SKIP Gen 5 NVME, BUY THESE Instead! πŸ‘‰ BEST SSDs for Creators 2024

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[Music] the SSD prices are the lowest they have ever been and getting the right SSD for your workflow not choosing the wrong one might be a little bit complicated are a little bit confusing because there are so many different versions out there for example in your workflow you might want to choose this one but not this one or this one instead of that one it all depends what are you doing with the SSD so in this video I'm going to be showing which are the best ssds for creators and which one should you be choosing when you want to be on a budget as well because last year I did find some very interesting dark horses that I didn't know before and were actually performing very very well looking for a cheap way to license your windows check out hook Keys through the links in the video description make sure to use the code tn20 to get a 30% off paste the license to the activation settings and you're all done this license is for Windows 10 but you can upgrade it to Windows 11 for free they also offer Microsoft Office 19 license use the same call tn20 to get a 30% off check out in the video description below so two quick things first if you're looking for an external SSD solution for example for Mac or for your laptop then I highly recommend checking out my external SSD guide where we're going to go a little bit deeper into the external Solutions and which one should you choose and how does that work so go check that one out also all of the ssds that I'm recommending are going to be linked in the description below if you want to pick any of these up so the first tip I would have for you is instead of actually choosing the old-fashioned SATA ssds which always have been recommended and are still loads of them around on the market you you might want to stay away from these depending on your use case of course but these actually aren't the cheapest anymore and if you do have the M2 slots on your motherboard going with the M2 SSD like one of these is going to be much faster and often times even cheaper because these SATA ssds they seem to be sometimes more expensive obviously once You' filled all the M2 on your motherboard having a s SSD for extra SSD storage is good as well but these sa ssds are going to go up to 600 per second whereas these m.2 ssds go up to 10,000 so that's 20 times faster than some of these so let's take a look at some of the benchmarks first of all we want to look at sequential read and WR speeds so this is basically the synthetic and theoretical maximum read or ride speed of these ssds and in these benchmarks that are coming up I also have different sizes of the same SSD for example highly recommend keeping your eye on the Lexa and NM 790 that I have the 1 2 and 4 terb version and some of the other ones I have different ones as well for example the netac uh I have two separate sizes in there as well so that will also Showcase in which workflows like do you actually need a higher and or higher capacity SSD because sometimes you might get more performance but not always so in sequential read speeds here we can see that the Gen 5 drives like the adata legend 970 and Corsair MP7 000 they are on another level a lot faster than we have on the Gen 4 which now is actually very very cheap so you can see Gen 4 kind of caps out around 7.1 7.2 gab per second something around there and a lot of the high end drives can reach that as you can see pretty much from the third place to all the way to Samsung 980 Pro they are very very similar and pretty much the same so the marketing aspect is going to be the most important there there because they want to put on the box the fastest so read speeds up to 7450 mbes per second there but very likely you might not be getting them and they all perform sequentially the same but that is not the most important spec at all and then further down you can see that the cardia z440 and sabr Rocket 4.0 which are actually like first generation of Gen 4 drives a little bit older but they have something very important about them which might actually makes you consider those over the other ones in here we'll talk about that in a minute and then the solid ip41 plus they're kind of like the mid-range Gen 4 drives which you can see over there the interesting thing is I also have Samsung T9 in there which is an external SSD that you can see in there and then on the bottom you can see the Samsung 980 which is a gen 3 last generation drive next let's take a look at the right speed sequential right speed theoretical like maximum of that and we're taking another look at Crystal dismark here and you can see again the Gen 5 drives perform a lot faster interestingly the corer mp7000 is about 14% slower than the adata legend 970 and here you can see that even different Gen 5 drives have different capabilities it doesn't just mean that the Gen 5 are all like in New Bag than the Gen 4 drives then most of the highend Gen 4 drives they perform very very similarly some a little bit lower some a little bit less but then you can see that the cardia from about netac NV 7000t below and then they start to lower down a little bit and then we have the mid-range Gen 4 drives and then gen 3 in the very very bottom there we're going to move on to PC Mark 10 quick system Benchmark and this Benchmark tests all of the drives in a quick little task that you might be doing every single day opening documents closing documents browsing like little bits not sequential reader not heavy on the SSD but reading little bits of data all over the