SISTERS: The Power of Your Voice | Pastor Kim Owens | March 9, 2019

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holy spirit [Music] how do you hover in this place today but the word that you placed in my heart take up residence in our heart Lord let it go deep today what you gonna accomplish what you know needs to be accomplished with this word today with the people that are here and I thank you your work will not return void it will accomplish that which is sent out to do you are the great teacher Holy Spirit so I ask you to show up today teach us Holy Spirit in Jesus name Amen amen are y'all ready today amen I want to speak to you for the next few moments y'all know most of y'all know me unless you're visiting with us today you know me well when I speak it's always an assignment amen everybody say an assignment I never just preach a message just to preach a message or teach a lesson just to teach a lesson it's always an assignment and with the assignment and the mantle and the mandate that we carry a revival here at Fresh Start much of the time it feeds into that assignment so you're visiting with us today you will receive from this word but most the time I go at it with the paradigm of what God is mantled and called fresh start to be and that is a voice of revival for the region amen and a voice of revival for the nation and the nations how many know we are asking for the nation's amen how many know the nations are coming into this house amen how many know that one day you may be going to the nations amen so your sisters say please God don't send me to wherever you know I mean I won't say a nation no we say send us anywhere amen send us anywhere hallelujah but the reality is is that the nations are in the United States of America amen and we only have two so to speak go outside our door and the nations are there and we are a blessed nation the United States of America is a blessed nation and I believe with all in my heart that God is restoring the voice of America that in past decades has been lost me say that again amen God is restoring the voice of revival and awakening and and evangelism that America has carried since its birth God is restoring some things that have been lost in the last several decades and he's restoring that and I believe that our voice as Americans is getting louder and louder you say pastor Kim have you seen what's on the news have you seen what's happening you know what just let it happen let it play out because God is in control and as my there will be an endtime Church and I got to be careful not to get on my message for in the morning but glory to God there will be an endtime Church that will be a loud voice in the end times of revival and Awakening and I don't know about you but I want to be in that church amen and that's not just one church like like fresh start but we want to be one of the many bodies of believers Amen that are loud voices echoing in this endtime that Jesus is Lord amen and that Jesus is coming soon amen and we want to be that so I believe that God is restoring the voice of America again and I'm going to be talking today about the power of your voice the power of your voice yes that's a good picture it's just hilarious surrounding because y'all know we take people a professional photographers volunteer photographers that take pictures here on a regular basis and I'm looking through them a lot of times like my god every picture of myself I have my mouth wide open you know this is whatever not every but most of them are you know hey it is what it is amen and but this may not be what you think it's going to be today I do feel like that it's an assignment and do you feel like that is specifically to be shared at sisters today and or else I would be saving it and who knows some of this may come out later to the to the larger body here at fresh start but this is not talking about the voice and talking about our sound here that's not those are not foreign words in in spiritual terms here at fresh start we understand when we say the power of our sound amen our spiritual sound there is an audible sound but there's an inaudible sound yes Amen that comes from from heaven comes from the spirit that is birthed within us and then comes out of us and there is also power on our voices amen there's power on our voices and I've talked about this it's been a few years since I've actually preached into this but I felt it come back to me again for a specific reason and like I said it's really not going to end up I don't think the way that you're most of your probably thinking right now but I believe that God has a powerful element to deposit to us today that is literally going to not only protect the voice of this house but release the voice of this house into greater measure amen can we put our faith on that today amen so I'll give a scripture here in just a moment but you know we had this amazing revival weekend a man last last weekend come on let's give Jesus praise for that amen and it was such an honor to have Holy Spirit here with us in the way that he manifested and King Jesus the way that he came and ministered to us and the voices that God allowed us to have Cory and Alan are just just a pure just wonderful men of God in the body of Christ and carry so much but Alan on Sunday night was yes Sunday night when they were both up here he said this he said words like this he said there is anointing on the voices in this house he said a gift is on the voices of preaching of worship and a prayer y'all remember he said there is a multi-generational anointing on the voices they are like thunder he said come on somebody amen anointing on the voices and when he we can to say that now did a little background here because which y'all probably figure it out over the weekend is the first time we'd ever met I know enough about his ministry and and as as widespread as it is and then just now getting to meet him personally that there's a really really probably 99% chance that he probably didn't go into the archives of things that God had spoken here because obviously everything's on internet etc probably did not go on there to hear all of the prophetic words that aligned with that come on not only this isn't that wasn't the only prophetic word spoken over the voice of this house or the voices of this house it's been said that a mantle is on this place to be