Skaventide Spearhead: Skaven vs Stormcast Eternals | Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battle Report

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War rages across the Mortal Realms new alliances are formed While others lie shatter and the dominant powers ever seek their next Conquest while this and countless other battles rage on one fact is becoming clear the season of War has begun this video is brought to you by the support of our channel members and the flgs partners war fire Minis and xplanet Baron of dice is the exclusive dice supplier for season of War take a look through their incredible designs or even get your own custom dice made hello and welcome to Season War and a very exciting day because Ridge it's the day we get to open up and debut the new scaven tide box set yes the new spearhead boxes are here and we're super pumped to get them going there's obviously going to be a lot of to unpack over the next couple weeks with a new addition coming but we're kicking things off with the game of spearhead obviously featuring the Two box that armies yeah Ridge always got your beloved rats always es scaven baby our time is come it is here yep and I'm playing the stormcast eternals we're obviously excited to debut spearhead for the first time and as we go show off all everything that's in the Box over the next couple days and weeks and we do have to start by saying a big thank you to Games Workshop for sending us an early copy of the box and and the rules so it allows us to preview this stuff early for everyone we super appreciate it and we know you guys love it too so big thanks there and just a heads up of that and after this if you're interested in even more spear had ction we have a 16 Army tournament bracket kicking off on Monday now if you're you're a channel member or you've watched the streams uh you'll know about that already we're also doing uh a competition alongside it to who can make the best predictions for the bracket whatnot we have some prizes for that you can win a spearhead box so lots of fun stuff our version of March Madness in June July so June Madness yes spearhead sweet 16 uh that's going to kick off on Monday so you still have a couple days to join the membership uh and get your bracket on Discord you can find a link if you are a member down in the description of the video we always get this too there has been a few people that you can actually join our Discord so if you sign up for the premium membership which gets you another battle report a week you'll actually be able to join our Discord and that's where we talk about a lot of stuff including the spearhead and all the different tournaments different things that we have throughout the year um just I know some people didn't don't realize that you can join the Discord if you're a member and with that again we're going to have I think 15 or 16 games in this bracket over the coming weeks so lots of uh spearhead content if you're against excited about this game like we are and well uh half of our games for the bracket are going to be uh publicly available the other half are going to be members only one so if you do want the extra content and to help support the channel cuz it goes a long way um it's pretty cheap to sign up for our membership and hopefully you'll enjoy all the perks that come with it but then Ridge we're not starting the tournament yet this is the game one just the debut of these two armies in spearhead overall why don't you take us through your Sten army yes so the scaven Army there are two spearheads this is the one with the new box essentially so we want to show that that off first obviously so it has the new clawlord on na Beast which is just an incredible model he's super cool um and then a warlock engineer uh and as well a graci here so three Heroes which seems quite a bit for spearhead um and then it has two units of 10 Clan rats and then a unit of three rat ogr uh so for this Army I have chosen to go with the twoo quick to hit which means when I Retreat I don't take the D3 mortal wounds or Mortal damage and then for the enhancement I have taken the warpstone charm just to give the minus one to save so similar to before the other uh aos3 so hopefully that'll come up um and then the legance ability for scaven allow me to deep strike but I'm just not doing that in this nice well again I am playing stormcast again the new stuff um we've got five liberators in here we've got the unit of three prosecutors uh both of those units are actually reinforcements so if they do die I can bring them back similar to your clan rats then I have two heroes in here so not a lot um but I do have the Lord Vigilant on Griff stalker who is the general I've given him the enhancement to allow him once per game to strike first in either combat phase so good defensively as well mhm and he can also make another unit fight twice and then lastly I have the Lord vertin who has a prayer that's kind of like an anti- hord one actually might help me get through the rats a little bit and uh that's it so not a ton these are kind of smaller ones uh in terms of the model count in these spear head sets but uh hopefully we pack a punch and uh can take the fight to the rats yeah we will see and and with spearhead um we both are effectively One Drops so we roll to see who a tat Defender and drops first I won that roll decided to drop first which allows me to have choice of who goes first and ridge I'm just too excited to get into the action so we're going to jump into stormcast eternals turn one sounds good all right Ridge so