Appalachian Trail Documentary: DIXIE TO MAINE

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I fell in love with the Appalachian Trail when I was about five years old. One day, I woke up and I looked at myself in the mirror at 28 years old and I said "You're about to hike the Appalachian Trail". Never had been on backpacking trip before... but I just decided I was gonna make it happen. (Music) Okay. So I am here at Amicalola State Park and I am about to Hike the approach trail, just weighed my pack in and signed the register, so I'm off. Kind of nervous, but I can do it. The Appalachian Trail runs from Springer Mountain, Georgia, all the way to Mount Katahdin in Maine, passes through 14 different states, and spans 2189 miles, depending on the year. "That's my bottom, I'm sorry for that". [Dixie] Nice. It's a full moon. (Music) It kinda got wedged in between - like the orange line there, and that branch, and no matter how hard I pulled, it wasn't coming down [Dixie] So he's gonna climb it and... He's gonna try again. He just saw a spider and almost fell off the tree [Dixie] A SPIDER? You're climbing a tree, and you're afraid of spiders? Come on now. You're a hobbit. [Dixie] You are... look at him. He's like friends with all the animals. [Dixie] Oh my GOD! See that's how bear is gonna get up, and get all our food. I did see that. WHOA (Laughs) [Dixie] Look at him save the day. So I am sitting at the creek because I'm gonna wash some clothes, get some water, and I'm here for first aid. so a lot of people are getting blisters and stuff And I was really happy that I haven't gotten blisters yet, and this is day Four, of actually hiking. But - so instead of blisters I ended up with tendinitis. So this guy - more thick, and like this bulge right here. Definitely the beginnings of tendinitis Yeah, so it's like my Achilles tendon So anyway, not blisters, but - so I'm sitting here at this little stream cause I don't have any ice and I'm gonna soak it. So this is called wilderness first aid, for tendinitis. (Laughing) There's these two whales. The boy whale and the girl whale. And -uh- the girl whale's reaallllyy good looking and the boy whale kinda sees this. Saunters over, Claps down next to her and looks over at her and goes (Whale noises) (Giggling) (Whale noises continuing) (Laughing and more whale noises) (Whale noise) (Laughing with various whale noises) And the girl whale to the boy whale goes, What?! (More laughter) Good morning! Trying to beat the rain out. Packin' up my stuff into a meal sack, and I have a chapped nose The first week has been good! Those stairs at Amicalola they will kill you. kill you! They're rough when you're not used to a heavy pack on your back and 60 million stairs. Had a mouse run across the back of my sleeping bag. I felt it kind of flutter across my back but I was thankful to be warm and dry. I was kind of thinking- like what have I got myself into you know Kind of worried - you know If I could do it or not you know and this, Thoughts of doubt you know crossed my mind, but kept pushing through, and every day it's gotten so much easier. I've met great people There's a girl that I've been hiking with every day her name is Kelly and She is working on a trail name Mine ended up being Dixie. I guess my southerness sticks out like a sore thumb But today, I'm gonna go up here to the mountain crossings store So I think I may go ahead and ship my boots home and get some trail runners. Oh a few things that I've learned; the stink, the hiker stink it's real. It's it's real, also, I've never used trekking poles before but they're amazing. I look like a granny with a walker when I'm going down steps but who cares and Honestly like, people have been Amazing it's like a great community, and so everything you hear about that is totally true [Dixie] Aww Oh look at this. Smiles! Already been here for like two hours. [Dixie] Have you? [Dixie] Is it nice? There's pancakes cooking out there I'm not sure how many eggs they had left, they're cooking eggs [Dixie] Who are they? like why? They're just like this group of people that have been doing it since like the 80s they said. There's a ton of apple, oranges, bananas There's a DOG [Dixie] Hello! Welcome. [Dixie] Thank you! This is so awesome. What's up dog? Roasting marshmallows. is a mellow or mallow? [Dixie] Alright, so this is our first attempts at hitchhiking and [Dixie] No cars no cars, so we haven't been turned down yet. This is Thumbs up not a down This is because top of Georgia refused to give us a shuttle ride because we didn't get here Here comes one! Here comes a truck! Here's a truck! [Dixie] Stick your thumb up There's no where for them to pull over. [Dixie] The vehicles. [Dixie] Even if we get in the van. [Dixie] Denied! Denied! [Dixie] He's stopping. [Hiker] He's stopping [Dixie] YES! 100% success rate at hitching. [Dixie] This nice fella from Louisiana is taking us into Hiawassee [Dixie] OH MY GOODNESS! Hey! [Dixie] Y'all going fishing? We're headed that way. [Dixie] Nice. Thank y'all so much. [Dixie] Nice to meet you. Woo! North Carolina! You're not in it yet Now you're in it! Wooooo! [Dixie] How's it feel? colder? smells a little different doesn't it here Did you fart? (Laughs) How did you know? We are about to hike over What is this mountain called? I don't know? Yeah, there's a huge fire tower at the top. It's freaking pouring rain, and we're just telling ourselves Coffee and beer Coffee and beer that's encouragement right now for this situation, coffee and beer. Especially the coffee. And the beer. I think we're getting close to the top. We've got a gazillion of these that we've had to cross [Dixie] We made it to the top! Here's a fire tower. It's windy cuz I'll get out and raining like crazy But two more climbs today, and we will be in a warm dry spot with coffee (Music) Let's sing her Happy Birthday *Happy Birthday to you* *Happy Birthday to you* *Happy Birthday dear Dixie* *Happy Birthday to you* We are about to eat salt and vinegar crickets, cuz apparently that's what we should do. So here's to the AT (Music continues) So Just left the NFC and it's been raining pretty good. Just kind of let up but So far the trip has been awesome. I had a great birthday but uh You know they talk about the AT being a mental game You know you kind of get over the aches and pains and all the physical stuff, but like keeping Your mind in the game is like the biggest challenge, so we're doing great up until this point No issues with that. You know I miss everybody but You know it's like going on an exciting adventure. You know I mean you're gonna miss people, but it's it's a great experience so But a little while ago. I found out that my bluetick, Sugar is Kind of sick she's still eating and stuff, but she's been pretty lethargic so It's pretty Nerve-wracking you know Wondering if you're gonna get service and You know find out that um. She's doing okay, or not or whatever so? She's gonna vet this evening so hopefully I'll have service and find out What they say but uh It makes it pretty hard Today's hike is like six or seven miles basically straight uphill and I can tell there's not so much pep in my step today, but hopefully she's gonna be okay and It'll just be like a little you know bump in the road but um Yeah, it's pretty hard to not want to be home right now anyway, gotta carry on I Guarantee you from this video you cannot tell how steep this is this frickin seat and muddy and cold and wet I don't know how you have the energy to take a video. Embracing the suck. Second day in a row of rain You looking at me? [Dixie] I think so. AAH! [Dixie] Trying to. Embrace the suck! I don't know if you can see the water pouring down this freakin, muddy, messy, trail but... Poor Core, he thought we were hurt. Got folks watching out for you all the time out here They thought I got lost yesterday and came and were looking for me But anyway, yeah, the AT's not all sunshine and apple pie Sometimes, it's rain and mud Check out these. Can you see em? [Dixie] I don't know if that gives a better idea. I am at Fontana Dam and Doesn't really look like I'm at Fontana Dam, but I'm Fontana dam, North Carolina and We received some awesome trail magic today. If you want to call it that, definitely met some trail angels that Offered to let us stay at their house. We reached the road there at Fontana Dam and Just wanted to get a ride into town to get some lunch and weren't planning on doing laundry or bathing, but we met this lady named Miss kollene and she Offered us a ride and told us she would take us wherever we needed to go in town and then even we could come and stay at her house and shower and do laundry and Her husband has hiked a good portion of the trail and her daughter thru-hiked back in 2003, so I guess it's their way of kind of paying for it all the help they've gotten so there's Rigga back there, and there's a little bunk bed I'm sleeping on they've got like this whole area set up for Folks to stay and this is the first time I've slept in a real bed with a pillow real blankets and sheets in... 20 days so it feels pretty amazing right now it's just so nice to be in a warm place and have had a good meal. Done all I run around in town already, so we'll head back out on the trail tomorrow morning, after breakfast and We're gonna plan and do about 12 miles, and then hopefully make it to Newfound Gap, by Monday [Dixie] I'm videoing y'all. I'm always videoing, so. I'm always eating when you're videoing me. [Dixie] You are always eating. We are just getting back on the trail after being dropped off our trail angel, Miss Kolene. There's Rigga! (Hey) And we're gonna cross the Fontana Dam here in a mile or so I guess but anyway So Sugar came home from the bay yesterday. yay! So I'm really excited. She's doing a lot better but uh Well, we'll see you later. This is the Fontana Dam Huge! what they'd say? 76 million? 70 something million 400 or 14 people died in the building {14 people died} No, you know rebar Spice and Rigga Gosh, it's so pretty out here, though It just amazes me that there's not a liquor bar in this thing Sugar belle got to come home. She's doing good Reason I was so concerned I didn't explain the other day, but she is a ten year old dog He's got some pretty serious liver issues, her livers like working down at the same rate it's regenerating So as soon as that stops being like an equal process she'll go into liver failure and I was afraid that that's what was happening you know on out here and But anyway it turns out that she ate something, some piece of fabric or No idea she's eaten corn cobs and towels But anyway, that's all it was and the vet was able to Give her something to help it pass so She's being playful again and eating, drinking, and she's got a medicine. She ended up with some kind of like intestinal infection But it should be cleared up after she finishes her antibiotics so so excited so excited But yeah, I just wanted to update on that and Just very thankful that she's okay, so check out this little stream looks like a pretty good water source doesn't it? Problem is it's not a stream. That's Appalachian Trail, that I've been hiking all day So it's been raining a good bit, but, hey, no pain no rain, so We're on the top of Rocky Top! Trying not to blow away, and I don't know if you can see the Rocky Top "T" here but I'm not gonna sing the whole song cuz it has some profanities in it but it starts off with *Rocky Top you will never be home sweet home to me.* Made it to the top You have it facing the wrong way. [Dixie] No, Are you recording? [Dixie] Yeah. (Laughs) We made it! [Dixie] Carolina! *Smokey mountain high.* Yesterday we did like 16 Something miles and it's been our biggest day yet we didn't quite make it to Newfound Gap made it to 1.7 before that to a parking lot but These are lovely boots after like what feels like two weeks of rain Good five days of rain.