Siren Head: Resurrection: The glitch and the ending...

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what's up everyone and welcome back to siren head resurrection i hope you enjoyed the video if you liked it smash that like button if you're not a subscriber smash that subscribe button as well uh help build this community join the team and let's dive into this okay so oh that's right okay so steam's blocked my way there so i need a valve handle okay get up the steps there you go there's mr siren head so oh you so the tools are there the toes are there i can't get those tools though pipes what does the pipes have anything to do with this so i'm right here and i looked around that pipe to the left i mean i was jumping around on top of it it's got to be i i don't know i i don't know i'm just grasping the straws at this point can i grab those is there something up here maybe there's something in the dumpster but why i don't get it i don't get it and where are these so-called pipes it's indicating pipes back here no pipes back here unless i'm there's some oh yeah get that out of here i don't care about that hell is that thing picked up rusty metal sheet what the hell is the rusty metal sheet can i spin this i don't know she cheated metal with hexagonal hole i got from some scrap pipe okay oh it was on one of these valve pipes so can that that mean i could i can do something with that um steam pipe i have to run right by him what is he doing i think he actually didn't move like siren is he's glitched right now i'm afraid he's like always i'm just gonna move on me and kill me i'm just gonna risk i'm just gonna run just run just run hope for the best [Music] all right well i made down here so can i do something with this steam now [Music] [Music] all right well i'm happy i'm progressing further i think where that was placed was stupid there was nothing to hint or like on that map or something like maybe like say spare valve parts like in this area or something i don't know whatever whatever let's just let's just keep moving forward i put the main breakers down only critical systems are still online hall b has new equipment so if you want to turn the electricity back on you'll need to find the right switching order if the power draw jumps too high the breakers will trip therefore you will need to switch the breaker before some of the breakers that have already been switched on therefore you will need to switch this breaker before some of the other some of the breakers that have already been switched on i'm sure you will figure that out really soon all our systems should start automatically also check if everything works from the control room good luck and take those and i do need a wrench i think still uh what's this uh breaker three breaker three five so three three five check mark okay so this must be right three five but four i guess breaks the sequence so four three five three four five four three five so do i need to four three five three four five [Music] [Music] um [Music] i don't i don't get this four three five three four five four three five four five four three five [Music] and then one you know is that like a reset and i do 435 [Music] smash [Music] what i don't i have no idea is at the end there i was just clicking i just clicked random switches can i okay well oh a hammer i'll take a hammer can i take the hammer i'll put back i can't take that all right well i turned the power back on so that means i can play in that one room and push buttons and where where's siren head on i don't hear him stomping still is he not well he's not good where the heck is he what did that do can i press i'd better not touch that no not pressing these buttons i'd better not touch that i'll take the potato oops sorry there we go oh is there anything can i use the phone no okay so what did that do then to turn on the train can i do something with the train oh they're saying that gate my gate is open now how's that look doing all right the gates open yeah let's all right where we got here siren head hiding in here somewhere i mean i highly doubt it he would have came and got married is there anything hidden though jam greenstone cave okay i'll take let's take the mushrooms elf always like to have health on me so this is greenstone cave then okay nice not the power so we have a way to go down there and where you go there let's go here real quick and just see of how far down this goes and it doesn't go far the jack camera can i use this and use the jack camera and i use this thing at all yes not all right let's go down this way huh huh okay nice little nice little cave what the hell is oh crap nope um yeah give me the shotgun i guess my bear is down that's where i came from oh wait a second red ruby that's what's over here anything any significance doesn't look like it doesn't look like this really goes anywhere either you want let's look up here real quick though if there's not even get up there i can it was a little on the difficult side so there's nothing there's nothing up here yeah at least nothing okay okay well let's go let's uh let's take those stairs where the bear was at where it came from no pains let's look on let's look at the wall paintings so we have three siren heads i hope that doesn't mean that's a bit scary to think that there's three of those anything down here not thumbs i'm not seeing anything all right let's go ahead and go up the steps huh all right so we are here uh greenwood campsite is up there i'm guessing i can hike via that trail but that's telling me i'm assuming i probably need some sort of equipment to do that but we'll find out we have a campsite right by us right now with some horsies maybe i can use a horse then be awesome if there's a horse i just i don't like that it's dark trying to use the pepper spray because i want to keep that for the time i mean probably know maybe siren head is around here somewhere i would have heard him i think i'd rather stay quiet when him with him around but obviously the shotgun is not quiet can i alright with that door no now i'll take the with the mushroom again oh crap shotgun time shotgun time so i can't it doesn't look like anything this is a no i mean looks like a door but i can't interact with it and can't jump up there so i guess we just oh do i lose two rounds every single time i reload i did not know that was i didn't know that was a thing in this game i know that was a mechanic well that sucks now i only have two rounds i guess just follow the power lines so another map up here good oh great i hate heights andrew what are you smoking on greenwood camp whispering forest and okay i see but there's also henderson's mind over in that direction well i guess let's just go right for the campsite almost there just don't look down not too late here's the thing i don't like about this shotgun mechanic i do enjoy when games when some shooter games incorporate when you change out your magazine uh it it's under the assumption that you just drop it and you're not you know putting it back into a pouch putting a full mag in and you have those rounds for later but you know the mag is half i see spider siren up there um you just have half a mag chill in there but with this type of shotgun you would never take out both rounds if you didn't use both rounds you would just remove the expensive round and replace it with a good one and you would just keep that around in the other barrel all right so what i did was i loaded up an older save of mine because of the dumb shotgun shell mechanic uh to get so i didn't lose all those rounds but it really didn't matter because going back through there i end up having to use a lot of rounds really all i gained was one more round uh to this point i hate heights almost there just don't look down all right i know the siren head is over here i guess let's bust out the right there he is right there i need him to turn around and go in a different direction oh wait maybe i can run up there right now i absolutely can't stand that sprint that the sprint button doesn't automatically get you out of crouch i think that's very stupid as well huh what am i stuck on oh thank god you're here did you see that thing sarah broke her leg so we can't run away from it we hide here but i don't think it will simply let us go it's chasing us the hell's going with your right leg my man several times down in the welly that's not possible it's been here all along i've seen it look i found this bottle i don't know what's happening but maybe frank poisoned us hey she is here i bring her that little piece of shit i've done what you asked i've done it for you well well well thank you i was looking for her all that time and you found her for me stop it do you recognize this bottle you poisoned us no you don't understand it told me to otherwise you won't hear her calling it needs a sacrifice it will come and save us it won't come you're sick it's just a hallucination you are wrong it speaks to me see it's shit run i mean i'm just gonna be honest this wasn't a really well done game i appreciate what the the dev did um and i appreciate what these developers do in creating these games so i mean obviously i mean i i want to see them stick through this and and refine their skills and just you know push their skills to the next level it wasn't terrible but it definitely needed a lot of work the shocker mechanic was stupid the stealth mechanic did not work really at all uh the the puzzles never really ever made sense i hope you guys enjoyed the video um you know please smash that like button if you like if you did enjoy this uh if you're not a subscriber please press that subscribe button as well i would much appreciate it help build this community join the team hope to see you guys soon
Channel: Scriptarix
Views: 73,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, GreyGhost, siren, sirenhead, resurrection, glitch, indie, horror, indiehorror
Id: Rrw2FEDSeIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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