a voice of revival and awakening for the nation and the nation's and that God wants to speak everybody say speak God wants to speak to the nation from this place and we see that that's already happening in measure it has been said that our mouths will be used to establish God's activity and God's Authority come on y'all we need to give God praise for the prophetic words that have been spoken amen everybody say there's power on my voice so John the Baptist said I am the voice I am a voice I am the voice sent to prepare the way of the Lord how many know that when God needs to establish something he will raise up a voice be it one or be it many who will release what needs to be released he meant John the Baptist cried I am a voice or I am the voice and I am sent to prepare the way and several times he said in essence I'm not the one you're looking for I'm not the Messiah I mean oh we have to be careful of that you know don't worship me don't worship pastor Kim don't worship fresh start don't worship revival come on worship the king of kings and the Lord of lords but yet we are a voice john was a voice and when God needs something established he'll raise up a voice or voices to be leaders and and release what needs to be established and so with that said I thought that about the Old Testament prophet who said cry loud and spare not lift up your voice like a what a trumpet and you need to know today that there is power on your voice there is spiritual power on your voice take just 10 seconds and tell a couple of sisters besides you there is spiritual power on your voice come on so significant that Alan said Alan Hood said there's anointing on the voices on the prophetic on the preaching on the worship on the prayer the multi-generational anointing on the voices are like thunder so we must realize the capacity of spiritual power that is on our voices and we must be careful which realm were tapping into obviously in the prophetic that needs to be true but just you as an individual and just myself as an individual we need to be careful which realm were tapping into because there's a spiritual power that's after your voice there is a spiritual power that is after your voice and so we must understand that if the power of God rests on our voices and the anointing of God rests on our voices it will literally split he'll come on and it literally releases heaven we say it a lot and we sing it a lot around here your voice is a weapon against the enemy and also your voice is an instrument for the kingdom of God it is a weapon against the enemy but it is also an instrument for the kingdom of God why because your voice has the anointing of God on it and the anointing of God is a powerful substance come on I can't always see it come on it doesn't manifest most the time but it's a powerful substance and and that anointing produces an atmosphere of glory wherever we go wherever our voices go wherever we release our voices the anointing and the glory of God is released you are a voice and this house is a voice come on somebody so if this is the case and the voice of this house has been so recognized and validated then I believe and I say validated because I start out with what Alan hood spoke about the anointing on the voices all right just connecting the two if this is the case the power there's spiritual power on our voices and the there's anointing on the voice of this house that has been recognized and validated then I believe it all cost we need to protect the voice at all costs David the psalmist rather said it like this in 1 41 3 set a guard well come on somebody Oh Lord over my mouth keep watch over the door of my lips did you know your voice is a door did you know your mouth as a door you better watch what's coming out of that door David this Psalm and there are many I'm gonna share several with you David I'm telling you there are many voices excuse me many scriptures about the voice about the mount about course about words but David saw and ride this down the value of his voice that's powerful that's where that's Holy Spirit right there David saw the value of his voice and if you're letting things and if I'm letting things out of my mouth that is not a value then sweetie you do not understand the value of your voice you are devaluing your voice set a guard Davis said I got to watch this door because it's valuable each of our individual voices here at fresh start make up the voice of the house and because of that revival is being so recognized and validated by many voices when I say validated that's not a proud statement I'm just showing you that God God is validating through the mouths of people that don't even know each other come on and because of that everything I say matters if you're in ministry in this place everything you say matters everything you say matters what we say how we say it when we say it and even where we say it matters even in the place of prayer it matters the power of the book of Acts Church where they were one they were one they were one my husband preached one of the best messages on the spirit of offense a couple of weeks ago that dealt with the underlying issue of disunity and y'all got to know we logged some miles in that we know what we're talking about and you just got to take some things out and I'm here to take something out this morning amen and it's the enemy amen our voices have the capacity to fuel unity or to kill unity and this could be true in your families as well this can be true in your marriages as well our voices they have a spiritual power that we tap into with our voices I'm going to show you in a moment especially for women hang on we're gonna get to the women pardon but the power of the Acts church were that they were like-minded they were in full agreement they were alike motive they had a common drive and ambition given by Jesus and they were not only like-minded and like motive but they were like mouthed that's not probably a word but I made it when they were like mouthed they lifted their voices together in unity they were saying the same thing you know Paul said in first Corinthians 1:10 speak the same thing that there be no divisions among you but that you be perfectly joined together one of the most powerful dynamics of unity is when everyone is like mouthed if there's one thing that can kill and divide unity the quickest is when one or two or