Lean SIX SIGMA Green Belt IASSC Certification Practice Test

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hi guys my name is Neil and I'm going to be your instructor for this course on Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification practice tests for IAS se and myself a certified master black belt with around two decades of experience in manufacturing and in banking to start with let's explain what is IAS se IAS se is International Association for Six Sigma certification they are third-party certifiers for Ella belt green belt and bag belt courses so if your individual looking for Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification then IAS se is certainly a international level accreditation that you can look for there are also other options such as asq now how does the certification for IAS se green belt happen and how do you prepare for that so that is the purpose of this course so let me start by explaining about the certification procedure itself the certification requirement includes passing an examination and this exam is for three hours it's a closed book exam it's a proctored exam you can take the exam in pin and paper format or you can do it online you can take it almost in all the cities of the world all the big cities of the world and almost all the countries to know about exactly which is the closest location for you you can look at ia s SES website as I told you this is a three hour exam and you would have hundred questions and you would have 20 questions from each of the five faces of Six Sigma so you have define measure analyze improve and control and in each of these phases you would have 20 questions so all put together 100 questions and you can complete it in three hours the questions would be either multiple choices or they would be true or false questions one point I want Memphis eyes is that in addition to these hundred questions there may also be ten extra questions which are non graded questions which are included in the examination and they are not for evaluating you but it's for making sure that cheating etc does not happen in the paper so those we'll be mixed up you may not be able to identify them but make sure that you do all the questions with your full heart now talking more about the preparation for this certification firstly you should know what is the body of knowledge you can go to ISSC website and that gives you a very good idea of what is the body of knowledge you can download that so that tells you what are the various topics or curricula for this particular course remember that in ISSC the greenback level is evaluated and what is called as an evaluate level in Bloom's taxonomy Bloom's taxonomy when you google you will know what that is it talks about the various levels of acquisition of knowledge and in Bloom's taxonomy evaluate is last but one level what are the various levels talks about remember which means remembering a concept understanding a concept so that's the next one and after that can you apply the concept given a scenario then the next step is analyze so given an output of a particular concept can you analyze that and produce a reasonable inference and the last is evaluate so given a scenario can you evaluate and say which concept has to be applied and then apply that concept so greenbelt expectation is that you are able to apply all the concepts of the body of knowledge at an evaluate level so once you know what the body of knowledge is next for you is to acquire the required knowledge which can be done in broadly two ways one is for you to look for books which can help you to acquire this knowledge there are a lot of books when you google or when you go to Amazon you will find lot of books I'm including a sample of the first chapter of a book which is helpful for certification as well in this lecture in addition to this there are online courses there are a lot of online courses which can also help you to prepare for the certification so this is one way of acquiring the knowledge the other which is si does not emphasize much but because this is a professional certification course it's very important for you to have that knowledge is the practice once you have learned the concepts then the next is to see how will I be able to apply them in a greater given scenario so that you can acquire by looking at few case studies and the other thing you can do is also go and look for practical application areas in your organization where you will be able to apply these concepts through a project and thereby you can also enhance your knowledge so that's broadly about knowledge acquisition and the preparation for ISSC I have also given you almost-- idea of everything else I think I did not talk about the marks so totally for these hundred questions three hours there are 500 marks and you would have to get 385 marks and about to pass this examination one of the other questions usually people ask is what if I don't clear this exam you can always retake the exam the procedure is mentioned in is SES website always people ask one more question which is how long is the certification valid so this certification is actually very nearly valid but after three years the status of your certification would get changed that does not impact you in any way your certification validity is perineal so this is another question that people keep asking me so I thought I will mention that as well here the last point I want to mention before I wrap up is that in no way I'm at a present idea of IAS se and know more about exactly the ISC related formats and details you would have to visit their website before we wrap up this lecture I'm going to give you an idea of what else is there in this course the main content of this course are two practice tests each test would have hundred questions very similar to that of IAS SE and you can go through those and it will give you a very good idea of where you stand so the suggestion I would give you is take the first test after you have prepared and then look at the answers evaluate where the gaps are then you take the second test thereby giving you an opportunity to revise in between what else is there in this course I've also added information about the various phases of Six Sigma we've also included a case study that can give you some idea of how six Sigma projects are implemented that can only add further to your knowledge about Six Sigma and that's why I have added them and they are in no way I think a replacement for a full-fledged knowledge acquisition such as going through an online course or a book so with that point I'm going to wish you all the best and in case you have any clarifications doubt etc in preparing for is and C's examination feel free to reach out to me thank you
Channel: Center for Fact & Data Driven Leadership
Views: 16,452
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: Lean Six Sigma, Six Sigma Certification Course, IASSC, ASQ, Six Sigma Green Belt, Six Sigma Black Belt, Nilakantasrinivasan J, Canopus Business Management Group, Green Belt, Lean SIX SIGMA Green Belt IASSC Certification Practice Test, IASSC Certification Practice Test
Id: 9Rs_2UlG0d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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