[Dixie] at least and so we're gonna try to wash them off because we're taking a zero and Icing ankles and feet We're still on Jack's [Dixie] yeah, we're still on Jack's, Rigga's nice friend picked us up last night. We're wearing his clothes All of us Pressure wash the stink [Dixie] Nope no blisters here so far except That's lucky! I know. My shoes have been good But I decided one day to hike in sandals in the rain because I didn't want to put my wet socks on. Bad idea It just like raked a hole on the side of my toe, so wouldn't suggest that. Luckily it was only six miles But I am getting these strange uh bug bites and I haven't really seen any mosquitoes, so you're thinking maybe they were spiders I don't know, but it's a lot of spiders. So we're clean and warm and today is a sunny day we're gonna chill out, enjoy our first zero and We're gonna (Laughs) Quit! Rigga is Pretended she was peeing with the water hose but anyway, so we're gonna go to town and hang out and I've have an ice on my ankle all morning and I think our next resupply will be in hot spring so we're gonna have to go to the grocery store and Get enough stuff to last us About 70 miles, but so we're gonna do that today and hit the trail again tomorrow, okay? We're weighing ourselves It's been three weeks in and how much did you weigh before? I87 187 okay. and now? Drumroll. 170. [Dixie] So you've lost? Three inches off my (Laughing) You'll have to tell me what it is What were you before? [Dixie] Like 130 K. Jeez I can't see it. (OK get on) I'm gonna say 118, maybe not that I don't know What?! You gained 10 lbs! What were you? (125.) okay? 128.5! Yay! That's what, that's what they say is that all the men end up looking like a Holocaust survivors That's ok. I will have Beyonce butt after this. That's right. We're working for Beyonce butt. we are at Newfound Gap Sup Body Glide. Sup girl! My brothers and sisters, and I hid something in that wall back there at some point I don't remember what it was. It was I feel like it was a green marble or a ball or something But yeah, here's the Tennessee, North Carolina state line, and I remember being about 5 years old and Coming here with Mom and Dad, Nanny and Papa The whole shebang and her mom reading the sign to me and explaining to me that folks would walk from Georgia to Maine And I thought that was like unbelievable, so I remember begging her to go down, walk down the trail with me and Hoping that we might get lost and have to go all the way to Maine but um So this is pretty special spot to me. This is basically where I realized that one day I wanted to be able to do that so here I am. So this is breakfast Normally, I cook at the shelter, but it's just so windy Shelter's right there, there's my pack next to sign telling me where the water sources, and then this is the view outside my tent It's really pretty. This morning, I'm doing oatmeal it's like cold like the rolled oats And Then I added some Apples and raisins, and I'm gonna boil it. This is my little stove. pocket rocket it's been awesome, so Anyway, I got my water in here and everything gonna boil it with the dehydrated fruit in there and then After I boil it I'll throw in some pecans and stuff um and some honey, but that's what's for breakfast and also have Some coffee that which I probably should have made before I started out the oatmeal but okay, so I got my pot up there Yeah, that's the only negative thing about the pocket rocket well probably any stove except the jet poles that like locks in but, is that you definitely have to make sure you're balanced and The pots on there are good. This is just a great spot for more. It's like six bucks It's very lightweight that top on there, so if I wanted to cook on fire. It wouldn't melt the little plastic knob. And then once my food is blowing I put it in this cozy that I made and just atop this on that part there but and it holds the heat in and finishes cooking it for you, so you just do something else all that's going and You know it's just cooking and you can preserve fuel that way You don't have to keep boiling it for a while, but anyway. That's my cooked setup. So check out this white tale. She's like walking towards me Hey darling, okay. Hey sweet thing. It's alright. it's been another beautiful day today No, rain, who's freaking cold? It was so cold this morning Ice in the bladders and stuff again Platypus bladders, but anyway, it's been another awesome day with just scenery like all around It's supposed to rain the next couple of days I think but been hiking alone for most of today. today's a 14 miler for me and Hiked a little bit with a guy named Chance and then two other section hikers from Alabama So it's kind of cool. Yeah, saw some horses come through today. I was wondering how they toted chainsaws up here to do Maintenance where trees had fallen over and I figured it out, and if you check down there You can see some horse exhaust on the trail, so I've been having to dodge some of that today, and I think We're doing Rigga and Body Glide, and I, and I think Chance too. I think the four of us are gonna do a 14 today, a 10 tomorrow and then two 13 days and we're hoping to run into Mountain Goat, and Rebel Yell and Hot Springs but they've got Hot Springs in hot springs And so I'm gonna get to soak in that my calf muscle in my left leg has been really bothering me and then my right ankle still a little painful, but still in good spirits and ready for Potentially another zero and hot springs. I don't know yet trail is really green today. We're definitely in lower elevation so it's like you go forward in time about a week and I really like this and it's actually sprinkling a good bit right now, but we are under the, they call the green tunnel. There's Perk, there's Rigga and Cory Chance is somewhere back there we are all heading to a possible Stop and get some necessities Another ten miles Perks is gonna try to go down there and get a picture Without busting it, wow that was impressive. If you're over age 21 we also sell beer And if nobody lately has told you all day, they're proud of you for hiking 2040 miles (Music) No ma'am. No ma'am [Dixie] Hi Shermel. Hey! [Dixie] Hey girl can I sit next to you? (yeah) [Dixie] They just refilled and everybody's coming running. Just like feeding the cows.