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so I'll probably catch a fair amount of slack for this one but it's okay it's the truth honestly manual mode is not the best shooting mode for photographers and here's why now I could be partly to blame for this as over the years I've always recommended other photographers become comfortable using manual mode sooner rather than later and looking back I I probably should have done a better job at clarifying that recommendation so before I jump into why I think shooting manual isn't the best let me clarify one point real quick I think the reason why every photographer should become comfortable using manual mode isn't solely to achieve total control over their camera rather is for the teaching ability that manual mode provides in my opinion there is still no better way to fully understand the exposure triangle and the intricacies behind it than becoming comfortable using manual mode now with that said it doesn't mean manual is the best shooting mode for photographers and here's why so manual mode no doubt offers the most control over your camera you as a photographer control aperture you as a photographer control shutter speed and ISO in photography it all comes down to capturing moments it's what we're all trying to do we're trying to capture specific moments in time these moments in time happen at different rates of speed they're all completely different there are no same moments from time to time they're all different they're all unique with that being said there is no one siiz fitsa solution when it comes to a shooting mode so when people ask you know what's the best shooting mode for photography there isn't one the the the the the answer really should be well what are you photographing it depends every shooting mode is better for a certain scenario so there is no one size fits-all solution it's why cameras today have multiple shooting modes and the three most common shooting modes cameras have today are of course manual mode you have aperture priority and you have shutter priority those are the three most commonly used uh photographing modes so for instance if you're using shutter priority that's basically you telling the camera camera shutter speed is the most important aspect of scene that I'm about to capture and me as a photographer I want to control the shutter speed that's my priority and you camera you control the aperture and ISO on the opposite side of that aperture priority is basically you telling the camera camera aperture is the most number is the most important aspect of the the scene that I'm about to photograph and me as a photographer I want to control the aperture because that is my priority and you as the camera you control the iso and the shutter speed and of course manual mode is you control controlling everything you controlling the ice of the aperture and the shutter speed and the camera makes no decisions on its own now for example Wildlife photographers or Sports photographers genres of Photography where things happen extremely fast shutter speed is usually the most important aspect of the exposure triangle because if you're capturing you know birds in Flight if you're doing a one-second exposure that bird is going to be a streak across the sky so shutter speed is very very important so things that are happening at different rates of speed and that rate rates those rates of speed are constantly changing Sports is a great example of that so shutter speed is probably the most important aspect for those types of photographers so maybe shutter priority is the best mode for them uh portraiture so portrait photographers if you're taking a portrait of someone outside and the light is changing somewhat fast or the person is moving quickly but shutter speed isn't critical but the aperture is absolutely the most imperative aspect of your photograph to get that nice kind of soft and outof focus background maybe aperture prior is best for you or maybe you're a landscape photographer where things are unfolding very slowly you know mountains aren't moving quickly trees aren't shifting from the left side of your frame to the right side of your frame things are happening slower maybe in that type of a scenario you have the time to use manual mode so you can have total control over your camera and you have the time to pick the aperture to pick the shutter speed and to pick the iso maybe ma manual mode is best for that genre of Photography so it just depends on what your photographing there is no one size fits all solution when it comes to the best or the perfect shooting mode there are all completely different so I would recommend anyone who is getting started with photography definitely get comfortable with all three of the main shooting modes definitely getting comfortable with manual mode having control of your entire camera is very important but most importantly it's going to teach you the exposure triangle it's going to help you to become more uh more comfortable with the details surrounding that and then being comfortable with aperture priority being comfortable with shutter priority so the next time you encounter a scene whatever that scene may be whether it's Landscapes or maybe you're photographing your kids soccer games or volleyball games or maybe you're you're photographing birds in flight or maybe you're taking a family portrait every moment that we're trying to capture is completely different so being as comfortable with all three of the shame all three of the same of all three of the main shooting modes in a camera is absolutely Ely imperative and I think that that is the best shooting mode is by being comfortable with all three so I do hope that this real quick video maybe kind of helps other people out who might be thinking about you know what is the best shooting mode there is no best shooting mode but it is definitely one of the most common questions that I receive is what's the best shooting mode that a a beginner photographer or this type of photographer or that type of photographer should use and there is no answer it just depends on what you're photographing so survey the scene see what's moving in your scene see how quickly things are unfolding and then determine what shooting mode is best to capture that specific moment so I do hope you enjoyed this week's video it's very quick video this week if you did enjoy it though if you could give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you're not subscribed already and as always I really do appreciate you carving out a little bit of time to spend it with me here today and I will see you all next Wednesday bye
Channel: Mark Denney
Views: 25,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography, landscape, photography, mark denney, manual mode, manual mode photography, manual mode photography tutorial, best camera mode, best camera settings for photography, manual mode explained, how to use camera modes, manual mode vs aperture priority, manual mode vs auto mode, manual mode vs shutter priority, manual mode for beginners, camera priority modes, camera priority modes explained, aperture priority mode, shutter priority mode, automatic mode, tutorial
Id: uEj4y5cPXHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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