Six Mile Grove Cemetery and 2 abandoned farmhouses.

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okay farm hunter here mat one we found on Google Maps got someone quit here doesn't surprise me it seemed to use these places for that stuff huh but got this hours and it must they must have taken the pictures for Google Maps when it was spring fall or winter because this one's spooky spooky I'm gonna kind of do a walk around and look at the roofing and other the other windows and stuff to make sure that it's safe enough as far as I can tell the shingles look pretty good the siding and everything has most all of its paint and these these kind of houses are just hard to get a good shot up it's all the trees but kind of a spooky window there's a mattress in there so I'm gonna get my light out and we'll go inside it's so so dark I'm gonna have to there's gotta be something wrong all right so I figured it out I had to run back to the car my wife's camera I don't know how to operate it really but the ISO was set to 100 whatever that means I'm with the sensor so she looks pretty solid just just a little oblong window creepy yeah this floor is kind of sagging a little bit oh ho that really it's just kind of a scary image look at these steps check these steps out that's just a boat vertical might be a little hard to tell but oh well we're gonna have to go up there this door is creeping me out it keeps opening and shutting I see yeah this part is kind of coming down to porch what so is this looks like an ad on the original house it's a little like 3/4 sized or just a little porch so not much to see in the kitchen not much left there is a chimney there yeah this floor is it looks like it's ooh I like the feeling of that it is so steep you have no idea the steps are steps are just a few inches wide curtain me i filming here birds ooh but like this is just a pit hold on I'm gonna get my other later now restore at the top of the steps a bedroom with another miniature door for some reason see over here you can't see the house whatsoever unless you were really looking this is a big room much in here and we've got some water damage coming in light shining through get to the a deck up up there and yeah there's really nothing left water coming in there event for the bathroom yeah so not too much to see here just very I've never I've seen steep staircases but not like a hole that goes straight down so I've got plans here we didn't know if this one was any good just from Google Maps okay my head doesn't hit low with anything to duck so we've got other plans here a couple more we're gonna check out I've got another cemetery that looks very promising so come back to you [Music] how's neat hiding in the woods next to me all right I don't know you guys will recognize this house but because the video only has a couple hundred views but it's the first video I put up no narrating nothing and I totally forgot that right next to it is a cemetery and I think it's pretty darn old so I'm gonna go take a tour that but I figured I didn't make that great of a video before and I believe there's a basement that I didn't look in so do a little recap it's always fun to come back to places for sure and I thought this place was a lot worse off but the roof looks really good I guess I'd wasn't paying attention to that before but it's kind of some weird things there's a newspaper boom 2003 Chippewa County Fair just kind of interesting how they left this gas furnace here that was put in just right in the living room and I really like the stairs in this place it's very open once you go up and there's like a sidestep just kind of plain Jane wallpaper lots of peeling paint the porches are always the roughest spots the water comes in oh yeah this is just like the door in the field block video it's got this nice he's carving on it and the squares but very neat I guess I'll just go around this way since I'm already through a couple dumbbell weights little plywood door to the garage yeah this is this roof is pretty bad and you know just with the windows it had to be part of the house at one time but you do have to step down so who knows why they would put the effort into putting the trim in the garage so let's go back in I swear yeah I think this is it's right where the bathroom is up there one of the windows is really yeah that's all smashed out of course I think all of them are but that's where a lot of the water's coming in boy cable bit down there in a sec I just wanna see if there are any interesting artifacts this is interesting this used to be a vent to go let the heat up so you can see that's hanging down and they've got some water lines that they put in and then the plywood floor in the bathroom huh so that's good interesting you can see all the metal the metal fabric for the plaster and then there's another layer over that these uh I don't know exactly what you call them but the plates around the door handles on old houses have always been very neat to me there's so many different different kinds and great very cool got a pencil sharpener in the stairwell it looks like oh my goodness creepy so you've got I'm not gonna hop down there you can see a lot of the foundation is crumbled but I'll go over there but you can see they've got this is just a huge water heater and that one is huge too very very old all of its collapsed in next to it and whew I see so they must have put the garage over the old cellar stairs back there it's all bricked in and that's where the main drain goes out and there's there's chess they're just lines running everywhere under here Oh might as well call this a cave exploration yeah that's a deep you can see how far it though the brick goes to get to the little window big old tree and I see a dead raccoon back there on that shelf you can see that yellow little part its tails hanging down and there's a bunch of uh straw looks like they tried to tuck it up underneath the oh my goodness yeah I could imagine electricity was very safe down here see the moisture building up on there man what an interesting basement I can't believe I just didn't come down here last time I'm gonna head upstairs I'll come back to you all right look we go as you can see it's very spacious big tall ceiling in the center and then oh I see so they came up with the furnace exhaust and then went right out the chimney hole I don't know there must have not been an access on the wall down there or something what that's a poop just crumbling walls that's where the shower is and all the water's coming in mostly this room could have something interesting the closet possibly I like the ceiling shape here that's pretty neat there nothing cut the birds nest where's the cemetery over there seems lately that it's always been it's always been uh nice and sunny it's really hot today it's a 91 degrees but it's love when the winds blowing when I'm filming just for still shots that makes like it really just makes very nice that nice shot yep this is right above the kitchen and like I always say when this stuff just sits all this piled up stuff on the floor holding that moisture sink I'm not stepping in here no way and it's it's funny that the shower stalls here because it's a kind of big for this tiny little bathroom I mean you can see that looks like there is a mirror right here or something maybe that it was just you know just a light who knows but very tiny just for the heck of it oh yeah 2003 so I guess when you have a garage with a flat roof it's not gonna work out so well satellite dish out there oh and you can tell just like older houses I've been to where they vacate around the early 2000s there's always these modern colors like they were just trying one last time to spruce the place up you know make the best of it cuz it was probably not in the greatest shape at the time of it being abandoned so all right to the cemetery [Music] here always love these kind of fences don't know when they could have been from but this place seems to be pretty old as you can see here so the church was from 1872 now that looks this gonna be dusty here from the truck going by quite a few with mosque right over them we'll see I'll come back to you and I find some translate that but this will this one here looks like three separate children that died here it's pretty sad looks like it says five months nineteen days and then this one says seven days and then this one I am really impressed with how well this camera picks up the detail because in person it it looks you know very you know it looks a lot different not as easy to see all the details like this so very happy with it yeah there are so many really old ones as you could imagine the church being opened in 1872 all the people that built it are going to be buried here and so they were born you know a while before that there's this last corner here you can the house is just right there so they're pretty close so I'll see what I can find over in a lot of these are just like this fun here even to read what it says anymore I'm sure if you did that old trick where you're on a piece of paper on any of you but you can only see the last name so this is the last one in the corner and I couldn't tell you I didn't come here before or I guess I didn't really think twice about it but so that another place lined up here separate video but so thanks for joining me on this trip [Music]
Channel: Farm Hunter
Views: 54,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, farm, farmhouse, cemetery, minnesota, summer, gravestone, white farmhouse, exploring, abandoned farmhouse, decay, history, forgotten places
Id: iQi5TERRwq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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