let's start off with the twist uh we are playing an AI and the first twist is wreathed in Smoke there's no Underdog so we're going to have to roll off for this one we'll be able get to choose one objective to be wreathed in Smoke only unmodified sixes to hit will be successful targeting units contesting that objective so we can roll off for that mhm a three to your four I'm just going to choose the middle we'll have a pillow fight in the middle nice sounds good so then we'll draw our three uh tactic and command cards and jump into the hero phase all right Ridge the only thing I have to do in my hero phase right now is uh an ability I'm going to use my once per game ability Shield of air to give my liberators a five up W save s good and then I do have a prayer but it's out of range so I'm going to jump into movement I'm going to run the liberators for two so they're going seven I am going to run my lord verant for two all right then after movement I have shooting I have the prosecutors uh they each get to throw one Javelin I'm going to throw them all at your clan rats right now and they'll hit on threes and threes Co one at Rend one uh I do get a six up nope D3 damage for three which color red that's it for my shooting I'm going to get into charges and at the start of the charge phase I'm use one of my other once per game ability uh for storm charge and that's going to allow uh the liberators here a unit that ran they're still going to be El eligible to charge so we'll start off with the liberators that's a six should be enough and then I'm going to charge the Lord Vigilant mhm and that's a seven he'll get in there as well all right Ridge I did my charging I'm not going to use the strikes first on the general I'm actually feeling a little comfortable but because this is I pulling out the the power game right away because this objective's wreathed in Smoke I actually tailed both my units on it which means they're contesting it and they'll only be able to be be hit on sixes yes that is right uh that is not good and then into combat I am going to attack first with my Lord Vigilant and he's going to put all his attacks into the clan rats okay all right we'll start off with his great Axe it's going to be three at Ren two two damage pretty great that's one left and then we'll go with the mount the Griff stalker is going to completely Miss so uh yeah he'll deal [Music] six so I'm going to go actually with the clan rat and we're going to risk taking some damage so I get some extra attacks with the clawlord and fourth and five nothing and then with the liberators I'm to put three into your claw Lord and two into the CL rat so into the clan rat two at Ren one he's dead and then into the claw Lord we got two normal hammers we got one mortal wound so far and three at Ren one uh fives make two and then the grand Hammer one at Ren one five no two more damage so four total and sixes nothing he does take four all right so I will just put everything from the claw Lord uh into your hero I guess so I'm going to be hitting on sixes but maybe we can sneak a few through nothing okay can hit on the sixes but I can't wound so the graer we'll just go uh we'll be sixes again uh four the graer does hit minus one four up I save it nice uh the engineer same thing nothing all right that's it for turn one it was pretty bloody I actually realized rid after my attacks were done and you were doing Your Heroes mm that the uh Lord Vigilant has a once perame ability to let a unit fight twice so I could have fought twice with with my liberators there could have been even worse than you see it now yes but we we put the pressure on killed the unit Clan rats but we know they're coming back so um that's not the end of the world uh obviously the wath didn't smoke here hugely uh you know to my benefit um keeping my guys just touching it and safe yeah looking back I even chose that I was thinking stormcast is not fast I I know that they're just like foot slogging big guys in armor so I'm like you're just going to get everything into the middle stay into the middle and then I'm going to be able to just come and stay in the middle and I have more models than you so a pillow fight actually is good for me y was was the thought process there but yeah that one justes definitely bit me in the butt well here it will allow me to store hold one hold two hold more for three points one points one point per objective um and then I will complete actually all three of my battle tactics nice I have do not waver which is to fight and have no friendly units destroyed and very similar to it War of Attrition to kill an enemy unit and have none of my units destroyed or less units of mine destroyed Y and then hold ground which is uh to be contesting and controlling the large terrain feature in my territory nice so that was as as good as you can hope for for a turn one and ridge six points to start for the good guys yeah pretty good let's see how the rats answer all right let's [Music] go okay so in my hero phase the grer first is going to see if I can roll a three up to add the control to a unit NOP that is a one uh so we're not doing that and then he will cast wither which I pick a unit within 13 um and I it is on a six and that's a five damn it okay so Grace here's doing nothing okay so that's it for hero face so I will go to movement uh so I'm going to retreat the claw Lord what a coward what a cowardly scaven boy all right well I'm just going to retreat everything then so the engineer is going to retreat the graer is going to retreat so first I'm going to drop down these