place and the drives that perform well in this test are very good for a secondary drive so perhaps you're just looking to expand your storage and you doing it on a laptop or on a PC and you just want a little bit more capacity where you looking at photos or playing back video you just have something there as a secondary drive is not very demanding here are some of the best options obviously the Gen 5 drives again perform very very similarly right on the top of the channel then we have solid p44 Pro which is one of my favorite finds in 2023 they are absolutely fantastic drives they're often much cheaper than the Samsung 990 Pro and actually a little bit faster they have better terabyte written spec as well which we'll mention later on in the video the Samsung 990 Pro and solid P40 4 Pro 1 Tab and 2 TB are very very good as you can see here having a larger capacity like the p44 Pro 1 TB and 2 t the 2 TB version performs better but interestingly the Kingston Fury Renegade 1 TB version was versus the KC 3004 TB version they're very very similarly priced and similarly speced ssds we can't see any performance difference in one and four capacities but I'd say most of these drives are very very good for what you're going to be doing and if you just having a secondary SSD any one of these I'd say probably the higher in ones from about lexer NM 800 Pro and above they're a little bit of an Overkill if you just one extra little bit of storage in there and even the saate ssds at that point would be fine moving on to PC Mark 10 data Benchmark and this tests the drives as a data storage so perhaps you're not so actively working on them but more like storing on them and it's not testing the drives as in applications or active programs working on it so just kind of like a storage or Data Drive as The Benchmark name suggests and here we can see again the Gen 5 drives right on thep top there there and Samsung 990 Pro as the best one second place on Gen 4 if we'd say that and then solid p44 Pro again right on the top there interestingly quite a bit faster than the fire to 530 or kingster F Fury Renegade or KC 3000 which are also very highend Gen 4 drives the kadia a440 again like in the secondary high-end Bunch there with the rest of the Gen 4 drives and you can see we're slightly going a little bit lower there I'd like to say that interestingly the solid p401 plus which is here one of those very very affordable mid-range Gen 4 drives performs very very well in a lot of those tests so the solid ssds I'm very very fond of Bear in mind some of these drives that you can see in on the table here this these aren't even all of the drives that you can see tested over there and some of these I haven't tested exactly like the T create here this is actually gen 3 drive but there for another project so this is kind of like a visual representation but in there we have a lot more drives on the table some of these are still in the PCS or already in used somewhere else but here are some of the results if you want to compare certain drives to the other one in the data drive here where we'd expect larger capacities to be form better if we look at the lexer NM 790 then the 1 TB version is quite a bit higher than the 4 TB version and 2 terabyte version for some reason the 2 tby version is the lowest then we have the 4 TB version which is a little bit faster but then the 1 TB version is the fastest the Samsung T9 here is another one of those drives that you might want to keep an eye on just showcasing if you had something externally what would be the performance difference always having an internal SSD is going to be much better than having an external SSD now moving on to the full system Drive Benchmark from PC Mark 10 and this is one of the very important tests for most of the crators out there because if you don't know what your storage workflow should be like I've got a full dedicated video on the channel go check that one out where we go a little bit deeper what is a project Drive what is an archive Drive what's an OS Drive what is a cash drive and how you should be label them for the most optimized workflow but in this Benchmark here the full system Drive Benchmark actually tests the drives as an operating system or running more demanding programs on it so drives that do well in this test are good for Os or project drive but but the project drives I'd put a little bit of an asterisk in there because there's another the next Benchmark that is very important for the project drive as well if you are using a lot of large assets like big video files and constantly writing and reading files from the drive you might want to consider also terabyte written spec and the consistency test which are going to come up next but if you looking for the OS drive and project drive this test is showcasing which ones are the best for you and surprise surprise the Gen 5 drives are quite a bit better than the Gen 4 drives but the solid p44 Pro 1 TB and 2 TB version are actually quite mably faster than the Samsung 990 Pro so if you're looking at the best OS drive that you can get at very affordable prices I'd highly recommend checking out solid p44 Pro 1 Tab and 2 terabyte version because it's absolutely amazing results there the Samsung is a very solid option as well but the Samsung has slightly lower terabyte written spec but in some of the consistency test actually performs better so I'll talk about that in a minute then we can see that the Kingston Fury Renegade and KC 3000 right on the top there as well with fire C to 530 they are very very good there interestingly the Lexar NM 790 there are very