three or whatever decide that they're gonna have a different mouth than what's supposed to be is this good I told you wasn't gonna be what you thought it was gonna be one voice in music vocalists can achieve a really high dynamic and a penetrating sound when they go from harmony to unison this is a dynamic in in in the theory of music and music rather that especially in vocalists of course that and even instrumentally when you go from harmony to unison the unison note puts an emphatic sound of declaration on the words that are being sung it's the power of one sound it's the power of one note it's the power of one voice or many voices singing one note our voices have the capacity for great good or great evil we can use it to create death the Bible says or we can use it to create life come on so I can to tell us today because of what has been spoken over the voice of this house and the anointing is on the voices the gifts are preaching worship prayer the multi-generational anointing on the voices that are supposed to Thunder we better make sure we're getting our thunder from the right spirit it's always our choice how we use our voice always our choice our you know I was thinking as I was preparing for this how Paul and Barnabus actually actually before I was preparing for this thing about this the other day how Paul and Barnabus and John Mark for whatever reason and probably justifiable Paul did not want John Mark to continue on with them on their missionary journey the Bible says that Paul and Barnabas had a pretty heated argument over John Mark you'll remember in the Bible in the gospel so Paul what they were on this journey so Paul didn't wounds on mark to go so Paul took Silas with him and Barnabas kept John mark with him and they parted company the Bible says now we're not told all of the details of that argument we're not told all the details of story so we really can't make a judgement as to who was right and who is wrong but I was thinking about it I was thinking about Barnabas because when Paul has after he was converted after he had his conversion Barnabas was the one who took Paul Saul of Tarsus Paul under his wings when others were rejecting him at the beginning of his conversion could it have been that we're not told this in the word but could it have been in this season that John Mark was of the same situation or the same place that Paul was at and Barnabas who took Paul in was now willing to take John Mark in just the same and the same that was needed for the Apostle Paul Barnabas I'm just I'm just concluding this Barnabas gave to John Mark because we're told later in the Gospels that are in the epistles that Paul specifically asked for John Mark back here he didn't want him to go but then down the road he wanted him to go if that is true we can see that maybe Barnabas's words come on had influenced Barnabas's words of encouragement had influences on two powerful men of God all because one man decided he was going to get the right spirit on his voice to impart to somebody else so that they could become what they were supposed to be amen how about that y'all it's always your choice how you use your voice as women here we go y'all we got to understand our capacity to influence when God created male and female he created male for position power he created women for influence power both male and female were created in God's image and we were both designed to be leaders we were to take dominion this is Bible this is in the beginning he blessed both male and female and he but told both male and female Adam and Eve take dominion over the earth male was created for position power Authority female was created for influence power Authority as leaders but their functions were given unique designs to execute specific assignment for their gender and for women this is influence everybody shout influence look at your sisters say you're an influencer good or bad right or wrong you're an influencer come on tell them come on God had influence in mind when he created female or woman now watch me you'll watch me woman is a receiver not on the football field hopefully but woman is a receiver just think of our makeup just think of our our how we're made God made us to be a receiver right physically emotionally mentally God made us to be a receiver God designed for women to receive from the mail and to incubate what she receives so that it could grow and to develop watch me now a woman is built to influence from the moment in taking taking a baby from the moment of conception your body is influencing that baby are y'all with me don't don't check out watch this her womb whether physical womb of a woman emotional mental or spiritual wombs a woman's wombs have tremendous influence on what they receive by providing a nurturing a transforming environment for whatever is in the womb physically emotionally mentally or spiritually fresh-start we were just told this last weekend that we are a womb of revival y'all watched me wombs have tremendous influence patch your womb there ladies only we can do that come on wounds physical mental spiritual emotional wounds we are a womb here of revival that fresh start wounds have tremendous influence let me talk about influence and name some names if they're gonna be very familiar to you I'm talking about the power on our voices this morning watch this there was the God gave this influence to women in creation to meet to female in creation but then Satan came in and there was corruption of the influence everybody say corruption and we see this in Eve of course notice how Satan went to the influencer before she did the position the one in the position of authority awake so Allah notice how Satan went to the influencer before he went to the positional power one and he corrupted her influence and used her voice to entice Adam with a forbidden fruit and now at that moment in time corruption entered the influence of women it wasn't meant to be that way Sarah used her voice of influence to influence Abraham to rush the promised child her voice became what look ladies her voice became more influential to Abraham than even God's personal visitation speaking to Abraham God showed up to him and said I'm gonna raise my voice to wake Samia okay God showed up to him and said I'm gonna give you a promise child but they got tired of waiting and her voice became more influential