Army Officers Must Take Orders From Gordon! | The F Word | Gordon Ramsay

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welcome to the f- word tonight the F stands for Fanny for the last nine weeks I've searched the country to find the next Banny crra tonight I fill the restaurant with a 50 finalist on the menu pea asparagus petta and goat cheese for tataa honey roast duck with green beans and baked Alaska plus I go hunting for Britain's ugliest fish [ __ ] of it God they're so strong cat de pops her Cork and 4x Army boys go into battle to win the right to cook at my Mayfair restaurant [Music] clares C my mother and I C my dad I love my mother and I love my dad what have all never had the C my mother and I C my dad I love my mother and I love my want to have all [Applause] never JB put them on eyes to celebrate tonight yes let's go with a starter [ __ ] me my ears gentlemen good evening four ex army officers you're all used to press you served in Iraq yeah clearly you're all very used to giving out orders yeah tonight there's only going to be one person giving out orders that's me yes you've got four ladies Lan lassi standing in between you and the final at clares yeah you should really do better than that yes yeah uh Ed what's on the menu what's on the menu we've got sum of for Tara Gordon we've got rais duck breest with um Fly green beans and S potatoes and we've got a baked Alaska wonderful thanks um now perfect f potata I'm going to do one with you now get the pan hot bacon in first yeah what's next onions onions onions that's right asparagas in yeah peas in egg mix at the bottom the secret is to have it a little bit running the center but not liquid yes ghost cheese over asparagus tips under the grill bang in the idea of that is to melt all that ghost Cheese look and it's a really nice sort of creamy textured fata yeah okay first ta's on okay so chis Charlie yes on order four covers table five four P asparagus petta fata Four duck four Baked Alaska yes excellent well done tonight's Brigade is Ed Charlie Adam and Chris the Army boys let's go guys please we've known each other for about 5 years we've all served in various parts of the world we've been in some pretty tough times together very passionate about eating food I really like my food tuna steak mon fish cut yourself yet no not yet I think we got a really good chance of beating the L lasses we will beat the competition I think we can definitely beat them if we don't I think we might as well go into hiding um we're going to win it um and we're going to go clar I know they're fussy out there so be careful yes make sure you get some really nice color on those L yes that's done more salad please J just a little bit over there they're very nice good Chris okay now would you pay for that I would yeah good they're very nice t five go please well [Music] done I saw bits of black in there now what is all that in there more you're real bright guys look you know don't what we're not going to serve that okay we can't hide it under the old under the we can't hide [ __ ] all come on all the same size start again [ __ ] it's not just the meat for my Lambs that I'm going to be using in the restaurant [Music] hey it's hard to believe they're going in a week I've been looking after my sheep for 3 months since they were just 6 weeks old it's amazing how friendly they become isn't it know when we first got them they were like running away from the fence I now have to turn my thoughts to why I kept the Lambs in the first place to serve them in my restaurant and today we're going to weigh them okay I want to make sure that we've got sufficient meat on there yeah right here we go should we wait Daddy yeah no chance yeah right listen listen seriously if you want any pocket money open the bloody door guys Matilda Jack come on buddy you don't do that to your best mate Jack Jack I'll be serving my Lambs to 50 pain diners they've been bulken up on grass and hard feed if they weigh anything above 30 kilos it means it's all been worth it gav I know I'm holding gav I've just got my knees CED in [ __ ] there you go okay what does Gavin weigh 35 kilos that's great yeah Gavin's across Welsh 50% and 50% Chet so the 100% Chet are always going to be a lot bulkier that's a great wait for Gavin yes fantastic that was easy wasn't it right one more task yes do you see all the poo poo everywhere I need a bucket full of poo guess what we going to make paper how do you know he told me it a secret that's a big one is it 100% poo a yeah smell right we're going to meet a poo man I don't want to waste anything so we're going to make quality paper out of my Lamb's poo then I'll print the resturant menus on it the night my Lambs are dished up what's the first stage well the first thing we've got to do obviously is sterilize this the last thing we want to be doing is handling something that might have any pathogens in it no germs we need to extract the fibers from the Poo to make the paper right on she goes sterilize I've never ever cooked poo before are you okay with that in the washing machine it's been late to ask you if I make no no no