[Dixie] It is! (Singing a repeating song) Early here Just completed our first successful 13 mile night hike for a total grand total Maxim, 23 miles Hot Springs is a cute little town I enjoyed hanging out there hot springs is really where My group kind of came together and really got to know each other. I did not know anybody when I started I started alone everybody just we became friends out here. We just you know birds of a feather flock together Trashy folks that I hang out with although. We're really not all that much alike It's kind of like a bowl of soup, and we all had a different spice to it but uh Yeah, we just all started hanging out and get along great and have formed a little family And it's it's it's really nice to have other people looking out for you Rebel Yell can sing t-swift on point so his new name is White girl. (Laughing) Pick my wedgie for you We did a 0 or two in Hot Springs after a 23.3 mile day. We did, I don't remember, not too many miles into Irwin and right outside of Irwin we hiked in about a mile and half, two miles we stayed for the night, and then the next day after cooking a good breakfast we decided, hey, we'll just Zero in the woods for free so we had a nice camp spot and all of the family was there the second day We lassoed more people into staying with us, and so it was a good time [Dixie] Whatcha doing there? Boiling crawdads, or crayfish or craw fish, but not cray dads 'cause no one says that Get on in there (that's a good one) yeah (yeah) (pterodactyl shrieks) [Dixie] That's a horrible sound effect We are putting strawberries on s'mores and it is the finest thing I believe that I've ever had in my life Waiting for...[Dixie] yeah, it's good. That's all I have to say. Even if you're gonna start alone do not be afraid to start alone People are great, you form bonds, you form friendships, you form groups and It's wonderful. The community out here is absolutely wonderful (Thunder) So he just heard the scariest lightning, and saw the scariest lightning strike ever. Rigga? How freaking scary was that? [Rigga] I hate that! It was so close. Me and Mountain Goat sat down on my foam pad Mountain goat felt his arms like clasp together like he felt the lightning So we're kind of freaked out right now and trying to rush to the next shelter [Dixie] Heyyy! State line! are you excited Camel? [Camel] Oh yeah. [Dixie] We're just crossing into Tennessee officially. Yay! So we're at Laurel Falls, Chance is swimming, Park's adriming, Rigga's eating Pretty cool! One at a time Here we are in the tent Rigga is eating. [Rigga] I am eating, great shot of my fat belly. We are waiting out the lighting storm, that's going on outside Until we hack 2.5 up the mountain to be done for the night, so you just throw up the tents, the family's all outside [Rigga] I made Dixie get in my tent. [Dixie] She's scared. (Singing) That's how you wait out a proper, properly wait out a thunderstorm, I yacked twice this morning, thanks to what we think is a Yeah, a no good chicken sandwich club from Black bear resort so don't eat the club chicken. We just did three miles today so far a little over 3 and trying to do 20 but I don't know There's Rebel Yell outside of the DG in Damascus He's trooper and hitched with me 14 mouth shy because I'm sick, and I can't express how excited I am to have Rolaids And Pedialyte Here's Rigga in her new trail day outfit Rebel Yell sporting his cut off collored top And we're about to have our picture taken for the hiker yearbook. [Rigga] And I'm eating again [Dixie] And Rigga's eating again I wasn't sure the trail days was something that I would really be Interested in you know just sounded like a big hiker party you know and I thought well I guess I'll try But to be honest even if you're not the big party type you can still have a really good time at trail days I mean I was there with food poisoning and still had a good time First Poney! Not expecting to see this tonight, but it makes me really happy, wow Drying my stuff outside of McDonalds There's the shelter and here's the privy hello Uh excuse me So I'm here at my biological daddy's grave I Figured I had hiked pretty much all but ten miles from him so might as well come see his grave From what I've heard. He'd be here doing it too. If he was still around Didn't have much to bring far as anything I just hitched a ride here After leaving the home place this morning, but I do have this rock that I got on the AT in Georgia, so I decided to go ahead and drop it here with him So I left a rock and uh there was actually one sitting nearby the headstone, well foot stone or whatever I got here a Little pebble, so I'm gonna tote it with me I guess the rest of the way and that'll be Kind of cool kind of leave something from the AT and take something with me back Hi (Hi) What are you doing? I am Aqua blading So I'm in Daleville right now for a resupply and shower and laundry and all that good stuff But other than shower and laundry like what do you do for a resupply? You have to get food A lot of times I have packages sent to me that have like dehydrated stuff and kind of pre-made meals But when I don't I go to a store, and I split everything into four bags, so I've got like my breakfast bag, snacks, Lunch and dinner and you can kind of you know organize it how you want these of course or not necessarily healthy choices Healthier stuff comes from home, but we're out here and I always wash my pot, cup, Spork and all that good stuff a lot of times my platypus too You kind of learn when this stuff needs it But yeah, I try to watch that stuff each time I stop into town 'cause it gets pretty grody. So I washed my frogg -dog- toggs Ring coat in the shower and hung it out here to dry. I have not tried washing in a washing machine I'm pretty sure it's dry But I have to say I've done a third of the trail now and frogg toggs pants tore up pretty quick This top I kind of had torn it when I, like, the first week and I was able to stitch it up with floss And it has held in like a champ. I mean like I said I've done 1/3 of the trail with this one rain top and Got a little hole here now So I might go ahead and get another set but for the for how light they are and they hold up pretty well I'd say the only negative aspect for me. Is that I haven't I don't think that I can wash it In a washer, so just do this in the tub and then hang it up and so far I'm really impressed with the Frogg toggs, so this is a Sawyer squeeze that I am about to toss because there's actually well, it's up here at the top somewhere, but anyways it's leaking. This is my new filtration system. and this is like a typical water source on the AT you can see where somebody's put like a leaf in a rock so It's easier to like go into a bag like this or the Sawyer But in times that you don't