than God himself showing up and making a promise to him and Ishmael was born because of her voice of influence Delilah used her voice of influence on Samson to reveal his source of his physical strength look at me which not was not just the physical aspect but the physical aspect was the outward sign of an inward anointing that he carried an inward seal that had been put on his life but a voice of influence that had been corrupted betrayed him and it resulted in him not his full destiny not what God had intended for his life all because he listened to a voice of corrupted influence Jezebel do I need to say more first Kings chapter 21 no one else so come lately sold himself to what was evil in the Lord's site as did a hab because his wife Jezebel influenced him that's the Bible corrupted voices but we can't leave it at that because there was some women who in the Bible who overcame the corruption and there's too many to name today because I've got to get on to the main point and we're gonna pray and leave this morning with deliverance glory to God come on Deborah was able to be put in a position of influence and use her voice of influence for the glory of God in the kingdom of God to establish the purpose and the ways of God now Deborah was and what from what we're told and what we see about her Deborah was a powerful influencer she was a smart woman y'all come on she was placed as judge which was a spiritual placement there but also it was a placement of intellect and it was a placement of wisdom in other words you had to have wisdom and discernment and obviously spiritual as we say today spiritual authority to be able to sit in that capacity so here we see a woman of God who is brought into the nation of Israel at a time of great upheaval and oppressive time and she used her voice for positive influence among the people she used it for justice she used it for righteousness she didn't just speak speak smooth words come on somebody I'm sure she did her share of that but she spoke truth she spoke justice she spoke righteousness she spoke peace and she spoke encouragement and most significantly she used her voice to revive a discouraged warrior named Barak who was hiding in fear at destiny retinol over him but was hiding and Deborah fell hill and separate it's time to shake off the weariness and the fear it's time to rise up and fight god has a mandate for you her strength was in her voice come on her strength was in her voice and because of that he arose and they fought the war there much more to that story and there's many many many many other positive voices throughout the Word of God we know of Ruth come on somebody we know of Mary come on we know of Esther y'all help me Kotick estaba casa so if we are a womb fresh start women of revival and a voice of revival and if women are voices of influence then this must be our prayer and this must intensify Psalm 19 let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight O Lord my rock and my Redeemer the challenge the influence is our strength because it's been built into us but the challenge is that your strength can also be your greatest weakness James 3 and this is not going to be on the screen but listen to this the tongue now let me stop and say this before you start saying man I'm glad she's here today I hope to god she's hearing this oh man I wish so-and-so is here today I'm gonna tell him to watch this online before you say any of that check your mouth check your mouth sista [Applause] check him out see I'm after something today because a man of God stood on this platform and he said that we are womb and that there's anointing on the voice of this house like thunder but if you Thunder with the wrong spirit you're going to cancel out everything that is done in these services and James said the tongue no man contain it son ruling it's full of deadly poison we bless God with it and we curse them in and that shouldn't be so out the same mouth comes blessing and cursing shouldn't be so James in gossip we'll just cut you to chase I said we just cut to the chase is to whisper to reveal rumors or secrets to reveal information or feelings that you don't have the right to share gossip is harming someone else gossip is somebody who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts rumors or reports of an intimate nature that are none of their business so let's just throw some scriptures out romans 129 be filled being filled with all unrighteousness wickedness greed envy evil full of envy murder strife deceit look look at the lineup here look at the lineup greed evil full of envy murder strife deceit malice they are what slanderers gossips slanderers haters of god insolent arrogant boastful inventors of evil disobedient to parents without understanding untrustworthy unloving unmerciful that's the whole lineup surrounding gossips proverbs 2010 he who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets therefore do not associate with the gossip first Timothy 3:11 watch the show women must likewise be dignified now Timothy Paul rather is is laying out to Timothy the qualifications of women leaders here women leaders women must be dignified not malicious but temperate faithful in all things not malicious gossips now I was especially intrigued as I begin to as the Lord begin to direct me this way as I reflected on this that for the most part in society and and even a couple of times biblically one of them I read to you in a minute I'm going to bring out the other scripture for sure that I know of that gossip is associated with women only but in society as well that gossip is is law at large part associated with women come on go on come on influencers now this doesn't mean that men don't gossip but you know I've been with you know casual settings with my husband and with other men the stuff you know it's just kind of like they don't teach you here I would you see men doing that and did you hear I'm not saying they don't they may have another way of doing it or whatever but that's just not usually their vibe so I think there's a principle here that we need to learn watch watch me this morning watch me because this is going to empower the voice of this house if you if you really think about it it is more of a character flaw in women because of how we're created and why is it so I'll tell you why it's so today because the devil knows were