but I mean just make sure my socks aren't in there wash okay here we go [Music] examine Blitz pour spread lift rest throw [Music] payback T we're making paper Okay concentrate peel mangle come on Lily pie come on L sheet poo paper done nice now that's good enough for the menus at claries isn't it um it was very fresh it was very light the vegetables were perfectly cooked above all it was I'm speaking French you understand right results that's the target to beat yes yep okay the number of fanes that are prepared to pay for the starters yep 33 out of 50 ouch that is exactly the same number as the lankage your lasses so you're on target You've Been Under Pressure before yeah now you're under even more pressure yeah get it right for the duck yeah okay let's go main CA next on the menu I give cat deia a mouthful look you put weight on but I mean I'm not calling you fat has your wife taught you nothing and how to look good naked got one gives me some fashion advice what is going on with those [ __ ] Cardigans D you don't like my cardigans they bonfire food welcome back to the f word time for the main [Music] course duck normally burnt to Cinder or stuffed inside a pancake roll what a waste it's nice and light and gamey absolutely delicious score season five spice quite generous with a five spice this makes the duck really aromatic dry pan fat side down push it down in the pan as that fat starts releasing itself from duck breast get a pan now save that fat that's duck fat delicious for sauteed potatoes honey soy sauce for me the most important thing now is the duck stays nice and pink absolutely [Music] stunning green beans perfect ACC compliment with duck into boiling water literally one and a half minutes hazelnuts these are dried roasted hazelnuts more intense flavor season Crush beans nice and crunchy when the beans are warm they take on the vinegarette olive oil hazelnut oil Cherry vinegar delicious [Music] [Applause] [Music] slice lovely honey roast up with hazel Lu green bean salad done [ __ ] delicious nice and hot yes it's so easy there's three things on here duck beans potatoes couple of spoonfuls Adam that's it garlic in there cook with noise yes yeah how many you got there Ed four four good that's what I ask for good beans please yeah the beans table eight please yes beans are beans potatoes beans or potatoes one of them fun yet they're not cooked they they taste them then come on taste them some don't throw them away just put them back in the water very very quickly Adam there's crunchy and there's raw yeah oh [ __ ] H handful of beans on there okay good right duck on Chris come here are you happy with them yeah some of the cuts are a bit dodged but I'll show you again when just slice it okay we use a carving knife yeah yeah that knife just wasn't sh enough okay go please table five yes wow right Adam I want the [ __ ] beans please yes yes sir still not cook come on you've got no [ __ ] water in there always keep that pan of water boiling out on there yes [ __ ] hell surely you can cook a beam my man on [ __ ] hell right let's go hey it' be really nice you can serve your food yes around stand there pissing your [ __ ] nickers let's go service please sorry to keep you waiting sorry to cook beans four [ __ ] times nothing to laugh about yes table eight let's go Conger real they're sustainable and delicious but sadly no one wants to eat them because they're so [ __ ] ugly congal are monstrous creatures they can grow up to 10t long and can weigh up to 250 L thousands of them live in the sea around Britain and it's a waste not to eat them I've come to exmouth to meet Dave Curley who's one of the few people I could find who fishes for congas and he sells it in his fish and chip Shack when was the last time you got your haircut ah weeks ago right huh Jan Jan huh these things are huge aren't they I mean you know completely different to a fresh related to the same family but they're I mean they're humongous yeah y I've seen 100 100 I've seen it yeah congr often live inside recks so we're heading out to sea to fish over one the fascinating thing about congre you know they look [ __ ] ugly they are ugly looking but you cut through that flesh and it's white gold it is it is lovely and it's just hasn't quite got the FL of C but you're going to prove me wrong on that we'll be catching the congas with rods which is going to be a real challenge as they're very difficult to fish so it's going to be a slow tug tug tug tug and then bang bang and when you know it's on it's on when they're on they're they're verocious aren't they ah it's non-stop it is actually physically very tiring to get one up to the surface Congers are tricky to catch because they live within the W they come out to take the bait and then niit back into hiding got some G yeah oh he got some on there damn fucker's gone just come off there damn I load up my hook with more bait and try again oh God they're fighting yeah this is definitely Conger on here Gordon is it oh he's gone oh [ __ ] no why are they coming off so [ __ ] frequently it's frustrating but exciting at the same time he's on Jesus Christ they're so strong oh there he is [Music] oh fantastic [ __ ] what size is that that's coll size I call it bloody hell that's not bad is it not bad at all no God they're so strong [ __ ] we'll uh go absolutely yeah I think if you just drop them straight right across there these buggers can really bite so the quickest and most humane way to kill them is to sever their spinal cord that's it Jesus Christ you got him I think you got him bully Bay is one of my favorite french fish dishes but I want to create a British version using Conga to show Dave and his customers that this eel can be even more delicious so going to season it first okay and start the process of a congal bull Bas yeah very similar to a classic French bully Bas but no mullet no monk fish no PRS no Lobster just coner pure coner olive oil then add a little black pepper salt and saffron oil in skinside down into the pan and this one we're going to start getting the vegetables going nice hot pan add some olive oil fennel carrots celery and star and crush a whole garlic add a handful of shalots and lastly K and pepper that put a little bit of heat inside the soup and really helps the season give that little stir for me please so we can take that out we got the color there that's what we wanted on there fish in but it smells amazing lovely it l the pan a little bit of perno and sit down set fast as sh ooo [ __ ] put off the alcohol and uh mixing the vegetables yeah and the fish evenly add a splash of wine fish stock potatoes fresh tomatoes Basel and parsley to finish the dish cook it out for 20 minutes and then we're going to blend it that's great okay okay buddy should we go yes look at them all fish and chips is off the menu yes can wey yeah please [Music] congal Good Very tastes like is absolutely delicious I'm amaz like we love Conga it's so frustrating that we do not eat enough Conger real so please start buying it because in there they clearly loved it it may be ugly but it's [ __ ] delicious thank you very much K how are you Donnie I'm good how are you doing nice to see you nice to see you to see you nice absolutely fabulous thank you and enjoying dinner I am you know so far yeah it's all good very good how long you in La uh I've been out there for just under a year so I've um bought a house out there foodwise and what's it like out there what you what you eating on you know what I pretty much eat anything and I you well look you put weight on since the last time I saw you maybe I have in a nice way no not in a has your wife taught you nothing no no no but I mean I'm not calling you fat or anything I you look great you look great with a little bit of weight on it's festic I you know what I'm very lucky that I kind of don't have to worry about it too much BL they are obsessed with food out there yeah yeah but no one seems to drink which is terrible I know I order a glass of I order a glass of wine at lunch and it's like check out the alcohol I know check out the Brit in the corner that's a that's a second sip of wine but you still drink don't you yeah of course favorite drink ooh well for me it's always champagne lovely girl best friend well no it's just for me there's happiness in every bubble you know it's one of bubbles in the glass champagne exactly as a country now we're the second largest drinkers of champagne outside France you are a font of information it's all up there now uh JB yeah right little challenge now yes um I've got a series of champ and I want you to taste them all and see if you can spot the difference between them this is not a a test this is a really nice way of sort of you know understanding champagne better have a little [Music] taste second [Music] one I I I prefer that one cuz it's actually a bit more kind of bubbly and sparkly absolutely spot on because that is expensive one tenger the one you liked and that's a cheap sparkling wine yeah at $4.99 you spotted it straight away you know did I yeah because the most exciting thing about champagne it's got those tiny bubbles that rise from the base of the glass all the way up constantly and sparkling wine has a lot bigger Bubbles and they disperse quicker literally yeah well done do you think fantastic so this is a vintage champagne and a non-vintage champagne oh God okay you tell the difference little bit more difficult and obviously in terms of age um a completely different set of grapes um a look at that one I'm going to be pasted that one uh-huh okay well done you were right they're both lovely absolutely extraordinary vintage and non vintage now the big difference between vintage and non vintage champagne is that vintage champagne is a lot stronger and richer in flavor complexity comes with age right number three is quite interesting this one okay yes now they're both champagne but one's a cheap brand and one's is an expensive brand right it's really important not just to focus on label and buy the [Music] label what do you think I definitely prefer that one and why' you prefer this one because it's lighter and are you going to call me cheap now so you preferred the cheap one I did prefer the cheap one said do I the own