have something like that or a pop you can use a little cup or a bottle like this it's easy to get it out of the pool area, but since somebody already has this like this system. Just works like This this, collect your water And then Lifting this bag up and like it's got a little stopper there, but it's all just like gravity, which is why it's called gravity But There you go, that's it, simple as that Scavengers Attacking the blueberry Mountain sunset it's been a pretty day got some crazy mountains going on down there So here we are trying to get fired up to hike. How are y'all feelin. (Great.) (Itchy) Wild strawberries These little red efts always come out while, or after its raining. They're pretty cool guys. I really wish that video could capture what I can see at here right now Going down this trail so we got a little rain today but it was just enough to cool everything down and make everything green and pretty and Like all these ferns everywhere, and the sun's starting to go down and everything and they're just like glistening with the water It's just it's so pretty But cameras just can't capture it so that just means y'all need to get out of here and hike the AT Cedar Cliffs Really pretty There's a bear (Whispering) I'm really excited He's just digging It's a bear y'all. It's a bear Yeah he's wearing the same blue shirt (Laughs) He's not worried about us. Check out this bear This is awesome Oh my goodness Hey little deer. Sup man It's precious little babies and it's mama We are officially in Shenandoah national park Yeah, don't say that ugliness Chance. thinking now that it's hot enough to sleep without a sleeping bag I'll just put it right there And I think I've got everything that can fit Inside so I can take this is brain off and send it home too. What I'm gonna replace their sleeping bag with is this fleece blankets that they have here at this outfitter OK, so a sleeping bag is 2 lbs 5 ounces. So the brain is 6 ounces, so that's saving me 1 lb 8 ounces if I stop for that fleece. Sleeping bag over my current 23 degree bag pretty sure it's a no-brainer. Haha pun intended. the first start of my pack weighed about 37 lbs with a full resupplying 2 liters water to compare, but now with one liter of water. Well a little over liter and a 4 day resupply of food I am at 28 lbs 12 ounces Rigga decided to [Rigga] Wait don't pull it [Dixie] Rigga decided to hold a snake [Rigga] OH MY GOD he's never gonna come out! [Dixie] He is he's trying to find out how to come out There you go, he's trying oh my God Adventures on the AT with a little ringneck snake He's gonna come out (Is he gonna go North or South?) [Dixie] I don't know Rigga? [Rigga] I just wanted to pick him up [Dixie] Oh I think he must. (Well he's apparently doing a lot of stuff in your bellybutton. Rigga? Are you having a good birthday [Rigga] Yes! [Dixie] Roasting s'mores gonna try a banana s'more. So this is a view point, head to the top of Mount Marshall, beautiful sunset My last days will be in the Shenandoah National Park Heading into Front Royal tomorrow thoroughly enjoyed the Shenandoahs (Various oohing) Ooh he's a big guy [Dixie] He's checking us out for sure. [Dixie] OK he's like the bear, getting too close. All that stands between us and a thousand miles is this steep Stepping hill that reminds me of Amicalola go. (Laughing) [Dixie] I about tripped. A THOUSAND MILES! (A THOUSAND MILES) (YAY) Just made it to Virginia, West Virginia state line happy to say goodbye... Virgina (Incoherent because of wind, sorry) There's the river. And -uh- I'm about to hit up the Appalachian Trail Conservancy Headquarters. This is the lounge. ATC, hey So this is Maryland, across from the Potomac River in Harpers Ferry. Very cool town, a lot of history. Crossing the Potomac on this Narrow bridge in Harpers Ferry, heading to Maryland. So we are in Maryland right now in Miss Rigga's home state and We are heading to Hopefully PA today to Mr. Rebel yells home state (right) and that's the total of about 34 miles from where we were last night, so we'll see what happens [Rebel Yell] *Heart breakers gonna break, break, break, break, break. [Dixie joins in] and the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake , fake. [Rebel Yell] I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. Shake it off, Shake it off. Made it about about 33 milesish after a long break yay here I am with the Mason-Dixon line at the Maryland, Pennsylvania border Come in peace, and I'm I'm here with a native There's Rebel Yell and his homeland state, [Rebel Yell] Pennsylvanianess .[Dixie] yeah and his PAness They call it PA here, not Pennsylvania. but so here I am Just officially whipped another state Oh yeah [Dixie] Your reverse worked. [Rebel Yell] Yeah, I don't feel my injured toe. [Dixie] Yeah he's definitely staring right at us. Interesting First rattlesnake of the hike. He's being nice and letting us have the trail back. This is the official halfway point of the Appalachian Trail It doesn't really feel real to be completely honest Rebel Yell what do you think. I think that we're halfway there. Half gallon-ish challenge at the Pine Grove Furnace store. So we're timing. We'll see how long it takes him. So how many minutes 12 1/2 (Various cheering) All right, so we've got Rigga, Zip and Land mammal doing the ice cream challenge seeing if they can beat Perk's time or just complete it. [Rigga] Oh. [Dixie] Oh. Is it good still. All right Rigga's downing the last drop and Zip what's what's the time? She's, come on. Come on Rigga go down it down it! 126 126 44 (Incoherent) guys? I'm fine with this it's good He's crazy. This is disgusting. Not good. (It's really disgusting.) Well we're at like 10 minutes right now. So I just finished and that put me at, wait, I finished at ... 