made a measurement that we ordered you built all of this yeah it's all custom-made so but uh inside it's a melon yes uh-huh melanine melon the exterior is uh like we had to make it round yeah yeah for sure so nice to remember you made all this though uh sam with his cousin okay very good yeah awesome yeah like we got lots of help but uh we did everything ourselves uh but we got lots of help for the kitchen cabinet these are beautiful truly truly beautiful like it's such a clean clean build yeah yeah look they got the same but in white oh my gosh i love your refrigerator yeah it's 12 volts there was there it is yeah everything works works on sonar solar panel uh but we we still have inverted charger for the to charge your computers and if i want to use my blender right right yeah this is 12 volts wow that makes 12 volt versions oh that huge clock too many clothes here she does two so this is sam and this is where i keep like my pajamas and stuff like girls stuff looks like yours like comes over too far [Laughter] oh and you did what we did you did the diverter down to a tank yeah way better into a black water tank yes it's like we have 40 gallons of feet right now we have about 80 gallons so yeah same yeah this is like clever yeah my cabinet nice yeah yeah i like that a lot and this is where we put the toilet papers oh wow i didn't even know there was a hidden hatch there so this is your air conditioner that's so sweet clever one okay sure how much solar do you have uh we have four panels uh for a total of uh one thousand and two hundred so can you run this right now safely uh yeah we've used it for the first time two days ago but it takes a lot of juice first yeah yeah since we've been in the states we've never used the generator okay never king size bed king size bed and underneath we have our fresh gallon fresh uh water 100 gallons okay wonderful we also have our fatty boards uh let me show you something you have paddle boards on here also yeah are they rolled up inflatable okay yeah how do those work are they good very good here we have some more storage sure sure nice here the projector screen oh so the projector is at the front okay but uh we usually watch tv here so oh cool and i also made um isolated curtains oh my gosh i made those yeah i've made it very nice and i've put magnet so what did you use for the what is the reflective material that you use and some shine yeah okay wow very nice because we're talking about doing something similar i really like that yeah i like that i really like that totally we were here first black when you close them so wonderful i don't know what do you say uh laundry hump hamper yeah oh very smart so what we did we just like we bought a filet and we it's this is where we put our jackets oh extra hanging space yes wow you guys have a lot of storage in here we do and that's what what we like about the bus you know shower you can whole shower oh i like that plenty of space any tiles on the ceiling but nothing compared to yours we're thinking about doing another build again and i'm not going to do another shower like that so we're looking for ideas for showers let me see something curious oh so this is this is like a one piece yeah this is this what's it called a monocoque shower okay because it was actually cheaper to get a full shower instead of just the bottom and it just seems like rv size it's very small yeah it is small but uh like for perfect for here yeah yeah we need to find i want to do that and this is the first thing we brought into the bus because otherwise it couldn't we couldn't fit right yeah so before doing the floor and we had to cut the edges also because otherwise it would have been here right yeah yeah totally understand that [Music] the curve of the roof is our bane of your existence yes and you know if you're thinking about doing a build like what we recommend our best shot was uh for the equipment okay we went to um you say scrap um a scrap yard yard and we bought an old rv for five hundred dollars and we took everything we needed so this comes from the this rv also this the eater the tanks another toilet another fridge at america and we sold it for 1 000. no way so we made money oh my gosh with everything taken out of it oh my gosh that's a great idea i think we need to do that yeah that's not really good very smart very smart very cool i also made those ones oh you made the blinds yeah i also have that stuff on the back this one is this one is different actually uh it was already a curtains but it was not the right size so i i had to yeah and it came with the shiny yes okay very cool i like that a lot yeah i like how those work so that was kind of like what we were gonna do except we were gonna we were gonna have like a little what does it hook into just pressed um like why does it stay up because we have a pole is it that tension yeah tension springs oh yeah that's a great idea go ahead that we should be doing something like that two bucks at walmart see people come up with the greatest ideas and then we learn from you yeah very smart we could do that thank you guys this is a beautiful bus man thank you you you've got a beautiful one too yeah thank you i really