Brands produced by the supermarkets often come out on top in competitive wine tastings M it's nice now the secret of opening champagne is making sure it's open just with a little sort of whsp at the end okay not no no no I like the pup it's the thing that signifies woohoo and just a small twist nice slowly and then just come to the end and just tilt the cork there nice right I'm going to show you a really exciting way of opening a bottle of champagne yes okay yes yes right I'm C nice to meet you hello how this man is an expert an amazing expert in um opening wise a completely different way yes indeed indeed it's excited so they started opening champagne like this in the Napoleonic Wars with a great time yes the Cav the Cavalry was sort of waiting to go into battle take a bottle out of the saddle bag and chop away if the French soldiers can do it I'm sure we can hear in the f word right ready lay the saber on there never take it off the glass slide it straight up and away it flies slowly or fast quickly like that quickly like that yeah off again 3 2 1 ding ding ding dong ding ding I think you have to have a go there you go Sunday lunch will never be the same here we go right right yes so you lay the sword flat on there and way you just you just go up there with one two three and bang away you go am I doing it off to complete off we go one two three yeah I got so much f well done well done well done there's more there's more there's more there's more it's like there's your and we have to say to you in the name of Noah father of the vine of St Vincent the patron stons I hereby declare that you are a sa of the confu Sabor fantastic thank you so much what are you go down on one knee for are you have to thank you so much well done buddy nice to see back the kitchen see take care my D good to see you bye uh by the way do you want your weapon back I'm left here on my own with bottles of champagne and a sword meat was delicious really well cooked um quite liking the little hazelnuts on the beans was a bit of a interesting touch I would say the duck was extremely well cooked in the sense that it's nice and tender still holding itself together and it tastes great right guys results of the main courses okay good right Chris how do you think you did I think we did well actually I think we had a few hiccups but it's but good yeah yeah okay JB results 26 out of 50 guys alas disappointing that's not so good feedback from the customer what they say yeah so a bit slow and the greeny beans a bit oily that was a vinegarette it wasn't oily greasy it was like a really nice hazelnut vinegarette wom H please tough customers out there tonight you're more capable of getting 50 out of 50 for the dessert yeah don't be down and out come back next the menu got one lays on a plate for me in the recipe challenge are you flirting with me AB a [ __ ] loot I cook up the ultim my dinner party in under 30 minutes where's that [ __ ] gate in the bin in the bin it's and finally after waiting through hundreds of audition tapes I've invited 50 female Cooks to the restaurant tasted their dishes and soon I'll be choosing my favorites three of you are going to show me who really is the best of the best welcome back to the F-word time to find out who's got amazing taste and a sense of style in the kitchen and who has got onean ready you you bet your ass I'm ready oh dear so my cook off with Gordon I am doing a family recipe which is a prawn and Chinese mushroom one ton in a soup noodle and it's all about the prep of Chinese food it's not about the cooking time so G's doing a one ton soup and I'm doing something very similar but I'm going to do a bit of a sort of one ton soup but mixed with a little bit of sort of hot and sour and then make some nice W tongs but with some fresh scops in there so we can just sort of glamorize it a little bit can I just say you've got bloody good knife skills there you spend a lot of time in the kitchen yes you know what my dad has been in catering all of his life and he's actually got a fish and chip shop in Leicester now but I was brought up in the kitchens and I was brought up in the restaurant and from a very early age dad was teaching us you know how to cook and how to look after the restaurant so C's a massive part of my life F I have to say that's fantastic you have a fascinating background with food because when you're younger you used to be a little bit Porky which I find hard to believe no no hold on but I I was a chunky monkey once I got up to just under 18 Stone right okay six years ago just constantly eating not looking after myself and yeah I find it hard to believe cuz you're you know you look good all my family are big still and you know and I was and I I was 21 stone at my biggest weight and I was big yeah I was a big guy you know I never had a really bad relationship with food it's just that we were surrounded by it and the Chinese culture is anything you do whether it's a celebration a commiseration doesn't matter what you're doing eat you eat alongside it so that I mean that was that was it really I'm going to make the stock first these are uh praw