22 minutes and 40 seconds which is like three seconds after land mammal, so I'm like fourth place This is for People who have completed the half gallon. I think I might make a necklace out of mine. This is the ATC in Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania cute little town here and Just sitting out here on this nice swing Relaxing my disgustingly swollen nasty feet It looks like pregnant lady feet or ogre feet or something, but I think it's time for some new shoes I got these bad boys in Damascus, and so I've done like over 700 miles on them. You can see my toes wants to come through there and Definitely right here. It's trying to pop through, so I'm thinking that probably the support needs is shot and It might be time for some new ones. hopefully this weekend i'll get some more. Joining another day of liquid sunshine here in Pennsylvania. This is the trail Sloppy slimy gross mess Soggy feet actually feels good because they're so swollen. Anyway, yeah definitely I'm looking to get in a pair of shoes soon 700 miles is too much on trail runners. I can attest to their Crazy that this total it looks like Willy Wonka's chocolate You know River to me If only it was That's one thing I've noticed is uh like in every town now. I have to have chocolate milk like as soon as I get there. So I don't know what that's all about First day of my new kicks and they're fine in a mud Hoping they're gonna make my feet feel better Heading into Duncannon in pennsylvania finally looks like pennsylvania. Mountain Goat is in his natural habitat (bahh) Outside of Duncannon Pennsylvania gonna do probably about 18 or so miles today feet are feeling a little bit better, but not perfect, which worries me a little bit hopefully similar mild days and the zeros that I took will, uh, will do better. this is an example of how close do you get to snake before you notice it. Yeah, just noticed that guy Less than five feet from me go on. Go across the trail oh he's rattling his tail. Interesting Hey there. having kind of a bah day today Stormed really bad last night and Just starting out with everything wet just kind of doing probably about 16 to 17 miles today But uh yeah, my feet still hurting hoping that this Rocky terrain is a good part of it and that maybe they just hadn't healed up from before but Sugar is my dog he's at the Auburn University vet clinic this morning she's getting seen about because She's lost like a lot of weight and they're thinking that maybe it's still a partial obstruction from where she ate something a while back so Hopefully that's all that it is and surgery can fix it. I am currently Trying to remember how to drive Just thrown in a car, and I'm heading back to Alabama because sugar is not doing so well And she ended up having it being taken in for a second surgery because her intestines came back apart and didn't heal properly so I'm in Pennsylvania Alabama bound and Going to see my baby girl Hopefully get back on the trail within a week or so That's how long I rented the car for so We will see what happens. I just spoke with the vet and The stitches did not hold again and She feels like there would be even less of a chance of them hold the third time so I'm trying to hurry up and get to the vet school to put her down And they're gonna try to keep her comfortable until then so I'm hoping that she Hold on until I get there at least Got a call from the vet about two to three hours before I made it home the other night letting me know that She had Some trouble breathing and was becoming unstable, and then they called me back and let me know that She had passed away. Just a few minutes later, so I didn't even get to make it home and give her one last hug but I'm doing better now and I'm heading back to Pennsylvania today anyway So just got back on the trail I'm just ready to take off not really sure where I'm gonna end up tonight and got Sug's collar here on my pack and I'm I'm feeling pretty good. So I think I am gonna be fine. I'm gonna truck on and hopefully Think today. I'll at least end up around mile 1240 or more and before too long. I'll be knocking out 1,300 with just What about eight to nine hundred ago? Here I come, Maine I just cannot get over the section of the trail Just rocks for days. It's like the grand finale show, firework show, it's the grand finale of rocks for Pennsylvania My feet are actually doing a good bit better I've been like pulling my toes back and massaging it up and but today. I'm aiming to do Like a 20 mile. I've just been trying to ease back into it so and I also got Those Dr. Scholl's inserts for plantar fasciitis that Harry got me, and I think that they're probably helping a good bit too, so So drinking frog pee that's my water today There's my second bear saw the cub first. so I basically have the choice to Stand here wait all day which I've waited for about 20 minutes now hoping that they'll be scared off been singing and being obnoxious Talking loud, so I'm just gonna walk on through and sing loudly We didn't start the fire all the words that I know which isn't a lot of them, but by God Wish me luck So I totally lived gonna hike I don't know how many more miles But not really excited about night hiking now So I'm being chased by a cloud of mosquitoes right now And I'm literally Trying hike very fast so that hey. What's up? protecting me there's like little blood spots on me not from where I've mashed them, but from like where they're extracting my Blood disgusting I Just can't hike fast enough like Freaking pterodactyls you here it rumored that were like naturally selecting for Rattlesnakes that don't rattle because we kill them when we here them but I think we're out here We're selecting for mosquitos that are Ninja speed because we're killing all the slow ones and like these ninja ones they Chase you and like you slap and then they're not there which is horrible Can't escape oh So apparently that is the high point in New Jersey I'm gonna go up there I'm getting rid of my foam pad it lasted me 1350 miles pretty much 1360 and I just got a thermarest NeoAir tired of my hips hurting. Lost battle knocking out another stage Going into, New York officially tight squeeze through here. Extreme slant here too, so I'm gonna like squirm my way Easy way. The AT way. Yesterday is a rough day fell twice. I think I sat in somebody's pee. Got lost yesterday For a while, but still trucking along That's a adolesent bear over there WOOO! Happy to be in another one never been to the state. This is the 35th state I've ever visited Look who I found in trail life. Rebel Yell. and he's going down this wooden ladder Whoop Whoop! just crossed into Massachusetts another state bites the dust. Oh my God is this real