Six Months With Three Pairs Of Undies - The Pacific Crest Trail
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Friendly Hiker
Views: 175,892
Rating: 4.8486238 out of 5
Keywords: pct, pacific, crest, trail, 2015, walking, hiking, wandelen, thru-hiking, long distance, California, Sierra Nevada, Sierra, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Lassen National Park, Crater lake, Yosemite, three sisters, Forest Fire, John Muir, Mount Whitney, mt. Whitney, Goat Rocks, Mt. Rainier, Lake Tahoe, Sequoia, Foxtail Pines, Mojave, Desert, Alpine Mountains, Kings Canyon, National Park, Mount Shasta, Castle Crags, Mount Jefferson, Mount Hood, Bridge of the Gods, Tunnel Falls, Manning Park
Id: Gqi5SODj13E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 48sec (4908 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2016
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