heads we're sweating off with some garlic some chili Ginger lemongrass once I've made the stock I'm going to put the prawns back inside and poach the prawns inside the stock finish with a coriander noodles spring onions and some little beautiful B Choy got I'm the pot now I'm going to make a stock out of the prawn heads and the Tails uhhuh because that's what's going to make most of the soup watching you work in a kitchen it's almost like watching a chef you know that oh really yeah but you know oh I like that you're attentive you're taking the [ __ ] out of the oh my God you know what I was just thinking when you were talking then this is the rankest job I would much rather be putting naked women on buildings than doing this I'm telling you you do have the most amazing job you are the luckiest man in the world I love my job I love clothes I love the idea of image you know and it's about making people feel good not changing them whatsoever not rocket science really is it it must be a huge turn on well do you know what not really my bag I have to be honest um have you ever been sort of tempted to sort of change direction no do you know what I I love penises I mean I can't I'm not going to lie to you now I do you know I'm I am gay I'm very very happy about it I'm out to my family which is you know the biggest part of my life yeah more than anything else you know me liking guys has got absolutely nothing to do with my job whatsoever you know do you think they feel safer because well of course they do because I'm not trying to hump them and there's no you know there's no competition with them at all it's you know we we do our job and and and that's that's pretty much it isn't it okay I've got some ginger in there a little bit of garlic fresh scallop coriander and a little bit of lime juice I'm just going to bind that together lightly season it and put it in between the wons and then poach them off so what I've got so far then little bit behind but it's fine I'm still going to win I have the uh filling for my on tons which is basically the mashed up prawns bamboo shoots water chestnuts and the Chinese mushrooms which is the very very good quality Chinese mushrooms and you know what I have to say you are one of the gentlest nicest man I've ever met in my entire life are thank are you flirting with me Absol [ __ ] lutely I hear that you've got a little fetish didn't you uh hello what is going on with those [ __ ] Cardigans Gord they are absolutely hus come just say you're swearing more than me you don't like my card terrible I I swear to God deser I don't care I don't care honestly they're not they're bonfire food I'll dump The Cardigans okay you know image and clothing it's got to be representative of who you are as a person right and the character that you give off with your clothing um to me it's a bit sloy bit sloy I grew up on a counsel State go so did I so did I I've got a restaurant in SL square but I I'm not sloy trust me but no but the thing is you give off that impression that's what it looks like from yeah from an unluer and you know what you'd have a lot more knickers in the post if I sorted out your ward you're just trying to distract me now so you can win you know that without blaming you then in case you lose what you wearing now let me see let me see oh no I just got Chef trousers on Che exactly see how much money have you got and you're wearing Chef trouses cuz I'm a so just to make sure we maximize the flavor in the St with these um heads of the prawns I'm going to crush them now cuz inside that head is where all the flavor is do you know about noodles I love noodles these are just egg won noodles but the consistency is just absolutely amazing oh this is really hard talking and cooking at the same time [ __ ] ow got migraine um right they've both got to Simon now for what 10 15 minutes yeah yes uh we come back and then you lose what [ __ ] ever now it's time for dessert Baked Alaska absolute classic every's heard of it but no one knows exactly what's inside basically layers of sponge ice cream and then wrapped in merang but a special mering Italian mering sugar water bring that up to the boil and cook it out for 3 minutes egg whites lemon that strengthens the egg white for the sugar half of the sugar in pause for 10 seconds and the other half in classic Italian mering look beautiful Ginger sponge lovely [Applause] cut raspberries raspberry lure be quite generous with that ice [Music] cream and then your second sponge push that down now morang into the bag [Music] pipe straight into the freezer 10 minutes to get nice and [Applause] [Music] solid cognac F from your very own eyes Baked Alaska done Bak Alaska in the dining room yeah come back with 50 out of 50 let's go yes up right guys let's go up here we go we've got these two coming up first well I'm pretty excited too like it I'm coming thank you very much guys hope you enjoy it sorry you didn't get Cris guys but I will send them over I hope you're not wearing too much hairspray you see the Flames oh my God it's bit hard in the light but they there promise that's where we was there we go we got a