influencers and if the slanderer himself you see that's what he is when the Bible when Ephesians talks about the wiles of the devil it literally means the slander and the accusation of the devil thus if the slanderer himself has control of our voices then who has the influence he has the influence interestingly in 1st Timothy chapter 5 verse 13 and this is the same chapter that I read to our precious guest today our widows here today Paul is continuing to speak about widows but he's speaking about young widows watch this and he's telling in defining what a widow is to the to to the church there and he's also revealing the atmosphere for gossip in this chapter about widows he's talking specifically about young widows and he says at the same time they meaning young widows in other words their husbands have gone past when they were still young learn to be yellow Idol as they go around from house to house not merely Idol but also gossips and busybodies talking about things not proper to mention this is Bible it is not pastor Kim saying this therefore Paul says they need to get married well glory to God now you say well I'm gonna just go find a husband so I can stop gossiping no you need to stop gossiping before you get married and Paul said there get to get married and give the enemy no occasion for reproach so he's talking to the young widows he says they're going from house to house and they don't they don't have anything to do is what he's saying get the principal here they don't have anything to do so they're just going from house to house and they're talking about things he says that are not proper to mention can I give you the definition of idleness idleness is doing nothing it is non activity a gossip look and you don't you can work 40 hours of week and still be an idle person idle is not only an outward manifestation of I just don't have anything to do but idleness is an inward mentality you are idle minded you have no purpose you have no vision you have no no restraint and so what you have to do is you have to gossip to juice up your life y'all are like I'm sure we shy to come to next sisters and not this sisters gossip has a certain hi to it that that gives that gives us this high and and and this way the idle person the one with no vision it makes them feel productive oh I did something today because I talked about all these people talked about all their issues and their problems and didn't solve anything but I think it gives and the reason why is because there is a spirit behind it that is feeding sexuality and sensual nacinda fie it in so many ways so many ways and I'm gonna remind you stop thinking I wish that person was here today teach that person this applies to all of us myself included myself included now watch this I want to show you something this is this is crazy I was doing a little bit of research and in history in the 1500s through the 1800s y'all they didn't play when it came to women gossiping I'm serious they had if they if there was a woman gossiping they dealt with her from the 1518 others they had what they called the scolds bridle put that up the scolds bring up there you go just leave that other forum and let them sink in I ain't lying y'all look it up don't google it while I'm preaching cuz you're gonna miss a main point here but they would do that they would put that on the women who would gossip especially if the women were gossiping about politicians and some like that back in the day and I don't know how they would have to wear but if you if you google it if you look at it it they what there's something in her mouth there there's a thing in her mouth like a like a you know like a bit kind of thing but it has sharp pointy things on the on that metal piece that's in her mouth so she could not talk at all come on somebody we got a few of those on order right now they meant business see somehow leave that up there cuz I just want that to just ruminate in this somehow down through history in our modern culture and it's it's don't blame the world blame the church the gossip has lost its its impact of that just really missed it as a sin in the Word of God and I don't know that I have ever maybe ever I know I've heard sermons on gossip but I don't know that it's rarely rarely I mean we mention it here and there but like you really just you know kind of thing but I have a conviction this morning and have been convicted this morning I guess would even be a better way to say is that that this house has a voice like thunder I'm gonna do everything I can to protect it for me personally it will end me personally and then using the voice that I've been given like I've been given today to preach words like this now if you go out of here and you wanna gossip about anything you just go out and tell them everything that I preached this morning that's a good gossip so that's a good gossip but they also didn't only have the scolds bridle they had the ducking stool you have that other picture that you found man yeah yeah bless her Jesus hallelujah so the men obviously would take this like a seesaw kind thing and they would duck her duck her underwater dunk duck her underwater and hold her there to teach her a lesson no I didn't make this up how about that now that's extreme but I believe and I don't wish to bring any of that kind of thing back it's not what I'm saying but I wanted to show you that for two reasons number one how far we've digressed s-- to understand the power of gossip the negative power of gossip the negative power of negative gossip because there can be positive because gossip has it did not start out in the along along along along go in and when words started being crazy a gossip didn't start out as a negative word it started out as a positive word but as as time went on and negative things were entered in they then gossip took on more of the definition as we know it today with the negative connotation to it I don't want to bring this stuff back no but I do for two reasons I want us to see that even back in that day it was to the women come on that the punishment was given and we're there no men that had gossip I'm sure there were men that were gossip but here's the thing the devil knows were influencers as Christian women especially with the voice of revival we have a high calling to keep that pure we got to strive to keep our voices pure and the weight of