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this video is brought to you by Squarespace if you need a website or domain check out hey everybody and welcome to a new video do you wish your photos had more of a wow reaction or do you feel that your photos are good but you're not sure how to make them great in this video I'm going to give you practical tips to take okay photos and make them exceptional by showing you the five ways to make photos with impact not just why but how if you stay till the end I'll show you why this photo is better than this photo and why the subject has nothing to do with it my name is simal Doo and I'm a professional nature and wildlife photographer living in Eastern Canada I make weekly videos giving you photo tips or taking you behind the scenes for nature photography subscribe if you want to see Morey open up your you'll beine before we get into the strategies what are impactful photos and why are they important first off they will differentiate your photos from snapshots of convenience and will come across as there's no way that just happened to be there it looks like something that required effort or planning to achieve secondly they make the viewer pause and look at the details as there's something to ponder upon or see that's worth looking at there are tons of very good photos on platforms like Instagram why would someone stop scrolling and admire your photo versus continuing to drill through and thirdly photos with impact are considered more Artful versus photos documenting things photos that you'd hang on your wall deserving of being something you'd like to keep looking at or proud to show to your friends but remember you don't need to impress anyone but yourself so let's get into what strategies to use to create photos with more impact some of these can be used on their own but they're really powerful if you can combine two of these together I'm a wildlife and nature photographer but these strategies apply to most genres the first strategy is to have photos that tell a story rather than document a subject I can't say it any better than fellow YouTuber James popis great Channel check it out by the way who said a photo should be about something not of something that's a great way to describe the idea that photos which have a narrative or emotion or a describing an event have more impact than simply capturing a subject there are extra Dimensions to the photo or leaving us questioning why is this happening what's going on here now how do we implement this we can do this in a few different ways one we can have a photo that seems to be right before something is going to happen like in these photos we know something will happen right after these but what this can often be done by shooting wider to include more visual clues for example this is a photo of a leopard but this is a photo of a leopard thinking about crossing a river that wider angle allows more story to the shot now this photo is a Merlin but this photo is a Merlin surveying the beach at sunset for subjects to hunt or this photo I took of a rescue team trying to save a pilot whale stranded on the beach the caring hand on the side of the whale shows The Compassion these people had and make the photo more than just documenting what they were doing a trick I sometimes use is to look for photos where it's dying for a caption to be written underneath because there's something to say here or the subject looks like they're dying to tell you something like this photo of mine this blue jay looks like it's ready to tell me something the next strategy for impactful photos is to capture unique action or moments these give the viewer the sense of privilege that they're amongst the lucky few that got to see this now this can be the perfect pose the perfect timing or the perfect alignment of subjects making the viewer feel that they're seeing something special now often these types of shots come from putting in the time they can indeed be planned like getting an amazing lining up of Sunset and streets for example but often these are partly luck with your luck being improved by being at the right place at the right time but also being out to shoot often they also come from my advice keep shooting the more clicks you make the better the odds of capturing and amazing alignment of things that look truly unique I'd like to thank the sponsor of this video Squarespace if you're going to make impactful images like we're discussing in this video they deserve to be shown off in the most flattering way possible a website is just a great way to show off all the details in an image and to show your images the respect they deserve given how much work you put into getting them social media are often showing your images in small thumbnails and recently not showing them to as many people as they focus more on video your images deserve better a permanent home presented in galleries that show them off at their best I built my own website using Squarespace and it was easy lots of useful templates including ones for specific genres like photography or if you're more daring and artistic you can go outside the templates using all kinds of tools that will allow you to place video photos text and links just the way you want them it's also a great way to monetize your work by setting up an online store so you can take payments by credit card or PayPal from all over the world you can even build engagement with your followers by offering them a free download in return for signing up to your email list like I do St stay connected with them for when you have interesting offers or something to share go to to sign up for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to Simon for 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain the next type of photo that will have high impact is simply artistic Beauty this is where your subject or scene is just plain pretty to look at of course as in all these categories your skill as a photographer is what brings out this beauty so this isn't independent of your technique for me beautiful Wildlife subjects can sometimes make a shot on their own like these they're just plain pretty to look at for you maybe it's an amazing scene in the wilderness a street scene that looks unique find something beautiful whatever your definition of beautiful is and use your own artistic style to bring out that beauty my next strategy to make impactful photos is to capture tricks with light photography literally is painting with light and using light to create unique visual effects to your photos is a powerful way to add impact to them adding sunstars to your landscape photos or shooting backlit to capture sunlight through or around your subject can add great visual impact to your photos like this photo of mine of a Redwing blackbird's breath or maybe the visual effect created by both cold and warm tones in the same scene or this shot of a mushroom that I took leaving you asking how did he do that remember that tricks with light are not just about colors if your scenes are simple and have interesting shapes or textures Black and White is a great option one of my favorite tricks with light for wildlife is catching birds with wings spread out backlit by the Sun but against a dark background or this malard shaking water off itself after a good preing session in the early morning light by the way if this video is deserving give it a like so others can benefit from making more impactful photos too my next strategy is to try to find symmetry or patterns in your photos this is really all about composition having a subject in the frame is one thing like in this elephant photo of mine but if the elephant looking left has another elephant looking right framed by a mountain in the background creating a diamond shape framed by trees on both sides for balance and the Horizon running through the middle well then you have a photo that stands out or nice leading lines or shapes in your photo like this beautiful branch and leaves to accompany my subject a Yellow Warbler the branch is actually more important than the subject in this photo another trick I like to use is symmetry especially when the subject is looking right at you like in these photos nice lines patterns and exaggerated features work great in Landscapes and other genres too there's something cool about swooping lines or features that add depth to a photo my final tip is about having photos with a sense of place this means that there's something in the photo that describes the location where the photo was taken or something about geography or conditions or situation this type of photo delivers familiarity or attachment to the viewer because it contains something known or desired or thought of this doesn't need to be the subject like a famous lighthouse like this shot of Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia it can be the background like the icon that is Mount kilano as seen from ambeli in Kenya in this photo of mine the mountain is always there the trick is to have it not covered in clouds and to find a nice subject in front of it a sense of place is also why these Milky Way shots of mine have been some of my best sellers ever they're composed with well-known attractions here in Nova Scotia the oak tree in shanak the skyline Trail and the Three Sisters rock formation you'd be surprised how many stories of I proposed to my wife there or that was my mother's favorite tree these personal connections matter and they can connect back with them through your photo so this snowy Al photo on a lobster trap and with the ocean in the background sells better for me than this one because of where I live those elements remind people of home the subject is just as pretty on the right than in the photo on the left but the supporting elements on the left give the photo a sense of place making it stand out if you think compelling compositions is what's holding you back I have a whole video on improving composition with my best tips which you can see right here I hope you can use these tips the next time you go out so you can come home with amazing impactful photos of your very own I know you can do it
Channel: Simon d'Entremont
Views: 309,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, photography tips, photography tutorial, digital photography, photography basics, beginner photography, photo tutorial, photography style, learn photography, beginner photographer, better photos, better photos with phone, impactful photo, impactful photos, photo tips, take better photos, take better pictures, photo shoot, photo hacks, better photoshop, portrait photography, photography hacks
Id: z8i7k8Rj694
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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