going here thank you girl perfect however fast your life is there's always time for good homemade food dinner parties can be hell the pressure to perform well in the kitchen means menus are often safe or stuck in a Time Warp I tend to cook um a three course meal um starts off with prawn cocktail spaghetti bolines and then we tend to have a frozen dessert chocolate gate to cook a nice meal and be adventurous you need to have time to be able to do that and at the moment I just don't have the time to do that Carol's been cooking like this for 13 years I'm here to show her a dinner party menu that can be done in under 30 minutes dinner parties a [ __ ] Chef's nightmare that looks like cat food in there what is that no this is spaghetti bolog andise run me through the spag Bowl spag Bowl pasta yep spaghetti mins tomato run me through your bolog sauce that is my bolog sauce what do you mean that's it the tin the jar sauce onions vegetables garlic no onions vegetables garlic no straight onto the spaghetti 13 years Carol 3 months fine but 13 years cooking the same old [ __ ] that let's start off with that in there that's go in there yeah we're going to do three dishes salmon chicken and a chees cheesecake that can be done easily whilst you get ready and lay the table at the same time right first of all we're going to do the salmon it's on my menu at the restaurant perfect for summer very very light and it's a ladi's dish so we'll get the marinade done first uh spring onions while you're doing that I'll chop the chili and the nice thing about this it can vary you know that you can put chopped ginger in there as you get a little bit more adventurous I'd like to think over the next 13 years that's exactly what you're going to do add finally chopped coriander the juice of one lemon olive oil sesame oil and soy sauce now that is the most difficult part done right and it's quicker to do that than it is make it por cockta [Music] up don't dress the salmon with the marinade yet put it in the fridge and start the main course chicken a simple dish with chicken creme fresh and capers always go to the outside of the pan first that is really nice and hot okay that's it so everything will go in here so there's not any other pan that I need to use no we have one pan and one pan on one pan for the husband to wash up when he gets home yeah when you've got color on both sides add some white wine after 2 minutes take out the garlic and rosemary and put some capers in chicken sto creem fresh in bring it up to the bowl and we leave it happy with that straight forward so quick quicker than Boles very quick the beauty of this chicken dish is that you can leave it to finish while you lay the table when was the last time you made a cheesecake time for dessert and no baked cheesecake this is going to wipe the floor with a gate start creaming it for me please just squashing it in creaming it right 6 tblsp of sugar fresh vanilla pod 34 of whipped the cream just taste that now with the vanilla in there lovely add the vanilla cream to the cream cheese mix next creme de cassis a black currently cure I know you girls like a little bit of alcohol but look so everyone thinks cheesecake has to be long windy but look now where's that [ __ ] gate in the bin in the bin it's there right look at you old Glam right this menu is so quick Carol's even had time to get changed before her guests arrive oh WR a right you finish them yeah and I'll get the ladies in and sat down it's the prong cocktail girls come in come in come in come in nice to see you wh in hand nice to see my daring oh Jesus pissed already take a seat Christ it's like the calendar girls right take a seat now there's no porn cocktail there is there no there's not yeah I don't think they'll be upset do [Applause] you be better than nor much better look no PRS ladies good to see you sorry about the porn cocktail but they're gone you're going to have to wait another 13 years for another one for the last two months I've been offering the women of Britain a chance to have their very own slice of the fword thousands of passionate female Cooks have applied and now it's time to put my favorites to the test good evening fannies right which one do you fan okay oh God right Nina calm down get yourself a glass of wine my darling yes okay good now listen the good news is that you lot yes were the best of the best out of the thousands of female cooks that applied to be in my kitchen and three of you are going to show me who really is the best right here in my kitchen ravinda [Applause] Bogle I've got Yanda my absolute favorite herb Den tfield straight in there now I'm tempted to drink it myself but no we'll put it in the dish the M salad GMA Hammer my top tip is to crack the egg and to gently hold it over with some of the whites coming out just so it Cooks first now it's time to see what you like under pressure you've all got 20 minutes Blow Me Away with something exciting rinda what you going to cook tell me I'm going to do this piece of chicken stuffed with chopped mushrooms lemon zest lots of garlic and lots of chopped coriander good J what are you going