love the shower in the deck oh and this is the cat litter it goes from yeah we have that too yeah we have a little face are you living in the bus full time yeah we've been living on the bus uh for four months now four months okay so then our question we like to ask is why are you living in a bus why uh why like what answer it what made you want to do this well we went to new zealand a couple of years ago and we rented a small van and we really really liked it so this is the first thing but also we were working up north uh in the arctic with the inuits and we were working uh two months and we had one month off so we got to travel a lot and uh like we quit our job so it was just a how can you explain that i don't know you're going so far but it was a nice nice timing actually we were supposed to do that project in new zealand uh when coveted so we changed the project back to canada and we decided to build a bus instead of a van and that's something we could just travel yeah we can just travel and like because you travel forward too many stops pleasure so we have all our gears on the bus oh great it takes lots of place so and we wanted also to do paddle boarding so we have our paddle board okay so a bus gave you more space than a van to bring all your activities your choice yes that would have been a shorter [Laughter] we get it like how important it is to live in a space that you're comfortable in i can like you know you get out of what your bus you get out of your bus what you put into it and if you put all in it's such a wonderful place to hang out we love hanging out in our bus we don't you don't feel like you're restricted to that i don't feel like i want to go i don't feel like i need to go outside and be comfortable i don't want to get out of my mind yes that's the best part isn't it yeah so this is the answer we killed ourselves exactly yeah but it's fun seeing other people and thank you for sharing your bus with us because it's a beautiful building yeah great job thank you so much night time at schoolypalooza is a whole nother thing there's a crazy nightlife subculture that happens here last night there was some sort of a rave party right down the street from us but needless to say we missed that slept through it but tonight we got invited to the rocky horror picture show which i have no idea if this is going to be like a live performance or a screen viewing i don't know but tonight we're going to the rocky horror picture show schooly-palooza style is this the party i guess so space disco [Applause] well i've now been to an alien disco here we go i i had no idea you guys we never even made it to the rocky horror picture show last night we got polluted along the way and ended up at our new friend reed's campfire which was a hilarious good time i'm just saying you never know what's gonna happen at schoolypalooza well we just left schoolypalooza it was super sad to say goodbye because we met some really cool people out there and met some people that we had only known online before so that was awesome and mike's getting a phone call that's the van camp of colorado they have this big property with a gigantic uh gigantic shop that you can literally pull your vehicle into you have access to all the tools welders um like all the things that you would ever need to do a build and they do it on a donation basis really yeah and he's like oh this sounds like a perfect fit for you wow so we could stay on the property we can build our bus on the property we can like do all the things on the property are you guys hearing this these are hints of a future bus build we're talking about right now you know justin with uh gilligan phantom was like you're not going to be able to sit still pretty soon you're going to be doing another build i promise i'm like there's no way here i am but actually um there's a reason behind it and we'll probably get into that at some point but uh to be continued to be continued so thank you guys for watching this it's been awesome having you it was fun to meet some of you guys uh out there it was really neat to finally like meet the people who follow us and the people that we follow it's just totally cool this is the neatest thing so and mike found his brother from another mother i did oh read over it uh how's it say shoot shoot singles schooly shoot single i think it's shin singles schooling yeah cool guy we're like would have been best friends in high school kind of thing it's crazy all right let's get some gas check some fluids important things like that all those things actually i need to leave this running and we'll catch you guys on the flip side [Music] you
Channel: Bussy McBusface
Views: 229,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bussy McBusface, Skoolie Conversion, Bus Conversion, Tiny Home, Skoolie, Nomadic, bus life, school bus, bus to rv, van life, vanlife, adventure, Build Video, minimalism, prepping, prepper, survival, survivalist, boondocking, diy, buslife, tiny living, tiny house, mobile, on wheels, home is where you park it, RV life, lifestyle, Skooliepalooza
Id: 4V606m2_Hg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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