guys outside three here the reinforcements yep holy with dropped on the red Clan rats as reinforcements holy within six cool and then these guys are going to move their six [Music] okay well I'm going to shoot the only thing that I'm not hitting on sixes with so 2d6 shots all right at the Lord Veron yeah at the Lord Veron so just four two at Ren two all right that puts him to a five up save he saves one one damage he does have a five up board save but he fails it and takes a damage all right so that's going to be it cuz the rest of my stuff retreated so it can't shoot and then we'll just going to uh charges so let's just first first go for the big 9 in charge from the rat ogres why not uh see if they can get in oh an eight uh and then we're going to go with the uh red unit of Clan rats an 11 wow [Music] okay okay and then the blue Clan rats are only going to go five but still oh no uh all right well we made some charges and I guess I'm just going to activate the blue unit first just to get them all on to the point let's put six into the angel boys and four into the uh liberators four through uh no Rend all right three up saves I'll save three of them and then I have a five up Ward I take one damage wild series of event to do one damage I'm going to Pile in my Lord veriton it actually put his attacks into the rat oders because they're not on the objective so I'll hit on better than sixes uh I am going to use my card here for five aboard on them so fight to the last all right we'll be hitting on threes here that's going to be four at r two two damage each that go all goes through so eight damage I take all eight damage okay kills two I do have the mount attach still it'll be fours and threes one wound at Ren one go through for two more damage okay so 20 attacks these are all just going to go into the angel guys prosecutors yep no sixes good talk all right uh while we're at it the prosecutors will fight back M four sixes showing you how it's done and then four at Ren one uh all four wounds so Ren one so sixes so three so we kill [Music] three and then we're going to go with the liberators all into the blue Clan rats so the small hammers nothing the big hammer Grand Hammer nothing as well and then you did take my Lord vertin who's going to Pile in but he'll only be hitting on sixes wounds r one uh six no three flat damage oh my God and the Judgment blade wounds r one so six I make it okay it was another D3 God okay end the turn I'm going to get D3 Clan rats back for just one all right so that's the end of my turn uh yeah just an absolutely dumb move with this like the rigar did not need to get hit there at all so just me you went straight for the long shot charge here but didn't think about the Pyon range and 3in combat like yeah or even just like the yeah cuz even if I just barely tagged him which I need to do because I don't want you to be able to do something if I win prior and give you the double that was the whole thought process here which is a great plan but now I have two less Rovers which are the main thing that do damage in my Army yeah so just annoying I look past that but I'm going to score more uh models so I will get the large Terin feature and then I'm going to get the igna for two points and then yeah my third one was taken a point without having anything in combat which I just couldn't do yeah I really should have actually at the beginning uh deep struck the engineer I don't know why I didn't he could be I could have popped him here popped him there and he can still do a shooting he can still do stuff but in my head it was just like I want him to be near my stuff but he doesn't really synergize the same with the graer so Five Points still still get five and you swamped the middle of the board but then Ridge we can look at uh priority for round two you get a six you roll priority uh but I'm out of card so I just can't take the turn the priority wouldn't have mattered in this situation cuz you were going to take it anyway so I'll give you the turn okay and we will jump into stormcast turn two sounds good we'll start off with the twist Ridge you are the underdog and you'll have to pick one objective that objective can no longer be controlled or contested in the battle round and any units on it at the end of each turn will suffer D3 mortal wounds yeah I'll just do the uh bat yeah sure okay then we'll draw our three cards all right Ridge I do have some hero face stuff firstly my Lord Vigilant is going to use plan the attack and he's going to choose this objective and everything uh fighting stuff on it will'll get plus one a hit then my Lord veriant has cleansing fires uh he's going to try and enchant that on a three up he fails and that's it for my hero phase so I'll jump into movement I am to use my once per Dame ability strike where needed to uh give my Lord Vigilant retreat in charge and then I'm also going to uh Retreat my prosecutors and they will suffer D3 moral wounds for thankfully just one and that's it for my mve I'm locked in combat in a lot of places so next I have no shooting because I retreated and I'll jump into charges we'll start off with the Lord verant for a six and that's all I have for charges so uh starting off combat I'm going to go with the Lord Vigilant first into the last rat ogre that'll be three at Ren two two damage and we take him out uh I'm not going to kill him so I might as well try to kill the Liberator I'm not hitting on sixes now five all right three up saves uh two of those will go through you will kill a liberator and then the Lord veriant might as well fight