to do I'm going to do Tusc and chicken which is lemon thyme Rosemary basil sheril nice good good good Denise what are you doing Dy I'm going to do chicken with a bit of a Spanish flavor got some peppers got a chelot bit of garlic some of the paprika love all right that looks nice so you're roasting it with lemon herbs garlic and you're going to put some fennel in there I'm going to roast SE okay how you going to roast it I'm just going to roast it with chili and olive oil when did you learn to cook well when I was about 5 years old my mom said to me if you don't learn to cook now you'll never get married and already and you're married with Children right no that's the irony I can cook but I haven't found a [Music] husband don't you feel that let's not what you put there now turmeric I've got in there but quite a lot of it as it turned out okay fine I probably didn't want it quite so orang hey ready to Plate up yes rinda Sho Denise yeah I think so let's go yes now my three Fes have cooked their amazing dishes and it's time to find out how good it tastes on the right hand side here Angela har one of the best female chefs in the country and Mark Sergeant my right-and man at clares right H Gemma what have we cooked please why my Tusk and chicken and then added roasted fennel with chili lovely do you get that spice as soon as you eat it so slightly overpowering it's nice delicious though I love the fennel because the fennel is like um you're right about the sugars country but brought out the sweetness of it it's really nice for me slightly hot I'm told that an awful lot it's a bit too hot I like the lemon in there okay good rava now tell me about your dish D I did some chicken stuffed with chopped mushrooms garlic lemon zest lemon juice and balsamic vinegar reduction presentation wise yeah very NE thank you you know as well you got that sweetness at the end haven't you that's nice you really really well fresh as well delicious Denise tell me what you've done d right I've done a sort of Spanish style chicken saffron rice Tomatoes garlic shalots and P excellent s first impressions that really rice is nice got a really nice texture I got slightly nervous when you put half a tin of turmeric in the rice but I was pretty nervous myself when I saw that rice skin a little bit too crispy unfortunately burnt apart from that impressive what I like about all three dishes that you worked at it yeah I said to you get the idea and evolve it and I think you just did that so I made my decision the woman that I want to be my fanny is ravinda well done myling how you feeling I'm just feeling like I need to be Wen up dream you better wake up because you do dessert next week yes yes well done oh my God okay big round yes let's go next on the menu he may know how to look good naked but can got one beat me in the recipe challenge Hy honest winner loser and there's a final twist as I take my Lambs to the slaughter last thing on my mind right now is [ __ ] shepherd's [Music] pie right welcome back to the f word now time to find out who has won the recipe challenge nervous [ __ ] myself look at me I'm shaking what you've done to me py honest winner loser right JB come back with the good news yes and you know what if I don't win I'm not sleeping with you just just consider that so Edition number number one and Edition number two thank you you quite strong Seafood taste definitely it's quite it's very light though C very well though yeah though they are brilliant the texture is quite nice instantly tastes corander really strong really nice and there's actually there's a lot of flavor in them bring in the good news yes okay uh the winner and I'm quite happy actually oh yeah near don't come here oh God come back I hate you Hey listen listen listen what on what grounds um I want to reat had to sayu off in the kitchen in Chinese easy easy in the kitchen yeah something like that now get out my kitchen love you I'll send you C yes commiseration done see you later it's time to say goodbye to my Lambs It's the final day for my flock at 17 weeks my Lambs are old enough to go to the slaughter I've been a sheep Farmer for 3 and a half months and it couldn't have been any more eventful one of my sheep died at Birth and then my lamb Charlotte was mysteriously killed at the [Music] beckhams Gavin is the only original member of my flock still alive I like Gavin the most cuz he's really friendly he's living in my garden along with two French Lambs which repl Charlotte 3 weeks ago I called the other two the ugly two cuz they are ugly but on the day of the slaughter there's a final twist Gavin's been diagnosed with pneumonia and being prescribed antibiotics official regulations State a lamb can't be slaughtered for a month after these kind of injections so at the last minute Gavin has escaped Slaughter hey buddy we had the most amazing recipe for shepher pie and you evaded it come on he's saved luckily for me the two purebred Lambs are good for the chop so we load them up for their final Journey we can't leave Gavin alone in our garden so he's coming too Gavin you are one lucky little boy mate I tell you huh