life. Rows and rows of blueberries. I saw that And another one bites the dust Vermont just met lady named Ultraviolet who is a southbounder and She said that she was watching me on youtube before She started and it kind of like inspired her to get out and do it this year so Anyway, that really makes me feel really good knowing that I actually inspired something get out and do something they've always wanted to so with that like If you're sitting at home right now, and you've always been thinking about doing it sit down right now and plan it out Go ahead and sit down Order a water filter like do something towards Living your dream and even if it's not to hike the Appalachian Trail like whatever it is. Just right now think of something You've always wanted to do and make one step forward towards doing it because that's just awesome So she just really made my day It doesn't feel real. Check out those big old trees Tall trees on the AT today. I am probably I know I'm less than 15 miles from the New Hampshire border Hopefully, it's not dark when I get there, but it might be. well for all you folks say you live in Podunk I found it. walking into Hanover at night still in Vermont. This is a Connecticut River and somewhere along here is the State line and it might... it IS whoop whoop Crossing in 13th state, Vermont to New Hampshire This morning I'm doing everybody a favor because I'm up pretty early and I'm cleaning out all the cobwebs on the trail for everybody else so This is the first real view I have seen in, New Hampshire Be ready to start lights probably the day after tomorrow I'm really excited because I've heard that the view from the White Mountains are absolutely amazing smells like Christmas time again And there she is Probably doesn't look that big on video, but it looks like a big ol monster from here, and if you can see the peak WAY up there, that's where the trail is. In the Whites Hopefully, that's not a storm brewing back there. I think it is It's alright and this Storm is hopefully gonna just blow over This is why you don't night hike in the Whites These are like wood wedges that go all the way up this rock face can't see very well up there, but anyway, yeah rebar and wood wedges to Help you get down slick rock and it rained on the way down. This is still coming down Moosilauke So the White Mountains in New Hampshire I knew several hikers that have made it all the way up into that point and the whites ended up claiming their thru-hike and sending them home the terrain is it's very tough HANGING IN THERE LIKE A HAIR IN A BISCUT So I'm on top of Mount Washington this is one of the views. I just can't get over how awesome this is Valley down here. Those are all ginormous trees and they just look little At Ridge, this is the end of the presidentials, Washington's up there, and I am heading down that way today hallelujah 1900 There's the state line that I've been waiting for. About to cross into Maine. There you go Now I've actually officially walked from Georgia to Maine Oh my God How does it feel? Feels like Maine. Just gotta take a knee I know, It's so great and the clouds look like cotton candy up there. Gotta get a picture. [Dixie] It really happened we made it to Maine y'all Alright, so I'm here at the sign, Mahoosuc that way hardest or most fun section of the AT however your attitude determines it to be So I'm hoping it's gonna be the most fun. Okay, so this is already a little interesting just a big old Boulder mess yeah walking this tree somehow gonna scale that Boulder so in this part I catapult my body from here up and somewhere on that earth over there and Don't fall down in there sit down and. WoOoO. Slide. Help me somebody That doesn't look creepy at all lived through Mahoosuc. Finished right at dark. Just my style Set up camp now with a group Rigga has Summited Katahdin. She completed her thru- hike just a few days ago, so Congratulations to Rigga for being done That must feel so awesome. It's uh September 26, and I'm gonna make it to Katahdin. Let's scare the crap out of that bird Sounds like a helicopter taking off when you're not expecting one of the prettiest views I've seen in Maine yet Take your breath away about to storm in Maine Pretty pond though, this pearl at the farmhouse inn (Does she bite) I mean they will. So it's been an ugly drizzly cold nasty day here in Maine I ended up deciding to take a zero here at the farmhouse and it's been a wonderful zero probably the best one I've had yet A lot of folks even zeroed up at the next shelter, which is like 11 miles over part of the Saddleback's and They're zeroing at the shelter because it's just dangerous to be out in this right now, so I'm glad that I made the decision to stay here no sense in investing this much time and effort into the trip, and then you know slipping down a rock and break an ankle so heading out early in the morning though and Ready for Katahdin. I can just see the end in sight about 220 miles And I will be summiting so this is the trail Right here, I can only imagine how bad it was yesterday and like the heat of everything crazy Appalachian River hiking I'm trying to do an 18 mile day today, but the rain is having none of it Not cooperating I wanna go to the beach. I've been kind of struggling mentally today, but Clouds have kind of started to blow over and It sure is pretty down their leaves are changing It's just been an awful day But I'm making it Boy, I'm all ready for Katahdin though this may sound silly, but it's actually pretty Stressful walking on this slick slick rock like every step. You're just wondering Am I gonna fall? and then knowing how much time you've Invested into a trip like this and that you know Your Next step could just end it if you slip and fall. It's just kind of it's really kind of stressful but luckily the Sun is out and hopefully all this will be more dried up tomorrow, so We'll see. I just got here to the poplar ridge shelter and So far here alone staying alone. I reckon tonight unless somebody else shows up, but Today's just kind of been a crappy day. I had intended on doing 18 miles and I've done like 10 and a half so Even though it wasn't raining the trail has been wet all day and cold misty so how back was pretty once it cleared up