next he'll start with his staff hitting on twos because of uh the one ability for my General wounding on threes so going to be one at Rend one uh six no so three damage so far and then is Judgment blade so that that'll be one more at run one uh six no D3 for three six total God and then I have the liberators we'll pile them in a little bit we'll get two at Ren one two at Ren one Into the Blue rats uh goes through one damage each and then one grand Hammer at run one uh six no so four damage total and then end of the turn I will get back to all right Ridge uh a good turn for me uh obviously being in the position where you you want the points so it's hard to take a double uh let me go so I am going to score well though uh so I do get hold one and hold two but not hold more so that'll be two points for primary uh then I do score the IGN stus nice I score take without warning for taking an objective from you without fighting nice and then I score take the flanks to have a unit within three of each short Battlefield Edge so getting the right cards when I need them which is a big part of this game that's going to be it for stormcast though five points for the turn I was hoping you had the bont card that's why I made the BM one you couldn't control yep that's fair well I guess yeah let's jump into staven turn two okay let's do it okay so first for the hero phase I'm going to do the graer spell again so it's on a six so let's try to do wither I get it uh so that's going to be D3 mortal wounds to something within uh 13 I guess just that hero so D3 mortal wound three Mortals to him all right he does have a five of Ward mhm um he fails them all but didn't roll any ones so he still out the ward that uh the gra here on a 3 plus yes which I get is going to give four control to something yeah so I'll just give it to himself actually so we measured it I am going to forego the bamont dis the my plan to make the bont uncontrollable is because I was hoping Jordan wouldn't get it and then of course I got it which I can't get this turn anyway so I'm just going to do an old Arcane bolt to that dude for just one mortal to the ver but he does take the Mortal so one wound left okay so now we go into movement okay that's it and then we will go to the clawlord on N Beast is going to do uh he's going to charge with a big 10 uh okay and then my only combat is going to be them so his big weapon is plus three attack so it's going to be threes and fours uh just one r one I save it okay just one one want one more yeah run two I guess effectively so five up here well we save it so they their armor holds and then the prosecutors will fight back yep but it's just going to be two at r one they both go through though one damage each uh so sixes I didn't make one so I take [Music] one wow this claw l not not doing so hot with minus less than your save by one extra three attacks still just did no damage no force a hit or force a wound they just so swingy yeah you do uh take the objectives though yes so I'm actually going to have take the objectives and I'm going to get my tactics so my first tactic was to fight and not have anything of mine die thank God that caller didn't die I got that and then I got one for wholly within your territory and um not in combat with those qu nice so another five points it very close five yes so uh the looming priority is the problem though cuz I just knowing I'm using my cards here I just know I can't take the double here so we will go to PR for round three you got it yeah and uh we might as well take it as you said y um so we'll jump into stormcast turn three sounds good all right so starting off with the twist we've got Mount the attack each player scores an extra Victory point at at the end of their turns for each objective they take from their opponent in addition the underdog pits one friendly unit and they get plus one damage on the charge this battle round I guess I'll just choose the clan rats okay and then we'll draw our three cards all right in the hero phase the Lord Vigilant is going to get to PL the attack uh on the center objective so it get plus one hit against units on it and then my Lord barent is going to try to chant for cleansing fires he'll get it this time and he'll uh aim it at the Clan rats so we'll do Mortals on five UPS oh my gosh five mortal wounds cool and that's it for my hero phase so we'll jump into [Music] movement and that's all I'm doing for my movement so I'm just going to jump into charging and start off with the liberators which they'll make it into combat and ridge that's it for me so you're actually going to get to strike first with your CLA Lord all right let's see if he can do something here one hit again minus two technically cuz he has The Warp Zone charm so five up save it goes through so that's two damage and then four attacks uh fours there's the fours three at Ren two I do save two of those nice just D3 just one so three damage total will kill two of them and then I'm going to fight first with the liberators into your clan rats two a ren one and we'll take them out all right so three attacks fource and fours from the engineer yep all whiffy whiffs all right let's see if uh my general can take him down that'll be three at r two two damage yep that kills him all right uh I just have that last prosecutor then mhm into your claw Lord and that's uh misses so nothing there and that'll be it for my turn so I will uh take three of the objectives I actually still have this one as well uh but I did have to reclaim this objective because we completely lost control of it uh from