hey hey oh dear Here We Go Again you've never actually been inside of Avatar no I think it's one those situations where I don't quite know how I'm going to find it hello Mark how do how you well I'm well I'm well good to see we um get them off the get them off the trailer for you okay great up up up up uh Mark it's quite a quick process yes very quick I'm not very good when it comes to these kind of situations um it's done instantly instantly seconds throat and then and then up onto the line yeah oh from start to finish how long uh what 20 seconds from stun to stick time maximum okay let's [Music] go I'm going to put the electric tongs on yes if you if you hold them steady okay they're going to fall over induce an epileptic fit chained up and then put on the elevator and go upstairs and you can follow it up and watch M stick them out if you want to in terms of the emot impact you know they've been in the garden but they're new arrivals so thankfully I'm not attached purposely I didn't get close to them watching it now i' part of it now it's crucial for me right but it's awful when you see them just before it's going to happen yeah I'm going to be holding my Lambs as they are stunned with tongs that charg to 200 volts okay let go the shock stuns the lamb so they feel no pain when their throat is cut it's so professionally done it's quick that's the most important yeah I me he over done within seconds that's great oh that's just nerves Dy last thing on my mind right now is [ __ ] shepherd's pie ready next one moments later my second lamb is slaughtered the same way very very odd experience I mean very traumatic I think when you when you just see you know one minute you've got this live land wriggling around next minute that's it I really wanted to learn all I could about what happens after the Lambs are killed we start by skinning them it's an incredibly skilled job initial cuts are called ripping lines cuz they're ripping through the skin and there was just fruit Force so you push over both sides and really just pulling the the Sheep out of the wall really yeah it's amazing how hot the animal is yeah hold there and put some put that hand on there as well and push towards the Wall go push lean on it lean on it the rest of the skin is removed by a machine to save time unbelievable I mean the lamb looks fantastic now doesn't it in terms of quality wise yeah so next stage evisceration takes it up over you got the lungs the liver there the heart the liver's amazing there look at the liver looks very healthy does look very healthy doesn't it as a kid I'm amazed how hot they are yeah it's hard to believe that you know literally 5 minutes ago these things were rolling around that's right yeah yeah all meat slaughtered in the UK is examined by government inspectors if the carcass passes it gets a stamp of approval one final job I've promised you fly witting stall the brains to cook with I don't want the brain full of [ __ ] skull yeah a little sha off the top of the cranial cavity that's good there you go there's the brain exposed that's good and there you have the brain they're beautiful huh no bits of skull God amazing it's still [ __ ] warm what process thank you pleas hly it's been a a really big eye opener I can relate to it now cuz that's how we get it that's how we would arrive at clares straight from the farm now time to start thinking about burning out the legs breaking it down the rack the neck good a good pair of lambs there okay JB results for the dessert yes the amount of ladies that are happy to pay for desserts [ __ ] me 16 out of 50 what 16 what do they say um two alcoholic two alcoholic yeah the girl what's wrong with that that's the most hilarious thing I've heard all [ __ ] year you know that so so total that is 75 out of 150 sadly in the end four X army officers by beaten by a bunch of lasses you beaten by a bunch of on the menu next week service comes from my Mayfair restaurant and Ricky Jas and I share a drink to celebrate spunk I'm slly squeamish to drinks oh now the trouble that that's very spun cly WT store helps me cook up my Lamb's brains this will certainly be the freshest set of brains I've ever worked ready and I go head-to-head with Johnny Vegas in the recipe challenge you copy me again yeah I just live to follow you I have gold Ramsey parties we all just sit around tell each other [ __ ] [Music] off [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] la la la la la la la la
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 3,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity chef, Cooking show, Food, Gordon Ramsay TV, Gordon Ramsay YouTube, Gordon Ramsay clips, Gordon Ramsay cooking dreams, Gordon Ramsay cooking secrets, Gordon Ramsay dishes, Gordon Ramsay episodes, Gordon Ramsay food event, Gordon Ramsay food festival, Gordon Ramsay food reaction, Gordon Ramsay food review, Gordon Ramsay food testing, Gordon Ramsay official, Gordon Ramsay playlist, Gordon Ramsay series, Gordon Ramsay website, Hotel Hell
Id: -54MiM70L0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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