very good even though they use a host memory buffer kind of caching on the ssds compared to some of the other ones that that have DRM cach on solid or Samsung 990 Pro for example now another drive that I need to mention is the solid p41 plus drive because even though being quite a buger drive as you can see it is performing better than the Lexar NM 790 even though being a little bit cheaper and very very close to the top end there with like the fire cu the 530 so if you're looking to save some cash the p41 plus is a great option and also interestingly here you can see in this test how far we have come from the Samsung 980 Pro that is very well-known drive and everyone recommends this as the drive but you can see a lot of the drives can be faster and better than the 980 Pro and you can see how the kind of first generation Gen 4 drives are actually slowing down a little bit and the second generation with better controllers and better caching and better you know optimization of the hardware we can get a bit more performance out of the ssds then on the bottom you can see saberin rocket 4.0 and Kad Z4 41 TB drives so for productivity and video editing or Os Drive these are some of the best drives that you can choose from next is the PC Mark 10 consistency test and this is a very very synthetic and very demanding test on the ssds we are filling the capacity of the drive about three times up and down we're writing over 23 terab of files during this test and the test runs between 10 to 20 hours very high demanding like read and right speeds of the drive and this really showcases how well does the drive perform in very long consistent heavy use and does it still perform well after that so having this result in combination with the previous result of the OS drive if you have large assets and you're constantly using very demanding tasks and that is really 0.01% people out there then this is one of the good options to see which drives are the best and you can see that the KC 300 4 TB Drive is actually a faster than some of the Gen 5 drives which is absolutely insane that just showcases that the KC 3000 is an incredible drive to get for consistent read and right speeds and the controll and the caching on there works really well another thing that I have noticed in this test is that when you have a larger capacity drive it usually performs better unless you are using a horse memory buffer CU I can see that the lexer NM 790 that doesn't do that one tab Drive performs better than the 4 TB Drive which is slightly confusing but regardless having a larger capacity Drive usually means that you have larger cache which means when you're working with larger files it's a bit easier to push the drives in there because there's a lot more space and it is faster then on the top we have the Samsung 990 Pro and the firecuda 530 and you can see that the 990 Pro is another level and really sustains its speeds very very well out of the Gen 4 drives and the Fuda 530 again very very consistent and really awesome drive in that type of test then we can see that the verbatim 980 pro and p44 pro from solid they are kind of like really very very similar there top of the range which the veram vi 7000g is very surprising result in there for doing that I would have expected some of the other drives to be form a lot faster but that's interesting and then we slightly working our way down all the way there and here you can see if you have the solid p41 plus the 2 TB drive or 1 TB drive you can see that the size difference makes quite a big difference there in terms of capacity but also if you have a mid-range Gen 4 drive you can see how it can quite keep up if you don't have Dam cache so the dam drives that have Dam caching perform a lot better in this test than the dam L drives and the last very important spec that not a lot of people talk about for creators is the terabyte written spec now terabytes written tbw means how many times can you write things on the sstd and then the SSD life is gone because SS consists of little cells that you can fill and these are like data cells and you can actually fill the cell and empty the cell only a certain amount of times before the SSD just goes Kaboom and look we're done and you might lose either the capacity of the drive or it might be unreliable but often you can see ssds rated for a 5year warranty also with a terabyte written spec so it's basically when you go to a car manufacturer they will say that we will warranty your car for 60,000 M or 5 years or 7 years for Kia or something like that and that just shows how much confidence they have in the drive performing well even after 5 years so the industry standard what Samsung has set and what you see Western Digital and some of the others set out there is 600 tab per one terabyte over the 5 years which means that roughly you can write about 30% of the drive every single day for the next 5 years and that's kind of the warranty spec if you go above that so for example if you're using the Samsung 980 Pro or 990 Pro so these ones here if you are writing more than 300 gigb every single day on it let's say you do a lot of shoots and you you know project files are 400 500 GB and you do that every single day then perhaps this is not the best drive for you because it doesn't support that as much there are some drives that are a lot higher than that and you can see here that one of the lowest ones that I wouldn't recommend here is the verbatim VI 7000g which for the two terabyte drive only offers 700 T terab written spec which is very very low now now Samsung 9980 Pro and 990 Pro are the 600 standard and bear