the previous twist which is important because I had the BAM out I figured do not turn two turn three Y and then I also had the dcoi and de so there's two points there equally exciting is Attack on two fronts to take two objectives from you so we did take these two uh for lines up pretty good with the twist with the twist so that's three points for primary three points for battle tactic I took two objectives from Ridge so I get an extra point for each of those for the twist casual eight-point turn yes seems about right it's obviously all coming up stormcast right now yeah uh praise Sigmar we're keep the ball rolling but Ridge let's see what we can do sounds good I'll go into my turn Okay so into my turn uh I'm going to start with my hero face off cuz I have the graay Seer so he's just going to cast a Wither and try to get rid of that dumb angel boy uh he does and you will take two Mortals all right you kill him good start I'm going to roll the three up first to see if I get to add control to my thing so I can give something six control I will give this to himself so he's going to get six control for himself and uh that's it for hero so I'll go into [Music] movement uh okay and then we're going to bring the 10 Clan Rats on okay so it looks like that's that uh no shooting cuz they're dead so and I ran with him so just the 4in charge from the clan rats they get a [Music] six uh fours into the liberators this is Clan rats into the liberators so five into the liberators saves on threes two go through you kill another Liberator and then they'll Pile in and fight you back mhm two at r one and then the grand Hammer one miss is so just one damage in total yay plan rat he comes [Music] back okay so end of my turn I am going to get one two more here pretty solid uh I did have attack on two fronts so take control of two objectives I didn't control so middle and that one and I had the dracothian so take the middle so it's actually going to be a pretty good turn so and I'll get an extra what one two two points yeah so seven point turn so I get seven yeah yep very uh very good turn for scaven scoring wise it could have been even better if I rolled that four up I could have the graer ran outside touched here took the point with that charged the 10 clats on here took the point killed that guy I would have got one two three six you would have got yeah s eight I would have tied got the same as what you got yep but yeah I need that four up run on the R so close well Ridge uh it is tight there's lots in the balance it's only a two-o difference going into the final round yes uh let's go priority yep Co you five I six again I don't think it super matters with um with the turn sequence event yeah cuz you're going to need Battle Tactics to score and make it up I need cards yeah yeah or cards y so uh I'm going to take the turn and we'll jump into stormcast turn four sounds good all right so we'll start off with the twist rid you'll have to pick two objectives on the battlefield and uh they're e each worth an extra Victory Point that's actually huge I'm obviously going to pick the two on the Eastern side yep the two that you yeah two of the ones that you control yes cool uh we'll draw our tactics and jump into the turn and then in the hero phase uh my Lord Vigilant is going to plan the attack on this objective again for plus one to hit and then my Lord vertin is there a chant for cleansing Flames he gets it and to Target the clan rats and that's going to be three mortal wounds nice then I'm just going to jump into [Music] movement and then because they are reinforcements I'm going to bring down three more prosecutors and that's it for my movement sweet I'm going to do a redeploy we're going to redeploy with Grace here for Just 2 in all right we will have some shooting uh with the prosecutors and to put them all into your claw Lord M threes and threes one at run one uh five he's good all right we're have to do it the hard way I'm going to charge my uh Lord fail fail fail fail fail fail that's a six oh did the redeploy do it your grace here safe yes woohoo want a redeploy of two yeah and then I'll charge my Lord G verant for three he's going to fail also and then lastly uh my prosecutors they charge on 3d6 so they should make it they in and that's it for charges uh my Lord Veron is finally going to use his his ability uh for deliver judgment to allow my liberators to fight twice once per battle oh nice I forgot about that nice y yep I'm actually to start though with the prosecutors yep that's going to be five at Ren one okay so uh fives he makes three dies to the wound if he doesn't make a six here six of four not a five six no the five of w would us they made him live take them down uh so all seven Clan rats are just putting everything into the liberators uh so this is going to be fours and fives fives nothing okay the liberators will fight back so the regular Hammers and two at run one so three damage so far and two more at Ren one make one so five damage uh total in this activation and then there's no other combat so at the end of the round or end of the fight phase they'll get to strike again well the little hammers will have three at r one yep uh make one so two that'll finish off the clan rats they're already dead okay so we had a a good turn here try to cleanse the Realms of the Rat infestation yeah um we'll take uh you know the objectives so we get hold two and hold more again so that's going to be three points there I do score one of the ones that you made an extra points so that'll be four Y and then I will complete I think