Scripture shows us how devastating slandering and gossiping and tale-bearing can be Ephesians 4 let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment so that it will give grace to those who hear look at look at the next phrase revival family do not that is in the context of making sure that no unwholesome words come out of her mouth do not grieve the holy spirit gossiping grieves the Holy Spirit second Corinthians 12:4 I'm afraid Paul said that perhaps when I come and may I may find you to be not what I wish and may be found by you to be not what you wish that perhaps there will be strife jealousy anger tempers disputes slanders gossip arrogance disturbances Paul puts gossip alongside of strife and jealousy and anger and temper and slanders and arrogant people with disturbance in other words he's putting it with people who are intentionally insubordinate intentionally rebellious with the attitude that will stir up strife intentionally insubordinate with an attitude that was stripped did you know that there's seven things that God hates and one of the key ones is someone who sews discord how's this helping y'all today proverbs 18 8 the words of a Whisperer are like dainty morsels and they what the words go down into the innermost part of the body you know gossip is like eating Godiva chocolate come on somebody or whatever your favorite dessert is cheesecake carrot cake help us Jesus and it tastes so good it tastes so good it's so awesome it's so awesome so awesome just but then all of a sudden it never goes away and it goes down not only into your inmost part but it goes down into the innermost part of the one that you're speaking to did you know that when you're told something about a person even if you decide that you're not going to believe that about a person that that thing is still lodged deep in your innermost being and when you see that individual again you'll never look at them the same that's the method that our politicians use today to get elected come on y'all they slam each other both parties not just won both parties so that who can ever slam each other the best then that's that slander it going deep deep deep deep deep down come on it's political spirit go deep deep deep deep down lodges into the innermost being and so that's what we make our decision off of not based off the Word of God but based off of who was the worst and it's all a lie anyway most the time it's the tabloid method it's the talk-show method it gets ratings it gets attention which is why we do it and once a reputation is tarnished it's never the same suspicion has been spawned and Trust is broken and now you see that person with eyes of doubt I don't know about you but I have been the recipient of defamation unnecessary defamation I'm not up here to say poor me believe me but I've been a recipient of it and it amazes me how people can leave this house and they can go out and they can defame and defame defame but none of those people that they're talking to come back and ask this side of the story next time somebody begins to say something to you so you know what hang on I'm gonna go talk to them and I'm gonna get their side of the story and then we'll put you all together and we'll see what the truth is here [Applause] how did it you it's amazing that we can confess to murder even murder adultery and stealing or theft but we can't confess to gossip in that amazing and you know what really the route is and I'm closing now and though yard just I think this was a mandate in an assignment today you see man this needs to be preached to the whole church well maybe I'll preach this in the morning before I preach the sermon that I prepared for in the morning Noah's for today the route is really that we talk out about other people out of uncertainty of ourselves we lack security and so I have to lower them to lift myself I have to push them down to lift myself up and so we got to remember that that when we're gossiping it's really just to try to prove our own worse our own worse he said because gossip always has a hidden agenda to defend ourselves or maybe we were defending a loved one or a friend or whatever gossip always has a hidden agenda it's maybe it's to justify so you can tell your side of the story and the you offended so you gossip you jealous so you gossip you want to get more information so you gossip and there's different types of gossip there's slander that is the defamation that I was talking about and then there's dishing which is sharing just juicy information to taint a person and then there's a rumors there you share what you've something you've heard but you don't know it's truth but then it starts a rumor and then there's backbiting and this is malicious and it's it's got anger behind it in spite behind it and you're just gonna talk about just because you don't like them and you're angry at them and you want to get revenge so just say something then talk and then there's the not really joking jokes kind of gossip where you say something jokingly to make a point but it's really gossip is really quiet in here right now or to go you know you know what that is sure bull a bit kissing and I have been praying into the spirit recently it is mockery it is mockery I've been praying into a mocking spirit lately the Lord has been speaking to me on that proverbs 21 24 watch and this is not going to be on the screen but it says mockers are proud and haughty and they resist correction so if you want to find out if you're a mocker or someone else is a mocker check those things off proud haughty and resist correction then there's the planting seeds kind of gossip you know the innuendos kind of gossip just kind of did you see did you hear what do you think and then there is the you have no idea in the world what you're talking about kind of gossip but you want to share it anyway because it feels good so you just talk talk talk talk talk talk you know talkative people non-productive talkative people are very dangerous non-productive talkative people are very dangerous the Bible says in proverbs 26 24 lack of wood the fire goes out my god and where there is no gossiper contention will quiet down this today hello Murray James with chapter 1 some of these scriptures were added after the PowerPoint so those who consider themselves religious yet they do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves and their religion is worthless now this kind of religion is not the religion that we talk about here it means your faith is worthless we are a voice of revival ladies we are a woom of revival we got to ask ourselves because it's our choice how we use our voice am I going to be a Barnabas today or am I going to be a Judas today am I gonna be a Barnabas I'm gonna be a Judas I mainly use my influence for promoting what God needs promoted or am I going to be not realized and and even purposely if I do realize bring a spirit of separation in because proverbs 1628 says a gossiper separates a gossiper separates even the best of friends now that's that's important there but even take the friend part off of it and just look a gossiper separates if a gossiper separates that means that unity is being diffused and I started this whole thing out with that today this is good preaching glory to God can I only on to know something that I do not preach something unless I feel it deeply deeply and I'll be preaching something tomorrow that I feel deeply feel deeply because sometimes you hear things in the spirit and and you don't exactly get it and you're like god this is not lining up in the natural this is not making sense in the natural and the Holy Spirit says are you going to trust me with a prophetic gift are you going to trust me you know trust my voice now I'm not saying you just go off on any old thing on that you have to learn how to weigh what is being spoken to you it'll learn how to weigh that that's a whole nother message and teaching in itself but I have learned to recognize the prompting of the prophetic and with that God is theirs always has a reason he always has a reason so today I set a guard over my voice today we're going to set a guard over our voices because we must guard the voice of this house because as Alan said there's anointing on the voice voices anointing on the voices of preaching in worship in prayer there's a multi-generational anointing on the voices they're like thunder and you and either sitting here of the female gender and we have a lot of influence ladies let me tell you in these speeches practically to you right now as as a wife or as a female that will become a wife down the line you do not realize how powerful your voice of influence is in your husband's life did you not realize that it took me many many years many years to realize the impact a not not even just words spoken to him but just things said there so we've got to take the anointing that God gives us ask God Lord show me show me today I know this anointing is on the voice it's on your voices on my voice it's on the voice of the house and you and I make up the voices of the house we also make up influencers we must guard we must protect I know this was not anything that you were expecting today and I kind of like it that way Corrie to gone because you guys get so much preaching around here and I want to say this in the morning but I'm gonna say it to y'all and y'all better be here in the morning by the way just because you did Church today doesn't mean you miss tomorrow some of us say this in the morning but to say you know we have so many amazing gifts of the body of Christ that God allows us to come and receive impartation to because of the revival that is happening but in between those times is up to my husband and I took garden to protect and to sustain revival and really it revival weekends is important revival weekends is the mission and the mandate in the assignment all the weeks in between are the important weeks so if you can't come back on weekend after revival weekend we got a problem there we got a problem hear me now because you know I don't want to be a conference junkie come on oh I don't we got too many conference junkies in the body of Christ today I want to I want to be planted I want to be planted and like God do something in me and through me and through my voice of substance now I'm gonna ask you to stand and we don't need any music necessarily I think that we have quite enough of the presence of the Lord here to to deal with what we need to deal with today and so I'm just going to ask you to make an altar right where you're standing and right where you are and lift up your hands just as a sign of surrender to the Lord and just begin to ask the Lord that your voice be pure hallelujah we've been given a promise in a prophetic word that the anointing is on the voices and we were are like thunder but we being it we need to ask the Lord today that he make our voices pure come on I have prayed this prayer and praying this prayer with you today you know and and and please don't get me wrong at all I have preached this to myself before I preached it to you this morning all right and so we've got to know that there's not only higher standards of spiritual pursuit in all of the ways that we think of but these are practical things like my husband talked about a fence and like I'm talking about gossip today that if we don't get this right I'm telling you God will shut this thing down in a moment you'll shut it down in the New York minute and I don't really know what a New York minute is but he'll shut it down in a New York minute so lift your hands right now and begin to pray in the Holy Spirit come on and just begin to cry out to the Lord like you know how to do and we're going to just give all of our voice to the Lord today code or a showboater and Ibaka's hombre que se toca arrow amico ta da ba Caston dobro cosa que tengo la mezquita dhaba en Raimondo de la cosa que le monde are my shaco totally Makita oh my cata all over my hey hey say Lord we give you our voices today we give you our influence today Lord we give it to you we give it to you lord remember say que todo en de veau au monde était de vaisseau todo mi carro de arenado Monday's show total omekata we give you our voices Lord of influence Lord we give you our voices and we say make them pure Lord make them pure make them pure be local Chiquita come on ask him to make it pure make your voice pure make your voice pure make your words pure make your heart pure make it pure pure pure no rigidity Becky Stumbo a case under a McCain demanded a machete nananana rebozo today KCT Hallelujah father God in the name of Jesus we cry out with the psalmist that says set a guard on our heart our mouth Oh God set a guard on our mouth Oh God Lord