in mind if you go up in the spec for 2 TB drive then usually that doubles as well so 30% of 2 tabt is actually 600 something uh gabt then the second layer of drives are the netac NV 7000 and cardia and Corsair mp700 and AD data Legend 970 as well so the Gen 5 drives and solid p44 which actually offers 750 or more than 600 terab written per 1 terab now bear in mind sometimes the 2 tbyte doesn't double it from the one tbte for example solid p44 Pro is only 12200 for the 2 tab 1 but 750 for the 1 TB 1 which is just mostly marketing because it should double with the 2 terabyte version then the KC 3000 from Kingston is on another level at 800 terab written per 1 tab the lexer NM 790 is 1,000 terab written per 1 terabyte but doesn't double it for the 2 tabes and goes to 1,500 for the 2 terabytes but still Mighty impressive compared to others almost double what Samsung offers the firecuda 530 now offers quite a bit more 1,275 terabytes written per one terabyte and that doubles per capacity so if you go higher it you know scales well in there if you're using a project drive and if you're looking for a project Drive remember the consistency test the fire the 530 performed very very well up there and this drive you can write 70 around 70% of the drive every single day so 700 something gigabytes every single day for the next 5 years and that's going to be fine which is very very nice now remember I mentioned the sabr rocket and carda z440 which I have in here these drives here are on another level and that is 1,800 terabytes written per 1 tbte and double them for 2 terab that means that for the next 5 years you can fill the drive to like 95% so pretty much fill the drive every single day for the next 5 years and you're going to be fine which is very very impressive spec and if you're using a lot of big files very demanding consistent workflow for like larger files then perhaps the z440 from Team group cardia or the sement rocket 4.0 not the 4.0 plus because they've lowered the spec for that one but the 4.0 are the dries for you because that spec is very impressive it's very hard to test the terabyte written spec but this is what we have to trust from the manufacturing what they have tested because but I don't think any reviewers can actually test the drive like that but I think it's a very important spec to consider for creators in conclusion do you only recommend the M2 ssds and I'd say not really depending on your workflow and what you're wanting a Cash Drive Cash Drive is also one of those that I'd recommend like look at the OS Drive benchmarks because that will also show a lot of random read and WR speeds what we need to like read from and the solid p44 Pro and Samsung 9990 Pro are very good drives in that but let's say you have filled all of your M2 ssds and you still have some SATA ports left then I think it's worth considering some of the SATA ssds 2 . 5 in ssds because for extra storage or something like that extra project drives using SATA is completely fine as well or if you want to build yourself a Nas or something like that that's also a very good option so I'm going to leave the ssds that are mentioned here in the description below but some of the favorites that I found in this is the Kingston KC 3000 if you're like very consistent project drive that's very good for project Drive fire crud a very good for project drive as well as well the Samsung 990 Pro is very good for project drive now the one thing that I'd say actually probably avoid interestingly Is the Gen 5 drives for now just because the platforms that we have uh when you're using Gen 5 drives unless you're on the ryzen platform you might be losing some of the other features and I don't think it's worth it right now for the price you be paying and for the other features that you might be losing so perhaps wait with the Gen 5 drives a little bit to come down in pricing and get a little bit better right now the good options are for the Gen 4 even in 2020 for tip number two is don't buy a heat sink drive if you're putting this in your motherboard if you're putting it in your motherboard don't look at the heat SN versions look at the non-he heat syn versions because they will be cheaper and it'll be much easier to install and you're not actually voiding the warranty because you're taking the um heat SN off which often is the case for Budget end I highly recommend checking out the solid p41 plus that's one of my favorite drives and also cardia z440 if you find them on a good deal because of the terabyte written spec in there now the Samsung 980 Pro even though being the like a first part of the generation in there highly recommend checking these out as well cuz often during the holiday season different times they have awesome deals on so check them out in there as well so check out the description below for more information and more tutorials related to this video but if you're a Creator and you want to build yourself the best bank forb Creator PC then go check out the build guides in the description below they're completely free and there is one for each budget whatever is there's one for that you there thanks guys for watching and I'll see you soon [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Tech Notice
Views: 63,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech notice, best tech, best ssd 2024, best SSD for pc, best ssd for creators, best SSD 2024, BEST ssd, BEST SSD 2024, best ssd to buy, best bang for buck SSD, gen 5 vs gen 4 ssd, ssd speeds compared
Id: 8qLkiLaUMFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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