But I was just kind of an no mood to really Take note how pretty it was But anyway spirits are kind of lifted now that I'm here. I just have to chill out and you know finish this hike strong and It's gonna be okay, but yeah, I didn't really Want to stay at the shelter? particularly this is The shelter where a lady was last seen that went missing in 2013 and still hasn't been found I don't I don't feel unsafe on the AT. I don't feel like anything is Bad about the shelter or anything like that, but you know it's just one of those mental things you think about so I was hoping to you know pass it. I would like to get closer to Katahdin you know I wanted my 2,000 mile mark tomorrow, but That's not happen, but that's okay, you know It's just you know take the good days with the bad and today was kind of a bad one But that just means that tomorrow can only go up So anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and get warm in my sleeping bag and start cooking dinner I got out much later from the shelter than I wanted to because it is so cold I feel like an alligator. I just got up here on this rock, and I just want to Lay here and soak in the heat Anyway, gonna do my first? forting adventure today, a little nervous about it Just because I heard three hikers were Helicoptered out of the hundred mile wilderness like a day ago after all of that flooding and stuff, so I won't be there in that spot, but still first first for Today so wish me luck. I'm thinking I'm I can skip rocks But if not it's not that deep so woo feel a lot better water level must have gone down a good bit Hopefully the second one is also This way. I am so glad I waited a couple of days because I can only imagine how this thing was raging a couple days ago I know the folks that came through here the other day actually had to walk through the water cuz it was so high oh my goodness it just keeps increasing Ice for days Alright, so this is at 4,000 feet elevation you can see all the ice in that tree and Down here at my feet 2,000 miles So excited going into Stratton. I really don't believe this. It's just like BAM came up, but here We are here's another 2000 mile marker. Not sure which one's it, but hey Happy to be reminded all righty This is my first legit Ford So it's actually pretty scary I slipped in at one point it got waist deep, so Yeah And I'm supposed to have other Ford's today, and if they're this rough. I may not Be going into town, and this is why you have to be careful in the mud because You will lose a shoe Here's the sign saying officially entering the hundred mile wilderness Danger Danger Danger Danger Pretty waterfall A mouse nest, oh it's okay guys. Day 2 the 100-mile wilderness Look at these beautiful colors. I just want to show an example of how you can almost really mess up I just jumped down off of this and my foot got wedged And it's stuck in these roots so luckily I saved myself or else I would have face-planted on That stuff down there, so whoa close call All righty So this will be the last hundred mile marker of my trip I have officially today walked 2,100 miles and It's been a long time coming It's raining today on the hundred mile wilderness, and I have 89.2 miles to go so I'm sorry. I'm Excited nervous about getting to Katahdin before the weather shuts mount down and just Ready to be done, but uh this is Probably I'd say the biggest accomplishment of my life for sure so 89.2 to the big mountain and I'm ready You know sometimes, I wish I'd finished sooner, but if I had I might not have seen all this beautiful color really pretty snow There's so much snow, this is crazy. This has got to be one of the prettiest things I've ever seen hiking in this is awesome I just can't believe it. I'm really here Really almost done it. somehow. I'm not surprised that my Katahdin Eve is spent night hiking But the snow show does look pretty in the headlamp Whoa it's about 6:45 a.m.. October 19th 2015 And it's about 21 to 24 degrees somewhere in there, and I am in Baxter State Park approaching Katahdin. Ooh look at all this snow! Really pretty, a lot of ice. Literally walking on solid Ice. Oh my goodness we thought Katahdin might be a little easier. Just Kidding Katahdin is no joke. But man, she's pretty Now I can't say that it was always sunshine and butterflies and everything was perfect But I can say that hiking the Appalachian Trail and anything else that I've done has just really allowed me to meet wonderful people to see amazing things and to really just grow as much I Didn't realize how much my perspective would change I didn't realize how much I would start appreciating small things in life and see how little I really needed to be happy and To realize you know that you create freedom for yourself in your own life and You know if you choose to be a prisoner of life and decide that all you want to do in this life is work and Pay bills. You know die then. That's your own choice. You know we have the choice to make life what we want it to be I really wish that I could explain to you what it is like to touch that sign at the end Have your first moment of being an official thru- hiker But it's not something that can really be explained because you know it's almost surreal You kind of feel like it's not happening like it's a dream you feel relief you feel Excitement elation you know and and then part of you is worrying and you know what am I going to do now like what what is in store for me now and You know everyday. I've had this goal to work towards for six months and now as soon as I touch the sign It's it's over you know and then and then you put your hand on it, and it's over (Music stops) And then you'll be potentially crazy like me and decide to do the PCT. AOWWWWWWW!
Channel: undefined
Views: 682,117
Rating: 4.9285593 out of 5
Keywords: travel, hiking, backpacking, hike, gear, adventure, fun, story, PCT, thru-hike, Auburn, Alabama, epic, Appalachian, Trail, climbing, canyon, national, nature, mountains, update, park, lake, trail, tents, camping, summer, University, Aubie, River, stream, Mountains, National, Scenic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 36sec (4656 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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