all of my Battle Tactics they'll be cut off the head for killing your enemy General nice perfect time to get that yeah we'll get uh raise for being within three of your long Battlefield Edge yeah nice and then raid for being holy within enemy territory and not in combat yeah nice so that'll be a good old seven-point turn here and then Ridge uh that was my turn four is there anything you can do on the final turn uh no I'm just going to hold the IGN and get an extra one so I'll just get two I can't do any of these tactics cuz one was kill your general which I just don't see that happening with an Arcane bolt and all my abilities still not um and the other one was have the long field battle Edge that you had so had he survived I could have retreated him and just got the that um and then I would also just had a countercharge and just because I wouldn't have used the kill the general one which those that one seems to come up usually in games be the countercharge is like pretty insane you want that kill the general one late right yeah then he's already dead or perfect for your turn order like all of your tactics this game were like absolutely perfect if that's one thing we want to highlight or will point out a big part of this game is if you're getting the tactics at the right time or the cards at the right time a this has been weed 10es spearhead this has been the they've ever lined up for an army literally getting every single tactic yeah and we've never had that happen before so Stars aligned here for stormcast just everything was perfect stormcast one seems pretty strong actually too with all the abilities like the strike first the fight twice the the both of them coming back yeah this is I think a good highlight of of like again there's things that can happen spearhead is very swingy so we saw me taking first turn and be able to just push everything forward kept Ridge pinned tied up where you were in a bad position from from the start not to mention that twist worked against you so badly in the end oh my God every all the little things like that were just perfectly against me this game which was like yeah frustrating but that's like what I feel like what happens with that like the other twist can be like this one like you get an extra point for the objectiv you get to choose as the underdog which is so strong if you're down one point or something like that yeah and and here on in this kind of game it's like we could play this again rid you and the choice to go first and this could be a completely different game obviously you go to diagonal deployment that changes things too MH the the guy ran board there's so much that like this game in our experience could go completely the opposite way the next game right so kind of wild in that way where it's a little unpredictable um but I mean as a as an intro kind of game for uh a W and whatnot spearhead it's been it's been wild uh but fun in that realm as well yeah yeah it's super it's just a lot of crazy things can happen the cards matter a lot but then the turn priority mechanic as we said a bunch of times often doesn't matter because you need the cards but I feel like we you're going to hear that constantly people are going to talk about that about not wanting to take the double CU you need tactics or you need to be able to do those but if you can take the devil and and and kill stuff uh the one the rat ogers are like my damage and just that stupid little play now with AOS 4 and like the combat ranges 3in everything hits 3 in so like anything that's close to that he Jordan was able to pile around and just as long as you're 6 in you can be hit by anything so that was and then him killing two like I feel like like they're the ones that are supposed to be doing damage and kill something so that was a crippling oh yeah blow the clan rats losing them you expected and then you them that's very normal but yeah uh that'll be a win here for stormcast kind of pulling out a big lead in the final round if you enjoy this game again don't forget we have a whole tournament kicking off next week we've got two games out for the public and then two more Member games next week so four games of spearhead on the channel next week so again check out the membership join up uh also if you're interested in joining our uh bracket and making some predictions be sure to jump in our Discord as a member submit your bracket uh before Sunday night at midnight Eastern and uh you can be in for a chance to win a spearhead box yourself yeah I really thought I was going to pull this out where we even wore my lilac shirt as a lot of the members like to tease yes but just couldn't get it couldn't get it the rats though are going to be in the first match uh staven is uh on Monday so they'll have a chance to uh redeem themselves yes yeah that'll be exciting yep so uh stay tuned for that again tune in Monday look forward to all those battle reports but anyways that's it for us today thank you guys so much for watching we'll see you soon in another video have a good week everybody [Music]
Channel: Season of War
Views: 12,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, age of sigmar, games workshop, battle report, batrep, miniwargaming, tabletop, wargaming, AoS, competitive, new aos, the honest wargamer, battletome, season of war, generals handbook, battlescroll, AoS 4, Spearhead, stormcast eternals, skaven, skaventide
Id: ezrbOfwL3Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 49sec (2209 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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