Sista Details Why It's Not Our Problem If "Them Folks" Struggle In A System Built For Them

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you got one of our sisters that responding to you know one of them folks about their issues were struggling but you know how I've always viewed it and I follow behind what this sister's going to say um how can you struggle in a system that gives you so much Advantage but let's roll it we don't care we simply don't care we don't think about we don't consider we don't care whether or not you guys are immune to struggling that's not our responsibility to consider do you understand why if you don't let me help you you guys enslaved African Americans and Africans for 400 plus years do you understand what that means that means that you guys had a 400 plus years Head Start in terms of acquiring financial literacy and financial stability if you and your family did not capitalize off of that opportunity then guess what it is not our responsibility to care or take into consideration whether or not you and your family are struggling your mental health issues have nothing to do with us because guess what as a whole being black the trauma that our ancestors endured and have passed down to us from generation to generation we could go on and on about all of the mental health that we enduring that we have to deal with that we have to go through and guess what no one cares or takes that into consideration we are still expected to thrive survive and keep it moving without anyone offering us any type of handouts so you coming on here thinking that you were going to be pacified because well your mother was schizophrenic and she was Caucasian and not everyone is like that guess what that's not our responsibility or our business take that somewhere else and Pander to your own people and question them about why your mother was even allowed to be homeless after you guys were given a 400 plus years start that is the point that is the point of all of this we don't hate all white people what some of us do I don't I personally don't hate all white people I don't believe in hating all people it's just it doesn't make sense for me but not all of us hate all white people some of us just have the perspective and the understanding that look you guys started off ahead of time you guys were given opportunities that we weren't given you you guys used to have free colleges there were whites only institutions you guys were given better communities you guys were given the better job you guys were always given the better opportunities in this country so for you to come here and to attempt to make us feel bad or you know make us see it from your perspective is not going to work quite frankly you need to discuss with your family why they allowed your mother to be homeless it sounds like y'all have internal issues in your family that y'all need to figure out because if that was my mama she wouldn't have been homeless on the streets you know why because she has family that would have made sure of that you know what this sister said is spot on you have a whole system that's built for you you don't have to do much but just show up you don't have to be exceptional you can be mediocre and get everything they are black no matter where we at in America you don't have to do much but just show up you can have bad credit and still get the home loan and business loans because why he's a good guy I think he's a good guy oh she's a good woman I know she'll pay I know her credit is like uh uh 5.75 but I just believe in her the black person that got 800 credit score I I don't trust them I don't think no I can't approve that long I mean that's that's what we have to deal with understand they commit crimes well he reminds me of my grandson you know what I'm gonna give you a chance I'm gonna let you pay a fine a black person oh no they they just criminals three years in prison they have a whole system built for them like the sister said they had a 400 year Head Start 400 year if they didn't participate they at their family didn't actively participate in slavery they benefited from it because they were calling each other saying hey come to America you can get all this free land you can get free this free that and all this is built off of the uh slaves we as black people here in America we have to understand that We have dealt with a lot and it is not our issue and concern where they they dealing with you understand because it's like this we being sabotaged every step of the way in America every step of way we sabotage you and me should be ten times more here than what we are right now let's talk about me for instance I know if I was a white man I would be 10 to 100 times ahead than where I'm at today I would have probably 10 to 100 times more money than what I have today I would have ten to 100 times more access than what I have today if I was a white man but being a black man in America I'm sabotaged just off the rip not because I did anything not because I didn't pay my bills and I didn't cut no just because I'm black in America I'm automatically sabotaged I have to go do things that white men don't have to go through just because I'm a black man in America and that's a system that they set up the setup this all they just have to show up and be mediocre I have to do 10 times more be 10 times better just to get even a quarter of what they can get by being mediocre you understand even with the influencer marketing thing you could have creating I've seen this multiple times you can have a white creator that got maybe even 50 000 subscribers only on a YouTube channel Facebook or whatever versus a black person that can have five hundred thousand I've talked to Black creators they literally watch the white creators get six-figure deals with small channels and their channels not even getting viewership like that and they just throwing money at them but a black Creator can't even get a five figure deal with a bigger Channel that's the way to so if you can't make it in a whole system that benefits you for showing up if you can't make it because of that I I've always felt that way I don't feel sorry for you because I feel sorry for people who can't make it in a system that sabotages them like black people we have a whole system that sabotages and on top of that on top of the sabotage of the system unfortunately our own people sabotage on top of that us because they they have internalized white supremacy in them too so it's not our job to be concerned about or any a group of people who got everything handed to them if you cannot make it in America with everything handed to you I mean I can't say nothing about it at that point I can't and that's what this sister's saying as well we got to go through so much in America just to get a quarter of something but they they the reason why they sabotage us though there's a reason for it that sabotage does because they know on an equal playing field we we beat them on everything on an equal playing field they gotta have it like that they don't want you and me to have a straight up even Kia with them no because they know that if we have we get access to the same amount of money we have access to the same opportunity they know we gonna flip the game we're going to do everything they know that that's why they always investing in holding us down notice that they're not trying to hold Arabs down they're not trying to hold Asian people down like that they're not trying to actively hold Hispanic people down Native Americans no black that's why they make sure they invest in the sabotage and black people they invest in I'm not saying they don't be a a white supremacist of the groups I'm not saying that but nobody can say they're treated like black men and women are in this country so if they don't make it I mean what what do we the same code I always say I'm not worried about what other people doing I'm worried about what black people are doing I worry about what I'm doing that's it but let me know what y'all think what our sisters talking about here because yeah I mean it's she's 100 right and um it's kind of hard to feel sorry for anybody that got everything handed to him
Channel: African Diaspora News Channel
Views: 336,835
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Keywords: Phillip Scott, African Diaspora News Channel, African Diaspora, The Phillip Scott Show, Phillip Scott Audio Experience, news, africa news, world news today update, trending news in united states, international news update, world news updates now, africa news update, south africa news update, viral news update, The Black Congregation, video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Id: WP2Gvs1TSvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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