let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart our heart be acceptable in your sight Oh we pray Lord we cry out to you today Lord with the heart of the psalmist that says we want Lord our words to be pure and for our mouths to have a guard on it Lord father I thank you now that you I'm looking at in this room Lord God Lord mighty influencers for the kingdom of God I'm looking at mighty influencers in their families mighty influencers to their children mighty influencers to their husband as the Lord we ask purify purify purify purify purify father this house is too is too Thunder we are too Thunder this the voice of this house is too Thunder Lord and I thank you now that you have sent this word for such a time as this called ricochet cab and the locals say that we will be thundering with the right spirit behind it Oh God in the name of Jesus Lord we repent we repent this morning of saying things we know we shouldn't have said in ways that we shouldn't say it Lord God just to just to have conversation or just to have dialogue father we repent lord I thank you that you're gonna help us to know what to say what not to say and if we are to say it when to say it how to say it in the name of Jesus I thank you that the voices in this house are being purified I thank you that the influencers in this house are being purified in the name of Jesus and right now my castle Rebecca I serve a spirit of mockery notice in the name of Jesus and I say that you will not ever have that place in this house you will not place in this house and we command it to go in Jesus name father I thank you now that in this atmosphere in this meeting of sisters that there has been a release in the heavenlies a release in the atmosphere and what has kept of the Mikasa and what has kept the voice bound and what has kept the voice restricted and what has kept the voice constricted I hate you in as a broker in the name of Jesus impurity is rising in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah so Katayama Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Monda Arabic asacol Rama qatada omikoshi and la relève Quito de Lobos so toda la boca de maka Karima kita Dorobo cosa que todo lo Cascio koto a condo Ramos solo recchia member m osika t della makanda thank you Lord Hal horrible Corsicana hallelujah thank you lord how do you forgive us Lord and help us Holy Spirit now you all may be standing out there in me thinking well you know there's like how do I know what's gossip and what's not gossip and you know what I should say when I should say well I gave you I gave you the the types of gossip but I guess if you have to ask that question when you're starting to say something probably shouldn't say it you know there's there's the prophetic office and obviously the office of pastoral office and there's there's that has to speak correction or has to speak rebuke or has to two counts or whatever and then there's also relationships that you guys have where you relate to one another and I guess I should say is that if there is an issue you know part of the problem is is the enemy has caused us to take the the element of prayer and intercession out of it and we're just like well I can talk about it enough then it's gonna it's not going to help but intercession will and prayer will it will help it will expose everybody say it will expose and that's a prayer a big prayer that I'm praying right now is Lord exposed exposed not just negative exposed positive I'm not just saying negative I mean if just Lord expose rip the cover off you know what guys when the burden of what is happening here in this house rests on your shoulders and your shoulders alone talking about me and my husband I'm gonna tell you you pray some pretty wild prayers you'll do some pretty wild things you won't let there be any compromising or anything in the place come on it's too it's too big it's too vast hear me now so saying you know there's there's things that we that we speak to one another that wouldn't be considered gossip because it's not intentionally harming in this kind of thing but I'm just I'm just talking about that there's so much of this there's literally severing churches it's it's it's happened in this church many times over and I'm not gonna let it happen again so you may have come from a church where that happened or maybe you go to one if you're visiting with us today you know you be the first one to say I'm gonna shut my mouth I mean when it comes to legitimate Gospels shut my mouth hear me this has been good today it's been really good what you need to do is you need to you need to do you need to do a study in the word on on the voice or the mouth and of course words and you know we've done I myself haven't no my husband has to I mean you just gosh we preach so much you forget and then we hear so many preachers it's like you forget who preaches what you know but there's so much in the Word of God that pertains to what I'm talking about today how can we ignore it let's not ignore it so my main point today was to let you know that when you're frivolous with your voice it affects this house when you're frivolous with your voice it affects the voice of this house all right so let's guard a man we guard the housing apart my husband preached guarding the house or whatever the title of it was is the first place to start guard garden is right here right here amen father I thank you for your word today and I pray that it would go deep deep on the inside of us let it let it erupt in Revelation I pray and I thank you Lord that you're doing a deep work Lord collectively Lord not only which is all of us they're here today but collectively you're doing a deep work and I thank you Lord that there are pathways the the power of God is on our voices for and I thank you that what has and is being cultivated Lord is for such a time as this and so Lord with everything within us we protect it and we start with our own voices Lord in Jesus name we pray amen and amen our thank you for watching fresh start churches YouTube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute and click the 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Channel: Fresh Start Church
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Length: 62min 50sec (3770 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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